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DAttilio 1

Professor Jack Bouley

Section 18
Women in Religion
Many women have said that they have left their religious backgrounds
because of how they feel they were unfairly treated. Women in religion has been a
problem brought up for years now, but women are finally starting to take a stand to the
degrading and unfair treatment that has ran them out of their own religion. The way
women are treated in society whether it be from a religious standpoint or not, is
unacceptable, shameful, degrading and easily overlooked.
Women in religion have had a problem for many, many years now because of the
way they have been treated. Not only is there unfair treatment within religion, but in
normal day-to-day life. Women in the workplace have unfair treatment and the men have
an obvious advantage. Women pregnancy is not as valued as they are in other countries
outside the United States, especially in Europe, and valued even less in African and Asian
countries. Women are constantly being slut bashed for reasons they either cannot control,
or for reasons that have no business being discussed by their peers, since it is their own
decision to act or dress whatever way they would like. These are just some of the very
few ways women have been treated in an discriminating manner.
For years, there are many instances where women are not seen in the same light of
day as men. There are many things that prevent women from getting the same equal
treatment as men. There is a very obvious gender gap within the workforce, for every
woman gets paid 77 cents for every dollar a man earns (Gender). Since the mid 1990s,
the gender wage gap has barely up until now. For the past 30 years or so, men have begun

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to contribute to household work that women usually take care of it, but the level at where
theyre at is still way below the average womens household work. Women work two full
time jobs, their day job and then when they come home from work and the household
chores they take care of, and especially if they have a child. Its hard to break through
gender stereotypes because theyre so present in todays society, but we must remember
and take into consideration the effort that both parties put into their jobs and home life.
The glass ceiling is another important thing to discuss when talking about wage
differences. The glass ceiling is a way that women are blocked from getting to the top of
the charts. They are prevented from getting jobs like CEOs of businesses and other jobs
that are in the top one percent of annual salary. This ceiling also prevents minorities from
getting top jobs, basically anyone who is not a privileged white male.
As if it wasnt a big enough issue that women are considered inferior in the
workforce, they also have to deal with sexual harassment much, much more than men
have ever encountered in their life. Women are known to get sexually objectified, which
is when you look at a woman, or even a man as an object of desire, rather than
acknowledging them as a complex person with their own thoughts and ideas (FAQ). This
is different than sexual attraction, because objectification occurs when the person her or
himself are not acknowledged. Examples of sexual objectification are pornography,
prostitution, and sexual harassment.
Another issue that occurs with women that does not occur with men is slut
shaming. The definition of a slut is a woman who has many casual partners. The word
slut never used to have a negative connotation to it. It first was a slang term for a kitchen
maid in the 17th century, and then it turned into a word for a girl who could not keep her

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room clean. It was not until around 1870 when the word started to actually have a
negative meaning to it, and since then the urban definition is a woman who has many
sexual partners. Slut shaming is a problem that disgraces women for their sexual actions
and makes women seem inferior to men. There are many synonyms for the word slut
when being used towards a girl, for example some words used are promiscuous, tramp,
floozy, whore, hoe, hooch, street walker, and the list goes on and on. For men, there
arent many words to describe a man who has multiple sexual partners, and the words
that are used arent even used in a negative way. Some words for men are womanizer,
romeo, and stud, and these words are not usually used in a bad way. Rather, the words are
used to congratulate a man who has slept with many women.
The issue of slut shaming is very relevant because it messes with and ruins the
self-esteem of young girls, and even women. A women can be a virgin and will still get
judged and called these names because of what shes wearing, and most times in rape
cases or when men cat-call women, they will do so because supposedly these women are
asking for the attention because of their outfits. It should be known that women wear
these outfits for themselves, and to make themselves feel confident, and rarely to impress
members of the opposite, or even the same sex. There is also a really important issue to
discuss when talking about slut shaming, and it is that women who have labeled as a slut
by their peers have a greater chance at getting sexually assaulted. The woman will be
known as The girl who can never turn down a good time, and then men will think that
she will be into whatever they plan on doing to her, and that is not okay and not a
mentality that men should have.

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According to Leora Tanenbaum of the Boston Globe, I noticed that the slut is
repeatedly described as someone guilty of the crime of agency. She is believed to have
actively done something to provoke her reputation through her clothing, behavior, or
attitude (Tanenbaum). Girls are supposed to be sexy but in a way that does not attract
much attention, in a more casual and natural way. A woman who has coined the name
slut, she is more obvious with her self-confidence, and dress in a more assertive and
evident way.
In an article titled, Slut Shaming Undermines Women by the Boston Globe. Leora
Tanenbaum tells a story about a college freshman named Jamie. Jamie was very open
about her sexual activity. One day, her resident assistant put a tag on Jamies door that
was labeled slut. Her RA thought it would be a funny joke because Jamie is really open
about her sexual action. Jamie took down the door tag, but her RA mercilessly put it back
up on her door. A few days later, a boy walked into Jamies room, shoved her on the bed,
and raped her. Jamie believes that it is because her reputation (Tanenbaum).
Moving on from women in todays society, there are many different views when it
comes down to women and their roles in religion. In the Christian religion, Virgin Mary,
the mother of Jesus Christ is the most popular female figure and women are definitely
important figures in the Bible. Within the Christian religion, women are usually placed in
secondary roles within the religion and marriage itself. Its been promoted especially in
Western European cultures that women are meant to take on a more submissive role
within religion and focus on their families more. However, in the Protestant church,
within the last 50 or so years it has become more common for women to take on bigger
roles within the Church (Women). As for the Catholic church, its not allowed for women

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to take on roles within the church and the debate for womens rights within the Catholic
church has become a really talked about topic for the past several years.
As for the religion of Islam, women are unable to become an imam, or Islamic
religious leader of the mosque. In general, there is a very negative connotation with
women an their treatment in Islamic culture. This has been debated that the Taliban
heavily influenced the negative insight of women within this religion. Muslim women are
encouraged to wear hijabs, however it does not say directly anywhere in the Quran that
women must wear them. With women having to wear hijabs and not being able to go to
school can easily be seen as oppressive (Women). Women are encouraged to dress
modestly at all times so women do not get seen in a sexual nature and men and women
are separated in times of worship. Of course there are many differences in the Islamic
religion regarding the roles of men and women, and when it comes down to people who
are ignorant and do not understand the Islamic religion, they often describe the religion to
be very oppressive.
Judaism views women as separate, but equal. Womens duties are different than
what a mans role might be and although different, they are just as equally important. In
Judaism, unlike Christianity, God is not purely masculine. In the Jewish religion, God has
never been viewed as strictly masculine. God in Jewish religion is seen as masculine and
feminine (Rich). When talking about God, God has no body, no genitalia, and so it would
foolish to associate God with a certain gender.
In ancient India women are looked at as inferior to men. When young, women
were under the control of their parents. When they were middle aged, they were under the
control of their husbands, and when they are old, they are under the control of their

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husbands. In conclusion to this, women did not have any freedom. Women were
supposed to take care of household work, and thats all. Education was not a priority of
women because it was seen that women were not deserving. They were also considered
the burden of the family, because the men always had to look out for them (Buddhism).
However, for the Buddhist religion, women and men are seen in the same light. Within
families, men and women are supposed to have an equal share of responsibility in the
household. Women are supposed to be able to look at their husband as a friend or
As for women in India today, although women do have the opportunity now to get
an education, have the right to freedom and freedom of speech, they still are not seen in
the same light of day as men. However, many Indian women writers have emerged since
ancient times, and their education was greatly elevated (Status).
Without a doubt, the rise in feminism in the 20th century has encouraged women
to become more relevant in the world of religion. Even though some religions do not
allow women to have as much of a primary role, it definitely has gotten better over the
past few years.
Its important to realize that although there are laws for equality, there are no laws
for respect. The discrimination of women is a hard thing to fix and easy to overlook. The
easiest path to equality between the two genders is to discriminate on both parties. Even
though there are many organizations that are looking for the fair treatment of women and
their goal is to try and tell people to change their ways, which is a difficult and not
guaranteed to change way of looking at the issue. Most people would probably agree that

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if we discriminated on both parties, then there would be an equal treatment. If men were
sexualized in media as much as women, then that would be a form of equality.
A constant debate is whether or not women should be allowed to have abortions.
Before we even discuss abortion, its important to keep in mind keeping ones body harm
free, private, and healthy. Without all three things under control, all other factors and laws
are irrelevant (Mathewes-Green). For women who strongly believe in keeping their
bodies safe and healthy, are the women who usually believe in abortion.
Its important to remember that not all times women when they get pregnant are
pregnant by choice, especially in certain circumstances such as rape. A woman might not
want to keep her baby if that baby was conceived by a rapist because there will always be
reoccurring thoughts that the baby came from an unwanted man, and that can bring on
trauma to the mother. According to a study conducted by David Lisak and Paul M. Miller,
there is a 50% chance that women will develop post traumatic stress disorder after rape
(Lisak). According to the same study, and RAINN statistics, men who rape have been
taught at a young age that they have their own sexual entitlement. At the core of rape
culture, the concepts of men unable to help themselves, women should always be ready
for it and know how to be protected against it, and that the idea of rape is unavoidable is
what is taught amongst adolescents. However this does not seem negative, this is the start
of the problem when it comes to women and men getting raped. Telling a male that they
should be entitled to masculinity is what is driving men to do such actions. Telling a
woman that should always be prepared for whatever comes is convincing them that all
men are rapists and should always watch their backs. This just convinces women that all
men in the world are sexual animals and contributes to the problem.

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Now, a question that a person might ask is How do we know who the rapists
are? Of course men and women will not just come out and say that they are rapists and
have preformed the action of rape before in their life. In spite of this, if a person were to
take a survey and asked the audience if they have ever had sex with a person that was
under the influence of alcohol or other drugs and they were unable to say yes to sexual
intercourse, there would be a lot more people saying yes as long as the R word is not
involved (Lisak).
Women are the leaders of their own body, and if they get pregnant, they should be
able to abort the baby by their own choice. No one should ever tell a woman what she can
and cannot do with her body because the ones telling her to keep the child do not have the
child inside them.
Of course there are instances where religion is the main reason why people are so
biased on their decision of pro life or believe in abortion. For the religion of Islam, it is
taught that life begins as early as conception. From that moment on, the child is entitled
to protection and life, so by any means abortion is completely prohibited (Religious). In
the Al Quran, "Do not kill or take a human life which God has declared to be sacred"
(Chapter 6, verse 151). As for the same as the Torah in Jewish culture it bans the taking
of life and that humans are made in the image of God (Religious). In the words of
Maimonides, a 12th century interpreter of Jewish law, "A descendent of Noah who kills
any human being, even a foetus in its mother's womb, is to be put to death" (Religious).
On the opposite side of the spectrum given this particular topic, Buddhism does not ban
abortion as do most other religions. The Dalai Lama has spoken in public his views on
religion under special circumstances. He said, "Of course, abortion, from a Buddhist

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viewpoint, is an act of killing and is negative, generally speaking. But it depends on the
circumstances. If the unborn child will be retarded or if the birth will create serious
problems for the parent, these are cases where there can be an exception." (Erricker 119).
As for Hinduism, scriptures refer to abortion as garha-batta, which translates to womb
killing. Its explained in the Atharva Veda that those who abort their children are the
greatest of all sinners (Religious). According to words of Ghandi, It seems to me clear as
daylight that abortion would be a crime (Mahatma). Ever since Early Christian tradition,
life has always been valued, even unborn life. The Bible refers to unborn babies as
children, and according to Psalm 139,
For you created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother's womb. I
praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are
wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was
made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,
your eyes saw my unformed body.
As for those who are unreligious, atheists and agnostics, most of them view abortion as a
violation of human rights (Religious). Atheists believe in justice, against murder and
violence, and death penalty and war.
These opinions are what are stated in religious texts, however there are still many
people that practice the religions that were just discussed and have very opposing views
on the topic of abortion. Just because a person practices a certain religion, that does not
mean that they will follow every sacred text. People are entitled to their own opinion,
despite their religious views.

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It has been said that women who practice different religions do not get the same
rights as men, which has lead them to separate themselves from the Church. Not only
does this apply to Christianity, but other religions as well. Women are known to be
oppressed by the religion they are caught up in, which makes for many women to become
unfaithful to their religious origins. Its set up by men, ran by men, and their patriarchal
world. No matter what the name is of the god a person is worshipping, no doubt hes a he.
Within any society that worships a certain religion, women are the ones who ultimately
pay the price. With women being treated unfairly based on religion, its the reason for
women who are unable to obtain proper educations. Based on religion, its the reason
why thousands of women die every year because they do not have the proper care for
abortions. Based on religion, its the reason why AIDS still has a constant spread across
Africa. In the name of religion, women are dominated and unable to express themselves
freely and have their own individuality taken from them (Elliot).
Even though Religion has a bad rep, there are still some people, women included
that stand up for what they believe in. Some might even say that Christian women are
seen in a positive light. In the Bible, while Mary is pregnant with Jesus, she sings a
revolutionary song that depicts the abolishing of social inequality (Armstrong). For the
religion of Islam, it was said in the Quran that women had legal rights of inheritance and
divorce, which was something that women across the globe were not allowed to practice
up until the nineteenth century. It was also said that women and men have the same duties
and responsibilities for God (Armstrong).

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Although there are many who say that religion bashes on women and make them
out to be weak and submissive, there are still some that believe that religion allows for
equal rights between the two sexes.
In the United States, not all jobs that women have offer paid maternity leave. In
an article by Claire Suddath in Bloomberg Business, Letitia Camire found out she was
pregnant one week into her new job. She knew it was important to tell her boss right
away, and not hold on him any longer. She walked into the office, closed the door, and
told her boss. In the words of Letitia Camire, His face immediately changed, she says.
The first words out of his mouth were, You know youre still on your 90-day probation
period. So I pretty much knew what that meant. A few days after she told her boss, she
was let go from her job. The company made up an excuse and said it was a reorganization
decision, but that was not very likely. Right after she delivered news, her boss let her go
so she did not buy that excuse for a minute. In the 1978 Pregnancy Discrimination Act, it
says that you cannot discriminate or fire a woman just because she is pregnant, but she
knew that if she filed a lawsuit, discrimination is hard to prove (Suddath).
What happened to Letitia is not uncommon at all. There is a law that grants up to
12 weeks of maternity leave called the Family and Medical Leave Act. However, this law
only applies if woman works at a firm with 50 or more employers. According to the
Bureau Labor of Statistics, only 12 percent of Americans have excess of paid leave
For some countries in Europe, it is normal for mothers to have paid maternity
leave, and even in some countries there is paid paternity leave as well. For example, the

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United Kingdom offers 280 days of maternity and paternity leave, and they get 90% of
their pay on leave (Hall).
In media, there are certain words that are not allowed to be published in certain
magazines and books or said in certain television shows or movies. For example, if a
television show is rated TV14 the producers are not allowed to use words like fuck or
other derogatory terms because the show is suitable for children 14 years and younger of
age. Then there are words such as penis and vagina that seem to be on completely
opposite parts of the spectrum, even though they are both genitalia (Noveck). Womens
body parts are over sexualized in media, which is why people seem to feel more
uncomfortable when they hear the word vagina being used which is not as likely when
hearing the word penis. Vagina is not a bad word. Penis is not a bad word. They are both
the same, so why does society make one seem a lot more provocative than the other?
When hearing the word vagina, some people might giggle. Some people might get
squeamish. Its come to the point where people use euphemisms for the word to make
others feel more comfortable. This ends up making women feel shy about their body
parts, when they should not at all. According to the words of Judy Gold, "I mean, you can
say `penis,'" says Gold. "You can say `erection,' `erectile dysfunction,' even `vaginal
probe.' But `vagina'? Suddenly it's a dirty word. And it's the correct anatomical term"
(Noveck). If penis is an okay word to use, why is the female counterpart so
inappropriate? Its because society made it that way.
The Parents Television Council even acknowledges the difficulty using
anatomical words in media. Melissa Henson, the PTCs director of communications
discusses, I've got a toddler, and when you read potty-training books, they discourage

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the use of euphemisms for body parts (Noveck). However, what is troubling to the PTC
is the use of this language in the context of cheap sex jokes. It's dumbed-down humor
that's in no way respectful of the audience" (Noveck). Even from a young age, it should
be taught to children that there is no shame in their body parts and they should be free to
use these terms without any discomfort.
There was a news report that happened in Chicago on the WGN Morning News
reported by anchor Robin Baumgarten. She had to report on lab grown vaginas, and she
mentioned while on air that it was a difficult story for her to read. She said she felt weird
saying the word vagina out loud, especially on television (Bellware). This is exactly the
problem. If people began to feel more comfortable saying these words, it would not be a
problem. Especially since it that is the regular anatomical term for it. People need to
know that there is no shame in referring to their own or other peoples body parts. It
should not make people feel uncomfortable talking about basic anatomy terms and it is
nothing to be ashamed of. With people feeling uncomfortable about saying the word
vagina out loud, it makes for women to be ashamed of their own bodies, especially
since people think the word is dirty.
Why is it that when you look at old paintings, like from the Renaissance time for
instance that its perfectly okay that there are naked women and men, but in todays
society its deemed inappropriate to turn on the television and see a woman or man
naked? Sure, there are still nude paintings and photography, but its not as widely
accepted and presented in society as it was back then. There has definitely been a cultural
change over the past hundreds of years and somehow during that time, it has become
unsuitable to see people in the nude?

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Women have been way overly sexualized in media. Most of the time you see ads
on television for something that has absolutely nothing to do with a naked woman, but
somehow she is incorporated anyways. There was an ad that appeared on television in the
United Kingdom, and this ad was for the worlds thinnest phone. The television ad was
for a smartphone, and ended up getting banned for objectifying women. When presented
with this information a reader might think, How could this ad be banned? This ad was
for the Kazam Tornado 348, which presents a young woman in her underwear getting
dressed for the day. The woman pulls up her jeans, and irons her shirt. While doing these
tasks, she discovers a smartphone in her pocket. The ASA ruled that the ad focused too
much on the woman in lingerie, her breasts, her buttocks and lips (Vincent). Women in
the media have been sexualized since anyone can remember. Women appear in ads for
liquor and dirty magazines such as Playboy and Sports Illustrated, whereas you definitely
do not see men as much in these scenarios.
Popular pop artist Beyonc wrote a song called Flawless, which features writer
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. There is a cut in the song where her writing is brought to
life and the words she shares are extremely accurate and relevant in this day and age. In
some of the first few lines, Adichie shares "You can have ambition, but not too much.
You should aim to be successful, but not too successful otherwise you will threaten the
man." These lines are very relevant because in todays society, women are supposed are
not supposed to be dependent on a man, however can not be more successful than him.
Women are allowed to do what they please, as long as it does not interfere with what a
man is doing. She then carries on to talk about how women are supposed to aspire to
marry, and that should be their main priority, when men definitely are not raised in the

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same way. The last few lines are a personal favorite, because she shares that a feminist is
a person who believes in equality regarding social, political, and economics of the sexes.
This is important because many people when talking about feminism will say that its all
about women. However it is about equality of women, its about the equality about both
of the sexes.
Many people, women included will be reluctant to call themselves a feminist
because they think that its a word that is accompanied by a negative connotation. Ellen
Page, most known from the movie Juno speaks out about this issue,
I dont get why people are so reluctant to say theyre feminists. Could it be any
more obvious we live in a patriarchal world when feminism is a bad word?
When people are afraid to use the word feminist, it just continues to prove that we still
live in a society governed by men. Being a feminist does not mean that you hate men, or
that you think women should take over all power and men should be weak and not have a
say in anything. Its important to realize that feminism is equality between both sexes.
Women can be feminists. Men can be feminists. Anyone can be a feminist if they believe
in equality.
Women and Religion becomes really interesting when talking about Paganism.
People who follow the Wicca religion are not governed by a set of written down rules like
the Bible for instance, but rather if you were to ask a group of people what they think
constitutes their religion of Wicca, you would get a bunch of different answers. A Wiccan
is free to choose who they want to worship, whether it be Isis, Apollo, Athena, or Herne.
Wiccans recognizes the Divine, which means that that could be either a female or male.

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Wiccans also do not believe in women being inferior to men, and do not believe in the
vices of nudity and sex (Wigington).
It is pretty obvious to see how unfair women are treated in society, a problem that
may be easily overlooked by some. Its important to remember that this is an ongoing
issue, and it has a significant impact on society. The way women are treated in society is
unacceptable, shameful, degrading and easily overlooked. This is not a patriarchal world
anymore. This is a world where people should be treated equally.
There is nothing wrong in calling yourself a feminist, man or women. A feminist
is a person who believes in equal civil rights between both genders, on the grounds of
political, economic, and social platforms. Feminism has been called the womens
movement on many occasions, but it should not be. Feminism is a movement that calls
for equality no matter the gender. The Civil Movement. Now thats more like it.

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Annotated Bibliography
Armstrong, Karen. Religion Gets a Bad Rep on Women. But Theres More to the Story.
On Faith, 26 Mar. 2014. Web. 29 Apr. 2015.
Bellware, Kim. New Anchor Caught Off Guard By Lab Grown Vaginas:That Was A
Tough Story For Me To Read. The Huffington Post, 11 Apr. 2014. Web. 29 Apr.
Buddhism and Women. Buddhist Studies: Buddha Dharma Education Association &
BuddhaNet, 2008. Web. 29 March 2015.
Elliot, Cath. Im Not Praying. The Guardian, 19 Aug. 2008. Web. 29 Apr. 2015.
FAQ: What is sexual objectification? Finally, A Feminism 101 Blog, 23 March 2007.
Web. 29 March 2015.
Gender Inequality and Women in the Workplace. Harvard Summer School, 2014. Web.
29 March 2015.
Gerami, Shahin. Women and Fundamentalism. New York: Garland, 1996. Print.
Greenspan, Frederick E., ed. Women and Judaism. New York: New York University
Press, 2009. Print.
Hall, Katy, Chris Spurlock. Paid Parental Leave: U.S vs. The World (INFOGRAPHIC).
Huffington Post, 21 Feb. 2013. Web. 5 Apr. 2015.
Liew, Tat-siong Benny. "On Asian/Asian North American Scholarship And Feminism In
Religion: Twenty-Eight Years Later." Journal Of Feminist Studies In Religion
(Indiana University Press) 31.1 (2015): 126-131. Academic Search Complete.
Web. 6 May 2015.
Lisak, David, Paul M. Miller, Violence and Victims: Repeat Rape and Multiple Offending
Amongst Undetected Rapists. Vol. 17. 2002. Web.
Lokare, Pushpa Omprakash, Vinod Deorao Karanjekar, and Ajay Keshav Jawarkar.
"Determinants Of Gender Preference And Its Association With Reproductive
Behaviour Among Pregnant Women." Indian Journal Of Community Health 26.3
(2014): 268-272. Academic Search Complete. Web. 6 May 2015.
Mahatma Gandhis Views on Abortion. Why Pro Life? Nd. Web. 29 Apr. 2015.

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Mathewes-Green, Federica. Abortion: Womens Rightsand Wrongs. Feminists for Life,
23 Jul. 1991. Web. 5 Apr. 2015.
Meltzer, Marisa. Who is a Feminist Now? The New York Times, 21 May 2014. Web. 19
Apr. 2015.
Millar, Thomas. Meet The Predators. Yes Means Yes, Wordpress.com, 12 Nov 2009.
Web. 29 Apr. 2015.
Noveck, Jocelyn. The V-Word: Why has Vagina Retained Its Shock Value? Huffington
Post, 25 Aug. 2012. Web. 5 Apr. 2015.
Religious views on abortion. Society for the Protection of Unborn Children, 2015. Web. 5
Apr. 2015.
Rich, Tracey R. The Role of Women. Judaism 101, 2011. Web. 29 March 2015.
Status of Women in India. Women Empowerment India, 2013. Web. 29 Apr. 2015.
Suddath, Claire. Can the U.S. Ever Fix Its Messed-Up Maternity Leave System? Why
maternity leave policies still fail women and children. Bloomberg Business, 27
Jan. 2015. Web. 5 Apr. 2015.
Tanenbaum, Leora. Slut Shaming Undermines Women. The Boston Globe, 20 Feb. 2015.
Web. 1 Apr. 2015.
Vincent, James. UK Ad for worlds thinnest phone banned for objectifying women. The
Verge. 25 Feb. 2015. Web. 5 Apr. 2015.
Wigington, Patti. Basic Principles and Concepts of Wicca. About Religion, 2015. Web.
19 Apr. 2015.
Women in Religion. Womens Library UK, 9 November 2009. Web. 29 March 2015.

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