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European SDI Best Practice


Useful Reference Materials

European SDI Best Practice

Annex 1 Author Contact Details

Section Name Email Telephone

1 Chris Corbin corbinceh@pavilionc.o.uk +44 (0) 1273 553110

2 Ian Masser masser@onetel.net.uk +44 (0) 1298 85232
4 Carol Tullo carol.tullo@cabinet-office.x.gsi.gov.uk +44 (0) 20 7276 2660
5 Judith Jerome Judy@agi.org.uk +44 (0) 20 7253 5211
5 Bronislave bronislava.horakova@vsb.cz
5 Eva Pauknerova eva.pauknerova@cagi.cz +420 233324472
6 Morten Lind mli@ebst.dk +45 3546 6302
6 Tony Black ablack@intelligent-addressing.co.uk +44 (0) 207 747 3500
6 Michael Nicholson mnicholson@intelligent-addressing.co.uk +44 (0) 207 747 3500

Full Contact details:

Section 1
Chris Corbin
Hofstraat 110
7311 KZ Apeldoorn
The Netherlands

Tel: +31 55 528 5532

e-mail: eurogi@euronet.nl
web: www.eurogi.org

Section 4.1
Carol Tullo
Controller and Queen’s Printer
Her Majesty’s Stationery Office
Cabinet Office
Admiralty Arch,
North Side
The Mall

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7276 2660

Fax: +44 (0) 20 7276 2661
Email: carol.tullo@cabinet-office.x.gsi.gov.uk

Head of e-Services: Sally Jones sally.jones@cabinet-office.x.gsi.gov.uk

Head of Finance and Quality: Sarah Cossey sarah.cossey@cabinet-office.x.gsi.gov.uk

Head of Information Policy and Licensing: Jim Wretham jim.wretham@cabinet-office.x.gsi.gov.uk

Head of Publishing Services: Alan Pawsey alan.pawsey@cabinet-office.x.gsi.gov.uk

Head of Regulation: Geoff Sadler geoff.sadler@cabinet-office.x.gsi.gov.uk

Annex Page 1
European SDI Best Practice

Section 5.1
Judith A. Jerome
Information Services Manager
Association for Geographic Information
4th floor, Block C
5-23 Old Street

Email: Judy@agi.org.uk
Direct phone:+44 (0) 207 017 8490
Switchboard : +44 (0) 207 253 5211
Fax : +44 (0) 207 251 4505

Section 5.2
Bronislave Horakova

Eva Pauknerova

Section 6.1
Morten Lind
Project Manager

National Agency for Business and Housing, Denmark, mli@ebst.dk, +45 3546 6302,
Langelinie Allé 17, DK 2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark, home: www.ebst.dk

Resp.: National Survey and Cadastre, Denmark, mol@kms.dk, + 45 3587 5050,

Rentemestervej 6, DK 2400 Copenhagen NV, Denmark, home: www.kms.dk

Section 6.2
(Tony) A K Black
Operations Director
Intelligent Addressing Ltd
IvyBridge House
1 Adam Street
London WC2N 6DD

Tel: +44 (0) 207 747 3504

Section 6.3
Michael Nicholson
Project Director NLPG
Intelligent Addressing Ltd
IvyBridge House
1 Adam Street
London WC2N 6DD

Tel: +44 (0) 207 747 3500

Annex Page 2
European SDI Best Practice

Annex 2

GINIE Documentation

The GINIE project was operational from the 1st November 2001 through to the 31st January 2004 which
produced a wealth of information that is available in a wide range of reports which are listed in the
following tables. All the documents listed are freely available on the GINIE website www.ec-
gis.org/GINIE . Case studies can also be accessed from the GI Case Study locator service web site

Published hardcopy reports Language

General GINIE brochure English


GINIE Spatial Data Infrastructures: Recommendations for Action English


Spatial Data Infrastructures: Country Reports 2002 English

Geographic Information Policies in Europe: Recommendations for Action English


GINIE book: Geographic Information in the Wider Europe English

Published electronic reports


Report Language
General GINIE brochure English

GINIE Newsletter number 1 – Spring 2002 English

GINIE Newsletter number 2 – Autumn 2002 English
GINIE Newsletter number 3 – Spring 2003 English
GINIE Newsletter number 4 – Winter 2003/04** English

GINIE Spatial Data Infrastructures: Recommendations for Action Czech


Annex Page 3
European SDI Best Practice

Report Language

Spatial Data Infrastructures: Country Reports 2002 English

Report: A comparative analysis of NSDI’s in Australia, Canada and the United English

Establishing a European Advisory Board for Geographic Information: A English

consultation paper

Establishing a European Advisory Board for Geographic information: Responses English

received by EUROGI for the period 1st November through to the 18th February

An analysis of the ABGI consultation English

Geographic Information Policies in Europe: Technical Report English

Geographic Information Policies in Europe: Recommendations for Action Czech


Survey of National Geographic Information Associations in Europe English

National GI Associations in Europe: Analysis and Capacity Building. English

Registries and e-Services: Recommendations for Action Czech


Registries and e-Services: Final Report English

Geographic Information in the Mediterranean Basin English

GI Capacity Building in the Accession period: Recommendations for action English


GI Capacity Building in the EU Accession period: Technical report English

Local to Global: Recommendations for Action English


Annex Page 4
European SDI Best Practice

Report Language
Local to Global SDIs: Final Report English

Survey of key GI players within Europe English

Survey of pan European Geographic Information Organisations English

Pan European GI Organisations: Analysis English

Portfolio of Case Studies 1: English

- The Vineyard sites in viticultural region Znojmo
- An environmental Atlas for the City of Prague
- The Property Observatory in the City of Turin
- Unified cartography and technological networks in the City of Rome

Portfolio of Case Studies 2: English

- Road Safety: Intelligent Speed Adaptation
- Swedish National Road Database
- Educational support programme: StrateGIS
- Watershed delineation
- Planning Public transport

Portfolio of Case Studies 3: (with English synopsis and keywords) French

-Tourism Information Services

- Urban Hydrology
- Reorganising the Ambulance Service
- Healthcare
- Reducing road Casualties
- Monitoring Agricultural policy
- Genetic Research into cardiovascular disease
- Rescue and Assistance Services

Portfolio of Case Studies 4: English

-Flood Information System
- Vineyard register
- National digital orthophoto database
- The Duna-Drava National Park Structure plan
- A National and Regional Development and Spatial Planning Information System
- Stock farming – Stench policy
- The probability of agricultural land-changing to non-agricultural use
- The silence map of the Netherlands
- Spatial cohesion of ecological networks for Western Europe

Portfolio of Case Studies 5: English

- Online Earthquake Warning Information Service
- An interactive environmental atlas
- Slovenian Citizen Oriented Information Service
- Coastal Management in Catalonia
- Seamless Citizen Delivery
- Drawing the boundaries

European SDI Best Practice book English

Picture Book English

New Issues for the European GI Strategy – INSPIRE English

New Issues for the European GI Strategy – Interoperability English
New Issues for the European GI Strategy - PSI English
New Issues for the European GI Strategy – eGovernment English

New Issues for the European GI Research and Technology Development Agenda English

Annex Page 5
European SDI Best Practice

Report Language

First review towards a European GI Strategy: the lessons learned from GINIE English
Towards a European GI Strategy English
Inputs towards an EGIS Network: Business Plan English
Establishment of a EGIS Network English

The GINIE Book (Published Chapter by Chapter and as a composite document) English

Executive Summary: Towards a European GI Strategy: Lessons Learnt Czech


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European SDI Best Practice

Annex 3 Useful URL’s

EUROGI www.eurogi.org

GIgateway http://www.gigateway.org/

GINIE www.ec-gis.org/ginie

INSPIRE www.ec-gis.org/inspire

MIDAS http://gis.vsb.cz/midas/

NLPG http://nlpg.org.uk

Annex Page 7
European SDI Best Practice

Annex 4 Template for Authors

Contributions to be up to (and preferably not more than) 5000 words in length (ten pages – font Times
New Roman size 10) plus diagrams and photographs to help the understanding of the reader (use as
many as possible to minimise text). Text to be in English plus author’s native language. (Both will be
included in the compendium of European GI Best Practice if provided). The following template is
provided as a guide to authors.

Name of Author
Email address

Keywords: A minimum of five should be provided. (For use in the GINIE Search engine)

Note: As this is a contribution to the European best Practice guide it should de constructed such that it
would help others within Europe or else where to initiate a similar entity to that described.


Enough to encourage the reader to visit the web site and read other documents referenced within the


The following should be considered for inclusion (but not necessarily in the order given below). The
following has been provided as an example of the type of information that should be included in the
contribution. You are not limited to these suggestions, which are just a guide to assist you (the author).

Drivers: What was the driver that created the entity that is the subject of the contribution. Who were
the prime movers?

History: Provide a brief history to give the reader a feel for the time frame and effort expended.

Organisation: (Include a block diagram). How is it managed? How has the Users view been
incorporated or taken into account? Categories of organisations involved? Which organisation leads
and why? How often do the various committees within the structure (organisation) meet? Is the
organisation transparent? (Are the thought processes, decision processes, etc. of the organisation
published if so where?)

Architecture: If an organisation the block diagram of the structure. If computers – is it central,

distributed, networked. Have the INSPIRE principles been adopted with respect to data? (Even if
system described predates INSPIRE.)

Significant dates: (relevant dates)

Resources: Financial resources expended (in Euro’s). How much per annum? For how long is(has)
the initiative (been) funded? If funded in kind provide details. Human resources involved. For how

Relevant Statistics: (Tabulate) Number of data occurrences. Number of people involved. Number of
organisations involved. Number of Users. Size of databases involved. Geographic area covered
(Name and square kilometres).

Relevant legislation: (Tabulate) Did it exist prior to the initiative? Was it a necessary driver for the
initiative to proceed or be a success? Is the legislation as a result of the initiative?

Intellectual Property Rights: IPR (if applicable) Who owns the IPR? Has IPR been an issue? How as
it impacted the development?

Annex Page 8
European SDI Best Practice

Standards (if applicable): Adhered to, adopted, created. Are they ISO, CEN, National, other? Tabulate

Tools (if applicable): Used to produce the entity described. What has been provided for users to utilise
or contribute to the entity described.

Technology exploited (if applicable) Utilised, deployed.

Products: (If applicable) How are they licensed? What are the charges? How many licences have been

Quality Assurance: How has this been handled?

Public Relations: How is the awareness raised about the entity described? Who undertakes? Is the PR

Success factors: List them.

Issues faced: Both those resolved and those outstanding. How were they resolved or planned to be

Sustainability How has this been dealt with?

Framework or Conditions: Is it mandatory that the public sector or others use and adhere to the entity

URL’s where the reader can visit to either seek out further information or actively use or acquire the
information service or data. If it is an online service that is freely available (no charge) provide some
examples for a reader to enter. E.g. a Postcode, or an address, name of a geographic area.

Full contact details of the Author

Annex Page 9

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