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Universitatea Babes-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca

Facultatea de Litere
Catedra de limba si literatura engleza
Anul universitar 2010/2011
Semestrul: I
Anul de studii/specializarea: anul I (engleza B)
Curs magistral: LE 11221 Structura gramaticala a limbii engleze
Subdiscipline: 1. Curs practic: Interpretari de texte
2. Curs practic: Interpretari de texte
3. Curs practic: Traduceri de texte
4. Curs Practic: Eseuri
5. Curs practic: Tehnici de comunicare

I. Informatii generale despre curs

Titlul disciplinei: Structura gramaticala a limbii engleze
Codul: LE 11221
Numarul de credite: 6
Locul de desfasurare: Facultatea de Litere, conform orarului

II. Informatii despre titularul de curs

Nume, titlul stiintific: Chira Dorin, conferentiar dr.
Informatii de contact: d_chira@msn.com; tel. 0264-410016
Ore de audienta: 2, cab. M4

III. Descrierea disciplinei

The numerous meanings of the term grammar often lead to misunderstandings. The term
is used to refer to any book written about a language. Within traditional linguistics, this term
is used to distinguish a field of language study from other fields, such as lexicology and
phonology; in this sense, the term grammar is said to be composed of morphology and
syntax. Very often people identify grammar with morphology (it is easier to observe the
forms of the words rather than the structure of the sentence). For other people grammar is a
matter of right or wrong; it can also be a matter of right and right: a choice between
two or more grammatical ways of expressing something, depending on the meaning intended.
The term also designates the description of a language, i.e. the linguistic aspects that
distinguish it from other language; it is in this sense that we use the term grammar. The
course is designed to give a detailed description of the main lexical categories of the English
language: noun, determiner, modifier, pronoun, verb, adverb. Its main purpose is to teach
students to observe, analyse and interpret language phenomena. While dealing with
theoretical questions, the course also tries to provide practical work for all the topics
discussed. Some tasks focus on terminology, which is important for academic students;
needless to say, it is also a useful aid to the overall understanding of the grammatical
structure of the language.
By the end of the course students should be able to: explain each area of grammar clearly and
concisely; use traditional and familiar descriptions, taking into account modern research into

grammar; pay attention to areas where errors are commonly made; understand some concepts
and terms related to the field of study; understand the relations that hold among various
grammatical word classes, categories; apply their knowledge practically.

IV. Bibliografie obligatorie

Alexander, L.G. 1988, Longman English Grammar, Harlow: Longman
Greenbaum, S. and Quirk, R. 1990, A Students Grammar of the English Grammar, Harlow:
Leech, G. Meaning and the English Verb, Harlow: Longman.
Quirk, R. and Greenbaum, S. 1973, A University Grammar of English, Harlow: Longman.
Parlog, H. 1995, The English Noun Phrase, Timisoara: Hestia.
Swan, M. 1980, Practical English Usage, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Zdrenghea, M. and Greere, A. 1999, A Practical English Grammar, Cluj-Napoca: Clusium.
Lucrarile indicate in lista bibliografica pot fi consultate de catre studenti la biblioteca de
limba engleza a Facultatii de Litere, la British Council Library, la BCU. Studentii pot studia
si materialele xerox oferite de titularul de curs.

V. Materiale folosite in procesul educational

VI. Planificarea/Calendarul intilnirilor

1. The Noun (weeks: 1, 2)

Noun classes. Number. Gender. Case.
Key concepts: noun, noun phrase, abstract noun, antecedent, case, clause, countable, double
genitive, head, gender, number, phrase, quantifier, referent, reference, uncountable.
1. Alexander, L.G. 1988, Longman English Grammar, Harlow: Longman
2. Quirk, R. and Greenbaum, S. 1973, A University Grammar of English, Harlow: Longman.
3. Parlog, H. 1995, The English Noun Phrase, Timisoara: Hestia.
4. Swan, M. 1980, Practical English Usage, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
5.Zdrenghea, M. and Greere, A. 1999, A Practical English Grammar, Cluj-Napoca: Clusium.

2. Determiners (weeks: 3, 4)
The article. The definite article. The indefinite article. The zero article.
The pronoun as a determiner. The Possessive pronoun. The demonstrative pronoun. The
interrogative pronoun. The indefinite pronoun.
Key concepts: anaphoric, article, cataphoric, deictic, determiner, definite, generic, indefinite,
post-determiner, pre-determiner, pronoun, quantifier, reference, zero article.
1. Alexander, L.G. 1988, Longman English Grammar, Harlow: Longman
2. Quirk, R. and Greenbaum, S. 1973, A University Grammar of English, Harlow: Longman.
3. Parlog, H. 1995, The English Noun Phrase, Timisoara: Hestia.

4. Swan, M. 1980, Practical English Usage, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

5. Zdrenghea, M. and Greere, A. 1999, A Practical English Grammar, Cluj-Napoca:

3. Modifiers (week: 5, 6)
Pre-modifiers. The adjective as pre-modifier. Adjective classes. The comparison of
The adverb as pre-modifier. Other pre-modifiers. Multiple pre-modification. Post-modifiers.
Key concepts: apposition, attributive, comparison, finite, gradable, modifier, non-finite, nongradable, post-modifier, predicative, pre-modifier.
1. Alexander, L.G. 1988, Longman English Grammar, Harlow: Longman
2. Parlog, H. 1995, The English Noun Phrase, Timisoara: Hestia.
3. Swan, M. 1980, Practical English Usage, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
4.Zdrenghea, M. and Greere, A. 1999, A Practical English Grammar, Cluj-Napoca: Clusium.

4. Noun and Noun Phrase Substitutes (week: 7)

The pronoun as noun or noun phrase substitute. The personal pronoun. The possessive
pronoun. The self pronouns. The reciprocal pronoun. The demonstrative pronoun. The
relative pronoun. The interrogative pronoun. The indefinite pronoun.
Key concepts: dummy word, existential there, empty word.
1. Alexander, L.G. 1988, Longman English Grammar, Harlow: Longman
2. Quirk, R. and Greenbaum, S. 1973, A University Grammar of English, Harlow: Longman.
3. Parlog, H. 1995, The English Noun Phrase, Timisoara: Hestia.
4. Swan, M. 1980, Practical English Usage, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
5.Zdrenghea, M. and Greere, A. 1999, A Practical English Grammar, Cluj-Napoca: Clusium.

5. Simple Present and Past Tenses (week: 8)

Simple present. Simple past.
Key concepts: aspect, auxiliary, causative, event verb, intransitive, state verb, tense,
transitive, unrestrictive, verb, verb phrase.
1. Alexander, L.G. 1988, Longman English Grammar, Harlow: Longman
2. Leech, G. Meaning and the English Verb, Harlow: Longman.
3. Swan, M. 1980, Practical English Usage, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
4.Zdrenghea, M. and Greere, A. 1999, A Practical English Grammar, Cluj-Napoca: Clusium.

6. The Expression of Past Time (weeks: 9, 10)

Present perfect tense. Present perfect and simple past. Past perfect. Perfect progressive.
Future in the past.
Key concepts: definite/indefinite past, habitual, resultative past, event verb, state verb.
1. Alexander, L.G. 1988, Longman English Grammar, Harlow: Longman
2. Greenbaum, S. and Quirk, R. 1990, A Students Grammar of the English Grammar,
Harlow: Longman.

3. Leech, G. Meaning and the English Verb, Harlow: Longman.

4. Quirk, R. and Greenbaum, S. 1973, A University Grammar of English, Harlow: Longman.
5. Swan, M. 1980, Practical English Usage, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
6.Zdrenghea, M. and Greere, A. 1999, A Practical English Grammar, Cluj-Napoca: Clusium.

7. The Expression of Future Time (week: 11)

Will and shall. Be going to. Present progressive with future meaning. Simple present
with Future Meaning. Other methods of referring to the future.
1. Alexander, L.G. 1988, Longman English Grammar, Harlow: Longman
2. Leech, G. Meaning and the English Verb, Harlow: Longman.
3. Quirk, R. and Greenbaum, S. 1973, A University Grammar of English, Harlow: Longman.
4. Swan, M. 1980, Practical English Usage, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
5.Zdrenghea, M. and Greere, A. 1999, A Practical English Grammar, Cluj-Napoca: Clusium.

8. Modal Auxiliaries (weeks: 12, 13)

Can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will, would. Modal auxiliaries in questions.
Modal auxiliaries and negation. Modal auxiliaries in relation to tense and aspect.
Key concepts: deontic, epistemic, modality, mood, proposition.
1. Alexander, L.G. 1988, Longman English Grammar, Harlow: Longman
2. Leech, G. Meaning and the English Verb, Harlow: Longman.
Swan, M. 1980, Practical English Usage, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
3.Zdrenghea, M. and Greere, A. 1999, A Practical English Grammar, Cluj-Napoca: Clusium.
4. Zdrenghea, M. and Hoye, L. 1995, Modal Verbs and Modal Expressions in English, ClujNapoca: Clusium.

9. Theoretical and Hypothetical Meaning (week 14)

The Subjunctive mood. Conditional sentences. Hypothetical Use of modal auxiliaries.
Key concepts: factual, theoretical, hypothetical meaning; truth commitment, truth neutrality.
1. Alexander, L.G. 1988, Longman English Grammar, Harlow: Longman
2. Leech, G. Meaning and the English Verb, Harlow: Longman.
3. Quirk, R. and Greenbaum, S. 1973, A University Grammar of English, Harlow: Longman.
4. Swan, M. 1980, Practical English Usage, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
5.Zdrenghea, M. and Greere, A. 1999, A Practical English Grammar, Cluj-Napoca: Clusium.

10.The Adverb (week 14)

Comparison of adverbs. Semantic classification. Order of adverbs.
Key concepts: adverb, adverb phrase, degree adverb, frequency adverb, intensifier, manner
adverb, restrictive adverb, time adverb.
1. Alexander, L.G. 1988, Longman English Grammar, Harlow: Longman
2. Greenbaum, S. and Quirk, R. 1990, A Students Grammar of the English Grammar,
Harlow: Longman.

3. Quirk, R. and Greenbaum, S. 1973, A University Grammar of English, Harlow: Longman.

4. Swan, M. 1980, Practical English Usage, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
5.Zdrenghea, M. and Greere, A. 1999, A Practical English Grammar, Cluj-Napoca: Clusium.
VII. Modul de evaluare
Pentru obtinerea creditelor acordate acestui curs:
- studentii vor sustine un examen scris la care trebuie sa obtina minim nota 5 (cinci).
- nota obtinuta (minim5) la examenul scris este 2/3 din nota finala
- nota obtinuta (minim 5) la cursul practic este 1/3 din nota finala
- nota finala se calculeaza astfel: (nota curs + nota curs + nota curs practic) : 3
VIII. Detalii organizatorice
- prezenta la cursuri nu este obligatorie si nu conditioneaza prezenta la examen
- prezenta la seminarii este obligatorie in proportie de 75%
- frauda la examen se pedepseste conform regulamentelor in vigoare
- lucrarile pot fi vazute de catre studenti in ziua afisarii rezultatelor sau in timpul orelor de
- frauda (copiat) la examenul scris se pedepseste cu notarea lucrarii cu nota 1 (unu) si
propunerea de exmatriculare a studentului/studentei
IX. Bibliografie optionala
Allsop, J. 1989, Making Sense of English Grammar, London: Cassell.
Chalker, S. 1984, Current English Grammar, London: Macmillan.
Close, R.A. 1975, A Reference Grammar for Students of English, Harlow: Longman.
Hulban, H. 2004, Syntheses in English Morphology, Iasi: Spada.
Leech, G. and Svartvik, J. 1975, A Communicative Grammar of English, Harlow: Longman.
Murphy, R. 1985, English Grammar in Use, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Sinclair, J. (ed.) 1990, Collins Cobuild English Grammar, London: Collins.
Thomson, A.J. and Martinet, A.V. 1986, A Practical English Grammar, Oxford: OUP.
Zdrenghea, M. and Hoye, L. 1995, Modal Verbs and Modal Expressions in English, ClujNapoca: Clusium.
Lucrarile indicate in lista bibliografica pot fi consultate de catre studenti la biblioteca de
limba engleza a Facultatii de Litere, la British Council Library, la BCU. Studentii pot studia
si materialele xerox oferite de titularul de curs.
X. Sub-discipline:
1. Curs practic: Interpretari texte
A. Informaii generale despre cursul practic
Titlul disciplinei: Interpretri texte
Locul de desfurare:
Programarea n orar a activitilor:
B. Informaii despre titularul de curs practic
Nume, titlul tiinific: asist. dr. Erika Mihlycsa

Informaii de contact (adres e-mail): erika.mihalycsa@gmail.com

Ore de audien:
C. Descrierea disciplinei:
Acest curs practic are ca scop introducerea i punerea n practic a unor noiuni de baz de
interpretare literar. Se bazeaz pe o abordare hermeneutic i de teoria receptrii i propune
pentru lectur un grup de nuvele i romane scurte vzute ca reprezentative pentru literatura
britanic modern i contemporan. Autorii selectai sunt figuri canonice ale primei i celei
de-a doua jumti a sec. XX, oferind posibilitatea unei introduceri n tematicile, strategiile
narative i conveniile scriiturii moderne i postmoderne, ct i n conveniile genului
romanesc. Studenilor li se cere o participare activ n procesul de lectur, n discuiile i
dezbaterile pe text, avndu-se ca scop dezvoltarea capacitii de interpretare textual bazat
pe close reading, i a gndirii i interpolrii critice.
Familiarizarea studenilor cu practica i limbajul interpretrii literare: lectura (close reading)
i contextualizarea unui text de ficiune; discutarea conveniilor nuvelei i romaneti pe
parcursul secolului XX: de la realism la modernismul experimental i la postmodernism;
introducerea i aplicarea termenilor-cheie a diferitelor coli de teorie (poststructuraliste;
teoria receptrii, deconstructivism, feminism, postcolonialism etc.)
Dobndirea capacitii de a interpreta un text de ficiune; stpnirea limbajelor critice;
nelegerea conveniilor literare specifice prozei scurte i genului romanesc; elaborarea unor
discursuri argumentative critice coerente pe baza textelor studiate
Discuii interactive pe baza textului; close reading; dezbateri n grup; explicarea i discutarea
sistemelor de gndire critic-teoretic introdus pe lista bibliografic opional; prezentri
individuale i n grup pe teme indicate de titularul de curs
D. Bibliografia obligatorie:
Virginia Woolf An Unwritten Novel
Flann OBrien, At Swim-Two-Birds (fragm.)
Jeanette Winterson Disappearance II, in The World and Other Places
Angela Carter Peter and the Woolf
Julian Barnes Junction/Gnossienne, from Cross Channel
Julian Barnes A History of the World in 10 Chapters (cap. 1-4)
Jeanette Winterson Sexing the Cherry
Salman Rushdie, East, West
A.S. Byatt Baglady
E. Materiale folosite n cadrul procesului educaional specific disciplinei:
hand-outs, imagini, prezentri Power-Point de ctre titularul de curs.
F. Planificarea / Calendarul ntlnirilor i a verificrilor / examinrilor intermediare:
Week 1: introductory class presenting objectives and requirements; introducing the general
theoretical frame of the practical course, authors and texts to be studied and methods or
critical trends to be used.
Week 2:
Topic: modernist self-referential writing. Virginia Woolf, An Unwritten Novel

Key words: self-referential structures, reality vs. fiction

Students tasks: reading the text, contributing to class debates.
Week 3:
Topic: opening up to postmodernist selfreferential structures. Flann OBrien, At Swim-TwoBirds (fragm.) Jeanette Winterson, Sexing the Cherry (fragm.)
Key words: metafiction, parody, pastiche, crossing the levels of fictionality, strange loops
Students tasks: reading the text, contributing to class debates.
Week 4:
Topic: opening up to postmodernist selfreferential structures. Flann OBrien, At Swim-TwoBirds (fragm.) Jeanette Winterson, Sexing the Cherry (fragm.)
Key words: metafiction, parody, pastiche, rewriting and parodying tradition (traditional
realism, modernist narrative strategies)
Students tasks: reading the text, contributing to class debates.
Week 5:
Topic: modernist narrative strategies Virginia Woolf, An Unwritten Novel
Key words: modernism, impressionism; perspectivism, interior time vs. linear time;
representing (fluid) consciousness.
Students tasks: reading the text, contributing to class debates.
Week 6:
Topic: modernist narrative strategies revisited: Jeanette Winterson, Disappearance II
Key words: convention, defamiliarisation, syntagmatic, paradigmatic, readerly, writerly;
fluid world, fluid self, fluid time; revisiting the gothic as genre.
Students tasks: reading the text, contributing to class debates.
Week 7:
Topic: postmodernist attitude to tradition. Julian Barnes, Gnossienne
Key words: fragmentation, indeterminacy; undermining the authority of literary tradition and
its institutions, play with the implied author/implied reader
Students tasks: reading the text, contributing to class debates.
Week 8:
Topic: History vs. (his)tories. Julian Barnes, Junction; A History of the World in 10
Chapters (cap. 1)
Key words: grand narrative vs. petit histoire; history, memory, fiction, ideology
Students tasks: reading the text, contributing to class debates.
Week 9:
Topic: Hybrid genres. Angela Carter, Peter and the Woolf
Key words: Gothic revisited; the fairy tale revisited; rewriting gender roles
Students tasks: reading the text, contributing to class debates.
Week 10:
Topic: Identity problematized. Jeanette Winterson, Sexing the Cherry (I)
Key words: postmodern experience: fluid/fractured, multiple identities, history vs. storytelling; the fracturing of patterns (linguistic, gender roles, historiography). The body as
marker of identity
Students tasks: reading the text, contributing to class debates.
Week 11

Topic: Identity problematized. Jeanette Winterson, Sexing the Cherry (I)

Key words: postmodern experience: fluid/fractured, multiple identities, history vs. storytelling; the fracturing of patterns (linguistic, gender roles, historiography). The body as
marker of identity
Students tasks: reading the text, contributing to class debates.
Week 12
Topic: In-between identities. Salman Rushdie, East, West
Key words: migrants, cultural interface, translation.
Students tasks: reading the text, contributing to class debates.
Week 13
Topic: postmodern sensibility. A.S.Byatt: Baglady
Key words: consumerism, the commodification and serialization of identity
Students tasks: 1) reading the text, contributing to class debates
2) final paper submission.
Week 14: conclusions and feed-back.
Modul de evaluare: verificare pe parcurs nota final se compune din:
- nota obinut pe testul de la jumtatea semestrului (20%)
- Un eseu final, predate la sfritul semestrului (60%)
- Participare activ, intervenii (20%)
Cerine pentru eseul final: eseul final va fi o analiz a unui text studiat sintr-una din
perspectivele critice introduce. Contribuia personal este ncurajat, dar folosirea de surse
critice este recomandat.
Detalii organizatorice, gestionarea situaiilor excepionale:
Prezen: prezena minim la cursuri este de 60 %. Plagiatul va duce automat la pierderea
Bibliografia opional:
Bradbury, Malcolm, McFarlane, James, eds.: Modernism: A Guide to European
1890-1930, Penguin Books, London, 1991
Levanson, Michael, ed., The Cambridge Companion to Modernism, Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, 1999
Reid, Jan: The Short Story, Routledge, London & New York, 199 4
Rivkin, Julie, Michael Ryan, Literary Theory: An Anthology, Blackwell, Oxford,
2. Curs practice: Interpretari de texte
A. Informaii generale despre cursul practic
Titlul disciplinei: Curs practic interpretari de texte/Practical Course in Text
Locul de desfurare: Conform planificarii din orar
Programarea n orar a activitilor: Conform planificarii din orar

B. Informaii despre titularul de curs practic

Nume, titlul tiinific: Asist. dr. Octavian More
Informaii de contact: tavimore@yahoo.co.uk
Ore de audien: 2
C. Descrierea disciplinei:
Cursul este conceput ca o introducere practica in studiul literaturii intr-o maniera directa, prin
contactul imediat cu textul literar. Cursul urmareste perfectionarea deprinderilor generale de
interpretare si nu se limiteaza la ilustrarea conceptelor teoretice specifice unor anumite scoli
de critica literara. Discutiile se bazeaza pe studiul aprofundat al textelor propuse si au forma
de seminarii sau dezbateri libere. Temele individuale sunt concepute a adresa elemente de
interes general, cum ar fi esenta realitatii, problema adevarului, subiectivitatii si obiectivitatii,
natura si complexitatea perceptiei, precum si schimbarile epistemologice survenite in ultimul
secol, fara a neglija insa singularitatea actului literar si implicatiile ontologice ale acestuia.
Nota: tematica acestui curs acopera doua semestre de studii.
D. Bibliografia obligatorie:
Cortazar, J., 'Continuity of Parks', in Proffitt, Ed. (ed), see infra.
Poe, E.A., 'A Dream within a Dream', 'The Pit and the Pendulum', in Mc.Michael, G. et. al.
(eds), Anthology of American Literature. Instructor's Manual, Third Edition, New York:
Macmillan, London: Collier Macmillan, 1986..
Shakespeare, W., 'Hamlet', in Shakespeare, W. Hamlet, Penguin Popular Classics, London:
Penguin, 1994.
Stevens, W., 'On the Road Home', in Stevens, W. The Palm at the End of the Mind, New
York: Vintage, 1972
E. Materiale folosite n cadrul procesului educaional specific disciplinei:
handout-uri, fotocopii
F. Planificarea / Calendarul ntlnirilor i a verificrilor / examinrilor intermediare:
1. Course description and schedule. Course management. Attendance Policy.
Assessment Criteria
2. Introduction I: circumscribing the topic and method. Critical essay, interpretation,
analysis, description, comment, paraphrase. The question of critical support.
3. Introduction II: reality and fiction. Relativity and absoluteness. 'Objective' reality and
'subjective' perception. The 'truth' of reality and the 'truth' of fiction. Fictional vs.
fictitious. Actuability as essential difference between the real and the fictional. Language
and life.
4. Introduction III: literature as the art of words. The major 'compartments' of literature:
fiction, poetry, drama. Questions of form and content. Language functions and attributes.

5. Specular Images in the Real and the Fictional I. Edgar Allan Poe, A Dream within a
Dream. Text interpretation I.
6. Specular Images in the Real and the Fictional I. Edgar Allan Poe, A Dream within a
Dream. Text interpretation II.
7. Specular Images in the Real and the Fictional II. Wallace Stevens, On the Road
Home. Text interpretation I.
8. Specular Images in the Real and the Fictional II. Wallace Stevens, On the Road
Home. Text interpretation II.
9. Specular Images in the Real and the Fictional III. Italo Calvino, Continuity of
Parks. Text interpretation I.
10. Specular Images in the Real and the Fictional IV. W. Shakespeare, Hamlet. Text
interpretation I.
11. Specular Images in the Real and the Fictional IV. W. Shakespeare, Hamlet. Text
interpretation II.
12. Metaphors of Fiction, Metaphors of the Real Time and Space I. Edgar Allan
Poe, The Pit and the Pendulum. Text interpretation I.
13. Metaphors of Fiction, Metaphors of the Real Time and Space II. Edgar Allan
Poe, The Pit and the Pendulum. Text interpretation II.
14. Concluding discussions. Final assessment.
G. Modul de evaluare:
- prezenta
- participare activa
- 2 lucrari semestriale (eseuri)

35% / lucrare

Pentru a obtine calificativul admis (nota 5), studentii trebuie sa cumuleze minim 50% din
punctajul maxim pentru lucrarile semestrial, cat si pentru proiectul final.
H. Detalii organizatorice, gestionarea situaiilor excepionale:
- prezenta obligatorie in procent de 75% din numarul de ore/semestru

- recuperarea cursurilor se face prin efectuarea de teme si activitati suplimentare, in urma

consultarii cu titularul cursului
- plagiatul (asumarea ideilor altora drept contributie proprie, copierea unor lucrari intregi
sau paragrafe de la colegi) se penalizeaza cu 2 puncte din nota finala si obligativitatea
rescrierii lucrarii/temei in cauza
- orice contestaie a notei obinute va trebui nsoit de o cerere din partea studentului
pentru reevaluarea lucrrii. Rezultatul acestei reevaluri se va face de fa cu studenii n
decurs de 2 zile de la data contestaiei.
I. Bibliografia opional:
Dat fiind specificul acestui curs, nu se presupune consultarea unei bibliografii optionale.

3. Curs practic: Traduceri de texte

A. Informaii generale despre cursul practic
Titlul disciplinei: Curs practic traduceri/Practical Course in Translations
Locul de desfurare: Conform planificarii din orar
Programarea n orar a activitilor: Conform planificarii din orar
B. Informaii despre titularul de curs practic
Nume, titlul tiinific: Asist. dr. Octavian More
Informaii de contact: tavimore@yahoo.co.uk
Ore de audien: 2
C. Descrierea disciplinei:
Acest curs practic se adreseaza celor care doresc sa isi imbunatateasca deprinderile de
folosire a limbii engleze prin traduceri bazate pe texte de diverse tipuri, sub forma unor
sesiuni de lucru la nivel avansat. Ca atare, el se bazeaza pe informatia si cunostintele
dobandite de pe urma altor cursuri de limba oferite prin programa. Desi accentul principal
este pus pe aspecte ce tin de aplicarea contrastiva a limbilor engleza si romana, scopul acestui
curs nu este limitat exclusiv la probleme de natura lingvistica, facandu-se recurs la analiza
unor probleme pertinente de ordin textual si literar, ori de cte ori este necesar. In acest scop,
aceste sesiuni de lucru au in vedere in mod constant angajarea unor metode si tehnici
interdisciplinare. Textele selectate acopera o varietate de stiluri si registre, pentru a putea
oferi astfel o ilustrare detaliata a problemelor dificile implicate in tehnica traducerii.
D. Bibliografia obligatorie:
Dat fiind tipicul acestui curs, nu se impune consultarea unor surse bibliografice. Textele care
urmeaza a fi traduse la curs for fi puse la dispozitia studentilor sub forma de fotocopii, de
catre titularul cursului.

E. Materiale folosite n cadrul procesului educaional specific disciplinei:

handout-uri, fotocopii
F. Planificarea / Calendarul ntlnirilor i a verificrilor / examinrilor intermediare:
1. Introduction and course description. Preview of study materials. The question of
back-up sources. Translation tools. Placement test.
2. Language practice: vocabulary building. Collocations. Analogies and contrasts of
meaning I. Styles and registers.
3. The language of the media I: newspaper articles. Elliptical structures I: minor
sentences and block language. Illustration. Translation practice: English into Romanian;
Romanian into English.
4. Language practice: vocabulary building. Collocations II. Analogies and contrasts of
meaning II. Phrasal verbs. Idioms I.
5. The language of the media II: miscellaneous advertisements and commercials. The
newsflash. Translation practice: English into Romanian; Romanian into English.
6. Language practice: elliptical structures in consistent textual units. Recoverability.
Illustration. Practice.
7. Mid-term test
8. The language of science. Introduction to specialised texts: reports, documentaries,
essays, etc. Problems of style and register. Translation practice. Language practice:
idioms II
9. The language of sports. Sample texts. Special grammatical units. Problems of
rendering. Translation practice.
10. The language of business. Formal vs. informal. Specialised constructions. Problems
of rendering. Translation practice.
11. Figurative language I. Problems related to the translation of the literary text.
Controlled practice.
12. Figurative language II. Problems related to the translation of the literary text.
Controlled practice.
13. Term-end test
14. Overview and concluding discussions. Final assessment
G. Modul de evaluare:
- prezenta
- participare activa
- 2 lucrari semestriale (teste)

35% / lucrare

Pentru a obtine calificativul admis (nota 5), studentii trebuie sa cumuleze minim 50% din
punctajul maxim pentru lucrarile semestriale.
H. Detalii organizatorice, gestionarea situaiilor excepionale:
- prezenta obligatorie in procent de 75% din numarul de ore/semestru

- recuperarea cursurilor se face prin efectuarea de teme si activitati suplimentare, in urma

consultarii cu titularul cursului
- plagiatul (asumarea ideilor altora drept contributie proprie, copierea unor lucrari intregi
sau paragrafe de la colegi) se penalizeaza cu 2 puncte din nota finala si obligativitatea
rescrierii lucrarii/temei in cauza
- orice contestaie a notei obinute va trebui nsoit de o cerere din partea studentului
pentru reevaluarea lucrrii. Rezultatul acestei reevaluri se va face de fa cu studenii n
decurs de 2 zile de la data contestaiei.
I. Bibliografia opional:
Dat fiind specificul acestui curs, nu se presupune consultarea unei bibliografii optionale.

4. Curs practic: Eseuri

A. Informaii generale despre cursul practic
Titlul disciplinei: Curs practic de eseuri
Locul de desfurare: Facultatea de Litere
Programarea n orar a activitilor:
B. Informaii despre titularul de curs practic
Nume, titlul tiinific: asist. dr. Petronia Petrar
Informaii de contact: petronia.petrar@gmail.com
Ore de audien: conform orarului afiat
C. Descrierea disciplinei:
Cursul practic continu activitatea nceput n semestrul 1, pornind de la lectura unei serii de
eseuri aparinnd unor autori canonici, pentru a ajunge la producerea de discursuri academice
originale i creative. Un interes special este acordat etapelor de cercetare i de redactare a
eseurilor academice, de utilizare a aparatului critic, dar i evitrii plagiatului. Orele se
bazeaz pe implicarea participativ a studenilor (att la modul individual, ct i n grupuri) n
scopul de a nelege tehnicile de baz ale citirii i scrierii de eseuri n limba englez.
Obiective i competene: crearea capacitii de a produce diverse tipuri de discursuri clare,
corecte i coerente, adaptarea stilului la registrul lingvstic potrivit, mbuntirea
cunotinelor de limb englez scris i vorbit, dezvoltarea capacitii de cercetare a
studenilor, folosirea aparatului critic.
Metode: discutarea interactiv a textelor, crearea de schie colective i individuale ale
eseurilor, dezbateri pe temele date ale eseurilor, producerea individual de eseuri complete,
prezentarea individual i n grup a eseurilor compuse ca tem, feedback la i evaluarea
eseurilor colegilor (peer review).

D. Bibliografia obligatorie: disponibil ntr-un dosar depus la Biblioteca de Englez a

Facultii de Litere, sau prin mail de la titularul de curs practic. La titlurile de mai jos se
adaug n mod obligatoriu handout-urile cu citate cu care vom lucra n clas.
Dillard, Annie: Seeing
Beerbohm, Max: Going Out for a Walk
Lodge, David: A Sense of the Past
Rushdie, Salman: Imaginary Homelands
Swift, Jonathan: A Modest Proposal
Twain, Mark: Advice to Youth
E. Materiale folosite n cadrul procesului educaional specific disciplinei: fie de lucru,
handout-uri, materiale produse de titularul de curs.
F. Planificarea / Calendarul ntlnirilor i a verificrilor / examinrilor intermediare:
Week 1: introductory class; presentation of activities and requirements; defining the essay;
defining essay writing.
Week 2:
Topic: Mark Twain, Advice to Youth
Key words: reading to identify ideas and structures; irony; drafting; referencing and citing.
Students tasks: reading and discussing Twains essay; discussing the handouts on irony
provided in the classroom; homework: an essay on Irony in Advice to Youth.
Week 3:
Topic: Irony in Advice to Youth
Key words: feedback on: firony; drafting; referencing and citing
Students tasks: presenting and discussing their essays, peer-reviewing their colleagues
work, re-writing the essay (if necessary).
Week 4:
Topic: Jonathan Swift, A Modest Proposal
Key words: reading to identify ideas and structures; satire; drafting; referencing and citing.
Students tasks: reading and discussing Swifts essay; discussing the handouts on satire
provided in the classroom; homework: an essay on The Use of Satire by J. Swift.
Week 5:
Topic: The Use of Satire by J. Swift
Key words: feedback on: satire; drafting; referencing and citing.
Students tasks: presenting and discussing their essays, peer-reviewing their colleagues
work, re-writing the essay (if necessary).
Week 6:
Topic: Max Beerbohm: Going Out for a Walk
Key words: reading to identify ideas and structures; contextualysing; distancing; comparison;
argumentation and opinion.
Students tasks: reading and discussing the essay from a contemporary point of view;
analysing style; drafting and writing a composition on Reading Beerbohms Going Out...

Week 7:
Topic: Max Beerbohm: Going Out for a Walk
Key words: feedback on written essay
Students tasks: presenting and discussing their essays, peer-reviewing their colleagues
work, re-writing the essay (if necessary).
Week 8:
Topic: Annie Dillard, Seeing
Key words: reading to identify ideas and structures, contextualisation, definition, expansion.
Students tasks: reading and discussing the essay, integrating information on handout,
drafting and writing an essay on Uses of Seeing in Dillards Text
Week 9:
Topic: Uses of Seeing in Dillards Text
Key words: feedback on written essay
Students tasks: presenting and discussing their essays, peer-reviewing their colleagues
work, re-writing the essay (if necessary).
Week 10:
Topic: David Lodge, A Sense of the Past
Key words: critical essay, identifying concepts and ideas, documentation, research, norms of
writing, formal requirements, lay-out, publication.
Students tasks: reading and discussing, identifying critical language and concepts, drafting
and writing a (critical) account of Lodges criticism of John Fowles.
Week 11:
Topic: David Lodge, A Sense of the Past
Key words: feedback on written essay
Students tasks: presenting and discussing their essays, peer-reviewing their colleagues
work, re-writing the essay (if necessary).
Week 12:
Topic: Salman Rushdie, Imaginary Homelands
Key words: memory, culture, definition, comparison, argumentation
Students tasks: reading and discussing, drafting and writing the final essay (on Memory in
Rushdies Imaginary Homelands).
Week 13: conclusions, class feedback, final essay submission.
Week 14: feedback on final essay.
G. Modul de evaluare: verificare pe parcurs
Nota final const din notele pariale obinute pentru eseurile scrise n timpul semestrului
(50%), nota pentru eseul final (20%), prezena i participarea la ore (30%).

H. Detalii organizatorice, gestionarea situaiilor excepionale:

Prezena: prezena este obligatorie n proporie de 70%. Absenele de la ore pot fi
compensate prin alte activiti, dar nu dac acestea depesc 50% din cursuri. Prezena
insuficient are drept consecin imposibilitatea de a obine o not de trecere.
Plagiatul sau copiatul vor avea de asemenea drept consecin imposibilitatea de a obine o
not de trecere. Plagiatul constituie o grav nclcare a regulamentului i a legii, putnd duce
la exmatricularea studentului. Plagiatul poate fi total sau parial, ceea ce nu duce la o
diminuare a vinei, indiferent de circumstan: orice mprumut nerecunoscut de idei, cuvinte
sau texte, din surse clasice sau electronice, va fi considerat plagiat i tratat ca atare.
I. Bibliografia opional: disponibil de la titularul de curs practic:
Bailey, Stephen, Academic Writing: A Practical Guide for Students, Nelson Thomas
Publisher, London, 2003
Evans, Virginia, Successful Writing. Proficiency, Express Publishing, Newbury, 1998.
Germov, John, Get Great Marks for Your Essays, Allen & Unwin Publisher, Crows Nest,
N.S.W., 2000.

5. Curs practic: Tehnici de comunicare

A. Informaii generale despre cursul practic
Titlul disciplinei: Limba engleza / Techniques of Communication
Codul: LE11221
Locul de desfurare: Facultatea de litere
Programarea n orar a activitilor: conform orarului
B. Informaii despre titularul de curs practic
Nume, titlul tiinific: Ana Maria Florescu, asistent, drd.
Informaii de contact (adres e-mail): florescuani@yahoo.com
Ore de audien: conform orarului
C. Descrierea disciplinei:
Obiectivul principal al cursului practic este imbunatatirea capacitatii de comunicare in limba
engleza a studentilor. Obiectivul secundar al cursului este cunoasterea de catre studenti a
Cadrului European Comun al Limbilor cat si constientizarea si evaluarea nivelului propriu al
competentelor lingvistice. Cursul va pune accent pe deprinderea de intelegere ascultare in
semestrul I.
D. Bibliografia obligatorie:
1. Cambridge Advanced English de Leo Jones Cambridge University Press (1994)
2. Progress to Proficiency by Leo Jones CUP (1995)
3. Portfoliul European al Limbilor si Pasaportul European al Limbilor si
4. Grila de autoevaluare
E. Materiale folosite n cadrul procesului educaional specific disciplinei:
Casetofon, CD-player, retroproiector din dotarea catedrei de limba engleza

F. Planificarea / Calendarul ntlnirilor i a verificrilor / examinrilor intermediare:

Week 1 The European Language Portfolio and The European Language Passport
Week 2 The Self assessment Grid from the ELP // the way of self assessing and setting
priorities according to these
Week 3. FREE TIME (Unit 1) PP:3-4/ vocabulary & functions / In my spare time...,
talking about hobbies and interests / T (CA:9) idioms: All in all
Week 4. (U1)PP:5-7 reading comprehension/ "Tinkling the ivories, jangling the nerves"
/T (CA:17) idioms: Lose
Week 5. (U1) A WAY TO LIVE PP:14 / listening comprehension -/"Sarah
Springman" /T (PP:10) collocations: a great pleasure, a heavy cold
Week 6. (U1) PP:17-18. / writing skills /Golden rules for writing a composition /T
(CA:23-24) punctuation
Week 7. (Unit 2) ADVENTURE PP:19-21 / reading and vocabulary/ "Eight feet in the
Andes" T (CA: 26) idioms: At and By
Week 8. (U2) PP:24 / error correction ; speaking /describing a picture /T (CA: 36)
idioms: Bring and carry
Week 9. (U2) CLIMBING MOUNTAINS PP:24-25 / listening comprehension /( 3
types of task)
T (CA: 46) idioms: High, middle and low
Week 10. (U2) WORDS EASILY CONFUSED PP:28-29; CA:32(U4) / vocabulary
development / Words easily confused /T (PP:35) idioms: Keep and hold
Week 11. (U2) TELLING A STORY PP:30 / writing skills /Keeping the reader's
interest /T (CA:53) using abbreviations
Week 12. (Unit 3) IT TAKES ALL SORTS CA:83-85 (U10);PP:48-49 /listening
/comprehension, describing people/What do they look like?/T (CA:87-88) word study
Week 13 Listening comprehension test
Week 14 Listening comprehension test
G. Modul de evaluare:
Forma de evaluare: verificare pe parcurs. Nota este formata din rezultatul unui test de
intelegere ascultare si o nota acordata pentru participare la orele de curs si prezenta. Testul
este planificat pe parcursul semestrului la o data agreata de studenti si profesor.
H. Detalii organizatorice, gestionarea situaiilor excepionale:
Nota de la cursul practic face parte din nota studentului la unul din cursurile de limba engleza
din fiecare semestru (conform codului)
Prezena si participarea la ore este luata in considerare in cadrul notei finale. Nota finala este
media notei obtinute la teste exprimata intr-un procent la care se adauga sau se scad 10%.
Acordate pentru prezena si participarea la ore in fiecare semestru..
Datorita modalitatii de testare nu exista posibilitate de frauda.
Studentii pot sa isi vada lucrarile dupa ce afla notele.
I. Bibliografia opional:
Cartile si manualele pentru dezvoltarea competentelor lingvistice in limba Engleza existente
la bibloteca facultatii sau la bibloteca Centrului Britanic din Cluj-Napoca.

Prof.dr. Corin Braga

Sef catedra
Prof.dr. M. Zdrenghea

Titular curs
Conf.dr. Dorin Chira

Universitatea Babe-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca

Facultatea de Litere
Anul universitar 2010-2011
Semestrul I

Informaii generale despre curs, seminar, lucrare practic sau laborator

Titlul disciplinei: Literatura Engleza
Codul: LE 11261
Numrul de credite: 5
Locul de desfurare: Shakespeare
Programarea n orar a activitilor: Luni ora 12-14
Informaii despre titularul de curs, seminar, lucrare practic sau laborator
Nume, titlul tiinific: Coneliu Nicolescu
Prof. Dr.
Informaii de contact (adres e-mail, eventual nr. de telefon):
Ore de audien: Marti

Descrierea disciplinei:
Cursul constituie o trecere in revista a istoriei literaturii engleze de la inceputuri si pana la
perioada Retauratiei, din perspectiva moderna si interdisciplinara. Este prezentata literatura
anglo-saxona cu caracteristicile ei, precum si impactul poeziei si prozei medievale asupra
unor autori ca Geoffrey Chaucer, trecandu-se apoi la renastere, la dezvoltarea poeziei
renasterii, sonetul, precum si la dezvoltarea formelor dramatice. Un punct important il
constituie viata si activitatea lui William Shakespeare si se incheie cu prezentarea literaturii
renasterii tarzii si a restauratiei.
Predare de curs
Prezentare de lucrari
Discutii si dezbateri interactive despre subiectele importante
Bibliografia obligatorie:
Corneliu Nicolescu, A History of English Literature, Editura Motiv, Cluj-Napoca 2004
Alexander, Michael, Old English Literature, The MacMillan Press Ltd., London, 1982
A Literary History of England, Edited by Albert L. Baugh, Routledge and Keegan Paul Ltd.,
London 1948
Billings Malcom, The English. The Making of a Nation From 430-1700, BBC Books,
London, 1991
Brewer Derek, English Gothic Literature, The MacMillan Press, 1983
Pellican Guide to English Literature, Oxford University Press, 1984, vol. II-III
Materiale folosite n cadrul procesului educaional specific disciplinei:
Prezentari power point

Planificarea / Calendarul ntlnirilor i a verificrilor / examinrilor intermediare:
Curs saptamanal

Sapt. 1: Inceputurile literaturii engleze

Corneliu Nicolescu, A History of English Literature, Editura Motiv, Cluj-Napoca 2004
Alexander, Michael, Old English Literature, The MacMillan Press Ltd., London, 1982
Sapt. 2: Perioada anglo-saxona. Poezia inainte de cucerirea Britaniei: Widsith, Deor s
Lament, Beowulf
Corneliu Nicolescu, A History of English Literature, Editura Motiv, Cluj-Napoca 2004
Alexander, Michael, Old English Literature, The MacMillan Press Ltd., London, 1982
Sapt. 3: Poezia anglo saxona dupa cucerirea Britaniei: Caedmon, Cynewulf
Corneliu Nicolescu, A History of English Literature, Editura Motiv, Cluj-Napoca 2004
Alexander, Michael, Old English Literature, The MacMillan Press Ltd., London, 1982
Sapt. 4: Proza anglo-saxona traducerile lui Alfred
Corneliu Nicolescu, A History of English Literature, Editura Motiv, Cluj-Napoca 2004
Alexander, Michael, Old English Literature, The MacMillan Press Ltd., London, 1982
Sapt. 5: Middle English Poetry- The Religious note William Langland Piers Plowman, the
Romantic note Courtly Poetry, balada, The Tales of Rome, The Tales of France, The Tales
of Britain
Corneliu Nicolescu, A History of English Literature, Editura Motiv, Cluj-Napoca 2004
Alexander, Michael, Old English Literature, The MacMillan Press Ltd., London, 1982
Billings Malcom, The English. The Making of a Nation From 430-1700, BBC Books,
London, 1991
Sapt 6: Inceputurile istoriei si filosofiei Geoffrey of Monmouth, Roger Bacon, John Gower
Corneliu Nicolescu, A History of English Literature, Editura Motiv, Cluj-Napoca 2004
Billings Malcom, The English. The Making of a Nation From 430-1700, BBC Books,
London, 1991
Brewer Derek, English Gothic Literature, The MacMillan Press, 1983
A Literary History of England, Edited by Albert L. Baugh, Routledge and Keegan Paul Ltd.,
London 1948
Sapt. 7: Geoffrey Chaucer The Book of the Duchess, The House of Fame, The Parliament of
Corneliu Nicolescu, A History of English Literature, Editura Motiv, Cluj-Napoca 2004
Billings Malcom, The English. The Making of a Nation From 430-1700, BBC Books,
London, 1991
A Literary History of England, Edited by Albert L. Baugh, Routledge and Keegan Paul Ltd.,
London 1948
Sapt. 8: Geoffrey Chaucer The Canterbury Tales
Pellican Guide to English Literature, Oxford University Press, 1984, vol. II-III
Sapt. 9: Renasterea Engleza, dezvoltarea poeziei dupa Chaucer
Corneliu Nicolescu, A History of English Literature, Editura Motiv, Cluj-Napoca 2004
A Literary History of England, Edited by Albert L. Baugh, Routledge and Keegan Paul Ltd.,
London 1948
Pellican Guide to English Literature, Oxford University Press, 1984, vol. II-III
Sapt. 10: Evolutia poeziei, sonetul, Wyatt Surrey

Corneliu Nicolescu, A History of English Literature, Editura Motiv, Cluj-Napoca 2004

A Literary History of England, Edited by Albert L. Baugh, Routledge and Keegan Paul Ltd.,
London 1948
Pellican Guide to English Literature, Oxford University Press, 1984, vol. II-III
Sapt. 11: Sydney Spencer
Corneliu Nicolescu, A History of English Literature, Editura Motiv, Cluj-Napoca 2004
A Literary History of England, Edited by Albert L. Baugh, Routledge and Keegan Paul Ltd.,
London 1948
Pellican Guide to English Literature, Oxford University Press, 1984, vol. II-III
Sapt. 12: Perioada elisabetana, drama University Wits
Corneliu Nicolescu, A History of English Literature, Editura Motiv, Cluj-Napoca 2004
A Literary History of England, Edited by Albert L. Baugh, Routledge and Keegan Paul Ltd.,
London 1948
Pellican Guide to English Literature, Oxford University Press, 1984, vol. II-III
Sapt. 13: William Shakespeare sonete
Corneliu Nicolescu, A History of English Literature, Editura Motiv, Cluj-Napoca 2004
A Literary History of England, Edited by Albert L. Baugh, Routledge and Keegan Paul Ltd.,
London 1948
Pellican Guide to English Literature, Oxford University Press, 1984, vol. II-III
Sapt. 14: William Shakespeare teatru
Corneliu Nicolescu, A History of English Literature, Editura Motiv, Cluj-Napoca 2004
A Literary History of England, Edited by Albert L. Baugh, Routledge and Keegan Paul Ltd.,
London 1948
Pellican Guide to English Literature, Oxford University Press, 1984, vol. II-III
Modul de evaluare:
Verificare pe parcurs
Lucrari de semestru
Participare activa

Examen scris
Detalii organizatorice, gestionarea situaiilor excepionale:
Fraudele de orice fel sunt penalizate conform regulamentelor in vigoare
Bibliografia opional:

Universitatea Babes-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca

Facultatea de Litere
Catedra de limba si literatura engleza
An universitar 2010/2011
Semestrul : II
Anul de studii/specializarea: anul I (engleza B)
Curs magistral: LE 12221 Lexicologie
Sub-discipline: 1. Curs practic: Eseuri
2. Curs practic: Interpretari de texte
3. Curs practic: Traduceri de texte
4. Curs practic: Eseuri
5. Curs practic: Exercitii gramaticale
I. Informatii generale despre curs
Titlul disciplinei: Limba engleza contemporana Lexicologie si Lexicografie
Codul: LE 12221
Numar de credite: 5
Locul de desfasurare: Facultatea de Litere, conform orarului
II. Informatii despre titularul de curs
Nume, titlul stiintific: Chira Dorin, conferentiar dr.
Informatii de contact: d_chira@msn.com; tel. 0264-410016
Ore de audienta: 2, cab. M4
III. Descrierea disciplinei
The focus of this course is on the area of language study that is concerned with the nature,
meaning, history, and use of words and word elements and often also with the critical
description of lexicography. Lexicology is increasingly treated as a branch of linguistics,
associated with such terms as lexeme, lexical field, lexical item, lexicon, on the
premises that they offer a more accurate basis for the study of language than terms such as
word and vocabulary. The course tackles issues such as: the theoretical and practical value
of lexicology; general problems of the theory of morphemes; native words versus loanwords;
word formation (composition, conversion, contraction, affixation, abbreviation, etc.); word
meaning (componential analysis, collocation, change of meaning); sense relations. It also
describes the procedure and profession of arranging and describing items of vocabulary in
such works of reference as dictionaries, glossaries, thesauruses, synonym guides, etc. By the
end of the course the students should be able to define such terms as lexeme, morpheme,
free/bound morpheme, aphaeresis, root, base, stem, conversion, affixation, nonce
word, deflection, etc.; they should also be able to carry out semantic or lexical analyses,
describe and interpret various linguistic phenomena.
IV. Bibliografie obligatorie:
1. Adams,V.1973, Introduction to Modern Word-Formation, London: Longman.
2. Bauer, L. 1983, English Word-Formation, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
3. Baugh, A.C. 1957, A History of the English Language, New York: Appleton.
4. Jackson, H. 1988, Words and Their Meaning, London, New York: Longman.
5. Matthews, P.H. 1974, Morphology. An Introduction to the Theory of Word Structure,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
6. Tataru, C. 2002, An Outline of English Lexicology, Cluj-Napoca: Limes.

Lucrarile indicate in lista bibliografica pot fi consultate la biblioteca de limba engleza a

Facultatii de Litere, la biblioteca catedrei de limba engleza, la British Council Library.
Studentii au posibilitatea de studia si materialele xerox oferite de titularul cursului.
VI. Planificarea/Calendarul intilnirilor:
Course: 1. Lexicology. Lexicography. Words. Definition. Types of words. Morphemes.
The theme deals with: the object of lexicology and lexicography; the theoretical and practical
value of lexicology; some general problems of the theory of word; morphological structure of
words; morphemes-free and bound.
Key concepts: word, morpheme, allomorph, free morpheme, bound morpheme, lexeme, root,
stem, affix, context, co-text, denotation, connotation
1. Levitchi, L. 1970, Limba engleza contemporana.Lexicologie, Bucuresti: EDP.
2. Matthew, P.H. 1974, Morphology. An Introduction to the Theory of Word Structure,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
3. Tataru, C. 2002, An Outline of English Lexicology, Cluj-Napoca: Limes.
Courses: 2,3. Native words versus loan words.
The theme deals with: the origin of English words; assimilation of loan words with special
emphasis on words of Scandinavian, Latin and French origin.
Key concepts: borrowing, loanword, constitutive element, superstrate, substratum.
1. Baugh, A.C. 1957, A History of the English Language, New York: Appleton.
2. Greenough, A.S. and Kittredge,G.1962, Words and Their Ways in English Speech, Boston:
Beacon Press.
3. Tataru, C. 2002, An Outline of English Lexicology, Cluj-Napoca: Limes.
Course: 4. Word formation
The focus is on the force of the language to form new words and meanings on the basis of
internal resources. We deal here with conversion, composition, contraction, abbreviation,
affixation, back-formation, folk etymology, corruption, blends, nonce words.
1. Adams,V.1973, Introduction to Modern Word-Formation, London: Longman.
2. Bauer, L. 1983, English Word-Formation, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
3. Levitchi, L. 1970, Limba engleza contemporana. Lexicologie, Bucuresti: EDP.
4. Tataru, C. 2002, An Outline of English Lexicology, Cluj-Napoca: Limes
Course: 5. Analysing word meaning.
The theme deals with: componential analysis and types of component; collocational
meaning; collocation and idiom; denotation and connotation; change of meaning; causes
determining change of meaning.
Key concepts: semantics, matrix, denotation, connotation, extension of meaning, narrowing
of meaning, degradation of meaning, elevation of meaning, radiation, concatenation, irony,
simile, metonymy.
1. Levitchi, L. 1970, Limba engleza contemporana. Lexicologie, Bucuresti: EDP.
2. Tataru, C. 2002, An Outline of English Lexicology, Cluj-Napoca: Limes

3. Greenough, A.S. and Kittredge,G.1962, Words and Their Ways in English Speech, Boston:
Beacon Press.
4. Jackson, H. 1988, Words and Their Meaning, London, New York: Longman.
Course: 6. Sense relations.
The meaning relations that hold within the vocabulary of a language between words
themselves, i.e. lexical relations or sense relations, constitute another aspect of the study
of meaning. The two sense relations concerned here are: synonymy and antonymy.
Key concepts: gradable, converse, complementary.
1. Levitchi, L. 1970, Limba engleza contemporana. Lexicologie, Bucuresti: EDP.
2. Jackson, H. 1988, Words and Their Meaning, London, New York: Longman.
3.Kashcheyeva, M.A., Potapova, I.A. and Tyurina, N.S.1974, Practical Lexicology, Moscow:
Higher School Publishing House.
Course: 7. The Craft of Lexicography.
The theme deals with: dictionaries-the repositories of words; organisation and structure;
different dictionaries-general purpose dictionaries, specialist dictionaries; non-alphabetical
dictionaries; views of the dictionary; how dictionaries view themselves.
1. Levitchi, L. 1970, Limba engleza contemporana. Lexicologie, Bucuresti: EDP.
2. Jackson, H. 1988, Words and Their Meaning, London, New York: Longman.
3.Kashcheyeva, M.A., Potapova, I.A. and Tyurina, N.S.1974, Practical Lexicology, Moscow:
Higher School Publishing House.
VII. Modul de evaluare:
- pentru obtinerea creditelor acordate acestui curs studentii vor sustine un examen scris la
care trebuie sa obtina cel putin nota 5 (cinci)
- nota la examenul scris este 2/3 din nota finala
- nota la cursul practic trebuie sa fie minim 5 (cinci) si este 1/3 din nota finala
- nota finala se calculeaza astfel: nota examen + nota examen + nota curs practic : 3
VIII. Detalii organizatorice, gestionarea situatiilor exceptionale
- prezenta la curs nu este obligatorie si nu conditioneaza participarea la examen
- prezenta la seminarii este obligatorie in proportie de 75%
- frauda (copiat) la examen se pedepseste cu notarea lucrarii cu nota 1 (unu) si propunerea de
exmatriculare a studentului/studentei din facultate
- lucrarile scrise pot fi vazute de catre studenti in ziua afisarii rezultatelor sau in timpul orelor
de consultatii
IX. Bibliografie optionala:
1. Greenough, A.S. and Kittredge,G.1962, Words and Their Ways in English Speech, Boston:
Beacon Press.
2.Kashcheyeva, M.A., Potapova, I.A. and Tyurina, N.S.1974, Practical Lexicology, Moscow:
Higher School Publishing House.
3. Levitschi, L. 1970, Limba engleza contemporana, Bucuresti: EDP.
4. Marckwardt, A. 1984, American English, Oxford: OUP.

Lucrarile indicate in lista bibliografica pot fi consultate la biblioteca de limba engleza a

Facultatii de Litere, la biblioteca catedrei de limba engleza, la British Council Library.
Studentii au posibilitatea de studia si materialele xerox oferite de titularul cursului.
X. Sub-discipline:
1.Curs practic: Eseuri
A. Informatii generale despre cursul practic
Titlul disciplinei: Eseuri
Locul de desfurare: conform planificarii din orar
Programarea n orar a activitilor: conform planificarii
B. Informaii despre titularul de curs practic
Nume, titlul tiinific: asist. dr. Erika Mihlycsa
Informaii de contact: erika.mihalycsa@gmail.com
Ore de audien:

C. Descrierea disciplinei:
Acest curs practic prevede participarea activ a studenilor care vor lucra att individual ct i
n grup, i urmrete mbuntirea i perfecionarea englezei scrise. Cursul are n vedere
compunerea a unei game de discursuri scrise n limba englez, facilitnd dezvoltarea scrierii
critice i creative.
Dezvoltarea abilitilor de a produce varii tipuri de discursuri scrise ntr-o manier clar,
coerent, i ntr-un ton personal; adaptarea stilului de a scrie al studenilor la registrul de
vorbire cerut de tipul de discurs; introducerea unor distincii ntre diferitele tipuri de
compunere i tehnici de stil adaptate la acestea; perfecionarea cunotinelor de limb
englez, att n scris ct i oral, ale studenilor; dezvoltarea abilitii de a-i organiza ideile
ntr-un mod logic i coerent; dezvoltarea metodelor de cercetare a studenilor
Abilitatea de a produce diferite tipuri de texte scrise (eseu narativ, argumentativ, descriptiv,
literar, critic); stpnirea registrelor lingvistice i a tehnicilor de stil; abilitatea de a se
concentra pe un subiect ales, organizarea expunerii ntr-un mod eficace, orientat spre cititor;
organizarea i structurarea textului (paragrafe, conjuncii, logical connectors); cercetare i
comunicarea rezultatelor cercetrii; distincia clar ntre cercetare, folosirea informaiei scrise
i plagiat
Dezbateri interactive pe baza unor texte; elaborarea unor schie de idei pentru eseuri
(individual, n grup); dezbateri n grup pe teme la alegere; compunerea individual de eseuri;
prezentarea individual i n grup a eseurilor scrise individual; feedback i evaluarea
lucrrilor colegilor
D. Bibliografia obligatorie:
Bailey, Stephen, Academic Writing: A Practical Guide for Students, Nelson Thomas
Publisher, London, 2003
Evans, Virginia, Successful Writing. Proficiency, Express Publishing, Newbury, 1998

Germov, John, Get Great Marks for Your Essays, Allen & Unwin Publisher, Crows
Nest, N.S.W., 2000.
E. Materiale folosite n cadrul procesului educaional specific disciplinei:
hand-outs, imagini, prezentri Power-Point de ctre titularul de curs.
F. Planificarea / Calendarul ntlnirilor i a verificrilor / examinrilor intermediare:
Week 1: introductory class; presentation of activities and requirements.
Week 2:
Topic: punctuation
Key words: correctness, accuracy, language skills.
Students tasks: drafting and writing, peer-response, debating and discussing each others
Week 3:
Topic: the descriptive essay: describing objects/spaces.
Key words: vocabulary building, organisation (introduction, main body, conclusions),
Students tasks: drafting and writing, peer-response, debating and discussing each others
Week 4:
Topic: the descriptive essay: describing people
Key words: vocabulary building, use of imagery and rhetorical devices, connectors.
Students tasks: role playing, drafting and writing, peer-response, debating and discussing
each others drafts.
Week 5:
Topic: the narrative essay I
Key words: story telling, raising and maintaining interest, creative writing.
Students tasks: drafting and writing, peer-response, debating and discussing each others
Week 6:
Topic: the narrative essay II
Key words: writing beginnings and endings, plotlines, topic selection.
Students tasks: drafting and writing, peer-response, debating and discussing each others
Week 7:
Topic: writing reviews: book reviews
Key words: assessment, critical summary, personal opinion, author presentation,
contextualising, finding relevance.
Students tasks: topic debate, drafting and writing, peer-response, debating and discussing
each others drafts.
Week 8:
Topic: writing reviews: film reviews

Key words: assessment, critical summary, personal opinion, author presentation,

contextualising, finding relevance.
Students tasks: drafting and writing, peer-response, debating and discussing each others
Week 9:
Topic: writing reports: assessment and informative reports
Key words: evaluation, opinion, recommendation, information processing.
Students tasks: drafting and writing, peer-response, debating and discussing each others
Week 10:
Topic: writing reports: survey and proposal reports
Key words: analysis, questionnaires, conclusions, plans, suggestions, projects.
Students tasks: drafting and writing, peer-response, debating and discussing each others
Week 11:
Topic: the critical essay
Key words: documentation, research, norms of writing, formal requirements, lay-out,
Students tasks: drafting and writing, peer-response, debating and discussing each others
Week 12:
Topic: the literary essay I: reading a literary essay
Key words: formal conventions, identifying meanings, literary intepretation
Students tasks: drafting and revising an academic essay, peer-response, debating and
discussing each others drafts.
Week 13:
Topic: the literary essay II: writing a literary essay
Key words: subjectivity, creativity, open form
Students tasks: writing an academic essay, peer-response, debating and discussing each
others drafts.
Week 14: conclusions, feedback, final paper submission.
G. Modul de evaluare:
Verificare pe parcurs. Nota final se compune din:
- Notele date pe eseurile scrise pe durata semestrului (50%)
- Nota pe eseul final (30%)
- Activitate pe parcurs (20%).
H. Detalii organizatorice, gestionarea situaiilor excepionale:
Prezena minim, condiie a intrrii n examen, este de 60%; n situaii de excepie (de ex.,
boal, suprapunerea n orar a mai multor discipline) studenilor li se va cere o lucrare (eseu)
n plus. Plagiatul i la o singur lucrare din cele cerute aduce dup sine acordarea notei 1
(unu) pe activitatea din tot semestrul.

2. Curs practic: Interpretari de texte

A. Informaii generale despre cursul practic
Titlul disciplinei: Curs practic interpretari de texte/Practical Course in Text
Locul de desfurare: Conform planificarii din orar
Programarea n orar a activitilor: Conform planificarii din orar
B. Informaii despre titularul de curs practic
Nume, titlul tiinific: Asist. dr. Octavian More
Informaii de contact: tavimore@yahoo.co.uk
Ore de audien: 2
C. Descrierea disciplinei:
Cursul este conceput ca o introducere practica in studiul literaturii intr-o maniera directa, prin
contactul imediat cu textul literar. Cursul urmareste perfectionarea deprinderilor generale de
interpretare si nu se limiteaza la ilustrarea conceptelor teoretice specifice unor anumite scoli
de critica literara. Discutiile se bazeaza pe studiul aprofundat al textelor propuse si au forma
de seminarii sau dezbateri libere. Temele individuale sunt concepute a adresa elemente de
interes general, cum ar fi esenta realitatii, problema adevarului, subiectivitatii si obiectivitatii,
natura si complexitatea perceptiei, precum si schimbarile epistemologice survenite in ultimul
secol, fara a neglija insa singularitatea actului literar si implicatiile ontologice ale acestuia.
Nota: tematica acestui curs acopera doua semestre de studii.
D. Bibliografia obligatorie:
Ballard, J.G., 'The Garden of Time', in Sanders, Th.E. (ed), Sanders, Th.E. (ed),
Speculations. An Introduction to Literature Through Fantasy and Science Fiction, New
York: Glencoe Press., 1973.
Bradbury, R., 'The Fog Horn', in Sanders, Th.E. (ed), Sanders, Th.E. (ed), Speculations. An
Introduction to Literature Through Fantasy and Science Fiction, New York: Glencoe
Press., 1973.
Eliot, T.S., 'The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock', in Mc.Michael, G. et. al. (eds),
Anthology of American Literature. Instructor's Manual, Third Edition, New York:
Macmillan, London: Collier Macmillan, 1986.
De Saint-Exupery, A., The Little Prince.
E. Materiale folosite n cadrul procesului educaional specific disciplinei:
handout-uri, fotocopii
F. Planificarea / Calendarul ntlnirilor i a verificrilor / examinrilor intermediare:
1. Course description and schedule. Course management. Attendance Policy.
Assessment Criteria

2. J.G. Ballard: The Garden of Time. Strategies of facing the pressures of time and
space. Text interpretation I.
3. J.G. Ballard: The Garden of Time. Strategies of facing the pressures of time and
space. Text interpretation II.
4. T.S. Eliot: The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock. Stories of displacement and
seclusion. Text Interpretation I
5. T.S. Eliot: The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock. Stories of displacement and
seclusion. Text Interpretation II.
6. R. Bradbury: The Fog Horn. Love in the face of overwhelming reality. Text
interpretation I
7. R. Bradbury: The Fog Horn. Love in the face of overwhelming reality. Text
interpretation II
8. Edgar Allan Poe: Ulalume. Functions of the memory. Text interpretation I.
9. Edgar Allan Poe: Ulalume. Functions of the memory. Text interpretation II.
10. A. de Saint-Exupery: The Little Prince. Persistence and dedication. Text
Interpretation I.
11. A. de Saint-Exupery: The Little Prince. Persistence and dedication. Text
Interpretation II.
12. A. de Saint-Exupery: The Little Prince. Persistence and dedication. Text
Interpretation III.
13. A. de Saint-Exupery: The Little Prince. Persistence and dedication. Text
Interpretation IV.
14. Concluding discussions. Final assessment.
G. Modul de evaluare:
- prezenta
- participare activa
- 2 lucrari semestriale (eseuri)

35% / lucrare

Pentru a obtine calificativul admis (nota 5), studentii trebuie sa cumuleze minim 50% din
punctajul maxim pentru lucrarile semestrial, cat si pentru proiectul final.

H. Detalii organizatorice, gestionarea situaiilor excepionale:

- prezenta obligatorie in procent de 75% din numarul de ore/semestru
- recuperarea cursurilor se face prin efectuarea de teme si activitati suplimentare, in urma
consultarii cu titularul cursului
- plagiatul (asumarea ideilor altora drept contributie proprie, copierea unor lucrari intregi
sau paragrafe de la colegi) se penalizeaza cu 2 puncte din nota finala si obligativitatea
rescrierii lucrarii/temei in cauza
- orice contestaie a notei obinute va trebui nsoit de o cerere din partea studentului
pentru reevaluarea lucrrii. Rezultatul acestei reevaluri se va face de fa cu studenii n
decurs de 2 zile de la data contestaiei.
I. Bibliografia opional:
Dat fiind specificul acestui curs, nu se presupune consultarea unei bibliografii optionale.

3. Curs practic: Traduceri de texte

A. Informaii generale despre cursul practic
Titlul disciplinei: Curs practic traduceri/Practical Course in Translations
Locul de desfurare: Conform planificarii din orar
Programarea n orar a activitilor: Conform planificarii din orar
B. Informaii despre titularul de curs practic
Nume, titlul tiinific: Asist. dr. Octavian More
Informaii de contact: tavimore@yahoo.co.uk
Ore de audien: 2

C. Descrierea disciplinei:
Acest curs este o continuare a cursului din semestrul intai. El pastreaza structura de baza a
cursului precedent si se axeaza intensiv pe deprinderi dobandite prin intermediul discutiilor si
a temelor individuale, adaugand un element nou ce deriva din cursuri de limba afiliate, mai
cu seama din cele de Exercitii gramaticale si Engleza in scopuri peciale. Activitatile de la
curs si diversele teme se bazeaza pe cunostintele pe care studentii le au despre problemele
specifice limbii engleze si a altor limbi, atat in sens practic, cat si teoretic. Cu toate ca
majoritatea activitatilor au forma unor traduceri de texte variate, cursul include si
componente aditionale care au ca scop imbunatatirea deprinderilor de a utiliza vocabularul si
gramatica. Textele selectate si exercitiile de vocabular acopera diverse forme de utilizare a
limbii engleze, de la texte literare pana la aplicari specializate ale limbii.
D. Bibliografia obligatorie:
Dat fiind tipicul acestui curs, nu se impune consultarea unor surse bibliografice. Textele care
urmeaza a fi traduse la curs for fi puse la dispozitia studentilor sub forma de fotocopii, de
catre titularul cursului.

E. Materiale folosite n cadrul procesului educaional specific disciplinei:

handout-uri, fotocopii
F. Planificarea / Calendarul ntlnirilor i a verificrilor / examinrilor intermediare:

Introductions and course description.

ESP I: Television and theater.
Grammar and translation workshop I.
ESP II: Computers and Internet.
Grammar and translation workshop II.
ESP III: Law and Order.
Grammar and translation workshop II.
Mid-term test
Special problems involved in translating different types of narratives.
Special problems involved in translating drama.
Translating poetry I.
Term-end test. Portfolios collected
Conclusions. Final assessment
G. Modul de evaluare:
- prezenta
- participare activa
- 2 lucrari semestriale (teste)

35% / lucrare

Pentru a obtine calificativul admis (nota 5), studentii trebuie sa cumuleze minim 50% din
punctajul maxim pentru lucrarile semestriale.
H. Detalii organizatorice, gestionarea situaiilor excepionale:
- prezenta obligatorie in procent de 75% din numarul de ore/semestru
- recuperarea cursurilor se face prin efectuarea de teme si activitati suplimentare, in urma
consultarii cu titularul cursului
- plagiatul (asumarea ideilor altora drept contributie proprie, copierea unor lucrari intregi
sau paragrafe de la colegi) se penalizeaza cu 2 puncte din nota finala si obligativitatea
rescrierii lucrarii/temei in cauza
- orice contestaie a notei obinute va trebui nsoit de o cerere din partea studentului
pentru reevaluarea lucrrii. Rezultatul acestei reevaluri se va face de fa cu studenii n
decurs de 2 zile de la data contestaiei.
I. Bibliografia opional:
Dat fiind specificul acestui curs, nu se presupune consultarea unei bibliografii optionale.

4. Curs practic: Eseuri

A. Informaii generale despre cursul practic
Titlul disciplinei: Curs practic de eseuri
Locul de desfurare: Facultatea de Litere
Programarea n orar a activitilor:
B. Informaii despre titularul de curs practic
Nume, titlul tiinific: asist. dr. Petronia Petrar
Informaii de contact: petronia.petrar@gmail.com
Ore de audien: conform orarului afiat
C. Descrierea disciplinei:
Cursul practic continu activitatea nceput n semestrul 1, pornind de la lectura unei serii de
eseuri aparinnd unor autori canonici, pentru a ajunge la producerea de discursuri academice
originale i creative. Un interes special este acordat etapelor de cercetare i de redactare a
eseurilor academice, de utilizare a aparatului critic, dar i evitrii plagiatului. Orele se
bazeaz pe implicarea participativ a studenilor (att la modul individual, ct i n grupuri) n
scopul de a nelege tehnicile de baz ale citirii i scrierii de eseuri n limba englez.
Obiective i competene: crearea capacitii de a produce diverse tipuri de discursuri clare,
corecte i coerente, adaptarea stilului la registrul lingvstic potrivit, mbuntirea
cunotinelor de limb englez scris i vorbit, dezvoltarea capacitii de cercetare a
studenilor, folosirea aparatului critic.
Metode: discutarea interactiv a textelor, crearea de schie colective i individuale ale
eseurilor, dezbateri pe temele date ale eseurilor, producerea individual de eseuri complete,
prezentarea individual i n grup a eseurilor compuse ca tem, feedback la i evaluarea
eseurilor colegilor (peer review).
D. Bibliografia obligatorie: disponibil ntr-un dosar depus la Biblioteca de Englez a
Facultii de Litere, sau prin mail de la titularul de curs practic. La titlurile de mai jos se
adaug n mod obligatoriu handout-urile cu citate cu care vom lucra n clas.
Dillard, Annie: Seeing
Beerbohm, Max: Going Out for a Walk
Lodge, David: A Sense of the Past
Rushdie, Salman: Imaginary Homelands
Swift, Jonathan: A Modest Proposal
Twain, Mark: Advice to Youth
E. Materiale folosite n cadrul procesului educaional specific disciplinei: fie de lucru,
handout-uri, materiale produse de titularul de curs.
F. Planificarea / Calendarul ntlnirilor i a verificrilor / examinrilor intermediare:
Week 1: introductory class; presentation of activities and requirements; defining the essay;
defining essay writing.
Week 2:
Topic: Mark Twain, Advice to Youth
Key words: reading to identify ideas and structures; irony; drafting; referencing and citing.

Students tasks: reading and discussing Twains essay; discussing the handouts on irony
provided in the classroom; homework: an essay on Irony in Advice to Youth.
Week 3:
Topic: Irony in Advice to Youth
Key words: feedback on: firony; drafting; referencing and citing
Students tasks: presenting and discussing their essays, peer-reviewing their colleagues
work, re-writing the essay (if necessary).
Week 4:
Topic: Jonathan Swift, A Modest Proposal
Key words: reading to identify ideas and structures; satire; drafting; referencing and citing.
Students tasks: reading and discussing Swifts essay; discussing the handouts on satire
provided in the classroom; homework: an essay on The Use of Satire by J. Swift.
Week 5:
Topic: The Use of Satire by J. Swift
Key words: feedback on: satire; drafting; referencing and citing.
Students tasks: presenting and discussing their essays, peer-reviewing their colleagues
work, re-writing the essay (if necessary).
Week 6:
Topic: Max Beerbohm: Going Out for a Walk
Key words: reading to identify ideas and structures; contextualysing; distancing; comparison;
argumentation and opinion.
Students tasks: reading and discussing the essay from a contemporary point of view;
analysing style; drafting and writing a composition on Reading Beerbohms Going Out...
Week 7:
Topic: Max Beerbohm: Going Out for a Walk
Key words: feedback on written essay
Students tasks: presenting and discussing their essays, peer-reviewing their colleagues
work, re-writing the essay (if necessary).
Week 8:
Topic: Annie Dillard, Seeing
Key words: reading to identify ideas and structures, contextualisation, definition, expansion.
Students tasks: reading and discussing the essay, integrating information on handout,
drafting and writing an essay on Uses of Seeing in Dillards Text
Week 9:
Topic: Uses of Seeing in Dillards Text
Key words: feedback on written essay
Students tasks: presenting and discussing their essays, peer-reviewing their colleagues
work, re-writing the essay (if necessary).
Week 10:
Topic: David Lodge, A Sense of the Past

Key words: critical essay, identifying concepts and ideas, documentation, research, norms of
writing, formal requirements, lay-out, publication.
Students tasks: reading and discussing, identifying critical language and concepts, drafting
and writing a (critical) account of Lodges criticism of John Fowles.

Week 11:
Topic: David Lodge, A Sense of the Past
Key words: feedback on written essay
Students tasks: presenting and discussing their essays, peer-reviewing their colleagues
work, re-writing the essay (if necessary).
Week 12:
Topic: Salman Rushdie, Imaginary Homelands
Key words: memory, culture, definition, comparison, argumentation
Students tasks: reading and discussing, drafting and writing the final essay (on Memory in
Rushdies Imaginary Homelands).
Week 13: conclusions, class feedback, final essay submission.
Week 14: feedback on final essay.
G. Modul de evaluare: verificare pe parcurs
Nota final const din notele pariale obinute pentru eseurile scrise n timpul semestrului
(50%), nota pentru eseul final (20%), prezena i participarea la ore (30%).
H. Detalii organizatorice, gestionarea situaiilor excepionale:
Prezena: prezena este obligatorie n proporie de 70%. Absenele de la ore pot fi
compensate prin alte activiti, dar nu dac acestea depesc 50% din cursuri. Prezena
insuficient are drept consecin imposibilitatea de a obine o not de trecere.
Plagiatul sau copiatul vor avea de asemenea drept consecin imposibilitatea de a obine o
not de trecere. Plagiatul constituie o grav nclcare a regulamentului i a legii, putnd duce
la exmatricularea studentului. Plagiatul poate fi total sau parial, ceea ce nu duce la o
diminuare a vinei, indiferent de circumstan: orice mprumut nerecunoscut de idei, cuvinte
sau texte, din surse clasice sau electronice, va fi considerat plagiat i tratat ca atare.
I. Bibliografia opional: disponibil de la titularul de curs practic:
Bailey, Stephen, Academic Writing: A Practical Guide for Students, Nelson Thomas
Publisher, London, 2003
Evans, Virginia, Successful Writing. Proficiency, Express Publishing, Newbury, 1998.
Germov, John, Get Great Marks for Your Essays, Allen & Unwin Publisher, Crows Nest,
N.S.W., 2000.
5. Curs practic: Exercitii gramaticale
A. Informaii generale despre cursul practic
Titlul disciplinei: Limba engleza / Exerciii gramaticale
Locul de desfurare: Facultatea de litere
Programarea n orar a activitilor:conform orarului
B. Informaii despre titularul de curs practic
Nume, titlul tiinific: Ana Maria Florescu, asistent, drd.

Informaii de contact: florescuani@yahoo.com

Ore de audien: conform orarului
C. Descrierea disciplinei:
Obiectivul principal al cursului este imbunaatirea cunotiinelor studenilor in domeniul
gramaticii limbii engleze prin exerciii, prezentari si discuii care vor duce la contientizarea
diferenelor dintre gramatica limbii materne cea a limbii engleze. In cadrul orelor de curs
practic se vor folosi metode interactive de predare.
D. Bibliografia obligatorie:
Bdescu, A. 1984 Gramatica limbii engleze, Editura tiinific i enciclopedic, Bucureti
Jones, L. 1995 Progress to Proficiency Cambridge University Press
Jones, L. 1994 Cambridge Advanced English Cambridge University Press
Vince, M. 2000 Advanced Language Practice Heinemann and Macmillan Publishers
E. Materiale folosite n cadrul procesului educaional specific disciplinei:
Casetofon, CD player si retroproiector din dotarea catedrei de limba engleza
F. Planificarea /Calendarul ntlnirilor i a verificrilor/examinrilor intermediare:
Week 1.The Common European Framework for Languages and the language/ grammar
knowledge requirements.
Week 2 The self assessment grid related to CEF and own assessment and awareness of English
language needs
Week 3.Accuracy versus fluency
Week 4 Common errors and their origin
Week 5 Phonetics and Phonology
Week 6 Vocabulary and false friends
Week 7 Vocabulary and false friends
Week 8 Idioms and meaning
Week 9 Tenses and meaning
Week 10 Tenses and meaning
Week 11 Sentences and punctuation
Week 12 Abbreviations
Week 13 Test
Week 14 Test
G. Modul de evaluare:
Forma de evaluare: verificare pe parcurs. Nota este format din rezultatul unui test de
gramatic si nota acordat pentru participare si prezena la curs.
H. Detalii organizatorice, gestionarea situaiilor excepionale:
Nota de la cursul practic face parte din nota studentului la unul din cursurile de limba
englez. Nota final este media notei obinute la test exprimata printr-un procent la care se
adaug sau se scad 10% acodrate pentru prezenta si participarea la ore. Datorit modalitaii

de testare nu exista posibilitate de fraud. Studenii pot sa ii vada lucrarile dupa ce afl
I. Bibliografia opional:
Cari si manuale care exist la biblioteca facultii sau la biblioteca Centrului Britanic din

Prof.dr. Corin Braga

Sef catedra
Prof.dr. M Zdrenghea

Titular curs
Conf.dr. Dorin Chira

Universitatea BabeBolyai, ClujNapoca

Facultatea de Litere
Anul universitar 2010-2011
Semestrul II
Informaii generale despre CURS (anul I, Engleza B)


Codul: LE 12261
Numrul de credite: 5
Locul de desfurare: FACULTY OF LETTERS
Programarea n orar a activitilor: curs saptamanal/ seminar bilunar
Informaii despre titularul de curs, seminar, lucrare practic sau laborator
Nume, titlul tiinific: CARMEN BORBLY, LECTURER, PHD.
Informaii de contact : carmenborbely@yahoo.com
Ore de audien: 2

Descrierea disciplinei:
[Obiectivele cursului/disciplinei, coninutul acestuia, competenele dobndite prin absolvirea
disciplinei, metodele utilizate n cazul predrii, al seminarului sau al lucrrilor practice 1020 de rnduri].
Course Description & Objectives
This course aims:
1. to provide the students with a general outline of the literature produced in the British
Isles throughout the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, with particular emphasis on
authors, patterns and trends of the Restoration and the Enlightenment;
2. to familiarise the students with the social, political, religious, economic and cultural
transformations that shaped the seventeenth- and eighteenth-century aesthetics and
literary production (dramatic, lyrical, fictional);
3. to develop the students awareness and critical understanding of the various theories
and debates surrounding key Enlightenment cultural and literary epiphenomena, such
as, for instance, the rise of the novel, or the issue of (professional) authorship.

4. to encourage the students reflexive learning through engagement in productive

discussion and analysis of a range of topics (seventeenth- and eighteenth-century
authors, works, genres and debates) that pertain to the course syllabus

The course will be conducted through an interactive, combined strategy, mixing lecture and
discussion on the principal reading assignments for each class. The seminar will encourage
students to give brief individual or collaborative reports, charting very punctually the literary
and theoretical readings assigned (students should convene with the teacher on the major
issues of their presentations several weeks ahead of each class). All required reading (marked
as compulsory) should be completed before class, with the possibility of covering
supplementary reading material for the written reports, should the students interests require
Bibliografia obligatorie:
Compulsory Bibliography
Under COMPULSORY BIBLIOGRAPHY are listed the literary works that are considered to
be representative for the period of literature covered by this course. These works are ranked
as obligatory for all the students attending this course. In the case of the seminars, all required
readings should be completed prior to attending each class.
All the works included in the list of Compulsory Bibliography can be found at the English
Library, Faculty of Letters, Cluj-Napoca, either as separate items, as copies provided by the
teacher, or included in the following anthologies:
- DeMaria, Robert (ed) (1996) British Literature 1640-1789. An Anthology
Oxford: Blackwell -- Engl. 18644
- The Norton Anthology of English Literature (revised ed) (1968) New York: W
W Norton & Co. (Vol. I) Central Library 659269; This can also be found at
the Faculty of Letters, English Library
Alternatively, students can also consult these works at the internet addresses mentioned

John Webster: The Duchess of Malfi (c. 1613) -- Engl. 21571 ; Engl. 16151
Ben Jonson: Volpone; or, The Fox -- Engl. 20156 ; BI 29634 ; J. 1584
John Milton: Paradise Lost (Books I & II) -- Engl. 14597 ; Central Library LC.674/1997
Alexander Pope: The Rape of the Lock -- Engl. 19577 (http://wwwunix.oit.umass.edu/~sconstan/poemlink.html)
Important notice: CHOOSE 6 OF THE FOLLOWING 10 TEXTS:
Jonathan Swift: Gullivers Travels -- Engl. 21574 ; Central Library LC.2979/1996
Samuel Richardson: Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded

Daniel Defoe: Moll Flanders -- Engl. 21572

Henry Fielding: The History of Tom Jones. A Foundling -- Engl. 21311 ; Central Library
675730 (http://www.bartleby.com/301/)
M. G. Lewis: The Monk Engl. 20209 ; Engl. 16060 ; Engl. 20150
Tobias Smollett: The Expedition of Humphry Clinker -- Engl. 21573 ; Engl. 21310 Engl.
19833 (http://www.gutenberg.org/dirs/etext00/txohc10.txt)
Laurence Sterne: The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy -- Engl. 16059
Jane Austen: Sense and Sensibility -- Engl. 21039 ; Central Library 675692
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu: The Turkish Embassy Letters in Montagu M W (1992) Letters
David Campbell Publ. -- Central Library 676259. There are also 3 copies provided by the
teacher at the English Library, Faculty of Letters, Cluj-Napoca.

Materiale folosite n cadrul procesului educaional specific disciplinei:

1. Lectures will be delivered using an overhead projector (supplied by the Faculty of Letters).
This will provide the students with an outline of each session structure and with a clear
signposting of the major theoretical issues covered.
2. Each lecture/seminar will have an accompanying handout, charting the fundamental
concepts or key points to be discussed, as well as specifying the (suggested) amount of time
allotted for each activity, such as teacher input, student presentation, debate, etc. After the
completion of each seminar/lecture, these serial handouts will be placed in a special folder at
English Library, Faculty of Letters, Cluj-Napoca.
3. The secondary/optional reading material for each lecture/seminar has been assembled by
the teacher in a special Reading Packet (Reader), which includes the Course Outline and the
suggested chapters and studies for the students to consult.
Planificarea /Calendarul ntlnirilor i a verificrilor/examinrilor intermediare:

Course introduction. Presentation of the course outline, objectives and
requirements. Reader information pack. Introduction to literature in
history. Seventeenth- and eighteenth-century cultural, social and
historical backgrounds. A survey of British literature, Restoration
through Enlightenment.



Court Masques. Court entertainments: origins; ceremonial contexts.
political & religious significance. Inigo Jones and the ephemeral

extravagance of an aristocratic art-form. Allegorical and spectacular

characteristics. Baroque illusionism. The structure of court masques.
Ben Jonson and the anti-masque
Lindley, David (ed) (1995) Court Masques. Jacobean & Caroline Entertainments 1605-1640
Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press (pp. ix-xvii)



Ben Jonson and the Comedy of Humours. Comedy and the medieval
medical theory of humours. Grotesque eccentricities and
polemical/satirical intents. The neoclassicism of Jonsonian comedy.
Volpone, or the Fox: Latin antecedents; the medieval beast fable;
imbalanced humour and Venetian artifice.

Ben Jonson: Volpone; or, The Fox
Loxley, James (2002) The Complete Critical Guide to Ben Jonson London & New York:
Routledge (pp. 69-73)



John Webster and the Jacobean Revenge Tragedy. The revenge play as
a species of tragedy. Brief historical outline. Late-Elizabethan and
Jacobean socio-historical context. Stock ingredients of the tragedy of
blood and terror. Sources, influences & characteristics of the Jacobean
revenge play. John Websters The Duchess of Malfi.

John Webster: The Duchess of Malfi
Katherine Rowe (1999) Dead Hands: Fictions of Agency, Renaissance to Modern,
Stanford University Press (pp. 86-110)




Seventeenth-century metaphysical poetry & the Baroque. Definitions,

terminological evolution, critical appraisal (from Dryden to Eliot &
beyond). The metaphysical conceit (discordia concors; antimimetic
logic; unified v. dissociated sensibility). Beyond Elizabethan
mellifluousness: metaphysical strong lines; metaphysical wit
(passionate ratiocination). Dramatic strategies of address. John
Donnes secular and religious poetry: between hedonism and
devotional mysticism.

Compulsory reading in class:
John Donne: Holy Sonnet XIV: Batter my heart, three persond God; for you
Andrew Marvell: To His Coy Mistress
Eliot, T. S. (1932) The Metaphysical Poets in Selected Essays London: Faber & Faber
Hammond, Gerald (ed) (1974) The Metaphysical Poets McMillan (pp. 1-29)
Bloom, Harold (ed) (1986) John Donne and the Seventeenth-Century Metaphysical Poets
New York & Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publ. (pp. 27-32; 37-44)




1. The Puritan Revolution: political radicalism, republicanism, and the

Commonwealth. The Protestant ethic and the rise of capitalism. Main
theological issues in the English Reformation. The culture of religious
2. Puritan autobiographies and the motif of spiritual pilgrimage. Puritan
allegories: John Bunyan and Agnes Beaumont. Mapping the inner quest:
The Pilgrims Progress.
3. John Miltons revolutions: reinventing mid-seventeenth-century
poetics. Poetic beginnings: Lycidas and classical elegiac poetry. Political
pamphlets: reclaiming the public space in Areopagitica. Advocating a
Free Commonwealth: tracts on political and religious freedoms. The
Christian epic of humanity: Paradise Lost. Miltons theodicy and the
Fall. Rebellious angels and satanic over-reachers: aftermath and
influence. Making darkness visible: between blindness and insight in
the critical reception of Miltons epic. Re-establishing the classical
pattern of tragedy: Samson Agonistes.

Compulsory :
John Milton, Paradise Lost (required: Books I-II)
Weber, Max (2003, orig. 1958) The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (Transl.
by Talcott Parsons) Mineola, New York: Dover Publ. Inc (pp. 35-78)
Mullett, Michael A. (1996) John Bunyan in Context. Keele, Staffordshire Edinburgh
University Press (pp. 191-209)
Rogers, John (1996) The Matter of Revolution. Science, Poetry, and Politics in the Age of
Milton Ithaca & London: Cornell University Press (pp. 103-129)
McMahon, Robert (1998) The Two Poets of Paradise Lost Baton Rouge: Louisiana State
University Press (pp. 1-22)
Kolbrener, William (1997) Miltons Warring Angels. A Study of Critical Engagements
Cambridge University Press (pp. 133-157)




Constructing knowledge(s) of the Wests Other: Orientalism and
Eighteenth-Century Travellers. Epistolary travel narratives. Forging
national/imperial identity. Collections and cabinets of curiosities.
Feminist inflections of Orientalist rhetoric. (Un)veiling the Oriental(ist)
woman: Montagus Turkish Embassy Letters. Levantinisation & the
mystique of reciprocity.

Compulsory (see important notice on page 2 above):
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu: The Turkish Embassy Letters in Montagu M W (1992)
Letters David Campbell Publ.
Said, Edward (1979) Orientalism New York: Vintage Books (pp. 49-53; 73-77)
Kietzman, Mary Jo Montagu's 'Turkish Embassy Letters' and cultural dislocation in
Studies in English Literature 1500-1900 Vol. 38 3/1998
Uphaus, Robert W. & Gretchen M. Foster (eds) (1991) The "Other" Eighteenth Century:
English Women of Letters 1660-1800 East Lansing: Colleagues Press (pp. 247-248; 1-16)




1. Background & Basic Tenets of the Enlightenment. Cultural, scientific,

political and socio-economic contexts. The grand narrative of the
Enlightenment: Reason, Progress, Perfectibility through emancipation.
Natural law and universal order. The secularisation of European thought.
Twentieth-century interrogations of the Enlightenment Project.
2. The Augustan Vision. Eighteenth-century Britain and historical
antecedents of European transformations in political, religious, and
personal freedom. Lockean blueprints for the enlightened society.
Neoclassicism: deference to classical precedents in literary theory and
practice. Rationality, restraint, clarity, order, and decorum.
3. Epitomising Augustanism: Samuel Johnsons centrality in the
eighteenth-century literary establishment. Foreshadowing Romantic
aesthetics: Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia (1759).
4. Alexander Pope and neoclassical aesthetics. The arbiter of taste in
Essay on Criticism (1711). Mock-heroic burlesque in The Rape of the
Lock (1712): zeugma and its cosm(et)ic powers. The skeptical
sublime: the Scriblerians aesthetic ideology. Popes poetic theodicy: An
Essay on Man (1732).

Compulsory :
Alexander Pope: The Rape of the Lock (1712)
Foucault, Michel What is the Enlightenment? in Rabinow, Paul (ed) (1984) The
Foucault Reader New York: Pantheon Books (pp. 32-50)

Cassirer, Ernst (1932) The Philosophy of the Enlightenment (tr. 1951, repr. 1955)
Princeton University Press (pp. 3-36)
Schmidt, James (ed) (1996) What is the Enlightenment? Eighteenth-Century Answers and
Twentieth-Century Questions Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of California Press, (pp. 1;
Noggle, James (2001) The Skeptical Sublime: Aesthetic Ideology in Pope and the Tory
Satirists Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press (pp. 3-10)



1. The origins of the English novel. Formalist and historicist
genealogical surveys. Generic ancestors. Social, economic and political
contexts. The rise of the bourgeoisie. The development of commercial
book trading. Patterns of the novel (gothic, picaresque, sentimental, etc.).
2. Fathering the English novel: Daniel Defoes formal realism. The
primacy of individual experience and perception: seventeenth-century
philosophical backgrounds. Laying the foundations of modern
journalism. Defoes self-reflexive obsession with History: legitimising
fictional narrative. Verisimilitude, authenticity, credibility. The Life and
Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe of York, Mariner
(1719): grafting travel narratives on spiritual autobiography. The
Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders (1722):
modifying the picaresque pattern.
3. Scriblerian irony: Jonathan Swift. Satires on false learning and
religious abuse. Championing Enlightenment ideals? Swiftian satire in
Gullivers Travels (1726). Parodying the travellers tale: the (dis)belief
in rationality, progress, human perfectibility. The parallax of
perspectives as a vehicle for satire.

Compulsory (see important notice on page 2 above):
Daniel Defoe: Moll Flanders (1722)
Jonathan Swift: Gullivers Travels (1726)
Watt, Ian (1957) The Rise of the Novel. Studies in Defoe, Richardson and Fielding
Hammondsworth (pp. 1-34)
McKeon, Michael (2002) The Origins of the English Novel, 1600-1740. Baltimore Johns
Hopkins University Press, (pp.1-22)
Richetti, John (ed) (1996) The Cambridge Companion to the Eighteenth-Century Novel
Cambridge University Press (pp. 41-87)

WEEK 10:


Gothic fiction in the eighteenth century: (re)producing the ideology of
the modern bourgeois subject. Gothic: range of meanings in the
eighteenth century. Gothic origins: Richard Hurds Letters on Chivalry
and Romance (1762). The gothic aesthetic of unreason: imagination,

originality, terror and the supernatural. The Burkean sublime: A

Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and
the Beautiful (1757). Ann Radcliffe and the terror-horror divide: On the
Supernatural in Poetry (1826). Gothic manifestos: Horace Walpoles
blend of ancient and modern romance. Counternarratives of the Gothic:
the dark underside of Enlightenment rationality. Gothic stock features.
Revolutionary Gothic: M. G. Lewiss The Monk (1796). Contaminated
genealogies and dislocated origins. Techniques of narrative and
psychological fragmentation.
Compulsory (see important notice on page 2 above):
M. G. Lewis: The Monk
Miles, Robert (1993) Gothic Writing 1750-1820. A Genealogy London & New York:
Routledge (pp. 10-29)
Napier, Elizabeth (1987) The Failure of Gothic: Problems of Disjunction in an
Eighteenth-century Literary Form Oxford: Clarendon Press (pp. 112-132)
Watt, James (1999) Contesting the Gothic: Fiction, Genre and Cultural Conflict, 17641832 Cambridge University Press (pp. 1-11)

WEEK 11:


The novel of sentiment in English fiction. The mid eighteenth-century
cult of sensibility. The decline of neo-classical reason; the eruption of
Romantic sensibility. David Humes Treatise of Human Nature (1738).
Adam Smiths Theory of Moral Sentiments (1759). Away from the
Hobbesian state of nature: the (wo)man of feeling; avatars. Techniques
and prescriptions of sentimentalism. Permeations into Gothic fiction and
romantic poetry. Exemplary emotions and pedagogical assumptions.
Jane Austens Sense and Sensibility (1811) and the successful
resolution of the eighteenth-century novel. Austens refusal to
romanticize: irony, mordant wit and excessive sensibility.

Compulsory (see important notice on page 2 above):
Jane Austen: Sense and Sensibility
Waldron, Mary (1999) Jane Austen and the Fiction of Her Time Cambridge & New York:
Cambridge University Press (pp. 62-83)
Todd, Janet (ed) (1983) Jane Austen: New Perspectives New York: Holmes & Meier (pp.
Richetti, John (ed) (1996) The Cambridge Companion to the Eighteenth-Century Novel
Cambridge University Press (pp. 236-253)

WEEK 12:




Eighteenth-century fictions of identity. Laurence Sternes novel without

a pattern. Performative narrative: the publicly oriented narrator. Writing
over exigencies of plot: Sterne and the art of digression. Sterne and the
tradition of learned wit. Meaning embodied in the pattern: humours and
hobby horses. Parodic strategies in Tristram Shandy: Lockean duration
and association. The modernity of Sterne. Formal self-reflexivity.
Defamiliarising strategies of narration. Tristram Shandy as the parodic
anti-novel that legitimated the normative realist canon.

Compulsory (see important notice on page 2 above):
Laurence Sterne: The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy (1759-1766)
Womersley, David (ed) (2000) A Companion to Literature from Milton to Blake Oxford:
Blackwell (pp. 371-379)
Richetti, John (ed) (1996) The Cambridge Companion to the Eighteenth-Century Novel
Cambridge University Press (pp. 153-173)
Watts, Carol The Modernity of Sterne in Pierce, David & Peter De Voogd (eds) (1996)
Laurence Sterne in Modernism and Postmodernism Amsterdam: Rodopi (pp. 19-38)

WEEK 13:




1. The new school of novel writing in eighteenth-century Britain. The

controversial Richardson-Fielding debate. Domestic interiors and public
2. Samuel Richardson and the novel of sensibility. Formal and
psychological complexity. Didactic intent: inculcating morality in
Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded (1740). Origins: scandal narratives and
cautionary tales. Writing to the moment: Richardson and the epistolary
technique. The complexity of psychological motivation in Clarissa; Or,
the History of a Young Lady (1747-8).
3. Henry Fielding and the heroic, historical, prosaic poem. Fieldings
backgrounds as playwright and political journalist. Rewriting Pamela:
parodies of virtue in Shamela and Joseph Andrews. Theorising fiction:
finding a new formula for the novel. The comic epic poem in prose:
The History of Tom Jones. A Foundling (1749). The Bill of Fare and the
digressive prefatory chapters. The founder of a new province of
writing: Henry Fielding and neoclassical discipline.

Compulsory (see important notice on page 2 above):
Samuel Richardson: Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded (1740)
Henry Fielding: The History of Tom Jones. A Foundling (1749)
Watt, Ian (1968) The Rise of the Novel. Studies in Defoe, Richardson and Fielding
Hammondsworth (pp. 174-207; 239-259)
Keymer, Thomas & Jon Mee (eds) (2004) The Cambridge Companion to English
Literature 1740-1830 Cambridge University Press (pp. 139-149)

WEEK 14:




Patterns of the picaresque in English literature. The countergenre of

fastidious courtly literature. Origins and distinct characteristics of the
picaresque. Loose, episodic first-person narratives. Corrupt,
disintegrating world background. On the move: fixity and change with
the rogue hero(ine). Bildungsroman affinities: from social anonymity to
social recognition. Inflections of the picaresque in the English fiction of
the eighteenth century. Tobias Smolletts satiric drive. Picaresque
realism and the grotesque worldview in The Expedition of Humphry
Clinker (1771). Challenging readerly expectations: Smolletts
unconventional approach to the picaresque. Granting an uniform plan
to a large diffused picture: the epistolary structure of the narrative. In
usum publicum: the epistolary novels dynamics of collaboration.
Idiosyncratic styles, relativity of viewpoints.

Compulsory (see important notice on page 2 above):
Tobias Smollett: The Expedition of Humphry Clinker (1771)
Richetti, John (ed) (1996) The Cambridge Companion to the Eighteenth-Century Novel
Cambridge University Press (pp. 174-197)
Heckendorn Cook, Elizabeth (ed) (1996) Epistolary Bodies. Gender and Genre in The
Eighteenth-Century Republic of Letters Stanford University Press (pp. 5-29).

Modul de evaluare:
Assessment Guidelines:

LEADING CLASS DISCUSSION: 10%. Students may sign up individually or in pairs to

give presentations of a particular topic and to initiate discussion. Students leading discussion

will be directed in advance as to the focus of their discussion questions. Individual or group
discussions in class will not only help consolidate the theoretical grounds of the topics
presented, but will also foster an interdisciplinary exchange of ideas to be reinforced in the
analysis of the works examined.
HOME ASSIGNMENT: this represents an academic research paper on a topic of your
choice (in relation to the works studied this semester to be convened with the teacher
shortly after the Easter holiday (a list of possible topics will be made available to you in due
time). Use of secondary bibliographical resources is highly recommended. Electronic
resources may be used, provided that you resort to proper citation styles and avoid
plagiarism at all costs. This final paper should not exceed 5 pages in length and should be
typed or word-processed with standard double-spacing. Late papers will be penalized one
grade for each missed deadline. Suggested date for handing in your final research papers: the
last week in the semester.
WRITTEN EXAM: 60% A substantial percentage of your final overall grade will come from
the written exam, which will comprise two compulsory subjects, one from the course topics
and one from the seminar topics. A minimum grade of 5 for both subjects is required for
passing this final examination. The final grades will be posted within one week of the final
examination date.
GRADING: The final grade for this course will be derived from the following sources:
10% class contributions
30% home assignment
60% written exam
!!! The final grade will be computed as follows:
2 thirds the course grade
1 third the seminar grade (seminar on the Restoration theatre)
Detalii organizatorice, gestionarea situaiilor excepionale:
Plagiarism will incur failure of the course examination.
NOTA BENE: Exceptional seminar contributions and presentations may exempt you from
having to write the Home assignment.
Bibliografia opional:
Optional Reading Material
The Reader (specially designed for this course) contains, as you will notice,
OPTIONAL/SECONDARY reading material book chapters and articles which provide
background and explication for the topics analysed. These bibliographical references are
detailed in the Course Outline above. I shall therefore not reiterate the list in this section.
Important notice: You do NOT have to read the Optional texts. However, you may choose to
do so, since they give you relevant material for preparing your presentations, seminar

discussions and for writing your essays. For those students who feel they need further
investigation of particular topics, I can make supplementary secondary bibliography (literary
criticism and theory) available to them on request (on a short-term loan basis).
Apart from the Optional Bibliography included in the Reader, in the list below you can find
further solid and reliable surveys of the seventeenth- and eighteenth-century English
literature covered by this course. These books are available at the English Library of the
Faculty of Letters. Students are warmly encouraged to consult such alternative
bibliographical sources, which can also be found at the British Council Library or in the
Online Databases of the Central University Library in Cluj-Napoca (for instance, Literature
Online, www.chadwyck-healey.org).
1. Allen, Walter (1967) The English Novel. A Short Critical History Penguin Books
2. Clifford, James L (1959) Eighteenth-Century English Literature. Modern Essays in
Criticism Oxford University Press
3. Cockshut, A O J (1980) The Novel to 1900 London: McMillan
4. Daiches, David (1960) A Critical History of English Literature London: Secker &
5. Day, Martin S. (1963) History of English Literature 1660-1837 New York: Doubleday &
6. Galea, Ileana, Virgil Stanciu & Liviu Cotrau (eds) (1986) Studies in the Eighteenth- and
Nineteenth-Century English Novel Cluj-Napoca
7. Lindley, David (ed) (1995) Court Masques. Jacobean & Caroline Entertainments 1605-1640
Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press
8. Mudure, Mihaela (2001) Istorie si literatura Dacia: Napoca Star
9. Vovelle, Michel (ed) (2000) Omul luminilor (transl. By Ingrid Ilinca) Iasi: Polirom
10. Watt, Ian (1968) The Rise of the Novel. Studies in Defoe, Richardson and Fielding
A. Informaii generale despre SEMINAR (anul I, Engleza B)
Titlul disciplinei: Literatur englez (Teatru englez: Restauraia)
The Restoration Theatre: English Drama from 1660-1710
Codul: 12261
Numrul de credite: 5
Locul de desfurare: FACULTY OF LETTERS
Programarea n orar a activitilor: seminar bilunar
B. Informaii despre titularul de curs practic
Nume, titlul tiinific: CARMEN BORBLY, LECTURER, PHD.
Informaii de contact : carmenborbely@yahoo.com
Ore de audien: 2

C. Descrierea disciplinei:
This introductory, bi-monthly seminar on English Restoration Drama aims:
5. to familiarise the students with the historical context of the seventeenth-century
Restoration theatre, with particular emphasis on the Baroque as its cultural

6. to develop the students critical understanding of the political and religious

underpinnings of the twin restorations (monarchical and theatrical);
7. to facilitate the students critical reflection on several dramatic species favoured by the
Restoration period
8. to encourage the students productive discussion of several seventeenth-century plays
(comedies, heroic tragedies and tragicomedies) included in the course syllabus.

The seminar will be conducted through an interactive strategy, using both lecture and
discussion on the principal reading assignments for each class. Students will give individual
or collaborative reports, charting very punctually the literary and theoretical readings
assigned. All required reading (marked as compulsory) should be completed before class,
with the possibility of covering supplementary reading material for the written reports, should
the students interests require this.
D. Bibliografia obligatorie:
Under Compulsory Bibliography are listed the literary works that are considered to be
representative for Restoration Drama. These works are obligatory for all the students
attending this course.
All the works included in the list of Compulsory Bibliography can be found at the English
Library, Faculty of Letters, Cluj-Napoca, either as separate items, or as part of the Reader (1)
compiled by the teacher and deposited at the Faculty of Letters, English Library in two
copies. Alternatively, students can also consult these works at the internet addresses
mentioned below:
Primary Bibliography (compulsory): CHOOSE AT LEAST ONE PLAY:
1. John Dryden: Essay of Dramatick Poesie (1667)
2. John Dryden: The Conquest of Granada by the Spaniards (1672)
3. John Dryden: Marriage A-la-Mode (1673) Engl. 18672
4. Aphra Behn: The Rover I (1681)
5. William Wycherley: The Country Wife (1675) Engl. 18379
6. William Congreve: The Way of the World (1694)

E. Materiale folosite n cadrul procesului educaional specific disciplinei:

1. Lectures will be delivered using an overhead projector (supplied by the Faculty of Letters).
This will provide the students with an outline of each session structure and with a clear
signposting of the major theoretical issues covered.
2. Each lecture will have an accompanying handout, charting the fundamental concepts or
key points to be discussed. After the completion of each seminar/lecture, these serial
handouts will be placed in a special folder at English Library, Faculty of Letters, ClujNapoca.
3. The secondary/optional reading material for each lecture/seminar has been assembled by
the teacher in a special Reading Packet (Reader2), which includes the Course Outline and the
suggested chapters and studies for the students to consult.
F. Planificarea / Calendarul ntlnirilor i a verificrilor / examinrilor


Setting the Stage Restoration playhouses, audiences and


Seminar introduction. Presentation of the seminar outline,
objectives and requirements. Reader information pack. Historical
timeline. Theatrical monopoly. Professionalisation of authorship.
Playhouse design. Baroque illusionism. Performance/performers.
Restoration audiences.


A. Ideologies & Counter-ideologies: the ambivalent politics of

Restoration drama


The ideology of Restoration comedy. Tory aesthetics v. Whig

aesthetics. Hegemonic discourse and oppositional dialogism.
Between royalist loyalism and bourgeois individualism. Cavalier
ethics, urbanity and libertinism. Thomas Hobbes and The
Leviathan: absolutism, natural savagery, and theories of social
contract. The decline of the aristocratic world-view and the rise of
the bourgeoisie.

B. Baroque tensions: the quarrel between the Ancients and the



Ambivalent loyalties: between neoclassicism and modernity.

Building an English dramatic canon. Theorising the rhymed heroic

READ: John Dryden: Essay of Dramatick Poesie (1667)

Levine, Joseph M. Between the Ancients and the Moderns: Baroque Culture in
Restoration England New Haven [Conn.] Yale University Press, 1999, pp. 35-52.


Spec(tac)ular extravaganzas: Restoration theatre and the Baroque

The glorious extravaganza of the High Baroque tragedy. John
Dryden and the rhymed heroic play. Formalised structure and
melodramatic plot. A dramatic experiment: overwrought passions
and the body politic. The noble savage and the epic hero.

READ: John Dryden: The Conquest of Granada (1672)
Hughes, Derek. English Drama 1660-1700 Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996, pp. 240-306.


LECTURE 4 : Carnival masquerade: gender and subversive



The politics of gender & the gender of politics in Restoration

drama. From ritual spectacles to carnival pageants: Bakhtin and
the carnivalesque. Crossdressing and subversive mimesis. Role
reversal and the suspension of hierarchical structures. Prenuptial
agreements and provisos. Performing identities: female wits and
reformed libertines.

READ: Aphra Behn: The Rover I (1681)
Lowenthal, Cynthia. Performing Identities on the Restoration Stage Carbondale:
Southern Illinois University Press, 2003, pp. 1-34.

Tragedy & Tragicomedy: the (im)purity of (a) dramatic form


A controversial dramatic form: Tragicomedy. Baroque mixture of

heterogeneous elements: the encroachment of generic limits.
Receptions, genesis, definitions. Tragicomedy and the restoration
critics. Evanescent forms. Structural split: platonic, idealistic,
heroic plot v. anti-romantic, pragmatic, comic plots. Thematic

disjunction, formal symmetry. Between regicide and restoration:

the political function of Restoration tragicomedies.
READ: John Dryden: Marriage A-la-Mode (1673)
Maguire, Nancy Klein. Tragicomedy. In Fisk, Deborah Payne (ed), The Cambridge
Companion to English Restoration Theatre. Cambridge University Press, 2000, pp. 86-106.

Sensuous appetites: rakes, fops and the elaborate adventure of sexual



Carolean comedy . The libertines aesthetics of natural love.

Cavalier rakes v. cuckolds and fops. Transgressive comic figures (the
fool, the jester, garrulous women). Cynical doctrines of hedonistic
appetite. The contrast of rural and metropolitan values.

READ: William Wycherley, The Country Wife (1675)
Canfield, J. Douglas. Nubile Tricksters Land Their Men. In Tricksters & Estates: On
the Ideology of Restoration Comedy Lexington, Ky.: University Press of Kentucky, 1997, pp.


Conclusions: William Congreve and the Restoration comedy of manners


The mixt way of comedy: between Fletcherian wit v. Jonsonian

humour. The savagery of Congreves satire. The attractiveness of
evil. Vestigial and reformed rakes.

READ: William Congreve: The Way of the World (1700)

G. Modul de evaluare:
Assessment Guidelines:

CLASS PARTICIPATION AND ATTENDANCE: required (75%). Penalties will not be
imposed for your first absence; thereafter, the 10% from your final course grade will drop one
grade for each session missed. Excessive absences may, nevertheless, result in failure of the


A. LEADING CLASS DISCUSSION: Students may sign up individually or in pairs to give
presentations of a particular play and to initiate discussion for one of the sessions. Students
leading discussion will be directed in advance as to the focus of their discussion questions.
They may opt for waving the home assignment.
This will be a 3-page assignment (probably due at the end of the semester), requiring you
to comment on a suggested topic (discussed in the previous classes). You will receive the
instructions two weeks ahead of the deadline.
H. Detalii organizatorice, gestionarea situaiilor excepionale:
Plagiarism will incur failure of the examination for this seminar and the main course on the
Literature of the Restoration and the Enlightenment periods.
The grade from this seminar (Restoration Drama) will count as 33% of the final grade for the
Course on The Literature of the Restoration and the Enlightenment periods.
I. Bibliografia opional:
Optional Reading Material
Part 1 of the Reader (specially designed for this course) contains, COMPULSORY texts,
while Part 2 of the Reader, as you will notice, comprises OPTIONAL/SECONDARY reading
material book chapters and articles which provide background and explication for the
topics analysed. Although the Optional texts are obviously not required reading, you may
choose to consult them, since they give you relevant material for preparing your
presentations. For those students who feel they need further investigation of particular topics,
I can make supplementary secondary bibliography available to them on request.
Apart from the Optional Bibliography included in the Reader (2), in the list below you can
find further surveys of Restoration Drama. These books are available at the English Library
of the Faculty of Letters. Students are also warmly encouraged to consult other alternative
bibliographical sources, which can be found at the British Council Library or in the Online
Databases of the Central University Library in Cluj-Napoca (for instance, Literature Online,
11. Daiches, David. A Critical History of English Literature. London: Secker & Warburg,

12. Day, Martin S. History of English Literature 1660-1837. New York: Doubleday & Co.,
13. Mudure, Mihaela Istorie si literatura. Dacia: Napoca Star, 2001.
14. DeMaria, Robert (ed). British Literature 1640-1789. A Critical Reader. Oxford:
Blackwell, 1999.
15. Zwicker, Steven N. The Cambridge Companion to English Literature 1650-1740.
Cambridge University Press, 1998.

Titular de curs,
Lect. Dr. Carmen Borbely

Prof. dr. Corin Braga

Sef de catedra,
Prof.dr. Mihai Zdrenghea

Titular curs,
Lect. Dr. Carmen Borbely

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