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California, Berkeley
Aghbabian, Mihran S. Ultimate capacity of struts subjected to eccentric
William L. Resnatron cavity
Stokes, William M. Sterols and other
lipids of tbe Antbozoa.
Charwat, Andrew F. Turbulence in
Thakar, Vaikunth C. Adsorption kiliquid pipe flow.
netics in fixed beds.
Chiang, Shih-fei Drag on a rotating
Yamin, Michael The electrical propercylinder at low pressures.
ties of solid polyelectrolytes.
Chien, Ning Investigation of the
maximum equilibrium rate of bed
load movement.
Glenn, William E., Jr. A time-offligbt mass spectrograpb.
Brooklyn Folytechnic
Gross, William A., Jr. Adaptation of
Bennett, Herbert S. Electro-magnetic
electrical network metbods to the
transmission characteristics of tbe
solution of problems in tbe tbeory
of elasticity.
two dimensional lattice medium.
Blass, Judd The extension of Weiner- Groves, Willice E. Transmission of
electromagnetic waves tbrough pairs
Hoff technique to radiation probof parallel wire grids.
lems involving boundaries of elliptiKent, Joseph C. The entrainment of
cal cross-section.
air by water flowing in circular conFelson, Leopold B. Diffraction by
duits witb down-grade slopes.
wedges and cones.
Alan D. K. Stability consideraGraham, Martin H. A high current
tions in vertical annular two-pbase
beam deflection tube.
fluid flow.
Levine, Bernard Tbe general insta- McBride, William J., Jr. An ultra
bility and design of circular cylindribigb-frequency deflection oscillator.
cal shells reinforced with ring frames Meisling, Torben H. The translation
under hydrostatic pressure.
of arithmetic operations into switcbNess, Nathan On the temperature
ing operations in digital computer
distribution along a semi-infinite
sweat cooled plate.
Mortada, Mohamed Effect of electrokinetics on the permeability of porSang, Wan-koon A study of tbe nonous media.
steady forces about an oscillating
Wu, Ning-gau Stresses in a flat
body in a potential flow.
curved bar witb concentrated boundary loads.
California, Los Angeles
Bronzo, Joseph A. On the propagation of elastic waves into a semi- Aseltine, John A. Transforms for
linear time-varying systems.
infinite solid.
John M. Limit analysis of
X,evy, Sheldon L. Tbe influence of
rigid frames witb consideration for
magnetization on ultrasonic attenutbe effects of deflection and staation in some ferromagnetic single
Hall, Warren A. An analysis of some
Maslen, Stephen H. Supersonic conitheories of sand filtration.
cal flow.
Zizicas, George A. Stability of thin
Niordson, Frithiof I. N. Transmisanisotropic elastic plates.
sion of shock waves in thinwalled
cylindrical tubes. Royal Institute of
California Tech.
Technology, Stockholm, Transactions Acosta, Allan J. An experimental and
no. 57, 1952.
theoretical investigation of two-diYen, Kuo-tai On tbe construction of
mensional centrifugal pump impelhigh speed flows.

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Funded by a grant from The H. W. Wilson Foundation, Inc. in cooperation with EBSCO
Information Services, Inc. and the Congregational Library and Archives.

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