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Unveiling The Dark Thunders

If the Christ is our inner spirit or spiritual mind, and he hath traded places with us that
are born again, then this brings about a simple yet hard and deep understanding. The
Bible speaking of Jesus, said He stand in the darkness of the night as to the darkness
was in his locks.
What is the darkness in us that He is become? If He traded places with me, He made
me His Light, and He is become my darkness, then folks that light is in me that I have
become and this must mean the darkness He is become is in me also, the same as
So if my Spirit is Light then what is my darkness He is become? He is become my
Soul! If He is become my Soul, then it agrees with the scripture that We are His Bone
and Flesh, and He is our Bone and Flesh, this makes us One. SO if the Spirit we say is
the God part and the Soul is as to the Man Part, then if my Soul is what Jesus hath
become, than am I not the Man Christ Jesus? Oneness! If He is the Head and we the
members, the are we not all ONE! One means we are the exact same thing, the One
and Same.
So again, if the spiritual mind of Christ is in me, by new birth, then I am Christ in my
inner man or spirit. If Jesus is become my Soul which is where the darkness is, then
He can only be but one thing. He is my carnal mind. Now let me say this in this way,
this is speaking from the standpoint of, that we are told we are alive in our inward man,
and that we are yet dead in our outer man. This would explain the darkness in the outer
man or the soul and the soul is where sin was counted. So if Jesus became my Outer
Soul of Darkness, He became my Sin, did He not?
When He became my darkness and made me His Light, then I so to speak, received
His Light by Faith and was Born Again. Him being the Christ gave up the Ghost, and
He became my darkness, so we say we traded places, as to I received His Light by
Faith, He received my Darkness by Unbelief. We say what unbelief, he cried out and
said My God, why hast thou forsaken me! Gods word said I will never leave you nor
forsake you.

Now picture this for a moment, You receiving the Light of and from Jesus, Him
receiving your darkness. You are now His Light he once had and He is become your
darkness you once had. Now being you and Him are the self same person, then we
see inside of Him as well as in us, that a change has taken place.
The Bible tells us to work out our own salvation. And that according to our faith, so
shall it be to us, and as we think in our hearts, so we are.
That we are to love others as we love ourself, and "we eat the fruit of our thoughts",
and "we reap what we sow. So we see this was also Jesus doing the exact same
thing, this was GOD, doing the exact same thing, He was reaping what He sowed,
working out His salvation, eating the fruit of His thoughts. As He thought thus He was.
Jesus was God, and He became Sin and darkness.
We are what we eat!
God being a Spirit, then for Him to become Flesh, He had to eat or partake of flesh. He
did eat, from the tree of knowledge which was the Law. The Law is for the lawless and
what was in us was lawless, but our carnal mind! God in Jesus, leaning to His own
understanding, God in Jesus partaking of the fruit in Jesus flesh, partaking of His
carnal mind. Not that Jesus had a sinful carnal mind, but that the human part of Jesus
did have a mind of his own. I will bruise Satan under your feet.
As we hear the word of God, it come to us intellectually first, then over time and in
humility and faith, it drops in the heart and becomes revelation.
We find in Jesus, Him being Eve, reaching unto His Father or Husband, the Inner
Adam and partaking of that Tree, Him as a flesh being, desiring to eat spiritual food, to
become spirit. When he partakes of the Tree of Life, it became death to Him, the same
as it does to us. It became a law that said, No Flesh shall be justified in my sight. Outer
Eve of Flesh, do not reach forth your hand and touch this inner Ark, do not eat from this
tree, for in the day you do, you shall die. Well Jesus knew He was God, there is no way
for God to die, and maybe the reason God does not want me to eat from it, is I will
become One with Him, or become Him or as Him. I will not surely die. I mean I am
raising the dead and healing the sick and walking on water, death has nothing on me.
Can you imagine, Him knowing and understanding what He knew, as a man, how it

must have caused Him to get lifted up? We have seen in previous writings how He was
both God and Satan in one body. How that as a Man and by partaking of divine
knowledge unworthily, it caused both darkness and light to come to life. By the
insertion of the Law, it revealed Both.
Everything we have and are came forth from God, right there in the Body of Jesus
Christ. My spiritual mind came from Him, as well as my Carnal Mind came from Him. I
am a being that knows good and evil as the Bible says we do. I got both of them from
Jesus, he was my Father and My Mother in that sense. God my Father was His Spirit,
God my Mother was His Flesh or Soul. God has a Masculine Side and a Feminine
I have said before we are the image of our Father, walking the Earth in the Image of our
Mother, Spirits having a human or fleshly experience.
Spirits in Bodies. Word made Flesh. Spirit Bodies.
So God had to partake of the flesh of Jesus to become Flesh. Jesus had to partake of
God to become Spirit. Do not we as children we are in heaven and spotless until we
come to the knowledge of the truth, then we begin to eat thereof and we begin to age
and die. See we are spirits in heaven as children, till we partake of the tree of
knowledge, and when we do it awakens our flesh. We have always been flesh so to
speak, but we was never flesh minded. Adam and Eve were the same. They were
spirits, until they partook of the tree of knowledge and then it awakened in them their
flesh mind.
We as humans in this beggarly form till the change, we still see everything as a good or
an evil. God also magnified this by the Law so we would surely know which was which,
for defining purposes. As we define something we are causing it to come to life, like a
painter and an art board, let him alone for a few hours and He will take the shadows
and darkness and create an image on that board and seemingly make it come to life.
However in God there is no such thing as Good or Evil. There is just God. The Law is
the revealer of Good and Evil and it is also for the lawless. So God is not under any
Law, He alone is pure and just and holy. We say well the beings in heaven, they are
continually praising God, as if to remind Him of who He is. Maybe what they are doing
is still defining Him? The Great Eternal Object that will be eternally defined. So The

Law is for humanity in the fallen condition, we see once we are born again we are not
under the law any longer.
So some people will never dare to say God did something evil or sinned or did
something wrong. They cannot fathom such heresy and blasphemy. It sure sounds like
in a lot of my writings I am trying to accuse God. Folks that would be insane. It is
IMPOSSIBLE for God to do evil or wickedness. because what YOU call good and evil,
comes from the Law, which was for YOU, not for God. God said of Himself, He does
what He wills, when He wills! God said He kills and He destroys, and Kings and
Nations, good or evil rise and fall by Him. He told one prophet to go lay with a whore,
He told another one to eat dung. Good and Evil comes from the Law for YOU to be
able to Define so you can have a sovereignty.
So when I say hard things concerning God and Jesus, I am simply saying this. Though
God is Light and though Jesus is Good and is our Messiah and Lord of All and is the
Light of The World, There is a side to them both that is darkness. Not darkness as to
evil, it just seems as to be evil, because we judge according to the Law, we say this is
right and that is wrong. The darkness God had to hide, He had to veil some things,
because if He did not then in your child like mind if you seen them, you would greatly
err and misjudge them and think God was Evil and had done wrong and that would kill
your faith. God hid somethings on Mount Sinai, He did not want anyone else to see.
God hid somethings at Mount Calvary, He did not want anyone to see. God hid
somethings on Sunset mountain as to the Thunders because He did not want it to be
seen. He told John to not write down the Thunders, because they were that sacred and
secret and holy. God did not want some things to be known, the same way a Parent veil
and hide things from their children, for their protection. God has had to wait till we were
mature enough and had faith enough and would dare to believe and walk into that
darkness, by Faith in God and dare to see and hear the hidden Thunders! The
Darkness of God, His Secret Places. God was Adam and Jesus was Eve and what
took place in the Garden was God. I know there was an Adam and an Eve and I know
the story, I am simply saying, from a spiritual standpoint, Adam and Eve was only
reflecting what took place inside the Body of Jesus Christ between Him and God. The
Battle in the Heavens, in Revelations 12, that took place inside of Jesus Christ. What
Joseph did and what Abraham did and on and on was a reflection of something that
took place in the Life and person of Jesus Christ, so Adam and Eve was no different,

Moses was the one who wrote it down what He seen and look at what He seen when
He was on the Mount of Darkness and Thunder, He seen the Hinder part of God, that
part that was to be made Sin, see God hiding what was done by Him, for a time, till He
could reveal it Only to His Bride!
This is why, if you have noticed, my writings have been going into the darkness, the
dark side of God as to Jesus and him being made Sin. God is revealing the Thunders.
His Secret Parts. He is revealing those Thunders to His Bride, because She is His
Bride! He is removing the Veil from Himself. Becoming One with Her. Lifting the
Darkness that was over the 3 Mounts of Darkness where the Thunders sounded. The
Thunders are the Darkness that hides or covered the Body, in a type. So when we
remove the darkness from the Body, what happens? The Body comes to Light, It is no
longer imprisoned in the darkness. It is becoming free! Light is entering it and it will
begin to glow and shine and ultimately be transfigured! To reveal the Thunders is to
reveal the Glorified Transfigured Body, because the Thunders sounded on the Mount of
Transfiguration, while Jesus was there between Moses and Elijah. It was then He
became fully God and fully Man, so what did He do, He took the darkness of the Man
side and went to the Cross, because the darkness was not needed for refinement
So where do the Thunders lay? God spoke to me and said they were in the Body of His
Son. I am The Body of His Son as well as you if you have been born again. So where
are the Thunders, but Inside of You! They are in your carnal mind. To see God in the
carnal mind without His Light creates a falsehood of lies and perversion. So that is not
what we speak of. When I was born again, I had no carnal mind anymore, My soul was
not in the darkness anymore. The reason my moon was covered in blood was that was
where the battle was taking place and it shed blood.
The War in Heaven, Michael and the Angels fighting Satan and His Angels in my Soul
caused my blood to be shed and it covered my moon. Satan was in the place He ought
not, till I was born again, then Michael cast Him out from the moon and cast Him into
the Earth from which He came. He was Leviathan who caused the deep to boil like a
pot, and He came from the Sea and entered the Ground so to speak and was clothed
in dust or dirt and became the first man Adam. Flesh. God became Flesh! Word which
is Spirit coming forth from the water or spirit world and entered creation as to the dust

and was made flesh. The Law or the Word, a Great Dragon or Leviathan, that would
deceive the entire world, by promising them life if they will partake of Him or it, The
Tree of Knowledge, but all you find is Death! The Law in your members wrought in you
all manner of desires and awoke your curiosity, tempting you to go after the flesh, so
you did and you did eat!
If God as to His Light of revelation Grace is in my Spirit, then where or what is the
darkness as to my soul? It is in my soul that The Thunders are Hidden! The Soul has to
do with the Body, for it answers to the Body. It is why the Soul when it sinned it killed
the body also. The Mother belongs with the children, not the father as to when she
bears them. See the moon rules the night where the children or stars are. So The
Thunders is the battle in the heavens, which heavens, the 2nd heaven, the Soul realm!
That is where they take place. Our pastor told us the Battle in the Heavenlies of
Michael and Satan is, The Final essence of the Mysteries of God. The Thunders is
the last message to sound! The Thunders reveals all of the mysteries. When you reveal
the Thunders then you change and transfigure the Body! So what are the Thunders,
but the Message of Transfiguration! Have we not been revealing to you the dark side of
God. Showing to you whom the Man of Sin was and is!
Have we not revealed to you where Satan was and whom He is and where was His
origin. Are we not removing the darkness from the 3 mounts of thundering darkness?
have we not revealed to you what Moses seen? What Jesus was and what Bro
Branham seen as to the Serpent Seed in the Garden? Go back and reread all of the
writings I have wrote and you will clearly see every bit of this being revealed. The
Thunders are sounding forth. God did not suffer John to write them, but for some
reason He is using me to write them and not preach them.
So if Jesus traded places with you, then He became your dark soul, and made you His
Spirit or Righteousness. Thus that makes me the Body of the Lord Jesus as well as
you. So where are the Thunders, but in the Soul. The Soul is in the Body of Jesus.
Where did God tell me the Thunders were, but in the Body of Jesus. The Body itself
has no understanding, it is just a carrier. So the only place they can be is in the only
place of darkness that would yet remain in me, My Soul! This revelation is bringing
Light and Revelation to the Soul as God is removing the darkness from the Soul with
the Brightness of His Coming as His Spirit of Revelation is descending from heaven in

me and is appearing in my sky or my Soul.

Casting out He who had power of death, over my soul that causes my body to die.
William Branham made a statement one time and said, If you free the soul, you also
redeem the body. So we are entering the soul and the Revelation is now revealing the
darkness of the soul showing to it that it was not guilty but the shadow was and as it
does it is freeing the soul, and removing the shadow. The eclipse is over. The moon
that came between my Earthly Body and Spiritual Sun causing a shadow or a blood
moon appearance over my soul casting a shadow on my Earth is now moving away.
Calvary is at an end. No more blood on the moon or mercy seat. No more shadow over
my Earth. My Soul as to my Moon begins to shine as the Sun and my Sun is become a
7 fold Light, this means my Body will begin to change and be brighter than ever and
shine like the sun and usher in a Millennium Restored Earth. In all reality it is this Light,
that comes at the end of Revelations where all things become Light. As in Heaven so in
earth. So My Body becomes transfigured as my Spirit did, as my soul did and because
I am now upright, it will cause the Earth to become upright once more in a grand
restoration to the ultimatum of it itself, The Earth will become transfigured.
So New Jerusalem is descending already as the Christ is entering My Soul, unveiling
the darkness with the brightness of His Coming. The Law that was in my members no
longer stone, but is changed into a quickening spirit, making spirit into flesh. God
becoming a Man. God personifying Himself in His many members. This is what The
Thunders sounding does and is causing. God is still a Spirit until He enters the Soul
and partakes of My Thunders, where He hid them in my soul, veiled them by unbelief,
cast a shadow over them, till he would return once again and bring His Light, changing
my Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, or the Battle of the heavens, back to a Tree of
Life. Oh Glory to God, I see so many more things in these writings. However I will have
to bring this to a close for now. Seeing God as to His outer Eve partaking of a Tree of
Darkness, a Tree of Good and Evil, A tree that holds the Thunders in Them. God hiding
Something in the Flesh and using Satan as a Cherubim of lies and illusions to veil
them. We say Satan stole Gods Thunders. Or was it God suffered Him to do so,
because it was His plan all along. This explains Why Jesus had to die and go to hell as
a Man to get those Thunders back, for in the Thunders is the Keys that unlock Death
and Hell and The Grave! God Bless You!

Patrick Henry Nichols I

May 20 2015
Hilton Head Island

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