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Geometry, Number, Music and Cosmology are the basic universal

languages found in every culture. This material can be used as

an introduction to metaphysics which is concerned with
explaining the ultimate nature of being and the world. The
mathematical order to the intrinsic nature of the universe
produces revelations and coincidences associated which inspire
our spirit and delight our souls,
Before the development of modern science, scientific questions
were addressed as a part of metaphysics known as "natural
philosophy"; the term "science" itself meant "knowledge". The
Scientific Revolution, however, made natural philosophy an
empirical and experimental activity unlike the rest of philosophy,
and by the end of the eighteenth century it had begun to be
called "science" in order to distinguish it from philosophy.
Metaphysics therefore became the philosophical enquiry into
subjects beyond the physical world. Natural philosophy and
science may still be considered topics of metaphysics, if the
definition of "metaphysics" includes empirical explanations.
Cosmology is the branch of metaphysics that deals with the
world as the totality of all phenomena in space and time.
Historically, it has had quite a broad scope, and in many cases
was founded in religion. The ancient Greeks did not draw a
distinction between this use and their model for the cosmos.
However, in modern use it addresses questions about the
Universe which are beyond the scope of physical science. It is
distinguished from religious cosmology in that it approaches
these questions using philosophical methods
The sacred comes from the Pythagorean notion of the ability of
geometrical pattern and arithmetical canon to invoke
corresponding spiritual influences. Not everyone who catalogues
and writes about sacred geometry considers geometry itself to
be inherently spiritual; for some of us, sacred geometry is an
adjunct to the study of archaeology, architecture, art history,
comparative religion, anthropology, archaeoastronomy, or
geometry itself.
Water molecules, carbon atoms, proteins, viruses, cells, and
tissues are able to facilitate their purpose in the cycle of life
because of their geometrical design. These organisms ability to
stabilize mechanically is due to their connectedness to a frame of
triangles, pentagons and hexagons.
A contemporary usage of the term sacred
geometry describesNew Age and occult assertions of a
mathematical order to the intrinsic nature of the universe.
Scientists see the same geometric and mathematical patterns

arise directly from natural principles.

The main precept of Islam is the unity and oneness of Allah

and the importance of worshipping only Allah and not any
statues or other beings. However, as humankind tends to
believe what is visible, even in Islam, importance is often
placed on physical representations of worship.
During the time of Ibn Sina, it was classified as
mathematical sciences. Today, not surprisingly, geometry
resides purely in the physical domain (Nasr, p.215).
However, many people still consider geometry a religious
science. In fact, Islamic religious architectural design is
based on sacred geometry. Many spiritual and miraculous
concepts are represented in the geometrical patterns of
Islamic buildings. These images include geometric patterns
of the cells of our bodies,
plant-forms, and geological
structures hence the
statement geometry is God
Geometry can even affect the
mechanical function of a place
of worship. Mechanically, the
domes of Islamic madressas
and mosques are power
enhancers. A whisper on one
side of a sound-reflected
domed-building is easily heard
because the sound is focused
towards the center of the
Geometry used to be a
spherical shape. This principle philosophy
applies to all forms of energy
under a dome: a concave lens, dish antennaes and
electromagnetic waves (integraton, p.1). Referring to domes
in Islamic architecture traveler Brian Wingate pondered The
designs are so intricate and geometric that they seem to
turn in endlessly upon themselves, inviting your own mind to
do the same (Wingate, p.1).
Furthermore, Arab and Muslim builders who adopted the
dome from previous traditions in their buildings introduced
other concepts to Islamic architecture as well. Their intention
has been to make the non-physical, physical, through
craftsmanship and artistry using local materials.

the golden mean, PHI & Fibonacci numbers

Fibonacci numbers starts 0,1,1,2,3,5... Each term is the sum of
the previous two. The Fibonacci sequence is most intimately
related to the golden mean, 1.6180... and the inverse golden
mean, .6180... The dividend of any two sequential Fibonacci
numbers approximates the inverse golden mean, while the
dividend of any two reverse sequential Fibonacci numbers
approximates the golden mean. The fraction is simply inverted to
yield its inverse. The larger the Fibonacci numbers, the more
exact the approximation of the golden mean:
Thus 1/2 = .5 2/3 = .666... 3/5 = .6 5/8 = .625
But 8/13 = .615... 13/21 = .619... 21/34 = .6176... 34/55 = .

If you copy the Golden

Mean Spiral several times

and use the same center
point, then place it in a
circle, you obtain another
means of viewing a
vortex. This can also be
done with any calculable
spiral such as the
Fibonacci spiral.

View of the same vortex

from an angle with

Looking at the Golden

Mean from the side.
Zero Point
As is Above, So is Below

Zero Point

The dimensional properties that adhere to the ratio of 1.618

occur repeatedly in nature. Examples are as various as mollusk
shells and the shapes of gallaxies containing billions of stars.
When u sed in technical analysis, the golden ratio is most often
translated into three percentages: 38.2%, 50%, and 61.8%.
However, other multiples can be used, such as 23.6%, 161.8%,
423%, and so on. The Fibonacci sequence is applied to finance to
predict market movements.
Leonardo Pisano, better known by his nickname, Fibonacci, was
an Italian mathematician born in Pisa in the 12th
century introduced to Europe and popularized the Hindu-Arabic
number system (also called the decimal system). He contributed
greatly to number theory, and during his life published many
important texts. He is also known for the Fibonacci Series, a
numerical series found frequently in the natural world.
It is said that he first produced his discovery based upon
observations of the Great Pyramid of Gizeh in Egypt.

The Fibonacci sequence is generated by adding the previous two

numbers in the list together to form the next and so on and so
on.(1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55...). Divide any number in the
Fibonacci sequence by the one before it, for example 55/34, or
21/13, and the answer is always close to 1.61803. This is known
as the Golden Ratio.Starting with 5, every second Fibonacci
number is the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle with
integer sides, or in other words, the largest number in a
Pythagorean triple.
Law of Attraction

Just Say No to the materialistic school of thinkers

Were it not pitiable, it would be amusing to glance

at the presumptuous, complacent, smug, selfsatisfied position of the materialistic school of
thinkers, who would brush aside as a foolish
delusion that which many of the wisest men of a
past age have accepted and taught as the truth.
Practical Mental Influence by William Walker Atkinson
The modern "know-it-alls" would sneer contemptuously at facts
that are known to be of actual occurrence in the daily lives of
thousands of intelligent people, and which the experience of
humankind has demonstrated for many centuries, in all lands
and all races.
The trouble lies in the dogmatic assumption of the materialistic
school that what is known as "mind" is merely some peculiar
action of the material brain, some writers even holding that "the
brain secretes thought, just as the liver secretes bile." They
refuse to see that the operation of Mind is a manifestation of
energy known as electricity, magnetism, light, heat, gravitation,
cohesion, etc. Because mental energy does not register the
vibrations of these lower forms of energy, they conclude that the
higher mental energy does not exist. Having formulated a theory
to suit their materialistic conceptions, they try to ignore all facts
not consistent with their theory. If they find a fact that will not
squeeze into their narrow theory well, "so much the worse for
the fact," as a writer has said and they promptly ignore or
dispute it.
What Pythagoras likely learned in Egypt
The initiate earned a place among his peers as a graduate of
The Right Eye of Horus. His education presented The Language
of Vibration which understands and communicates in left
brain... logical memory and is taught in such a way as to lend
Right brain (aesthetic) attention to detail . In Geometry for
instance, the initiate learned there were two genders of lines:
the curved feminine ... and the straight masculine. Geometry,
Astronomy, Astrology, and Symbolism were taught through
ideas of duality or the Dwat with two specific vantage points at
every detail...male and female. Seeing inside was just as
important as seeing outside. Thinkers expressed ideas of spirit
cause or fiat lux(first light)...and spoke of Primordial Light
energies which presented the instructions for this wave form

A matched Platonic-solids set of five dice, (from the top)

tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron and
icosahedron. These are five perfect 3-dimensional forms -The
tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron, and
icosahedron. Collectively these are known as The Platonic
Solids -- and are the foundation of everything in the physical
world. Modern scholars ridiculed this idea until the 1980's,
when Professor Robert Moon at the University of Chicago
demonstrated that the entire Periodic Table of Elements -literally everything in the physical world -- is based on these
same five forms!

The most common non-cubical dice often sold

in sets of five or six that are each differently
shaped but with the same pair of background and
marking colors include one each of the five
Platonic solids, which are highly symmetrical.
Traditionally, a die is seldom seen alone, and is
rather one of a pair of identical dice that are sized
to be comfortably rolled or thrown, together, from
a user's hand. Dice were probably originally made
from the ankle bones (specifically the talus or
"astragalus") of hoofed animals (such as oxen),
colloquially known as "knucklebones" Even today
in English, dice are sometimes colloquially
referred to as "bones", as in "shake them bones"
The oldest known dice were excavated as part of
a 5000-year-old backgammon set, at the Burnt
City archeological site in south-eastern Iran.
The Mathematical Theory of Synchronicity
the unus mundus of Jung & Pauli

explained by Marie Louise Von Franz

Certain authentic mathematical structures can originate

in the unconscious even though Western number theory
has traditionally followed a very different path. It is
pointed out that the unconscious knows things- things of the
past and future. This breaks out into the conscious world in
dreams and in synchronicity. There is a vast matrix of symbolic
meaning in the unconscious and when you energize one nexus,
one archetype, other related archetypes sympathetically
resonate with it. These resonations break out into the "real"
world of the day-to-day conscious in the form of seemingly
causeless synchronicity.

This book presents

5 easy to
lectures given by
psychologist and
Latin scholar M. L.
von Franz.
Her most challenging
book on the
subject,Number and
Timewhile among
her most obscure
[she called it, a
rather unreadable
book] could well be
her most important.
C.J.Jung and Wolfgang Pauli came to hold that the realm of
mind, psyche, and the realm of matter, physics, are
complementary aspects of the same transcendental reality, the
unus mundus. They asserted that archetypes act as the
fundamental dynamical patterns whose various representations
characterize all processes, whether mental or physical. In the
realm of psyche, archetypes organize images and ideas; in the
realm of physics, they organize the structure and
transformations of matter and energy and account for acausal
orderedness, as well. Furthermore, archetypes acting
simultaneously in both the realms of psyche and physics were

held to account for instances of synchronistic phenomena.

Jung said that number may well be the most primitive element
of order in the human mind...thus we define number
psychologically as an archetype of order which has become
conscious. The archetypes primarily represent dynamical units
of psychic energy. In preconscious processes they assimilate
representational material originating in the phenomenal world
to specific images and models, so that they become
introspectively perceptible as psychic happenings.
Von Franz examined ancient Chinese number systems, and
concluded that the Chinese did not use numbers as
quantitative sets but as emblems or symbols: Numbers thus
serve chiefly to make visible the circumstantial individual
aspects of the cosmic unity or whole.(p. 41) Chinese numbers
also contained an essential relation with time: In China,
numbers signify organizations which vary in time, or transient
ensembles of inner and outer factors within the worldtotality.(p. 41-2)
von Franz postulated that representations of this quaternion
provide the dynamical patterns which underlie all processes of
perception and symbol formation in the psyche and account for
the structure and transformation of matter and energy in the
physical world.
"Jung asserted that number forms the particular
element which unites the realms of psyche and matter.
It is real in an archetypal, qualitative sense and a
quantitative sense, uniting the imaginal and physically
knowable. The psychic dynamics of the concept of
number appear archetypally as its "transgressive"
aspect in the realm of matter. Numbers above the
threshold of consciousness appear as quantitative
discontinuities and qualitative individual numbers. But
according to the Jungians, in the unconscious they
interpermeate and overlap participating in the one
continuum that runs through them all. Thus, we find
certain synchronicities in the Syndex number wheel
mandalas, creating metaphysical and empirical
This could become the means for the development of a postCartesian archetypal science in which a unified inquiry into the
nature of mind and matter could take place. We would still
celebrate Carnaval as our best example of unus mundos or
diversity in unity.

Carl Jung believed

in the unity of the
psychological and
material worlds,
i.e., they are one
and the same,
just different
manifestations. He
also believed that
this concept of
the unus
mundus could be
through research
the archetypesof
the natural
numbers. Due to
his age, he turned
the problem over
to Marie von
Franz.[2] Von
Franz, in 1968,
was the first to
publish that the
structure of DNA
is analogous to
that of the I
Ching. She cites
the reference to
the publication in
an expanded
essay Symbols of
the Unus Mundus,
published in her
book Psyche and
Matter.[1]Two of
her books,Number
Timeand Psyche
and Matter deal
with this research.

atios discoverable

from geometry
underly music,cos
mology, and other
features of the
natural universe.
Some of the most
geometric forms
ascribed to sacred
geometry include
the sine wave,
the vesica piscis,
the 5platonic
the torus (donut),
the golden spiral,
the tesseract (4dimensional
cube), and
themerkaba (2
oriented and
golden spirals.
The golden ratio,
geometric ratios,
and geometric
figures were often
used in the design
of Egyptian,
Indian,Greek and
e. Medieval
cathedrals also
, Egyptian
numerals, Eye of

Religion and
Theology is the
study of God and
the Nature of the
Divine. Is there a
many Gods
(polytheism) or no
Gods (atheism)?
Does the Divine
intervene directly
in the world
(theism), or is its
sole function to be
the first cause of
the universe
(deism)? Are God
and the World
ism) or are they
These are the

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