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Honors Kinesiolgoy Degree, P.I.C.

P Level 1& 2, BioSignature,

Precision Nutrition, PIMST, Strength & Conditioning Coach, WBFF
Pro Fitness Model


Table of Contents
Introduction 4
Tips to Becoming A Successful Student, Part 1

Tips to Becoming a Successful Student, Part 2


5 Cheap and Healthy Muscle-Building Breakfasts


5 Cheap and Healthy Muscle-Building Lunches


5 Cheap and Healthy Muscle-Building Dinners


Power Snacks: How to Stock Your Dorm Room Fridge


Productivity 101: My Top 10 Tips for Managing Your Time University


How to Design an A+ Muscle Building Workout



Welcome to one of the most
unforgettable periods of your life!
I am so extremely grateful that
my parents encouraged me to go
to university. For those that dont
know, I attended the University of
Western Ontario (thats in London,
Ontario, Canada) from 1998 to
2002. It was the same university
that my parents met at, and I lived
in the same residence my mother
lived in, Saugeen-Maitland Hall,
home to 1,200 students (and
voted one of the Top 10 Craziest
Residencies in the world according
to David Letterman). SaugeenMaitland is also the place my father
attempted to kiss my mom for the
first time after meeting her in their
Italian class. Its the same school
that my father ran for and was
coached by the famous Bob Vigars,
whom I was coached by, too! Pretty
incredible to coach two generations
of runners, eh?
The majority of my university
memories arise from being a part
of the university cross country team

-- everything from training, competing and yes, celebrating (a.k.a. partying). I

honestly dont remember much about my classes and actual schooling except I
had to bust my butt to barely crack an 80, while my roommates seemed to get
90% on exams with ease and less studying. Graduating with an honors degree
was quite a relief and developed a lot of character. The majority of my memories
come from living with more than a dozen wild roommates (man, we would have
been more entertaining than a Jersey Shore reality TV show), stumbling around
campus because of all the gorgeous girls, late-night studying in the library, and
living life on my terms for the first time ever. All in all, I LOVED university and get a
massive lump in my throat thinking back to those days. I miss them.
The best decision I made while in university was joining a
Christian group called Athletes In Action. AIA is basically
like Campus Crusade for Christ but for collegiate
athletes, so I got to meet some solid guys and girls
who excelled in their sports but also wanted to live by
their Christian values. My AIA Bible study and accountability partners kept me
out of quite a bit of trouble, helped me deal with the temptations of university
and kept me connected with other Christian brothers and grounded in my faith.
In fact, while many of my friends went down to Spring Break to party after 9-11
happened, I went to NYC to volunteer with a missions organization. I would not
have made that decision if my faith wasnt an important part of my life. Whatever
your faith background, I recommend getting connected with a group that helps
you stay grounded and not forget who you are. I watched a lot of people go off
the deep end because they didnt join a solid community. The great thing about
university is that their are hundreds of different groups for every type of ethnicity
and religion that you can connect with.
The reason I share this is because most university students leave school only
remembering the dime drafts, dollar shots, late-night pizza, 10-cent wings, frat
parties, getting laid, tailgating and doing all sorts of things that conspire to rid you
of the fit bod you had upon first arriving on campus.


Between my running and AIA group I feel like I made the most of my university
days and have no regrets. The only regret I have is that I was not able to pack on
muscle because I was committed to my running. You see, being in the Kinesiology
program at Western I friended a lot of guys who valued health and fitness and
who spent more time in the gym than in class. The guys I made friends with were
the guys girls wanted to be with and guys wanted to be. My roommates were
muscular and ripped and I was jealous of the attention their bodies gave them.
In that regard, my roommates were great role models and examples of what you
can do while still in university - and these guys were not in tame programs. In fact,
three of my roommates went on to med school and one is a surgeon today.
On the flip side, especially while I was in Saugeen-Maitland Hall living amongst
1,200 students I got to witness many freshman arrive with attractive and youthful
bodies and then destroy them in a mere three months by packing on more than
a dozen pounds of fat. Its called the Freshman 15, and it can happen to you if
youre not careful. Sadly, many of these students who destroyed their bodies also
destroyed their chances of getting back into second year and I never saw them
again. They made bad decisions and then their decisions made them. I do not
want to see you waste away your first semester, your first year or your first few
years in university, and after years of having a desire to design this program, its
finally here!
Listen, if I went back to university, knowing what I know now after surrounding
myself with the smartest doctors, therapists, coaches and pro bodybuilders in the
world, the program I am about to hand you is the exact one I would follow myself.
If youre looking to improve your physique during the first semester instead of
destroying it, Ive got your back with the Freshman 15 - Done Right! routine.
Follow it to the letter and you not only avoid gaining 15 pounds of flab but youll
build 15 pounds of muscle by the time you head home for Christmas or the spring
Make it happen!

Vince Del Monte



College is a tough undertaking. It can and should be a
lot of fun. It is also an exciting time of finding your own
way and becoming an adult. But its still hard work and
if you blow it academically, chances are youll regret it.
If youre reading this article, then most likely youre into
fitness. Just like academics, if you ruin your health and
workouts because of sloppy habits and too much junk
food, youll most definitely regret that as well.
I am extremely grateful for the opportunity I had to
attend a university and the opportunities that my
education has afforded me ever since. Higher education
is a privilege that not everyone is given, so make the
most of it. Be appreciative, thankful and hard working
and success will follow.
Here are some tips that can help you succeed in the
classroom, stay healthy in a pretty unhealthy environment and still have a great

1. Forget about dating.

Yeah, I know, this one is a bit controversial but hear me out. Youre pretty sure that
dating hot girls is an essential part of the college experience. But heres the truth:
You have the rest of your life to meet and date beautiful women. That is, unless
youre stuck working long hours at one or two jobs because you pissed away your
education in favor of going out with a different girl every night.
Even having a relationship can really lead you off-course. Even great relationships

take time away from your priorities and if a relationship ends or has problems, it
can kill your motivation.
Throughout university I lived with more than fourteen roommates over the
course of four years and I witness my roomies struggle with school because of
unnecessary stress their relationships brought to the table.
Believe me; I understand that its hard to think about NOT dating when youre
surrounded by great-looking girls. At the University of Western Ontario, now
called Western University (in London, Ontario), the Three-Second Rule was firmly
in place: Every three seconds, you were guaranteed to see a hot female. Take it
in, enjoy it and use it for motivation, and leave it at that. Think about it this way;
if you focus and do whats necessary now (studying), you will have more freedom
and flexibility to do what you want later in life and with far less stress. Besides, its
a lot easier and less stressful to date when you have the money to go where you
want instead of the local pizza joint. The good job that comes from doing well in
college gives you that freedom.
Now, Im not saying dont go out on a few dates here but I do believe that if you
dont plan on buying, why even go shopping? In university, I had no intention
of getting into a serious relationship with a girl because I had way too many
other goals of higher importance at the time. How did it all work for me? I got
engaged on my thirtieth birthday, married and have a beautiful baby girl now. I
am very happy I focused on my education, than career and than a girl. Now,
everyone has a different story and mine is not the right one but I certainly think it
was a wise path.

2. Schedule your workouts and schedule them wisely.

One of the benefits (and potential drawbacks) of college is that you are in charge
of your own time. No one is going to look over your shoulder or remind you of
everything you need to do every day. Its up to you to schedule your time properly
and if you can make sure your butt is in class every day, you can also make sure


you get to the gym.

Its a fact that we are much more likely to show up for something if we schedule it
and actually write it down or put it in on the calendar in our phone. Schedule your
workout time and stick to it just like its a class. Its also important to schedule it
so your time is maximized. Try not to schedule a time when everybody else is out
of class and hitting the gym too (times like 5pm 7pm). Not only are you likely to
spend most of your time waiting for machines, but when its too crowded people
tend to socialize instead of work out. If the busy time is the only time that works for
you, make sure you stick to your workout plan and avoid the social happy hour.
The best time to hit the gym on campus is before 8am or after 8pm. Lunch time
can be good as well. You want to get in there when its quiet, the serious athletes
are working out (instead of a bunch of people distracting you with chatter),
and youre more likely to get through your
Warning: Many gyms turn into a fashion
show around 5-7pm and the girls get dolled
out to the max, its actually quite a sight.
Although its great if you want to get a solid
neck work, its not going to help you pack
on fifteen pounds of solid muscle in your first

3. Be smart financially.
The years spent at the university are going
to be a time when you form many lifelong
habits. Whether those habits are helpful or
harmful is up to you. One of the best habits
you can develop during your college years is
smart money management.


I graduated from the university completely debt-free. I did that partly by working
my butt off every summer. My parents matched whatever I made during the
summer, so I worked two jobs every single summer. I worked as a mason, a framer
on residential construction sites, worked on an assembly line building motor
homes, and even sold Cutco Cutlery. And on top of that, I trained 1-2 hours a day
in preparation for the upcoming cross-country season. My social life was work
and running practice but I didnt care and I was focused on my goals.
Yes, it was hard work. My summer wasnt the two-month party some of my other
friends were having, but those friends were all broke through college and then
graduated with thousands of dollars-worth of debt that takes years to pay off!
Another thing that really helped me financially was budgeting using the envelope
system. Every month, I decided how much cash I wanted to spend during the
month and divided that up into envelopes marked Food, Entertainment,
Clothing and so on. When the envelope was empty, I was done spending on that
category for the month. This system helped me learn to budget and not using a
debit or credit card kept me from accidentally overspending. There were certain
weekends where the Entertainment envelope was empty which made my weekend
plans easy. If people asked, Vince, you coming out tonight? And I would reply,
I have no cash. If youre paying the tab, Im in, otherwise count me out tonight.
If I had cash leftover in the entertainment envelope, I would enjoy a fun night out
with a few beverages.

4. Hang out with the smart people.

If youre thinking smart people is a euphemism for losers, you couldnt be
more wrong. Smart people are the successful people of tomorrow. Being smart
also doesnt mean that you cant be a jock, popular with women, or fun to be
around. Smart people come in all sizes and theyre the people you should be
hanging out with, for several reasons.
Smart people tend to have really good organizational skills and study habits, and
typically enjoy sharing them with other smart people. You might be surprised at the


difficulty level of some of your classes and at the sheer volume of work youll be
doing. This isnt high school. Youre going to have to step up your game and get
serious. Your smart friends can give you some great tips on taking notes, studying
for exams, scheduling long-term projects and assistance with other academic
Smart people are also a lot more understanding of your academic priorities. When
your friends are the people who are studying hard and getting good grades,
theyre going to be a lot more willing to let you do the same. The partying dude
down the hall from you isnt going to care about studying. Hes going to try to get
you to stop studying for that exam the next day and go out for a few beers. That
kind of pressure is hard to fight day in and day out, so avoid it altogether. You can
still go out and have fun. Smart people do it when their work is done.
Smart people can also be extremely motivating. When your friends place a high
value on doing well academically, its easy to get excited about doing that for
yourself too. It helps to have a little friendly competition. If your friends are getting
failing marks in their classes, you will settle for less and be happy just to pass. If
your friends are excelling, it pushes you to excel too.
Four of my roommates in second year all ended up going to med school and are
now doctors. Living with roommates who were excelling and going someplace
really drove me to be better. If I didnt live with those guys I probably would have
ended up with lower overall grades. Go find the smart people and make them
your friends!

5. Go to the library, go to the library, go to the library.

I cannot stress this enough. Your dorm room or the dining hall is a terrible place
to study. If youre in your dorm, your roommate(s) will be distracting you with
conversation, the TV, music, video games and invitations to go out. Even if you
have a single room, if youre in your dorm room studying, you can be interrupted
several times by different people stopping by. As far as the dining hall and other
open areas, theyre filled with distractions, noise and excuses to slack off. In four


years of university, I dont think I ever studied in my dorm room or house. I always
went to the library; there was something magical about that place.
Also, your dorm room should be a place where you can relax, rest, socialize and
recharge. You shouldnt be spending hours studying three feet from your bed
(which is another temptation in itself). Save your dorm room as your sanctuary and
study in a place thats designed for it.
The library is a place to study and by going there you mentally prepare yourself to
buckle down. Its the same principle as going to the gym to work out.
The library is also the optimum place to study because it is quiet and has the
space and resources you need to study well.
You will have the table or desk space you need, reference materials, good lighting,
computers and more when you go to the library. Plus, you have the benefit of
being out in a public space, a different environment, instead of being secluded in
your room which sometimes can cause fatigue.
To help with fatigue and mental blocks, you can spend 50 minutes of every hour
studying and 10 minutes taking a break. Studies show that you will be able to
focus better and retain more information if you take a break every hour. So go
outside and get some fresh air, have a healthy snack, stretch your legs and go to
the bathroom, then get back to studying feeling refreshed and ready to go.
These are five of some of the best tips I know and practiced myself for doing well
in college and staying healthy and fit at the same time. If you follow these tips,
you will have a much better chance of being a successful student and enjoying
your college years at the same time. I have more great tips for being a successful
student in part two of this article so stay tuned.




In Part One of this two-part post, I gave you some tips on dating, studying and
smart financial management during your university years. In this second part, I
have some more sound advice for you on making the most of your college years
and being the most successful student you can be while still having a good time.
College should be fun and exciting, but theres nothing fun about stressing out
because youre unhealthy, failing your classes or behind on your work. If you start
building good habits and you stick to your priorities, youll have the time, energy
and peace of mind to enjoy your friends and your freedom too. So here are some
more of my best tips for being a successful student.

6. Party hearty? Bull. Party smart!

Yes, you should have a good time with your friends while at college. And you will
have a million opportunities to do so. But this can be a real drawback. Every night
somebody is going to be doing something (other than studying) and they will want
you to join in. Let me tell you, if you want to go out every single night of the week,
it is certainly possible because you will always know someone doing something
that can distract you from your studies or workouts. But you need to focus on what
youre in college for; building a future for yourself.
Limit your partying to Friday or Saturday night (not both) and only if your work is
done. There are always people studying on Friday and Saturday nights so you
wont feel like youre missing out. Dont rationalize that you need a break and
can make up the time on Sunday. Finish studying for your exams, get all of your
assignments done, make sure youre on schedule with long-term projects and then
give yourself a break.
As a varsity athlete for four years, almost every single weekend we were traveling
to a race. We would leave on a Friday morning and usually come back Sunday


morning or Sunday night so I missed out on quite a few parties but I had bigger
goals, I was competing and representing my university on the track team and
cross country team.
Not only will you be up to date on all of your work, but youll enjoy yourself more
when you do go out because you wont have obligations hanging over your head
or waiting for you when you get back. Trust me, theres nothing relaxing about
going out with your friends and staying out until 2am if all youre thinking about is
whether or not youre going to fail that exam tomorrow.

7. You booze, you lose.

University campuses are known for being party central.
Aside from going out to clubs or hanging out with
friends who have a case of beer hidden under their
beds, youll find a thousand opportunities to drink.
People who own bars and liquor stores are smart.
They know that the few blocks surrounding college
campuses are a gold mine, so you will see booze
everywhere you look. But be very, very careful.
Its way too easy to develop a drinking problem and
even if your drinking doesnt become a serious issue,
it will destroy your health and get in the way of your
college success. Plus, even if you just do cheap nights,
itll make you broke very fast.
Its really hard to do well in your classes if youre hung
over from the night before. Drinking dehydrates you
and depletes your body of vital nutrients and hydration
that you need for optimal brain function. Plus, you miss half a day of studying
because you slept in.
Drinking also wreaks havoc on your looks. All those calories in your cocktail or
beer are useless. They have no nutritional value, but the calories add up fast. This


means they end up as stored fat. You might work out three to six times a week at
the gym, but if youre drinking hundreds of empty calories youre working out for
So have a beer or a little wine every now and then or for special occasions, but
forget about the keg parties and two-for-one drinks during happy hour. Those are
not your friends.

8. Find a workout partner and set realistic fitness goals.

Its always a good idea to have a workout partner, but no time is better than
during your college years. There are just so many excuses and opportunities to
slack off with your workouts. You need someone with the same mindset and some
of the same goals to keep you on track and accountable.
If you dont already have a friend on campus who works out, then find someone
at the gym, on your sports team, or even by putting an ad up on one of the
college bulletin boards. A good workout partner will share at least some of your
fitness goals workout activities. If youre doing a lot of weight-training for size and
strength, your partner shouldnt be focused solely on spinning classes or cardio. If
your workout partner is trying to lose fifty pounds and youre trying to gain twenty,
you might not be a good match.
Your workout partner doesnt have to be your twin, but you should have enough
similarities and enough differences to make it work. If you have trouble getting
motivated to go to the gym, a really disciplined workout partner may be just what
you need. If youre just learning about strength-training, then someone a little
more advanced could help you out or vice versa.
All my roommates were into bodybuilding in university and they would often take
me to the gym with them and if I wasnt a runner trying to stay lean and mean, I
could have made some great muscle gains because of their accountability.



9. Know and act on your priorities.

When I was at the university, my priorities were
doing well in my classes and in my athletic
activities and graduating debt-free. I focused on
those three priorities and my actions followed
suit. I went to (almost) every class unless, even the
ones that almost put me to sleep. I paid attention
and didnt mess around. I studied hard and I did
my work. Those actions matched my first priority
and I met my goal of getting a good education.
I worked out, trained and ate smart, and did my absolute best in athletics. By my
fourth year of University I was named Captain of the University of Western Cross
Country team and lead my team to a Top 5 finish at the provincial championships.
Those actions matched my second priority and I did very well.
I used the envelope system to budget my money, worked two jobs every summer,
and stayed away from debit and credit cards. Those actions matched my third
priority and I graduated without the stress and expense of being thousands of
dollars of debt. I was able to start making and saving money immediately upon
entering the fitness industry after graduation.
Focusing on and following my priorities was hard work sometimes and sometimes
it meant that I skipped what I wanted to do because I did what I needed to. But I
still had a great time in college. I just scheduled my fun around my priorities.
If you dont have a plan, you will have a very hard time meeting your goals and
making your dreams for your future a reality. If you have a plan then everything
turns into chaos. Lay out your three or four top priorities for your college years
and then write down what habits, disciplines and actions match those priorities.
Schedule these things first and schedule your fun around those priorities.



10. Make smart nutritional choices.

If you have a poor diet, it will affect every area of
your college life. Youll look awful and therefore lack
confidence in social situations and other areas of your
life. You will have very little energy, which means you
will spend more time napping than studying, working
out or even having fun. Your brain wont be able to
function well on a poor diet, which affects your studies.
Unfortunately, college campuses are like minefields of
poor nutrition, although some campuses are getting
better. While you will find a few healthy options on the
dining hall menu, youll have to bypass a lot of land
mines to get to them.
Dining hall buffet lines are loaded with casseroles and
cream sauces, fatty sandwiches filled with processed meats, pasta dishes galore,
pizza, hot dogs and a lot of other garbage. The dessert table is often bigger than
the vegetable table.
Aside from the unhealthy foods being served in the dining hall, you have snack
shops, pizza places and vending machines everywhere on a college campus.
Thats not even counting all the food-oriented activities with your friends.
You can eat a healthy diet on campus and still enjoy some treats, but you have to
make good choices 95% of the time and take some steps to avoid temptation.
Most colleges allow you to have a mini-fridge in your room. Get one and stock it
with healthy foods like almond milk, low-fat cheese, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt,
pre-cooked chicken breast or skinless thighs, some cooked shrimp. Focus on
healthy proteins and fats that will curb your hunger.
You should also have a blender on top of your fridge to whip up healthy smoothies


and protein shakes. Have one for breakfast and youll be able to sleep in a little
longer or hit the gym instead of waiting in line at the dining hall to get dried
out scrambled eggs. Keep a bowl of fiber-rich fruits such as apples, pears and
bananas for a sweet snack or a pop of energy. Mix up some walnuts, almonds
and pumpkin seeds and keep them handy in your room and in your backpack so
you wont be tempted when you pass the nearest vending machine. All of these
things will help you fill up a bit (with nutrient-dense foods) before you hit the
dining hall, so that you can make healthier choices when you get there.
You should still enjoy going out for pizza or wings with your friends now and then,
but moderation is key. It shouldnt be every night and when you do know youre
going out, you should have a healthy snack about 30 minutes before you go.
Eat an apple and a handful of nuts before you leave and youll still have enough
appetite for pizza but you wont scarf down the large by yourself because youre
I hope you have an amazing time attending the university. You should; its a great
time of life and its also the last few years before you have to start taking on a lot
of added work and responsibility. Following these tips will help you enjoy college
while succeeding.




I dont know anyone who hasnt been told that breakfast is the most important
meal of the day. Our moms told us. Breakfast cereal commercials tell us. Now
most nutrition, bodybuilding and weight-loss experts are saying the same thing.
Theres a reason for this; its true and its true for a number of reasons. If you
want to lose body fat, gain lean muscle mass and avoid a slew of potential health
problems, eating a healthy breakfast is one of the best habits you can acquire.
This doesnt mean you should have a bowl of breakfast cereal or instant oatmeal
every morning. In fact, you shouldnt touch the stuff. It may seem like a reasonable
and cheap choice, but pre-packaged breakfast foods are generally loaded with
sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, sodium and preservatives. The last thing you need
first thing in the morning is a hit of sugar-laden, processed carbs. Im going to
explain why breakfast is so important to building muscle and losing body fat, why
the typical American breakfast food is the worst thing to eat and give you five
excellent and inexpensive alternatives.

The Role of Breakfast in Building Muscle and Losing Fat

Eating breakfast in the morning isnt just about breaking a night-long fast. The
importance of breakfast as it relates to building muscle and losing fat comes down
to two things, really. The first is jumpstarting your metabolism in the right way and
the second is setting your metabolism up properly for the rest of the day.
During sleep, your body uses its energy stores for digestion and muscle recovery.
Those energy stores need to be replenished very soon after awakening or several
unwelcome things start happening. Your body will break down muscle tissue to
extract the glycogen they contain and use that as fuel if it needs to. Your cortisol
levels will begin to rise because your body detects a possible famine situation.
When cortisol is present, fat loss is almost impossible, since cortisols mission is to
store fat.


If you go too long without eating in the morning your body will also start
demanding sugar-filled carbs and caffeinated drinks to get the energy it needs.
Giving in to those cravings means a ton of empty calories and a huge spike
in your insulin levels. Again, your fat-burning and muscle-building odds drop
dramatically when theres too much insulin in your bloodstream.
All of these things mean that its extremely important to eat breakfast as soon as
possible after you wake up, but what you eat is just as important.

The Components of a Muscle-Building Breakfast

What you put into your body when it is in a fasting state is extremely important.
You want to get some carbs for energy, but they should be fiber-rich carbs or
accompanied by enough fat and protein to slow the bodys absorption of sugar.
You need a good, clean dose of protein to fuel your muscles, your brain and your
morning workout, but without all the fat that comes with bacon or ham. You do
also want some fat to help curb hunger, but it needs to be healthy fat.
If this makes it sound like you need a bunch of expensive nutritional shakes and
supplements, you dont. While a healthy protein shake is great (and Ill include a
killer recipe below), you can get a powerhouse breakfast from whole foods that
are cheap and easy to get and easy to prepare.
Some of the best foods to include in a cheap, muscle-building breakfast are
organic eggs, quinoa, nuts like raw almonds and walnuts, seeds like pumpkin or
squash seeds, almond milk, coconut milk, Greek yogurt, almond butter, bananas,
steel-cut oats, sweet potatoes and fresh berries. Some of these ingredients are kind
of costly individually, but with most of them a little bit goes a long way. Combined
properly, they also end up making a very inexpensive breakfast that will fuel
muscle gains and help regulate your hormone levels so that you can burn body
Here are five of the best cheap, muscle-building breakfasts I know. They utilize
these great ingredients, are loaded with the breakfast nutrition you need and none
of them takes more than a few minutes to put together.


Greek God Smoothie

This high-protein smoothie is made with Greek
yogurt instead of a protein powder. Not only does
that make it inexpensive, but Greek yogurt also
delivers a whopping 14g of protein per 6-ounce cup.
Youll also get some healthy carbs and Omega-3
fats from the almond butter and a good serving of
carbs and potassium from the banana. Aside from
all of that, this smoothie tastes amazing. Cost: About
1 6-ounce container of vanilla Greek yogurt
2 tablespoons almond butter
1 medium banana
cup almond or coconut milk, unflavored
In a blender, combine the yogurt and almond butter
on medium speed until smooth. Add the banana
in chunks and pour in the almond or coconut milk.
Blend until smooth. This makes one serving.



Berry Good Protein Shake

Dark berries are among the worlds super foods,
prized for their rich antioxidant content. Theyre also
among the lowest of the low-glycemic fruits. Use
whatever berries are in season, as they will be the
lowest-priced. Its perfectly fine to use frozen berries,
as long as theyre unsweetened. This shake is also
loaded with healthy fats from coconut milk and a
good dose of protein from the protein powder. Cost:
About $3.00.
1 or 2 scoops (per directions) of vanilla,
low-carb protein powder
cup unflavored coconut milk
cup blueberries, blackberries or
5-6 ice cubes
In a blender, blend together the protein
powder, coconut milk and berries. When
the mixture is smooth, add the ice cubes
and blend on high until thick and creamy.
Makes one serving.



Power-Packed Potato
Sweet potatoes are one of the best bargains in whole
foods. They cost as little as 39-cents a pound in
season, and are loaded with protein, beta-carotene
and fiber. Dont just use them as a side dish at
dinner; they make a great breakfast meal, too. With
a little coconut oil and some black walnuts, youll
also get an excellent dose of Omega-3 fats. Cost:
About $2.25.
1 large sweet potato
2 teaspoons coconut oil
2 tablespoons chopped black walnuts
teaspoon nutmeg
teaspoon cinnamon
Prick a few holes in the sweet potato with the tines
of a fork, then place on a microwave safe dish.
Microwave according to your ovens instructions just
until done, (usually 5-7 minutes).
Use the fork to punch a line lengthwise down the
center of the potato and then push both ends toward
the center to pop it open. Use a spoon to dig up the
flesh of the potato, then fluff with the fork. Add the
coconut oil, cinnamon and nutmeg and mix well
with the fork. Mix in the nuts and enjoy! Makes one



Protein-Packed Breakfast Bowl

Quinoa is finally getting the attention it deserves.
This seed is a complete protein, containing all of the
essential fatty acids, and its incredibly versatile. Its
a great substitute for pasta or rice, but it also makes
a great hot cereal. Cost: About $3.00.
cup quinoa, cooked according to
directions (Make quinoa at night for
dinner and save some for an extraquick start to this recipe)
1 tablespoon pumpkin seeds
1 tablespoon honey
cup unflavored coconut or
almond milk
1 small banana, sliced
Place the quinoa in a deep,
microwave-safe bowl and add the
pumpkin seeds, honey and milk.
Microwave for 30 seconds or just
until hot. Top with the sliced banana and dig in.
Makes one serving.



Fiesta Eggs
Organic eggs cost a little more, but were still
talking about an excellent source of both protein
and Omega-3 fats that costs only about 30-cents
per egg. Go for the organic and you bypass the
hormones and antibiotics present in commerciallyraised eggs. This recipe is a great one for those of
you that like Southwestern foods and a little fire to
your meals. Greek yogurt adds additional protein
and is a great stand-in for sour cream. Cost: About
1 teaspoon coconut oil
3 large organic eggs, beaten
Salt and pepper to taste
2 tablespoons salsa
1-2 tablespoons of plain Greek
yogurt (save the rest for a
smoothie or protein shake)
1 green onion, sliced
Melt the coconut oil in a skillet over medium-high
heat and then pour in the eggs. Add salt and pepper
to taste. Stir just until fully cooked and then stir in
the salsa. Continue cooking until the salsa is heated
through. Place on a plate and top with the Greek
yogurt and sprinkle the green onion over all. Makes
one serving.



As you can see, a healthy, muscle-building breakfast can be had using whole
foods, without taking a long time to make. Each of these meals also costs less
than most pre-made nutritional drinks or a trip to the drive-through. Dont shortcircuit your gains by skipping breakfast or eating a less-healthy breakfast because
you think youre saving time or money.




Lunchtime can be a real nutritional minefield. Youre hungry, youre in the middle
of a busy day and you dont have much time to eat. All of these things are huge
temptations to go the quick and easy route or to skip lunch altogether. Both are
really bad ideas.

A Bad or Non-Existent Lunch

Will Sabotage Your Muscle-Gains
The quick and easy option can seem like a good
one at the time, especially if you tell yourself youre
going to get a healthy salad at the fast food
restaurant. But how many times do you end up
smelling those fries and throwing down a greasy
burger, too? Or you go to the dining hall at your
college and chow down on a fattening and high
sodium sandwich on white bread?
Skipping lunch isnt any better. Skipping meals
upsets your hunger hormone (leptin and ghrelin)
levels, causing you to overcompensate later.
It also raises your cortisol levels, which almost
guarantees that those excessive calories you eat
later will be stored as fat instead of being burned
as fuel. Besides those downsides, skipping meals
also makes it hard to focus on work or studies and
drains your energy, making it more likely that youll
miss your afternoon or evening workout.
The Makings of a Great, Muscle-Building Lunch


Its not hard to put together a really healthy and cheap muscle-building lunch
especially if you keep some key ingredients on hand. Some of the best foods to
stock up on are quinoa, organic eggs, avocadoes, Greek yogurt, cooked chicken
breasts, cooked shrimp (less expensive per meal than you think), water-packed
tuna and sprouted-grain bread.
Its important to get a good helping of clean protein to fuel your muscles for an
afternoon workout and keep your brain functioning optimally. Healthy fats curb
your hunger longer so you dont throw yourself at the nearest vending machine
mid-afternoon. A decent amount of healthy carbs will give you the energy you
need to get through the rest of your day.
Getting this kind of a lunch doesnt have to take a lot of time (especially if you
make your lunch the night before or in the morning) and it doesnt have to cost a
fortune, either. In fact, the recipes Im going to share with you cost less than most
dining hall meals or fast food disasters.
Dont sabotage your workout efforts or your health because you dont think you
have the time or money to eat properly at lunchtime. Here are five of the best
lunch recipes I know and theyre all cheap but very healthy muscle-building meals.



Quinoa with Zesty Shrimp

Quinoa is a complete protein on its own, but tossing
in a few shrimp gives this lunch more staying power
and a ton of flavor. Cook up a bunch of quinoa
one evening for dinner and save the leftovers for
breakfast or lunch. Shrimp may be expensive by
the pound, but by the meal theyre a great budget
ingredient. If you can buy raw shrimp and cook them
yourself (they take less than five minutes), theyre
even cheaper. Cost: About $2.75.
1 cup cooked quinoa
cup low-sodium beef broth
3-4 large cooked shrimp, cut in half
teaspoon powdered garlic
teaspoon mild curry powder
1 green onion, sliced
Put the quinoa in a deep, microwave-safe bowl and
add the broth, shrimp, garlic and curry powder. Heat
for about 1-1 minutes or until hot. Top with the
chopped green onion and enjoy. Makes one serving.



Chicken Salad Sandwich

Deli chicken salad is loaded with mayonnaise,
processed meat and other things you dont need.
This version is so much better for you and tastes
amazing. Make up a double batch; itll keep for
about three days in the fridge. Cost: About $3.25.
1 boneless, skinless cooked
chicken breast
tart apple, cored, peeled and
1 tablespoon chopped walnuts
1 teaspoon honey or Dijon
1 teaspoon plain Greek yogurt
2 slices sprouted-grain bread
Optional: Leaf lettuce, onions, sliced tomato
Place the chicken in a bowl and add the chopped
apple and the walnuts and toss. Stir together the
mustard and Greek yogurt, then mix this in with the
chicken mixture. Spread onto one slice of bread, add
any additional fresh veggies and top with the second
slice of bread.



Tuna-Stuffed Avocado
Avocadoes are an excellent source of plant-based
protein and healthy fats. They also taste great. This
recipe calls for the large, Florida-type avocado, not
the little Haas variety. To keep the unused half fresh,
leave the pit in, squeeze some lemon juice over the
flesh and wrap it up. That will keep it from browning
until dinner or the next day. Cost: About $2.25.
large, ripe avocado, pit removed but with the peel
1 can water packed tuna
2 tablespoons plain Greek yogurt
teaspoon Dijon mustard
teaspoon salt
teaspoon black pepper
teaspoon onion powder
Carefully scoop the flesh from the avocado and
place it in a small bowl. Stir in the tuna, Greek
yogurt, mustard, salt, pepper and onion powder and
mix well with a fork. Spoon loosely back into the
avocado and serve. Makes one serving.



Banana Smoothie
If youre seriously pressed for time or just need your
lunch to go, this is a great recipe to fall back on.
It tastes great, has 14g of protein from the Greek
yogurt, a nice helping of carbs from the yogurt and
banana and some healthy fats from the coconut
milk. This is also a nice dessert treat. Cost: About
1 6-ounce container of vanilla Greek
1 medium banana, sliced
cup unflavored or vanilla coconut
Dash of nutmeg
Dash of cinnamon
Place all of the ingredients in a
blender and blend on high speed until
smooth and creamy. Makes one large



Shrimp and Avocado Salad

You can pay a pretty hefty price for a similar salad
at a restaurant, but why bother? This one takes
just a few minutes to make and costs so much less.
Youll get plenty of protein and healthy fats from the
quinoa, shrimp and avocado and just enough carbs
to keep you fueled for the day. Cook up extra quinoa
and shrimp from some of the other recipes and use
the planned leftovers for this, since theyll need to be
chilled. Cost: About $4.50.
4 large cooked shrimp, cut in half
ripe avocado, diced
1 medium ripe tomato, diced
small red onion, diced
cup cooked quinoa
1 cup Romaine lettuce, chopped
1 tablespoon light olive oil
1 teaspoon Balsamic vinegar
Salt and pepper to taste
In a medium bowl, mix together the shrimp,
avocado, tomato and onion until well-blended. Stir
in the quinoa. In a small jar or bowl, mix together
the olive oil, Balsamic vinegar and salt and pepper
until well-blended. Pour over the shrimp mixture and
stir well. Place the lettuce in a bowl or on a plate and
top with the shrimp mixture. Makes one serving.



Skipping lunch or grabbing something loaded with empty calories is just undoing
all of your hard work in the gym. No matter how little time you have or how tight
your budget, you can still eat like a king at lunchtime without going broke or
blowing your muscle-building goals.
By stocking up on some of these nutrient-dense whole foods, preparing some of
the ingredients ahead of time and committing to eating a healthy lunch, you can
further your goals and feel great while youre doing it.




When its time for dinner, you dont have to rely on your college dining hall or the
fast food and pizza places that surround most campuses. In fact, you shouldnt.
Dining hall buffet tables are loaded with breads, pastas, potatoes, fatty meats
and limp, soggy vegetables. They also encourage overeating. The restaurants that
surround college neighborhoods are fine for occasional evenings out with friends,
but they shouldnt be your everyday meal.
If you have a microwave in your dorm you can easily whip up a muscle-building
dinner that is quick, cheap and tasty. You also have the convenience of eating in
your room when its convenient for you and on your own schedule, not someone
elses. But, there are also some quick,
high-protein dinners where a microwave
isnt needed at all.
Here are five of my favorite dinners that
you can make in just a few minutes.
They taste great and cost less than a fast
food meal that will leave you looking
and feeling awful. You will notice that
I use some of the same ingredients in
several of these, like fresh baby spinach,
cooked shrimp and eggs. This makes it
easy for you to buy just a few groceries
and eat like a king all week.



Curried Stuffed Sweet Potato

Sweet potatoes rock, guys. They cost about .69 per
pound, are loaded with fiber, protein and betacarotene and you can cook one in the microwave in
about ten minutes. Cook a few of them at once and
save the leftovers for one of my sweet potato lunch
or breakfast recipes. Cost: about $3.50.
1 large sweet potato
3 ounces of chopped cooked Canadian bacon or
cooked chicken breast
1 teaspoon coconut oil
teaspoon mild curry powder
teaspoon salt
teaspoon pepper
Prick the sweet potato several times with the tines of
a fork and place it on a paper plate or microwavesafe dish. Cook the sweet potato on high power for
8-10 minutes or until a fork goes through it easily.
Use the tines of the fork to prick a line down the
center of the potato (lengthwise) and then press on
each end until it pops open. Use a spoon to gently
scoop out the flesh and place it back on the plate or
dish, leaving the skin intact.
Mash the flesh with the fork until all of the large
pieces are broken up. Mix in the coconut oil until


completely melted and then mix in the Canadian

bacon or chicken. Sprinkle with the curry powder,
salt and pepper and mix again. Scoop it all back
into the skin and reheat if needed before eating.
Makes one serving.



Miso Soup with Shrimp

Shrimp seems expensive when you look at the price
per pound, but its actually a protein bargain. While
you may pay $7 for a pound of 31-40 count shrimp,
that pound will make between 5-8 meals if you
dont go crazy with it. Six shrimp is a good portion
of protein and filling enough when combined with
other foods. Most supermarkets will steam them for
you free of charge. Between the miso, shrimp and
egg whites, this is a protein-packed meal for very
little money. Cost: about $3.25.
1 packet Miso soup mix (*find these for less than a
dollar in Asian markets or the Asian section of your
1 cups water
cup fresh baby spinach leaves
5-6 medium cooked shrimp
2 boiled egg whites, chopped (use the yolks later in
a sandwich or for a snack)
Salt to taste (be sure to taste the miso first)
Dash of red pepper flakes
1 chopped green onion
In a microwave safe bowl, combine the miso soup
mix and the water, using a fork to mix well. Add
the spinach leaves and microwave on high for
2 minutes. Add the shrimp, egg whites, salt and
pepper flakes and microwave for one more minute.
Top with the chopped green onion and enjoy! Makes
one serving.


Spinach-Strawberry Salad
with Shrimp
Heres another meal you can make with that
same pound of shrimp and you dont even need
a microwave. Spinach is loaded with vitamins and
antioxidants and is also one of the vegetables
highest in protein. Strawberries are high in fiber,
Vitamin C and antioxidants. The olive oil and
walnuts provide healthy fats. On top of all that, this
salad tastes amazing. Cost: about $5.50.
1 cup fresh baby spinach leaves
5-6 large strawberries, sliced
5-6 medium shrimp, cut in half
cup chopped yellow onion
2 tablespoons chopped walnuts
2 tablespoons extra-light virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons Balsamic vinegar
teaspoon Dijon mustard
In a large bowl, combine the spinach leaves,
strawberries, shrimp, onion and walnuts. Mix them
up well. In a small dish or jar, combine the olive oil,
Balsamic vinegar and mustard and mix very fast with
a fork until creamy. Pour the dressing over the salad
and toss well to coat. Makes one serving.



Florentine Frittata
This recipe is kind of a riff on
traditional eggs Florentine
but a lot easier to make
and much better for the
microwave. You get protein
from the eggs and Canadian
bacon, iron, Vitamin C
and fiber from the spinach,
Vitamin D and flavor from
the cheese and its all ready
in about five minutes. (I
specify mozzarella string
cheese for this recipe
because it is such a great thing to have on hand
in the dorm. No need to run out and get shredded
cheese). Cost: about $4.00.
1 teaspoon olive oil
3 large, organic eggs, beaten
cup chopped yellow onion
cup fresh baby spinach leaves, torn
3 ounces Canadian bacon, chopped
2 mozzarella string cheese snacks, pulled into
several strips
teaspoon salt
teaspoon pepper
Spread the olive oil onto the bottom and sides of a
microwave-safe, shallow, round casserole or glass


pie plate. Pour in the eggs and then sprinkle on the

onion, spinach leaves and Canadian bacon. Lay
the strips of cheese on top in a tic-tac-toe or lattice
pattern. (The cheese may sink a little, but thats fine)
Then season with salt and pepper.
Microwave on medium heat for about 3 minutes or
until the eggs are cooked through. Use a spatula to
remove it to a plate and enjoy. Makes one serving.



Buffalo Chicken Strip Sandwich

What college guy doesnt like Buffalo wings?
Unfortunately, they are not very good for you, so
save them for really special occasions. But this recipe
is much healthier for you. The butter is switched
out for olive oil, you are using un-breaded chicken
breast instead of wings and skipping the bleu
cheese altogether, but trust me you wont miss it.
Hot red pepper sauce is great for you it speeds the
metabolism and opens up your capillaries, helping
to oxygenate your blood and your muscles. Cost:
about $4.50.
1 cooked chicken breast, cut into strips
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 teaspoon hot red pepper sauce (more if you really
like it hot)
teaspoon salt
teaspoon paprika
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
cup fresh baby spinach leaves (sub Romaine
lettuce if you like)
3-4 thin rings of yellow onion
2 slices whole-grain (preferably sprouted) bread,
toasted if possible
Place the cooked chicken breast strips on a
microwave safe plate or in a small bowl. In a small
bowl or jar, mix together the hot red pepper sauce,
olive oil, salt and pepper. (If you have a jar with a


lid, just shake it up really well.) Pour over the chicken

and use your hands to toss it well until all the chicken
is coated.
Microwave on high for 1-2 minutes or until hot and
set aside. Spread the Dijon mustard on one slice of
bread and add the spinach and onion rings. Top
with the chicken and cover with the second slice of
bread. Enjoy!
As you can see, you can get several delicious, high-protein, whole food meals
out of just one bag of groceries and none of these meals will set you back more
than a few dollars. Save the pizza, chicken wings and other less-healthy meals for
celebrations, occasional nights out with friends or as a designated cheat meal. By
eating healthy the rest of the time, you can enjoy those treats without guilt, without
sabotaging your fitness goals and without going broke.




Every college student should have a small refrigerator in their dorm room. You
certainly should if you plan to avoid the Freshman 15 and stay on track with
your muscle-building goals. Most colleges will rent one to you by the semester but
you can also buy one for about $100, which is a much better deal.
Even though dorm rooms are notoriously tight on floor space, you can place a
small microwave on top of your dorm room fridge and get a small microwave cart
or a cabinet for stocking a few essentials like pantry items and a few dishes and
utensils. You will be amazed at how efficient this makeshift kitchen can be with the
right recipes and the right foods in stock.
The last thing you should be doing is relying on the dining hall or neighborhood
fast food restaurants for all of your meals and snacks. Dining hall buffet tables are
loaded with all of the foods you should limit, such as white potatoes, pasta and
breads. They also encourage overeating. The neighborhood fast food and pizza
joints should be reserved for special occasions only. If you frequent them on a
daily basis, you will go broke fast and get fat even faster.
With this simple kitchen set-up and the right ingredients, you can eat healthy,
save money and stay on schedule. You dont have to worry about lines or any
inconveniences because you can eat in the comfort of your dorm room. You have
the added convenience of eating breakfast without having to get dressed and run
out, which ultimately saves time. Being prepared with these essentials also allows
you to put together a power snack whenever you need one.
Here are some groceries you should try to have on hand at all times.




Your dorm room fridge wont hold much, so it should be reserved for the most
nutrient-dense and versatile foods. You will have to shop frequently because space
is limited, but you can easily fit enough food in there to feed yourself for a week.

Dairy Items: Organic milk, almond milk or coconut milk is a must-have item.
You can use the milk for cold cereal, hot cereal, protein shakes, smoothies and
soups. Greek yogurt is another important food to stay stocked on. Greek yogurt
costs about $1 per container and has twice the protein (about 14g) of regular
yogurt. Organic cottage cheese is another good choice as is mozzarella string
cheese. You will also want to stock some organic, grass-fed butter.

Proteins: Three of the best proteins you can buy for your dorm room fridge are
cooked chicken breasts, fresh shrimp (have your grocer steam them for free) and
organic, pasture-raised eggs. Canadian bacon is another good option thats fully
cooked and very versatile.

Fruits and Vegetables: Try to limit the amount of produce you buy at
one time because it does take up a lot of room. Store what you can outside of the
fridge to save space, although that, too, will mean that you need to buy just a little
at a time so that the food doesnt spoil.
Some of the best vegetables to have on hand are sweet potatoes (high in protein,
beta-carotene and fiber), dark leafy lettuce, fresh spinach leaves, onions and
tomatoes. Some good fruits to stock are strawberries, blueberries, apples, pears
and bananas. Buy organic at your local farmers market. Organic produce there
is often cheaper than commercial produce at the supermarket.

Other Refrigerated Items: There are a few condiments and flavorings

that will help open up your meal and snack options. Dijon or brown mustard is
great on a sandwich, but also good in dressings and sauces. Olive oil mayonnaise
is better for you than regular mayo and also comes in handy.



Your pantry area will hold a lot more food than your dorm room fridge, but you
still have limited space. Fill it with things that are rich in nutrition and give plenty of
variety and versatility.

Grains: Try to keep a loaf of whole-grain, preferably sproutedgrain, bread on hand for sandwiches and toast. Quinoa should
always be in your pantry. Its a complete protein and a great
substitute for almost any grain. Use it as you would oats, rice
or pasta. Brown rice is another good item to have. Its always
good to have a healthy cold cereal such as Ezekiel for really busy
mornings and steel-cut oats are great for a hot breakfast option.
Whole-grain tortillas are great for making your own wraps and
individual pizzas.

Nuts, Seeds and Nut Butters: Nuts and seeds are

loaded with healthy fats, fiber and a wide range of antioxidants.
The best nuts are raw almonds and walnuts. Pumpkin seeds or
pepitas, squash seeds and chia seeds are also good to have. They
make a great snack and add a dose of healthy fats to salads, hot
cereal and yogurt. Nut butters such as almond butter are better
for you than peanut butter and taste amazing. Theyre good for
sandwiches, spreading on fruits and vegetables or whipped into
your protein shake.

Condiments and Flavorings: Youll be amazed at how

creative you can get with just a few ingredients if you have the
right flavorings on hand. Coconut oil and/or olive oil should
always be in your cupboard. You should also stock Balsamic
vinegar and apple cider vinegar for making your own healthy


You may also want to stock mirin, soy sauce or other Asian flavorings
for soups, vegetables and main dishes. Raw honey is always good to
have and much better for you than sugar. Make sure to stock a few
simple spices and seasonings as well, such as salt, pepper, paprika,
curry powder, cinnamon, nutmeg, chili powder and red pepper
There are a few canned goods that will round out your pantry.
Keep some vegetable, chicken or beef broth on hand for making
soups and sauces and a few cans of kidney or black beans to
add protein and fiber to your meals. A few cans of tuna and
sardines are also good to have.
Obviously, you will have several things that you want to keep
on hand that arent on this list, but this is an excellent base with
which to build so many meals. You will use these ingredients over
and over again and each of them is so rich in nutrition that they
will earn their piece of your limited dorm room space.




Here are some of the best power snacks you can make with the ingredients
weve just talked about. As you can see, there are a lot of options with just a few
Banana sliced in half and spread with almond butter.
Pear or apple slices dipped in almond butter.
Vanilla Greek yogurt with blueberries and walnuts.
Vanilla Greek yogurt, fresh berries and coconut milk
whipped into a smoothie.
Hot quinoa with almond milk, honey and almonds.
Cooked oats with blueberries, coconut milk and walnuts.
Sliced pear heated with a little butter and some honey,
then topped with walnuts.
Celery sticks filled with almond butter and topped with
pumpkin seeds.
Quick salad of spinach, strawberries, cooked chicken
breast and vinaigrette.
Easy chicken soup with cooked quinoa, chopped chicken
breast, spinach and onion.
Quinoa with cooked shrimp, green onion, soy sauce.
Brown rice, black beans, garlic and a few cooked shrimp.
Chicken salad sandwich made with mustard, chopped
apple and walnuts.
Parfait made with vanilla Greek yogurt, Ezekiel cereal and
fresh berries.
Heated sardines with red pepper sauce, garlic and olive
Microwaved tomato and mozzarella on whole-grain toast.
Tortilla pizza with tomato sauce, cottage cheese, spinach
leaves and mozzarella.



These are just a small sampling of the great power snacks and quick meals you
can pull together right in your dorm, in just a few minutes and for a fraction of
what the dining hall or pizza place would cost you.
You can easily create a weeks worth of meals from these ingredients and then
be able to go out and enjoy the occasional pizza or hot wing night. Because
youre eating right 99% of the time and you actually have some money left in your
pocket, you can enjoy that evening out guilt free and without having to dip into
your gas money to do it.



One of the really cool things about going off to university is that for the first time
you are in control of your time. No one is hanging over your shoulder telling you
what to do when. On the other hand, one of the treacherous things about going
off to university is that you are in control of your own time. In other words, its up
to you to make sure you succeed.
University is a privilege and an opportunity to create a real future for yourself, but
it takes hard work and it takes focus. Yes, you should have a good time and make
some great friends, but the way to enjoy that aspect of college is to know that
youre on top of the important things.
Maximizing your productivity during university can be broken down into three
main principles: setting goals, prioritizing and scheduling your time according
to those priorities. These principles apply to every aspect of university life, from
academics to health to work and to play. Here are my top tips for managing your
time in university so that you make the most of what it has to offer you.

Decide on Your Priorities

When you get to university, you need to already have your priorities firmly in place.
Things start off fast and youre going to hit the ground running. If you dont know
your priorities, you may end up running in the wrong direction.
The college may set the time for your anatomy class, but the professor isnt going
to make you show up. Your mom may have taught you that you need to eat plenty
of fresh vegetables, but she isnt going to be with you to make you do it. You need


to decide whats most important to you while youre at university and then you
need to make yourself act on those priorities.
Going to university is a privilege and an expensive one at that. Your major and
how well you perform academically can be the foundation of all of your future
success, so academics need to be your first priority. Your second priority should be
your health. If youre fatigued, hung over, stressed out and malnourished, youre
not going to do well academically, so the two go hand in hand.
After these two, your priorities will depend on your situation, needs and desires.
These might include work, athletics, having a social life or what have you. I
recommend that you have no more than three or four main priorities so you dont
get overwhelmed. Anything else can still be a part of the college experience, but
not necessarily a main focus.

Set Specific, Measurable Goals Based on Your Priorities

The second thing you have to do is set very specific,
measurable goals based on your priorities. Academically,
you may have one set of goals for the entire experience,
such as getting your economics degree or graduating
magna cum laude and other goals that change from one
semester to another, such as making a 3.8 GPA.
Your goals for your health may be to eat more whole
foods, lose 15 pounds, get eight hours of sleep daily or
to gain 20 pounds of muscle.
No matter what your hopes for the year or the semester are, youre far more likely
to achieve them if you have definite goals. These goals need to be as specific
as possible and they need to be measurable, so you can break them down into
smaller steps and so that you can track your progress and tweak your plan.
Losing weight is a hope, losing 15 pounds this semester is a goal.



Schedule Your Time According to

Your Goals
Your goals need to be based on your priorities
and your schedule needs to be based on your
goals. Now, obviously the university is going to
be making up part of your schedule for you.
Youll have certain blocks of time that are spent
in class. But what you do with the rest of your
time is up to you.
First you need to schedule your time based on
reaching your goals; the things that will help
you with your priorities. The time you have
left over is the time you have for other things,
such as athletics, hobbies, social activities and
so on. This sounds simplistic, but if youre not
managing your time this way, youll look back
on the week and realize you didnt spend any
time at all on your priorities. You probably wont
really know where the time actually went.

Break Your Goals Down into Steps

In order to schedule your time properly and to track your progress toward your
goals, youll need to break those goals down into steps. Lets say that one of your
goals is to lose 15 pounds of fat and add 20 pounds of lean muscle this semester.
You may break that down to doing four weight-training sessions and three HIIT
sessions per week. Now you have something concrete to schedule.
As another example, if one of your goals is to make an A in French, you may
break that down to attending every single lecture, getting tutoring three hours per
week and studying six hours per week. Again, these are definite steps that you can



Schedule Backwards or Large to Small

Youre going to have lots of big or long-term projects in university and youll get
a syllabus for each class at the beginning of each semester. The best thing you
can do is get yourself a large wall or desk calendar and write in the due dates
for every single project for all classes. This ensures that nothing is forgotten and
it gives you a look at the big picture at any point in time. Once you see the big
picture, you can start working backwards.
What I mean by this is starting with the end goal (such as a paper due October
22) and then scheduling in the smaller steps that lead you to that goal. For this
example, you may schedule two research sessions at the library on October 5 and
October 7, creating your outline on October 10, writing the first draft on October
12, rewriting on October 15 and then a final edit and your bibliography on
October 20.
Scheduling backwards ensures you have plenty of time to get everything done
and that youre not scrambling at the last minute to complete a project or stressing
out worrying about what lies ahead. If youve got the big picture on a calendar
and youve scheduled backwards, then you dont have to worry about next week
or next month as long as youre doing what youre supposed to do each day.

Schedule Your Down Time and Stick To It

Your schedule isnt just about work; its also about rest and even about fun. Once
youve scheduled according to your goals and priorities, you can look at your
calendar and see what free time you have and when. This is time that you can
freely spend on relaxation and social activities. But, its important to be smart with
this time and not spend it screwing around that is causes a major setback in your
This may mean that you have four hours on Saturday afternoon or that you
have the whole weekend. It may mean that you have a free hour after dinner on
Tuesdays and Thursdays. Whatever time you determine you have, stick to it. Dont
decide that youll go out for pizza on Thursday night when youre supposed to be


studying and make it up by studying on Friday night when youre supposed to be

going out with friends. Why? Because you wont study.
One of my favorite actors, Denzel Washington, said once that he was raised with
this motto: Do what you have to do so that you can do what you want to do. I
love that principle and it applies not only to how you spend your time today or this
week, but to how you manage your time at university so that you can enjoy your
life more freely later.

Manage Your Minutes

We have a tendency to waste a significant
amount of time by failing to utilize minutes.
Youre going to have time between classes,
time between final exams, and time between
finishing one assignment early and starting
another. If you have 15 spare minutes, dont
just automatically start clicking around on
Facebook because you think 15 minutes isnt enough time to do anything. For one
thing, 15 minutes on Facebook can easily turn into an hour. And surprisingly, you
can get a lot of stuff done in 15 minutes.
In 15 minutes, you could get in a 7-minute Tabata workout and still have time to
shower. You could review your notes for the exam youre taking later in the day, go
to the financial aid office to fill out that scholarship application, or head over to
the dorm to grab a healthy snack.
When youve got a small block of free time, ask yourself if theres anything you
can do in that time that furthers your goals and reflects your priorities. There
almost always will be. If not, then go ahead and play around on Facebook.
If you follow these tips for managing your time and maximizing your productivity
in university, youll have enough time to do what you have to do and will also have
enough time to do what you want to do. Not only that, but you will be building
productivity habits that will help you succeed in every area of life later on.



College is a great time of life. Youre laying the foundation for your future,
growing into adulthood, meeting a ton of new people and having a lot of new
experiences. Unfortunately, its really easy to let your health and fitness goals
fall by the wayside while you are at college. Between classes, studying, working,
sleeping and having fun, it can be really easy to blow off your workout and your
diet. But if you have a plan, exercise some discipline and take advantage of
everything your campus has to offer, your college years can be your healthiest and
fittest yet.
I will be giving you a great framework for your college workout program but
rather than telling you step by step exactly what to do in each workout, Im going
to show you how to create your own individualized college workout and then give
you some of my best tips for ensuring your success.

The Keys to a Great College Workout

Working out and staying healthy in college comes with a few challenges and a
few advantages. One of the biggest challenges is that you a re going to be very
busy with classes, studying and maybe even working. Thats not counting athletics,
social activities and anything else you may get involved in.
In order to build and keep a great body in college, youre going to have to be
committed and disciplined, but youre also going to have to get creative with the
type of program youre doing and with scheduling your workouts. These two things
will probably change at least every semester, but they always need to be flexible
and work with your schedule and your body clock. This is one of the main reasons
Im going to give you the architecture for a great college workout, but let you
handle the details.


One of the advantages of the college environment is that you probably have
more free time than you will have again for a good long while. That sounds
contradictory to what Ive just said, but while you will be very busy in college youre
only going to be busier after you graduate.
Another advantage is that everything you need is right on campus. Theres walking
and running trails, a well-equipped gym or two, a pool, various athletic facilities
and anything else you can possibly need for your workouts, all without having to
get in your car.
The key to making your workout work is to take steps to work around the
disadvantages and work with the advantages. Make the most of your time and
the facilities and you will come out a winner. I will give you some great tips to help
you do that in just a bit, but first lets get into the framework of the college workout
that Ive designed for you.

Your College Workout Why It Works

The college workout that Ive created is going to allow you to work on strength
and size simultaneously. A lot of guys believe that you have to work on size for
a certain number of weeks and then strength for a certain number of weeks and
back again. For the most part, I think this is because it seems simpler, although
some guys may believe that you can only work on size or strength in different
phases. This isnt true. You can do both by splitting up your week.
Aside from enabling you to work on both size and strength at the same time, the
structure of this workout allows you to get your workout done in very little time,
something that is essential to your success on a busy college schedule. If youre
working a job after classes, you may only have a little time before classes or
between one class and the next in which to work out. This workout program is
quick enough that you can get to the gym, work out, shower and change and get
to your next class, your job or wherever within an hour.



Your College Workout How it Works

Youre going to be doing two days of strength and three days of size on this
program, with a rest day in between. I strongly suggest you do the strength days
first and that you have at least one workout on the weekends to keep you focused
on your goals and less likely to blow it on Saturday and Sunday. So heres how
that shapes up:

Monday and Tuesday Strength Training

Wednesday Rest
Thursday, Friday, Saturday Size training
Sunday Rest

When you first look at this, you might think that were breaking the rules about
training the same body parts on consecutive days, but youre going to be doing a
split program.
For strength, you will do either upper body or lower body. Which one you do
Monday and which one you do Tuesday is up to you. For size, you also do a
split. A potential split could be Back, Triceps, Shoulders on one day and Legs
on another day, Chest, Biceps, shoulders the final day. Youll do abs on three of
those five workouts throughout the week. Breaking up your workouts in this way
and working on both size and strength in the same week ensures that youre
stimulating all of the muscle fibers, both fast and slow twitch. This is key to seeing
serious progress in short time.


If five days a week doing both strength and size sounds like its going to take a ton
of time, it isnt. Heres why:
On your two strength days, youll be doing only two major compound moves for
the lower body and two major compound moves for the upper body. But, you will
be doing low reps, such as 5x5 or 6x4 or 7x3, with the heaviest weights you can
do with control and proper form and longer rest periods, such as 2-3 minutes,
between sets. This type of training isnt just training your muscles; its training your
entire central nervous system to increase strength for the next workout. You will
see impressive progress on strength in this way and doing your strength days in
the first part of the week will make you stronger for your size workouts later in the
On your size days, you will still do only three different exercises per body part
(whether thats back, biceps, legs, or what have you) and you are going to be
doing giant sets. An example of a chest giant set could be Incline dumbbell
presses right into flat bench presses right into cable flyes. After all three exercises
you will rest until repeating the same giant set. Giant sets get maximum fatigue in
the shortest possible time, which is essential with a busy schedule. So you will want
to do moderate to high reps such as 8-16 reps, with shorter rest periods such 1-2
minutes. Focus 100% on maxing out your time under tension. Time under tension
is whats going to make this workout so explosive, so each movement needs to be
as slow as you can make it and still maintain control.



So heres how your workout might shape up:

(You can switch the body parts around to suit you)
Monday Strength Upper Body.2 major compound moves, heaviest weight
possible, 5x5 or 6x4 or 7x3 with long rest periods.
Tuesday Strength Lower Body2 major compound moves, heaviest weight
possible, 5x5 or 6x4 or 7x3 with long rest periods.
Wednesday Rest
Thursday Size Chest, Biceps and Shoulders2-4 giant sets, 8-16 reps per
exercise shorter rest periods, focus on time under tension.
Friday Size Legs and Calves2-4 giant sets, 8-16 reps per exercise shorter
rest periods, focus on time under tension.
Saturday Size Back, Triceps and Shoulders2-4 giant sets, 8-16 reps per
exercise shorter rest periods, focus on time under tension.
*** Dont forget to include abs at least twice per week, I would recommend you
add them in at the end of your Thursday and Saturday workout.




Once you have your plan, you need to do everything possible to make it easy to
stick to that plan. Here are some tips to help you do that:

1. Work out first thing in the morning.

Its a lot easier to blow off your workout than it is to blow off your classes. So get
your workout done first thing and you wont get a chance to skate later. Working
out first thing also has a psychological advantage: If you spent your morning
willing yourself to do that seemingly impossible last rep, youll find it easier to
conquer other challenges throughout the rest of your day.

2. Work with your body clock.

Having said that, if mornings are your best study time because you are mentally
focused and able to retain information better, then by all means work out later
in the day. Work with your body clock rather than against it if at all possible.
Otherwise, you may be fighting yourself every day to get to the gym.

3. Have your gym bag locked and loaded every night.

Youve got very little time and your friends are always going to be tempting you
with offers to go to lunch/play a game of pool/etc. during the day. By packing
your gym bag each night with your clothes, your protein powder or BCAAs in your
bottle and a healthy snack, youll be more prepared for tomorrow and more likely
to work out. This works whether youre working out first thing in the morning or
after your classes. Being ready to go is half the battle.
College is a great opportunity to focus on your fitness and nutrition and to take
advantage of all the facilities available to you on campus. Make the most of
your time and resources, stay focused and work your plan. The results will be




Meet Vince Del
Monte, the only
Fitness Guru who
has been coined
The Skinny Guy
Savior . He earned
this name by
dedicating his life
to transforming the
lives of the skinny,
scrawny wimpy
guys & skinny
girls helping
them become
healthier, fitter and
more confident
in their bodies.
In the end his
students transform
themselves to
Live better, Look
better & Know
better! Vince
has transformed thousands of lives of
the skinny, scrawny wimpy individual
with a perfect mix of encouragement,
humor, no BS, inspiration and fun with
his popular best selling No-Nonsense

Muscle Building system.

Vince has the most popular skinny to

muscular transformation stories in the
world. He was the poster boy of the I
cant gain weight or get the girl story.
Vince became known as Skinny Vinny.
He was 140-150 pounds at 6 feet tall.
The nickname didnt die; it stuck with
him all through college.


He tried everything to gain weight any

way he could, never reaching past 149
lbs., dripping wet. He went through
the battles to gain like no other. As
a former competitive long distance
runner, Vince used running to survive
the embarrassment and insecurity he
suffered from being too skinny. He
formed an identity for himself as one of
those lean, mean, running machines.
Vince studied Kinesiology and received
a Honors Kinesiology degree from the
University of Western Ontario. After
college, he found a mentor who told
him to burn all of his fitness magazines
and stop wasting money on supplements
to gain weight. Vinces life started to
change. He gained some weight, got
muscles and then met the girl of his
dreams whom he calls his B.M.W.
Beautiful Marvelous Wife!
Vince helps thousands of individuals
with muscle unfriendly genetics;
make a plan to create new habits and
commit to it. He helps with motivation,
confidence, and teaches the basis for
training smarter not harder individuals
see muscles within 2 weeks, not 2
They eat
better and
have a more
balance life.
And in the
end, each
becomes a
better man


or woman all while reaching his or her



Vince is the Author of No-Nonsense

Muscle Building: Skinny Guy Secrets To
Insane Muscle Gain. The book has sold
more than 80,000 copies in more than
120 different countries. He is also a
WBFF Professional Fitness Model.
Vince continues to compete in the
fitness-modeling world and has won the
Canadian Fitness Model Championships.
In June 2008, he competed again and
placed 3rd at the World Fitness Model
Championships. In 2011 Vince become
a WBFF Pro Fitness Model and competed
at the 2011 WBFF World Championships.
He enjoys the natural bodybuilding and



fitness lifestyle, and continues to practice

what he preaches to challenge himself
and inspire his readers.



Check out Vince's Success Stories!







Packed On 50 Pounds of MUSCLE!




Gained 17 Pounds Of Muscle

Got My Life Back at 53 Years Old



The Best Shape I Have Ever Been In!









Andy Notices Veins And

Cuts He's Never Seen Before!

Your Full Body Routine

Is Simple Amazing!







My Self-Esteem Shot Through The Roof!

Lost 22 Pounds Of Fat

Gains 30 Pounds Of Solid Muscle

CLICK HERE To Ready Their Success Stories



Check out Vinces Success Stories!



province, Spain AFTER
Aimo's Inspires An Entire Generation!




From Fit To Freaking Shredded!

The New "Go To Guy"


Hong Kong

Gains 90 Pounds Of Muscle!


12-Weeks - Went From 200 lbs at 17%
Body Fat To 210 lbs at 10% Body Fat!


25-Days - Transformed From

15% Body Fat to 9% Body Fat!


New Zealand

Grove City,






Gained 15 Pounds Of Muscle

65 Is Only A Number

Added Nearly 20 Pounds Of Muscle

CLICK HERE To Ready Their Success Stories



Check out Vinces Success Stories!


Trinity Beach,
QLD, Australia



Long Island,
New York



Anything Can Be Physically Achieved


Gave "One Hundred And Ten Percent"


Now Quickly Noticed By Women





"Commitment is key!"



Josh Lost 7% Body Fat


Packs On 47 Pounds Of Size!






He Gains 10 Pounds Of Muscle!

Joe Lost 25 Pounds

Added Nearly 20 Pounds Of Muscle

CLICK HERE To Ready Their Success Stories



Check out Vinces Success Stories!





BC, Canada





Maan...you look so muscular!

Pain is only temporary

Stayed On Track and Took Action



40 Year Old Mother, Loses 18 Inches





Went From Skinny-Fat To

Lean, Toned And Sexy!


Daegu, South

"I Wanted To Be Someone Instead Of
Being A Little Skinny Push Over"



Mitchell, South




Building Muscle The Chicks Dig!

The Work Is It's Own Reward!

Packed On 10 Pounds Of Muscle

CLICK HERE To Ready Their Success Stories




No Nonsense
Skinny Guy
Secrets For
Insane Muscle

21 Day Fast
Mass Building:
Gain 12 Pounds
Of Pure Muscle
In Just 21 Days

This is my original flagship muscle building

program that has been followed by more
than 80,000 guys and gals worldwide. Its the
same system I followed to gain 41 pounds
of drug-free muscle in exactly 24 weeks. Its
where I strongly recommend all my students
begin. It includes a 6-month program for
Beginners and Intermediate trainees and an
additional 6-month program for Advanced

This is the program I followed to bulk from

214 pounds to 227 pounds in 42 days
following a scientifically-proven dietary
protocol called cyclical bulking and it can be
utilized with any muscle building workout.
This system includes three unique muscle
building workouts catered to three different
goal looks: A fitness model physique; a
muscle model physique; and a bodybuilder

Click here to read more or buy

No Nonsense Muscle Building.

Click here to read more or buy

21 Day Fast Mass Building.

Regular Price: $127

Regular Price: $127

Sale Price: $77

Sale Price: $77



The 1,000 Rep

Muscle Challenge
This is an extreme, short-term,
28-day muscle building workout
for emergency use only. If youre
not as ripped and muscular as you
want to be and youre looking for a
groundbreaking program to shock
your muscles into submission then
youre going to want to give this a
shot. Youll also get to meet one of
the biggest rising stars in professional
fitness modeling, Artus Six Pack
Shakur who is my guest. Click here
to test out the 1,000 Rep Muscle
Click here to test out the
1,000 Rep Muscle Challenge.

Regular Price: $127

Sale Price: $7

Maximize Your Muscle:

Advanced Muscle Routines &
Exclusive Coaching To Blow
Beyond Your Genetic Potential
This is my first 16-month curriculum-based coaching
program that is open to students who successfully
complete No Nonsense Muscle Building first. This is
16 months of periodized muscle building workouts
that focus on 12 untapped targets for igniting new
muscle growth. This is a membership based program
that includes a 24-page hardcopy newsletter, two
hour workout DVD, 90-minute coaching call and
private members community.
Click here to get started with Phase 1 of
Maximize Your Muscle

Regular Price: : $69.95

Sale Price: $7


Hypertrophy M.A.X.:
12 Unique Hypertrophy
Models & Elite Coaching
For Colossal Gains In
Size & Strength
This is my current muscle-building
masterpiece and its designed exclusively
for advanced trainees seeking out the most
professional and advanced programming in
the world. I teamed up with my coach, great
buddy and IFBB Pro Bodybuilder Benjamin
Pakulski to deliver the only 12-month
periodized muscle-building program in the
world that includes a 24-page hardcopy
newsletter, two-hour workout DVD of the
month, secrets from the pros, a 90-minute
coaching call and private members
community with over 2,089 members.
Hypertrophy M.A.X. is currently closed and
only opens twice a year.
Click here to be added to the waiting
list so youre notified when it re opens.

Offer Status:
CLOSED - Re opens every June
and December for 4-days only.
Click here to join the waiting list



Ripped Abs Now

Metabolic Ab-Shredder

This is the identical abdominal workout and

cardio protocol I utilized to get my WBFF
Pro Card and to lose 25 pounds of fat in 12
weeks. You can incorporate this abdominal
workout and cardio protocol into your current

This is my early morning abdominal and

cardio protocol I perform on an empty
stomach when I need to get ultra lean in
a short period of time. Learn the cardio
protocol and the abdominal exercises and
abdominal circuits I use to get ripped abs
and blast my belly fat. You can incorporate
this protocol into your current muscle
building or fat loss workout.

Click here to read more or buy

Ripped Abs Now.

Regular Price: $29.95

Sale Price: $7

Click here to read more or buy

Metabolic Ab Shredder.

Regular Price: $49.95

Sale Price: $29.95



The Best Of Series

Anabolic Finishers

If your muscle gains have come to a halt and

youre looking to bust through your plateau
then start introducing my best musclebuilding and fat-loss exercises that include
advanced intensity techniques. None of
these exercises or techniques are included
in my other programs so this is a plateaubusting owners manual. The best part is that
you incorporate anything you learn into the
workout program youre currently on.

Perhaps my most popular muscle building

plug in program, which includes a series of
unique finishing moves to add to the end of
your workout to ensure youve recruited every
last muscle fiber. This workout will take you
beyond the critical drop off point, which
is the point in the workout that new muscle
gains are discovered. If you dont feel like
your current workout program is cutting it for
you then.

Click here to read more or buy

The Best Of Series.

Click here to read more or buy

Anabolic Finishers.

Regular Price: $79.90

Regular Price: : $47

Sale Price: $29.95

Sale Price: $27



Your Six Pack Quest

This is my original flagship fat loss program
that has been followed by over 20,000 guys
and gals worldwide. Its the same system I
used to help one client lose 100 pounds in
six months and the same system I used to
place third at the Canadian Fitness Model
Championships. It includes a 3-day, 4-day
and 5-day workout program. Its the fat loss
program I recommend all my students start
with if youre interested in eliminating all your
belly fat and getting into the best shape of
your life.

The June 26th Wedding

Day Workout
This is the workout program my wife and
I followed to get ready for the biggest day
of our lives - our wedding day! Its a 4-day
hypertrophy-based workout program that
includes an interval cardio workout program
and a full-blown stretching routine as
well. I recommend this for beginner and
intermediate lifters, males and females alike.
Youll also learn all the nutrition rules we
followed to look sexy for our wedding night
and our honeymoon!

Click here to read more or buy

Your Six Pack Quest.

Click here to read more or buy

TheWedding Day Workout.

Regular Price: $127

Regular Price: $49.95

Sale Price: $77

Sale Price: $29.95



Stage Shredded Status

This is perhaps one of my favorite programs
to date. It documents my entire transformation
from 227 pounds down to 195 pounds and
4.8% body fat. In this 8-disk hardcopy DVD
series youll get to see how I ate and trained
to win my WBFF Pro Card, youll meet my
coach IFBB Pro Bodybuilder Ben Pakulski, my
training partner former NFL lineman Ryan
Watson, and youll get to see me compete in
two separate shows. Everything from weight
training, cardio, supplements, nutrition and
stage prep is covered in explicit and step-bystep detail. For anyone looking to get ultra
ripped, this bad boy is for you.

Last Minute Confidence

Need to lose 10 pounds in the next 14 days?
It wont be easy but this is your complete
step-by-step 14-day workout, meal plan and
supplement protocol for a leaner, harder and
fuller physique for any urgent deadline. This is
a hardcore program and only for individuals
who are ready to work hard the next 14-days,
wimps need not apply.

Click here to read more or buy

Stage Shredded Status.

Click here to buy

Last Minute Confidence.

Regular Price: $297

Regular Price: : $49.95

Sale Price: $149.95

Sale Price: $19.95


This is the site of my B.M.W. (i.e. my
Beautiful Marvelous Wife) who does
the same for females as I do for the
males. Flavia is a Registered Nurse,
certified nutritionist, certified trainer,
a cover model and the creator of two
of the hottest selling female fitness
programs in history. At her website,
www.FlaviliciousFitness.com you
can join her free newsletter for daily
recipes, motivation, workouts and
female fitness tips.



This is Flavias entry level fat-loss program

that shows females her F.O.R.C.E. formula for
a flawless figure.

This is the sequel to Full Body Licious and

takes females from a lean body to a sculpted
body with targeted metabolic fat loss workouts
for toned and sexy curves.

Click here to learn more about

Flavia Del Montes FULL BODY LICIOUS.

Regular Price: $97

Sale Price: $67

Click here to learn more about

Flavia Del Montes Curvalicious.

Regular Price: $97

Sale Price: $67

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