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Bahar Mustafa:
Goldsmiths diversity officer
at centre of 'racism' row could
lose job after tweeting with
hashtag 'kill all white men'
Comments Closed

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submitted 18 hours ago by Anon2971
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[-] felix45 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

what has happened to the comments here?

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[-] Saucy-Devil undefined points [deleted comment restored by

Looks like a mod had a hay day here, who knows

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[-] buenaX2 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

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[-] 100295 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

What's happened to the comments?


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[-] BrotherNick undefined points [deleted comment restored by


Probably not civil.

[-] whywasthisupvoted undefined points [deleted comment
restored by uneddit.com]

yeah wtf?

message the moderators

...and 18 more

[-] ksak undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

account activity

wtf is this censorship

[-] Polaris2246 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Fuck this cunt in the throat with a chainsaw.

[-] Gilbertd13 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

this bitch is white as fuck so she really would'nt be subjected to the same treatment as someone who
looks like a minority. I understand this is in Europe but fuck if this was America she'd be 100% white
privilege, no doubt
[-] Deader7 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Wow. The comments aren't loading. What the fuck??

[-] heiss_und_fertig undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

She belongs in the banana house.

[-] cj4k undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Could?? COULD? What is this world coming to. The double standards are getting out of control. There's
no such thing as reverse racism, there's only racism, and this woman clearly has resentment against
people based on their skin color.
[-] Toasted_Cheese undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

why are the comments locked?

[-] anomicofficedrone undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

This woman is a feminist the same way Fred Phelps was a Christian.
[-] Vonnegut9 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

could lose her job? After that hastag, she SHOULD lose her job.
[-] DISREPUTABLE undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Part of the problem not the solution.

[-] herrorobstercraw undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

"Could" lose her job. Lol.

[-] applefrank undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Well at least she apologized for using White Trash. My wife complained to my university for selling
products that mocked "Rednecks." She is Black and Asian, so they looked at her with a lot of confusion.
They did remove the products with little protest though. She pointed out the inconsistency with our
schools policy on mocking culture.
[-] getomit undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Someone stuff a dick in her mouth so she stops saying stupid shit and digging herself deeper and
deeper into the hole.
[-] BestUndecided undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

She needs to be removed from her position pronto. I'm glad the student body she claims to be
representing are fed up with her shit
[-] madcuntmcgee undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Oh, that tweet about how Hitler was right? Yeah dw about that its kind of this in-joke that us white
supremacists have. We're just expressing ourselves, no biggie.
[-] harlesslee undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Calling for the murder of all white males. Wow. Blaming a whole race for something that was done by a
few individuals within a race. If that is not pure, 100% uncut racism, then what is it? I would like to get
the discussion going in that direction.
Posting such a statement on the Internet would be a ballsy move by anyone, let alone a tiny woman that
lives alone. I'll bet that she doesn't even have a security detail. She is compromising her own safety by
making this statement. I really want to believe that she is mentally ill and not just stupid.
You know what,? Want to stop racism? Stop shaming Caucasians, based on something that was done
by a group of people that they never even knew. Start there. Not good enough? Doesn't fit your
agenda? What the fuck are you, a racist? Yeah? Well just come out and say it and stop hiding behind
the concept of ending racism. If you don't intend to ever really have an honest discussion and help to

resolve the issue, then just keep your ignorant thoughts to yourself and stop wasting our time. Bitch.
[-] Bior37 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

By all metrics she's white...

[-] LoKx undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

So stupid if you had literally any university official tweet "kill at (anything) women" they would be fired
before lunch.
[-] buschdogg undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Am I the only one who saw her and said, "That's a white girl.. wut?"
[-] BuzzWeedle undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

So according to her she's disabled (probably self diagnosed), a minority (Oh thanks for clearing that up,
you look whiter than me and one time the sun actually reflected off of my skin) and queer (Maybe she
is, who knows). So according to her, she can't be racist, sexist, ableist (which isn't a thing, but
whatever), or homophobic. How perfect. Ugh, it bothers me that I have to share the planet with people
like this.
[-] cyan_and_magenta undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

[-] intellos undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

The answer to racism is not More Racism.

[-] Rational-Guy undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

"Could" - fucking outrageous in the 21st century, let's see how long it takes to get arrested as a whole
male if I were to say this about non white people publicly. This shit and its hypocrisy is surreal to me.
This is all thanks to the liberal mindset.
[-] Pug_Grandma undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

I'm a college prof. If I tweeted out "killall____" where the blank represented any group of people, I would
be escorted out of the building by security officers if not police, and would never be allowed back.
[-] TheBlack0ut undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

remember when she said that she couldn't be racist because she's an "ethnic minority woman?" well
this seems pretty damn racist to me.
[-] ZombieFoxheart undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

This gender/race/who has it worse war is just hindering social progression. It doesn't mean you have to
ignore that certain things affect certain groups more, and anyone reasonable can understand focusing
effort on groups worst affected by things (For example, if a massive issue mainly affects women, or
men, or the group of your choice, it makes sense to mainly focus funding for that issue there to

maximize the people it helps, but at the same time others affected must NOT be allowed to slip between
the cracks or stigmatized, ie, male rape vs female rape at the moment), but just that you recognize that
everyone should be given an even playing field (as possible) and not hindered by what they were born
with, be it gender, race, disability, sexuality, etc, and try to help bring that around through your actions.
I have a theory that many people are just militant in general/it's human nature for a lot of us. They find a
cause that resonates with them and they fight tooth and nail for it with little regard for others and little to
no attempts at empathy and understanding, for example, extreme feminists and extreme MRAs, which
are just as bad as each other IMHO. Pick the 'cause' of your choice, good or bad, throughout history
and you see similar behavior (Ie, slavery and those who were for and against, racial issues like the
holocaust, and so on). All we can do is try to instil critical thinking skills and empathy (Which is so
important, a lot of people think they have high empathy, but actually struggle so much to see things
from another's view/experience, particularly when it comes to real life situations that someone is
speaking about and they spout opinions with never having lived that life and the contexts behind it, or
even trying to rationalize and empathize with it- Just applying their own experience and nothing more)
so people think broadly about every situation and don't just jump on board with a mentality or ideology
(though certainly can look at, assess, and take what is useful from them) and run with it to the extreme
like this idiot in this article.
[-] SativaGanesh undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Who gave this bitch a job as diversity officer in the first place. She's one of the more ignorant human
beings I've thus far encountered.
[-] TrickOrTreater undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Poor, marginalized white guys. So bereft of power in every facet of society.

[-] zeroballs undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Racism by any other name. It's self important, whiny "victims" of their perceived oppression, which turns
out to just be incompetence and attention whoring, that make people with actual problems feel like
there's no hope. This woman is already receiving far too much attention.
She's a racist, sexist piece of shit. Fire her and move on.
[-] Nathan346 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

[-] zetsui undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Hardworking Asian American saying the truth about white males.

[-] mpj8263 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Kill all white men after they create a civil society only to let the trash in and degrade it.
[-] _coreytrever undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]


[-] DonRobeo undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

She reminds me of the Linda Perry, lead singer of Four Non Blonds.
[-] cbinvb undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

[-] crack-a-lacking undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

The worst part is she would probably have gotten away with it if students didn't make a fuss about
it.This is how hypocritical universities are. Only white males are held accountable.
[-] DynaSarkArches undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

I grew up in a household with a single mother. I have seen the disrespect and bias that women receive
from other men and from the workplace. I am a male and I can say I have been disgusted with the way
she has been treated at times. I am a presumably white male with a hispanic last name. I have been
discriminated against by white and hispanic people. What I am trying to say is that things are not black
and white. There is always a grey area. I have the upmost respect for women and completely support
their causes for equality. When people act like this and say things like this it hurts not only only
themselves but the halts social progression by causing outrage among everyone. We should be striving
spread a sense of respect and understanding, in essence equality. There is not only two but a whole
spectrum in between.
[-] Harrod200 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

All of you saying she looks white; how dare you You filthy transracists! Check your cisracial
Ali G was the first true transracial icon; a true black man, tragically born into a white middle-class body. I
say follow in this great man's footsteps, Bahar! Make your totally sensible and not at all mindnumbingly
stupid words be heard far and wide!
[-] LookAtThoseCavemenGo undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Obviously just listening to her favorite cassette.
[-] comicalZombie undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Don't call me white.

[-] stephensaysso undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

This is the only acceptable answer.

[-] karmalkorn undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Or... Eddie Murphy on SNL. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtuYWlh6fJ4

[-] alixceo undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

This is third wave feminism at its nastiest.

[-] dripdroponmytiptop undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

wtf does this have to do with third wave feminism?

third wave feminism dictates that, as opposed to second wave feminism being how women must act
masculine to gain equality that was common in the 80s, that women today are free to be as
feminine as they please(housewives, love pink, etc) and are still worthy of respect and legitimacy,
because femininity isn't derogatory or demeaning in nature and such female-associated things don't
demean people in turn.
third wave feminism also has a large impact on men, because much of the sexism men suffer
comes from the comparison(and fear of such) to women- being a bitch, a pussy, girly. With third
wave feminism, men would be free to not fear feminine things and not be prohibited from them
culturally, things like being a househusband, crying during movies, taking care of children, or
enjoying pink or flowers or more neutral things like bright colours or fashion, things associated with
women that are viewed therefore as demeaning. Third wave feminism would let a little boy play with
dolls and makeup, because that's not demeaning or below him, and also tell little girls that the
things they enjoy aren't below men either. Do you get what I'm saying?
So like, I don't think you really know what third wave feminism is-- it has nothing to do with hating
men and everything to do with the equality that'll come about when people stop hating others based
on how gendered their interests are.
[-] zlance undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

SJW at it's finest. Instead of treating people equally and being teachable, they just want to toss shit
on the scales of equality as they see fit in a crazed attempt to get even. Even is not equal. Even is
definitely not humane either. And they don't even know what even is.
[-] oneDRTYrusn undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Really? I thought this was Third Wave Feminism at its most neutral.
[-] Meatslinger undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

She claims she's disabled, queer, and a feminist. That's pretty much the Tumblr trifecta, right there.
[-] stupidinternet undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Not coloured enough though. What's the bets daddy is white?

[-] hununuh undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Disabled queer feminist here.

She's just an asshole.
[-] higherprimate718 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

but does she have the spirit of a fox?

[-] davidcammall undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Does anyone know in what way she claims to be disabled - this sort of annoys me more than the

rest of this stuff?

[-] Unlucky13 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

It's a trend lately to collect as many 'oppressed' labels as possible. So if you're a female, that's not
as good as a female person of color, which isn't as good as a queer female person of color.
The more oppression points you have the more correct your opinion is.
[-] Level3Kobold undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Based on her life choices, I believe the first one.

[-] 8degrees undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

save the pussy ass white dudes, then who will minorities have awkward conversations with.
[-] mothernaturer undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

As a middle eastern british gal i advise for you to not take this as how all ethnic minorities view white
people as -_permalink
[-] 1800OopsJew undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

So, you're saying...#NotAllMinorities? Why shouldn't that be as big a joke as men defending
themselves with "Not all men"? Remember when #NotAllMen was the biggest joke on Tumblr?
[-] zlance undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

As an asian/middle eastern/white mix from Russia I concur.

[-] emily_muhdickenson undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Kebabs can never be British. You just live in Britain.

[-] Cardiff_Electric undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

She looks pretty white to me.

[-] davidmoore0 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

But she's not a man ;)

[-] Repostdesnuts undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

I am all for equality but it is so annoying for me that everything nowadays is brought to race or gender. I
am not going to get into all of the crap that I see that I think is ridiculous, but it's people like this that
really pull back the entire push for equality.
[-] terrorismofthemind undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Not "race and gender" - lets say it like it is - people are becoming increasingly anti-white and antimale - (and anti-intellectual). Marginalizing secondary education was the worst thing America has
ever done.

[-] DTRIK302 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

"Could lose job" more like should lose job and just generally be forgotten about.
[-] dadRabbit undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

She looks like a rich white girl to me.

[-] RuthlessGreed undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

AFAIK she is from Turkey but I was wondering I look very white but I'm Cuban/Mexican/Spaniard so
would she say I couldn't go to the meetings? Or would she tell me to leave because my skin is
white? Another thing how can she get away with this? Such racism and no one from the school has
spoke out about it? Doesn't this breed more hate?
[-] TheMonkeyPirate undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

She is, apparently she lives with her parents in a home worth almost half a million pounds. She
claims she's an ethnic minority rather than a racial minority.
[-] 58king undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

The most hilarious part about all of this is that she is Caucasian herself. So she has some middle
eastern ancestry? So what? She is still blatantly white and westernised - just look at her.
[-] ArchmageRaist undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

This right here is why I think classification of people is ridiculous. Where is that line drawn before
you are no longer "white"? And at what point does that stop being the reason for the perceived
inequality in your life?
[-] pepe_le_shoe undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

A white woman claiming to be a woman of color! Genius.

Sadly, when she's fired she'll interpret it as confirmation of her beliefs
[-] Reading_Raptor undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

I'm sorry but where is racism row? Is that an actual place? I find that hard to believe but I don't know
how else to read that.
[-] roarbeast undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

"Row" is British. It means "serious dispute."

[-] nMaib1 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

thanks feminism
[-] irvinemike undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Her skin looks white enough to me. She should be Justine Saccoed for this.

[-] 360walkaway undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

[-] Dtrain323i undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Even in the article talking about how much of a shitbag she is, they set up the photo and caption to
make it look like she's the victim.
[-] callmesketchy undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

I think she got played out and didn't get called back the next day by a white man, and now she's salty
about it. I mean come on, College, amirite???
[-] skwoo undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

I understand her frustrations. I'd love to kill all white men too, I'd just never express that on a
professional account related to my job. That's just not smart.
[-] lingoteti undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

[-] nonomono undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Well atleast you are professional about your bigotry.

[-] LavaMeteor undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Good Morrow Hitler, how are ya?

[-] nMaib1 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

she looks like my dad cosplaying as zoey deschannel

[-] 50skid undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Could lose job?

If she said that about blacks or asians she would be fired immediately. If she doesn't lose her job after
this I will be very upset briefly and then go back to my daily life.
[-] cubs1917 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

"It's a way of reclaiming the power from the trauma many of us experience as queers, women,
people of colour, who are on the receiving end of racism, misogyny and homophobia daily," she
Wow. She basically just equated the use of the hash tag killallwhitemen to the reclaiming of the n word
by black culture.
Just so disappointing that people get attention for this behavior.
[-] igottashare undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Anyone who focuses on race as a way to end racism is rediculous and should be ignored.
[-] Catostomidae undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Sounds like Bahar Mustafa is going full retard.

Everybody knows you never go full retard.
[-] Colonel_Tryhard undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

I AM ETHNIC MINORITY - said white liberal self hating anatolian girl ...
[-] goatman_sacks undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

She's right tho

[-] GiveHimAHug undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

trying to dismiss #killallwhitemen as an inside joke is pathetic.

Isn't all bullying simply an inside joke to the bully and his/her pals? Think about it, when I make fun of
you because you are different, often times only an inside joke. Inside to those that aren't being bullied.
And the notion that if you don't have the power you can't be racist is a crock. When Damion "Football"
Williams smashed Reginald Denny's face in with a brick, did Mr. Williams not have any "power" over
Reginald? He did it because he was a white in the wrong place at the wrong time.
[-] McDeth undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Well she sounds like a gem of a human being...

[-] nordoceltic undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Remember kids "reverse" racism and sexism isn't actually racist or prejudice. Its the justice that the
oppressive class deserves.
After all punishing sons for the sins of their fathers is the bread and butter of long-standing strife.
Also, look at the woman's eyes. She has Grade fucking A crazy eyes if I have ever seen them.
[-] BitchpuddingBLAM undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Eh, the best thing to do with trolls is ignore them.

[-] cubs1917 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

I hate to say it but my dad was right shitty people weed themselves out
[-] Iloveyou-Iknow undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Where is she from? I think we can get to her childhood and find out what made her hate men.
[-] MahnaMahnadamnit undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

That's a woman?

[-] MrDoradus undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

A few days ago I asked if she's actually getting paid! and no one seemed to confirm. From this article
it's pretty obvious she is actually getting paid to spew idiotisms on social media. And she could lose her
job? Could?! The level of wrong going on with this woman is astounding and she's even getting paid for
[-] DARKSTARPOWNYOUALL undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Ms Mustafa adds that she has received racist and sexist abuse and death threats since the "media
There it is, final sentence, aaand that's a wrap. Can't have a feminist in the public eye without them
declaring that they've recieved death threats and sex abuse.
[-] HurtfulLies undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

I particularly like the whine about death threats. "When I advocate genocide, it's an inside joke!
When people post that I should eat shit and die, that's serious business."
[-] StormwindKnight undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

I hope she gets cancer.

[-] victorfiction undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Face cancer.
[-] I_HAVE_A_HUGE_PEN1S undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

She "could" lose her job? She would have been fired instantly if she tweeted that about literally any
other demographic.
[-] Windows_is_locked undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

File your complaints here, she is negatively representing her school and should be expelled.**
I am not encouraging harm. I am encouraging a societal healing.
She is a terrorist as far as I'm concerned. She is trying to disrupt society, and the headlines she is
getting constantly for being so abrasive is proof that she is doing so.
File a complaint, make sure to use her name. Ask for expulsion. Point out how poorly she represents
their establishment. She can't be permitted to retain her standing in that place. It is an insult to
everything equal rights activists have ever worked for. She is halting all progress for the equal rights
cause, and it needs to be stopped.
[-] xylene undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

She has crazy eyes.

[-] SenorTurdFerguson undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Normally I'd say to never stick your dick in crazy, but I think that's exactly what she needs.

[-] goingdiving undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Are you arguing for rape to keep a woman in line? Because that's just wrong on so many
[-] SenorTurdFerguson undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

If you want to take it to that extreme, that's your problem. I just think an orgasm or two
might make her chill the fuck out.
[-] goingdiving undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Do you realise that it is statetments/jokes like this that actually feeds people like her? I
don't agree with what's she is doing and I think she should be let go but your attitude is
what fuels that faction of the population.
The simple fact that you feel it is socially acceptable to say that "all she needs is a
good fuck to shut up", whether as a joke or seriously is why there are people like her
that bans men from gatherings etc. I thinkn you should take a look at yourself and ask
yourself, why do I feel it is right for me to wish violence on a person, and why do I feel
she just needs a dick in her to get with the program. The attitude you are showing is
horrible and you should feel just a tiny bit ashamed for actually writing this, don't matter
if in hopes of laughs or pats on the back by your fellow cave mongers.
tl;dr you have a lousy attitude towards women, either subconsciously or consciously
and need to work on it.
[-] eaglessoar undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

[-] schmeasy undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

I am glad she's getting this media storm and I hope she continues to spew hate and demonstrate how
much of an idiot she is. Now that she has all this attention, she's showing the world that she is a racist
and she seems to think it's ok as long as that racism is directed at white men. It seems like she can't
help but dig her grave deeper, so let her keep talking. It will all catch up with her.
Also, shouldn't diversity officers be all about inclusion (of everyone)?
[-] TummySpuds undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

I bet Goldsmiths are overjoyed at all this great publicity and how it must be attracting so many new
students to their university.
[-] MrFanciful undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

She should be arrested for inciting violence based on race and sex.
Imagine how quickly the authorities would swoop in if you tweeted 'kill all white women' or ' kill all black
[-] poop_on_my_balls undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Racism isn't a crime. This shit storm is the best possible outcome to teach her a lesson.
[-] Mandyyymillerrr undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Obviously she was quoting a nofx song. She forgot the, the.
[-] poop_on_my_balls undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Does anyone know where this idea of "racism only comes from positions of privilege" came from?
[-] layorz undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Yep, it comes from bigots who get called out on their bigotry. Actually, I'm pretty sure I've read a
paper about how modern feminism invents meanings to phrases and words to suit their agenda.
The dictionary definition of racism and sexism do not mention privilege as a requirement, but
modern feminism does. In fact I'm pretty sure a lecturer I once had gave a class on feminism and
said something just like the garbage this woman is spewing.
[-] i_honestly_didnt_kno undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Oh cool, so the next time I want to go off on a rant i'll just say, "I'm not racist, I'm a fat gay, veteran,
handicapped, autistic, trans jew."
[-] billraydrums undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

She must weigh as much as a duck.

[-] CloisteredOyster undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

If they fire her she is going to sue so hard.

[-] cookdd undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

She can't sue if she is voted out. That is why she hasn't been fired. They are carefully following the
steps they need to legally get rid of her.
[-] soggybooty92 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

I wonder if she really received death threats.

I kinda doubt it.
[-] XS4Me undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

The best part about this entire ordeal is that she stupidly opened a petition to protect herself in
change.org. Reading the comments of those who signed her petition is really a blast.
[-] Goonermuzzy undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

As a middle eastern men, this is why we oppress our our women /s.
[-] Etherius undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Can someone give me the quick and dirty on this?

Who the fuck is this woman and why does anyone care?
[-] shitty_hdr undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

ITT: White guys triggered.

[-] bald_and_nerdy undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

I feel like we need a gofundme for an ad on the page bigger than her picture so we don't have to see
that same hideous thumbnail...
I'm actually surprised she still has a job after her first spotlight, surely this one is the coffin nail.
[-] SecretSnack undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

I'd still have sex with her.

[-] Adasha undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

I must say I have quite enjoyed watching this woman systematically destroy herself in public. She
should do a show with Charles Carreon.
[-] FISTSPLOSION undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

"just fucking kill me." - white men

[-] PzGrenGrimm undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

She sure likes some bad publicity...

[-] notsafety undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

her face scares me...

reminds me of the Joker
[-] winstonsmith7 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

And now we have a protest in Boston to support her.

[-] Tom-ocil undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Basically everything she wrote boils down to 'It was a joke. And I'm expressing myself.'
[-] motorsag_mayhem undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

This is what happens when you give people like this any power, and this is why it's never a good thing
to completely ignore them. You might accidentally hire one someday and find yourself in a mess when
they regularly advocate hate crimes.
[-] the_spectre undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Hey, how should we end racism?

I know! Genocide! Genius.

[-] RaiderInRed505 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

[-] thebernward undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

This is sure to be a quality, reasonable comment thread.

[-] ancienthunter undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

What a troll.
[-] TheMightyPathos undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

She's a minority AND she's disabled? How convenient.

[-] sensesmaybenumbed undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Obligatory https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aW2esYwKxiU
[-] jerkwad152 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

If she was a gay disabled minority senior citizen, they'd have to make her the president.
[-] theAmazingShitlord undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

[-] mrs_starbuck undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

"But she added the uses of hashtags such as "kill all white men" on her personal account were "in-jokes
and ways that many people in the queer feminist community express ourselves".
"It's a way of reclaiming the power from the trauma many of us experience as queers, women, people of
colour, who are on the receiving end of racism, misogyny and homophobia daily," she added."
Well I'm a female AND I'm 'queer' but I certainly don't feel the need to spurt racist bilge in order to
'reclaim' myself.
I would hate to think that anyone thought that people like this idiot spoke for me or on my behalf!
[-] attomsk undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

The fact that she hasn't already lost her job is mind boggling
[-] antpuncher undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Man, there is an awful lot of "no you just didn't understand me" in that letter. I'm pretty wary of single
article, journalists don't have much integrity; one person says one thing, its taken out of context for the
clicks. But holy shit, the number of things in her "don't fire me" letter that she's either back pedaling on
or non-apologizing for is truly outstanding.
[-] viddifier undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

killallwhitemen [...] under the official GSU Welfare and Diversity Officer
Twitter account.
Write that on your personal twitter account while unemployed.
[-] sous-les-paves undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

These are the most relevant parts of Bahar's full official statement for perspective - take them how you
"Regarding my use of hashtags: these were done on my personal account, which is separate to my
work account. However, I still recognise and understand how this can be alienating and troubling to
some. These are in-jokes and ways that many people in the queer feminist community express
ourselves - its a way of reclaiming the power from the trauma many of us experience as queers,
women, people of colour, who are on the receiving end of racism, misogyny and homophobia daily.
These are not political stances. However, in regards to calling someone white trash under my official
GSU Welfare and Diversity twitter account, I can accept that it was not professional and I do apologise
for this.
I am acutely aware that social media is not conducive to nuanced discussions and I recognise that my
online persona can be stifling or come across as intimidating. I am confident that most students who
have engaged in debate with me in real life have had a more positive experience. I always make myself
available for open debate, and am open to listen and learn from Goldsmiths students."
[-] Bay1Bri undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Dude, trigger warning!

[-] SelimSC undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

I can't believe I share a nationality with this idiot.

[-] TestUsernameIgnore undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

As a straight white male, I don't think it's worth paying any of these comments any attention for two
First, she's either an idiot or a provocateur. Either way, her opinion isn't worth debating and getting
worked up over. In my mind, she's probably just copying the Rush Limbaugh/Rachael Maddwo
inflammatory tactics to get noticed.
Second, she's a horrible representative of all of the equal-rights movements.
I'd hope that most of you would agree that throughout recent history racial minorities, women, and
homosexuals have been discriminated against.
We should be actively participating in improving the world for all of these groups. Mustafa shouldn't be
allowed to be driving the conversation about equality.
She definitely wouldn't be allowed to define the feminist voice, because she's doing a lot more harm
than good.
[-] sensesmaybenumbed undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Upvote for you!

[-] Fuddle undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

[-] helmet_newton undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Breaking news: being in a privileged position can't protect one from rampant stupidity and self sabotage.

[-] KawKawww undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

nobody gonna point out that she is somewhere between Zooey Deschanel and Scar (the lion) in both
looks and evil tendencies?
[-] DarnLemons undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

I think what bothers me most about these stories is that the person sayong to kill all white people or
whatever is nearly always very white themselves. Its like all these people are 20% middle eastern or
pacific islander or whatever and they feel like it completely seperates them from everyone else.
[-] Lucasfc undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

The real issue...

diversity officer at centre of 'racism' row Could lose job
[-] Sacrix undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

I believe a "diversity officer" is racist to begin with. Big time.

Anyone who discriminates for or against certain races/ethnicities/cultures/biological properties is, per
definition, a racist.
Anyone who discriminates for their job? That's even worse. A racist getting paid to be racist.
[-] OnePunkArmy undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

She needs to just be satisfied that she actually is attractive.

[-] digitalpizza undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

It's a really flattering photo, she's frumpy and dumpy normally

[-] KaonPlus undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Why does that even matter.

[-] Tom-ocil undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

She isn't, though. She looks like Down Syndrome Elvira.


[-] kingification undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

I study at Goldsmiths in my first year. Rest assured that the vast majority of the student body do not
agree with her views. Goldsmiths is typically leftist but not nearly this radical.
[-] ElDLo912 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

This a woman who has clearly bullied her way into a position through threats of legal action.
[-] undercoversausage undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Good. She's unfit for the position and has made that excruciatingly clear.
[-] Sacrament0 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Something tells me that if she wasn't somewhat attractive then her name wouldn't be in the news so
[-] TheRudeReefer undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

She wasn't fired last week?

[-] undeadfred95 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Nice NOFX reference, I can dig it!

[-] HATEPRIDE undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Radfem liberal democrats do what they do.

[-] TheTallGuy0 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

She's a real brainiac, huh? So personable and charming as well.

[-] 0sirseifer0 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

If she wanted to be truly diverse, she should've tweeted 'Kill all Asian men, African men, Caucasian
men, let's not forget mixed men too, and kill pick and mix, kill pixies, in fact kill everything with equal
malice.' I can say this because I'm a mixed hermaphrodite from Uranus and I house multiple colonies of
various creatures in my orifices. Or maybe she's a Buddhist and just wants them to reincarnate into a
better life, perhaps we should look more deeply into the matter.
[-] camipco undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

People have no sense of humor #feministtellingyoutohaveasenseofhumorwtf
[-] Wulfgar_RIP undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

[-] italiano8 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]


[-] boredgenius undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

"It's a way of reclaiming the power from the trauma many of us experience as queers, women,
people of colour, who are on the receiving end of racism, misogyny and homophobia daily," she
No, it is hate speech and misandry at its worst. Fuck any fem bot who does this. Feminism isn't about
misandry, its about equality....
and that does NOT mean equality of ignorance and bigotry.
[-] CaptainOpossum undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

This person doesn't seem to have a very healthy amount of common sense. Her response to the
previous racism accusations were absurd. To claim that someone can't be racist if you are part of a
minority, is simply altering the definition of racism to suite your agenda. If not racism, she is still bigoted,
hateful, inappropriate, and more importantly, unprofessional.
[-] poop_on_my_balls undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

She's disabled? Can anyone actually confirm this or is she just trying to be the most special little
minority snowflake in the world?
[-] __IMMENSINIMALITY__ undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

It's so easy to get karma on reddit.

[-] Mr_BadTouching undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Well you sure as fuck aren't going to get it on google or clickhole.

[-] SuperGrant 4 points

I went to this university, and she's an absolute disgrace to the institution. I can't believe that she's still in
a job. The uni is supposed to be one of the most forward thinking, inclusive and progressive schools in
London and it makes me sad to see it's good name being dragged through the mud by a hypocritical
[-] Einheri42 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Oh yeah, it's that lady again. The one who said she could not be racist since she was a minority.
[-] TheTruthizoutThere undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Stupid is as stupid does.

[-] Caridor undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

[-] pork_stuffed_jew undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Cannot wait til shes dead

[-] middayramadanbuffet 2 points

Maybe she just likes NOFX.

[-] Rawksawlid 238 points

She uses the queer community to defend the kill all white men hashtag? How am I suppose to feel as a
gay white man?
[-] Malamine undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

In her world view your aren't a white man, you're gay. To her it seems we are all defined by the
aspects of ourselves that we have no control over. Not what we do, who we are, or how we live our
[-] mischiefpenguin undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Uh, offended and I'm pretty sure #notyourshield still counts for you.
[-] KID_THUNDAH undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

[-] airelivre 9 points

Please sign the petition to get her sacked. This is disgraceful.

[-] ProjectileHerpes undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

What is happening in the social science departments of our North American universities that is causing
all this far left extremism?
Why are our universities churning out all of these indoctrinated psychos?
Who is responsible for creating this anti-male and anti-white climate?
And why are we letting happen?!?
This is social engineering on a massive scale, and nothing good will come from it.
[-] elkazzay undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

These race and equality freedom fighters have become so caught up in fighting and botching that they
don't even know when they're fighting for anymore
[-] NSA_dummy_acc_1 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]


[-] SeanoftheLife 2 points

Her nose ring would look far cooler had she died her hair purple...

[-] 99hundred -6 points

This is where my boner was like 'hells yeah, crazy milf'

This is where it died
Why would I even think hot crazy feminists exist.
[-] deadite_on_reddit undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Anita Sarkeesian is fairly attractive, I'd take her on a date and split the bill.
[-] funkbutter 3 points [original unedited comment restored by uneddit.com]

Mama Lookaboobooday says: "Kill kill kill the white man!"

[-] IDoNotAgreeWithYou 6 points

It's funny cause she looks like a white man.

[-] longshot -2 points

Heh, she's been posted to this subreddit twice now!

[-] porkpielamp 3 points

Good! I hope she doesn't find work anywhere else, either.

[-] Katsumaaji 5 points

Awww look who's throwing a tumblr tantrum.

[-] BigSmashy 3 points

Oh look, this asshole again.

[-] carlosdanger87 11 points

All the good shit white men created like computers, the internet, twitter, and what used to be civil
society, is cool though. Kill whitey, it's the flavor of the year.
[-] desayunosaur 89 points [original unedited comment restored by uneddit.com]

I'm loving this story. Really.

You get a girl as obviously disconnected from reality as this, living life inside of an echo chamber and
without anyone to tell her "hey.... maybe you shouldn't write KILL ALL of anything on twitter from your
work account". I mean, Jeeeesus Christ, a diversity officer who's racist and wants white men killed? It's
like a fantastic satire of everything wrong with this side of society who spend waaay too much time
online invested in their persona.
Loving it, I tell ya
[-] d1z 16 points

SJWs might just be the biggest hypocrites on Earth.

[-] Wendel 3 points

Racism is a universal human trait. The children of liberal will understand.

[-] HCTears 4 points

amazing how such a racist bigot can hold office in a diversity office. cant say i will be sorry if she got ran
[-] SSJStarwind16 37 points

But she added the uses of hashtags such as "kill all white men" on her personal account were "injokes and ways that many people in the queer feminist community express ourselves".
"It's a way of reclaiming the power from the trauma many of us experience as queers, women,
people of colour, who are on the receiving end of racism, misogyny and homophobia daily," she
If genocide is how you express yourself you need to re-think how you express yourself....
[-] Spyder73 1 point

This lady cracks me up. She should be targeting her campaign FOR white males. Its just as important (if
not more so) to educate the people "doing the discrimination" and teaching them the value of diversity
than it is having hate rallies to "rise up against the man".
If she doesn't get buy in from the offenders, what does she really hope to change?
[-] langwadt 2 points

why is white men the ones that need education? She's the one doing all the discrimination with the
excuse that since she isn't a white man she can't possible be discriminating
[-] Spyder73 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

because statistically white men are the ones in positions of power in corporations and
businesses. I am not defending this lady at all, she seems way too self-entitled. You dont
deserve things simply because you are a minority, but everyone does deserve to be treated
equally, and in order for everyone to be treated equally you need to have the people making
the decisions be on-board.
[-] NinjaDiscoJesus 2 points

I wonder if it comes out she is suffering from some mental illness?

[-] jacksonmills 2 points

Wait what? Motherfucker has to be trolling at this point. Is this person real?
[-] kevoizjawesome 2 points

Goddamn. I'll give credit where credit is due, she seems hell bent on digging that hole she's in deeper

and deeper.
[-] ninjaface 5 points

Why is she still employed in that capacity is the question.

[-] TheCrotchKnocker -5 points

Someone needs to bang her asshole raw.

[-] RobotRodriguez 0 points [original unedited comment restored by uneddit.com]

If you really, really want to stick it someone like that you help her keep her job. As a privileged white
man, if you have pull with her privileged white boss, make sure she keeps her job and knows the reason
why.... lol now that's justice.
[-] MyCatCanMakeSandwich 20 points

That smirk on her face. She absolutely loves any form of attention. Negative preferred.
[-] CrazyBastard undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

She likes to feel like a martyr.

[-] justtotellyouso 23 points

She looks pretty fucking white to me.

[-] springrain2 12 points

Could? SHOULD and this should have been done already.

[-] Rather_Unfortunate undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

I'm going around this thread spamming this comment, but a lot of people don't seem to realise the
situation (which they would if they'd actually read the article, but oh well), so I'll post this again here:
I don't know if Students' Unions exist in American universities, but they tend to make a point of
running themselves as absolutely democratically as they possibly can. The article says that if 3% of
the members sign a petition calling for her removal, she'll be subject to a vote of no confidence.
Only then can she be removed from her position, if the majority vote against her.
[-] Mantis_Monster_Dong 3 points

How is this a difficult decision? Anyone can be racist, prejudice or use hate speech. To claim you can't
because of your ethnic or sexual status is delusional. To make these comments privately or in a
professional capacity in her position should be grounds for termination. Also, the stances she is taking
are counter to diversification and forming a strong community that sees past others differences.
[-] Shrewd_GC 0 points

I don't mind people who say shit like this and can take their own heat. I can't stand when they say stupid
shit and cave under criticism.

[-] Iron_StarKiller 18 points

Maybe they're afraid of her suing them over sexism, racism, handicapism or some other -ism she can
invent, but it would be unwise to continue employing her. She's bringing in a lot of bad publicity. Never
heard of Goldsmiths before, but now I have firmly associated Goldsmiths with this bat-shit crazy racist,
sexist diversity officer.
[-] anglosaxoncelt 6 points

[-] blamb211 40 points

Considering that she used the university's diversity Twitter to post #killallwhitemen, how the hell has she
held on to the position for this long? It's one thing to tweet it on your own personal account (doesn't
make it okay, it's just different), but when you post it using the university's account, you're basically
saying that the university's views are to kill all white men. Considering that the university still hasn't
actually done anything, one could argue that their views ARE to kill all white men.
[-] basilflower 11 points

"Could lose her job"? She should lose her job.

[-] moeburn 63 points [original unedited comment restored by uneddit.com]

I think the entire western world needs to hold a big meeting on what we all think the word "racism"
means, because there seems to be a huuuuge split in camps on what this word means. We were taught
in grade school that "racism" is hating someone because of their skin colour. The dictionary says that
"racism" is feeling superior to another race, or feeling a race has traits that make it inferior. But a
massive group of people think that racism means the "dominant" group picking on the "minority" group,
and includes everything down to insensitivity and bad jokes.
[-] robjob42 2 points

[-] tkron31 3 points

So fire her butt. If a guy can be fired for filming his homophobic rant at a Chick-Fil-A drive-up window
and posting it on Youtube, let's be entirely fair and fire her for this. No organization with any sense is
going to put their reputation on the line by keeping people like her on their staff anyway.
[-] SpookySkeletons 2 points

Fucking finally.
[-] itsukraits 4 points

You could be proud of anything besides being a white person.

[-] CSKarasu 1 point

But she added the uses of hashtags such as "kill all white men" on her personal account were "injokes and ways that many people in the queer feminist community express ourselves".
You don't have to go far to find people framing issues as 'us vs them'. Reddit suffers from it quite a bit
and a particular subreddit springs to mind.
[-] LoneWords 3 points

This woman doesn't deserve to be famous. Now she's going to have a following, just watch.
[-] wrathofdog undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Patreon incoming.
[-] barto5 28 points

She is the poster child for anti-feminist backlash.

And when she claims "this is an inside joke" she is defending her attitudes like every racist and
misogynist before her.
[-] KC_Sanchez 11 points

Real life isn't tumblr.

Glad she is facing consequences for her actions.
[-] mexicono 5 points

She might not though...she only will if 2/3 of the student body vote against her
[-] beautifultubes undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Protip: they won't.

[-] Electroverted 3 points

What really grinds my gears is she already displayed piss poor behavior, but apparently she gets a free
pass for that because white people don't deserve civil rights. She could've gotten away with that fine but
instead doubled down on "kill all white men" and there still needs to be a discussion about it.
[-] hippiechan 23 points

"[Kill all white men] is a way of reclaiming the power from the trauma many of us experience as
queers, women, people of colour, who are on the receiving end of racism, misogyny and
homophobia daily," she added.
First off, I don't see how being just as prejudiced as racists, misogynists, and homophobes "reclaims"
anything. Second, you have to be pretty fucking naive to think you can get away with this shit just
because you have a vagina and a skin tone darker than a band-aid.

[-] Minerminer1 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Apparently she subscribes to the school of 'if some people are mean to a group I identify with, I can
be more hateful back and I shouldn't be criticized at all.'
[-] ehkodiak 5 points

I think she'll get away with it.

[-] HunterTAMUC 12 points

Good. Now expel her.

[-] RealHumanHere 980 points

So she's also disabled now? This level of victimism astounds me.

[-] bluntsmokingmasterxx undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Literally a porfessional victim.

[-] SavageBeatings undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Mentally she is.

[-] an_wha undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Well, she is clearly mentally retarded.

[-] Eygvox undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

So she's also disabled now?

Does being lame count as disability?
[-] test_beta undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Mentally disabled, yes.

[-] schmengineer undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

She used to be a racist like you. Then she took an arrow to the knee.
[-] pre-awesome undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

A perfect fit!
"cobbler's children wear no shoes"
your doctor's always sick
your mechanic drives a old car
...and the "customer experience manager" at our local bank is the most rude employee there, and
keeps busy by looking down his nose at people.
Humans - Check!

[-] Z0idberg_MD 521 points

She develops these traits as the accusations roll in.

[-] ANUS_CRINKLE_CRUST undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Perhaps the accusations rolled over her legs, disabling her. Hey, don't assume things, white
[-] __Noodles undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

White manpressor or no.... She's clearly got a disability that prevents rational thought.
The real issue here is COULD and not WAS.
[-] bar_Bahar undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

We already know why she gets a pass

[-] RomanReignz undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

[-] Yellowfury0 7 points

She really has no idea how real life works. She still shouldn't be receiving death threats.
[-] aetate_divinam 30 points [original unedited comment restored by uneddit.com]

She also shouldn't be calling for the death of a certain group of people...
[-] Yellowfury0 5 points

I agree
[-] warp_spaz undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

There's a song called Kill All The White Man by NOFX - I'm sure she could use it as her theme tune.
Good song - she woun't get the idea behind it though because of her woman brain.
[-] BrujahRage 2 points

Or "Kill All the White People" by Type O Negative.

[-] GiantSquidd 2 points

Much better. Way less whiney.

[-] 6isNotANumber 41 points

Maybe I'm just a little simple, but that strikes me as both racist and sexist...
What genius honestly thought that a person with that sort of attitude would make a good "Diversity

[-] jdavrie undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

She was elected. Let that sink in.

[-] my_name_is_illegal undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Turnout in the student's union officer elections was around 3% in my university. It would be
pretty easy to get elected with even a smallish group of fired-up supporters around you.
[-] 6isNotANumber undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Proof that you really can fool some of the people all of the time....
[-] th30be undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

The guy she gave a blowy to man.

[-] rudeboyrasta420 141 points

Shes gonna blame white people for this and learn nothing, i guarantee it.
[-] iebarnett51 54 points

Tomorrows headline: "All white men reclaim societal domination after reconsidering its advantages"
[-] MrNature72 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

You get all the points.

[-] WILDACCUSATIONS undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

But guys it's just a nofx song maybe she likes punk rawk.
[-] NSA_web_spider 45 points

She is a walking, talking strawman argument.

[-] lazy_croop 122 points

The caption on the goddamn photo:

Received death threats: Bahar Mustafa (Picture: Facebook)
That's the best summary they could come up with?
[-] buzzkill_aldrin undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

For generating clicks and outrage without being too obvious about it, yes.
[-] beautifultubes undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

They could have at least added a "justified" somewhere in there.

[-] unfunfununf 5 points

Maybe she's just a really big fan of the last track on NOFX's 1992 EP "The Longest Line".

[-] Hybriddecline -1 points

Related; Kill all the white man is a fun song by NoFX, though. The first and only time I saw them live, fat
mike sang it to the buffest black security guard. He wasn't as amused.
[-] GiantSquidd 4 points

Bah, if she was really into equality she'd be rocking Kill All The White People by Type O Negative.
[-] Rudimentary_Peni 5 points [original unedited comment restored by uneddit.com]

Isn't it El Hefe the mexican who sings this song (the first part of it anyway)?
[-] CJKay93 163 points

But she added the uses of hashtags such as "kill all white men" on her personal account were "injokes and ways that many people in the queer feminist community express ourselves".
Well that is hardly going to earn them any support, is it?
[-] MrWarrenBuffett undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

[-] InfanticideAquifer undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Well... presumably when two members of the queer feminist community talk to each other they
don't need to worry about drumming up support.
Why you'd use an easily misunderstood and definitely offensive in-joke in a public way that anyone
can see I don't know though...
[-] Windows_is_locked undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Yeah, they're going to have to go ahead and stop expressing themselves that way.
[-] Elephantkick 20 points

And feminists wonder why so many people look down on them.

[-] hectortamerofwhores 48 points

Well, they don't need the support of the white cis-scum community! (lol, they really really do)
[-] digitalpizza undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

They don't need your support, unless it's in Patreon-bux

[-] jdmackes 789 points

In all honesty, how has she not already been removed from her position? She seems kinda unstable at
this point, and even before this it was obvious that she should not be a diversity officer. She doesn't
understand what diversity is

[-] Kinths undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

GoldSmiths is an art university, they lap this shit up.

[-] Kestyr undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

The same university has an Islamic cleric with terrorist connections. They don't fire anyone no
matter what, it's a big clique
[-] JosephFaolan undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

In all honesty, how has she not already been removed from her position?
If she is fired, for any reason, imagine what she will claim.
[-] __Noodles undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

I'd welcome that lawsuit as a chance to burn her.

Srsly, people this stupid using law suits as a deterrent to firing them is absolutely not to be
[-] dangerousopinions undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

It's not the lawsuit it's the sympathy she could potentially get in the press and online. Crazy
feminist bigots have a lot of supporters in journalism.
[-] CroMoGo 66 points

A white male Estonian is pretty rare. Less common than (let's say) Turkish women. There are
probably more doolally feminazis in London than white straight Estonian blokes.
[-] digitalpizza undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

The unwritten rule is that it's actually a points based system. Say everyone starts with a base of
100pts it would be something like.
Male + 50pts / Female - 60pts
Straight + 50pts / Gay - 80pts
CIS + 80pts / Trans - 100pts
White + 100pts / POC - 50pts
So doesn't really matter how rare the specific type of straight white male is, they're still a
straight white male so privileged.
[-] MrNature72 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Is doolally a word.
Please fucking tell me that's a word.
[-] Xanthan81 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

[-] Ouroboros213 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

I know a white straight Estonian male and to add to that uniqueness, he lives in China.
[-] litper 28 points [original unedited comment restored by uneddit.com]

But she're recieving Death Threats

. Where are all freedom of speech supporters and their $800,000?

[-] notjesus75 434 points

"ethnic minority women cannot be racist "

This is an insane view held by many people. Inter-minority racism is a HUGE problem. Unfortunately, it
isn't simply oppressed and oppressor. It sounds like the rules of the "recall" set the bar fairly high, too
[-] ImNotADr -5 points

I think they really should re-word that. I mean it wouldn't be altogether inaccurate to say that an
ethnic minority woman can be racist but it wouldn't really change much in the grand scheme of
things because, as a general rule, they don't have the influence that somebody who was, for
example, an older, wealthy white male might have. But that's more than 140 characters so idiots
like her will simplify and dilute until she's just calling for genocide instead. #twitterpolitics.
[-] Elephantkick 5 points

There are plenty of ethnically minority women in positions of power and influence. This notion
that somehow their racist attitudes are any less of an issue is ludicrous.
[-] _stonecoldsaidso 261 points [original unedited comment restored by uneddit.com]

You're missing the point. They just make up a new definition of racism (power+prejudice) and use
that to fit their argument.
Imagine if someone claimed that red is actually blue, and that all apples are blue. That's what
they're doing.
[-] Namisar undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

I just encountered this first hand. Friend posted a meme on her FB making fun of how oblivious
all white people are too their white privilege. I pointed out that stereotyping all white people as
ignorant was racist and then got hit with the "white people are in power, you can't be racist to
the group that is in power." I replied that that is only half the definition, racism is also attributing
a certain trait to all members of a race. She said no that doesn't count because minorities don't
have any power, racism requires an imbalance of power. Eventually my argument boiled down
to "you are entitled to your own opinion, but your opinion doesn't change the meaning of words,
nor do you get to pick and choose the meaning of words when there are two" I even pointed out
that this is exactly what Christians do when they cite Leviticus as proof that homosexuality is
[-] seifer93 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

it always falls back on their point that red=blue

That's when you've got to hold up a blue swatch and a red swatch and ask, "Are these the

same? What color is this one? How about that one?" If they answer that they're the same then
everyone can see that they're fucking liars or colorblind, either way, they're discredited (Not that
anyone worth a damn thinks that this Bahar character is credible.)
[-] simpleaccount1993 1 point

Could you put your argument in terms of racism instead of apples? Would be much more
[-] bankseid 1 point

This guy gets it.

[-] Arkeld 2 points

That's spot-on. Changing the meaning of words in a hermetic group often occurs. For example,
to understand a scientologist, you pretty much need a English/Scientologese dictionary even
though they're using common English words.
[-] TastyBrainMeats 83 points

They're mixing up racism with institutionalized racism.

[-] beautifultubes undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

They're mixing up racism with a concept invented to further their political agendas and
justify their relatively arbitrary field of study to receive funding.
They don't study institutionalized racism, they study "diversity"; aka the victimhood of
minority groups in societies in which everyone is already relatively privileged.
[-] AxeAfrica 96 points

[-] TastyBrainMeats undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

[-] fuckyourmovieposter undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

They just make up a new definition of racism (power+prejudice)

I've seen some 3rd wavers who are textbook fascists. Redefining the language like this to suit
their politics. Favoring one group over another. Identifying scapegoats as a unifying cause.
Jingoistic thinking. Sexism. Attempts to control media. Obsession with punishment.
Only things missing are nationalism and corporatism.
[-] fashionably_high 100 points

We got the apple-shaming shitlord right here, folks!

[-] Nice-MayMay 8 points [original unedited comment restored by uneddit.com]

You don't like Granny Smith Apples? That Ageism!

[-] necrambo 6 points

i had a rabid one question my use of the dictionary for my definitions of words...it was mad
because its narrow white-guilt generating definition wasnt spelled out in the dictionary or any
dictionary for that matter.
"isms" are metaphysical concepts that dont require physical preconditions, despite the
intellectual dishonesty being applied by these professional victims and their advocates.
fuck em.
[-] _stonecoldsaidso 13 points

my use of the dictionary

White men wrote the dictionary, so it's not a legitimate source. Yes, that is actually their
argument and yes they are serious.
[-] necrambo undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

the more im exposed to these apologists, the more im starting to think they have
serious mental illness, not just a victim or white knight complex...
[-] notjesus75 4 points

I was referring simply to the idea that if you are in a group that is discriminated against you
cannot discriminate or be racist. This view used to be much more common than it is now as the
complexity of discrimination has been examined. Often times minority groups suffer harsher
oppression from other minority groups.
[-] zerozed undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

The view that minorities can not be racist was NEVER "more common." This idea was only
embraced by ethnic racists and a handful of academic apologists. It has always just been a
verbal tactic to absolve them of responsibility and scrutiny--and it has worked to some
extent insofar as the media rarely reports on the racism within these communities. It
certainly allows them to treat swathes of humanity abysmally while simultaneously
proclaiming their own righteous victimhood.
Anyone using or justifying those verbal tactics is not qualified to speak about racism or
inequality and should be shunned for their vileness and stupidity.
[-] Isellmacs 4 points

Nobody hates Mexicans more than black people. Ask a black person if they hate Mexicans
and most of them will say yes. You don't even really have to ask as often enough they
volunteer such information freely.
This whole 'minorities can't be racist' seems to have become ingrained to the point where
being openly racist is perceived as being socially acceptable. Like, it's cool i'm black I can
use hate speech.
It's not cool, and it's just not ok.

[-] _stonecoldsaidso 23 points

You're still missing the point. They're attempting to change the definition of racism.
In their mind, harsh oppression from other minorities is not racist because other minorities
do not have the systematic power that white males have. According to these people only
white men can be racist, by definition. Full stop. End of story. Racial prejudice is not racism
in their mind.
Often times minority groups suffer harsher oppression from other minority groups.
And by their definition, this is not racism. Because by definition, only white men can be
[-] notjesus75 -1 points

I guess you are missing my point, her view is very common and I think that it is
unfortunate. I think you are reading WAY too deep into my comments or something.
That's it. Full stop. End of story.
[-] Hypersapien 67 points

There's also the fact that she's not an ethnic minority.

She's friggin' caucasian.
[-] ten_of_svvords 1 point

Race =/= ethnicity though

[-] lazy_croop 59 points

You can't deny her right to identify as an ethnic minority, shitlord.

[-] notjesus75 14 points

Right? Well, white women cannot be racist so I guess she is safe. Honestly though, I bet she
claims being in any oppressed group. Disabled, women, gay, ethnic minority ect.
[-] salafrance undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

I met someone, a while back, who in many respects was a decent person, but also the
most enthusiastic victim bandwagoneer I've ever encountered. She expressed a desire to
label herself as a Baby Grey Panther (I think she was in her 20s).
I sprained my eyeballs, that day.
[-] itsecurityguy undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Is there a "minority" category she doesn't claim to be part of?

[-] nesland300 329 points

In the video where she tries to explain that she can't be racist, she mentions her "struggle" several
times. Now she suggests that all white men should be killed. I seem to remember someone else from

history who liked to talk about "their struggle" and advocated for the killing of an entire group of people...
[-] Smagjus undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Now she suggests that all white men should be killed

She really doesn't. If that understanding was widely the case she would be facing more serious
Her explanation:
"It's a way of reclaiming the power from the trauma many of us experience as queers, women,
people of colour, who are on the receiving end of racism, misogyny and homophobia daily,"
Actually makes sense. She greatly exaggerates here but tweeting under those hashtags gets her
reactions. So she is basically trolling.
Now this backfired massively because of her job (which she will lose). But naming it a suggestion
that all men should be killed and comparing it to Hitler misses the mark completely.
[-] Windows_is_locked undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

She hasn't struggled in her life, she comes from a well off family, and still lives with them at 27.
[-] frunt undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Isn't there an internet law about this sort of post?

[-] bobpuller 9 points

Mein kampf against das whiteman!

[-] nightienight 5 points

Mein kampf?
[-] ramenoodle12 1 point

And his name was Max Eisenhardt.

[-] kubrick2160 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

My mugga...
[-] utherpendragon 3 points

His name was Robert Paulson.

[-] Hingl_McCringleberry undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

His name was Robert Paulson

[-] bleedingreddit 27 points

I find it encouraging that we are finally reaching a stage in social discussions where feminists won't be
able to say "But she's not a real feminist" anymore. She's a diversity officer at a London uni, being a

'feminist' was practically part of the job description

[-] Dooroten undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

She is rich, she lives with her parents in a 400.000$ apartment, all rich people nowadays, especially
kids are creating victim roles for themselves to fill some sort of void or I don't know, + influencing a
lot of other people with their crap.
[-] holyshmoke -34 points

Don't you find turning this story into an attack on feminists rather ironic?
[-] bleedingreddit undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Do I find it ironic that an outspoken feminist (or SJW, or feminazi, or whatever people end up
calling here), after using quite derogatory and violent language, ends up being held up as an
example of what is wrong with modern feminism?
No, mostly just tragic.
[-] unclebutthurt undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

her face is the problem

[-] marzipanarang 84 points

I havent done anything to her. Women enforce gender norms against women. She is a fucking idiot.
This is the problem with a lot of activists, they're fucking idiots who just learn to be angry. They're not
reasonable or rational. They get cheered cause they're part of the team, and you gotta protect the team
no matter what. Sure, eventually they say too much stupid shit and get the boot, but initially they're
protected and sometimes their crazy ideas are embraced.
Ideological belief systems always become circle jerks, but with the advent of the internet their scope is
enormous, and idiots get equal voice to intelligent people. its left to the masses to decide whats correct.
that never goes well.
[-] smokeytheorange -21 points

First of all women don't enforce gender norms against women. You're essentially saying this proves
why you think many women are stupid.
Secondly, take out the word activists and put in "redditors." It works both ways.
(FYI I'm not rooting for this woman, but I just wanted to give some perspective on your comment.)
[-] DUTCHBAT_III undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

You're essentially saying this proves why you think many women are stupid.
Where did they say this? I mean, I literally just didn't see this said by them anywhere in their
First of all women don't enforce gender norms against women.
Some women do, just like some men enforce gender norms against men. It's not right, but
you'd be hard pressed to ignore that, like men making another guy feel bad for not being

"masculine" enough, some women deride other women for not being "feminine" enough. It
[-] tofusp 374 points

"[..] Ms Mustafa adds that she has received racist and sexist abuse and death threats since the "media
It appears that playing the 'victim'-card is the standard way these days to absolve yourself from any
responsibility whatsoever.
[-] PlanarianFoster undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

I wish Ms. Mustafa and her ilk would understand that abuse is not the same thing as when
someone disagrees with you on the Internet.
[-] Wulfgar_RIP undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Patreon moneyz incoming

[-] GI_Jack 24 points

Basicly, add the label "militant" to make yourself seem more intresting and important than you are.
Can't deal with what "militant" entails.
Essentially she wants to be a feared gang member when it suits her, and when she looses she
wants the same system she is railing against to protect her when she bites off more than she can
chew, or isn't bright enough to work problems out diplomaticly, and not quite intellegent enough to
understand how threat and use of force works in real life.
Unlike real typical gang leaders, she lacks the typical charisma, cunning, and diplomacy skills that
generally keep them out of jail and running the streets.
She relies soley on political connections, and the state. This is the face of the "new left". She most
likely learned the behavior watching a previous generation, and can't understand why her behavior
is so destructive.
This is the cancer that essentially ate the left, and lead to the decline of labor movements.
[-] NicerInPerson 148 points

"I'm a strong independent woman, now protect me from the consequences of my idiotic actions!"
Gah. She makes me look bad by association. I do not like her, not at all. Of course, she'd consider
me a gender-traitor and send her flying monkeys after me, but still...
[-] vierkante undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

You don't like her. Thanks for that utterly worthless input.
[-] NicerInPerson undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

You're welcome!
[-] WEbnicecss undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

You're fine dear. Hitler would have use the word gender-traitor if he could.
[-] fuckyourmovieposter 15 points

It's a totally different story when the insane racism is directed at you.
[-] Hypersapien 209 points

10 to 1, she counts among the "racist abuse" people pointing out that she is, in fact, white.
[-] flatcurve undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

She's actually middle eastern.

[-] oh-propagandhi 2 points

That's a location. Her skin color is white. When people like her refer to POC's they are
talking about anyone who's skin color isn't white. She is allowed the same privilege as
other people who's skin color is white.
[-] Hypersapien 35 points

There are big chunks of the middle east that count as white. She's included in that.
When people react to your race they aren't reacting to your ancestry, they're reacting to
what you look like. President Obama is mixed race, black father and white mother, but
people call him black because that's what he looks like.
[-] Unrelated_To_Thread 5 points

In the US race is what you look like, but in many parts of the world discrimination is
culturally based. Which is a fancy way if saying we might hate a group because their
people slaughtered ours years ago, or an ancient religious prophecy is biased against
them (Hitler, anyone? He wasn't a racist because he didn't like how Jews looked).
Basing it on looks is likely because the US has such a "moving" oriented society. So
you don't get the same ethnicities in the same area for quite as long. Also because
most of our families really haven't been there very long (Except obviously Native
Americans, you guys obviously have been here longer)
[-] Springrollio -36 points

Too bad she just didn't do her racism anonymously like so many brave redditors. Wounder how many of
you would lose your jobs if it was known what you posted
[-] soggybooty92 10 points

Found the SRS poster.

[-] Springrollio undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

You got me, i don't like racism and sexim


[-] rabidbot undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

So you're not a fan of this girl?

[-] soggybooty92 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

You and I both know it isn't that simple.

[-] Springrollio undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

The reaction is kinda ironic if you think about it

[-] soggybooty92 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

I have better things to think about.

[-] lazy_croop 5 points

How does one do racism?

[-] Springrollio -5 points

Make racist jokes, be racist, censoring people calling you out on said racism. The usual stuff
[-] soggybooty92 2 points

Go back to SRS.
[-] bcrabill 9 points

Some of us use our names as our username.

[-] JDRaitt 1 point

True - and we're idiots to post stuff that's even slightly controversial. Prospective employers,
family and friends, they could all be reading this stuff.
[-] Springrollio -12 points

And others use obvious racial slurs, what's your point Bill?
[-] RandomCanadaDude 15 points

I honestly attempt to carry myself on Reddit under the assumption that I may one day be
discovered... don't think I've said anything so far that would be cause for my firing.
Although there is at least one comment I've made that out of context looks.. terrible
[-] bitcleargas 23 points [original unedited comment restored by uneddit.com]

"It's a way of reclaiming the power from the trauma many of us experience as queers, women,
people of colour, who are on the receiving end of racism, misogyny and homophobia daily," she
I'm only stealing this because I've been stopped from stealing things in the past! if you try and stop me
you'll be assaulting my values!

[-] warp_spaz undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

So I can call gay people queers again without feeling bad? Sweet.
[-] malcolmxtc 46 points

Mustafa is still going through her grooming phase, so let's cut her some slack. Still perfecting her game
of Provoke and Prevaricate. She might have flubbed her way out of this job but she won't disappear
from the national scene; The ignorant and the compromised are drawn to her type. She's the weasel in
the hen house.
[-] beautifultubes undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

She's a weasel in a house full of weasels who have convinced themselves and everyone else that
they are hens.
[-] goose_handler 3 points

There's surely a place for her at the Guardian.

[-] aspacecowboy 21 points

White men are evil and bad !!! DAE HITLER!?!??!1!!? muhhhhh patriarchy
[-] lol_AwkwardSilence_ 1 point

Whoa yeah mo' yeah, kill all the white man

Good/funny song
[-] carpetit -19 points

She is the hottest cretin I have ever seen.

[-] 4vfz2ps34j 10 points

That's a flattering photo, trust me.

[-] TouchedByAngelo 7 points

She looks goddam terrifying in that photo. Total emptiness behind her eyes.
[-] Skari7 4 points [original unedited comment restored by uneddit.com]

[-] jewishclaw -31 points

I'd probably still fuck her.

[-] iherdulikepsydukz -7 points

She's fat and disgusting, are you serious? She's basically subhuman

[-] nothingbutcontempt -3 points

I guess she's an improvement over jewish women.

[-] dr_rentschler 1 point

And i was just wondering if you would!

[-] Doobikhan 6 points

Dude, look at those eyes...never stick your dick in crazy.

[-] Darkside_ofthe_Sun -5 points

You can stick it in, just don't expect to keep it.

[-] ballsmcbreadnbutter undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

she isn't that bad looking as far as SJW chicks go

[-] Khelda1 348 points

As a woman, please view this woman as women view Red Pillers

[-] sunwukong155 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

What's a red piller?

[-] lll_lll_lll undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Don't know why everyone hates that sub so much. It's mostly about weight lifting.
[-] digitalpizza undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Shocked she doesn't have pink hair or "The female fedora" as it's now known
[-] daimposter undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

No no no...you don't understand, she's just expressing what many other women and minorities
really feel.
[-] Hingl_McCringleberry undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Wait... This article is about a person who is denying their racism after posting racist things... What
does that have to do with red pill BS? Why even bring it up? Why change the subject?
We're supposed to be discussing this person's suitability for a position at a University, not arguing
some other topic.
Should we also talk about Basketball and Bearnaise sauce? B/c those topics are about as relevant
to this thread as Red Pill BS
[-] beautifultubes undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Stop speaking to the Great Gender War Divide. Speak as an individual, not a member of Women's

Your womanhood is irrelevant to anything you say unless you choose to reduce the meaning of
what you say by attempting to qualify it by aligning it with a gender sect.
[-] Khelda1 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Oookayy * steps back towards the door without making eye contact *
[-] furpwt undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

How do women view Red Pillers?

[-] Khelda1 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

I cannot speak for all women but Red pillers are generally viewed with a certain degree of
either contempt or disdain, then for the most part, ignored. Unless you encounter a feminazi or
a drama queen, who will then go about feeding and fuelling the red pills propaganda about
what women are like. Why?
[-] furpwt undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Since you asked, I think TRP is widely misunderstood. I'm subbed to TRP but I don't care
at all about convincing others about it - I'm just trying to understand why many people have
misconceptions. I appreciate you giving your impression of it, which I actually think is a
logically justified view given some of the material on TRP. (But when most people see TRP
mentioned, they don't react with contempt, they react with "oh, those stupid virgin
misogynists again?", which shows they've never been there.)
EDIT: And I also don't care in the slightest about karma, so I'm happy to make a post like
[-] scarfuck undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

TRP is done. Stick a fork in it. You will never convince the world that it's a movement
about anything except hate. This has nothing to do with facts and everything to do with
In the same way that no one wants to hear about r/atheism after the "enlightened by
my own intelligence" thing, you're never going to "restore the honor" or TRP or mens
rights, because of the negative reputation both groups have.
You're going to need some celebrity to start some hashtag that is associated with
things other than "a bunch of dudes on reddit talking about women" because no matter
how honorably ya'll try to act, between trolls and genuinely mentally ill posters you're
going to get a reputation of being a "bunch of neckbeards" now no matter what you do.
I find it kind of puzzling, actually, that neo-conservatives seem to possess so much
politically savvy yet the MR movement has some of the worst PR possible.
Learn from mistakes, create catchy sound bites, manipulate the image, and get your
way. In the real world, nice guys who play by the rules tend to finish last. Of all groups,
you should be the first to understand that.

[-] Elephantkick 165 points

Except I don't see Red Pillers calling for the death of all women.
This woman is FAR FAR worse.
[-] QKT100 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

I think it's more to do with the degree of head-up-bottom.

[-] deadite_on_reddit undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Also I don't see red-pillers openly proclaiming their nonsense, then getting jobs as fekkin
DIVERSITY officers.
[-] Thowaway_Hack undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

It's essentially the same philosophy though, to prescribe your problems to a certain
race/gender rather than treating the problem cases as outliers in a society that mostly
desires harmony.
[-] cosmicberryfairypie undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

For real. And can people not do the whole "if this were man saying 'kill all Muslim women' he'd be
fired in a heartbeat" thing because that doesn't really mean or do anything except divide the sexes,
instead of recognizing an individuals stupidity and narrow-mindedness.
[-] redditorriot -24 points [original unedited comment restored by uneddit.com]

That's a horrible, completely dishonest comparison. You don't properly understand Red Pill if you
believe that.
[-] SunshineBandit 5 points

[-] bobpuller -10 points

Leave them be... they can understand TRP when they want to and are ready. Let them
demonize it until then.
[-] Whirled-Traveler -9 points

Lol. You fucking beta.

[-] modulok -1 points

they can understand TRP

Not even TRP understands what TRP is.
[-] lazy_croop 31 points

A hero of modern times?

[-] TastyBrainMeats 0 points

You forgot your /s.

[-] MixolydianJoe 7 points

Maybe he didn't...
[-] __IMMENSINIMALITY__ undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

I downvoted anyway.
[-] flavornuts undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

That's bullshit. Redpillers don't call for violence.

[-] EmergencyChocolate undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

lol k
[-] myrptaway undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

WOMEN are the ones who have a rape fantasy, they're just talking about it.
[-] __IMMENSINIMALITY__ undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

>Violence: sexual / physical

[-] yesterdaybrunch undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Are you fucking serious?? That sub looks at women as less than people.
[-] oh-propagandhi 5 points

Certainly not verbal abuse, ever.

[-] Elephantkick 8 points

Verbal abuse isn't violence so matter how much it makes you cry.
[-] __IMMENSINIMALITY__ undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Nice try
[-] Elephantkick undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Verbal abuse isn't violence no matter how many childish pinwheels the crazy
feminists from Duluth make.
[-] innergametrumpsall undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Found the tumblrite


[-] TheBlueGhost undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

use male privilege

[-] oh-propagandhi 4 points

Yup, what you said, and what I said are both things that are true. I get your point.
They're dicks, she's a dick.
[-] Elephantkick undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

The difference is that she's a dick working at a university in the role of someone
who is supposed to promote diversity.
Like so many bigots before her, she needs to learn that you can have crazy hatefilled opinions, you just can't have them at work.
[-] cheffgeoff 5 points

Not sure if you are being sarcastic or not...

[-] Iron_StarKiller undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

I've read a lot of gross and embarrassing shit from TRP, but I haven't read any calls for
violence. Got any examples?
[-] YouBWrong -7 points

As a human being, thank you.

[-] henry_tennenbaum -3 points

I am.
[-] Bonebd undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

This may be the most spot-on description of this woman is have seen. Well done!
[-] yangxiaodong -15 points

As a guy, i feel like redpillers are a bit more dickish than this.
[-] martensit 6 points [original unedited comment restored by uneddit.com]

i don't think so. Redpillers don't hate women per se. They just think they should submit to a
dominant man and that they have a mind of a child. They don't want to kill all women or see
the worlds evil in them, in comparison to the white people (especially white men) hating
[-] Whirled-Traveler -20 points

Found the red piller. If you think women have the minds of children and that they
should submit to a dominant man, then you hate women. You certainly don't love or
respect them.

[-] goatcoat undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

I think /u/martensit is explaining those views but not advocating them.

[-] gprime312 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Found the idiot without reading comprehension.

[-] Connador 13 points

As a guy, I feel like they're both equally ridiculous.

[-] golfpinotnut 1270 points [original unedited comment restored by uneddit.com]

Here's what I don't understand -- as a "diversity officer" you're whole job is tearing down stereotypes
and discrimination associated with those stereotypes. Why then, would you use stereotypes and "in
jokes" in your campaign against the very discrimination you're seeking to overcome?
At the end of the day, she's just cyber-bullying, and she thinks she can get away with it because her
victims are white males.
Fuck her.
[-] IkeGotheaux undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Now you can correct your perception of the job description for "diversity officer".
[-] studentthinker undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

The real question is why would someone think that "in-jokes" are a sensible thing to put up on a
public forum?
[-] Anticreativity undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Because you can't be racist against white people because reasons or something.
[-] InfanticideAquifer undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Well... she didn't. Or at least, the #killallwhitemen thing wasn't a part of any campaign she was
leading in her capacity as diversity officer. That was used on her personal twitter account.
[-] iltl32 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

The point of a diversity officer is to recruit and retain minorities. It has nothing to do with stereotypes
or anything else. Colleges are maybe the most openly racist institutions left in the U.S. with nonwhite clubs and events being not only acceptable, but praised.
The whole concept of "only whites can be racist" came from academia.
[-] lurk_n_throw undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Indeed she doesn't seem to grasp "equality".

Let's think about her idea of achieving equality by killing off the ones who she perceives are
currently benefitting/ on top.

The exact same logic applies to killing off everyone who isn't benefitting/on top, the end result is the
same perverted idea of "equality."
Now since both of those solutions are utterly insane, how about we give this job to someone who
isn't bat shit crazy.
[-] ToughTumblingTime undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

It's the biggest problem that we face in regards to gender equality. Feminism as a political
movement is radical, people take it very personally like an argument they need to win. It is based on
females being victims, if women are oppressed then men must be the opposite (oppressive,
privileged, ect).
Every single issue must have some notion of "male power" causing it otherwise the movement
wouldn't unite behind it, like sexual assault (the biggest issue) is (falsely) said to be exclusively men
harassing & raping women, or female violence which is men hurting women (violence goes every
way & women get a privilege pass, "how can she slap"), or abortion which is male congressmen (or
patriarchal values, ect) controlling women's bodies. If the abortion period was considered "people
trying to agree on what is a reasonable time or circumstance to kill a fetus" then you can't feel
angered & oppressed about it, it has to be men trying to tell women what to do with their body or the
feminist movement would be aggressive supporters.
This is the same reason why Egalitarianism isn't a "hot" movement, the notion of equality for
everyone is nice but if the problems are universal & there is no staunch opposition then few people
will care enough to be active supporters.
[-] hcgator undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

This goes back to the endless dichotomy of the two principle views on "equality."
Does equality mean representing and building up all parties to be equal? Or does equality mean
building up the have nots while actively destroying the haves.
[-] kalirion undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Whenever I hear "diversity" I get reminded of my first time at a college football game, where there
was a large group on the bleachers across the stadium under the banner "DIVERSITY NOW!"
There was one of the least diverse group of people I've ever seen.
[-] beautifultubes undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Hey, look, I think one of them is starting to catch on!

[-] th30be 7 points

Because minority women are incapable of racism/sexism. That is why. Or rather, that is what she
[-] Monstertruck_Gnar undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Throw the "queer" into the mix and she is completely untouchable. I have heard this before and
I still have a problem wrapping my head around it.

[-] JrMint undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Don't forget "disabled". She's playing minority pokemon, gotta catch 'em all. What is she
missing? I guess she still has thin privilege if the photos are accurate.
[-] Armageddon_It undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Because diversity is code for anti white.

[-] ArranMars undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

So is racism. I think I may know you, or someone you know well.

[-] redditorriot -4 points

Modern Feminism. SJW mindset.

[-] necrambo 81 points

didnt you know, you cant be a victim if youre a white male!

any abuse you receive is just prejudice due to your participation in the white male power structure!
power to the people, down with the pigs!!! /s
[-] dangerousopinions undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

At the same time, if you're a female or a female minority (let's be real, these people don't care
about minority men either) you can claim normal life experiences are harassment, assault,
abuse, threats and discrimination without anyone questioning the validity of such a label.
[-] dorogov 3 points

It works, she know what she's doing.

[-] zod_bitches undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

your whole job is tearing down stereotypes and discrimination associated with those
AT WORK. Not at home.
[-] aetate_divinam 2 points

It doesn't matter. If you have a problem with discrimination... discriminating others doesn't make
much sense.
[-] zod_bitches undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Discriminating against others in TWEETS? Like I said, you can't fucking be serious. If she's
behaving unprofessionally or if her bias is becoming an issue in her work, as evidenced by
actual work discrepancies on the basis of gender and/or race, then go ahead and roast her.
If you're just throwing a shit fit because you don't like what she thinks, well then you can go
fuck yourself with that thought-police bullshit.

[-] ParBleu 7 points

You can't conquer discrimination until you include all discrimination. You can't solve inequality,
until everyone is equal. If you only show up to fight half the battles, you never can win the war.
[-] iopq -28 points

Downvoted for "cyber-bullying"

[-] ballsmcbreadnbutter 49 points [original unedited comment restored by uneddit.com]

the whole idea of a diversity officer is just stupid, diversity in itself is something you can't police
[-] Memphrican501 7 points

Oh, you can totally enforce diversity. Just go to your local university.
[-] seanthegeek undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Officer as in executive, not police. Their job is to encourage a working environment where all
can feel welcome. You know, the exact opposite of what she is doing.
[-] AxeAfrica 24 points

The problem is when some claim they will only feel welcome if other entire groups are not
present. When they ban white guys from diversity meetings to make the space more 'safe'.
[-] seanthegeek undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

I've never heard of something like that, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen I
suppose. That would be doing it wrong. Allies are always welcome at any diversity
meeting I've been to. It helps all sides understand each other.
Source: Gay weelchair user
[-] ehwhythough undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Such diversity!
[-] Kryxton undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Did you know just entering a room full of white people is microaggressions now?
[-] inuvash255 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

I feel like our existence is a microaggression...

[-] TheBlueGhost undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Dammit, why was I born white?!

[-] ErOcK1986 7 points

Total she-bag.

[-] kimjongunapproves322 11 points

She-bag she-bag.
Oh baby, when She-rude, she-rude
I go crazy 'cause she looks like a flower
But she tweets like a bigot
Like every racist in history
[-] blortorbis 1 point

Kinda fell apart at the end though, but you started strong!
[-] jed-bartlett 1473 points

She claims at the end of the article to be disabled. She is a very unprofessional professional victim.
[-] digitalpizza undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Maybe she's transabled, she just identifies as disabled. Check your privilege etc
[-] KID_THUNDAH undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Thank you for pointing that out, Mr. President.

[-] digitalpizza undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Gotta rack up those privilege points!

[-] _Mellex_ undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

She is a very unprofessional professional victim.

...because she should have opened with the disabled card? Noob mistake?
[-] OfficialCocaColaAMA undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

I'm starting to think that she's either messing with us, or she has some serious mental issues. Either
way, we need to stop paying attention to this woman.
[-] Lord-Baltimore undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

She claims at the end of the article to be disabled.

Since when is stupidity a disability?
[-] Master-Potato undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Or she is trying to set up a ADA lawsuit if she looses her job.

[-] Goodell15 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

She also previously claimed she can't be racist because she is multi-ethnic.
[-] Joocemann undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

There is a lot to learn here about the systemic indoctrination of victimhood in certain academic and
social circles. In gist, there appears to be a sense that having been wronged means one feels they
are exempt of criticism for their own wrongs.
[-] revolting_blob 46 points

This girl is fucking dumb

[-] jdmgto 6 points

From what I've seen of her so far she seems fine to me. I fail to see any physical disability and
mentally she's just an idiot.
[-] Nanners4Days 0 points [original unedited comment restored by uneddit.com]

Off topic, but I am halfway through "The West Wing" on Netflix and I love your user name.
[-] FailedTech 1 point

I kinda think she wants to lose her job so she can make a bigger deal out of all this. I am not sure
on UK civil law and suing, but maybe that is her end game.
[-] preacherbun undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Christ, so she's a disabled queer feminist of colour. Wouldn't think it to look at her would you, to the
untrained eye she just looks like another pampered white girl.
[-] GT5_k undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

I'm disabled
[-] antonholden 75 points

I think her disability is mental illness.

[-] bayesianqueer undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Borderline Personality Disorder?

[-] ZombieBoob undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Sorry, we have to let you go. You don't seem to embrace the values we embrace.
[-] makeinstall 211 points

TBH, I think you're being disingenuous towards mental illness.

She is a fucking moron and completely deluded. It has nothing to do with suffering 'illness',
mental or otherwise.
[-] alfish90 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

I think everyone is tired of her disingenuous assertions

[-] gargoyle_mayonnaise undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

TBH, I think you're being disingenuous towards mental illness.

I don't think he is at all. She's probably bipolar or borderline pd. She may very well have a
diagnosis, it's not hard to find a shrink to give you one.
She's an ethnic minority woman with a disability I mean she wears all this shit like badges
of honor. She's proud of being the most marginalized person you could possibly imagine
which she thinks gives her the right to act as belligerent as possible whenever it suits her.
This shit only flies in the epistemic bubble of colleges and universities. They are circle jerks
that young adults settle into for periods of 4, 6 or more years and start to think that the
bizzare anti-social behaviors they have all been enabling in each other are somehow going
to integrate into regular society when they get out.
It's not just the weird SJW types either. I mean there are hardcore evangelical universities
and the people there live and breath creation science and as a result have this notion that
their crazy little worldview is somehow mainstream in society. Same goes for shit like
Homeopathic colleges or whatever. It's a years long circlejerk that these people live and
breath in and it changes them a lot.
[-] pepe_le_shoe undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

She's an ethnic minority woman

Oh yeah, those poor white turks. How hard they have it.
[-] WEbnicecss -6 points

I would say this is reddit's fault. If you've seen any of the more rabid feminist subs this is
exactly who they want you to become.
[-] antonholden 28 points

You're absolutely right. Calling her mentally ill is insulting to the mentally ill.
[-] oO0-__-0Oo undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

There are some mental illnesses whose primary features include highly irrational
e.g. schizo-xyz disorders, borderline personality disorder, etc.
[-] andbruno 105 points

When asked how she got disabled, she replied "...acid."

[-] mobilis_mobili undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

This lady has never taken acid.

[-] FullofGlunge undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

[-] Kriztauf undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

I'm leg disabled!

[-] DangerousTides undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

[-] Makalol 0 points

haha this episode was great!

[-] fuckshitstackkk 843 points

she could have brain cancer for all i care. this is not how a diversity officer should act
[-] AndrewCarnage undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Oh yeah, she's all about diversity. Unless you happen to be a part of a very large segment of
the population which she prejudicially hates.
[-] Horrible-Human undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

yes, anybody but a diversity officer and you're golden, but not a diversity offer BY GOD NOT A
[-] IAmACisWhiteMaleAMA 24 points [original unedited comment restored by uneddit.com]

Seems like this is what passes for diversity these days. She goes pretty far, but even the
normal mainstream diversity is code word for discrimination against white males. We certainly
don't have those mandatory biannual PowerPoint classes at my current job where it's already
90% women.
[-] trowawufei undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

"Even" Asians. Please, Asians experience much heavier discrimination.

[-] miyod undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Relevant username?
[-] simjanes2k 94 points

saying "kill all white men" isn't the way anyone should act
[-] RealPodrickPayne undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Anyone who tweets # killall______ shouldn't be a "diversity" officer.

[-] popajopa undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Kill all Hitlers!

[-] MrSanti undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

[-] frostedWarlock undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

shit, damn autocorrect
[-] they_call_me_hey_you undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

# killallCancerCells
[-] alfish90 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

That's xenophobic!
[-] DRD-1812 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

[-] throwawaymysobriety undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

[-] 6isNotANumber undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Nice try, Bahar Mustafa...

[-] helmet_newton undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

I think it is mandatory for an ISIS team member. One would have to read the onboarding
[-] myrptaway undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Omg ..like...umm you don't get it! Ugh, its not my job to educate you. Kill all white men is a
way of reclaiming the power from the trauma many of us experience as queers, women,
people of colour, who are on the receiving end of racism, misogyny and homophobia daily.
[-] moeburn 43 points

How did you expect a "diversity officer" to act? By which I mean, when someone says they are
hiring for a position called a "diversity officer", just what sorts of people do you think are going
to apply?
[-] dangerousdave2244 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

People who are experts on an old, old wooden ship used during the Civil War era

[-] well_golly undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Well, you need to look at the circumstances under which such a position is often created:
The dean of the history department of Blah University is found to have solicited sex from
students in return for academic favors. The scandal hits the fan. All eyes are on Blah
University, and the press is rummaging around for more story when they find out that an
Economics TA once said the word "niggardly" in class (in reference to a miserly economic
policy) and some people who don't know what the word means took offense.
Now Blah University has a shit storm on its hands. So the assistant director of Human
Resources at Blah U. recalls her friend who went to college with her "back in the day" and
got a Womyn's Stydies degree. She calls up good old friend N'tyume Malingading (it helps
to have an unusual name), and says:
Hey, N'tyume-chan! What are you doing for a living these days?
Duh. You know I got a Womyn Stydies degree. Obviously I'm a barista at Starbucks.
I'm actually being a slave to the oppressive Starbucks patriarchy as we speak!
Cool! How'd you like to start making $95k a year with huge vacation and other benefits?
What do I have to do?
Throw away that Starbucks apron and come to my office in 3 hours dressed for a job
interview. Then I'll have you go in front of the press and tell them you were "just hired to
address the racism and sexism at Blah U."
Oh I heard about that. Blah U has a lot of scandals on its hands. So I'm going to
"address" them? How do I do that?
You don't. The press will see that you've been hired, and they'll go away. Then you can
just sit on your ass, collect paychecks until retirement, and spout Womyn Stydies stuff
once in a while on Twitter.
God damn! I'm in!
[-] Trogdor_T_Burninator 62 points

White males in their 50s from the Midwest and/or Texas.

[-] Memphrican501 107 points

Lol @ diversity officer. What a bullshit position.

[-] Qarlo undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Sounds like somebody hasn't checked their privilege!

Room 101!!
[-] zod_bitches -27 points

in her personal life

Because we're all still our jobs when we leave for the day. Fuck. That. Noise.
[-] Treereme 14 points

She said that shit on the official diversity twitter account of the school, not in her personal

[-] zod_bitches undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

That is different.
[-] kojurama 19 points [original unedited comment restored by uneddit.com]

Her job is diversity centered. When she reveals that she want's to kill all white men then it
kind of portrays her as not being the best at her position.
[-] zod_bitches undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

I'm a black man and it's hard to put into words the amount of hypocrisy in the ideas
you're touting. Everyone's a bias expert when white people are on the wrong end of it.
No one has shit to say otherwise.
[-] Trogdor_T_Burninator 1 point

"Kill all humans."

[-] BlundersuitMacGoose 5 points

Hitler doesn't get a pass if he only exterminates the Jews on his own time.
[-] throwaway_account_69 373 points

based on how she's acting she might as well have brain cancer
[-] ibrajy_bldzhad undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

She is brain cancer.

[-] ConcedeDota 302 points [original unedited comment restored by uneddit.com]

More accurately, this is what happens when people use a cause to define themselves and
create a social environment for themselves.
This kind of behavior is very similar to how leaders in many other social cliques conduct
themselves, such as athletic teams or fraternity/sororities... club leaders etc.
The problem is that social diversity and feminism are actually serious sociopolitical issues,
and when an ignorant moron like this woman is given a position of power to spread a
message, red flags get set off very quickly.
[-] dangerousopinions undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

red flags get set off very quickly

Not really, she just crossed the threshold from normal SJW bigot to "Okay I guess we
can't let it go that far" SJW bigot. People get away with terrible stuff while claiming to
be for equality all the time.
[-] 98mystique3 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Sounds like my homeowners association

[-] iongantas undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

I believe the word you're looking for is tribalism.

[-] TheThinMan34 37 points

This whole thing is practically a tumor.

[-] helmet_newton undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

It's naht a toomah.

[-] SinisterDexter83 1 point


[-] tsoliman 0 points

It's not a toomah!

[-] unreqistered 2 points

It's not a toomah

[-] _MWN_ 115 points

A tumblor ?
I'll go now.
[-] undercoversausage undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

wait have an upvote first for your incredible accuracy.

[-] __LordNibbler__ 5 points

Reading that gave me A tumor

[-] amedeus undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Reading it gave me B tumor.

[-] StacySwanson 3 points

Oh no! Get well soon.

[-] whiskeymon 2032 points

As a white male, I think this is some grade a bs. If it were a white male saying kill all middle Eastern
women he would have been fired the moment that post hit Twitter

[-] hannibalhooper14 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Don't you know that all white men are horrible sexist evil beings? /s
[-] Stokkolm undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

As a white man, I'm sure I'd be shunned if I said, let's say, "kill all black women" on reddit. In fact, I
would never say something like "kill all black women" anywhere. I urge other redditors not to say
things like "kill all black women", it's an incredibly rude and evil thing to say.
[-] StopTheMadnessBro undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

1. I am tired of this false equivalenvy crap on reddit in regards to race conversation s.

2. She should be fired immediately.
[-] FlaviaTitus undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

She's saying this because all her life she has thought it ok to say this. The very foundation of the
grievances movement is a deep burning hatred of white men, and the assumption that white men
are inherently more evil than any other race in history. She's not being counter cultural, she is very
strictly adhering to the dogma of the far left.
[-] stanfan114 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

She's a left wing fascist who uses victimhood to justify her hate speech and bigotry. And she is in a
position of power at a supposed institute of higher learning and so tacitly has the school's approval
of her vitriolic and idiotic statements.
[-] procrast undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Race has nothing to do with it. Sometimes just Borg kill people after they had already assimilated
the species....how else would you explain this earlier quote from her in another article? Source
provided below.
She said: "Reverse racism and reverse sexism are not real. "We will not be silenced; we are
militant. The world is not ready for minorities to challenge the status quo, but resistance to our
resistance is futile."
..resistance to our resistance is futile."
[-] Huge_Akkman 1 point

It's almost as if white males are now the prime target of discrimination among non-white
[-] UK_DUTY_PAID 51 points

Uhhh just wondering - is this a screenshot of her desktop on page 3?

Also, why does she need to bookmark SIMS cheats twice?

Lastly, I'm on mobile, does someone want to run her text through the Watson personality analyser
based on the text she wrote? May not be very scientific but I felt she used "I" overly frequently something I would expect from someone egocentrical.
[-] itsecurityguy undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

I stopped reading early on after the repeated use of manifesto in the context of a campaign
platform on. I don't know if in the UK manifesto is the way they refer to platforms, but it just
seemed like bad word choice in her writing. So I skimmed most of it. That paragraph just
seemed like a "Well I ran on a platform of being a racist _____ so why are you surprised I acted
like a racist _______." All while ignoring her responsibility as an elected official to all persons
she represents not just the ones that fit her campaign platform.
What I did read:
She tries to excuse herself on every issue against her. For example saying she did the
occupation thing she said she attended not in an official capacity however as an elected official
she no longer has the separation of private and public life to an extent. If a congressman was
quoted at a KKK meeting it doesn't matter they weren't there on congressional business its their
participation that is an issue. This is a price political officials pay for their elected positions.
As a disabled woman myself, I felt the emotional and physical labour that us as disabled
students put into fighting for our rights was being ignored.
What? I admit I don't know her beyond the news, but what officially recognized disability does
she have? That statement was meant to justify the discrimination she participated in against
disabled students at this occupy movement she participated in.
Her response to the hashtags was also another personal life verse official life type
rationalization. Again I think she is missing the concept that elected officials don't have a
separation to the degree private citizens do. The reason this is making news isn't because of
her actions as a private citizen, its because of her actions as an elected official.
The rest just reads like she is Joan of Arc fighting English occupation in France. Where she
again starts using manifesto over and over again and even in redundant statements like so:
Being elected on a manifesto where I stated clearly what my politics were
The definition of manifesto is pretty much that sentence. One of her final statements is a fear
mongering statement plain and simple which is a common tactic used on both sides of the
political spectrum.
If I get No Confidenced then all of the hard work that students my position has given a
platform to would be jeopardised.
Overall, after reading some and then skimming the rest, its simply her begging to not be
recalled, then excusing herself from any consequences of her actions and finally trying to scare
people into not recalling her.
[-] myrptaway undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Hahahah classic legbeard. Watches anime, adventure time and plays the Sims...and hates
[-] AvalonBright undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

classic legbeard. Watches anime

[-] NachoLawbre 0 points [original unedited comment restored by uneddit.com]

No he wouldn't, because it's not possible for someone in that position to be fired immediately.
There's a process that has to play out. It's sort of like impeaching a politician or other elected
official. There's no one who can just decide "you're fired." There has to be a vote by members.
[-] itsecurityguy 1 point

Not really, impeaching is simply charging an elected official with a crime (think inditing) you are
simply referring to recall elections which according to the article the process is being attempted.
[-] wrathofdog undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

It seems like the outrage isn't so much at the fact that it will take time and due process to fire
her, but that it's conceivable that she won't be fired at all, at least more so than if a white male
had posted about killing all middle-eastern women.
[-] zetsui undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Read about Abeer al jANABI 14 YEAr old Iraq girl raped by white men...white people do...not just
[-] IlliniJen 281 points

But but but...she's claims it's an in-joke between the queer women. ARE YOU NOT
Seems there is a movement of people who think being edgy, offensive, and aggressive is the way
to achieve equality, rather than engaging in civilized dialog. As a woman, I'd like to know where
they're taking their ques from, because it seems to me that those who were most successful at
instigating meaningful, lasting change did it peacefully and rationally.
[-] LaserGuidedPolarBear undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

These SJW people say its a joke and that's not what they really mean when they are
challenged, but when they are not being challenged they act as if they really mean these
Here is a really interesting analysis of this tactic: http://slatestarcodex.com/2014/11/03/all-in-allanother-brick-in-the-motte/
[-] Oxford_karma undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

[-] vierkante undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

And theres a movement of sensitive pussies who are at a hair trigger to be morally outraged at
the slightest hint of political incorrectness because they sit at home on the internet and don't go
out and live in the real fucking world.

[-] Dovahkiin1992 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

The proper term would be "militant chic."

[-] iFINALLYmadeAcomment undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

It's difficult to have an identity that stands out and being "edgy" has always been an easy
method of demonstrating strong principles -- being the righteously indignant underdog with the
unpopular opinion. To some people, such as Ms. Mustafa, the world is simply black-and-white,
and if you're not loud and vindictive and raging against the machine, you're just on the
bandwagon and contributing to the problem.
[-] brevinalt undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Remove the parts about it being between queer women and a way to achieve equality, and you
have 4chan in a nutshell. "It's only a joke, we don't actually think black people are scum and
women belong in the kitchen"
[-] IlliniJen undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Yeah, they seem to be using the language and tactics of their "enemies" for their own
cause. They don't see the irony or idiocy of their actions.
[-] hugemuffin 137 points

As a muffin, I would like to know where they fall on the flakiness/chewiness/moistness scale.
[-] seanithanegan undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

I hope you're not a huckleberry muffin. We don't like your kind 'round these parts.
[-] wingmanly 4 points

[-] IlliniJen 3 points

What kind of muffin?

[-] a_park_bench 12 points

Oh my God, /u/IlliniJen, you can't just ask people what kind of muffin they are
[-] IlliniJen 5 points

You muffins get so offended by everything.

[-] ehwhythough undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

/u/a_park_bench is a park bench though, not a muffin :/

[-] golgotha198 1 point

I think you'll find, they are a park bench.

[-] 1950sGuy 9 points

Calm down cupcake.

[-] GW_throwaway69 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

This comment is a perfect example of the systematic oppression and

unrealistic expectations that society has in general toward all muffins.
[-] lil_mac2012 2 points

Whoa! You aren't allowed to ask that!

[-] IlliniJen 1 point

Did I trigger something? Some deep muffin trauma?

[-] lil_mac2012 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

No Muffin-Kin has to explain their variety to you! I bet you are one of those
shitlord cis-humans who stands by public bathrooms telling muffins that they
aren't allowed to use the restroom they identify with...
[-] hugemuffin 10 points

I don't see variety, only the quality of the ingredients, the skill of the blend, the
perfection of the baking time and duration, and the flavor of the pastry.
I've been told I'm huge though.
[-] IlliniJen 2 points

I like to tear the tops off the muffins and put some butter on it before devouring that
puppy. As long as you're not a cran-orange muffin. Who in the blue hell thought
that was a good flavor for anything?
[-] pale_of_frost 772 points

Well, as a person who is ethnically middle-eastern, I think she is absolutely racist and should be
fired. I think anybody who tweets "kill all [insert ethnic group]" should be fired.
[-] Stronkadonk undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

As a human being, anyone who promotes the killing of other humans needs to be fired and face
even heavier consequences.
[-] zanzebar undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Well, as a person who is ethically middle-eastern, I blame Israel.

[-] TedTheGreek_Atheos 652 points

As a Greek, I'm offended that she thinks she's an oppressed minority as a Turk when the
Turkish Ottoman empire subjugated Greece and half of Asia Minor and North Africa. To my
familial ancestors, she's the oppressor.
[-] EthicalCerealGuy undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

I also have Greek ancestry and I just fucking blows me away how ignorant this person is. It
seems anybody who has a vagina and a different skin color in North America these days
can call themselves oppressed. Any normal person, regardless of their gender or skin color
can agree that people like this are just batshit crazy.
[-] AvalonBright undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

As a Greek, I'm offended that she thinks she's an oppressed minority as a Turk
As a not-a-minority-at-all, I'm offended that she thinks she's an oppressed minority when
she's white as fuck.
[-] Weiner-Holder-2016 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

[-] Thorzaim undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

This woman is batshit crazy but nice to see that you've judged her for something her greatgrandfather may or may not have partaken in.
[-] kensomniac 7 points

They were the ones behind the happenings in Armenia, as well, aren't they?
[-] dorogov -2 points

Well, she is still employed, it means she knows what she's doing.
[-] amsterdammit 4 points

no, all that means is that the university hasn't pulled the trigger out of a presumptive fear of
a lawsuit i'd venture to say. there are plenty of fools still employed who don't know what
they're doing
[-] bob_dobbs23 93 points

I think it boarders on a hate crime. Calling for the death of a ethnic group could also be viewed
under the umbrella of human rights violation.
[-] Amida0616 108 points

Now you are taking it too far.

I support her right to say it, but also support firing her because she is a fool.
[-] SustyRhackleford undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Considering her job this is beyond unprofessional and downright hypocritical lol
[-] hypnoZoophobia undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

So if I pitch up in my town centre with a megaphone and advocate for the murder of all
Muslim/Jewish/French/whatever men I shouldn't be charged with incitement to ethnic
violence? because I can fucking guarantee you that I would be.
What this lady has done is no different and she's projecting to a far larger audience.
[-] throwaway4t4 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Except she's in the UK where they have "hate speech" laws that are supposed to
protect against this kind of shit. I agree the laws are stupid and anti-freedom but she
should be prosecuted if it's against the law.
[-] bob_dobbs23 1 point

I don't think it is too far. Should I be in an area of unrest I could literally start the murder
of a ethnic group by saying such things. It happened many times in the past. Please
remember your right to say something is not unfettered. You can not yell fire in a
crowded theater.
[-] Citizen_Nope 0 points

I support her right to say it

So you are seriously gonna just sit there and say that you support someone saying that
an entire ethnic group should be killed?
[-] _mach 0 points

In 1969, the Supreme Court protected a Ku Klux Klan members racist and hatefilled speech and created the imminent danger test to permit hate speech. The
court ruled in Brandenburg v. Ohio that; "The constitutional guarantees of free
speech and free press do not permit a state to forbid or proscribe advocacy of the
use of force, or of law violation except where such advocacy is directed to inciting
imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action."[78]
This test has been modified very little from its inception in 1969 and the formulation
is still good law in the United States. Only speech that poses an imminent danger
of unlawful action, where the speaker has the intention to incite such action and
there is the likelihood that this will be the consequence of his or her speech, may
be restricted and punished by that law.
It's illegal, end of story.
[-] ActionScripter9109 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

>posts court statement showing that it's not illegal

>"It's illegal, end of story."
Are you even literate?

[-] fieldsofanfieldroad undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

What does the Supreme Court have to do with UK law?

[-] LegalGryphon undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

You'd make a terrible lawyer - everything you just quoted shows why it absolutely
IS NOT illegal
[-] thipp 2 points

There is far less freedom of speech in the rest of the world. I'm not saying the rest
of the world is an oppressive Orwellian nightmare, but hate speech isn't really
tolerated at all.
[-] gf-ftw 1 point

Good try. Wrong country.

[-] nairebis 27 points

Um, what you quoted says exactly the opposite of "it's illegal, end of story". The
test is whether the "speech poses an imminent danger of unlawful action", and an
idiotic hash tag is not creating any danger.
[-] Philarete undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

I believe your interpretation to be correct. There was no incitement to

immediate danger.
[-] VictorVonZeppelin 25 points

Goldsmith's isn't in the US, though. I don't know if we have a similar law over here
[-] hulminator undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Well in the UK you can go to prison for making jokes in bad taste on Twitter,
so surely this is punishable?
[-] wingmanly 31 points

Human rights abuse is taking it too far. However, someone did just post "kill all cops"
online and got arrested. She may need a quick knock on her door from an investigator
for her to realize that posting shit like that online makes her community feel unsafe
around her.
[-] pale_of_frost 41 points

Exactly, its an incitement to violence. Saying "I hate [ethnic group]" is just plain oldfashioned racism, but saying actually "Kill all [ethnic group]" is an incitement to murder,
violence, and could even be construed as calling for genocide and ethnic cleansing.
[-] pepe_le_shoe undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

If jokingly tweeting about bombing an airport isn't ok, then tweeting 'kill all white men' is
definitely not
[-] jdsfighter 2 points

Obviously you're wrong, you can't be racist against whites.

[-] nairebis 31 points

While she is an idiot, we don't need to go the opposite extreme of idiocy and say that a
hash tag is going to lead to genocide and ethnic cleansing.
[-] pale_of_frost 5 points

Its obviously not going to lead to a genocide because most people are not crazy.
But it could still be seen as calling for one, just as saying #killalljews or
#killallblackpeople would be seen as calling for a genocide.
[-] henry_tennenbaum -38 points [original unedited comment restored by uneddit.com]

You're properly right, but you have to see it in context. There hasn't been a millennia long history of
oppression of men through women or racism towards white Europeans. We only very recently
made enough progress in gender and racial tolerance that we can have a woman like her actually
rise to a position to exert that kind of douchebaggery.
Also consider that the backlash we're part of is in fact probably leading to her being fired. I have not
heard of any strong public voices that speak in favour of her statements. Let's just consider her for
what she is, a hypocritical douchebag that happens to be a woman.
She has the right to say the things she said and we have the right to ridicule her for her ignorant
beliefs. I think it's good that she hasn't been fired immediately, I prefer if a proper investigation
happens before such a decision instead of catering to public outrage as its legitimacy can't verified
instantly. Now that she has demonstrated that she in fact stands by her statements, I think she
should be released from her position and promptly forgotten.
[-] ialsohaveadobro undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

It's really stupid, and completely unsurprising, that you got buried. This woman is clearly a self
important idiot, but it's worth debating how historical oppression fits into deciding who is "racist."
You obviously contributed to the discussion.
[-] jdmgto 1 point

I prefer if a proper investigation happens

Given that the only thing to be sure of is, "Did the Diversity Officer tweet something with the
hashtag #KillAllWhiteMen " should be a very, very short investigation.
[-] jctoastpig 4 points

This is the UK though. She might not actually have the right to say stuff like that.

[-] Goleeb 4 points

#killallwhitemales is getting pretty close to inciting acts of violence, and close to criminal.
Though yes even hate groups have a right to spew their bs. Though there is no context needed
to explain this womens hate speech. All of the "context" you added is bs. Equating this bs to the
rise in women's power in the country is ignoring that this is just another hate group, and like all
hate groups the context of their hate doesn't matter. Hate groups are built around the context of
hating things that are different.
Hate groups have nothing to do with power, and power doesn't change it. Hate or distrust of
what is different is one of the most basic feelings we have, and its easy to give in to primal
fears. Arbitrarily grouping things makes us feel safe, and things different from us feel scary. So
people often group things arbitrarily, and fear a group that is different from them. Simple, basic,
and has no objective reasoning.
[-] jdmgto 3 points [original unedited comment restored by uneddit.com]

killallwhitemales is getting pretty close to inciting acts of violence, and close to criminal.
No, it's not even in the same state, much less the same ballpark. To lose constitutional
protection her speech would have to be inciting imminent lawless action. In other words
there need to be people ready and primed to start killing white men, she needs to be aware
of them, and she needs to intentionally be attempting to provoke those people to start that
violence. Even in this isolated case that's just not happening. Bring in that this is a twitter
tag that is used by many people and there's no chance you could make the case that she's
inciting violence.
It's not close to criminal, it's just stupid.
[-] Goleeb undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Yes also in England were you can be arrest for what you say on twitter. So then your
first statement is completely pointless ?
[-] urection 4 points

She has the right to say the things she said and we have the right to ridicule her for her
ignorant beliefs.
I'm not sure where you live in the world but around here hate speech is literally illegal
[-] TastyBrainMeats 3 points

At a guess: they (as am I) are in the US, where hate speech legislation is viewed as pretty
[-] ParBleu 4 points

oh then that makes it all ok then, right?

[-] yangxiaodong 12 points

I agree sorta with your viewpoint, but not really. Because, as cliche as it is, not all men/white

people did that. I'm mostly white, but my ancestors were poor as fuck. They all lived in ghettos
and i'd be amazed if they ever got special treatment for being white. And i know im not the only
one who's got family like that. Do i have a right to say that i hate all muslims since they've had
conflicts with "my people"?
[-] henry_tennenbaum -6 points

I think you misunderstand what I'm saying. I do not believe that it is right to judge individual
men of white ethnicity for anything that people of that same ethnicity and gender did in the
past, related or not. This goes for any gender or ethnicity.
Neither do I believe that being the victim of discrimination gives one the right to
What I am saying is that the historical context of oppression of minorities and women in all
western societies is relevant to answer why authorities might act differently in this situation
than they might have if gender and ethnicity would have been reversed, rightly or wrongly.
Racism and gender discrimination are still widespread and most of the progress in these
fields has only been achieved in the last 50 years. Authorities are thus often more sensitive
towards accusations of discrimination towards those that were traditionally in a privileged
That does not mean I personally condone this, or that I think it is the best way to handle
things, only that it explains why a white man might have been treated differently.
[-] yangxiaodong 1 point

Oh. I have issues reading large amounts of words on a screen (something about lazy
eyes) so i only saw a few parts.
[-] Caristinn 41 points

There hasn't been a millennia long history of oppression of men through women or racism
towards white Europeans.
She hasn't been alive for that long. She has not suffered from that millennia long history
oppression, and enjoys a privileged position as a western woman in the 21st century.
[-] henry_tennenbaum -13 points

Yes, why is that relevant?

[-] FieldMouseSlippingBy 38 points

I don't know...do people have the right to spew hate at a particular group of people?
[-] henry_tennenbaum 5 points

That depends on the country and the law. Personally I prefer if people have a chance to
speak their mind and then be judged by the public for their statements. This is happening
right now.
She is just one ignorant person and I get the feeling people try to make her into a symbol
for all women that try to fight racial discrimination. There are always idiotic extremists in

any group and we should see her actions as in conflict with her stated goals and judge her
for her hypocrisy without reciprocating with even more hatred.
[-] senexthanatos undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

You added to the discussion but conjuring the sentiment of condemning a gender for
ancient history is just offensive.
[-] FieldMouseSlippingBy 1 point

Yes. Very well said.

[-] Shermer_Punt 25 points

Of course she has a right to say whatever she likes. And her employer has the right to fire
her if they think it is inappropriate or just willfully mean and ignorant.
[-] iNEEDheplreddit 10 points

What's the odds on her screaming racism and sexism if she gets fired?
[-] Katrar 1 point

110%, with a margin of error +/- 5%.

[-] Sour_Badger 3 points

That'd be one of those bets Vegas would never take let alone even handicap.
[-] -Acetylene- 16 points [original unedited comment restored by uneddit.com]

She doesn't have the right to say whatever she likes, hate speech is a crime.

A person who uses threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviou

(a) he intends thereby to stir up racial hatred, or

(b) having regard to all the circumstances racial hatred is l

[-] TastyBrainMeats 3 points

In the UK, not in the USA. A lot of viewpoints on Reddit are going to be coming
from the United States (sorry, there are a lot of us!).
Personally, I'm deeply worried by the potential for abuse inherent in hate speech
[-] Freeside1 3 points

In America, yes.
[-] CodeEmporer 12 points

Freedom of speech does not cover job security

[-] FieldMouseSlippingBy -4 points

I disagree. I don't think free speech extends quite that far.

[-] _stonecoldsaidso 6 points

Fortunately, the United States Constitution disagrees with you.

[-] fr0ak 1 point

This happened in the UK

[-] FieldMouseSlippingBy -2 points

[-] _stonecoldsaidso 5 points

Nice Wikipedia article. I don't see anything in there that limits hate speech.
Can you point it out to me?
My counterpoint to your non-point: The existence of KKK and WBC rallies
that are carried out to this day under the protection of police.
[-] FieldMouseSlippingBy -6 points [original unedited comment restored by uneddit.com]

You seem pretty upset right now. And I do like the Wikipedia article
myself. You make a good point to my non-point for sure, but can't
people get in trouble with the law for verbal abuse? Even verbal abuse
that isn't directly insinuating getting physically harmed?
load more comments
[-] 3 points

Verbal abuse? Depends on what you're saying. If you're just

yelling at someone or calling them names then no. The only way
verbal abuse results in legal consequences are if the words
constitute fighting words or if the abuse includes a specific threat.
[-] m4tthew 1 point

Sure it does! Just look at the klan.

[-] Megasus 9 points [original unedited comment restored by uneddit.com]

As he just explained, yes if they're white males

[-] FieldMouseSlippingBy 6 points

Depends where you think human rights come from I suppose.


[-] shmeeandsquee 0 points

/r/tumblrinaction could use a few more level headed people like you
[-] mavirick 1242 points

Yeah... the most ridiculous thing about this headline is the word "could."
[-] Ameri-KKK-aSucksMan undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Shouldn't white men have enough privilege built up over the years of subjugating everyone else
to mitigate some death threats tho?
[-] 4np -11 points [original unedited comment restored by uneddit.com]

Maybe this is good for PR for the extremely wealthy and powerful white males who run
Goldman Sachs, in a perverted sense. Everyone is so focused on this lady yelling "kill white
men" that they don't see that white men probably hired her and white men are deciding to keep
her on. Maybe it's a smokescreen.
I don't say that as a SJW, just as a guy who recognizes how the world works.
[-] jtwFlosper undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

1. Ya, not Goldman and Sachs.

2. I hate that people have to qualify their statements now with "I'm not an SJW, but..."
[-] Krelkal undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

I'm shocked its as low as 64% but I guess that's a sign that the old guard is finally retiring.
These people grew their careers in an era that was still advantaged towards white men. Its
understandable that those at the pinnacle of their careers are products of an old system. It
will be interesting to see where we are in 10-20 years when these people retire and their
replacements are a product of a newer system.
I'm of the opinion that hiring practices are a better indicator of progressiveness than upper
rung demographics. I'm curious what the reality is when it comes to groups like GS. A brief
and half hearted google search on my phone didn't really bring anything up though.
[-] 4np undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

I was a little surprised too. I'm now looking at the list of the world's richest people,
which in the US is mostly white males. Seriously: if you look at the people who have
the most cash in America, it's shockingly white.
I think places like GS are really committed to the idea of meritocracy, and Harvard
professors, international superstars and other really talented people - with the right
credentials - can climb up the ladder. Most companies I've been who are really
committed to attracting top talent get it from all over the world.
But people of other nationalities are climbing up the global rich list. Maybe that's a sign
of some form of progress, too. (Or the fact that the US's influence is waning, which is
unfortunate for us.)

[-] Monstertruck_Gnar undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Considering whites make up 78% of America, this isn't a big mystery.

[-] Cforq 9 points

WTF does Goldman Sachs have to do with anything?

[-] Shooter_McDuder 29 points

I think you are confusing Goldsmiths University with Goldman Sachs

[-] 4np 8 points

Wow. I've seen this story multiple times and have confused it for GS. D'oh.
[-] holyshmoke -11 points

You don't have to say you're not an SJW. Accusing someone of being a SJW has become
something many redditors do now whenever someone suggests anything to do with
inequality. It's become a catchall word used to dismiss someone's argument. Example: "Oh
you believe we should be nice even to fat people? Typical SJW"
[-] 4np -11 points

I know, it's kind of sick. I do it to take people's defenses down so I can make a point.
But I am someone who argues against so much not-so-hidden racism and sexism on
Reddit. and am accused of that for pointing out the obvious.
That being said, I am an idiot for totally misreading the original post. Whoopsies.
[-] scottishdrunkard 101 points

As a white male, I think I'll stay away from her.

[-] Imygdala undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Doesn't sound as if you have much choice. She told you not come to her meeting. Somethings just
have a way of working out
[-] NachoLawbre undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

As a white male, I'd bang her.

[-] pale_of_frost 14 points

As a middle eastern male, so would I. I think anybody who wants a peaceful non-hateful
environment should avoid her.
[-] help_i_am_a_toaster 187 points

As a white male I'll pretend to not have an opinion to avoid accusations.

[-] ImMufasa undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Your lack if an opinion speaks volumes about what your real opinion is!!!
[-] scottishrocket 2 points

Perfectly stated.......I'll typically slide out of the room at the first opportunity too.
[-] fashionably_high 84 points

As a Jew I'll just laugh at all the squabbling among the various racial identities who accuse one
another of having all the power.
[-] zetsui undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

as a jew you laugh at the goyyim

[-] oldsecondhand 1 point

[-] Sevlins 25 points

Aww, no fair. You guys already have those awesome little hats.
[-] TheThinMan34 16 points

Aww, no fair. You guys already have those awesome little hats all the gold.
FTFY Nice try, Kyle.
[-] BlundersuitMacGoose 14 points

Power hats.
[-] Kuchendieb23 110 points

The jews are behind Israel.

[-] nightienight 10 points

Classic Mossad operation.

[-] Brahnen 40 points

I knew it!
[-] TripW undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

They also run Judaism, one of the most powerful religions in the world.
[-] Borderline_Art 11 points

Wake up!

[-] ErOcK1986 -10 points

As a reasonable person who believes in science and fact... I will also share a laugh with
you because of this.
[-] OneSpookySneakySquid 5 points

You dropped your fedora

[-] ErOcK1986 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Sorry, trying to shave my neckbearded and it fell off......

[-] Oblivion9873 3 points

scientists have fuckall for power lol
[-] ErOcK1986 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

Harvey dent
[-] Oblivion9873 undefined points [deleted comment restored by uneddit.com]

You mean the lawyer turned schizophrenic sociopath who loves money?





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