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Paper 1: Reading and Writing

Part 4
Read this article about Spider Man and answer Right (A), Wrong (B) or Doesnt Say (C).
Leggi questo articolo su Spider-Man e rispondi Right (A), Wrong (B) o Doesnt Say (C).
Spider-Man is a Marvel Comics superhero. Stan Lee (the creator of the Hulk, the Fantastic
Four, Thor and other characters) and Steve Ditko created this character in the early 60s.
He appeared for the first time in 1962 in Amazing Fantasy, a superhero comic book.
Spiderman can cling to surfaces, shoot spider-webs and react to danger quickly with his
spider-sense. He has powers and thanks to them he can fight against enemies like
Doctor Octopus, Green Goblin, Jackal and he can do good. But Spiderman alias Peter Park
is also a normal teenager, who lives with his Uncle Ben and Aunt May and experiences
difficulties with girls, friends, family and employers.
It is this simple humanity that has won him millions of fans. He is in fact one of the most
popular superheroes. He has appeared in a series of films and in live-action television
shows and newspaper comic strips.

1. Spider-Man was created after Hulk and the Fantastic Four.

a. Right

b. Wrong

c. Doesnt Say

2. Spider-Man cannot do anything special but he is very brave.

a. Right

b. Wrong

c. Doesnt Say

b. Wrong

c. Doesnt Say

3. Spider-Man has no enemies.

a. Right

4. In normal life he has another name.

a. Right

b. Wrong

c. Doesnt Say

5. Spider-Man is also a normal teenager.

a. Right

b. Wrong

c. Doesnt Say

6. His fans love him because he is a normal person but also a superhero.

a. Right

b. Wrong

c. Doesnt Say

7. He is the protagonist of a lot of films.

a. Right

b. Wrong

c. Doesnt Say

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Part 5
Read the article about the University of Cambridge. Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space.
Leggi larticolo sulla University of Cambridge. Scegli la parola corretta (A, B o C) per ogni spazio.
The University of Cambridge
The University of Cambridge is a university located in Cambridge, United Kingdom. It is one of
the (1) . famous universities and the second oldest in the English-speaking world
(after the University of Oxford). They (2) . many common characteristics, in fact they
(3) . sometimes referred to as Oxfridge. It is an institution formed (4) .
31 colleges. They are independent institutions, separate (5) . the university and with
great autonomy. Three of these colleges are for women and four specifically for graduate students.
A large number of prominent individuals, from scientists and writers to politicians, (6) .
attended or taught in Cambridge.
The university also offers other types of extracurricular activities, (7) . rowing teams,
cricket (8) . rugby.

a. most

b. more

c. less

a. get

b. are

c. have

a. get

b. are

c. have

a. from

b. of

c. by

a. from

b. by

c. since

a. are

b. have

c. were

a. as

b. such as

c. how

a. and

b. to

c. either

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Part 6
Read these descriptions of people and their jobs. What is the word for each of the jobs?
Leggi le descrizioni di queste professioni. Qual il termine corretto?
1. He works in a school.


2. She helps sick people.


3. He flies an airplane.


4. She works in a shop and sells things (for example clothes).


5. He looks after plants and flowers.


Part 7
Complete the letter. Write ONE word for each space.
Completa la lettera. Scrivi UNA parola per ogni spazio.

Dear Jenny,
Im sorry I couldnt come (1) ......
you party last week. I (2) ...... sick in
bed. I had flu. Tomorrow I (3) ......
going back to school after a week in bed. I hope
that we can meet (4) ...... the
I (5) ...... a little present for you.
Would you like to come (6) ......
my place? My father can drive you home
(7) ...... six oclock.
Let me know as soon (8) ......
possible so I can tell my father.
See you tomorrow morning.

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Part 8
Read these few notes about Martin Brown. Then, complete the application form given below.
Leggi questi brevi appunti su Martin Brown. Poi completa questo modulo di iscrizione.
Martin Brown wants to join a club in London. He was born in 1975 in Milan, Italy but now lives in
Edinburgh. He is married to Mary Smith, an American model. Martin is a journalist.

Application form
Name (1) ..............................................................................................................................................
Surname (2) ....................................................................................................................................
Age (3) .....................................................................................................................................................
Country of birth (4) ...............................................................................................................
Address (5) .......................................................................................................................................
Wifes name (6) ..........................................................................................................................
Job (7) ......................................................................................................................................................

Part 9
You are spending a week at the seaside. Write a note to your friend about your holiday.
where you are staying
who you are staying with
if you like it and why.
Sei al mare per una settimana. Scrivi un appunto ad un/a tuo/a amico/a sulle tue vacanze.
dove stai alloggiando
con chi sei
se ti piace e perch.

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Paper 2: Listening
KET_Paper 2_Part 3.mp3

Part 3
You will hear a conversation at a restaurant. For questions 1-5 tick the right answer A, B or C.
Ascolterai una conversazione al ristorante. Per le domande 1-5 scegli lalternativa corretta A, B o C.
1. What will the woman start with?

a. a soup

b. a salad

c. some vegetables

2. What will the man have?

a. fish

b. meat

c. salad

3. What will the man drink?

a. water

b. wine

c. beer

4. Will the woman drink wine?

a. water

b. wine

c. beer

5. Will the woman have a dessert?

a. No

b. Yes

c. She doesnt know.

KET_Paper 2_Part 4.mp3

Part 4
You will hear a conversation between Jenny and her French teacher. Listen and complete.
Ascolterai una telefonata tra Jenny e la sua insegnante di francese. Ascolta e completa.
Time (1) .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Day (2) .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Place (3) ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Instruments (4) ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Duration of the lesson (5) .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

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KET_Paper 2_Part 5.mp3

Part 5
You will hear some information about the Trafford Centre in Manchester and the Odeon Cinema.
Listen and complete.
Ascolterai alcune informazioni riguardo Trafford Center e il Cinema Odeon a Manchester.Ascolta e
Where (1) ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
When (on Sunday) (2) ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Visitors annually (3) ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Car parking places (4) ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Cinema visitors number (5) .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

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