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a debt instrument by Negro activists claiming equality with Whites.

The phrase is attributed to Thomas

Jefferson. As R. P. Oliver has pointed out, Jefferson was no fool and did not intend that phrase to have
the meaning ascribed to it since agitation began for the abolition of slavery in the 19 th century and
which has been repeated ad nauseum ever since.
[Jefferson] was not a moron, and cannot have meant anything so absurd as is sometimes
supposed. What he meant was that all Englishmen should be equal before the law. He was
reacting against the class structure of English society and an aristocracy, of which the greater
part had been created by kings and ennobled parvenus, often for the most discreditable services,
so that socially and morally worthless individuals were given special privileges because they
were descended from men who had, rightly or wrongly, been elevated to the peerage. Jefferson
recognized, of course, the biologically inequality of all men: "There is a natural aristocracy
among men. The grounds for this are virtue* and talents...There is also an artificial aristocracy,
founded on wealth and birth, without either virtue or talents; for with these, it would belong in
the first class." [emphasis added](*In Jefferson's time "virtue" still retained its proper meaning,
denoting manly excellence, including courage and integrity as shown by both moral and
intellectual honesty. It is sad that so useful a word has been perverted by the gatoto'ledi
Christian propagandists, [footnote in original])(Revilo R Oliver, Who's for Democracy? )
In the 17 th century almost nothing was known about genetics from a scientific point of view. Livestock
breeders had been practicing genetic principles for centuries without being aware of the underlying
science. They operated on a totally pragmatic level. They certainly would not have endorsed the idea
that all livestock are created equal. Otherwise what would be the point of selective breeding? Modern
genetics makes clear that every living organism has a genetic definition and bears the genetic legacy of
its ancestors. All living things have a genetic endowment and seldom are they equal.
In spite of die obvious facts from livestock breeding and modern genetics the false idea of tabula rasa
carries on. Adherence to the idea of human equality has taken on the dubious distinction of being like a
religion. Anyone who questions it is viewed as a Galileo among flat-earth adherents. Just as there are
different breeds of dogs with varying physical and behavioral characterisdcs, so also there are different
breeds of humans. The different breeds of humans are called races. Such notions are viewed as
blaspfaflray dry dW human equality religionists. It is part of the Master Plan that false ideas be
inculcated in the youth of our nadons:
We have fooled, bemused, and corrupted the youth of the Goyim [non-Jews] by rearing them in
principles and theories [human equality, Marxism, liberalism, etc.] which are known to us to be
false although it is in those they have been inculcated. (The Protocols of Zion . 9:10)
The heroic attempts of men like George Lincoln Rockwell, R.P. Oliver, and Dr William L. Pierce to
draw attendon to the destructive plans of the nation-wreckers did not achieve mass appeal because a
racialist interpretation of social, economic, and polidcal reality is no longer allowed a hearing by the
modern day flat-earth (human equality) adherents. To address the racial group behavior of Jews,
Negroes or any other group (except perhaps Whites) is viewed as 'racist' and therefore taboo and
blasphemous in the eyes of the human equality religionists.
The Master Plan also encourages a superficial approach to life and its issues in order that the Goyim
not understand what is happening at the social, economic, and political level nor the goals and ulumate
intentions of the Jewish financial oligarchy, (see Protocols 10:1)

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