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1. Divide the graph into four regions.

1st region: 4000-2500, 2nd region: 2500-2000, 3rd

region: 2000-1500 & 4th region: 1500-400.

2. 1st region: Peak corresponds N-H, C-H & O-H
2nd region: Peak corresponds triple bonds
3rd region: Peak corresponds C=O, C=N & C=C
3. 3000cm-1, peaks at right, bonds - saturated / C-C;
peaks at left, bonds - unsaturated / C=C
peaks left & right, bonds unsaturated & saturated
4. 1700cm , the peak: Carbonyl group (C=O)
1740-1725 peak: C=O
2860-2800 & 2760-2700, 2 peaks: C-H
1700-1680 peak: C=O; 1640 peak: C=C:
Conjugation of C=O with C=C
1700-1660 peak: C=O; 1600-1450 peaks: Ring Conjugation of C=O with ring
1680 peak: C=O
Conjugation with ring + C=C +
1720-1708 peak: C=O
1700-1675 peak: C=O; 1644-1617 peak: C=C
Conjugation C=O with C=C
1700-1680 peak: C=O; 1600-1450 peaks: Ring Conjugation of C=O with ring
1670-1600 peak: C=O
Conjugation with 2 rings
Frequency increases with decreases ring size: cyclic ketone: C=O
1300-1100 bending: medium intensity: C=O
Carboxylic Acid
3400-2400 broad bend: O-H (Overlap C-H peaks)
1730-1700 peak: C=O
1320-1210 peak(s): C-O





1750-1735 peak: C=O
1740-1715 peak: C=O; 1640-1625 peak(s): C=C Conjugation C=O with C=C
1740-1715 peak: C=O; 1600-1450 peaks: ring Conjugation of C=O with ring
1765-1762 peak: C=O
Conjugation of C-O with C=C/ring
Frequency increases with decreases ring size: cyclic ester (lactones): C=O
1300-1000 2 bends (1 stronger & broader than other): C-O
1680-1630 peak: C=O
3350-3180 2 bends: NH2
3300 band: NH
1640-1550 band (Overlap C=O): NH
Acid Chloride
1810-1775 peak: C=O
1780-1760 peak: C=O Conjugation C=O with C-Cl
730-550 band: C-Cl
1830-1800 & 1775-1740: C=O Conjugation lowers frequency; ring strain uppers
1300-900 bands: C-O
Aromatic ring
3050-3100 many peaks: =C-H/ sp2 C-H
900-690 many peaks: =C-H/ sp2 C-H
1600 & 1475 2 peaks: C=C ring
2000 & 1667 2 peaks: Weak
1630-1680, weak stretch: Aromatic C=C.
1300-1000 band: C-O
1250 & 1040 2 peaks: phenyl alkyl ether
1120 peak: aliphatic ether
3500-3300: 1 peak: NH; 2 peaks: NH2; weak for aliphatic, strong for aromatic
1640-1560 band: N-H2
1500 peak: N-H
800 out-plane band: N-H
1350-1000 peak: C-N
Alcohol & Phenol
3650-3600 peak: Free O-H ion when dissolved in solvent
3550-3200 band: O-H
1440-1220 band weak: C-O-H, overlap by CH3
1250-970 band: C-O

9. Hydrocarbon
3000-2840: Aliphatic C-H
>3000: Aromatic C-H
1470-1350 peak: CH2
1390-1370 peak: CH3
725-720 bands/rocking: long chain CH2
3100-3020: =C-H / sp2 C-H
1000-650=C-H (Out of plane)
1900-2000: C=C asymmetry
1660-1600: C=C symmetry
Conjugation lowers frequency & upper intensity
0: C=C (Symmetrically substituted bonds) cis-RCH=CHR
C=C: Stronger in cis
3300: C-H / sp C-H
2250-2100: Terminal CC Conjugation lowers frequency; symmetry reduces intensity
0: Non-terminal or Distributed or symmetrically substituted triple bond
10. Nitriles
2250: -CN
Conjugation with double bond or ring lower frequency
11. C=O: Stronger absorber
C=C: Weaker absorber
Aldehyde: 2860-2800 & 2760-2700, 2 peaks: C-H
Ketone: 1300-1100 bending: medium intensity: C=O
12. For Carbonyl Group
O-H group present: Carboxylic acid
C-O present: Ester
C-H aldehyde present: Aldehyde
N-H present: Amide
None present: Ketone
13. For Alcohol Group
3500-3200 broad band: Alcohol or phenol
14. N-H band 3400-3250
Single band: Secondary amine
Double band: Primary amine
15. Other
C-O peaks: Ether (Carboxylic acid if C=O bands present)
C=C: Alkene
Aromatic bands 1600-1450: Aromatic
CC: Alkyne
-NO2 peak: Nitro compound

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