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22 Section A MAY 2008 The Woodside News


Age of the Earth 1– mon language in Scripture to beginning is anchored, then what fol- days of Elijah and the prophets at most
communicate clearly to men of lows is anchored as well. 900 years earlier were called of old
Essentials all eras. The clear unambigu- (Mark 6:15; Luke 9:8,19). Peter identi-
ous teaching of Scripture is a Y O U N G O R O LD ? fied Moses, Samuel, and successors as
H ow old are you? How do
you know for sure? Only
eyewitness testimony (par-
6,000-year-old earth.
If the earth is billions of
Christians often call the earth young.
What does this mean? Young relative
“holy prophets from ancient time” through
whom God spoke at most 1500 years
years old as many scientists to what? Nothing is older than the earlier (Acts 3:21-24). James referred to
ents) or records of eyewitness claim, then Scripture is wrong. earth. It’s the oldest thing there is— “ancient generations” reading Moses at
testimony (birth certificates) If you cannot trust the Bible older by three days than the sun, most 1500 years earlier (Acts 15:21).
can provide accurate informa- WILLIAM T. PELLETIER for simple historical informa- moon, and stars. Thus for Biblical authors, ancient
tion. People in cultures that do PH.D.
tion like ages, how can you Since everything is younger than and of old meant hundreds or thousands
not emphasize birthdays often trust it for reliable information the earth, the earth should be called of years, never millions or billions.
do not know how old they are, because about the far more complex issue of Moses and Peter used these same
the relevant eyewitness testimony has rescue from sin and death? Hebrew and Greek words to call


been lost or forgotten. God is concerned about time. Noah’s world of old and ancient
He made explicit provision for meas- (Genesis 6:4; 2 Peter 2:5). Moses
HOW OLD IS THE EARTH? uring it with the creation of the sun, also called the mountains ancient
Answers to this question are usually moon, and stars on Day 4. Scripture (Deuteronomy 33:15). Job (20:4)
based on interpretations of physical records an abundance of chronologi- called the creation of man of old. The
evidence, not on direct observation. cal information to construct a histor- Psalmist (102:25) called the creation
Interpretations are driven by world- ically accurate chronology. of earth of old. Hebrews (11:2,4)
views. Dependable answers to age God thought earth’s age was identified “men of old” going all the
questions require either eyewitness tes- important because He included his- way back to Adam’s son Abel, near
timony or records of such. torical information on the age of the the beginning.
The only record of eyewitness tes- earth in Scripture. It helps man Thus it’s reasonable to think the
timony for the creation of the earth is understand his origins, his history, People estimate ages based on experience. But nobody Biblical authors had the same time
Genesis. The Bible specifies heaven and his need for salvation. has the experience needed to estimate earth’s age.
scale of only thousands of years in
and earth were created about 6,000 A side benefit is that a 6,000- mind for the terms ancient and of old
years ago. Evolutionists, however, year-old earth blows Evolutionism out old. If the earth is young, then nothing when they applied them to Noah’s
claim earth is 4.6 billion years old, and of the water. Evolution is impossible in is old. To say the earth is young Flood and Creation. Compared to
they claim the heavens are 15 billion 6,000 years. This is the real reason for removes all meaning from the word old. human lifetimes, thousands of years is
years old. the relentless attacks on the Genesis To say the earth is young pre- ancient.
The difference between 6,000 genealogies. sumes the general validity of the evo- “Millions of years” is nowhere in
years and 15,000,000,000 years is Christianity is based on key histor- lutionary framework of long ages of the Bible. That notion has been
mind-boggling! If we represent a year ical events. If they did not actually time. It’s only the unrelenting propa- imposed on the Bible within the last
by the thickness of a occur, Christianity is ganda of “billions of years” that caus- two centuries by those who want to
sheet of paper, then
6,000 years corresponds
to a 2-foot-high stack of
paper. Fifteen billion A 6,000-year-old earth blows Evolutionism out
years corresponds to a
stack 947 miles high.
This is like comparing
of the water. This is the real reason for the
one human step with the
distance from Troy to relentless attacks on the Genesis genealogies.
Tallahassee. Somebody is
seriously in error about
the age of the universe. worthless (1 Corinthians 15:14-19). es people to think the enormous time force-fit the Bible into scientism’s
This begins a series of columns on Dates root events in history and distin- span of six millennia is young and that worldview.
the age of the earth. First I’ll consider guish the events from myths, legends, old has to mean billions of years. Thus it’s Biblical to see the earth as
the Biblical testimony and explain how and fairy tales. If you do not take I don’t call myself a young-earth old or ancient, provided old means
it clearly teaches the earth is 6,000 years chronological texts (like the genealo- creationist. Instead I identify myself as thousands, not billions, of years. Earth is
old. This will include an investigation of gies) literally, you undermine the a Biblical creationist who believes the actually very, very, very ancient. In fact,
what Jesus thought, a survey of the his- authority of Scripture and the founda- earth is 6,000 years old based on Bibli- it’s 6,000 years old.
toric teaching of the church, and an tions of faith. cal testimony.
analysis of the Genesis genealogies. Chronology firmly anchors the Calling the earth old is Biblical. But HOW OLD DOES EARTH LOOK?
Subsequently I’ll discuss scientific Bible in real-world history. It’s essen- what time span does the Bible mean by But someone may object, “Earth looks
evidence on the age of the earth. I’ll tial to anchor the beginning. If the old? Thousands or millions or billions much older than 6,000 years.” But how
explain fallacies of radiometric of years? The Bible uses old to could anyone know what a 6,000-year-
dating methods which yield mean hundreds or thousands as old earth or a 4-billion-year-old earth
long ages and give examples of can be demonstrated by the use of looked like?
methods which yield short ages. the term throughout Scripture. Children find it difficult to esti-
I begin with the Biblical Hebrew and Greek words are mate ages because they have little
evidence because the evidence translated ancient or of old about experience. Adults can validly say
from nature should be inter- 70 times. For example, genealogi- someone looks in his 50s based on
preted and understood in light cal records of the tribe of Judah experience. No one has experience
of clear Biblical truth. are called ancient some 1500 estimating earth ages. Everyone has
The Bible and science are years later (1 Chronicles 4:22). only been on one earth for a brief time.
in harmony when properly Joshua (24:2) referred to the time How old the earth looks depends
understood. Disagreements of Abraham 500 years earlier as on the worldview glasses you look
arise from faulty interpreta- ancient. Isaiah (63:11) called the through. One person may think it
tions of either the physical evi- time of Moses 750 years earlier of looks billions of years old. I think it
dence or the Biblical text, not old. Amos (9:11) called David’s looks like a flood-damaged globe that’s
from actual contradictions day 250 years earlier of old. Micah thousands of years old.
between nature and Scripture. (7:20) called Abraham’s day 1400
years earlier of old. Nehemiah Email Dr. Pelletier at
WHY IS EARTH ’S AGE (12:46) called the days of David biblescienceguy@woodsidenews.org.
IMPORTANT? (500 years earlier) ancient. Read the Bible-Science Guy blog at
Earth’s age directly impacts Bib- In New Testament times, the blog.woodside.tv/blog/Bill_Pelletier
lical credibility. God uses com- ©2008 William T. Pelletier

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