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Name: Kelly Haines Date: February 3, 2015

School: Highland Elementary School Lesson # 1
Grade: 3-5

Class size: 20-25

Class/Time: 9:25

Unit/Theme: Interpersonal Relationships Lesson Focus: Communication

Objectives (must be measurable, use action verbs and include elements of success)
Cite appropriate standards from MA Comprehensive Health Curriculum Frameworks
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
(C) Identify the difference between verbal and non-verbal communication during the
closure of the lesson when asked by the teacher. (SHAPE 4, MACF 7.1, Closure)
(C) Explain the difference between when someone is listening to you and when someone
is not listening to you by drawing pictures and creating captions for people who do listen
and people who dont listen. (SHAPE 4, MACF 7.1, Closure)
(B) Choose to use appropriate communication behaviors such as verbal, non-verbal and
listening depending on the situation. (SHAPE 8, MACF 5.5, Listening Worksheet)
(A) Share the feelings they experience when someone is not listening to them after
completing the listening picture worksheet. (SHAPE 7, MACF 5.1, Listening Worksheet)
(A) Exhibit PAWS behavior throughout the entire lesson by practicing responsibility,
always being safe, being willing to learn, and showing responsibility. (SHAPE 7, MACF
5.1, PAWS Rubric)
Materials/Supplies/Lesson Preparation
- Communication visual poster
- Communication Cards (sad, happy, scared, nervous, excited, shocked, bored,
tired, lonely) will have a picture on the card to help language students to identify
- Card for groups with job identifications
- Dry erase markers
- Markers
- Listening Worksheet
Special Accommodations (How will the special needs of individual students be met?)
Communication cards will have pictures to help language students to understand the
English word if they do not know the English word.
Clear demonstration will be done for each activity, so that students are clear of the
expectations during each activity.

References/Resources (include books, articles, websites, etc.)

Opening (activator/instant activity) 5-10 min
Communication Brainstorm:
-students will brainstorm what they think communication is with a classmate by doing a
pair and share
-next the teacher will ask students share ideas that they came up with
-the teacher will write key words on the board
Extensionsgive the definition of communication to studentshave them brainstorm
why it is important in their life.
Accommodation: Use a student translator when necessary.
Procedures Step by step description of teaching strategies/methods/pedagogy to be
used. (Include time frame for each activity, transitions, extensions/adaptations,
cooperative learning techniques jig saw, pair/share, etc.)
1. Introduction- verbal and non-verbal communication (10 min)
-the teacher will define verbal and non-verbal communication
- Explain quote: The most important thing about communication is to hear what isnt
being said
Ask Students:
- When do you use verbal communication?
- When do you use non-verbal?
- Do you think one type of communication is more useful than another?
- Mixed messages define
- Give examples
- Why can mixed messages be dangerous?
Accommodation: Use a student translator
2. Communication Card Charades (25 min)
-For this activity you will use verbal and nonverbal communication to understand how
your classmate is feeling
-The teacher will hold up a card with a picture and feeling written on itand only show
it to the student leader who is picked as a communicator
-One student will be the communicator and the other students will be the guessers

-The communicator will have their head up and look at the card, the guessers will have
their heads down
-Once all of the communicator is are aware of what the word is the guessers will pick
their head up and the communicators will have to use either verbal, non-verbal
communication, or both verbal and non-verbal communication (will be specified by the
teacher) to have the class members guess the way that they are feeling.
Extension Down:
-The teacher will pick two students to be the communicators
-The teacher will be the communicator
Accommodations: Will make sure that ELL are paired with a student who knows their
first language to translate and clarify
Discussion Questions:
- Which type of communication was harder for the communicator?
- What worked best for the guessers?
- Is there a time when a certain time of communication is better than another?
- What does this tell you about communication in your own life?
3. Listening Introduction (5-7 min)
-Listening is a huge part of communication it
- Difference between listening and hearing- listening requires focus

Go over Steps to listening:

1. Stop Talking
2. Prepare Yourself to Listen
3. Put the Speaker at Ease
4. Remove Distractions
5. Empathise
6. Be Patient
7. Listen to the Tone
8. Listen for Ideas Not Just Words
9. Wait and Watch for Non-Verbal Communication
Accommodations: Have visuals available for each of the steps of listening
4. Listening from My Life Worksheet (20 min)
-Using the template provided students will complete the listening worksheet that is
about their own life
-The teacher will show a sample worksheet to the students and explain the pictures

-Students will given time to complete worksheet.

-Then the teacher will ask for volunteers to share their listening experiences from the
Accommodations: Use student translators to explain the worksheet
List Assessment(s) informal or formal how do you know they have learned the
desired content and you have achieved your objectives?
-Listening worksheet- recognizes good listening habits in their life
-Communication cards- students will recognize the difference between verbal and nonverbal communication and why it is important to use both
Extensions Down: Students will just draw a picture and wont write a caption; students
will work with partners.
5. Closure: (10 min)
- Name all 3 parts of communication: verbal, non-verbal, and listening
-Is one part more important than another?
-Why is it so important to be able to communicate to others?
Accommodation: Use a student translator to get questions across
Notes/Reflection (to be completed right after you finish teaching a particular lesson)
What did you accomplish? How much did the students learn? What would you leave
the same and what might you change in the future to improve this lesson?
I was only able to teach one 3-5 class this week due to snow days and it was a shortened
I got through the communication brainstorm my introduction and communication
charades. I did not have time to do the rest of my lesson. I definitely included too much
in this lesson plan to begin with. I probably could have just done communication
charades and an assessment and saved the rest of the LP for another class. The
communication charades activity went very well. The students were engaged the entire
time. At the end of this activity I did a closure that reviewed the two types of
communication. After doing the communication charades activity students were able to
recognize the difference between verbal and non-verbal communication. It is important
to remember to include an essential question at the beginning and at the end of my
lesson. When revisiting this essential question it will enable me to see if student learning

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