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Las diferentes estrategias que propone para el mercado

son en parte interesantes por que busca vender mas y que

asi las personas compren maletas de la marca Hudson y asi
introducirse en diferentes pases
The different kind of strategies that is proposed to
the marked in part are very interesting because it
wants to sell more so people buy Hudson brand and
then it introduce to a new market in different
La primera estrategia busca vender mas maletas hudson
pero a menores precios pero no pienso que sea una buena
opcin porque pierde la empresa y no hay utilidades
The first strategy search to sell more Hudson
suitcases in a lower price, but I think that is not a
good choice because company loses money and not
gain utilities.
La segunda estrategia busca que la marca sea reconocida y
que sepan que esta hecho en america y asi vender a
precios altos tambien una estrategia es colocar el producto
en peliculas y en la television y contratar a famosos para
que asi las personas sientan ganas de comprar maletas y
bolsos de marca hadson
The second strategy look for the brand to be
accepted and people know that this product is made
in America therefore sell in a high price, also an
strategy is to put this product in films and Tv and
hire famous people to advertise the product feel
like to buy Hudson brand bags.
Pienso que es una estrategia inteligente porque las
personas que vean a famosos utilizando maletas y bolsos

de esa marca los compraran por que diran si el utiliza por

que yo no y beneficia a la empresa
I think it is one intelligent strategy because people
see a famous using hadson brand suitcases and
bags they will buy them because will think if he/she
uses it why I can't and benefit the company
El contratar a un diseador que innove la marca puede
traer beneficios porque asi las personas se vern
interesadas y compraran
Hire a designer for innovation the brand can bring
benefits because people see interesting and buy
Pienso que con nuevos diseos la marca hadson y
enfocados en personas de negocios que viajan y adems
cuentan con los recursos suficientes para comprar puede
funcionar y asi vender a precios altos
I think that with new designs the hadson brand and
focusing in people the business people that travels
and also have the sufficient resources to buy can
work and so buy in a high price.
No creo que sea conveniente porque si se enfocan en
personas que viajan y tienen dinero donde quedan las
dems personas porque asi no podrn comprar y la marca
dejara de ser utilizada

I do not believe that so convenient because if they focusing in

people that traveling and have the money and other people not
have posibility to buy and the brand ceases to be used
Vender mediante el comercio electrnico nos permite que
no solo en pases de america sea conocida la marca husdon
sino que pueda extenserse a todo el mundo y conozcan sus

diferentes productos y diseos y sea una marca

Sell through the electronic commerce allows us to
not only single in countries in America be known by
the hudson brand but can be extended to all the
world and also known the products differences and
designs and be a competitive brand

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