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It's a strange story, recounted as a sailing ship was discovered unmanned
The story of the Mary Celeste is considered the greatest maritime mystery
of all time. On December 4, 1872, the ship was discovered floating in the
middle of the Atlantic Ocean. The crew had simply vanished. The ship had
sustained no damage, was not at risk of sinking, and was stocked with food
and supplies. The lifeboat was missing, but there's no indication of why the
crew would jump ship, never to be heard of again.
La historia del Mary Celeste es considerada el ms grande misterio martimo
de todos los tiempos. El 4 de diciembre de 1872, el barco fue descubierto
flotando en el medio del Ocano Atlntico. La tripulacin simplemente haba
desaparecido. El barco haba sufrido ningn dao, no estaba en riesgo de
hundimiento, y fue abastecido con alimentos y suministros. El bote
salvavidas faltaba, pero no hay ninguna indicacin de por qu la tripulacin
abandonar el barco, y nunca se supo de l.
It was built in 1861 and called by the name of Amazon in Spencer Island in
Nova Scotia, Canada.
Some thought that the boat had bad luck because his first captain drowned
and also the second during the maiden voyage. After the boat remained
standing until was sold to an American, who made changes and called Mary
Celeste in 1869.
Fue construido en 1861 y llamado con el nombre de Amazon en la Isla
Spencer en Nueva Escocia, Canad.
Algunos pensaban que el barco tena mala suerte porque su primer capitn
muri ahogado e igualmente el segundo durante el viaje inaugural. Despus
el barco permaneci parado hasta que fu vendido a un estadounidense,
quien realiz modificaciones y lo llam Mary Celeste en 1869.
On November 5, 1872 the ship left New York with Captain Benjamin S.
The crew consisted of seven men, besides women and two year old
daughter of Captain. Carrying 1,701 barrels of industrial alcohol to Genoa,

El 5 de noviembre de 1872 el barco sali de Nueva York con el capitn

Benjamn S. Briggs.
La tripulacin consista en siete hombres, adems de la mujer y la hija de
dos aos del capitn. Transportaban 1.701 barriles de alcohol industrial
hasta Gnova, Italia.
A month later, on December 5, around three in the afternoon, the crew of
the Dei Gratia, a ship sailing from New York to Gibraltar saw the ship Mary
Celeste and told authorities
Un mes despus, exactamente el 5 de diciembre, hacia las tres de la tarde,
la tripulacin del Dei Gratia, un barco que navegaba desde Nueva York hasta
Gibraltar vi el barco Mary Celeste y avis a las autoridades
The crew got drunk with alcohol and angry, killed the Captain Briggs, his
wife and daughter, and then fled in the lifeboat. However this is difficult to
believe because of industrial alcohol is deadly
La tripulacin se emborrach con el alcohol y enojados, mataron al capitn
Briggs, a su mujer y a su hija, para despus huir en el bote salvavidas. Sin
embargo esto resulta difcil de creer, porque el alcohol del tipo industrial es

I think that maybe while watching the sea, a strong wind throw them to sea
Yo pienso que talvez mientras miraban el mar, un fuerte viento los tir al

the smell of alcohol was very strong and dangerous, then it caused damage
to his brain that did were launched at sea

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