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Rise of the Independents

116 days ago / Steve Heidenreich

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------As conservative showboating fades and the Lefts tears dry, were left
wondering what really happened. Talking heads have already convinced
themselves the reason behind the shift was a combination of disdain for
Obama, sullen Democrats staying home, and Republicans frothing at the
mouth to vote.
This is what HuffPo actually believes.

But an equal number of Democrats and Republicans turned out to vote, and
only 33% of voters claimed to have turned out to oppose Obama and his
policies. This was instead a temporary shift in allegiance by fickle,
independent voters. Millennials in particular.
Were a strange bunch to the establishment on the Left and Right. Theyre
still befuddled as to how both blue and red states legalized marijuana just as
votes for GOP candidates surged. But while its confusing to them, it all
makes perfect sense to millennial independents like ourselves.
We didnt become Republicans overnight or ever. Were a generation that
leans more libertarian than any other, overwhelmingly favoring personal
freedoms and a restrained foreign policy, but still a mixed bag on economics.
Supporting large government in polls, unless the poll mentions that that
comes with higher taxes.
So while the ship has sailed on foreign policy and all social issues but
abortion, millennial independents arent yet sold on an economic platform.
We dont care for protectionism and union thuggery the way the Boomers
did; we view the entrepreneurship of the tech industry with admiration, but
then were also attracted to the idea of a comfortable public safety net and
debt forgiveness.
So if youre a Republican, its your job to sell us. Youll have to let go of a few
things. Nobody cares about pot anymore. The gays arent going to cause
earthquakes and tornados. Syria, Iran, and Russia arent going to invade my
backyard. I cant even afford a backyard. Now heres what us millennial
independents do want from you.

A Strong Economy
We dont really care how you do it, but economists have a pretty good idea.
Try cutting regulations and opening industries up to thrive. Lessening
regulatory burden can make a huge difference for growth.
For example, the tech industry hasnt been such a massive success because
we need Angry Birds and iPhones. Its massive successful because its one of
the few industries that hasnt been regulated into oblivion by corporate
lobbyists and nanny-state bureaucrats.
Just think about it. Taxi cab companies have apps, too, but ride-sharing
services like Uber and Lyft are such a massive success because theyre
lightly-regulated in comparison. Lets allow for these sorts of successes in
every other industry.

A Sustainable Safety Net

Weve known for some time that Social Security wont exist by the time we
retire, so were going to have to figure something out. Its a long way off, but
our financial anxiety is enough that were being described as a generation of
Were jumping from internship to internship because because were
desperately searching for security, not because errands and busy work are
exciting. Student loan debt topped $1 trillion a couple years ago, easily
surpassing credit card and auto debt. While we pay off this debt on entrylevel wages, the Democrats Affordable Care Act left us paying significantly
higher premiums to subsidize our bosses and grandparents healthcare.
With federal debt skyrocketing, healthcare costs ballooning, and the birth
rate on the decline, Social Security and Medicare will be broke even earlier
than we imagined. We want a future, so give us sustainable entitlement
programs. Reform these while you still can.
No empty promises, no shell games please. If you needed our money so bad,
and so soon, then you shouldnt have told us to dream big and do what we

love. Our expensive B.A. degrees and unpaid internships arent quite paying
the big bucks yet.

Personal Freedom
The economy is the most important thing to voters right now, but you cant
forget personal liberties. Millennial voters not only expect these, they
demand them.
Four states and D.C. have legalized marijuana now. Rather than continue
raids on marijuana dispensaries as the Obama administration has done, take
legalization in stride. Its not the end of the world.
There are a lot of reasons to not smoke marijuana (I dont, it would slow me
down), but its simply not worth throwing users into jail for it. If you cant get
behind outright legalization, push for decriminalization. At the very least
recognize these states rights to legalize or decriminalize it themselves.
The Left got cocky after so many years of electoral dominance. A major
consequence of this is that they think they can force people to violate their
conscience so long as those people are Christian. Whats the point of a
good economy if you live according to your own conscience?
Whether its forcing Christian photographers/bakers/florists to work for
marriages they dont believe in (then bankrupting them anyway), forcing
nuns to pay for contraception, or forcing Catholic colleges in California to
fund abortions, the Left is going full authoritarian on Christians.
I had been leaning further and further left for years, but it was this assault on
my faith that really made me reconsider. Ive seen a similar shift in Christian
circles as it became clear the Democratic establishment wasnt simply
apathetic about our faith, they were openly antagonistic to it.
Weve taken notice. Catholics as a voting bloc have shifted from center-left to
center-right, and Protestant voters have shifted further to the right.

Meanwhile, politicians like Mark Miloscia, a Democratic State Senator for

years, have switched parties (and won!) after being marginalized for
practicing their faith.
We need an advocate. Someone who will defend us conscientious objectors,
but who wont try to impose Christian values on society as a whole (for the
love of God, no more Mike Huckabees). If you can do this you wont regret it
were enthusiastic, organized and dedicated.
Thats it. Stop celebrating and go do something. And please, PLEASE, we
dont need another repeat of the Bush years.

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