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Agenda Item: 3260/2012

Report author: Chris Way

Tel: 0113 3951392
Report to Chief Officer (Highways and Transportation)
Date: 25 January 2013
Subject: Swinnow Road Traffic Management Works
Capital Scheme Number : 16702
Are specific electoral Wards affected?



Are there implications for equality and diversity and cohesion and



Is the decision eligible for Call-In?



Does the report contain confidential or exempt information?



If relevant, name(s) of Ward(s): Pudsey

If relevant, Access to Information Procedure Rule number:

Appendix number:

Summary of main issues

1. Swinnow Road is a well used local distributor road with a consistent accident history. It
currently ranks number 14 on Leeds City Councils Lengths for Concern document.
2. Concerns have regularly been raised by the local community that the A6120 Ring Road
creates severance between Swinnow and some local amenities including a
supermarket and a railway station.
3. The proposals contained in this report aim to address these parallel concerns by
providing a package of traffic management measures designed to control vehicle
speeds and upgrade pedestrian crossing infrastructure.
4. To reduce congestion and improve legibility for motorists at the junction of the A6120
Ring Road and Swinnow Road a junction considered problematic and with a defined
accident pattern it is proposed to introduce a double mini roundabout. This will
ensure the safe and expeditious movement of vehicles and will reduce queueing at
peak periods onto the A6120 Ring Road.
5. The works will be introduced in two phases: Phase 1 to be constructed following
approval of this report; and Phase 2 to be subject to further consultation and a further
approval by the Chief Officer (Highways and Transportation).
6. The Chief Officer (Highways and Transportation) is requested to:


approve the detailed design and construction of a scheme to provide traffic

management measures for Phase 1 comprising two speed tables and six
sets of speed cushions as shown on the attached drawing


approve further investigation and detailed design of Phase 2 to comprise

two mini roundabouts, a Zebra crossing, a pedestrian refuge island and
alterations to the existing islands as shown on the attached drawing
TMW/28/2/1787/2, to be subject to a further report; and
at a total cost of 95,000;


give authority to incur expenditure of 75,000 works costs and 20,000

staff fees, to be funded from the LTP Transport Policy Capital Programme;


give authority to establish a zebra crossing under Section 23 of the Road

Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

Purpose of this report


This report seeks approval for the introduction of a package of measures to

improve road safety and improve pedestrian facilities on Swinnow Road, Pudsey.

Background information


Swinnow Road is a local distributor road linking Pudsey Town centre to the A6120
Ring Road via Swinnow. It is extensively used by traffic throughout the working
day and is built up on both sides with residential properties. Several local shops
and a school also front the road.


Swinnow Road has a consistent accident pattern and has been on the Councils
Lengths for Concern document since 2004. A scheme to reduce accidents was
introduced in 2006. Since first appearing in 2004 the road has ranked 44, 46, 42,
38, 22, 21, and currently no.14.


The length of Swinnow Road being examined for this report has experienced 37
recorded injury accidents over the last 5 year study period comprising 1 fatal 10
serious and 26 slight accidents.


The accident causation along Swinnow Road is disparate albeit with an underlying
contributory factor of excess speed. There is one cluster of accidents with similar
cause; at the end of the slip road from the A6120 onto Swinnow Road there are 9
slight accidents all of which are as a consequence of poor driver judgement when
turning right onto Swinnow Road.


This junction is well used and the difficulties encountered by drivers exiting onto
Swinnow Road can cause traffic to queue on the off slip road.


Concerns have consistently been expressed at local forum meetings and via
correspondence that there are problems for pedestrians using Swinnow Road to
access the local supermarket and Bramley rail station, primarily as a result of the

A6120 creating severance between Swinnow and these amenities. There has
been steady demand to improve pedestrian infrastructure for this purpose.

An incident occurred in 2011 where a pedestrian was killed attempting to cross

Swinnow Road near to the junction with Sunnyside Road. The coroners report
recorded a verdict of Accidental Death; further to this the coroner wrote to Leeds
City Council in August 2012 requesting that improvements to pedestrian facilities
in the vicinity of the supermarket be considered.


In 2008 a study was undertaken by Road Safety into the accident pattern at the
junction of Swinnow Road with the A6120 off slip road. The study concluded that
whilst there was a pattern of accidents at this location that there was no simple
solution to the problem.

Main issues


It is proposed to provide traffic management measures along Swinnow Road to

address traffic speeds and driver behaviour and consequently reduce the accident


These measures will comprise two elements: Phase 1 to comprise traffic calming
measures along Swinnow Road; and Phase 2 to comprise alterations to the road
layout at the Swinnow Road/A6120 junction.


Phase 1 of the scheme will comprise traffic calming measures along Swinnow
Road to reduce vehicle speeds and encourage appropriate driver behaviour. This
will include two speed tables and six sets of speed cushions.


The speed tables will be located at the junctions of Swinnow Road with Harley
Road and Wellstone Avenue. These locations will help provide in conjunction
with the signalised junction at Swinnow Road/Swinnow Lane a consistent
pattern of major traffic calming features.


The speed cushions will be provided at regular intervals along the remaining
length of Swinnow Road; in several cases this will be as a direct replacement for
the existing false speed cushions.


Phase 1 of the proposals is detailed on the attached drawing TMW/28/2/1787/1.


The alterations in Phase 2 will include improvements to the pedestrian

infrastructure to aid pedestrian movements along and across Swinnow Road and
particularly to improve connectivity between Swinnow and the local supermarket
and rail station.


The pedestrian infrastructure improvements will include the provision of a Zebra

crossing at the end of the off slip road from the A6120, granting priority to
pedestrians over two lanes of traffic. This off slip road is generally recognised to
be the chief severance between Swinnow and the amenities discussed above.


In addition to the Zebra measures will be introduced across Swinnow Road

catering for the west-east movements towards the amenities. The existing splitter
island outside the supermarket will be reshaped to better suit pedestrian needs,

and a new refuge island will be introduced on Swinnow Road above the junction
with Sunnyside Road.

The accident pattern at the end of the off slip road from the A6120 will be
addressed by altering the road layout at this junction. Analysis of the accident
pattern shows that the right turn from the off slip road onto Swinnow Road
northbound can prove difficult. It is proposed to provide a mini roundabout at this
location to prioritise this right turn over the northbound traffic on Swinnow Road.
This will remove uncertainty for right turning traffic, clarifying the layout and
improving driver confidence. It will also improve traffic flows onto Swinnow Road
from Stanningley Road and have a consequent reduction in queue length.


The new mini roundabout will only have two traffic movements through it rather
than the three necessary to effectively work. The third movement is provided at a
second mini roundabout at the junction of Swinnow Road with the on slip road.
This will use the traffic moving from Swinnow Road onto the A6120 to break up
the southbound traffic on Swinnow Road, creating the gaps in the flow necessary
for the first mini roundabout to work. The two mini roundabouts will work in
concert to create the same effects as a single mini roundabout.


The alterations to the layout will require the existing central reserve on Swinnow
Road bridge across the A6120 to be reprofiled. This will necessitate
resurfacing of parts of the carriageway. The road surface across the bridge was
recently resurfaced to the northern kerbline of the off slip road; it is proposed to
extend this resurfacing to cover the area of the new mini roundabout.


Phase 2 of the proposals is detailed on the attached drawing TMW/28/2/1787/1.


Phase 1 will be constructed following approval of this report. Phase 2 construction

will be subject to further consultation which will be detailed in an additional report
to the Chief Officer (Highways and Transportation) following completion of the

Corporate Considerations


Consultation and Engagement


Consultation with internal departments was undertaken on 18 September 2012.

Highways Maintenance have identified that there is a surface course failure on
Swinnow Road which is currently being reviewed as part of the annual LTP
budget. They have asked for strengthening works to be incorporated as part of
this scheme and these will be included where it is considered necessary.


Consultation with emergency services and Metro was undertaken on 18

September 2012. Some reservations were expressed by Metro; these were
resolved through production of AutoTrack drawings.


Consultation with local ward members was initially undertaken on 18 September

2012. A meeting was held on 03 October 2012 with the three members to discuss
the proposals and support was expressed for the scheme.


Discussions were held with Transport Development Services on 18th December

2012 when it was agreed that traffic counts would be taken and further
consultation held with the local supermarket and the developer of an adjacent site
prior to construction of the Phase 2 works. This consultation will be detailed in the
further report discussed above prior to implementation of the works.


A Stage 1 Safety Audit was undertaken in October 2012. The points raised were
addressed and a Stage 2 Safety Audit requested. Where appropriate the
recommendations of this Stage 2 Safety Audit will be actioned.


Equality and Diversity / Cohesion and Integration


An EDCI Screening was carried out (Appendix 1). Key findings are:


The scheme includes dropped kerbs and tactile paving at crossing points; these
assist those with mobility issues by providing a level surface without steps, and
assist those with sight issues by identifying a safe place to cross. These
measures also benefit carers supporting wheelchairs and pushchairs; people who
are visually impaired, and disabled people.


The scheme reduces the crossing width at a pedestrian desire line across
Swinnow Road. This improves safety by reducing the amount of time taken to
cross the road/junction and reducing the amount of time a pedestrian is exposed
to traffic. This benefits people with mobility issues, young and older people, carers
supporting wheelchairs and pushchairs.


The scheme provides a new formal Zebra crossing facility at the end of the A6120
off slip road which gives precedent to pedestrians over vehicular traffic. This
benefits all pedestrians but particularly those with mobility issues, the visually
impaired, carers supporting wheelchairs and pushchairs who can now cross with
confidence for their safety.


The scheme provides a new informal pedestrian refuge crossing facility on

Swinnow Road near to its junction with Sunnyside Road which allows pedestrians
to cross the road in two stages. This benefits all pedestrians but particularly those
with mobility issues, the visually impaired, carers supporting wheelchairs and
pushchairs who can now cross with increased confidence for their safety.


The scheme is in line with the findings of the Pedestrian Crossing Review EDCI
Assessment EDCI Assessment


Council policies and City Priorities


The scheme meets the objectives of the Local Transport Plan 3:

2. Work with partners to ensure that all assets are maintained and managed to a
standard that is suitable and sufficient for their desired use.
18. Improve safety and security, seeking to minimise transport casualties


Resources and value for money


Full scheme estimate:

Civils works


SEC lighting costs 12,000

Total works costs 75,000
Staff fees


Total costs


The total costs of 95,000 will be fully funded by the LTP Transport Policy Capital

Programme: Phase 1 of the works will be implemented following approval of this

report. Detailed design and consultation of Phase 2 will commence following the
approval of the report; a further report detailing this work and requesting authority
to construct Phase 2 will be submitted at a later date.

4.4.3 Capital Funding and Cash Flow.

Complete the embedded table below:

F u n d in g Ap p ro v a l :
P re v io u s to ta l Au th o rity
to S p e n d o n th is s c h e m e
L A N D (1 )
C O N S T R U C T IO N (3 )
F U R N & E Q P T (5 )
D E S IG N F E E S (6 )
O T H E R C O S T S (7 )
Au th o rity to S p e n d
re q u ire d fo r th is Ap p ro v a l
L A N D (1 )
C O N S T R U C T IO N (3 )
F U R N & E Q P T (5 )
D E S IG N F E E S (6 )
O T H E R C O S T S (7 )
T o ta l o v e ra ll F u n d in g
(As p e r la te s t C a p ita l
P ro g ra m m e )

C a p ita l S e c tio n R e fe re n c e N u m b e r :T O T AL
0 0 0 's
0 .0
0 .0
0 .0
0 .0
0 .0
0 .0
0 0 0 's
0 .0
7 5 .0
0 .0
2 0 .0
0 .0
9 5 .0
0 0 0 's

L C C S u p p o rte d B o rro w in g
R e ve n u e C o n trib u tio n
C a p ita l R e c e ip t
In s u ra n c e R e c e ip t
L o tte ry
G ifts / B e q u e s ts / T ru s ts
E u ro p e a n G ra n t
H e a lth A u th o rity
S c h o o l F u n d ra is in g
P riv a te S e c to r
S e c tio n 1 0 6 / 2 7 8
G o ve rn m e n t G ra n t
SCE ( C )
SCE ( R )
D e p a rtm e n ta l U S B
C o rp o ra te U S B
A n y O th e r In c o m e ( S p e c ify)

0 .0
0 .0
0 .0
0 .0
0 .0
0 .0
0 .0
0 .0
0 .0
0 .0
0 .0
9 5 .0
0 .0
0 .0
0 .0
0 .0
0 .0

T o ta l F u n d in g

9 5 .0

B a la n c e / S h o rtfa ll =

0 .0

0 0 0 's

2 0 1 2 /1 3
0 0 0 's

0 .0

0 .0

0 0 0 's

2 0 1 2 /1 3
0 0 0 's

2 0 1 3 /1 4 2 0 1 4 /1 5 2 0 1 5 /1 6
0 0 0 's
0 0 0 's
0 0 0 's

0 .0

0 .0

0 .0

2 0 1 3 /1 4 2 0 1 4 /1 5 2 0 1 5 /1 6
0 0 0 's
0 0 0 's
0 0 0 's

2016 on
0 0 0 's

2 5 .0

5 0 .0

1 8 .0

2 .0

0 .0

4 3 .0

5 2 .0

0 0 0 's

2 0 1 2 /1 3
0 0 0 's

0 .0

2016 on
0 0 0 's

0 .0

0 .0

0 .0

2 0 1 3 /1 4 2 0 1 4 /1 5 2 0 1 5 /1 6
0 0 0 's
0 0 0 's
0 0 0 's

2016 on
0 0 0 's

4 3 .0

5 2 .0

0 .0

4 3 .0

5 2 .0

0 .0

0 .0

0 .0

0 .0

0 .0

0 .0

0 .0

0 .0

0 .0

Parent Scheme Number : 99609

Title : LTP Transport Policy Capital Programme

Legal Implications, Access to Information and Call In


The scheme is not classed as a Key or Major decision as it falls below the
relevant thresholds. It is therefore not considered to be subject to Call In.


Risk Management


There are no risks other than those normally encountered when working on the
public highway associated with the scheme.



Introduction of the proposed alterations to the junction of Swinnow Road and the
A6120 Ring Road, together with the traffic calming measures on Swinnow Road,
will address the recorded injury accident history.


The improvements to the pedestrian infrastructure around the junction of Swinnow

Road and the A6120 Ring Road will improve pedestrian safety, improve
pedestrian confidence when accessing local amenities, and re-engage the local
community by reducing the severance caused by the A6120.



The Chief Officer (Highways and Transportation) is requested to:


approve the detailed design and construction of a scheme to provide

traffic management measures for Phase 1 comprising two speed tables
and six sets of speed cushions as shown on the attached drawing


approve further investigation and detailed design of Phase 2 to comprise

two mini roundabouts, a Zebra crossing, a pedestrian refuge island and
alterations to the existing islands as shown on the attached drawing
TMW/28/2/1787/2, to be subject to a further report; and


give authority to incur expenditure of 75,000 works costs and 20,000

staff fees, to be funded from the LTP Transport Policy Capital
Programme; and


give authority to establish a zebra crossing under Section 23 of the Road

Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

Background documents1



The background documents listed in this section are available to download from the Councils website,
unless they contain confidential or exempt information. The list of background documents does not include
published works.

Appendix 1
Equality, Diversity, Cohesion and
Integration Screening
As a public authority we need to ensure that all our strategies, policies, service and
functions, both current and proposed have given proper consideration to equality, diversity,
cohesion and integration.
A screening process can help judge relevance and provides a record of both the process
and decision. Screening should be a short, sharp exercise that determines relevance for
all new and revised strategies, policies, services and functions. Completed at the earliest
opportunity it will help to determine:
the relevance of proposals and decisions to equality, diversity, cohesion and
whether or not equality, diversity, cohesion and integration is being/has already
been considered, and
whether or not it is necessary to carry out an impact assessment.
Directorate: Development

Service area: Traffic Management

Lead person:

Contact number:

1. Title:
Is this a:
Strategy / Policy

Service / Function


If other, please specify

2. Please provide a brief description of what you are screening

The screening focuses on a report to the Highways and Transportation Board
requesting authority to provide a package of traffic management measures designed
to control vehicle speeds and upgrade pedestrian crossing infrastructure, and to
clarify vehicle movements at the Swinnow Road/A6120 Ring Road junction by the
provision of two mini roundabouts.
Swinnow Road is a local distributor road linking Pudsey Town centre to the A6120
Ring Road via Swinnow. It is extensively used by traffic throughout the working day
and is built up on both sides with residential properties. Several local shops and a
school also front the road.
Swinnow Road is currently number 14 on the Councils Lengths for Concern with 25
recorded injury accidents (38 when including the junction with the A6120 Ring
Road). The accident causation along Swinnow Road is disparate albeit with an

underlying contributory factor of excess speed. There is one cluster of accidents with
similar cause at the end of the slip road from the A6120 onto Swinnow Road
Concerns have consistently been expressed at local forum meetings and via
correspondence that there are problems for pedestrians using Swinnow Road to
access the local supermarket and Bramley rail station, primarily as a result of the
A6120 creating severance between Swinnow and these amenities. There has been
steady demand to improve pedestrian infrastructure for this purpose.
It is proposed to provide traffic management measures along Swinnow Road to
address traffic speeds and driver behaviour and consequently reduce the accident
pattern. These measures will comprise two elements: Phase 1 to comprise
alterations to the road layout at the Swinnow Road/A6120 junction; and Phase 2 to
comprise traffic calming measures along Swinnow Road.
The alterations in Phase 1 will include improvements to the pedestrian infrastructure
to aid pedestrian movements along and across Swinnow Road and particularly to
improve connectivity between Swinnow and the local supermarket and rail station.
The pedestrian infrastructure improvements will include the provision of a Zebra
crossing at the end of the off slip road from the A6120, granting priority to
pedestrians over two lanes of traffic. This off slip road is generally recognised to be
the chief severance between Swinnow and the amenities discussed above.
In addition to the Zebra measures will be introduced across Swinnow Road catering
for the west-east movements towards the amenities. The existing splitter island
outside the supermarket will be reshaped to better suit pedestrian needs, and a new
refuge island will be introduced on Swinnow Road above the junction with Sunnyside
The accident pattern at the end of the off slip road from the A6120 will be addressed
by altering the road layout at this junction. It is proposed to provide a mini
roundabout at this location to prioritise this right turn over the northbound traffic on
Swinnow Road. This will remove uncertainty for right turning traffic, clarifying the
layout and improving driver confidence.
Phase 2 of the scheme will comprise traffic calming measures along Swinnow Road
to reduce vehicle speeds and encourage appropriate driver behaviour. This will
include two speed tables and six sets of speed cushions. The speed tables will be
located at the junctions of Swinnow Road with Harley Road and Wellstone Avenue.
These locations will help provide in conjunction with the signalised junction at
Swinnow Road/Swinnow Lane a consistent pattern of major traffic calming
features. The speed cushions will be provided at regular intervals along the
remaining length of Swinnow Road; in several cases this will be as a direct
replacement for the existing false speed cushions.

3. Relevance to equality, diversity, cohesion and integration

All the councils strategies/policies, services/functions affect service users, employees or
the wider community city wide or more local. These will also have a greater/lesser

relevance to equality, diversity, cohesion and integration.

The following questions will help you to identify how relevant your proposals are.
When considering these questions think about age, carers, disability, gender
reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation and any other relevant
characteristics (for example socio-economic status, social class, income, unemployment,
residential location or family background and education or skills levels).
Is there an existing or likely differential impact for the different
equality characteristics?
Have there been or likely to be any public concerns about the
policy or proposal?
Could the proposal affect how our services, commissioning or
procurement activities are organised, provided, located and by
Could the proposal affect our workforce or employment
Does the proposal involve or will it have an impact on
Eliminating unlawful discrimination, victimisation and
Advancing equality of opportunity
Fostering good relations





If you have answered no to the questions above please complete sections 6 and 7
If you have answered yes to any of the above and;
Believe you have already considered the impact on equality, diversity, cohesion
and integration within your proposal please go to section 4.
Are not already considering the impact on equality, diversity, cohesion and
integration within your proposal please go to section 5.

4. Considering the impact on equality, diversity, cohesion and integration

If you can demonstrate you have considered how your proposals impact on equality,
diversity, cohesion and integration you have carried out an impact assessment.
Please provide specific details for all three areas below (use the prompts for guidance).
How have you considered equality, diversity, cohesion and integration?
(think about the scope of the proposal, who is likely to be affected, equality related
information, gaps in information and plans to address, consultation and engagement
activities (taken place or planned) with those likely to be affected)
Consultation on the proposals has taken place with the following stakeholders:
Local Councillors
Emergency Services (Police, West Yorkshire Fire and Ambulances Services)

Consultation with emergency services and Metro was undertaken on 18th September
2012. Some reservations were expressed by Metro; these were resolved through
production of AutoTrack drawings.
Consultation with local ward members was initially undertaken on 18th September 2012.
A meeting was held on 3rd October 2012 with the three members to discuss the
proposals and support was expressed for the scheme.
Residential consultation will take place following the approval of the Design and Cost
report. A petition has been received on behalf of local residents (including a visually
impaired resident) and a meeting is to be held to discuss this. Any appropriate comments
from local residents will be incorporated into the final scheme design.

Key findings

Scheme features:

The scheme includes dropped kerbs and tactile paving at crossing points; these
assist those with mobility issues by providing a level surface without steps, and
assist those with sight issues by identifying a safe place to cross. These measures
also benefit carers supporting wheelchairs and pushchairs; people who are
visually impaired, and disabled people.
The scheme reduces the crossing width at a pedestrian desire line across
Swinnow Road. This improves safety by reducing the amount of time taken to
cross the road/junction and reducing the amount of time a pedestrian is exposed
to traffic. This benefits people with mobility issues, young and older people, carers
supporting wheelchairs and pushchairs.
The scheme provides a new formal Zebra crossing facility at the end of the A6120
off slip road which gives precedent to pedestrians over vehicular traffic. This
benefits all pedestrians but particularly those with mobility issues, the visually
impaired, carers supporting wheelchairs and pushchairs who can now cross with
confidence for their safety.
The scheme provides a new informal pedestrian refuge crossing facility on
Swinnow Road near to its junction with Sunnyside Road which allows pedestrians
to cross the road in two stages. This benefits all pedestrians but particularly those
with mobility issues, the visually impaired, carers supporting wheelchairs and
pushchairs who can now cross with increased confidence for their safety.

The scheme is in line with the findings of the Pedestrian Crossing Review EDCI
Assessment EDCI Assessment
(think about how you will promote positive impact and remove/ reduce negative impact)

5. If you are not already considering the impact on equality, diversity, cohesion and
integration you will need to carry out an impact assessment.
Date to scope and plan your impact assessment:


Date to complete your impact assessment


Lead person for your impact assessment

(Include name and job title)


6. Governance, ownership and approval

Please state here who has approved the actions and outcomes of the screening
Job title
Howard Claxton
Traffic Engineering Manager

7. Publishing
This screening document will act as evidence that due regard to equality and diversity
has been given. If you are not carrying out an independent impact assessment the
screening document will need to be published.
Please send a copy to the Equality Team for publishing
Date screening completed
Date sent to Equality Team
Date published
(To be completed by the Equality Team)

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