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201C Script

Corrosion Prevention and


201C Ch1 Introduction to Corrosion Control

Section 1: Introduction
I n t r o d u c t i on
Welcome to the Corrosion 201-C course, which provides details on preventing and
mitigating corrosion of systems, equipment, and infrastructure.
Since the impact of corrosion is particularly devastating to the Department of
Defense, this course focuses on the prevention and treatment of corrosion of
weapon systems, support equipment, and the associated infrastructure. Enjoy the
course. Remember, you can refer to the glossary at any time.

Cor r o si on Re v i e w
Remember, corrosion is defined as the deterioration of a material or its
properties as it reacts with the environment. Remember also, that the rate at
which corrosion attacks a material is directly proportional to the corrosivity of
the environment, to which the material is exposed, and is inversely proportional
to the corrosion resistance of the material being exposed.

Of course, the ideal solution is to prevent corrosion but corrosion can also be
managed. You can manage corrosion if you understand causes and effects and
implement effective decision-making.
The content of Course 201-C is directed at both of these conditions and addresses
corrosion mitigation.

Cor r o si on Ce l l Re v i e w
A corrosion cell, which consists of: an
anode, a cathode, an ionic current path in an
electrolyte, and an electronic path in a
conductor between the anode and cathode must
be present for corrosion to occur. As shown
in the corrosion cell animation, removing any
one of these 4 elements stops corrosion.

Cor r o si on M an ag e r s
Corrosion managers are decision makers at every management level who have a stake
in and responsibility for preventing and controlling the onset of corrosion,
mitigating the destructive effects of corrosion, assessing the impact of
corrosion technology alternatives and associated trade-offs, and implementing
effective management tools and controls to achieve corrosion prevention and
control objectives.

Corr osi on M anag ers: Consi derati ons

Corrosion managers need to consider:
1. The importance of corrosion prevention and control;
2. Those systems, products, or facilities that need to be protected and how to
provide that protection;
3. The types of vulnerable materials and to what environments they are exposed;
4. The risk associated with potential corrosion and the methods for managing that
risk; and
5. The development and application of strategic and operational plans for
corrosion prevention and control.

Cor r o si on D e ci si on P oi n t s
Corrosion managers need to: Understand the nature and impact of corrosion and
insist on and perform adequate planning for corrosion prevention and control.
Oversee or perform legitimate corrosion affordability acquisition and support trade-offs
between cost, performance and availability before committing to initial designs or

design changes,







If corrosion managers dont make effective decisions:

Critical research and development in corrosion technology, product design,
materials selection, manufacturing processes, and maintenance methods will be
Up-front investment in corrosion prevention will not be implemented, thus denying
leverage of significant downstream life-cycle savings in corrosion maintenance
Systems, equipment, and facilities will continue to suffer from reduced
performance capability, lower availability rates, and increased vulnerability to

201C Ch.1: Introduction to Corrosion Control

Section 3: Corrosion Design
Cor r o si on D e si g n : R i sk s
It is critical to consider corrosion risks early in the design of systems, equipment or
facilities, to balance the performance aspects of the design with the corrosion

prevention aspects of the design, also, to balance the downstream corrosion

maintenance approach with the availability requirements of the end product, and
to minimize product total life cycle costs by trading off up-front corrosion
maintenance costs.

Cor r o si on D e si g n : P o or P l a n n i n g
This montage shows the result of poor design for both up-front corrosion
prevention and downstream corrosion maintenance on:
military ground vehicles, munitions in storage and inventory, and equipment in
harsh marine environments, etc.

Cor r o si on D e si g n : S y st e ms E n g i n e e r i n g
The most cost-effective design approach is to design corrosion resistance into a
system, a piece of equipment, or a facility.

This should be part of the systems engineering process. Design approach is

similar to other risk-related activities such as survivability, manufacturing,
and reliability.
The corrosion engineer needs to identify risks during the earliest conceptual
stages and develops designs, strategies and mitigation practices to address
corrosion and prolong the life of the product.
The corrosion engineer must have access and be involved with the early stages.

201C Ch.1: Introduction to Corrosion Control

Section 3: Corrosion Design
Cor r o si on D e si g n : P e r f or ma n c e Re qu i r e m e n t s
Make corrosion control a performance requirement based on, mission objectives and
system performance requirements such as required materials properties which

Physical properties such as shape and size; mechanical properties such as

strength and durability; electrical properties based on function and thermal
properties based on environment.
An additional performance requirement is the corrosion risk affecting the
mission. Finally, approaches to preventing and/or mitigating corrosion risk must
be considered when establishing system performance requirements.

Cor r o si on D e si g n : E c on o mi c s
Use economic analysis early in the design phase to support risk prevention and
mitigation approach as shown in these two diagrams.

201C Ch.1: Introduction to Corrosion Control

Section 3: Corrosion Design
A typical bathtub curve shows product-operating costs over time. It shows the
Infant mortality period in which early failure costs decrease as performance
stabilizes as well as Normal life period with somewhat constant failure costs
and finally the End-of-life period in which failure costs increase as product
wears out.
Maintenance costs can be reduced during the normal life period by effective
corrosion mitigation and control planning.
Corrosion mitigation can have a significant effect on the product life. Some
small investment late in normal life may even extend the useful life.

Corr osi on D esi gn: E arly Consid eration

Another reason for considering corrosion control at the early design stages is
shown here.

Acquisition program managers tend to consider performance risks almost

exclusively early in the design phase, at the expense of support risks. The cost
to resolve an acquisition design problem goes up by an order of magnitude each
time you proceed to the next acquisition phase.
Increasing up-front investment to address corrosion risks early in the
acquisition cycle will reduce high downstream costs to resolve the issues and
reduce mitigation costs during system, equipment or facility operation.

201C Ch.1: Introduction to Corrosion Control

Section 3: Corrosion Design
The bottom line is up-front investment in corrosion prevention and mitigation
leverages large downstream savings in design and operational costs.

Cor r o si on D e si g n : E n t i r e S y s t e m
Taking a systems approach to design for corrosion prevention and mitigation means
analyzing the corrosion risks within the entire system and examining the
interfaces between system components.
It is important to define how each component affects the potential for corrosion
in other components and to determine how electrochemical corrosion cells can form
and assess the potential impact of corrosion on the reliability, availability and
overall performance of the entire system.

Cor r o si on D e si g n : D e si g n S y st e m s
Some corrosion design shortfalls and pitfalls that might be experienced during
the design phase are explained here by two DoD subject matter experts.
Theres a lot of geometric features as well that you would like to design against
from a corrosion standpoint. You dont want things that are going to, you dont
want geometry features that are going to trap water or allow water to not drain
properly, because then if you have some sort of coatings defects then the
corrosion will start taking place and most of the time it's gonna be at a place
that you dont want it to occur: places that are hard to see, difficult to
inspect. From a design point, we want to make sure that we take care with the
small detailed geometric features. Those are the features that can keep water
from draining properly or moisture from draining and collecting in places that
are very difficult to see from visual inspection, which is the bulk of the
inspection procedures, and in the aircraft industry, for sure. So if we can guard
against that, essentially, not letting corrosion take a foothold like keeping the
environment out of the critical areas, thats a big step right there reducing it
completely. If you pick up from that, that says really when youre gonna go ahead
and start the design youre designing for life. So, part of the life cycle
considerations are not only: can you select materials?
can you bolt them together? Its how you gonna manage them for the lifetime so
there are some things where you're gonna have hidden and inaccessible areas and
youre gonna have to have them in that condition so part of that design is to
understand that youre not only picking the materials and youre picking their
performances in the environment but that youre also gonna consider how you're
gonna inspect those things that are hard to get to. So its not just whats the
geometry? how do they fit together? how do they react to the loads?

201C Ch.1: Introduction to Corrosion Control

Section 3: Corrosion Design
Its once thats assembled, are you ever gonna be able to get in there again or
do you wanna interrupt that structure? So youre designing to: do you wanna have
a corrosion sensor in there?
do you want the capability where you have to have non-destructive test equipment
that you can see through structure and understand when you have damage thats
occurred and understand how to manage it?
So youre designing and selecting materials in processes for the reliability and
the life sustainability of whatever it is that youre gonna put into service. And
theres a separate point when you talk about keeping the environment out or
designing for the environment. One of the things that folks dont realize often:
they go to the handbooks for the structural information, some of the data thats
available, and dont understand that that data has been produced in a very clean
environment so its fatigue crack growth data that was generated in the
laboratory, very different from the exterior environment and you need to consider
where it's going to be, for how long its gonna be, and design around those
Probably a good summary on all of that is we tend to be overly optimistic so you
anticipate a good response for selections that you believe youve chosen wisely
based on what you know.
We tend to put really perfect systems on the test and dont account for the
variability that you actually see when you have something that has been
manufactured out there on a manufacturing floor with standard handling. And so
the failure to put on test components that have seen at least some exemplar of
damage so scrubbing and scratching them, flexing them, creating some of the
mechanical damage that you know is going to have to happen or will occur in
service, and testing pristine structures instead of those that have at least have
a form of realistic damage, is a pitfall, and what happens is you get a test
result that gives you really an unwarranted warm feeling about how your design is
going to behave when its in service and thats just its disingenuous; that
leads us to poor results in the field.

Cor r o si on D e si g n : D e si g n S y st e m s
If youre gonna design a system for corrosion control, one of probably the most
important things for a design engineer to do is kind of step back and recognize
that every decision that hes gonna make involves a number of trades and so it
requires the expertise of a number of folks with different backgrounds so you
probably need someone that understands materials, materials properties. Probably
one of the most helpful things Ive ever heard that would probably kick off a
design engineer, moving forward when youre talking about corrosion prevention
and control is to understand that a material its a dance with what you come
with so it brings all of its properties and all of its susceptibilities to the
design and you have to treat it holistically.

201C Ch.1: Introduction to Corrosion Control

Section 3: Corrosion Design
In consistent with the systems engineering approach, the materials that the
corrosion engineer wants to have in their structure and those that the structures
folks have sometimes theyre at competing ends so if on the materials science
we're on the MNP side, the engineers are picking or selecting a certain material.
They really cant wait and finish the design to give it to you to the structures
people that need to use that material and those properties for static strength
and fatigue resistance as well so it has to be in concert every step of the way.

Cor r o si on D e si g n : D e si g n S y st e m s
Say one of the shortfalls or a pitfall that is very easy to fall into is to take
commercial experience and assume that its sufficient to cover military
experience so aircraft systems that are designed to work on a commercial
environment which is nowhere near the length of time that we're operating
military aircraft and assume that the data and some of the material selection
that would support that kind of application sufficient would be short of what we
have to have for military performance.
As we go and do maintenance again with these systems engineering approach, the
coatings that we put on the airplane are really the first line of defense. We try
to pick corrosion resistant materials as much as we can but when it comes to
coatings thats going to keep it, keep corrosion from occurring over these very
long life cycles that we had. Whoever would have thought that wed fly a KC-135
for 80 years. No one ever thought that and thats whats gonna happen. So the
coatings that were putting on there both initially and during maintenance, we
have to make sure that we take care of those so that we dont have degradation of
the coatings again not to let corrosion start. So, there are just new challenges
for the designer, keeping in mind that we have this very long life cycle now and
we have to think of the solution over the entire life cycle but if you take in an
integrated systems engineering approach where you have the materials people, the
designers, the structures, the maintainers - all cooperating and seeing how the
design evolves - this is definitely a solvable problem. Its within our means to
do it.

Cor r o si on D e si g n : C or r o si o n M a n ag e m e n t
corrosion management consists of defining
and understanding the corrosion risks and
making informed decisions regarding how
to prevent or mitigate those risks.

201C Ch.2: Materials Selection and Corrosion

Section 1: Materials Selection
Mat erial s Selecti on A pproach
This first segment covers the process of material selection that incorporates
corrosion analysis in the traditional materials selection approach. Materials
selection involves three major activities:
1. Define the requirement,
2. Select the material, including processing and production methods, and
3. Defining the corrosion management process to ensure material fitness for
operational use.

Mat erial s Selecti on: Pr ocess Consi derati ons

Materials selection is important, particularly for metals. The material selection
process should consider the following:
1. Expected corrosivity of the materials environment,
2. Resistance of the material to corrosion in all potential operating
3. Relative position of interfacing metals on the galvanic scale,
4. Cost versus savings regarding unique or expensive materials.
5. Strength and durability of material versus ability to resist corrosion and
6. Coatings and corrosion prevention compounds that can increase corrosion
resistance of specific materials.

Mat erial s Selecti on: Trade O ffs

Performing trade-offs between material alternatives is inevitable. Make the
corrosion tradeoffs knowingly, judiciously and prudently, and avoid a default
Consider the effect of a material on system performance. Consider all potential
corrosion risks associated with the materials selected in all potential operating
Consider the impact on material corrosion resistance of production methods,
including heat treatment, cold working, addition of coatings or other corrosion
prevention treatments.
Consider cost and effectiveness of corrosion maintenance alternatives during
operation: coatings, sealants, and CPCs; sensing, diagnostics and prognostics;
repair of corroded systems and replacement of corroded components.

201C Ch.2: Materials Selection and Corrosion

Section 1: Materials Selection
Mat erial s Selecti on: De fini ng the Requir ement s

You define the material requirements by: reviewing the system design and
performance specifications, determining mission requirements in terms of how and
where the mission will be accomplished, and developing corrosion design
performance specs that define all system operating environments and specific
system operation, including functions to be performed, and required and expected
system lifetime.

Mat erial s Selecti on: Sel ecti ng th e Materi al

You select materials, processes and methods by: identifying candidate materials
from the various classes of materials including metals, alloys, polymers,
ceramics, composites, or nanomaterials by its structure or composition. We must
identify materials processes to achieve desired mechanical and corrosionresistant properties by using alloying processes, forming operations, and heat
treating. Selecting fabrication and assembly processes that reduce residual
stresses and retain corrosion resistant properties, including welding and
joining, other fastening methods, and assembly involving dissimilar metals is

201C Ch.2: Materials Selection and Corrosion

Section 1: Materials Selection
Mat erial s Selecti on: De fini ng Corr osi on Requirement s
Selecting materials to prevent or control corrosion is a complex decision-making
process for the manager, designer or engineer involved.
For example, the perfect material for a corrosion resistance application might
not be acceptable because it is not compatible with operational requirements, or
the cost may be too high, and/or tradeoff analysis indicates that desired
corrosion resistance capability could reduce desired operational performance
capability. Analyses of material performance variables are complicated in regards
to mechanical, electrical and thermal properties, as well as impact of multiple
operational environments, and optimal balance of requirements, costs, and
Corrosion requirements often receive low priority, thus materials and fabrication
and assembly methods are considered later in the design process, and subsequent
changes to system design to accommodate corrosion risk reduction are more
difficult and expensive, and often less effective.

Mat erial s Selecti on: Six- St ep Pr ocess

AMMTIAC has identified a 6-step approach to incorporate corrosion analysis into
the traditional materials selection process:

201C Ch.2: Materials Selection and Corrosion

Section 1: Materials Selection

1. Screen materials based on experience cited in technical documents and

2. Conduct an environmental assessment that considers the impact of the
environment on the material to be exposed.
3. Evaluate the corrosion risks associated with a material based on the
materials potential corrosion failure modes determine what type of corrosion
to which the material is vulnerable in a particular environment.
4. Select appropriate methods to reduce and manage corrosion risks in other
words to prevent and control corrosion in these environments.
5. Assess other factors that affect the selection of the material such as cost,
availability, manufacturability, supportability, and maintainability.
And finally,
6. Select the best material and methods for corrosion prevention and control.

Mat erial s Selecti on: System an d Proce ss D esig ns

System design, materials selection and manufacturing
interrelated. None can be done in isolation.





Design and performance specifications and environmental conditions dictate the

range of affordable materials and manufacturing processes that can be considered.
Materials properties, availability and cost constrain the design both physically
and functionally, and constrain the manufacturing processes that can be used.
Manufacturing process capability, including assembly, and cost
degree to which desired material properties can be attained
specifications can be met.

constrain the
and to which

201C Ch.2: Materials Selection and Corrosion

Section 1: Materials Selection

Mat erial s Selecti on: Kn owl ed ge B ase

When selecting materials for an application, you can draw upon a significant
Knowledge Base generated from past experience. It is very likely that designers,
engineers, and other decision-makers have already addressed the requirements and
conditions that you must consider. For example, particular classes of alloys
classes are prone to specific forms of corrosion:
Carbon steel is prone to general or uniform corrosion. High strength steels are
quite susceptible to Hydrogen Embrittlement cracking.
Stainless steels are vulnerable to localized forms of corrosion such as pitting
or crevice corrosion.
Aluminum alloys can also succumb to localized forms of corrosion such as pitting,
exfoliation, or intergranular corrosion.
Nevertheless, there are some natural
environments that are compatible, like:






Aluminum alloys in non-chloride atmospheric conditions, and copper alloys in nonoxidizing environments.
On the other hand, its imperative that you avoid incompatible combinations of
materials and the environment. For example, stainless steel exposed to hot
chloride solutions is highly susceptible to corrosion.
High strength aluminum alloys exposed to marine
generate significant intergranular corrosion.





Steel in industrial and marine environments is another unnatural combination

subject to corrosion.

Mat erial s Selecti on: Envir onme nt

Since it is unlikely that you can either choose or change the operating
environment in which materials will perform, you will first need to conduct an
environmental assessment.
This means analysis of macro environments and their characteristics such as
industrial, rural and marine atmospheric environments for humidity and rainfall,
wind, temperature, and contaminants.
Also, marine, fresh, brackish, and polluted water environments for composition,
pH level, temperature, water velocity, agitation, and biological organisms.

201C Ch.2: Materials Selection and Corrosion

Section 1: Materials Selection
We need to analyze various soil environments for acidity and alkalinity (pH),
permeability, ease of penetration, conductivity, resistivity, and chemical
Another important up-front assessment is the effect of local conditions on the
microenvironment. Wet/dry cycles can be significantly more aggressive than
complete moisture immersion.
Start-up and shut-down cycles can also affect corrosion resistance of systems and
their materials. When systems are shut down, the non-operational or storage
microenvironment can be different than the operational environment, and might
initiate and accelerate corrosion. Biological microbial activity in a local
environment can change composition of the chemical solution and influence

Mat erial s Selecti on: Envir onme nt A sse ssment

This slide illustrates a logical progression of environmental assessment steps in
order to identify the corrosivity of the macro- and micro- environments.

201C Ch.2: Materials Selection and Corrosion

Section 1: Materials Selection
It identifies the main corrosivity constituents including concentration levels.
It also identifies minor constituents, such as impurities
concentration levels characterizes the ambient and work-cycle conditions
temperature, humidity, pressure, and acidity or alkalinity. It determines the
aeration level, which is the degree of oxygen concentration, identifies fluid
velocities and agitation levels, and characterizes cyclic and residual material
stresses. Extend this assessment through the expected life cycle of the system or
structure being assessed.

Mat erial s Selecti on: Risk Ex posure Ind ex

You have now established a foundation for assessing corrosion risks associated
with the use of specific materials. Corrosion risk can be defined in terms of a
risk exposure index, where exposure is a combination of probability of corrosion
occurrence, and consequence of corrosion. Risk probability and corrosion
consequence are based on evaluation of potential failure modes associated with
the materials selected, and the expected operating environment. The risk exposure
index is usually quantified by:
assigning an ordinal scale value to probability of corrosion (for example, 1
being low; 2 being moderate; 3 being high)
assigning an ordinal scale value to consequence of corrosion and multiplying the
ordinal scale values and/or depicting on a matrix as shown here.
Managers can use the risk exposure index to narrow down the choices of materials,
and to determine if risk mitigation methods are needed.

Mat erial s Selecti on: Eval uati on Meth od

201C Ch.2: Materials Selection and Corrosion

Section 1: Materials Selection
After you identified risks and level of risk exposure,
protecting the selected materials from corrosion risks by:




maintenance and monitoring, use of inhibitors, changing the potential, cathodic

protection, coatings and sealants, sheltering and dehumidification.
Re-evaluate the risk exposure associated with each potential corrosion prevention
and control method.

Mat erial s Selecti on: Su mmary

In summary, material selection decision-making needs to be performed during the
design phase; is an iterative process based on the interrelationship between
design, materials selection and manufacturing processes; must consider materials
behavior based on experience and assessment in a given environment; and must
ensure cost effective operational systems where corrosion management has been
made an integral part of the design process.

201C Ch.2: Materials Selection and Corrosion

Section 2: Corrosion Control Maintenance
M ai n t e n an ce P l a n
Ideally, we have been able to select materials and manufacturing methods that
prevent corrosion from initiating during system or facility operation. However,
this cannot always be achieved.
Thus, effective maintenance and condition monitoring capability must be planned
for and designed into the system before it is placed into operation.

Syst em and Process D e sig n

During the design and material selection stages, it is crucial that decisionmakers at all levels: first, consider and plan for corrosion maintenance
requirements and methods during early system development; Revisit those
requirements and methods throughout systems engineering and production; Next,
include requirements for preventative and other routine maintenance during system
operation; Then specify processes, equipment and facilities for major maintenance
activities such as repair, replacement and rehabilitation and finally plan for
decommissioning, recycling and disposal.

201C Ch.2: Materials Selection and Corrosion

Section 2: Corrosion Control Maintenance
Mainten ance Contr ol : Air craf t
Aircraft systems are some of the systems most vulnerable to the effects of
corrosion. Decision-makers must consider the following when planning for aircraft
corrosion control:
Selection of effective protective materials and processes during design and
manufacturing - for example, coatings need to be properly applied and maintained.
Finishing treatments during material processing must follow prescribed published
standards. Specifying operational-phase maintenance methods for retaining
corrosion protection - for example - washing and cleaning materials and
inhibitors, such as corrosion preventative compounds and lubricants.
Reviewing aircraft design configuration for accessibility to corrosion prone
areas, adequate drainage, avoidance of designs that promote formation of
corrosion cells.
Corrosion inspection requirements, such as specific inspection methods and
processes, required inspection equipment, specified inspection intervals, and
finally, corrective actions for specific deficiencies.

M ai n t e n an ce Co n t r ol : S h i p s an d S u b m ar i n e s
Ships and submarines are exposed to harsh marine environments, in which they may
be immersed periodically or for the life of the craft.
Decision-makers must consider the following when planning for ship and submarine
corrosion control: Extended periods of immersion in a highly conductive chloride
solution require selection of materials that endure such an environment and
specific methods to reduce corrosion effects, such as, impressed current cathodic
protection and sacrificial anodes.
Extended exposure of topside surfaces, internal areas, voids, and equipment to
the corrosive atmosphere require:

Coatings that are properly applied and maintained

Designs that include provisions for drainage
Plans for frequent inspections of areas vulnerable to corrosion
Periodic washing and cleaning of vulnerable areas and
Application of corrosion inhibitors in hard to access areas

Tanks, which contain solutions that are inherently corrosive or can stimulate
microbial activity require:
1. Specific, long-life coatings selected for the environmental conditions

201C Ch.2: Materials Selection and Corrosion

Section 2: Corrosion Control Maintenance
2. Periodic inspections and recoating when dictated and
3. Accessibility for inspection and recoating.

Mainten ance Contr ol : Gr ou nd Vehi cl es

The vast number and types of ground vehicles in use are subject to almost every
type of corrosive environment on earth.
Decision-makers must consider the following when planning for ground vehicle
corrosion control:
Selection of effective, protective materials and processes during design and
manufacturing which can include:
Coating systems that need to be properly selected and applied; Designs that must
prevent moisture and dust accumulation, particularly in inaccessible areas.
Designs also must avoid configurations that can initiate formation of corrosion
cells, particularly those that generate Poultice Corrosion a special form of
crevice corrosion resulting from a buildup of mud, salt and other road debris and
Manufacturing processes needed to be strictly controlled to reduce design
variances that can induce corrosion; Different environments will require a
tailored maintenance program; Periodic and as-required washing of vehicles should
be standard Periodic inspection must be planned and tailored to the environment
and type of vehicle; Protective coatings should be repaired or replaced as
dictated by inspection Corrosion preventive compounds or other corrosion
inhibitors should be applied in hard-to-access areas when appropriate.

Mainten ance Contr ol : S tru ct ures and Facili tie s

Structures and facilities such as bridges, buildings, large equipment, storage
tanks, pipelines, and processing equipment are prone to corrosion because they
are typically constructed of low to medium carbon steels and steel reinforced
concrete. Decision-makers must consider the following when planning for
structures and facilities corrosion control:
For effective performance and economy, structures and facilities require:
1. Proper application of effective coatings is often required to prevent or
resist corrosion;
2. Cathodic protection for steel and steel rebar;
3. Protective liners to protect pipelines and equipment that contain or process
corrosive fluids; and
4. Materials that are environmentally compatible;
Planned monitoring and maintenance during operational use is very important.
Inspect, repair and refurbish coatings early in the degradation process.

201C Ch.2: Materials Selection and Corrosion

Section 2: Corrosion Control Maintenance
Coatings require real-time monitoring of chemical and water spillages. They
require immediate clean up and rinsing of spillages. We must monitor, assess
effectiveness, and if necessary, adjust cathodic protection. Steel, reinforced
rebar structures require a formal monitoring and assessment program provide for
cathodic protection or chloride removal processes, if needed.

M ai n t e n an ce M an ag e me n t
When decision-makers consider corrosion maintenance strategies and requirements,
the ability to determine material condition, predict corrosion growth rates, and
determine required maintenance or repair actions depends on capabilities and
methods to monitor and inspect materials and then to interpret the results.

Corr osi on M anag ement Strat egy

Corrosion monitoring and inspection is part of a comprehensive corrosion
management strategy that identifies and monitors corrosion, and/or takes some
corrective action or preventative action. Corrosion monitoring depends on
technologies that assess the corrosivity of a system either continuously or
periodically to detect and locate defect formation, and follow defect growth.
Corrosion inspection consists of periodic checking of the system for corrosionrelated defects.

201C Ch.2: Materials Selection and Corrosion

Section 2: Corrosion Control Maintenance
Cor r o si on M on i t or i n g
Corrosion monitoring uses probes, sensors and coupons to assess the nature and
growth of a potential corrosion defect and to predict the component wear-rate and
Corrosion probes or sensors can monitor the chemical or electrochemical nature of
the environment, track corrosion damage, and indicate material corrosion rates.
Corrosion coupons are samples of the material being monitored. They are placed in
a similar environment, and used to measure corrosion rates of the material.
The reliability of these
environmental conditions.








Cor r o si on I n s p e c t i o n
There are a number of corrosion inspection methods. One of the most useful
inspection techniques is visual inspection.
Other methods include enhanced visual inspection using
magnification for observation in restricted areas like:


Liquid penetrant, Magnetic particles, Eddy Current Imaging

Automatic Ultrasonic Scanners, Radiography, and Thermography.





201C Ch.3: Environmental Effects and Mitigation

Section 1: Mitigating The Effects of Environment

Environ mental E ffect s Mitigation

This segment addresses methods to control the corrosive environment. It
describes: strategies to control the corrosion environment, the use of inhibitors
and water treatment, the chemical composition of inhibitors, various types of
inhibitors and methods of treating boiler water.

Environ mental Contr ol Strat egies

The methods described in this segment for controlling the environment are based
on applying one or more of the following strategies alone or in combination:
1. Add chemical compounds that help reduce corrosion behavior such as: chromates,
phosphates, and molybdates, which act as corrosion inhibitors and organic
compounds that feature self-forming and self-healing surface films.
2. Remove or control elements that initiate and promote corrosion such as:
aggressive compounds like chlorides in solution, compounds that promote and
sustain cathodic reactions, such as oxygen dissolved in water, heavy metals, such
as soluble iron and copper ions that cause aluminum pitting
and finally, 3. remove the moisture, which effectively eliminates the corrosion
cell environment.

Cor r o si on I n h i b i t or s
One of the primary strategies is the use of corrosion inhibitors. Inhibitors are
chemicals that are applied to the surface of a material to form a protective
film, increasing the resistance to corrosion.
For example additives in coatings, primers, sealants, surface treatments and
corrosion preventive compounds (CPCs).
Inhibitors need to be dispersed though out the operating environment to interact
with its elements and reduce its corrosivity.
For example, additives in recirculating systems such as automotive radiators,
water used to wash vehicles and equipment and boiler water to adjust pH and
remove oxygen.

Cor r o si on I n h i b i t or s T y p e s
There are several types of inhibitors that use different mechanisms to reduce the
incidence and effects of corrosion. Some include:

201C Ch.3: Environmental Effects and Mitigation

Section 1: Mitigating The Effects of Environment

Passivating inhibitors, cathodic inhibitors, organic inhibitors, precipitation

inhibitors, vapor-phase inhibitors and boiler and steam generator inhibitors.

I n h i b i t or C om p ou n d s
This table lists some inhibitor compounds, designed to neutralize components of
the corrosion cell.
In general, the mechanisms of inhibition accomplish one or more of the following:
Remove moisture and, therefore, the electrolyte; isolate the material from the
potentially corrosive environment; and stem reactions at the cathode and/or

201C Ch.3: Environmental Effects and Mitigation

Section 1: Mitigating The Effects of Environment

Passivati ng Inhibi tor s

Passivating inhibitors are referred to as anodic inhibitors because they promote
passivity of the anodes in the corrosion cell. There are two classes of
passivating inhibitors.
They are: 1. oxidizing compounds such as chromates, nitrates, and nitrites; and
2. non-oxidizing compounds such as phosphates, tungstates, and molybdates.
In both cases, a critical concentration of the inhibitor must be maintained.
There must be sufficient inhibitors in solution to treat all anodes.
If some anodes are exposed, the system is vulnerable to localized corrosion.

Cathodic Inhibi t ors

Cathodic inhibitors protect corrosion cell cathodes by blocking or slowing the
reduction reaction. This also reduces or eliminates anodic corrosion reactions.
One of the three strategies are employed:
1. Block the cathodic sites where chemicals added to the solution cause an
insoluble organic precipitate to cover the cathodes; this results in the
precipitate blocking corrosion at the cathode. Or
2. Slow the cathodic reduction reaction itself by adding cathodic poisons like
solutions of arsenic, bismuth, and antimony, which slow the reduction process of
acid ions at the cathode.
Or 3. Use oxygen scavengers to remove reducible chemicals because oxygen in the
electrolyte contributes to the current flow, and removing oxygen slows reduction
reactions at the cathode.

Organic Inhibi t ors

Organic inhibitors form films that cover the metal surface that is vulnerable to
corrosion. As shown in the illustrations, corrosion will occur at specific sites
on the metal surface.
Organic inhibitor compounds bond themselves to the surface creating a selfforming, self-healing film that can be regenerated if damaged; and displacing
water and shielding the surface from aggressive ions.

201C Ch.3: Environmental Effects and Mitigation

Section 1: Mitigating The Effects of Environment

Preci pitati on Inhi bit ors

Precipitation inhibitors are chemicals in the electrolyte that form a thick,
inorganic layer at the cathode. The layer is formed by precipitation of inorganic
compounds, such as phosphates and silicates, on the metal. These precipitates
tend to cover the entire surface of the metal.
They act as a barrier coating within the corrosive environment, and they react
specifically at the cathodes, blocking their reduction capability.
Precipitation inhibitor chemicals are also used as surface treatments
primers and topcoats to promote coating adhesion and inhibit corrosion.


Vapor -Ph ase Inhi bit or s

Vapor-phase inhibitors (VPIs), also known as volatile corrosion inhibitors (VCIs) are
molecules of combined organic and inorganic compounds that are vaporized for delivery

in the atmosphere and/or deposited as a film on vulnerable metal surfaces.

They are useful in enclosed spaces such as electronics cabinets, limited access
spaces that are subject to corrosion, packaging for electronic, photographic, or
computer equipment, and shrink-wrapped storage containers.
They are often encapsulated to release the inhibitors within packaging and/or
combined with a desiccant to absorb moisture. Theyre composed of chemical
compounds that can be metal or alloy specific.

Steam G enerator s Inhibit or s

Boilers or steam generators generate steam or heated water that circulates
through heating systems. They usually have a water pH that is neutral or slightly
although, the best operation is with mildly alkaline boiling water. However, too
much alkalinity can initiate caustic corrosion. There are three approaches to
combating boiler corrosion:
1. Add water treatment chemicals, to change the pH into a region of passivity.
2. Reduce the electrical potential to the level where cathodic protection
provides immunity to corrosion. Finally,
3. Add oxygen scavengers such as sodium sulfate or hydrazine to the boiler waters
to remove oxygen from the solution.
However, use hydrazine with extreme caution if copper condensers are part of the

201C Ch.4: Cathodic and Anodic Protection

Section 1: Cathodic Protection

Cathodic Pr otecti on
This segment describes methods for adjusting the electrical potential at the
corrosion cell electrodes to assist in corrosion control.
Cathodic Protection is a widely used electrochemical method for protecting a
structure or materials buried or immersed in soil, water, or concrete.
The objective is to reduce corrosion of the buried or
fresh water or seawater. The engineering principle
cathodic current to flow onto the metal surface to
impressed current from electrical power supplies, or
with sacrificial anodes.

submerged system often in

is to induce or force a
be protected, using either
galvanic action associated

Cathodic protection is not effective for systems in air or other environments

that resist current flow between the anode and the cathode.

Cathodic Pr otecti on S yst em

A cathodic protection system must be an electrochemical cell with the four
components shown: a cathode, an anode, an electrical path between them, and an
electrolyte connecting the anode and cathode.
This shows a steel tank buried in the soil, with general corrosion on the
unprotected steel surface. The steel surface of the tank provides the electric
path between the anodes and cathodes.
The corrosion environment is the moist soil containing the electrolyte that
conducts the ionic current. The potential difference between the anodes and
cathodes drives corrosion reactions.
Cathodic protection is provided by the anode buried near the steel tank. An
above-ground power supply is connected to the steel tank and the buried anode
with electric cables.
When power is applied, current flows from the anode, through the electrolyte in
the soil, onto the steel structure, and back through the electric cable from the
tank to the power supply.
The current forces the entire structure to be a cathode, thus eliminating the
anodes on the metal surface and removing that component of the corrosion cells on
the steel structure.

201C Ch.4: Cathodic and Anodic Protection

Section 1: Cathodic Protection

Impressed Current Cath odic Protecti on

This sketch depicts a similar impressed current cathodic protection system. In
this case, AC power is provided from commercial electric power lines.

A rectifier converts the AC power to direct current (DC), and can also control DC
current flow. The buried steel structure is a tank or pipeline vulnerable to
A group of five or six impressed current anodes are composed of high silicon cast
iron, graphite, iron oxides or other similar materials, and the current passes
through the electrolyte in the soil to the structure.
The impressed current forces the entire tank or pipeline to be a cathode, and
therefore completes the circuit back to the rectifier via an electric cable
welded to the buried structure. The absence of anodes in the buried structure
eliminates the corrosion cell.

Galvanic Cathodic Pr ot ecti on

Cathodic protection can also be provided using sacrificial anodes, which are
passive corrosion control devices. External power supplies are not used.

201C Ch.4: Cathodic and Anodic Protection

Section 1: Cathodic Protection

Current flows produced by galvanic action between materials. Remember that

current flows from the active metals in the galvanic series to the noble metals.
The noble metals are more positive, so they become cathodes. The active metals
are more negative and become anodes. We protect a more noble metal say steel
by connecting it in a corrosive environment to an active metal say zinc, which
makes the steel a cathode. The more positive the cathode, the more negative the

The anode and cathode must have electrical contact to complete an electrochemical
cell circuit that provides the desired protection. An electrolyte, such as
seawater, is also needed in the corrosion cell. The galvanic action between the
metals will cause a current to flow from the active metal anode, through the
electrolyte in the corrosive environment, to the nobler metal cathode, and back
to the anode. The reaction at the cathode prevents it from corroding. Anodes are
consumed by the galvanic action, hence the term sacrificial anodes.

201C Ch.4: Cathodic and Anodic Protection

Section 1: Cathodic Protection

They must be replaced periodically to maintain the cathodic protection, and they
cannot be coated because they will no longer be a component of the corrosion cell
formed to provide cathodic protection.

Impressed Current VS. Galvanic CP

In comparing impressed current cathodic protection systems to sacrificial anode
systems, sacrificial cathodic protection is simpler to install and operate but
must be replaced at periodic intervals. It incurs
installation, but requires a conductive environment.






Conversely, impressed current cathodic protection systems are more complex. They
require more inspection and maintenance, but low capital investment for large
systems. They have longer useful system life, but can cause unintended corrosion.

Re i n f or c e d Co n c r e t e S t e e l C or r o si on
Corrosion of steel in reinforced concrete can cause severe degradation of bridge
decks, parking garages and support columns, as shown in these photographs.
Steel rods are imbedded in concrete to strengthen the concrete. The steel rods
are normally passive under the mild alkaline condition few corrosion problems
occur in that environment.
If chloride ions from salt or marine environments permeate the concrete and reach
the steel surface, the passive film breaks down and the steel corrodes. The steel
corrosion products expand, taking up more volume than the corroded steel and

201C Ch.4: Cathodic and Anodic Protection

Section 1: Cathodic Protection

causing concrete cracking and spalling. Cathodic protection is one of the few
ways to mitigate further damage.

Concrete Cath odic Pr ot ecti on

The method for providing cathodic protection of concrete rebar is shown here. A
distributed anode consisting of expanded metal mesh is attached to the structure
frequently the mesh is covered with a concrete grout layer. A power supply is
connected to the rebar and to the metal mesh anode.
Current flows from the power supply through the anodes and through the concrete
onto the steel rebar surface, and then back to the power supply.
While this mitigates further corrosion, the process does not reverse or repair
damage that has already occurred.

ICCP S tray Curr ent

Impressed current cathodic protection depends on induced currents flowing through
the soil in direct paths from the anodes to the metal surface to be protected.
Since current will take the path of least resistance, another metal structure
near the structure to be protected can attract the impressed current. That stray
current can enter the foreign structure at holidays or exposed areas, flow along
that structure on the path of least resistance, and return through the soil to
the structure to be protected.
Where the stray current leaves the foreign structure, it goes into the
electrolyte at an anode. Severe damage in a short time can result the effect
appears as electrochemical machining.
The stray current also has a detrimental effect on the intended cathodic
protection system. Stray currents can be mitigated by bonding structures together
electrically to prevent stray current, and/or using grounding cells to drain off
the stray current.

201C Ch.4: Cathodic and Anodic Protection

Section 2: Anodic Protection

A n o d i c P r o t e ct i on T e ch n i qu e
Anodic protection techniques are only useful in limited conditions - the metal
being protected must have an accessible passive zone in which to apply anodic
currents. The objective is to shift the electrical potential of the metal surface
to the passive zone as shown on the pH diagram.
The schematic shows an example of the configuration
for anodic protection. The structure to be protected
is a steel tank filled with sulfuric acid. The power
supply is a potentiostat, which provides an electric
current to the auxiliary electrode. A reference
electrode is also attached to the power supply to
enable the potentiostat to regulate the current

Current flows from the metal structure

to the auxiliary electrode, which

Anodic Pr otecti on M etal-E nvi ronment

environments amenable to anodic protection
are quite limited. The table shown here
lists the metals and solutions that can be
anodically protected.
A major caution is also noted if the
accelerated corrosion attack.

201C Ch.5: Coatings and Other Methods of

Section 1: Coatings
Meth od s of Corr osi on Contr ol: Coati ng s
This segment addresses methods to
protective coatings. It describes:






Engineering principles regarding the use of coatings for corrosion protection;

The types of coatings, sealants and adhesives available for long-term
protection of materials;
The protective coating planning and selection process;
The modes by which coatings provide protection from corrosion; and finally,
Protective coatings degradation and failure modes.

Types of Coatin gs
Barrier coatings shield the reactive metal from
moisture and corrosive agents.

the surrounding environment,

Sacrificial coatings function as sacrificial anodes, where a more active metal

corrodes to protect the more noble metal substrate. Sealants and adhesives
provide corrosion protection by preventing moisture from penetrating enclosed
areas, and acting as a barrier between the electrolyte and the active metal
surface, as well as incorporating added inhibitors for additional protection.
Metallic coatings provide enhanced corrosion resistance by acting as a barrier or
functioning as a sacrificial anode.
Organic coatings protect the metal substrate by acting as an impermeable barrier
promoting inhibition, or providing a form of cathodic protection.
Ceramic coatings are inorganic, non-metallic coatings that act as barriers and
are added to seal the protected substrate.

Surface Treat ment Coatings

Surface treatment or surface engineering, provides metallic coatings by modifying
a materials surface to make it more corrosion resistant.
Types of surface engineering include conversion coatings and anodization, which
use chemical reaction on the metal surface to create a corrosion resistant oxide
layer or an inorganic chemical layer.
Shot peening is where round steel balls are shot against the metal surface.
Residual compressive stresses are induced to mitigate stress corrosion cracking
or corrosion fatigue.

201C Ch.5: Coatings and Other Methods of

Section 1: Coatings
Laser peening, which heats the metal surface to modify its structure, aids in
chemical modification of the surface, and induces compressive residual stresses
to increase resistance to stress corrosion cracking and corrosion fatigue.

Metalli c Coatin gs
Metallic coatings enhance corrosion resistance by providing a barrier between a
metal and its environment, or a sacrificial coating for more active metals.
Metallic coatings can be applied by: forming and bonding layers of cladding,
electroplating, spraying, hot dipping, diffusion, chemical vapor deposition, or
ion vapor deposition.

A l u mi n u m
Aluminum, which can be applied by hot dipping to protect metal from atmospheric corrosion
and oxidation at high temperatures. Spraying to provide uniform, impermeable


Ca d mi u m
Cadmium, which can be applied by several methods to protect steel in moist and
marine environments; provide a smooth, conductive coating that resists fretting
and fatigue.

Ch r o mi u m
Chromium provides a hard chromium oxide coating on the surface.
Note that certain types of chromium are environmentally incompatible and may be
restricted in their usage.

Tin is a coating that provides metal substrates with corrosion resistance either
barrier or sacrificial protection of steel and copper.

201C Ch.5: Coatings and Other Methods of

Section 1: Coatings
Z i nc
Zinc, primarily to provide sacrificial protection through galvanizing, can be
applied by hot dipping, electro deposition, spraying.

Organic Coatings
Organic coatings protect metal surfaces by providing an impermeable barrier
between the metal substrate being protected and the corrosive environment, and
provide sacrificial cathodic protection.
Types of organic coatings and their characteristics are shown in the table:
Paint a pigmented liquid, which converts to a solid, tough, adherent film after
Oil paint contains oil or varnish to cause film formation as well as alkyd,
epoxy or vinyl resins for drying and durability;
Water paint uses a water to disperse the liquid emulsion; Enamel paint with a
very smooth surface film;
Varnish a clear combination of drying oil and resin that dries by oil oxidation
to form a solid translucent film;
Lacquer a combination of polymeric esters or ethers and plasticizers in a
solvent that dries by solvent evaporation to form a solid film;
Baking finish paint or varnish baked above 150 degrees Fahrenheit to obtain
desired properties.

Multi-Layer Coati ng S ystem

Many applications consist of multiple layers to form an organic coating system.
There are multiple coating layers, each to protect each other. For example, in an
automobile theres cleaning, a pretreatment which is mostly inorganic and the
pretreatment is meant to protect the metal substrate against corrosion.
A primer goes on top of that, after the pretreatment is dried and cured and the
primer is meant to protect the pretreatment.
A top coat goes on top of that and the top coat is meant to protect the primer.
So in other words, its a three separate coating steps all working as a system

201C Ch.5: Coatings and Other Methods of

Section 1: Coatings
S e a l a n t s a n d Ad h e s i v e s
Sealants and adhesives are widely used to control corrosion by serving as a
barrier between the electrolyte and the active metal, providing adhesive control,
and sealing moisture from crevices to prevent corrosion. Corrosion preventative
compounds (CPCs) are temporary protective organic coatings used to provide short
to mid-term protection against corrosion.

They also repair areas where the primary coating has been damaged, and separate
galvanic couples when dissimilar metals are present. Common CPCs are shown here.

L i ni ng s a n d Cl ad d i n g s
Linings and claddings, which are usually thicker
described, are also used for corrosion protection.





They include rubber linings, glass linings, porcelain enamel, clad metals, and
concrete and cementatious coatings and linings.

Effective Coati ng P erf ormance

Proper surface preparation and surface cleanliness is crucial to effective
coating performance. It is important for adhesion, which can be enhanced by
preparing a textured surface; also, coating integrity, which requires a
completely clean surface to avoid trapped dirt, debris, or organic material
between the coating and protected surface that can form voids in the coating.
Proper surface preparation also protects against the formation of corrosion cells
in voids, cracks and crevices, delaminated materials where moisture and
aggressive ions can collect, and accumulation of soluble salt particles that
attract water through osmosis can form concentrated corrosive solutions.

201C Ch.5: Coatings and Other Methods of

Section 1: Coatings
Coati ng A pplicati on S el ection
Selection of a coating application process is important because application
quality is critical to avoid defects or porosity that can result in localized
Each application method has advantages and disadvantages that must be considered
and traded-off such as: type of coating, area to be covered, type of substrate to
be coated, and environmental restrictions.
Organic coatings can be brushed, rolled, and sprayed, while Ceramic coatings can
be applied using high temperature diffusion processes, spraying or chemical

Coati ng A pplicati on Fact ors

Factors to be considered regarding effective coating applications are: proper
surface preparation, proper selection and application of primer, and proper
topcoat selection.
An effective protective coating plan, developed as part of the initial system
engineering effort, should address the following:
First, design and selection of the protective coating;
Second, surface preparation methods;
Third, the coating application process;
Fourth, follow-on inspection and quality assurance processes; and
Fifth, coating maintenance and refurbishment during system operation.

Coati ng Desig n and Selecti on Pr ocess

The coating design and selection process is almost the same as the material
selection process. Determine the material coating requirement in terms of:
The vulnerability of the material to be protected, the use to which that material
will be applied and the environment in which that material will be used.
Determine the performance required by the coating in terms of:
Overcoming the materials corrosive vulnerability, adaptation to the material
shape and configuration, desired appearance of the coating, and expected coating
service life.

201C Ch.5: Coatings and Other Methods of

Section 1: Coatings
Determine how the coating will be applied to the material regarding:
method of application, labor force skills required and available, equipment
required and available, and safety requirements during and after application.
Lastly, assess life-cycle consequences of using selected coatings:
Modes and likelihood of coating failure, investment and operating costs, and
potential maintenance and repair requirements and associated methods.
Perform affordability trade-offs considering cost, coating, and labor skill
availability, and required coating performance in the expected corrosive

Coati ng s and E nvironme nt Zone s

Matching coating performance to the aggressiveness of the environment is
particularly important. The table shown here describes types of exposure for
coatings in terms of zone conditions.

201C Ch.5: Coatings and Other Methods of

Section 1: Coatings
Zone zero is the least severe an interior area that is dry, not exposed to
sunlight, and has no extreme temperatures.
Zone one is normally dry interiors or exteriors.
Zone two is frequently wet by fresh water including frequent immersion, salt
water including frequent immersion, full fresh water immersion and/or full salt
water immersion.
Zone three is affected by chemical exposure that might be acidic, neutral,
alkaline; associated with mild solvents and/or associated with severe oxidizing
chemicals and strong solvents.
The coating selected should have sufficient resistance to the
environment in the zone to which the coated material will be exposed.


Coati ng Pr otecti on: M etalli c Sacrifici al Coati ng

Coatings can provide four modes of corrosion protection as a metallic
sacrificial coating, the coating is more active, and thus more negative than the
metal being protected; becomes an anode and the metal being protected becomes a
cathode; requires an electrolyte and electric path; corrodes due to galvanic

201C Ch.5: Coatings and Other Methods of

Section 1: Coatings
Coati ng Pr otecti on: Passivati ng Coati ng
Coatings can provide four modes of corrosion protection as a passivating
coating, the coating forms an insoluble film with blocking particles; promotes
passivation of the metal through the use of oxides and phosphates. In every case,
if there is a defect in the coating, there will be no protection adjacent to that
defect the coating only protects locations where it is intact and continuous on
the metal surface.

Coati ng Pr otecti on: Per meabl e B arri er

Coatings can provide four modes of corrosion protection as a permeable barrier,
coating acts only as a partial barrier, allowing moisture and oxygen to penetrate
the coating; inhibits corrosion as the coating or primers below the coating
modify the corrosive environment.

201C Ch.5: Coatings and Other Methods of

Section 1: Coatings
Coati ng Pr otecti on: Impermeable B arrier
Coatings can provide four modes of

impermeable barrier, a coating stops
eliminating the electrolyte in the
corrosion cell; prevents chlorides
and other aggressive chemicals from
chemical ions.

Coati ng Fail ur e Modes

Coating failure modes are shown here. Loss of adhesion in coating systems can
occur at the interface between the coating and the metal substrate it is
protecting, within a layer of coating, or as a delamination of a polymer close to
the metal substrate. The loss of adhesion at the interface between the coating
and the metal substrate surface can be due to contamination from salts and oils,
loss of metal oxide, or a flaw in the coating. Degradation of the coating over
time can be due to polymer sensitivity to ultra-violet rays, wide variations in
temperature, and use of organic solvents and other chemicals.

201C Ch.5: Coatings and Other Methods of

Section 1: Coatings
Meth od s for E nvironme ntal Modifi cati on
Now, lets explore methods for eliminating or modifying the environment that
causes corrosion.

201C Ch.5: Coatings and Other Methods of

Section 1: Miscellaneous Protection Methods
Shelteri ng
Methods for modifying the environment to reduce corrosion.
contaminants and rain. This helps to minimize the extent of corrosion on the
critical mainframe component of a sheltered aircraft or other equipment. By
sheltering a military asset, in this case a Fighter-Aircraft, the environment, a
key factor of an electrochemical corrosion cell is reduced or eliminated

Shrink-Wrappi ng
Methods for modifying the environment to reduce corrosion. Shrink-wrapping is
used to protect this USMC CH-46E "Sea Knight helicopter from atmospheric
contaminants, moisture, and therefore corrosion.
Shrink-wrapping is used during storage and transport of systems and equipment to
provide temporary protection from moisture and other weather-related factors.
This protection depends on clean, dry initial conditions achieved by pretreatment
of vulnerable material, and cleaning and drying prior to packaging.
Covers are also used to protect a variety of assets from harsh environments.
A lot of the corrosion challenges that we face here in Wheeler and on deployment
are the majority are the moisture accumulation that happens in the recessed areas
of the aircraft.
Mostly back in the F pores of the aircraft where your tail boom fitting
attachments are. A lot of the major issues come with the dust accumulation when
were on deployments along with weather - ambient moisture is there - which
creates more of a problem. The severity of the types of corrosion that you find
here is more severe due to the high salt content as for other places.
Theres more dry places out in Kansas; Texas; Fort Bragg, North Carolina. The
intent to apply the sheltering of helicopters is tried to be used as far as armywide as we possibly can but given the facilities and the nature of the areas that
we operate in, sometimes, it becomes difficult to do. The nose covers and covers
in general have kind of been mixed and those covers work quite well in keeping
the aircraft dry and a lot of water accumulation out as far as the nose
compartment area it goes.

201C Ch.5: Coatings and Other Methods of

Section 1: Miscellaneous Protection Methods
The use of cover as far as aircraft go in the army is a widespread practice. It
has been used by several units in different operating environments.

Dehu midi ficati on

Dehumidification is performed through air conditioning. It removes moisture from
operating components, eliminates thin films of moisture condensed on the parts,
and provides continued corrosion resistance if properly maintained.

Corr osi on Pr eventi on and Mi tigati on Su mmary

In summary, we control or eliminate the environmental component of the
electrochemical corrosion cell by:
controlling or modifying the internal environment by using coatings, sealants,
adhesives, corrosion preventative compounds, linings and claddings or eliminating
the external environment by isolating the vulnerable material from that external

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