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Mars i MC

Action and End Results!



Midheaven, orb: 151'

With Mars on your Midheaven, events follow on from each other in the social or
professional area. Even better: you are the one who creates the event! You take up
a challenge and you score valuable points. Your situation is strengthened, with an
aura of courageous, and even rash, action. Of course, the danger is that you may go
too fast or too far. However, it is likely that the boldness of your conceptions can
overcome a good many obstacles! It is the right time to assert your rights, to say
out loud who you really are, and to draw the line beyond which your reactions will
be fearsome. In your occupation, it is the right time to start healthy confrontations
and debates aiming at clarifying the future. Nevertheless, the current influence is
not devoid of danger as latent conflicts, repressed for too long, are likely to blow up.
Your colleagues can expect a few out-of-proportion reactions! This is the price for a
positive liberation that is indispensable to your balance.

Mars i Mars
Conquering Spirit


Mars, orb: -147'

It is the moment to take action. Not under any circumstance, nor upstream.
Whether it is granted to you or you provoke it, you have the opportunity to highlight
your dynamism without gratuitously offending your entourage. This is how you can
best manage trials of strength. If you want to settle the scores without causing
irreversible harm, it's now or never. When it is fully controlled, a forceful action
proves quite an irresistible asset! Your conquering spirit often opens the path to new
possibilities. If you find it hard to get out of the rut, it is now a good time to attempt
a healthy confrontation and to "take the bull by its horns". Should the context be
calmer, you can take advantage of this planetary configuration through audacity
and boldness. Do not hesitate to face up to things and accept challenges. The natal
planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters,
leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is
likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Uncontrolled Skid



Mars, orb: 151'

There is a storm brewing... This period lends itself to all sorts of skids and
exaggerations. Therefore, you must not let your impulsiveness prevail over reason.
Of course, there are times when a forceful action bears fruit and when the situation
requires strong determination. However, don't overdo. Hastening the course of
events does not seem to be the best solution. A bit of moderation will turn your
dogged determination to win into an efficient tool. You may feel the urge to make a
firm and final intervention. Nevertheless, as it is well-known, vehemence is a
double-edged weapon. It can clear the air in case of dormant conflicts, but it can
also speed up a vicious circle process where provocations and reactions follow one
another. It is wiser to wait for an upswing before you attempt to settle the scores...
During this period, owing to the fact that the natal planet receiving this transit is in
your 12th House, it is likely that, beyond or, in addition to the effects described
above, you feel that the areas indicated by this House are affected: your inner self,
ordeals, hidden enemies, sickness sometimes, but always with a prospect of
evolution, solitude, some degree of isolation, whether it is chosen or imposed by the
Mars i Sunce
Trial of Strength


Sun, orb: 213'

There is a touch of heroism in your attitude... You display dynamism and an

enterprising spirit. You try to implement your projects and to take action in areas
where, so far, you have been nurturing your plans only. Far from yesterday's
renunciation, you can mobilize your energy as much as you like. Should events
impose trials of strength on you, it is very likely that you will be able to cope with
them. Instead of harming you, confrontations reinforce your position and allow you
to assert your choices. If your situation is stuck or slowed down by external forces,
you must take action and face adversity. It is important that you achieve what you
have not dared to undertake, so far. This is a constructive period, even though you
must confront the facts and prove yourself. With this configuration, the only danger
may be that you overestimate your strength and you set out to conquer an
objective that is still inaccessible. But the will to do and dare may brush aside many
doubts and suppress reservations and limitations that used to paralyse your life.
The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 8th House, which symbolizes
passion, crises, sexuality and death (in general, not your death, please be
reassured), material goods coming from outside such as inheritances, investments,
donations or... losses. Therefore, it is likely that you feel the impact on these areas.
Wrong Timing



Sun, orb: 151'

Heroism is valuable, provided it is relevant to the situation. Otherwise, your

attitudes, as honest and direct as they may be, may only worsen existing tensions.
Things speed up and if the situation is stuck, you manage to forcefully break the
deadlock. You lack neither energy nor fighting spirit. But it is likely that you will
often take action at an inopportune moment and be carried away by impulsive and
thoughtless initiatives. Therefore, this period may be filled with regrettable
incidents. You are prone to make blunders. Beware of clumsiness, take advantage of
your punch and your fighting spirit but don't start anything that cannot be undone
and don't handle your entourage roughly. More than ever, you must calm things
down and dispel misunderstandings because an uncontrolled skid is bound to
happen. Do not get carried away by any provocation, or by your own determination
to sort out problems and to put an end to disputes once for all. Other periods are
more suitable for these final settlements... For the time being, try to make use of
your exacerbated fighting spirit as wisely as possible. The natal planet involved in
the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the
atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility.
Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Mars i Mesec
Renewed Personal Balance


Moon, orb: 158'

During this period, events are likely to concern your domestic sphere, your habits
and your major bases. Anything involving your private life will be particularly
highlighted. Whether you have to sort out a personal problem or to take an action
related to your family life, you display a great deal of energy. You find the strength
needed to get a situation out of the rut. In order to make your intimate realm evolve
the way you want it to, action is more efficient than words. The situation develops
quickly, very quickly. Facts prompt you to respond and to adjust your pace and your
behaviours to the constraints of a situation that is new to you, in many respects. A
chief preoccupation: how is it possible for you to feel at ease and to be in good
shape? You try to find a balance between your peace of mind and your cravings,
between your desire for quietness and your need to have your desires fulfilled in an
intense way. This may be a very good time to improve your daily life... in sheer
simplicity. You do not allow anyone or anything to hinder your efforts towards a new
personal balance. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 4th House, the

House of your family, your home, your roots or your real estate concerns. Therefore,
these matters are likely to be on the agenda during this period.
Hustle and Bustle


Moon, orb: 049'

Tension is rising, particularly in your intimate sphere, and the atmosphere is getting
quite electric. Your habits may be disrupted and your daily life sometimes seems
restrictive. Your mood is affected during this period. You are irritable and you do not
hesitate to raise your voice. Your first targets are your close friends and all the
members of your intimate realm. Although it is possible that some events justify
your bad language and behaviour, it is prudent to control the soaring fever...
Otherwise, there may be a danger that you spark off quarrels and private conflicts.
Another important point: this period may prove constructive in the end, if you
relinquish laziness and inertia. Force of habit conflicts with needs and passions. Of
course, tensions may lead to unsuspected perspectives and set you free. However,
the vagaries of this period must be avoided and the balance of your private life
must be kept under control, as much as possible. In short, it is all about finding your
own pace of life. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 3rd House. It is
more or less closely linked to short trips, studies, relations with close friends or
siblings, ordinary contacts and communication in general.

Mars i MC
Dynamism (excessive?) in Your Family Environment


Midheaven, orb: -205'

You decide to fight hard in order to improve you intimate life setting. Once again,
your home must turn into the place where you go back to your roots and where you
recover your forces. To that aim, a straightforward explanation may be necessary...
You are up against the wall and you cannot repress any longer your need for
clarification. While you remain on the defensive, you start a constructive dialogue,
which is likely to allow, later, to break the deadlock and to discover a context

respectful of your fundamental bases. In the meantime, tread carefully because

people get worked up more than quickly!
Mars i Merkur
Lively Talks


Mercury, orb: -102'

You demonstrate an alert mind and a strong will. You take your decisions promptly
and you implement them straight away. Your great mobility endows you with a
formidable efficiency. Dialogues are lively and words, brilliant. It is hard to counter
your arguments. During this period, you adjust amazingly well to complex
surroundings and you know how to quickly impose your ideas. Straightforward
explanations may break a deadlock. In the relationship department, the pace
speeds up with an encounter leading to new prospects or a contact that proves
helpful, here and now. It may also be the beginning of a dialogue or some initiative
that requires a follow-up. In all cases, it seems interesting to pay special attention to
any new relationship, although and particularly if you don't fully realize its
importance yet. In the short or longer-term, contacts established during this period
will yield nice fruits. Of course, it is up to you to make the first steps... The natal
planet involved in the transit is in your 3rd House. It is more or less closely linked to
short trips, studies, relations with close friends or siblings, ordinary contacts and
communication in general.

Beware of Blunders


Mercury, orb: -021'

Electricity can be felt in the air! Your impulsiveness does not facilitate smooth
relations and contacts. You are prone to verbal clumsiness and thoughtless actions.
Your state of mind brings about criticisms and controversy. If you cannot take action,
you will probably demonstrate verbal violence. If, on the contrary, you cannot
explain yourself honestly, your foolish actions will probably provoke forceful events.
Beware of all kinds of blunders! It is certain that this climate favours latent conflicts
that are likely to break out in broad daylight, forcing straightforward and
constructive explanations to take place. But as we all know, settling of scores is not
devoid of danger. For instance, there is the danger to overstep the line, at least
verbally, and to utter loud and clear words that you had better kept to yourself.
Therefore, even though you feel the urge to interfere, you must control yourself and
strive to count to ten before you shout out words that cause irreversible harm. This
is how you can get the best of this planetary configuration: straightforwardness that
dispels many a misunderstanding. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your

10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period
brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or
your career.

Mars i Venera
Exalted Feelings


Venus, orb: 036'

You successfully mobilize all your affective and instinctive resources and you let
your sensitivity guide your decisions and your actions. Moods prevail over reason.
During this period, you should take advantage of the exaltation of your vital forces.
You feel the desire to intensely experience each instant and to give your awakened
feelings free rein. You may be tempted by passionate love or any other adventure
that includes a fair share of thrills. You give your affectivity a new impetus, you
express your passions with force and fieriness and you can tell whom your really
love. You may experience an encounter that changes the nature of your love life and
contrasts sharply with your habits. It may also be an opportunity to reveal your
essential desires and to overcome some limitations. More than ever, you display an
amazing sincerity and you do not seek anything but a life in harmony with your
affective aspirations. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 3rd House. It
is more or less closely linked to short trips, studies, relations with close friends or
siblings, ordinary contacts and communication in general.

Explosive Temper


Venus, orb: -143'

You display strong impulsiveness. Your sensitivity all on edge may turn your life
setting into battlefields! If you are a thrill-lover, you will certainly get what you
want. Perhaps a bit too much, if you give free rein to your whimsical moods and
your explosive temper. Your exacerbated sensuality may seduce your partner.
However, the violence of your feelings gives you no respite. During this period, your
instincts override reason. For better and probably for worse. Sensual exaltation
turns into outrageousness. It is likely that you listen to the sole intoxication of
transient love or feelings. Hearts are pounding wildly. This heated climate is very
good for putting an end to a monotonous life devoid of adventure and to a
meaningless love. Romanticism becomes impetuous and prevails. One knows that
love lives on passion and fevers. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your
10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period

brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or
your career.

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