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There the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. All three is
of God and is God. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God. The
Spirit of God has always been, is, and always will be. The Spirit
of God was with Jacob, Isaac, David and Elijah in the Old
Testament. The same Spirit of God touched the womb of Mary
who gave birth to Jesus Christ. The same Spirit that was in
Jesus is alive today!
There are several types of Spiritual gifting that God uses
through His people for His glorification. There is a total of nine
Spiritual gifts and are broken up into three major gifts. There is
the gift of REVALTION, the gift of POWER, and the gift of
INSPIRATION. These gifts are given to the church body so the
glory of God could be manifested through His people.
Discernment comes from the heart not from the eye gate or
human sense. It’s a divine revelation. God gives impartation by
the power of the Holy Spirit. This is a supernatural ability that
God gives to the believer and cannot be possessed by man without
God. God brings His blessing and anointing to the church. Gifts of
the Spirit are not an impulse of a feeling, but God actually
manifesting or speaking through us. Personal prophesy is given to
an individual when it confirms something that is yet to come. It
brings edification and comfort to the one receiving the prophesy.
The Holy Spirit Is all of these:



Paul the Apostle gives instruction to us on the importance of

Spiritual gifts in 1 Corinthians chapters 12-14. It tells us in Ch 12
vs. 7 that the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man
to profit withal. Verses 8-11 lists all the gifts of the Spirit,
though they may differ from each other, they are all of the same
Spirit. Verses 12-27 shows us how important unity in the body of
Christ is. The body cannot function correctly if there is disunity.
Unity means working together as a whole. Verses 28-30 talks
about how the body has been appointed to different areas
individually. We cannot all be apostles, but God wants to use each
individual in the body of Christ.
In order for the gifts of the Spirit to function correctly
there must be unity among the body and love in that person. If
there is unity and love, the Spirit of God will manifest itself.
When there is the manifestation of God that means there is a
manifestation of His presence. His presence is manifested
through those who are full of love and unity. What is love?
1 Corinthians 13:4-8
Love is patient and kind.
Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude.
It does not demand its own way.
It is not irritable, and keeps no record of being wronged.
It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the
truth wins out.
Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and
endures through every circumstance.
Prophesy and speaking in unknown languages and special knowledge
will become useless.
But love will last forever!

Love is all these things. Love is a fruit of the Spirit. And if

the Spirit is of God, then love is God. And if you are in God, then
you produce fruit. God created us in His image, so we are to walk
in love just like Him because He is in us and we are of Him. Verse
8, Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies they
shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether
there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. (KJV) The gifts of God
are attracted to love which is a fruit of God. One cannot flow in
the Spirit of God if he or she does not remain in love.
Chapter 14 talks about the gifts of inspiration. Verse 1, let
love be your highest goal! But above all the gifts of the Spirit,
we should desire the ability to prophesize. Speaking in tongues is
given to us in order for us to communicate with God and also for
the nonbeliever to witness the manifestation of God. When
someone interprets a message in tongues it strengthens the
church. Verse 27, No more than two or three should speak in
tongues. They must speak one at a time, and someone must
interpret what they say. As soon as someone has the
interpretation everyone else in the body should hold there
silence, even if they feel they have the interpretation. Verse 40,
Let all things be done decently and in order.
Flowing in the Spirit of God is an honor that God has
entrusted us with. We should never misuse these sacred gifts
such as to profit oneself and for self-glory. It’s purpose is for
edification and strengthening of the church as a whole and for
those who do not believe.


The Word of Wisdom is just a portion of the wisdom of

God. This gist is to bless people and open a future event in their
lives. They are powerful tools and even weapons that we have
against the enemy, Satan. The Word of Wisdom has a divine
purpose to communicate a message through the believer that has
not yet come to pass. It involves speaking of things that people
would not normally know. It can give you information that is
helpful to straighten out situations. It’s not our knowledge that
develops this gift, it’s the knowledge of the Holy Spirit (it’s a
knowing). As it is a knowing, let us not get caught up with our
humanistic feelings. It has nothing to do with a person’s natural
knowledge. When God speaks a word of wisdom through a
servant, it has made that person wise in that matter at that
moment. It does not make them wise in all things.
A perfect example in someone having a word of wisdom, is
David. In Psalm 2:7, he speaks of the coming of the Messiah,
which is Jesus. And is Psalm 22, he talks about the death of the
Messiah. We must be careful though, there are counterfeit
words that go forth and they are not a word from God. A palm or
tarot card reader would be a counterfeit. They might say what
you want to hear, but regardless it is not of God. The Word of
Wisdom can operate in us and it will, if we seek it earnestly with a
passion and desire for God. God wants to use us to bring Him
glory. Remember it’s the gift of God using us, not us using the
gift. It’s really important that we keep that in mind, because God
wants to bless someone and He wants to do it through you.


It’s the word of God’s knowledge that reveals the with what
exists in our lives. You cannot mistake it for the knowledge of
man. It’s a word that goes forth through an individual that is
from God revealing facts or factual. It’s a word of knowledge
dealing with the past or the present. A servant of God cannot
know this by any natural means. There has to be a purpose for
God’s word of knowledge, if there is no purpose He won’t do it.
It’s purpose is to solve a problem or answer a question that one
may have. Here are some scriptures where God’s word of
Knowledge came into play:

II Kings 5:20-27
II kings 6:12
John 4:3-21

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