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pursuits c ats,

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Bjt Mary Hendersott

Pho to s b2 Sarnantha Ho?sard Foi"Y

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Ever\ronc ftas sop're\\,herc rhcv bclong. When tl-rinking of high school sPorts, lllost
think of ,rrl-rleres belonging on ;r ficlcl or 11 collrt. Hou,ever, there is al grotlP of Rich-
proncl Hill Hieft Scfiool srucienrs u.ho belone some\\'here con-rpletell' c]iflererlt...ol1

r6e rvrrrcr! T|-re Ric[propc{ Hill Srrilipg Te,rnr beg,rr-r sevcn yerlrs elgo. During thesc sev-

cn yerrrs, thcv harve rigoroush,prrrcticccl ,rtrcJ tr;rveled to colttPete itr regarttrls ;lt Vatriotts
locartions; c\rc1 ats frtr a1\\/i.1\/ lrs Cotrpccticttt!
Sarililg rcclgires jLlsr irs mtrch nlcnt,rl, emotionrrl, ,rncl physic;tl cJeclicat'tion rrs the
ot6er, rnore colnllron sports. Tivice rr u'eek, c{epencling on the u'e,r[her, the Richtnoncl
Hill Saililg Tcanr parcks in rheir r,;ur ,rfrer school ,rncJ trrrvels to Sunbtlr\/ to prrrctice ol-I
the Medway River. Once there, they prePare their boats and
hit the warter!
By simply observing the team, it was easy to tell thart sail-
ing is rnuch diftbrent than fbotball, softball, b,rsebarll, and bas-
- ketball. The precision needed to stay rrfloat, urttch less rtrce
around, comes with a lot of hrrrcl rvork and ,rn ,rbutrcla.nce of
pracrice. The constant chatter betrveen the skipper ernd the
crew ro keep the boat balanced and hitting the marrks is ex-
rensive. Not just anyone can hop in a sailbo;rt and sttcceed.
It certarinly makes sense that the teaur h,rs a classroom session
before setting sail on the water.
The mernbers of this year's team have aill been sailing fbr
var.rying amoltnts of time. "My brother encourag.d me to stetrt
sailing ,rnd I'm re,rlly glad I did. I love it," says Tiadd Stephens,
who hnrs been sailing fot four years now.
Teanl captain Devon Rodhe said of her fhvorite part o[
- };.^ *]iF;-:;,
sailing, "I like the competition. On ar-ry given Saturday, we alre
up early, rolling out of Richmond Hill no later than 6:30am.

The regattas usually begin at gatn and we race Lrntil 4 or 5prn.


There is no better way to spend a Satr-rrday afternoon!"

Throughour all of the regattas and practices, the Sariling
Tearn has ernerged fiorn a team to a farnily. "It's like ollr own
Kathryn Johnson and Austin
Schneider training far an little familyJ' Kelly Muhlenburg shares. "Everyone knows one
upcomffig race.
anorher well, and we have all become great friends that colt-
tinually support one another, which makes the entire sarilirtg

experience even more worthwhile."

Just like a farnily, rhe Sailing Tearn mernbers are continu-

ally teaching one another irnportarlt lifb lessons. Devon Rod-
he says, "It's hard to think of what sailing hasn't taught nre. I
Being transported to
their sai/boafs, Dana have definirely learned to have a competitive spirit while bc-
Rohde, Kelly Muhlenberg,
Cayman Cardiff, and Austin ing able to deal with a loss. The sport has given me confic{ence
Schneider. and naurical knowledge. It has arlso given lne an arppreci;rrion
for my family, who l-ras given Llp a lot of time to stlpPort lne.
I'm positive thar I would not be the person I am roclay if I hacl
never gotten in ar sarilboat."
\, Tradd Stephens, Kelly Contrary to popr-rlar belief, not everyone who plar.ys al

Muhlenberg, Kathryn
Johnson, Devon Rohde, sporr belongs on a field. The Richmond Hill Sailing Team
Dana Rohde, and Austin does an excellent job of providing its members wirl-r al sense
Schneider at the Coasf
Guard Regatta (2009). of belonging ,rnd ar fteling of great irchievelnent. Sailing hers

allowecl these kids to go against the forv, both in er litertrl ,rnd

,r figurative way.
tV.y to go, Sailcats !

Editor's lVote: Tltis l€t17", tlte Sttilc,tts tt,ill host and nttencl seuerul
re{dttns dncl u,ou/d dppreci,tte your suppnrL _loin tbezrt April I0tlt
dztd I I tb Jbr tlte district t-ltttnrpionsltip. For nrore inform'ztion ort

t b e S n i / t' tt ts, t' o rt ttt c t J e tt n n e fuf u lt I e n b e rg@ c o 77t c /1 s t. n a t


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