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Creating an Addon for Live Another Life

By semi-popular demand, a framework for adding on new start options for Live Ano
ther Life has been created. This should allow for much more seamless introductio
n of extended start options for the player without the obvious problems of confl
icts introduced by multiple extensions being written. Not to mention it will no
longer lock modders and/or players into needing a certain version of Live Anothe
r Life for their favorite extender to continue to work - beyond needing 2.5.0 or
greater of course.
In order to create an extension, the following process is needed:
ESMify the Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp file. You will not be able to
do the remainder of this process otherwise. You can use either TES5Edit or Wrye
Bash to do this.
Once loaded into the CK, find the ARTHLALChargenQuest entry. Open it up, and go
to the "Player Dialogue" tab.
Along the left side of the display you'll find various dialogue branches. You wi
ll need to create one to fill in here, with whatever name you want. It will auto
matically prompt you for a topic to go with it (Alternatively, put your dialogue
in your own quest). Make sure none of the branches you create are marked as blo
cking topics. They need to be "Top Level" in order to work.
Once you have the topic branch created, you can set up the dialogue as you see f
it. You can either have just one response for a single option, or you can have s
everal subtopics linked to your branch in order to provide some extra choices. I
n order to work from the menu, the dialogue must be conditioned to be spoken by
the ARTHLALMaraStatueActivator talking activator object.
With the way Live Another Life works, each actual response record needs to be fl
agged as a "Goodbye". A TopicInfo script must be attached to this with the follo
wing code supplied:
ChargenQuest.SetAddonQuestStage(Int, Quest)
"Quest" must be a quest record from your mod.
"Int" must be an integer quest stage > 0 which is part of your quest.
"ChargenQuest" is the property for ARTHLALChargenQuest. If this is not properly
set, your extension will not get processed.
When the topic is used, Live Another Life will call your quest stage after the p
layer has used the bed in the prison cell.
In the stage fragment for your quest, add whatever code you see fit. That would
be where you'd outfit the player, set up any factions they should belong to, and
then move them to whatever destination you have in mind. A journal entry to set
the tone for your scenario would need to be placed here as well.
When your quest fragment runs, the last line needs to be:
This needs to be done in order to make sure the data is setup to allow the playe
r to proceed through the quest to get to Helgen. I realize some of you may not w
ant this to happen, but it's necessary for the proper functioning of the mod sin
ce it is NOT set up to be a means to kill the Main Quest.

Once all of your work is done, and you've saved (you have been saving, right?) a
nd exited the CK, don't forget to ESPify the Alternate Start - Live Another Life
.esp file. Forgetting to do this will lead to undesirable results.
Now go test it! Hopefully it's all working well :)

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