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DPJ 5018 Programming in Java

Chapter 3

Chapter 3: METHODS and ARRAYS

A method is a collection of statements that are grouped together to perform an operation. For
example, when you call the System.out.println() method, the system actually executes
several statements in order to display a message on the console.

Creating a Method

Syntax / structure:
modifier returnValuetype methodname (list of parameters)
//method body


return valueType



public static int max ( int num1, int num2)

int result;


if ( num1>num2 )
result = num1;
result =num2;

method body

return result;

return value


The modifier
 Is optional, tells the compiler how to call the method.
 static modifier is used (will be introduced in Chapter 4)

 Is a data type of the value the method returns
 If the method does not return a value, the returnValuetype is the keyword void.
 All method except constructors requires returnValuetype. Constructors are
introduced in Chapter 4.

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DPJ 5018 Programming in Java

Chapter 3

 Refers to the type, order and number of the parameters of a method.
 Parameters are optional; a method may contain no parameters.
 When a method is invoked, you pass a value to the parameter. This value is
referred to as actual parameter or argument.

Method body
 Contains a collection of statements that define what the method does.
 A return statement using the keyword return is required for a non-void method to
return a result.
 The method terminates when a return statement is executed.
You need to declare a separate data type for each parameter. For instance,
int num1, num2 should be replaced by int num1, int num2.
Note: In certain other languages, methods are referred to as procedures
and functions.

Calling a Method

To use a method, you have to call or invoke it. Two ways to call a method:

If the method returns a value

int larger = max(3,4);
double m = convert_meter(km);
// it calls convert_meter( ) and assigns the result to the variable m
System.out.println (max(3,4));
System.out.println (convert_meter(km));

If the method returns void, a call to the method must be a statement. Example:
convert_meter (km) ;

When a program calls a method, program control is transferred to the called method. A called
method returns control to the caller when its return statement is executed or when its methodending closing brace is reached.

Refer the example program below: To test the max method:


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DPJ 5018 Programming in Java

Chapter 3

Write a program that demonstrates how to create and invoke the max method. The method will
return the maximum number.
Solution: (Source Text book page 128)
//Chapter 2 eg1: TestMax.java
public class TestMax {
public static void main (String [] arg)
int i = 5;
int j = 2;
int k = max(i, j);
System.out.println(The maximum between +i+ and +j+ is +k);
} //close main
public static int max (int num1, int num2)
int result;
if ( num1>num2 )
result = num1;
result =num2;
return result;
} //close class


This program contains the main method and max method.

In this example, the main method invokes max (i, j) which is defined in the same class
with the main method.
When the max method is invoked, i and j values are passed to num1 and num2. The
flow of control transfers to the max method.
The max is executed. When the return statement is executed, it returns the control to its
caller (main) and the value of result is passed to variable k.

Passing Parameters
The power of a method is its ability to work with parameters. When invoke a method with
parameters, a copy of the value of the actual parameter is passed to the method. This referred to
as pass by value. The actual variable outside the method is not affected, regardless the changes
made to the formal parameter inside the method.
Refer to example program, the max is passing parameters: i and j.


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DPJ 5018 Programming in Java

Chapter 3

Overloading Methods
Analyze the program:(TestMax.java)

The max method works only with the int data type. But if we need to find which of two
floating-points numbers has the maximum value? The solution is to create (add) another
method with the same name but different parameters in the program.

public static double max (double num1, double num2)

if(num1> num2)
return num1;
return num2;

 If you call max with the double parameters, the max method that expects double

parameters will be invoked. This is referred to as method overloading; that is two methods
have the same name but different parameters profiles. Refer to the example below:


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DPJ 5018 Programming in Java

Chapter 3

// TestMethodOverloading.java: Demonstrate method overloading

public class TestMethodOverloading {

public static void main(String[] args) {

// Invoke the max method with int parameters
System.out.println("The maximum between 3 and 4 is " + max(3, 4));
// Invoke the max method with the double parameters
System.out.println("The maximum between 3.0 and 5.4 is "+ max(3.0, 5.4));
// Invoke the max method with three double parameters
System.out.println("The maximum between 3.0, 5.4, and 10.14 is "+ max(3.0,
5.4, 10.14));
/** Return the max between two int values */
public static int max(int num1, int num2) {
if (num1 > num2)
return num1;
return num2;
/** Find the max between two double values */
public static double max(double num1, double num2) {
if (num1 > num2)
return num1;
return num2;
/** Return the max among three double values */
public static double max(double num1, double num2, double num3) {
return max(max(num1, num2), num3);


Overloaded methods must have different parameter lists. You cannot overload methods
based on different modifiers or return types.

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DPJ 5018 Programming in Java

Chapter 3

The scope of local variables


The scope of variable is the portion of the program where the variable can be accessed.
Is limited locally to a method. It starts from its declaration and continues to the end of the
block that contains the variable.
A variable must be declared before it can be used.
And it must be initialized before it is referenced.
You will learn about instance variables and class variables in Chapter 3.
You can declare a local variable with the same multiple times in different non-nesting
blocks in a method, but you cannot declare a local variable twice in nested blocks. Thus,
the following code is correct.
public static void correctMethod( )
int x=1;
int y=1;
// i is declared
for ( int i = 1; i<10; i++)
x += i;
// i is declared again
for ( int i = 1; i<10; i++)
y += i;

The next code would cause a compilation error because variable i is declared in the for
loop body block where another i is declared.
public static void incorrectMethod( )
int x=1;
int i=1;
for (int i = 1; i<10; i++)
x = 0;
x+= i;

The next code would cause a syntax error because variable x is not defined outside of the
for loop.
for(int x=0; x<10; x++)
{ }


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DPJ 5018 Programming in Java

Chapter 3

Caution: Do not declare a variable inside a block and then use it outside the block.
If a variable is declared as a method parameter, it cannot be declared inside the method. The
scope of a method parameter covers the entire method.
A variable declared in the initial action part of a for loop header has its scope in the entire loop.
But a variable declared inside a for loop body has its scope limited in the loop body from its
declaration and to the end of the block that contains the variable.

Method Abstraction

Method abstraction is achieved by separating the use of a method from its implementation.
The client can use a method without knowing how it is implemented. The details of the
implementation are encapsulated in the method and hidden from the client who invokes the
This is known as encapsulation or information hiding.
If you change the implementation, the client program will be not affected, provided that you
dont change the method signature.
For example, you have already used the System.out.println and System.out.printf
method to display a string. You know how to use and invoke that method in your programs
but as a user you are not required to know how they are implemented.

The Math Class

Contains the methods needed to perform basic mathematical functions.

For example:
1) Exponent methods
o Math.pow(2,3) returns 8.0
o Math.sqrt(4) returns 2.0
2) Trigonometric methods
o Math.sin(0) returns 0.0
o Math.sin(Math.PI /6) returns 0.5
o Math.cos(0) returns 1.0
3) The rounding methods
o Math.ceil(2.1) returns 3.0
o Math.floor(2.1) returns 2.0
4) The min, max and abs Methods
o Math.max(4,5) returns 5
o Math.min(2.5,3.6) returns 2.5
o Math.abs(-2.1) returns 2.1
5) The random Methods
o (int) (Math.random()*10) returns a random integer between 0 and 9.


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DPJ 5018 Programming in Java

Chapter 3


An array is a collection of data elements or objects of the same type. It is a consecutive group
of memory locations that all have the same name and the same type.

Or in other word, an array is a list or more than one variable that having the same name.

An array is same as variables but to identify an array is from this symbol [ ] .

The individual data items can be characters, integers, floating-point numbers, etc.
See example above: values in the price array are floating numbers. The important is
only one type of data. The content (data type) cannot be mixed.

Two types of array: 1) One-Dimensional Array

2) Two-Dimensional Array

To declare and create Array

Same rules and conditions as variables, but we have to write the [ ]. The syntax of declaring:
dataType arrayName [];
dataType [] arrayName;


Unlike declarations for primitive data type variables, the declaration of an array variable does
not allocate any space in memory for the array.
So, we have to create array, then we can assign elements to the array.
You can create an array by using new operator with the following syntax:

double score [];

double [] score;

arrayName = new dataType[size];



score = new double[5];

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DPJ 5018 Programming in Java

Chapter 3

Declare and create: (can be combined in one statement)

double score [] = new double[5];

This statement declares an array variable, score, creates an array of five elements of double
type, and assigns its reference to score.






Array initialization
(Assigning or giving a value to array before using it)

Two ways.
1) In the definition time
2) In the program

In the definition time

- We assign the value in the first place which means we set the values.
Example: double score [ ] = { 90.5,95.0,60.0,45.0,77.5 } ;

so the score has already been set, the content are

90.5,95.0,60.0,45.0,77.5 (only).

We do not know the content, or in other word; we are not giving the array
The array will get the elements from the program or the user. We only
set for the size.
This steps we need to use repetition structure

In the program

for (int i = 0; i<list.length; i++)

list [i] = i ;


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DPJ 5018 Programming in Java

Chapter 3

How to refer to the certain value in the array?

Because of we share the same name, so maybe its confusing to refer to that particular
value for example, we want to print 60.0 from the score.

An array has subscripts or index, to identify the values. It starts with 0.

double score [ ] = { 90.5,95.0,60.0,45.0,77.5 };


95.0 60.0


4  this is subscripts/index

System.out.println(score[2]) ;

// will print 60.0

Important: you have to remember that arrays index start with 0.

Example program (1)

public class arrayExample

public static void main (String [] args)
double score[ ] = {90.5,95.0,60.0,45.0,77.5};
double max;
max = score[0];
for (int n = 0; n < 5; n++)
if (score[n] > max)
max = score[n];
System.out.println(The highest score is +max);


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DPJ 5018 Programming in Java

Chapter 3

Processing Arrays

We need to use looping (usually for) to process array. You need to understand clearly
about looping.

1) To initialize with user input

Lets say, we want to input data to an array (mark) that has 5 values. Assuming that the
array is already been defined.
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print(Enter marks: );
for (int n = 0; n < 5; n++)
mark[n] = input.nextDouble();

2) To display
Lets say, we want to display (print) all the elements in the array.
for (int n = 0; n < 5; n++)
System.out.print(mark[n] + );

3) To search a value in an array

Lets say, we want to find a value such as the highest value in an array (refer to Program
1 page 10)
for (int n = 0; n < 5; n++)
if (score[n] > max)
max = score[n];

4) Sorting Array
 Sorting is the common task in computer programming. It would be used when
you wanted to display the grades in alphabetical order, for example.
 Many different algorithms have been developed for sorting
 Since you had learned sorting in Data Structure, we will not cover this part. You
know how it works; the task now is to implement it in Java.
 Selection sort repeatedly selects the largest number and swaps it with the last


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DPJ 5018 Programming in Java

Chapter 3

5) Passing Array to Methods

Java uses pass by value to pass arguments to a method. There are important
differences between passing the values of variables of primitive data types and
passing arrays.
o For an argument of a primitive type, the arguments value is passed
o For an argument of an array type, the value of the argument contains a
reference to an array; this reference is passed to the method.

Example 1:
o You can invoke it by passing an array.
o For example:
int myArray[ ] = { 7,10, 12, 45, 3 };
public static void printArray(int[] arr)
for(int j = 0;j<arr.length;j++)
System.out.printl(arr[j]+ );

Example 2
public class ArrayPassing
public static void main(String [] args)
int x = 1;
int [] y = new int[4];
methodArray(x,y); //calling methodArray
System.out.println(x is +x);
System.out.println(y[0] is +y[0]);
public static void methodArray(int n, int[]z)
n = 1001;
z[0] = 5555;


x is 1
y[0] is 5555

Since y contains the reference value to the array, z now contains the
same reference value to the same array.

Remember, when passing an array to method, the reference

of the array is passed to the method.

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DPJ 5018 Programming in Java

Chapter 3

6) Copying Arrays

To duplicate an array or part of an array

Three ways, using:
1. = operator,
2. for loop (individual) and
3. method arraycopy( )
4. clone method (will not be covered)

(Further discussion in the class/lab session)

Multidimensional Arrays
(Two dimensional Array)
dataType arrayName [][];
dataType [][] arrayName;
double collection [][]; //allowed but not preferred
int [][] myarray;

arrayName = new dataType[][]

collection = new double[5][5];
myarray = new int[4][3];

OR COMBINE (Declare and Create)

double collection [][] = new double [5][5];
int [][] myarray = new int[4][3];


Two subscripts are used in a two-dimensional array. One for the row and the other is
for the column.

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DPJ 5018 Programming in Java

Chapter 3

myarray [4][3]

To initialize the array, same concepts are applied to two-dimensional array (with 2loops).
1) In the definition time
2) In the program

Analyze this statement:

int [][] myarray = { {5,7,3} , {4,6,9}, {10,1,8}, {89,3,66} };

Refer to the one dimensional array





It is a common mistake to use myarray [ 2, 1 ] to access

the element at row 2 and column 1. In Java, each subscript
must be enclosed in a pair of square brackets.
Remember : two-dimensional array must has 2 for looping
statements for processing to represent rows and columns.

To obtain the lengths of Multidimensional Arrays


Same as one-dimensional array, we may use the method length.

To understand the concept, analyze the figure below:
int [][] x = new x[4][3];


x [0][0]

x[0][1] x[0][2]

x [1][0]


x [2][0]
x [3][0]



 x.length is 4
 x[0].length is 3
 x[1].length is 3
 x[2].length is 3
 x[3].length is 3


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