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Aral Sea

Seregin, Nikita
Environmental Science - 6


Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan are former Soviet republics that border the sea.
The Amu Darya and Syr Darya rivers supply the sea.
The World Bank Uzbek is responsible for the plight of the Aral Sea.
Large amounts of irrigated water that used to supply the Aral Sea had been diverted in order to create
one of the worlds largest irrigated areas, mostly for raising cotton and rice.
The Aral Sea offered a water supply for agricultural crops and helped employ many in the regional
fishing industry.
Three negative environmental effects that were induced by the Aral Sea disaster include the instability of
the climate - there is less rain, hotter summers, colder winters, and the growing season is shorter.
Furthermore, winds now pick up sand and salty dust and blow it onto fields, thus polluting water and killing
wildlife. The salt in the water of the Aral Sea has risen to high toxic levels.
The diversion of water has contributed to many negative economical consequences in the area such as a
heavily declining fishing industry and poorer agricultural yields due to the Aral Sea dust. Regional tourism
has also declined due to arising health threats for people who live in the Aral Seas watershed - many have
experienced numerous healthy issues such as anemia, liver diseases, and eye problems.
The situation of the Salton Sea is similar to that of the Aral Sea because it was induced by humans and
has led to high salt and toxicity levels for both seas.
The region should be thought of as a dead zone.
Five health effects on people living in the Aral Seas watershed include anemia, liver diseases, eye
problems, respiratory illnesses, and digestive disorders.
The Aral Sea can be improved and rehabilitated by the installation of desalination plants and improving
the condition of irrigation canals. Also, farmers in the area can contribute to the avoidance of excess usage of
chemicals in order to prevent further contamination of the sea.
The Mono Lake in California and the Aral Sea are similar in many ways including the fact that the water
supply of both lakes were diverted for human needs. Also, the decline of both lakes has created numerous
health problems for people in the nearby area.
The problem of the Mono Lake was created when the water supply of the Mono Lake was diverted to
Los Angeles in order to satisfy the urban population.
The problems associated with the Mono Lake and the Aral Sea are both similar because they have led to
a declining species of fish of both lakes, the diversion of water from the lakes had occurred for human use,
and both had severe effects on the sea and the lake.
The differences among the Mono Lake and the Aral Sea include the fact that the Mono Lake has a better
chance for being rehabilitated. The fishing industries that relied on the Aral Sea were negatively impacted
while there is still an amount of fish in the Mono Lake. The diversion of water that took place in the Aral Sea
occurred due to agricultural needs while the water supply of the Mono Lake was diverted for human needs.
The proposals to remediate Mono Lake include the attempt to introduce fish back into the lake and the
education to the public about the importance of water conservation.

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