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May 2015

St. Peters Lutheran Church, Lexington SC


News for St. Peters family and friends

The Great Fifty Days of Easter
Our parish community has emerged powerfully
from the significant liturgies of Holy Week. They
reminded us again this year that the central event
in the lives of the Lords baptized people is the
dying and rising of Christ Jesus. During the season
of Lent we took forty days to prepare for it. The
Great Fifty Days of Easter fully celebrate this event.
We will notice that the Paschal (Easter) Candle
burns at all the Sunday liturgies. When we get into
the other parts of the Church Year, that Candle will
also burn as people are baptized and as they are
buried. The crucifixion and resurrection of the
Fathers Son surrounds all of our lives from
beginning to end. The Great Fifty Days will come to
a triumphant conclusion on 14 May, The Ascension
of our Lord. The Sunday that follows (17 May
Easter Seven), will be our link to the Day of
Pentecost (24 May).
Affirming the Promises of Baptism
The prayers of our parishs members and friends
are encouraged for Molly Hodgkiss, Jillian Leitzsey,
Cohen Lindler, Christopher Lunsford, Madeline
McGready, Morgan Mobley and Katie Pearce as
they prepare to speak for themselves the promises
that were spoken when they were baptized
fourteen and fifteen years ago. Thats when their
parents and godparents spoke for them on the
most important day of their lives. On 24 May these
young people will assume that responsibility for
themselves. Even though they are just entering the
teen years, this is an adult decision on their part.
It is important, too, that we surround them with
our presence on that Day as well. It serves to
strengthen their decisions.
Framework for a Parishs Ministry
The Gospel for the Second Sunday of Easter (John
20.19-31) is a very familiar passage. As we
worked through it on 12 April, we discovered that
its three sections give us a powerful and enduring
framework for our ministry. First, all the people
who are members and friends of St. Peters Church
are gifted with the Lords Life in Baptism. It is this
gift that binds us together. Further, our lives have
not only been drawn into the Trinitys Life, they

have also been thrown in with one another. This

occurs uniquely through the Lords activity even
with our different backgrounds and personalities.
Second, we are sent into the world with the Lords
Life undergirding and dominating our own. Often
we are tempted to pull back from that sending. We
may conclude that the world is best defined by the
needs and wants of our parishioners. Bothered,
though, with that narrowing conclusion, we may
think to enlarge that definition by expanding it to
the people within Lexington County!
thinking, however, is similar to those of us who
were born and have lived in other parts of this
country. Having moved to South Carolina and fully
appreciating it, we are tempted to join the chorus
of not letting more people move here! Our
thinking is that more and more people are going to
unsettle the life-style to which we have become
accustomed! The Lord, however, sends us into the
whole world. The parishs support of missionaries
and other groups reflects such sending. Third, we
are sent so that other people in the world may
recognize Jesus as the Son of God.
recognition triggers belief in him and makes it
possible for these people to have Life in the Lords
Name. This may surprise us because our first
thought is that the whole purpose of this parishs
life and work is to build up and maintain St. Peters
Church. This purpose is vital and should not be
ignored. However, we can trust that the Lord God,
who has been churning his Life into this parish
community for over two hundred years, will
continue to build up and maintain our parish. In
all honesty, this parish serves as a place from
which the recognition of Jesus as the Son of God is
launched! As our lives are crossed with those
people whose lives are disrupted, jumbled and
torn, the Sons Spirit will keep powering us to
point them to the Lords holy places, alerting them
to the salvation that continually flows from the
Sons crucifixion and resurrection!
In our Lords grace, fear and mercy,
Pr. Carl A. Voges, Interim Pastor


April 19, 2015
Jenny Stone, Council Secretary

A called meeting of the Congregational Council

was held April 19, 2015 in the office building
conference room following the early service.
Pastor Paulette McHugh, Larry James and
council members were in attendance. Sandra
Brasington, Carleigh Zee and Pastor Voges
were absent.
Russell Rawl, Vice President of the Council
presided and called the meeting to order at
9:45am. The called meeting was to discuss and
vote on printing quotes received and funding
the pictorial directory project.
Colonial Printing had been contacted and sent
in multiple quotes of different options and
Russell had prepared a one page at a glance
of the options and prices.
Tommy Stone made a motion to print 300
using the coil bound option, Doreen
Edmondson and several others seconded the
motion. The vote to approve was unanimous in
The next action was how to fund the project.
The available funds in the budget are $1,251.00
which is the profit received after Larry had all
the pictures printed. The quoted price was
$2,419.85. By common consent of the council
the remaining funds needed would be taken
from the general fund budget. Larry did not
charge anything for his photography services
and time. The council thanked him very much
for this service.
Russell concluded the meeting at 10:00am.


UNGLUED by Lysa Terkeurst
Filled with personal examples and Biblical
teaching,Unglued will equip you to:
-Know with confidence how to resolve
conflict in your important relationships.
-Find peace in your most difficult
relationships as you learn to be honest but
kind when offended.
-Identify what type of reactor you are and
how to significantly improve your
-Respond with no regrets by managing
your tendencies to stuff, explode or react
somewhere in between.
-Gain a deep sense of calm by responding
This study will be led by Shawn Lunsford and
features 6 weekly DVD sessions, a book and a
Participant Guide to go deeper into the
teachings. Please see upcoming bulletins for
starting date and time. To sign up and order
materials, please contact Darlene Lavisky at
dlavisky@windstream.net or cell 206-2736.

Are You Graduating

this Spring?
If so, please let the church office know as soon
as possible.
You may email the church
(office@stpeterslex.com) or drop this in the
offering plate.
Name ____________________________________________
Graduating from _______________________________
(High School, College, University, Tech School)

Date of graduation _____________________________

Thank you to everyone who

helped make Holy Week and
Easter Sunday extra special this

-The combined choirs, hand bells, organist,

and choir directors for the beautiful music;
-The altar guild and Worship and Music
Committee for preparing the sanctuary;
-The Joyful Believers Sunday school class,
especially Dale Lindler and Allie, Darin and
Beryl for preparing the flowering cross;
- The Seekers Sunday school class for the
delicious breakfast;
-Everyone who helped lead worship,
including our lectors, Communion assistants,
vergers, acolytes, torch bearers, banner
bearers, Bible bearers, and crucifers;
- As well as our dedicated Sunday school
teachers and those who do the extra little
- The Youth, Evangelism Committee. Busters
Sunday school class, especially Vickie Davis
for coordinating and leading the childrens
Easter egg hunt;
-And, last but not least, to the congregation
and guests who participated in the worship
service during Holy Week and on Easter
Thank you for sharing the gifts of yourselves
to the glory of God and our risen Savior and
Lord, Jesus Christ! Alleluia! He is risen!

Fund for Sanctuary Heat/AC You

likely have noticed we are having problems
with keeping the Sanctuary comfortable. The
Property Committee has recommended and
Council has approved receiving donations to
replace the heat/AC system. The cost is
estimated to be approximately $30,000. If
you would like to contribute, just mark your
gifts Sanctuary Heat/AC.

We extend sincere Christian

sympathy to Joyce M. Porth upon the
death of her sister Johnny Hakim on April 2.

We extend sincere Christian

sympathy to Lee Hendrix upon the death
of her dear friend, Myra Wolfe on April 11.


to those who completed

First Communion classes this spring: Addison
Cook, Jack Cooper, Summer Eargle, Andrew
Ellisor, Ava Jordan, Joshua Davis Lever, Cole
Lynch, Addie Grier Porth, Nicholas Gilman
Sawyer, Coleman Szuhy, Logan Taylor, Nadaly
Womble, and Will Womble. Welcome to the
Lord's table!

Congratulations to Steven and Amanda

Johnson and big sister, Lillian, on the birth of
Jacob Ray Johnson on March 27. Jacob Ray
weighed in at 8lb. 9 oz. and 19 in. long. We
give thanks to God, the Creator, for this
wonderful gift of new life.


to Paul and Susan

Schreiber on the birth of a daughter, Julianna
Ruth Schreiber on April 14. Julianna weighs
8lbs, and is 19 in. long. We give thanks and
praise to God for the gift of this new Life!

This year's Carolinas Mission

District Convocation will be held May
29-30 in Gastonia, NC.

The NALC Convocation will meet in

Dallas, TX August 12-14.


July 19-23
VBS at St. Peters Lutheran Church
If you are willing to share your time and talents please contact Christen Widener or
Vickie Davis. Teachers/leaders, decorators,
craft makers, prop builders, food preparers,
musicians, actors, etc. are needed.

The Importance of
Receiving the Sacrament of
Holy Communion
By Pastor Paulette McHugh
As Lutherans we believe that God gives to His
Church certain means of grace. These means of
grace are the factors through which God creates
the fellowship of believers and establishes His
kingdom among men. This fellowship may also
be defined as a fellowship created by the Spirit,
and the kingdom through which the saving grace
of God comes to men.1.
These means of grace are Gods Word and
Sacraments. The Bible is Gods Word, and the
two Sacraments (in the Lutheran tradition) are
Baptism and the Lords Supper, also known as
the Eucharist or Holy Communion. One of the
foundational confessional documents of the
Lutheran tradition, the Apology of the Augsburg
Confession, defines the Sacraments as rites,
which have the command of God and to which
the promise of grace has been added.2
Sacraments are signs of Gods will toward us
consisting of two parts, the sign and the Word.
In the New Testament the Word is the added
promise of grace. In the case of the Lords
Supper, [t]he promise of the New Testament is
the promise of the forgiveness of sins, just as
this text says, This is my body, which is given
for you...[T]his is the cup of the New Testament
in my blood, which is poured out for many for
the forgiveness of sins. The Word, therefore
offers forgiveness of sins...Just as the Word was
given to awaken...faith, so also the sacrament
was instituted in order that, as the outward form
meets the eyes, it might move the heart to
believe. For the Holy Spirit works through the
Word and the sacrament. 3

Luther called the Lords Supper food for the

soul, for it nourishes and strengthens the new
creature4 made new in Christ Jesus. As
children of God and brothers and sisters in
Christ, we should seek out the gifts of His
grace, His body and blood, as often as we can
daily if possible! Many people are surprised to
learn that Luther himself received daily
Communion and encouraged all believers to
receive this gift of grace very frequently.
The reason for receiving the Sacrament
frequently is that [t] here are so many
hindrances and attacks of the devil and the world
that we often grow weary and faint and at times
even stumble. Therefore the Lords Supper is
given as a daily food and sustenance so that our
faith may be refreshed and strengthened and that
it may not succumb in the struggle but become
stronger and stronger. 5 One needs only look at
the latest news post, pick up a newspaper, or
turn on the television or radio to see and hear
how the devil continues his assault on Christian
morals and beliefs in this present age. We need
the strength and forgiveness of the Sacrament
of Holy Communion today more than ever!
We must constantly seek and return to God
through hearing, reading, studying, and
proclaiming His Word and through frequently
receiving the Lords Supper. The Rev. Dr. David
Wendel writes in his latest Lenten devotional,
...Above everything else, we must seek the
Bread of Life, Jesus Himself, who feeds us with
His own Body and Blood, which will bring us
eternal life. In the sixth chapter of Johns
Gospel, Jesus discusses at length that He is the
Bread of Life, come down from heaven to give
life to the world. He says, Unless you eat my
flesh and drink my blood, you do not have my
life in you. Many understand Jesus to be
speaking here about the Lords Supper, wherein
the faithful receive His incarnate presence. What
in life could be so important that it would come
before our reception of Holy Communion? 6


Dr. Wendel goes on to say that, [i]t is a

blessing that weekly communion has been
restored to many of our Lutheran churches,
providing us with the opportunity to receive this
food which endures to eternal life not just
quarterly, or monthly, but week in and week out,
as daily food and drink... It is a useful and
salutary discipline...to receive the Lords
Supper as frequently as possible... It refreshes
and renews us, as well as keeping us focused on
Christs real presence in our midst. ...If your
congregation doesnt offer the Lords Supper
every Sunday, ask for it! It will indeed help you
to reset your life priorities!
In Holy Communion, our risen Lord, Jesus
Christ is truly present with us, offering to us His
forgiveness and strength for living as Gods
children. Christ comes to us in His Supper
and gives to us the gift of Himself - His body
and blood given and shed for us and for all
who believe. We need this gift as we make our
pilgrimage through life, striving to live out our
baptismal promises all along the Way in which
we have been called. It is my prayer for this
congregation that we truly treasure the gifts
given to us in the Lords Supper and come to
receive these gifts with a growing frequency.
Beginning this month, St. Peters will be
offering the Lords Supper more frequently on the first, second, and third Sundays of
each month, as well as each Wednesday
evening at Worship on Wednesday (WOW). I
hope that every disciple of Jesus at St. Peters
Lutheran Church will come to realize the
necessity and joy of receiving Holy Communion
as often as possible. As Luther says, For if they
believed that they had so much evil and needed
so much good, they would not neglect the
sacrament, in which help against such evil is
provided and in which so much good is given. It
would not be necessary to compel them with any
law to receive the sacrament. Instead, they
would come on their own, rushing and running
to it; they would compel themselves to come and
would insist that you give them the sacrament. 7

for the forgiveness and strength found only in

our Lords body and blood. May we receive
frequently, these most precious gifts of Gods
Works Cited
1. Wahlstrom, Eric H. The Church and the
Means of Grace. Chicago: Division of Student
Service National
Lutheran Council, 1949, (31).
2. Kolb, Robert; Timothy J. Wengert; Charles P.
Arand; Eds. The Book of Concord: the
confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church.
Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2000, (219)
3. Kolb, Wengert, Arand, Eds. (270-1).
4. Kolb, Wengert, Arand, Eds. The Large
Catechism. (469.23)
5. Kolb, Wengert, Arand, Eds. The Large
Catechism. (469.24-5)
6. Wendel, The Rev. Dr. David. From Ashes to
Easter: A Lenten Devotional Booklet Based on
Year I of the Lutheran Book of Worship Daily
L ect i ona ry. T h enal c. or g/ 20 15 -l e nt e n devotional/. (24).
7. Kolb, Wengert, Arand, Eds. The Preface to
The Small Catechism. (350.23 ff.)

And so I hope that we will come, running to the

Lords Table, compelled by a hunger and thirst

Dear friends at Sr. Peters,

I wish to thank all of you fro your prayers,

cards, phone calls and visits while I was ill.
It meant a lot to me.

Dear St. Peters

A huge thank you to everyone who donated to

make our Linens for Vets a huge
success. With the money $810.00 and items
donated, we were able to give 75 vets their
bed linens from the wonderful people at St.
Peters Lutheran Church. Following is a thank
you note we received from the Central
Midlands Transitional Retreat:
The Board of Advisers, Staff and Veterans
want to take this opportunity to thank you for
your donation. Your generosity is gratefully
May God bless you and grant you favor.

Dear St. Peters Family!

Thank you for your prayers, cards and phone

calls! Also thanks to Pastor Voges and
McHugh for your visits and phone call. All of
the kindness from my church family meant so
much to me while I was recovering!
I am truly blessed. May God bless each of
Kathy Schreiber

Dear St. Peters Family,

Thank you for all the cards, visits, telephone

calls, uplifting conversations and prayers
during Pauls recent hospitalization and
recovery. As he continues to recover, we ask
for your prayers to continue for his long term
good health. We are so grateful to belong to
such a caring church family.
With much love,
Paul and Debbi Arnold

Stella Hendrick

St. Peters,

Thank you very much for your contribution of

bed clothing, towels, wash clothes, as well as
toiletries for our Veterans.
Your thoughtfulness means a lot to our
ministry. Please let your congregation know
that we appreciate the contributions to our
In His Service,
Alan R. Kulp
Christ Central Ministries

Dear Friends of LICS,

On behalf of the Lexington Interfaith

Community Service (LICS) board of directors
and staff, I would like to thank you for your
investment in LICS through your recent
offering of $1,521.30.
With generous contributions from you and
many others, we were able to serve over
20,000 people in Lexington County in 2014.
2015 brings continued emphasis in
programming for our clients including
cooking and budgeting classes and the
expansion of our food pantry. Our goal is to
help facilitate the self-sufficiency of the entire
family so that they no longer are dependent
on assistance from others.
You have glorified God by helping your
neighbors in crisis. May you be blessed
beyond measure fro your support of this
Christian service ministry.
Robin W, Bowers
Executive Director

Call Committee Update

The Call Committee met last Sunday, March 8, with Dr. David Wendell, to discuss the NALC Call process and
Our next step is to complete a Congregational profile and submit it to the Asst. to the Bishop for Ecumenism
and Ministry for the NALC. This lists our congregations 5 key ministry needs, such as Preaching the Word
and/or Home/ Hospital visitation. These needs will be determined through congregational input, together
with a close look at the Vision and Planning document completed last year. This document, developed by the
standing committees of our church and approved by the Congregational Council looks at goals and plans for
the future ministries and needs of our congregation. Other profile information about our church might include our specific ministries, a description of our community, and an overview of our church finances, including our former pastors salary package.
Once received, our profile will be listed with other profiles of vacant congregations of the NALC. The NALC
updates these profiles every 4-6 weeks. At that time, any NALC pastor may request a copy of our profile, and if
interested, ask to have their name sent to St. Peters. With the size of our church and our varied ministries, Dr.
Wendell said we could certainly expect 3-5 names, more likely up to 10 names, and possibly even more. Be
mindful that once our profile is posted, it may be 3-4 weeks more before a list of names is received. This process is one that teaches us the quality of patience. This process works on Gods time, the Spirit guides the process, and it is up to us to wait on the Spirit to lead us to the next pastor for our congregation. Calling a pastor is
not like hiring an employee. It is a process of developing a relationship with a person called by God to be our
next pastor. At this time, a pastor may not even know that he will be called to our church; it is a time of preparation as the Spirit works to bring us together to spread the Gospel message.
Upon receiving names, teams from the Call Committee are set up to conduct a 10-15 minute phone call with
each pastor to introduce ourselves and our church and to receive information about basic ministries, talents,
abilities, and the background of each pastor contacted.
When these calls are completed, the whole committee makes a second call to each pastor to speak more in
depth about their ministry and our church and its needs.
From those calls the process of narrowing the names to one person begins.
As you can see, St. Peters is in the initial stages of an exciting time in the life of our congregation. It is a time
when we must wait on the guidance of the Spirit. It is a time for prayer-for our church, for our congregational
council, for our call committee, and ultimately, for the next pastor and their family who will come to St. Peters.
It is a time of patience while we wait on the Spirit to guide us through this process. To be a strong witness to
our Lord, we must have members, linked by prayer, study of the Scriptures, and grounded in the faith that the
Spirit is leading us in this process.
As you can see, no names have been considered for our new pastor. Only names from the NALC will be given
to us, some weeks after our profile has been posted. Secondly, the need for confidentiality is foremost. Imagine the damage that could be done to a church whose pastor is considering a call, his name is mentioned, and
he has not yet informed his congregation of his desires. Where will our next pastor come from? Dr. Wendell
said not to be surprised if we get names from Texas or even from Washington State! At this time, the process
is in the hands of the Spirit. Be patient, listen for the Spirit and His guidance, and know that the Lord is good.
Thanks be to God!

Jr Choir News
1st thru 5th grades
New Music Room just for you!
2nd floor of the Education Bldg
Starting Sunday May 3rd
9:45am to 10am
Come join us!
Sunday May 3 9:45am to 10am
Sunday May 10 9:45am to 10am
Sunday May 17 9:45am to 10am
Sing!! Sun May 24 9:45am to 10am
Sing at 11am service
Thanks! Cindy Evans 803-206-9367

Date change! June 14 17, Sunday

Wednesday from 6pm 8pm, Ages 1st
through 5th grades. Dinner will be served @
6pm. Mark your calendar!

Stewardship Thoughts
This writing comes from the 1st Chapter of the book The 33 Laws of Stewardship written by Dave Sutherland
and Kirk Nowery.
The Law of Rightful Ownership - Nothing truly belongs to us; everything actually belongs to God.
As you live out this first Law of Stewardship, let your thinking be guided by three priorities:
Think of yourself as the manager of a trust. You have been given a key role and a great responsibility, so
make the most of it. God Himself has entrusted you with time, money, material things and great opportunities.
Your objective is to maximize the investment of all that has been put into your hands.
Think of each day as an opportunity for service and stewardship. Time is a precious commodity and we
have a limited allotment of days, hours and minutes. Ephesians 5:15-16 advises, Be very careful, then, how you
live not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity. Its similar to the popular motto, carpe
diem, the Latin admonition to seize the day. But the believers motto is actually carpe diem por deo _ seize the
day for God. In other words, live every day expressly for His glory and His purposes.
Think of money as a means to an end, not the end itself. The allure of money is strong and pervasive. It permeates our frantic, workaholic culture; but it brings no lasting fulfillment. It always creates a thirst for more,
unless one has the right attitude toward it and determines to manage it rather than be manipulated by it. In the
final analysis, the hallmark of stewardship is administration not acquisition. Only by pursuing the goal of pleasing God do we find true pleasure and satisfaction for ourselves.
Submitted by Kevin Gobbi On behalf of the Stewardship Finance Committee

Stewardship Thoughts Continued

The following is the second of three articles that come from Halleys Bible Handbook written by Dr.
Henry H. Halley. The last copyright was in 1965, and it still holds true for Christians today.
Other Meetings. A well-organized church has many meetings, for various groups and purposes. The
Sunday School is its most valuable adjunct. The Sunday Evening service, very definitely, has an important
place in church life. But what we are here saying is, that all Christendom unites in recognizing Sunday
Morning as Church Time; the one grand central meeting of them all, in a class all by itself, with a preeminence all its own, for the whole Christian public, the center around which all church machinery should
revolve; and, however many other meetings one may or may not attend, Habitual, Faithful, Conscientious,
Life-Long Attendance on the One Most Important of all religious meetings is a Universal Christian Duty,
except for those hindered by sickness or necessity.
The Method will Never be Changed. The invention of Printing, making Bibles and Christian Literature
cheap and abundant, so that the people may read for themselves about Christ; the coming of the Radio, so
that we may sit at home and listen to sermons and church services; these will never do away with the
need for the Church. It is Gods plan that his people, in every community, throughout the whole world, at
this appointed time, Meet Together, in this public way, to thus publicly honor Christ.
The Present Pitiful Situation. Normally, Sunday morning attendance should be nearly a hundred per
cent of church membership. But, on the whole, taking the churches as they come, if their Sunday morning
congregations were counted and averaged, for every Sunday in the year, winter and summer, good
weather and bad, it would probably be found that the average Sunday morning congregation of the
average Protestant church in our land would range between One-Third and One-Sixth of what the church
calls its membership. This is the Fundamental Weakness of Protestantism. Indifference to the Institution
that stands for Christ, in its one principal way of functioning, is, without doubt, the very greatest
hindrance to the progress of Christs work.
The Sunday Morning Congregation is a fair measure of the peoples interest in their church. Their
interest in their church is a fair measure of their interest in Christ. Whether we will or no, our attitude
toward Sunday morning church indicates our attitude toward Christs influence in our community. If we
are faithful, we are helping Him. If we are indifferent, we are hurting Him.
Going as an act of Worship. By this we mean the Motive that prompts it, the thing in our mind before
we go that makes us start; doing it as a matter of common Christian principle, as an act of Conscience
toward God, an obligation to Christ; not caring especially whom we may see, or what we may hear; going,
if need be, in spite of what we expect to hear; finding our chief satisfaction in the thought that we are
doing our duty to our God. And, of course, it implies that we will try to be on time; that we will leave the
Back Seat for late-comers; that we will not settle ourselves in the end of the pew, so others will have to
climb over us; that we will be Quiet, Courteous, Reverent, Attentive and Sympathetic.
Submitted by Tommy Stone on behalf of the Stewardship and Finance Committee.

St. Peter's VBS will be held July 1923, 5:45-8pm, and we need your help! Please

consider creating a prop, providing a meal, helping

with crafts and music, etc. We need the time and
talents of everyone that is willing to help. There is no
time or talent too small to help us make VBS a
success. Maybe you have time to create a decoration
before VBS or maybe you can only commit to helping a few nights or to only provide
dessert, etc.. Please fill out the form below and place in the offering plate or contact
Christen Widener (cweidner94@gmail.com) or Vickie Davis (vickieedavis@gmail.com)
Phone (s) #___________________________________________________
e-mail address ________________________________________________
I am willing to help with:
____set design (we want to turn the PLC into Nazareth and the Old Fellowship Hall into a
Carpenter's Workshop for crafts)
___general decorations (table tops, Music room, etc.)
___Drama Team (to act out bible story every night)
___Music Team (teach songs and motions every night)
___Craft team (help kids with crafts every night)
___Teachers/Assistant Teachers (every night lead our kids through rotations)
___Technology Guru (take care of technology for the week-sound, slide show, etc.)
___Meal Providers


Upcoming Carolinas Mission District and NALC Events

Carolinas Mission Convocation for 2015:
Fri., May 29 and Sat., May 30
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Gastonia, NC
National NALC Convocation
Hyatt Regency DFW International Airport
Dallas, TX
August 11-14, 2015
Carolinas Lutheran Womens Convocation
Christ United Lutheran Church
170 Duke Street
Granite Falls, NC 28630

Plan ahead!! Put these important dates on your calendar:

May 2
May 3
May 29-30
May 31

Relay for Life

Celebration/Heritage Sunday
Carolinas Mission District Convocation
Graduate Recognition


Nevin Biser (father of Donna Shealy)
Debbie Branstiter
Dudley Britt (friend of Marcus Smith)
Linda Brown (friend of Julie Harmon)
Pat Carr
Kathie Cashion (mother of Hillarie Vaughan)
Wanda Cooper (daughter of Beryl Roberts)
Danny Covington (grandfather of Elizabeth & Michael Covington)
Charlie Davis (grandfather of Christy Harmon)
Derice Dehon (friend of Jerry & Sarah Richey)
Debbie Dent
Doris Jean Drake (friend of Gail Oliver)
Mary Epting (friend of Nancy Wylie)

Megan Frick (cousin of Coleman Szuhy)

Billy Fulmer (friend of Wayne ONeill)
Kay Gardner (Joyce Bixlers cousin)
Ray Gill
JoAnn Harmon
Carson Hatcher (friend of Jo Wessinger)
Ted Hoover (friend of Wayne ONeill)
Sandra Jeffers (friend of Wayne ONeill)
Beulah Jones (mother of Darla Jennings)
Mary Kempski (wife of Bishop Ralph Kempski)
Ashley Larson (friend of Dennis & Jo Wessinger)
Hannah Massey
Paul Mayte (friend of Wayne ONeill)
Richard McMillan (father of Keith McMillan)
Michele Meyer (wife of Kenneth Meyer)
Brenda Newman (friend of Doug & Kathy Schreiber)
Jim Orth (nephew of Doreen Edmondson)
Connie Parson
Lonna Paul
Olin Porth
Leagrace Rauton (friend of Julie Porth Smith)
Dorothy Rish
Jim Sanders
Kathy Schreiber
Priss Sharpe (friend of Donna Alford & Gloria Shealy)
Dorothy Shealy (mother of Trudy Moore & Linda Gable)
Kenslie Shealy
Walter Smith (co-worker of Marvin Parson)
Michael Spence (cousin of David & Zach Spence)
Sandy Stevens (family member of Dennis & Jo Wessinger)
Clint Wall
Eric Wegner (friend of Marie Eargle)
Dennis Wessinger
Retha Wessinger
Tuck West (stepfather of Michael Carter)
Jennifer ONeill Whetstone
Let us also remember in our daily prayers our missionaries, Pastor Matthew Riak in South Sudan
and David Davis in Brazil

David Ballington
Heath Fulmer
Andrew Henry
Justin Roberts

Brad Smith
Courtney Weed
Kyle Weed
L.J. Perrier

NICHOLS, Hugh & Brenda

EDMONDSON, Mark & Doreen
PORTH, Kirk & Brooke
MYRICK, Brad & Lisa
ARNOLD, Paul & Debbie
ELLINGSON, Eric & Kayla
SLATTERY, Ryan & Jordan
TAYLOR, Bryan & Kegan
YOUMANS, Lee & Amber
GUERETTE, Michael & Linda
MASSEY, Rusty & Kim
ROBINSON, Don & Alice
GABLE, Linda & Marion
MCEWEN, Sam & Robyn
ROBERTS, Darin & Allie
DOZIER, Pat & Marilyn
JORGENSEN, Stig & Vicki
MCHUGH, Chris & Paulette


HENRY, Charles
JUMPER, Blakley
CHUMLEY, Brittany
PORTH, Hayden
AULL, Brooke
SHARPE, Teresa
LACOUNT, William
ZEE, Ted


TAYLOR, Jeffrey
CRAPS, Stacie
LONG, Letha
PAUL, Lonna
AULL, Randy
SHEALY Jr, Spencer
OLIVER, Donnie
SIMS, Owen
PEARSON, Caroline "Buffy"
WALL, Clint
LONG, Larry
GANTT, Tammy
HARMON, Hannah
KARN, Shannon
LACOUNT, Jeffrey
SHEALY, Doctor Carl
TAYLOR, Jessica
BEAVER, Timothy
EVANS, Candice
RIVARD, Dorothy
MOORE, Molly
AULL, Mickey
LEE, Cheryl


Those Serving in May

Please note any areas where volunteers are needed and call the Church Office if you are
available to serve in this capacity.

Communion Assistants

(8:30 a.m.) Lester & Jonette Cutter

(11:00 a.m.) Doreen Edmondson, Larry James
(8:30 a.m.) Judy Nichols, Jenny Stone
(11:00 a.m.) Julie P. Smith, Sandra Brasington
(8:30 a.m.) Ryan Slattery, Richard Shealy
(11:00 a.m.) Hillarie Vaughan, Ernie Chaplin
(8:30 a.m.) Clyde Sanders, 1 needed
(11:00 a.m.) Elizabeth Lindler, 1 needed


Greeters/Popcorn Ministry

(8:30 a.m.) Jean Hundley

(11:00 a.m.) Jenny & Tommy Stone
(8:30 a.m.) Jean Hundley
(11:00 a.m.) Beryl Roberts
(8:30 a.m.) Genie & Richard Shealy
(11:00 a.m.) Buck, Hillarie, Shelbie Vaughan
(8:30 a.m. ) Donna & Steve Alford
(11:00 a.m.) Tommy & Jenny Stone
(8:30 a.m.) Clyde Sanders
(11:00 a.m.) Russell & Robin Rawl

Ushers (8:30 a.m.)

Russell Rawl, Chairperson
Miles Rawl, Chairperson
Steven Ellisor, Steve Alford

Ushers (11:00 a.m.)

Russell Rawl, Chairperson
Miles Rawl, Chairperson
Steven Ellisor, Matt Hendrix
The Usher Chairpersons are also the
Lock Team members for this month.

Coffee Hour Hosts

3 Celebration Sunday
10 Good N.E.W.S. Committee
17 Sharon James & Karen Price
24 N/A at printing
31 Educational Ministry Grad Recognition

Altar Flowers

Barbara Leaphart
George & Susan Bailey
Mark & Doreen Edmondson
Linda & Michael Guerette
Zack Spence & Family

(8:30 a.m.) Crystal Smith

(11:00 a.m.) Tommy Stone
(8:30 a.m.) Judy Nichols
(11:00 a.m.) Linda Gable
(8:30 a.m.) Genie Shealy
(11:00 p.m.) Larry Long
(8:30 a.m.) Clyde Sanders
(11:00 a.m.) Tommy Stone
(8:30 a.m.) Chris Williams
(11:00 a.m.) Tommy Chaplin

3 (8:30 a.m.) N/A at printing
(11:00 a.m.) N/A at printing
10 (8:30 a.m.) N/A at printing
(11:00 a.m.) Amberly Womble
17 (8:30 a.m.) Rachel McHugh
(11:00 a..m.) Shelbie Vaughan
24 (8:30 a.m.) Rachel McHugh
(11:00 a.m.) N/A at printing
31 (8:30 a.m.) Rachel McHugh
(11:00 a.m.) Martin Craps

Altar Guild
Bobbi Buff, Christy Harmon, Jean Hundley

Offering Counters
Jenny & Tommy Stone

Front Porch Visitor

Diane Lawhead

Nursery Assistants
3 (8:30 a.m.) N/A at printing
(11:00 a.m.) Rylee Smith
10 (8:30 a.m.) N/A at printing
(11:00 a.m.) Caroline Davis
17 (8:30 a.m.) N/A at printing
(11:00 a.m.) N/A at printing
24 (8:30 a.m.) N/A at printing
(11:00 a.m.) Nadaly Womble
31 (8:30 a.m.) N/A at printing
(11:00 a.m.) N/A at printing


S.P.Y. NEWS April 2015

St. Peters Youth
All St. Peters youth and visitors are invited to attend youth events.
Travis McLeod, Youth Director

CLUB 345....Third, Fourth and Fifth Grades

To be announced

JUNIOR HIGH YOUTH..Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Grades

May 1-3

J (J Squared)

May 10, 17, 31

5:30 PM, Junior Youth Meeting

(no meeting on the 3rd or the 10th)

May 5, 12, 19, 26

7:00 AM, Prayer Breakfast at Chick-Fil-A, meet at

church by 6:50 to ride bus.

Senior HIGH YOUTH..Ninth thru twelfth grade

May 2

Relay for Life

May 3, 10, 17, 24, 31

7:00 PM, Senior Youth Meeting

(no meeting on the 24th)

May 5, 12, 19, 26

7:00 AM, Prayer Breakfast at Chick-Fil-A, meet at

church by 6:50 to ride bus.



08:30 AM-Worship/Holy Communion

09:30 AM-Coffee/Fellowship/PLC
09:45 AM-Angel Choir
09:45 AM-Junior Choir/Jr. Choir room
10:00 AM-Sunday School
11:00 AM-Worship/Holy Communion
04:30 PM-Handbells
05:00 PM-Evangelism Com/CR
05:30 PM-Junior Youth Meeting
06:00 PM-Buster's Bible Study
06:30 PM-Confirmation Prac/Banquet
07:00 PM-Senior Youth Meeting
24 Day of Pentecost - Red
08:30 AM-Worship/Holy Communion
09:00 AM-Blood Pressure Clinic
09:30 AM-Coffee/Fellowship/PLC
09:45 AM-Angel Choir
09:45 AM-Junior Choir/Jr. Choir room
10:00 AM-Sunday School
11:00 AM-Worship/Holy Communion
12:00 PM-Blood Pressure Clinic/FH
04:30 PM-Handbells
05:30 PM-Junior Youth Meeting
07:00 PM-Senior Youth Meeting
31 The Holy Trinity White
08:30 AM-Worship-Grad. blessing
09:30 AM-Coffee/Fellowship & Grad.
09:45 AM-Angel Choir
09:45 AM-Junior Choir/Jr. Choir room
10:00 AM-Sunday School
11:00 AM-Worship-Grad. blessing
04:30 PM-Handbells
05:30 PM-Junior Youth Meeting
07:00 PM-Senior Youth Meeting


06:15 PM-Matins Choir


06:15 PM-Matins Choir

07:00 PM-Lutheran Men/

07:00 AM-Jr. Sr. Prayer

09:00 AM-Loving Group/FH
10:00 AM-Staff Meeting/CR
07:00 PMStewardship&Finance/CR
07:00 PM-Anna Circle/FH




07:00 AM-Jr. Sr. Prayer

10:00 AM-Staff Meeting/CR
03:00 PM-Dorcas Circle
06:00 PM-Service Committee/CR
06:30 PM-Cherokee
07:00 PM-Worship/Music/


07:00 AM-Jr. Sr. Prayer

10:00 AM-Staff Meeting/CR
06:00 PM-Lydia Circle/FH
07:00 PM-Heritage/
Celebration Cmte

06:15 PM-Matins Choir


10:00 AM-Bible Study/FH

06:00 PM-Dinner before
06:30 PM-Worship on
07:30 PM-Chancel Choir


10:00 AM-Bible Study/FH

06:00 PM-Dinner before
06:30 PM-Worship on
07:30 PM-Chancel Choir


10:00 AM-Bible Study/FH

06:00 PM-Dinner before
06:30 PM-Worship on
07:30 PM-Chancel Choir


07:00 AM-Jr. Sr. Prayer

10:00 AM-Bible Study/FH
06:00 PM-Dinner before
10:00 AM-Staff Meeting/CR worship
06:30 PM-Worship on
07:30 PM-Chancel Choir


06:15 PM-Matins Choir

17 Seventh Sunday of Easter - White 18

Celebration/Heritage Sunday
08:00 AM-Spring Clothing Drive
08:30 AM-Worship/Communion
09:30 AM-Coffee/Fellowship/PLC
09:45 AM-Angel Choir
09:45 AM-Junior Choir/Jr. Choir room
10:00 AM-Sunday School
11:00 AM-Worship/Communion
04:30 PM-Handbells
05:30 PM-Junior Youth Meeting
06:00 PM-Council Meeting/CR
07:00 PM-Senior Youth Meeting
10 Sixth Sunday of Easter - White
08:30 AM-Worship
09:30 AM-Coffee/Fellowship/PLC
09:45 AM-Angel Choir
09:45 AM-Junior Choir/Jr. Choir room
10:00 AM-Sunday School
11:00 AM-Worship
04:30 PM-Handbells
05:30 PM-Junior Youth Meeting
07:00 PM-Senior Youth Meeting

3 Fifth Sunday of Easter-White


May 2015









09:00 AM-Confirmation

07:00 PM-Relay for Life

Carolinas Mission District Carolinas Mission DisConvocation in Gastonia, trict Convocation in GasNC
tonia, NC



08:00 AM-Proclaimer
07:00 PM-Good NEWS/CR Articles Due

14 Ascension of Our

09:00 AM-St. Peter's works

07:00 PM-Youth Committee/FH
07:00 PM-Educational



St. Peters Staff

Interim Pastor
Associate Pastor
Matins Choir/Instrumentalist
Chancel Choir/Bell Director
Childrens Choir Director
Angel Choir Director
Youth Director
Administrative Coordinator
Nursery Attendant

The Revd Carl Voges

The Revd Paulette McHugh
Craig Davis
Barry Moore
Cindy Evans
Jennifer Howell
Martha Hill
Travis McLeod
Amber Scarborough
Allison Black

How to contact us
1130 St. Peters Road
Lexington SC 29072
Telephone ~ 803-359-2470
Fax ~ 803-957-3163
Email ~ office@stpeterslex.com
Web site ~ www.stpeterslex.com
Pastor Paulettes Cell-803-767-7231
Pastor Voges cell ~ 803-238-8051
Travis McLeods cell ~ 803-603-3152
Amber Scarborough email ~ ascarborough@stpeterslex.com

Come and Celebrate St. Peters Lutheran Church Heritage and History on Celebration Sunday

Sunday, May 3, 2015

The 235th Anniversary
St. Peters Lutheran Church
Of Lexington, SC

At 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM

Join us after the late service for our annual picnic
In the Parish Life Center

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