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Scale Out Network Attached Storage (SONAS) Technical Training

Formation Informatique / Rseaux et Scurit / Stockage


Identify SONAS hardware and software architecture in terms of a high level view
Recognize the various SONAS hardware configuration elements
Classify the elements of the SONAS Graphical User Interface (GUI)
Classify the elements of the SONAS Command Line Interface (CLI)
Recall the supported SONAS authentication concepts
Summarize the GPFS concepts and features that are supported with SONAS
Recognize the ILM/HSM configuration steps, options and features
List the TSM server dependencies for SONAS and benefits of TSM backup integration
Classify SONAS network dependencies
Identify SONAS asynchronous replication concepts and scenarios
Summarize the SONAS Active Cloud Engine components
Recognize the SONAS Antivirus protection elements
List the fundamental concepts associated with SONAS monitoring and support

A retenir
Dure : 3 jours soit 21h.

Toute personne dsireuse de russir la certification Scale Out Network Attached Storage (SONAS) Technical Training

This course is a hands-on technical training class and requires technical skills. Participants should have an advanced
understanding of storage and networking technologies, especially in the network-attached storage (file services) area. A
good knowledge of Windows and/or Linux is also recommended.

Day 1
Unit 1: SONAS overview and value
Unit 2: SONAS hardware configurations
Unit 3: SONAS GUI overview
Unit 4: SONAS CLI overview
Unit 5: SONAS file access
Exercise 1: GUI introduction and Health Center
Exercise 2: CLI overview
Exercise 3: Export protocols and verify NFS, CIFS, HTTP, and FTP access

Dates des sessions

formation est
propose en
Inclus dans cette formation

Day 2
Unit 6: SONAS authentication and user mapping
Unit 7: SONAS storage concepts
Unit 8: ILM/HSM details and configuration
Unit 9: TSM/NDMP backup details and configuration
Unit 10: SONAS network configuration (Part 1)
Exercise 4: Access rights and ACL management on Windows client
Exercise 5: Storage concepts
Exercise 6: Storage pools, ILM/HSM policies

Coaching Aprs-COURS
Pendant 30 jours, votre formateur
sera disponible pour vous aider.
CERTyou s'engage dans la ralisation
de vos objectifs.

Day 3
Unit 10: SONAS network configuration (Part 2)
Unit 11: SONAS asynchronous replication
Unit 12: SONAS Active Cloud Engine
Unit 13: SONAS Antivirus protection
Unit 14: SONAS monitoring and support
Exercise 7: Network setup (Optional)
Exercise 8: Async replication
Exercise 9: Configure Active Cloud Engine
Exercise 10: Monitoring
Exercise 11: Configure NFS and CIFS export using CLI (Optional)
Exercise 12: Networking settings using CLI (Optional)

Russir la Certification Gestion de Projet PMP du PMI
Russir la Certification PRINCE2 Foundation

CERTYOU, 37 rue des Mathurins, 75008 PARIS - SAS au capital de 10 000 Euros
Tl : 01 42 93 52 72 - Fax : 01 70 72 02 72 - contact@certyou.com - www.certyou.com
RCS de Paris n 804 509 461- TVA intracommunautaire FR03 804509461 - APE 8559A
Dclaration dactivit enregistre sous le N 11 75 52524 75 auprs du prfet de rgion dIle-de-France

Votre garantie 100%

Notre engagement 100% satisfaction
vous garantit la plus grande qualit
de formation.

Scale Out Network Attached Storage (SONAS) Technical Training

Formation Informatique / Rseaux et Scurit / Stockage


les Certifications PRINCE2 Foundation et PRINCE2 Practitioner

la Certification ITIL Foundation
la Certification Agile certifi SCRUM Master
les Certifications TOGAF Certified et TOGAF Foundation

Retrouvez cette formation sur notre site :

Scale Out Network Attached Storage (SONAS) Technical Training

CERTYOU, 37 rue des Mathurins, 75008 PARIS - SAS au capital de 10 000 Euros
Tl : 01 42 93 52 72 - Fax : 01 70 72 02 72 - contact@certyou.com - www.certyou.com
RCS de Paris n 804 509 461- TVA intracommunautaire FR03 804509461 - APE 8559A
Dclaration dactivit enregistre sous le N 11 75 52524 75 auprs du prfet de rgion dIle-de-France

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