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Searching a ClientDataSet
By: Cary Jensen

Abstract: ClientDataSets provide a number of different mechanisms for searching for and location
data in its columns. These techniques are covered in this continuation of the discussion of basic
ClientDataSet manipulation.
In this article I am continuing the coverage of basic ClientDataSet usage. In the last installment of this
series I discussed how to navigate and edit a ClientDataSet. In this article I show you how to find a
record based on the data it contains.
In the context of this article, searching means to either move the current record pointer to a particular
record based on the data held in the record, or to read data from a record based on its data. Filtering,
which shares some similarities with searching, involves restricting the accessible records in a
ClientDataSet to those that contain certain data. This article does not demonstrate how to filter a
ClientDataSet. That topic is be discussed in the next article in this series.

Scanning for Data

The simplest, and typically slowest mechanism for searching is performed by scanning. As you learned
in the preceding article in this series (click here to read it), you can scan a table by moving to either
the first or last record in the current index order, and then navigating record-by-record until every
record in the view has been visited. If used for searching, your code reads each record's data as you
scan. When a record containing the desired data is found, the scanning process can be terminated.
The following code segment provides a simple example of how a search operation like this might look.

procedure TForm1.ScanBtnClick(Sender: TObject);

Found: Boolean;
Found := False;
while not ClientDataSet1.Eof do
if ClientDataSet1.Fields[FieldListComboBox.ItemIndex].Value =
ScanForEdit.Text then
Found := True;
if Found then ShowMessage(ScanForEdit.Text +
' found at record ' + IntToStr(ClientDataSet1.RecNo))
ShowMessage(ScanForEdit.Text + ' not found');

As you learned from the preceding article in this series, scanning involves first moving to one end of
the dataset (the first record in this example), and then navigating sequentially to each record in the
view. When searching using this technique, upon arriving at a record you read one or more fields to

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determine whether or not the current record is the one for which you are looking. If the record
contains the data you need, do something, such as terminate the search and display the located record
to the user. In this particular case, the code is searching for a value entered into an Edit named
ScanForEdit. The field being searched is the field name currently selected in the IndexOnComboBox
This code is taken from the CDSSearch project, available for download from Code Central (click here
to download). The main form of this project is shown in the following figure.

Note that the data used in this example is found in the items.cds example file that ships with Delphi.
The only method calls within this code that are not part of the runtime library (RTL) or visual
component library (VCL), are the Start and Done methods. These methods are designed to initiate and
complete a performance monitor, which is used by all search-initiating event handlers in this project
to provide a relative measure of performance. The performance information is displayed in the
StatusBar of this project, as can be seen in the preceding figure. The implementation of Start and
Done is shown in the following code segment.

procedure TForm1.Start;
StartTick := TimeGetTime;

procedure TForm1.Done;
EndTick := TimeGetTime;
StatusBar1.Panels[0].Text := 'Starting tick: ' +
StatusBar1.Panels[1].Text := 'Ending tick: ' +
StatusBar1.Panels[2].Text := 'Duration (in milliseconds): ' +
IntToStr(EndTick - StartTick);

Both Start and Done make use of the TimeGetTime function, which is imported in the MMSystem unit.
This function returns a tick count, which represents the number of milliseconds that have past since
Windows was started. TimeGetTime is significantly more accurate than GetTickCount, a

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commonly-used timing function. Normally, TimeGetTime is accurate within five milliseconds under NT,
and within one millisecond under Windows 98.

Finding Data
One of the oldest mechanisms for searching a dataset was introduced in Delphi 1. This method,
FindKey, permits you to search one or more fields of the current index for a particular value. FindKey,
and its close associate, FindNearest, both make use of the current index to perform the search. As a
result, the search is always index-based, and always very fast.
Both FindKey and FindNearest take a single constant array parameter. You include in this array the
values for which you want to search on the fields on the index, with the first element in the array
being searched for in the first field of the index, the second field in the array (if provided) searched for
in the second field of the index, and so forth. Since the search is indexed-based, the number of fields
searched obviously cannot exceed the number of fields in the index (though there is no problem if you
want to search on fewer fields than are contained in the index).
In the CDSSearch project, the only indexes available are temporary indexes associated with single
fields in the dataset. (The current temporary index is based on the field listed in the
IndexOnComboBox, shown in the preceding figure.) Consequently, the demonstrations of the FindKey
and FindNearest methods in this project are limited to single fields, specifically the value entered into
the ScanForEdit Edit component. The following are the event handlers associated with the FindKey and
FindNearest buttons in this project, respectively.

procedure TForm1.FindKeyBtnClick(Sender:

if ClientDataSet1.FindKey([ScanForEdit.Text]) then
StatusBar1.Panels[3].Text := ScanForEdit.Text +
' found at record ' +
StatusBar1.Panels[3].Text :=
ScanForEdit.Text + ' not found';

procedure TForm1.FindNearestBtnClick(Sender: TObject);

StatusBar1.Panels[3].Text := 'The nearest match to ' +
ScanForEdit.Text + ' found at record ' +

The following figure shows the result of a search performed on an index based on the OrderNo field. In
this case, as in the preceding figure, the value being searched for is OrderNo 1278. Notice that in the
StatusBar this FindKey search took significantly less time than the search using scanning.

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While FindKey and FindNearest are identical in syntax, there is a subtle difference in how they
operate. FindKey is a Boolean function method that returns True if a matching record is located. In
that case, the cursor is repositioned in the ClientDataSet to the found record. If FindKey fails it return
False, and the current record pointer does not change.
Unlike FindKey, which is a function, FindNearest is a procedure method. Technically speaking,
FindNearest always succeeds, moving the cursor to the record that most closely matches the search
criteria. For example, in following figure FindNearest is used to locate the record whose OrderNo most
closely matches the value 99999. As you can see in this figure, the located record contains OrderNo
1860, the highest OrderNo in the table, and the last record in the current index order.

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Going to Data
GotoKey and GotoNearest provide the same searching features as FindKey and FindNearest,
respectively. The only difference between these two sets of methods is how you define your search
criteria. As you have already learned, FindKey and FindNearest are passed a constant array as a
parameter, and the search criteria are contained in this array.
Both GotoKey and GotoNearest take no parameters. Instead, their search criteria is defined using the
search key buffer. The search key buffer contains one field for each field in the current index. For
example, if the current index is based on the field OrderNo, the search key buffer contains one field:
OrderNo. By comparison, if the current index contains three fields the search key buffer also contains
three fields.
Fields in the search key buffer can only be modified when the ClientDataSet is in a special state called
the dsSetKey state. To clear the search key buffer and enter the dsSetKey state, call the
ClientDataSet's SetKey method. If you have previously assigned one or more values to the search key
buffer, you can enter the dsSetKey state without clearing the search key buffer's contents by calling
the ClientDataSet's EditKey method. From within the dsSetKey state, you assign data to fields in the
search key buffer as if you were assigning data to the ClientDataSet's fields. For example, assuming
that the current index is based on the OrderNo field, the following lines of code assign the value 1278
to the OrderNo field of the search key buffer:

ClientDataSet1.FieldByName('OrderNo').Value := 1278;

As should be apparent, using GotoKey or GotoNearest requires more lines of code than FindKey and
FindNearest. For example, once again assuming that the current index is based on the OrderNo field,
consider the following statement:


Achieving the same result using GotoKey requires three lines of code, since you must first enter the
dsSetKey state and edit the search key buffer. The following lines of code, which use GotoKey,

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perform precisely the same search as the preceding line of code:

ClientDataSet1.FieldByName('OrderNo').Value := ScanForEdit.Text;

The following event handlers are associated with the buttons labeled Goto Key and Goto Nearest in
the CDSSearch project.

procedure TForm1.GotoKeyBtnClick(Sender:

ClientDataSet1.Fields[IndexOnComboBox.ItemIndex].AsString :=
if ClientDataSet1.GotoKey then
StatusBar1.Panels[3].Text := ScanForEdit.Text +
' found at record ' +
StatusBar1.Panels[3].Text :=
ScanForEdit.Text + ' not found';

procedure TForm1.GotoNearestBtnClick(Sender: TObject);

ClientDataSet1.Fields[IndexOnComboBox.ItemIndex].AsString :=
StatusBar1.Panels[3].Text := 'The nearest match to ' +
ScanForEdit.Text + ' found at record ' +

Locating Data
One of the drawbacks to the Find and Goto methods is that the search is based on the current index.
Depending no the data you are searching for, you might have to change the current index before
performing the search. Fortunately, ClientDataSets support two generally high-performance searching
mechanisms that do not require you to change the current index. These are Locate and Lookup.
Locate, like FindKey and GotoKey, makes the located record the current record if a match is found. In
addition, Locate is a function method, returning a Boolean True if the search results in a match.
Lookup is somewhat different, returning specific fields from a located record, but never moving the
current record pointer. Lookup is described separately in the following section.
What makes Locate and Lookup so special is that they do not require you to create or switch indexes,
but still provide much faster performance than scanning. In a number of tests that I have conducted,
Locate found a record four times faster than did scanning. For example, when searching for data in a
record at position 90,000 of a 100,000 record table, Locate located the record in about 500
milliseconds, while scanning for that record took longer than 2 seconds. Admittedly, FindKey took only
10 milliseconds to find that record. But the index that FindKey required for the search took almost 1
second to build.
The following is the syntax of Locate:

function Locate(const KeyFields: string;

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const KeyValues: Variant; Options: TLocateOptions): Boolean;

If you are locating a record based on a single field, the first argument is the name of that field and the
second argument is the value you are searching for. To search on more than one field, pass a
semicolon-separated string of field names in the first argument, and a variant array containing the
search values corresponding to the field list in the second argument.
The third argument of Locate is a TLocateOptions set. This set can contain up to two flags,
loCaseInsensitive and loPartialKey. Include loCaseInsensitive to ignore case in your search and
loPartialKey to match any value that begins with the values you pass in the second argument.
If the search is successful, Locate makes the located record the current record and returns a value of
True. If the search is not successful, Locate returns False, and the cursor does not move.
Imagine that you are searching the Customer.xml file that ships with Delphi. The following statement
will locate the first record in the ClientDataSet whose Company name is Ocean Paradise.

ClientDataSet1.Locate('Company', 'Ocean Paradise',[]);

The next example demonstrates a partial match, searching for the first company whose name starts
with the letter u or U.

ClientDataSet1.Locate('Company','u',[loCaseInsensitive, loPartialKey]);

Searching for two or more fields is somewhat more involved, in that you must pass the search values
using a variant array. The following lines of code demonstrate how you can search for the record
where the Company field contains Unisco and the City field contains Freeport.

SearchList: Variant;
SearchList := VarArrayCreate([0, 1], VarVariant);
SearchList[0] := 'Unisco';
SearchList[1] := 'Freeport';
ClientDataSet1.Locate('Company;City', SearchList, [loCaseInsensitive]);

Instead of using VarArrayCreate, you can use VarArrayOf. VarArrayOf takes a constant array of the
values from which to create the variant array. This means that you must know at design-time how
many elements your variant array will have. By comparison, the dimensions of the variant array
created using VarArrayOf can include variables, which permits you to determine the array size at
runtime. The following code performs the same search as the preceding code, but makes use of an
array created using VarArrayOf.

SearchList: Variant;
SearchList := VarArrayOf(['Unisco','Freeport']);

< p>If you refer back to the CDSSearch project main form shown in the earlier figures of this article,
you will notice a StringGrid in the upper-right corner. Data entered into the first two columns of this
grid are used to create the KeyFields and KeyValues arguments of Locate, respectively. The following
methods, found in the CDSSearch project, generate these parameters.

function TForm1.GetKeyFields(var

FieldStr: String): Integer;

FieldsColumn = 0;
i : Integer;
Count: Integer;
Count := 0;

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for i := 1 to 20 do
if StringGrid1.Cells[FieldsColumn,i] <> '' then
if FieldStr = '' then FieldStr :=
FieldStr := FieldStr + ';' +
Result := Count;

function TForm1.GetKeyValues(Size: Integer): Variant;

SearchColumn = 1;
i: Integer;
Result := VarArrayCreate([0,Pred(Size)], VarVariant);
for i := 0 to Pred(Size) do
Result[i] := StringGrid1.Cells[SearchColumn, Succ(i)];

The following code is associated with the OnClick event handler of the button labeled Locate in the
CDSSearch project. As you can see, in this code the Locate method is invoked based on the values
returned by calling GetKeyFields and GetKeyValues.

procedure TForm1.LocateBtnClick(Sender:

FieldList: String;
Count: Integer;
SearchArray: Variant;
FieldList := '';
Count := GetKeyFields(FieldList);
SearchArray := GetKeyValues(Count);
if ClientDataSet1.Locate(FieldList, SearchArray, []) then
StatusBar1.Panels[3].Text :=
'Match located at record ' +
StatusBar1.Panels[3].Text := 'No match located';

Using Lookup
Lookup is similar in many respects to Locate, with one very important difference. Instead of moving
the current record pointer to the located record, Lookup returns a variant containing data from a
located record without moving the current record pointer. The following is the syntax of Lookup.

function Lookup(const KeyFields: string;

const KeyValues: Variant; const ResultFields: string): Variant;

The KeyFields and KeyValues parameters of Lookup are identical in purpose to those in the Locate
method. ResultFields is a semicolon separated string of field names whose values you want returned.

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If Lookup fails to find the record you are searching for, it returns a null variant. Otherwise, it returns a
variant containing the field values requested in the ResultFields parameter.
The event handler associated with the Lookup button in the CDSSearch project makes use of the
GetKeyFields and GetKeyValues methods for defining the KeyFields and KeyValues parameters of the
call to Lookup, based again on the first two columns of the StringGrid. In addition, this event handler
makes use of the GetResultFields method to construct the ResultFields parameter from the third
column of the grid. The following is the code associated with the GetResultFields method.

function TForm1.GetResultFields: String;

ReturnColumn = 2;
i: Integer;
for i := 1 to Succ(StringGrid1.RowCount) do
if StringGrid1.Cells[ReturnColumn, i] <> '' then
if Result = '' then
Result := StringGrid1.Cells[ReturnColumn, i]
Result := Result + ';' +
StringGrid1.Cells[ReturnColumn, i]

The following is the code associated with the OnClick event handler of the button labeled Lookup.

procedure TForm1.LookupBtnClick(Sender:

ResultFields: Variant;
KeyFields: String;
KeyValues: Variant;
ReturnFields: String;
Count, i: Integer;
DisplayString: String;
Count := GetKeyFields(KeyFields);
DisplayString := '';
KeyValues := GetKeyValues(Count);
ReturnFields := GetResultFields;
ResultFields := ClientDataSet1.Lookup(KeyFields,
KeyValues, ReturnFields);
if VarIsNull(ResultFields) then
DisplayString := 'Lookup record not found'
if VarIsArray(ResultFields) then
for i := 0 to VarArrayHighBound(ResultFields,1) do
if i = 0 then
DisplayString := 'Lookup result: ' +
DisplayString := DisplayString +
';' + VarToStr(ResultFields[i])
DisplayString := VarToStr(ResultFields);
StatusBar1.Panels[3].Text := DisplayString

The following figure shows the main form of the CDSSearch project following a call to Locate. Notice
that the current record is still the first record in the ClientDataSet, even though the data returned
from the call to Locate was found much later in the current index order.

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ClienDataSets provide a number of mechanisms for searching their columns. The simplest, those often
slowest, is to scan the ClientDataSet for particular values. FindKey and FindNearest (and their
GotoKey and GotoNearest counterparts), are extremely fast, since they use an index. However, the
Find and Goto methods might require you to first select or build an appropriate index. By comparison,
Locate and Lookup provide relatively good performance without requiring an index, making them the
preferred searching methods in applications where speed is not critical.

About the Author

Cary Jensen is President of Jensen Data Systems, Inc., a Texas-based training and consulting company
that won the 2002 Delphi Informant Magazine Readers Choice award for Best Training. He is the
author and presenter for Delphi Developer Days (www.DelphiDeveloperDays.com), an information-
packed Delphi (TM) seminar series that tours North America and Europe. Cary is also an award-
winning, best-selling co-author of eighteen books, including Building Kylix Applications (2001,
Osborne/McGraw-Hill), Oracle JDeveloper (1999, Oracle Press), JBuilder Essentials (1998,
Osborne/McGraw-Hill), and Delphi In Depth (1996, Osborne/McGraw-Hill). For information about
onsite training and consulting you can contact Cary at cjensen@jensendatasystems.com, or visit his
Web site at www.JensenDataSystems.com.
Click here for a listing of upcoming seminars, workshops, and conferences where Cary Jensen is
Copyright ) 2002 Cary Jensen, Jensen Data Systems, Inc.

Published on: 10/9/2002 2:40:13 PM

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