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Chapter 9: That was something I didn’t expect


That…was one of the strangest things I’ve ever experienced. Who was this
boy??? And…and why did he kiss me?!?

I immediately touched my cheek without thinking, and blushed. The warning bell
rang, and I sighed happily as I saw the classroom door of my first class. Then I
remembered who I had as teacher in the first class, and my stomach dropped to
the floor. Smith. If he didn’t like that me and Edward hung out with each other,
what would he think of the new boy? Sure, he was weird, but I don’t want him to
die. He hasn’t done anything wrong what I know of except the kiss on the cheek).
He will kill him if I don’t stop him. Oh god, why did my life have to be so
complicated?? Why do all these paranormal creatures surround me?? And why do
I have to have a vampire stalker?? Why can’t I just have a normal boyfriend who
can’t read minds, a normal teacher who didn’t love me, a normal friend who
couldn’t morph into a wolf, and …a normal life without all this trouble?

I took a few shaky breaths before I entered the classroom, where students still
sat and talked and no Smith in sight. I quickly walked over to my seat, and took
my books out of my bag. The yellow onion was still lying in the bottom of the bag,
and now I felt a little stupid for bringing it. Okay, maybe not stupid, but frustrated
that it hadn’t worked. But on the other hand, what did work on Smith?? I have no
idea what his weak side is at all…

He’s like this perfect god (except for the pedophilic, stalking creepiness). He’s
good looking (even thought I hate him, I can’t ignore that), he’s super fast and
strong (which is quite scary) and he has superpowers (which is really scary). And
as far as I know, he’s flawless. He has no weakness, and-

My thoughts were interrupted when I saw someone entering the classroom. But it
wasn’t Smith: it was that boy again. He entered the class quietly and graceful,
and the class immediately got quiet as they did what I was doing; studying the

He began to walk to an empty seat, and then suddenly, he spotted me. His eyes
brightened, and a smile lit his face. He walked over to me, and sat down next to

“Hi there! Nice seeing you again!” his voice sounded happy, and a little

“Eh, yeah…” I answered a little hesitant, feeling the gazes of the others in the
class. He grinned, and as he continued to talk, Smith entered the room. Either he
didn’t notice, or he didn’t know the golden rule in Smiths classroom: Shut up and
listen and you won’t die. I’d bet it was both.

“Man I didn’t know we shared this class. We just continue to bump into each
other. It must be fate or something.” He joked, and chuckled a little. Smith was
glaring murderously at us and the phrase ‘if looks could kill’ suddenly felt too
weak: If it had been ‘if looks could rip out your throat and watch you bleed to
death’, it would’ve fitted much better. And I’m not over exaggerating a bit. I’m
sure other people in the class were so scares they peed themselves.

“How nice of you to share with the rest of us Mr.…?” he trailed off suggestively.

“Lewis. Rick Lewis.” The boy, who apparently was named Rick said, and turned to
Smith. Smith smiled. I had seen him smile before; those smiles had been filled
often with joy, or at least been a little happy. Or they had been stained, and not
quite happy. But this smile was anything but nice, and if the other smiles were
strained, I had no idea what this was.

“Well then Mr. Lewis, would you be so kind to do the assignment number 38 on
page 103 on the board please?” he asked, but it was anything else but nice. But
what terrified me the most was Rick’s reaction. He smiled. And it was nothing like
Smiths smiles; scary and strained. His smile was pleasant, maybe even beautiful.
He rose from his seat, giving me a small wink before he walked over to the board,
which Smith saw clearly.

At that moment I was really scared that the Rick kid was going to die right there
on the spot. No one I’ve known have had the courage to stand up to him, anyone
who’s not stupid (Mike) or just not human (Jake) that is. But I had no idea if Rick
was an idiot or something that’s not human, and I really hoped that it was neither
of those options.

“I’d love to…but I have no book, sir.” Rick said as he had gripped the chalk, and
grinned at the furious professor, who was glaring at him and then turned to glare
at the rest of the class. Snickers that had occurred in the class instantly silenced,
and Smith turned back to the smiling boy.

Oh, why did this boy have to die?? I thought, and rubbed my temples. It was so
unfair. Why did someone that seemed to nice have to die because Smith had bad

“Pardon me,” Smith said, and opened a drawer and took out an exercise book; it
looked just like the ones we had, except it was falling to pieces. “Here you are.”
He flung it at the boy, who caught it without any problem. Rick opened it, and
turned the pages until he found the right page. He put the finger on the exercise,
and then chuckled to himself.

“Is there any problem, Mr. Lewis??” Smith asked in an emotionless voice, but I
knew he was mocking him inside his head.

“Oh no, not at all.” Rick said, who tried to collect himself when he answered him,
but he couldn’t quite wipe out that small grin of his.

“Well then, if there’s no problem, please begin. The rest of you can start on page
40. Now.” The room stayed quiet after his demand, except the sound of pencils
writing on paper, and the sound of Rick as he quickly wrote the long equation on
the board. But he did it with a smile on his face, which I think made Smith even
more irritated, even if he didn’t show it.

*5 minutes later*

“Eh, excuse me sir, I’m done.” Rick said 5 minutes later, and all of the students
stopped writing to look at the board. Lots of numbers were written all over the
board, many calculations all over the place, but the answer stood in the corner of
the board. Did he really write all that in 5 minutes?? Wow…that’s a lot of writing.

“Alright, let’s take a look…”Smith said as his eyes slowly inspected the long
board, even though he could’ve looked at it in a second and known the answer
right away. Halfway through, he frowned slightly, not happy with the result on the
board. After a minute of inspecting, he looked away from the board. He still
glowered as he sent Rick back to his seat next to me, angry that he had gotten it

People were staring at each other, and if this hadn’t been Smith’s class, they all
had been babbling at full force. But this was smith’s class, so if you wanted to
talk, you had to try to do it with telepathy, otherwise you’d get an F on your next

“What is all this nonsense about?? Start working; NOW!” Smith growled as he
realized that nobody was working, just staring at each other, wondering if they
dared to open their mouths and talk about the recent happening.

All of us began to work again, but I couldn’t help but to cast a few glances at
Rick, who sat beside me, who apparently was kick-ass at math. Sometimes he
caught me looking, and smiled at me. I blushed and looked away, finding it
embarrassing to get busted looking. I was curious. Who was this guy?? Who was
he, what was he doing here?? And most important of all: is he a guy I should stay
away from?? What if he’s a Mike #2?? Or a Smith #2?? Ugh, that would be bad...
But he doesn’t really seem to be like that; you know, freaky… he just seems to be
like the rest of my friends: strange.


“Okay, remember to do assignment 14 for tomorrow.” Smith said as the bell

rang, and all of us quickly collect our stuff so we could get the heck out of there.
Well all of us except Rick, that is. He slowly gathered his things, and then yawned
and stretched in his seat.

“Man, math always makes me so tired.” He said, and after that, he mumbled
something I couldn’t hear. I think he said, ‘I’ll have to trade next time’ but I don’t
really know.

“What?” I asked, and he turned to me with a smile on his face.

“Oh, it’s nothing.” He said with a smile, and was about to say something else,
when a snap from the front of the classroom brought our focus to Smith again.
Nothing appeared to have happened, but I still wonder where he had hidden the
thing he had broken. He smiled wryly at us, and tapped his watch.

“Mr. Lewis, Miss Swan, I don’t have all day. The lesson is finished, now please
leave.” The last word was more harshly than the others, but his smile stayed put,
which made it even scarier. Inside my head, I repeated constantly that he
wouldn’t hurt us, and it paid off. My scared limbs began to move, and I made my
way out of the classroom with Rick right behind me.

“Wow…that guy’s a nightmare.” Rick told me as we walked down the corridor a

minute later.

“Yeah, he’s like that….I wouldn’t anger him if I were you.” I advised him, and he
laughed. What was so funny? I gave him a serious advice here; not to anger the

“Why not? That would be kind of fun.” He said with a smirk, and then dropped it
as he saw my shocked and scared face. His eyes narrowed as he continued to
look at my face, inspecting it.

“You’re scared of him.” He guessed, which was totally right of course. What
should I do? I suck at lying! I thought helplessly to myself and then decided I’d try
to avoid the topic with a joke. It’s not that I’m terrified of him, but if someone
makes the suggestion to irritate the touchy vampire stalker, you get a little

“Yeah, he’s failed me so many times he now haunts my dreams.” That was only
half a lie. He’s never failed me or given me a bad score on a test. But he has
haunted my dreams. Just thinking about them makes me shiver…

Rick laughed, and then patted my back.

“Nah, you’re gonna make it. I saw you in there, you’re pretty good. Keep it up
Bambi.” He said, and then began to walk away from me. Blood rushed to my
cheeks as embarrassment and anger hit me.

“Don’t call me that!” I called after him in anger, but he only laughed.

“See ya later.” He said over his shoulder, and then disappeared around the
corner. I sighed and walked over to my locker to get my books for my next


“Ah! We share this class too??” Rick said as we met each other in the doorway of
my English class.

“Well, apparently we do.” I said and entered the room.

“That’s funny! This is so great!” he exclaimed and surprised me by giving me a

hug from behind. All the people that already were here stopped talking and
stared at us with wide eyes. I blushed because of the attention, and turned
around to push him away.

“That’s really great, but don’t hug me.” I told him, a clear sign for him to back of
a little. At least, that’s what I thought.

“What do you want to do then?? I have several things in mind…” he trailed off
with a grin on his face, and I rolled my eyes at him and walked to my seat. I was
glad that we didn’t have Smith in this class, because then Rick would’ve been
dead by now.

I sat down next to Angela, my partner I this class and she smiled.

“Hi.” She said quietly, not the kind of person that speaks so much.

“Hi.” I smiled back at her, and took out my books out of my backpack. Then I felt
a tap on my shoulder, and turned around to see those deep blue eyes stare at

“Okay, you don’t need to be so touchy about it; it was a joke.” Rick said, and I
sighed. Sure, the kid was nice and all, but when people follow me around and
never really leave me alone for a moment, I get a little annoyed. Anyone would.

“Okay, no offence taken.” I said with a sort of strained smile and then turned to
Angela. “So, how was your weekend??” I asked her, but she had no time to
answer because our English teacher just had entered the room, and the lesson

*After the lesson*

The lesson went fast, and Angela and I was a really good team, like usually. But
the annoying voice that came from behind me that always called my name, tried
to make a conversation was pretty irritating.

“That was fun.”Rick said as we exited the class. I nodded, and let my eyes gaze
out at the corridor as I half-listened at Rick’s babble. It was kind of strange that
he couldn’t find another playmate to talk to…

The corridor was full of people, and several of them were looking at Rick, who
didn’t seem to see his environment at all. But it was one figure in the back that
didn’t look like others. His eyes were too dark and skin too pale. It was (of course)
Smith. He was staring at me, and when he had eye contact with me he began to
walk over to us. Rick, who had been talking the whole time, didn’t notice.

“Miss Swan, may I talk to you about your latest test result? It won’t take long.”
He asked when he had arrived to the two of us, and Rick stopped babbling. Smith
ignored Rick completely, and I sighed. I rather doubt that he was going to talk
test results with me, but I better get this over with now or never.

“Okay.” I told him with a sigh, and then turned to Rick to tell him goodbye. “I’ll
see you later.” I began to walk into the direction of Smith’s classroom.
“Yeah, see ya.” I heard him say in response behind me, and then his voice got
blurred out by the other students in the hall. Smith walked beside me, and casted
me strange glances every now and then. When we finally made it to his
classroom, he closed the door firmly behind him, and walked over to his desk.

“So, what about my test?” I asked, even though I knew this was nothing about
my test. But a girl could always dream, right?

“Actually, I wanted to talk about something else. Will you please come here?” he
asked and I sighed, knowing better than to disobey him and walked over to his
desk, only to glare angrily at him. He stared back emotionless at me, and began
to speak.

“Bella, I see you met this new student.”

“So?” I shot back at him angrily, furious that he was invading my personal life.

“So,” he continued. “I think you should stay away from him.” As fast as his words
were out of his mouth, I groaned. Not this again!

“Are you telling me to ignore every male in the world except yourself?” I spat out
at him through my gritted teeth.

“Would you do that for me?” he asked, and I felt disgusted when I heard that he
actually had some hope in his voice.

“No! Why isn’t it clear to you that I just really hate you, and I don’t want to be
with you! Can’t you just leave? Just get out of this town forever and never speak
to me again?”I almost pleaded and closed my eyes and buried my head in my
hands. He didn’t answer, but it was rather obvious what his answer was.


I didn’t answer.

“Bella.” He called again, and this time I looked up. He was staring intensely at
me, and he had moved closer to my face.

“Stay away from the Lewis kid.” He said, and as he did, his eyes darkened a bit
more than they already were.

“What? No!” I asked in confusion and moved away from him. What had just
happened? That wasn’t just a normal request, it was more like a demand, and
what was the thing with his eyes??

“What?!” Smith asked, and his voice was furious. I stared at him, not
understanding where his anger came from except me refusing, but that shouldn’t
have ticked him off that much. I mean, what did he think I was going to answer?

“How couldn’t it have worked? It has always worked!” He talked to himself, and
wandered around in front of the blackboard behind his desk. I frowned at his
strange behavior, and dared to ask.
“Exactly what didn’t work?” I asked. He turned around, and his face was twisted
in anger.

“The manipul-“ he began, but stopped himself. I stared at him for a second
before my rage – that had boiled inside me as soon as he had begun to say
manipulation – exploded.

“You tried to manipulate me?!? That strange superhuman thing you told me
about before?? That?!?” I yelled at him, and felt how tears began to develop in
my eyes; tears of rage.

“Bella, you just have to understand that-“he began, but was cut off by the bell. I
gladly escaped from his classroom, and was happy when he didn’t stop me. I
wiped my eyes as I walked to geography, already having my books with me, and
tried to take deep breaths to calm down.

He tried to manipulate me! That bastard! He actually tried to manipulate me!

But…but it didn’t work. That’s right, it didn’t work… How’s that? Is it the same
reason why Edward can’t read my mind??

I sighed, and shook my head, as like I tried to shake off my resent thoughts. The
classroom door was still open, and I gladly entered, happy to see I wasn’t late.
But the sight inside surprised me utterly.

“Bella! We knew you had this class too!” two familiar and identical voices said at
once, and I was crushed by two people at the same time.

“Wha-what??!” I asked in shock. But then one of them spoke.

“But hey, cut it out Mick, she told you she didn’t like hugs, didn’t she??” it said,
and they let me go. I looked at the two identical boys, and stared in amazement
and surprise.

“Yeah, sorry Rick.” One of the identical twins said, and grinned at me.

“What?” I said again, and stared at the two identical boys. There wasn’t any
difference between them, not even their clothes, and both of them grinned.

“Isn’t it obvious? We’re twins.” Both of them said in unison.

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