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Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Ministry of People's Power for Education

Barquisimeto estado lara



Edgar Gutierrez 20.015.013

Jonathan angulo
Electronic 2do semestre
A capacitor or capacitor is a device consisting of two conductors or trusses, generally in the form of
plates or sheets, separated by a dielectric material that subject to a potential difference acquire a
certain electric charge. This property charge storage capacity is called, and in the international
system of units is measured in Farads (F), being a farad capacitor capacity which, under their armor
to a potential difference of 1 volt These acquire an electric charge of 1 coulomb

The value of the capacity is defined by the following formula:

C = Capacity
Q = electric charge
V = Potential Difference
On the constructive side, both the form of plates or armor as the nature of dielectric material is
highly variable. So we capacitors formed by plates, usually aluminum, separated simply by air,
ceramic, mica, polyester, paper or even by a layer of aluminum oxide obtained through electrolysis.

The symbol of the capacitor is:

The capacity depends on the physical characteristics of the capacitor:

- If the area of the plates that face each other increases the capacity is large
- If the plate separation increases, decreases the ability
- The type of dielectric material is applied between the plates also affects the ability
- Increasing the applied voltage increases the charge stored

Dielectric or insulating

A dielectric or insulator is a material that prevents the passage of current, and its function is to
increase the capacitance.

The different materials used as dielectric permittivity has different degrees (different capacities for
the establishment of an electric field
Material relative permittivity (ER)
empty 1
air 1,0059
polyethylene 2,5
china 5….6
mica 7
tantalum pentoxide 26
ceramic 10 a 50000

The higher the permittivity, the greater the capacitance of the capacitor. The capacitance of
a capacitor is given by the formula: C = Er x A / d

- C = capacity
- Er = permittivity
- A = area between plates
- D = plate separation

The unit of measurement is the farad. There submultiples as Millifarad (mF), microfarad (uF), the
Nanofarad (nF) and pF (pF)

The main electrical characteristics of a condenser capacity or capacitance and maximum voltage
between the plates (maximum voltage that is capable of withstanding without damage).

Capacitor characteristics such as capacity, operating voltage,

tolerance and polarity, which we must learn to distinguish

• Capacity: It is measured in Farads (F), although this unit is so great that they are
often used several of the sub-multiples, such as microfarads (uF = 10-6 F) Nanofarad (nF = 10-9 F)
and picofarads ( pF = 10-12 F).

• Operating voltage: The maximum voltage that can withstand a capacitor, which depends on the
type and Gros dielectric that is manufactured. Exceeding this voltage, the capacitor can be drilled
(being shorted) and / or explode. In this respect, we must be careful when choosing a capacitor, so
you never work at a voltage exceeding the maximum.

• Tolerance: As with the resistance, refers to the maximum error that can exist between the actual
capacity of the condenser and the capacity indicated on your body.

• Polarity: electrolytic capacitors and in general the capacity above 1 uF have polarity, that is, that
they should apply the pressure to pay attention to their positive and negative terminals.Unlike lower
than 1μF, the voltage can be applied in any direction, those with polarity may explode if it's

Capacitors in series
Capacitors connected one after the other, are connected in series.
These capacitors can be replaced by a únicocapacitor that it will be worth the equivalent of which
are connected in series.

To get the value of this single capacitor equivalent formula is used:

1/CT = 1/C1 1/C2 1/C3 1/C4

But you can easily make a calculation for any number of capacitors to be connected in series using
the following formula:
1/CT = 1/C1 1/C2 .... 1/CN

where: N is the number decapacitores that are connected in series. In the graph there are 4
capacitors in series.

This operation is similar to the process of bringing resistorequivalente a group of resistors in parallel
Capacitors in parallel
From the graph you can see if you connect 4 capacitors in parallel (the terminals on each side of
the elements are connected to the same point). To find the equivalent capacitor using the formula:
CT = C1 C2 C3 C4

One can easily make a calculation for any number decapacitores using the following formula:
CT = C1 +C2 ..... CN

where N is the number of capacitors.

As shown, to obtain the equivalent capacitors capacitors in parallel, just enough to add them.
This operation is similar to the process of taking the equivalent resistor of a group of resistors in

Dielectric types used in condensers

Air condensers. These capacitors, usually parallel plates with air dielectric and encased in
glass. As the relative electric permittivity is unity, only allows very small capacitance values.Was
used in radio and radar, as they lack and loss in the dielectric polarization, working well at high

Mica capacitors. The mica has several properties that make it suitable for dielectric capacitors: low
loss, peeling in thin slices, withstands high temperatures and is not degraded by oxidation or
moisture. On one side of the mica plate aluminum is deposited, forming a truss. They pile more of
these plates, welding the ends alternately to each of the terminals. These capacitors work well at
high frequencies and withstand high voltages, but are expensive and are gradually replaced by
other types.

Paper capacitors. The waxed paper dielectric, bakelizado or subjected to any other treatment that
reduces isolation and increases hygroscopic. Two tapes are stacked paper, an aluminum, two other
paper and aluminum and rolled in a spiral. aluminum tapes are the two frames, that connect to two
separate terminals. It uses two paper strips to prevent the pores that may occur.ç

Self-healing capacitors: Paper capacitors have applications in industrial environments. Self-

healing capacitors are capacitors of paper, but the armor is made by depositing aluminum on
paper. Faced with an overload that exceeds the dielectric strength of dielectric, the paper tears at
some point, producing a short circuit between the plates, but this short causes a high current
density by armor in the area of rupture. This current melts the thin layer of aluminum around the
short, restoring the insulation between the plates.

Dielectric electrolyte: The dielectric is an electrolytic solution that Cuba occupies an

electrolyte.With proper tension, the electrolyte deposits a very thin insulating layer on Cuba to act
as a truss and the electrolyte as the other. Get very high capacities, but have a particular polarity
and therefore are not suitable for operation on AC power. Reverse bias destroys the oxide,
producing a current in the electrolyte temperature increases, which may ignite or explode the
capacitor. There are several types:

Aluminum capacitor: Is the standard rate. Cuba is the aluminum and the electrolyte a solution of
boric acid. It works well at low frequencies, but has large losses at mid and high frequencies.It is
used in power supplies and audio equipment.
Widely used in switching power supplies.

Tantalum capacitors (tantalum): It is another electrolytic capacitor, but uses aluminum instead of
tantalum. Get current low losses, much less than aluminum capacitors. They tend to have better
relationship capacity / volume, but burn in case of inversely polarized.

AC capacitors: It consists of two electrolytic capacitors in series, with their positive terminals

Polyester or Mylar capacitors: It consists of polyester thin films deposited on aluminum, which
form the armor. These sheets are stacked and connected by the ends. Similarly, there are also
polycarbonate and polypropylene capacitors. This type of capacitor that are relatively cheaper.

STYROFLEX capacitors: Another type of plastic capacitors, much used in radio, respond well at
high frequencies and be one of the first types of plastic capacitor.

Ceramic capacitors: Ceramics of various types used to form the dielectric. There are types consist
of a single layer of dielectric, but there are also composed of stacked plates. Depending on the
type, operate at different frequencies, reaching even the microwave.

Synchronous condensers: There is a capacitor, but a synchronous motor that behaves like a

Dielectric variable. This type of capacitor has a moving armature that rotates around one axis,
allowing you to enter more or less inside the other. The profile of the armor is normally such that the
capacitance change is proportional to the logarithm of the angle which rotates the shaft.

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