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Leia o texto abaixo e responda, em portugus, as dez perguntas listadas a seguir (

permitido o uso de dicionrio ingls/portugus).


Gas-guzzling, road-hogging, air-polluting... and now even doctors have joined the outcry
over 4x4 cars. Doctors have joined the chorus of attacks on 4x4 vehicles with a warning that
owners are recklessly putting other road users at risk by flouting laws over the use of mobile
phones and seat belts. Researchers who studied the behaviour of drivers of the all-terrain
vehicles say that they took more risks because they felt safer than drivers of smaller cars.
Scornfully known as Chelsea tractors due to their increasing appearance on urban streets,
few 4x4s have seen more mud than can be picked up on a private school sports field. Teachers
have tried to ban them and politicians want to impose penal tax rates on them - up to 2,000 a
year, 10 times the normal road tax, in the latest proposal from the Liberal Democrats. They have
been widely condemned as gas-guzzling, road-hogging and environmentally damaging. And the
new front opened by the medical profession is bound further to inflame the debate on Britain's
most controversial vehicle.
Although passengers in a 4x4 are less likely to suffer harm in an accident than those in a
smaller vehicle, their owners are increasing the risk of injury to themselves and others by their
failure to observe common safety measures, according to research from Imperial College,
London, which is published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ). The pattern is an example of
"risk compensation", where the safer a person feels the riskier the behaviour they indulge in.
A record 187,000 4x4s were sold in Britain last year, double the number a decade ago. One
in seven cars on the road is now a 4x4, according to the Department of Transport. However, the
Energy Minister, Malcolm Wicks, hit out at the vehicles recently, saying: "There will come a
time when it will be irresponsible for those [4x4s] to be on sale." They have also incurred the
wrath of the London Mayor, Ken Livingstone, who lambasted urban owners as "complete
idiots". The presenter of BBC's Top Gear, Jeremy Clarkson, described them as "clinically

For the study by researchers from Imperial College, drivers of passenger cars were
observed passing three different points in Hammersmith, west London, in February 2004. The
vehicles were monitored for an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening during weekdays.
More than 38,000 vehicles were studied, including almost 3,000 4x4s. The researchers found
drivers of 4x4s were almost four times more likely to be seen using hand-held mobiles. They
were also less likely to use seat belts. Those who broke one law, on using a mobile or not using a
seat belt, were more likely also to break the other. Overall, one in six drivers (15.3 per cent) was
not wearing a seat belt and one in 40 (2.5 per cent) was using a mobile. Lesley Walker and
colleagues say in the BMJ: "Our data show a worryingly high level of non-compliance with laws
on seat belts and hand-held mobile phones by drivers in London. Our observation that almost
one in six drivers was not wearing a seat belt is a public health concern."
Last October, the BMJ published an American study showing that 4x4s were more
dangerous to pedestrians than normal cars. Tests showed that people who were hit by the
vehicles in accidents were four times more likely to die than those hit by other cars. Previous
studies have shown that drivers using mobile phones have four times the risk of an accident. On
that basis, 4x4 drivers are at 16 times the risk of having an accident, given that they are four
times more likely to use a mobile compared with other drivers. Dr Walker said: "In general 4x4s
reduce the risk for their occupants but increase the risk for everyone else. In using a 4x4, instead
of a normal car, one's chance of death or serious injury falls by four in 1,000 but the chance of
killing or injuring others rises by 11 in 1,000, with a resulting cost to the community."
On the side of 4x4 owners, Bruce Thompson, charity executive, said: We own two
vehicles, a Land Rover Discovery TD5, and a high performance four-wheel-drive saloon car.
The Land Rover ferries my wife to work every day, takes the family on holiday and tows a twoton horse trailer. The alternative, if we want to pursue our hobby, is to buy another vehicle,
which would be more harmful as the more damaging effects on the environment come from
manufacture, not usage. It uses up no more road space than a typical, largish saloon car, and it
has an engine no bigger than a typical saloon car. My wife does a round trip of 50 miles a day to
the school where she teaches and does not go off-road and I drive to central London with it when
I occasionally visit. I get cross about uninformed critics of 4x4 users and people who jump on
the bandwagon and think that by banning the 4x4 there will be salvation for the planet. I find that
the Land Rover encourages a more relaxed, non-aggressive approach to driving. I accept that you
can't see past it easily, and for other road users that's annoying. I don't have a lot of sympathy
with people who only buy them for the school run and never put them to the use for which they
were designed."

PERGUNTAS (respostas em PORTUGUS, escritas com caneta azul ou preta; utilize

somente o espao reservado para cada resposta use o verso da folha apenas para
1) De acordo com a parte introdutria do texto, por qual razo os mdicos esto criticando o uso
de veculos 4x4?

2) O que o autor do texto quer dizer com a frase few 4x4s have seen more mud than can be
picked up on a private school sports field?

3) De acordo com o texto, qual a justificativa utilizada pelos polticos ingleses para elevarem os
impostos pagos por proprietrios de veculos 4x4?

4) De acordo com o Departamento de Transportes da Inglaterra, qual a proporo da frota

britnica que atualmente corresponde a veculos 4x4?

5) Explique o significado do padro de compensao de risco, identificado na pesquisa

realizada pelo Imperial College?

6) Descreva a metodologia de coleta de dados empregada na pesquisa realizada pelo Imperial


7) Quais os resultados relatados no texto da pesquisa realizada pelo Imperial College?

8) Qual o principal resultado do estudo realizado nos EUA sobre os veculos 4x4?

9) De acordo com o texto, porque os motoristas de veculos 4x4 tm uma probabilidade 16

vezes maior de se envolver em um acidente?

10) Liste trs argumentos utilizados pelo Sr. Bruce Thompson para justificar o fato de possuir um
veculo 4x4.



Leia atentamente cada questo e circule, com caneta azul ou preta, apenas uma das
alternativas de resposta. Questes com respostas rasuradas sero consideradas nulas!

01- Em um grupo formado por 30 rapazes e 30 moas, verificou-se que 20% dos rapazes e 30%
das moas so fumantes. Portanto, podemos afirmar que a porcentagem dos no fumantes
nesta turma de:
A) 25%
B) 30%
C) 50%
D) 75%
E) 90%

02- Cinco caixas (A, B, C, D, E) so empilhadas em ordem alfabtica, com a caixa A no topo da
pilha. As trs caixas de baixo so removidas simultaneamente e colocadas no topo da pilha,
sem alterao da ordem. Se este procedimento for repetido mais duas vezes, qual caixa
estar no meio da pilha?
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
E) E

03- Existem 5 pessoas com alturas diferentes. Alan mais alto que Davi, que mais baixo que
Erasmo. Carla mais baixa que Benedito, porm mais alta que Alan. Quem a terceira
pessoa mais alta?
A) Benedito
B) Alan
C) Carla
D) Erasmo
E) Davi

04- Um quarto de X a metade de um nmero que se quadruplicado e adicionado a X resulta em

um nmero que trs vezes X. Qual nmero no pode ser igual a X?
A) 32
B) 40
C) 45
D) 60
E) Todos os valores das opes anteriores podem ser iguais a X.

05- De quantas maneiras diferentes podem-se ter vinte e cinco reais utilizando-se cdulas de um,
cinco e dez reais?
A) 9
B) 10
C) 11
D) 12
E) 15

06- Para passar em um posto de fiscalizao de febre aftosa, cada carregamento de carneiro s
pode conter 100 cabeas de cada vez. Marcelo, o fiscal do posto, parou um caminho e, aps
explicar a regra ao motorista, indagou-lhe quantas cabeas havia em seu caminho. O
motorista ento respondeu que para chegar ao limite mximo permitido ele deveria tomar o
nmero de carneiros de seu carregamento e:
- dobrar esse nmero;
- acrescentar a metade desse nmero;
- somar mais um quarto desse nmero; e
- incluir a ele prprio (o motorista).
Qual o nmero de cabeas transportadas?
A) 30
B) 32
C) 35
D) 36
E) 38

07- Um estudante precisa de n dias para ler um livro de 270 pginas, lendo p pginas por dia. Se
ele ler p + 15 pginas por dia, levar n 3 dias na leitura. O valor de n + p :
A) 27
B) 35
C) 39
D) 57
E) 61

08- Seu Manoel quer aumentar sua produo de cana-de-acar. Para isto ele precisa comprar
maquinrio mais moderno e consequentemente necessita de um emprstimo bancrio. Ele
ento pesquisou e verificou que existem duas modalidades de emprstimo: uma com juros
de 4% ao ms, e uma segunda com juros de 53% ao ano. Dado que as demais condies dos
emprstimos so equivalentes, podemos concluir que:
A) A primeira modalidade mais vantajosa, e o emprstimo sai aproximadamente 30% mais
B) A segunda modalidade mais vantajosa, e o emprstimo sai aproximadamente 10% mais
C) A primeira modalidade mais vantajosa, e o emprstimo sai aproximadamente 10% mais
D) A segunda modalidade mais vantajosa, e o emprstimo sai aproximadamente 30% mais
E) As duas opes so equivalentes e no h vantagem de uma sobre a outra.

09- Considere as instrues a seguir:

1. Faa k = 999, i = 1 e p = 0
2. Se k > i, ento v para o passo 3; seno v para o passo 5
3 Substitua i por 2i e substitua p por p + 1
4. V para o passo 2
5. Imprima p
Se estas instrues forem seguidas de forma correta, qual nmero ser impresso no passo 5?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 10
D) 512
E) 999

10- Pedro ligou o rdio no meio do programa esportivo e, infelizmente, pegou a notcia sobre o
campeonato de futebol de sua cidade pela metade. Ele captou as seguintes informaes: cada
time joga com todos os outros uma nica vez e o campeonato ter ao todo 351 partidas. Com
essas informaes, ele pode afirmar que o nmero de times que far parte do torneio :
A) um nmero divisvel por 5
B) um nmero primo
C) um nmero par
D) um nmero divisvel por 3
E) impossvel saber o nmero correto.

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