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Metal Science and Heat Treatment

Vol. 51, Nos. 11 12, 2009

UDC 621.74.04


G. V. Dzhandieri,1 T. A. Surguladze,2 D. V. Robakidze,2
M. Sh. Shalamberidze,2 and B. A. Shchukin3
Translated from Metallovedenie i Termicheskaya Obrabotka Metallov, No. 11, pp. 21 27, November, 2009.

Special features and possibilities of increasing the efficiency of the process of direct alloying of steel and alloys by briquettes of carbonate manganese are analyzed. The results of the analysis are used to solve the problem of minimization of the duration of treatment of liquid alloys and ensuring maximum utilization of briquettes fed into the metal by mathematical simulation (prediction) of the effect of external thermophysical factors. Solution of this problem makes it possible to affect the controlled parameters of the production process
(fraction size and initial temperature of the briquettes). The functional dependences of the parameters are used
to develop a structural model of a system for automatic control of the process of direct alloying of alloys.

Keywords: mathematical simulation, process of direct alloying, briquettes of carbonate manganese, automation, structural model.

of alloying elements and elevation of the efficiency of melting equipment, they ensure steady assimilation of the alloying elements by steel and their uniform distribution over the
volume of the latter, which makes it possible to produce alloys with the content of elements close to the bottom limit.
Direct alloying performed with the help of materials
commonly used for the production of corresponding ferroalloys is a more economical and ecological process. Direct
alloying of steel with various elements is performed with the
use of oxides or carbonates of these elements and a reducing
agent that can be a material containing elements possessing
high affinity for oxygen. For example, the process of direct
alloying of steel with manganese is conducted with the use of
an additive in the form of manganese agglomerate and a reducer in the form of secondary aluminum [1, 2]. The process
of alloying in a steel-melting facility or a steel-teeming ladle
is organized so that the melting of briquettes or pellets of the
initial components of the reaction is synchronized with the
process of reduction. Such synchronization is ensured by
strict observation of the technology and use of initial materials of a specified fraction. As a result, the process of reduction of manganese is limited by the time of melting of the
components and by the rate of the chemical reaction. The
rate of removal of the reaction products from the active zone

Widening of the possibilities of liquid-state alloying of
alloys stimulates the use of special alloying compositions
such as exothermal ferroalloys and mixtures for direct alloying. Their dissolution is accompanied by emission of heat.
Exothermic ferroalloys are briquetted mixtures of milled
ferroalloys with thermit (heat-emitting) and fluxing additives. Conventional oxidizers are sodium nitrate or other oxygen salts that interact with aluminum or silicon and emit a
considerable amount of heat. Compositions for direct alloying consist of a mixture of oxides, ores, or concentrates of
various elements, reducing (Al, Si, Ca) and fluxing additives. The interaction of components of such mixtures ensures reduction of the alloying elements during the emission
of heat as a result of metallothermal reactions.
Metallurgists of the USA, Japan, Great Britain, Norway,
and other countries use exothermal mixtures bearing Mn, Cr,
Si, V, Nb, W, and Mo. In addition to such advantages of
exothermal mixtures as compensation of heat for dissolution

Georgian Manganese Company, Zestafoni, Georgia (E-mail:

Tsereteli State University, Kutaisi, Georgia.
OGMet A.O. Elektrovozostroitel, Tbilisi, Georgia.

0026-0673/09/1112-0533 2009 Springer Science + Business Media, Inc.


G. V. Dzhandieri et al.
n, %

Fig. 1. Balance of manganese (1, 2 ) and phosphorus (3, 4 ) in the

production of steel with the use of ferroalloys (1, 3 ) and by the
method of direct alloying (2, 4 ): black columns) irrevocable losses
of phosphorus (to slag); white columns) amount of manganese or
phosphorus that has went into steel.

is higher or equal to the rate of the melting. The time of the

alloying process, for example of carbon steel, in a 400-ton
steel-teeming ladle does not exceed the time from the end of
pouring of the metal from the teeming ladle to the start of its
treatment in the device for final melting.
The process of direct alloying is not accompanied by formation of substantial irrevocable losses, and the degree of
withdrawal of manganese from the agglomerate amounts to
95%; the loss of aluminum, like that of manganese, does not
exceed 5%. The balances of manganese and phosphorus in
the production of steel with the use of ferroalloys and in direct alloying are compared in Fig. 1. It can be seen that the
process of direct alloying permits the use of manganese materials containing phosphorus in an amount 1.5 times higher
than in the case of use of ferroalloys. This makes it possible
to use it in the commercial metallurgical production manganese of carbonate ores, the world resources of which are orders of magnitude higher than those of exhaustible oxide
ores that are the main raw materials for modern production
of manganese ferroalloys.
The efficiency of the process of direct alloying is explainable by appropriate utilization of the heat of exothermic
reduction reactions, elevated rates of melting of the initial
materials, high degree of assimilation of the alloying element, and productive use of the reducer.
The main advantages of the process of direct alloying of
steel with manganese are (1 ) elimination of the production
of ferroalloys, which saves power and reduces harmful emissions, (2 ) use of primary material (manganese agglomerate),
which lowers the cost of ready metal products, because the
total cost of the manganese agglomerate and the reducer is
always lower than the cost of the equivalent amount of manganese in manganese ferroalloys, and (3 ) the possibility of
implementation of the new process at virtually any steelmelting shop without substantial amending of the equipment.
According to the data of [1 4] the process of direct alloying of steel with manganese has been tested in converter
and electric melting shops at large metallurgical plants of the

CIS. Unkilled, semi-killed, killed, carbon, low-alloy, and alloy grades of steel with from 0.5 to 12% manganese have
been melted.
Experience shows that the main factor disturbing stable
implementation of the process of direct alloying is the stochastic nature of the process, i.e., the unsteadiness of the output parameters. This concerns the substantial scattering of
the temperature of the tapped melts, the instability of the initial temperature and of the properties of ladle linings, the inconstancy of the height of filling of the ladles, the variability
of the physicochemical characteristics of the associated slag,
etc. This implies the necessity for an individual approach to
individual heats and hence an individual choice of the inlet
parameters of the process of direct alloying, which becomes
the main problem of its control.
In some cases a very important disturbing factor is a considerable difference in the densities of the briquettes (r =
2.7 3.5 tons/m3 ) and of the liquid melt (r = 6.5
7.0 tons/m3 ). This problem is especially significant when it
is necessary to alloy the metal with refractory elements such
as V, Nb, and W. In these cases the emission of heat in the
briquettes due to metallothermic reducing reactions is lower
than that due to the total transfer of heat from the surface
slag-and-metal layers into the ambient (i.e., the heat balance
is disturbed), which makes it necessary to resort to additional
operations (mixing, surface heating, etc.).
A similar problem arises in direct alloying with manganese contained in carbonate ores. This is explainable by the
endogenic nature of the reducing reaction in the first (initial)
stage, i.e.,
3MnCO3 400

Mn3O4 + CO + CO2 ( Q ).

Under these conditions the method of introduction of briquettes into liquid metal (input under the jet of the metal
tapped into a ladle through a special siphon pipe, etc.) used
for their deep immersion does not substantially affect the efficiency of the process due to rapid damping of the inertial
gravitational flows and floating of the briquettes to the surface of the metal.
Control of the sizes of the briquettes, their initial temperature, and the temperature of superheating of the treated
melt seems to be a more effective measure. Ready briquettes
(Fig. 2a ) have a granulometric size of 70 70 40 mm (TU
U27.4-31329821-007.2005). However, in the process of
preparation and feeding into the melt the briquettes can be affected mechanically and differ quite considerably in their
size. For this reason we used a conventional geometrical
parameter, i.e., the mean radius of the briquettes, for computation.
If mechanical mixing of the pool is impossible, the briquettes with manganese carbonate do not have enough time
for melting and float to the slag layer from the metallic part
of the pool (Fig. 2b ). Due to the lower temperature in this region the reducing reaction yielding drops of alloying ele-

Control of the Process of Direct Manganese Alloying of Alloys

Fig. 2. Appearance of a carbonate manganese briquette (a) and remnants of a briquette in molten slag (b ), 1.5.

ments is decelerated considerably. Without additional external action the process of direct alloying does not develop to
the required degree and it becomes necessary to correct the
chemical composition of the liquid metal, which worsens the
efficiency of the process.
For this reason it is not enough just to vary empirically
the size fractions of the initial materials or to mix them intensely for ensuring the desired rate of melting of the initial
components of the reaction and of the reduction process itself. In order to attain the needed intensity of the meltingand-reducing physicochemical reaction in a manganese-aluminum briquette we should solve the problem of prediction
and appropriate control of the speed of propagation of heat in
the volume of the alloying additive. In our case it is expedient to resort to mathematical simulation of the process of briquette heating, because the inverse solution of the problem
will give us the required values of the main parameters affecting the process, i.e., we will determine the rational temperature of superheating of the alloy, the optimum mean radius, and the initial temperature of the briquettes.
Analytical and computational choice of the rational grain
sizes and of the initial temperature of briquettes makes it
possible to ensure maximum efficiency of the process of direct alloying with minimum duration and without additional
correction of the chemical composition.
Control of the process of direct alloying of alloys with
manganese and minimization of the duration of the treatment
of the melt are especially important in the production of special grades of steels and alloys for continuous casting of preforms.
Review of the relevant literature allows us to single out
studies [4 9], where methods of mathematical simulation
are used to obtain data on the mechanism of melting of various oxidizers and alloying additives with allowance for the
melting heat and for the accompanying thermodynamic and
thermal effects. However, these works consider only individual aspects of the problem of interest. For example, the
mechanism of motion of a ferroalloy additive fed into liquid
metal and the laws of heat exchange during dissolution are
studied well in work [5]. Thermodynamic analysis of the
mechanism of melting and reduction of oxide materials is
performed in [6 9]. Work [4] is devoted to the hydrodynamic aspects of the process, in particular, to a model of motion of metallic drops reduced from briquettes for direct alloying; the authors study the special features of the liquid-


phase reduction of the alloying element and of alloying of

the ladle metal. It should be noted that the analysis performed in [4] is the closest approach to actual problems arising in direct alloying. Thus, simulation of the thermophysical
action of liquid metal on briquettes used for direct alloying
before their heating to the subsolidus temperature range, i.e.,
before the end of the reducing reaction and the start of complete dissolution, presents both theoretical and practical interest.
The aim of the present work consisted in developing a
structural model for a system of automatic control of the process of direct alloying of alloys on the basis of functional
dependences of the process parameters.
Mathematical Simulation of the Process
of Direct Alloying
Propagation of heat in an isotropic body without internal
heat sources is describable by the equation of heat conduction, i.e.,
2u 2u 2u
= a2 2 + 2 + 2 ,

(1, a )

where u = u (t, x, y, z ) is the temperature (in C) at point

M (x, y, z ) at moment t (sec) and a is the thermal diffusivity
We will assume that at the initial moment of time the
temperature at all points is a constant quantity equal to the
temperature in the shop (though this temperature can be
changed by heating or cooling of the briquettes). We will
also assume that the temperature at an arbitrary point of a
briquette depends on the time and on the distance from the
surface layer, i.e., we will search for a central symmetrical
solution. Such equation of heat conduction has the form
2 u 1 u
= a2 2 +
r r

0 r R, t > 0,

(1, b )

where R is the mean radius of a briquette (mm).

We have already noted that the temperature at the initial
moment at all points is constant and equal to u0 ; then the initial condition has the form


= u0 , 0 r R.

(1, c)


G. V. Dzhandieri et al.

Taking into account that the sintered alloying mixture

heats nonuniformly in peripheral zones and in the central
part of the briquette, we can write the boundary condition
mentioned as


= fi (t ),

i = 1, 2, 3.


(1, d )

Finally, the problem of heat propagation in briquettes

(and, accordingly, of the rate of melting and reduction of the
alloying elements) acquires the form
u 1 u
= a2 2 +

r r
u t = 0 = u 0 , 0 r R;
= f i ( t ).

fi (t ) f i ( t ),

Fi (t, r ) =

v r = R = 0,


v t = 0 = gi (r ),


gi (r ) = u0

fi (t ) + v (r, t ),



where v (r, t ) is a function that allows for the perturbing action of the slag-and-metal crust on the surface of the briquette. We finally arrive at
u r
= f i ( t ) + ;
t R


u r
= fi (t ) + ;
r R




2 v 1 v
= a 2 +
r r
v r = R = 0;
= j( r ),

f i ( 0) + v

v t = 0 = u 0 - f i ( 0).


At r = R we get u

v (t, r ) = T (t )f(r ).

f + f
r = l2
a T
f + f + l2 f = 0.

f(r ) = J0 (lr ),



where J0 is a Bessel function of order zero. Introducing (15)

into boundary condition (14), we obtain
f(0)T (t ) = 0.

Since we are seeking a nontrivial solution, we obtain the

following condition for function f:
f(0) = 0,


After this substitution, our equation passes into the

2 v 1 v
+ Fi ( t , r ),
= a2 2 +
r r


Equation (16) is a Bessel equation the solution to which

has the form

= f i ( t ) + v r = R . Whence

v r = R = 0.


In formula (15) T is a function of only one variable t and

f is a function of only the variable r.
We substitute expression (15) into (14) and divide both
parts by T (t ) f(r ) to get




2v 1
1 v

f i ( t ) +
fi (t ) +
= a 2 2 +
r t


where j(r ) is a specified function.

The solution will be sought in the form

Substituting (2), (3), (4), and (5) into formula (1), we obtain

2 v 1 v 1
f i ( t ) - f i ( t );
= a 2 2 +

r t rR

fi (0).

We first solve the problem

In order to get as close as possible to actual production

conditions, problem (1) should be solved using the expression
u (t, r ) =



i.e. J0 (lr ) = 0,


lk = mk /R,

k = 1, 2, 3, ...,

where mk , k = 1, 2, 3, ... are zeros of the Bessel function of

order zero.

Control of the Process of Direct Manganese Alloying of Alloys

Similarly, we write

Then we determine function T from the equation

T a2 l2k T = 0 Tr (t ) = C k e

- a 2 l2 t


, k = 1, 2, 3, ....

gi (Rx ) =

The final particular solution for problem (14), which

meets the boundary condition, is a function
vk (t, r ) = C k e

- a 2 l2 t

J0 m k ,

k = 1, 2, 3, ...

In the case of linearity of function (14) the solution will

be a sum

v (t, r ) =

Ck e

- a 2 l2 t

k =1

J0 m k .

g i(n) =

C k J 0 m k

k =1



xJ 0 (m k x ) j( Rx ) dx,


Let us consider
(9) + (11) + (12), i.e.,





where Fi(n) ( t ) =

Fi(n) ( t ) J 0 (m n x ),
n =1

[ J 0 (m n )] 2

xJ 0 (m n x ) Fi ( t , Rx )dx.

Tn ( t ) - Fin ( t ) J 0 (m n x)

2 2
a mn
Tn ( t ) +
Tn ( t ) = Fin ( t ).
a 2 m n2


Tn (0) = g in .

We expand function Fi (t, r ) with respect to the system of

Bessel functions
Fi (t, r ) =

Tn ( 0) J 0 (m n x ) = n= 1 g in J 0 (m n x )
n =1

where Fi (t, r ) and gi (r ) are determined from formulas (10)

and (13).
The solution to problem (22) will be sought in the form

Tn ( t ) J 0 m n R = n= 1Tn ( t ) J 0 (m n x ).
n =1

In order to meet the initial conditions of problem (22) we

assume that in Eq. (23) t = 0. Then

2 v 1 v
+ Fi ( t , r );
= a 2 +


= g i ( r ),

Tn ( t ) +
n =1

k = 1, 2, 3, ... (21)


Tn ( t ) - n2 J 0 m n + Fin ( t ) J 0 m n

R n =1

n =1

Tn ( t ) J 0 m n R =
n =1

v (t, r ) =


r 1
r m

J 0 m n + J 0 m n + n2 J 0 m n = 0,
R r


We assume that r/R = x; then 0 v 1.

Due to the orthogonal properties of the Bessel function,
we find the following equations from (20):

[ J 0 (m k )] 2

[ J 0 (m n

xJ 0 (m n x ) g i ( Rx )dx.
)] 2

we find

v (0, r ) = j (r ) =

ck =

Substituting equations (24) and (25) into (22) and allowing for the fact that function J0 (mn x ) is the solution to the
Bessel equation

In order to meet the initial condition, we substitute (19)

into the initial condition of problem (14), i.e.,

g i(n) J 0 (m n x );

n =1



Thus, in order to predict the heating and reducing process in briquettes in direct alloying of steels and alloys it is
necessary to solve problem (26) + (27) and substitute the result into equation (23). Then we obtain the solution to the initial problem (1).
We assume that the moment of softening of briquettes
and of the beginning of the process of aluminothermal reduction and thus of the initiation of the process of direct alloying
is the time when the temperature in the core of the briquette
attains the melting point of aluminum. The final stage is the
moment the reduction reaction ends and the beginning of dissolution of the briquette in liquid metal (transfer to slag),
which corresponds under the given conditions to the temperature of 1200C in the center of the briquette.
With allowance for the economic criteria for evaluation
of the efficiency of production processes, i.e., from the standpoint of minimization of the time of the out-of-furnace treatment of liquid metal, the problem stated initially requires
substitution of the desired time of direct alloying into formula (1). As we have already mentioned, this allows us to


G. V. Dzhandieri et al.
t, C
T ( f (t))


U ( f (t))

M ( f (m))

R ( f (r))

1 1


u, r ( f (T, U, R, M ))





t, min








Fig. 3. Computed (1, 2 ) and experimental (1 , 2 ) curves of variation of surface (1, 1 ) and core (2, 2 ) temperatures of briquettes in
the process of direct alloying of steel.

determine the maximum permissible mean radius and minimum permissible initial temperature of briquettes in the inverse solution of the problem.
Problem (1) was simulated mathematically using a personal computer and Maple7 software.
Experimental data for estimating the adequacy of the
model were obtained by contact measurement of the temperature of briquettes containing 75% Mn and 30 35% Al
(the remainder is fluxing and volatile substances satellite in
the carbonate manganese ore, SiO2, CaO, MgO, CO2, etc.).
TKhA(K) and TPR thermocouples with quartz protective
covers were installed into the briquettes. The experiment was
performed in an IST-0.16 induction furnace of the foundry of
the Elektrovozostroitel Company (Tbilisi, Georgia) when
the first melting stage had ended and the furnace stopped.
The temperature of the liquid pool was also measured by the
contact method (by TVR thermocouples).
The experiments have shown that briquettes commonly
float in the slag layer for 0.2 0.25 min after feeding to the
ladle and their central zone heats to the slag temperature after
1.5 1.8 min. Due to the necessity for taking into account
the temperature losses to the transformation (i.e., the thermal
reduction) of manganese carbonates into oxides, the desired
time of the last endogenic reaction was assumed to be equal
to the 0.25-min residence of the briquettes in the metal.
Using the inverse solution to equation (1) under conditions
of direct alloying of steel 35 at an initial temperature of
1550C we obtained a mean radius R = 15 mm and an initial
temperature of the briquettes equal to T = 250C.
Figure 3 presents computed and experimental curves of
heating (melting) of briquettes with mean radius of 15 mm
and initial temperature of 250C. It can be seen that according to the computed data the temperature of the beginning of
the reduction equation (the melting point of aluminum is
660C) at the periphery and in the center of a briquette is attained in 34 and 63 sec, whereas experiment gives 26 and
52 sec respectively. The time of the beginning of complete
dissolution, i.e., of the end of segregation of the alloying ele-

Fig. 4. Structural model of a system for automatic control of the
process of direct alloying of alloys: T ( f (t ))) unit for controlling the
initial temperature of liquid alloy; U ( f (t ))) unit for controlling the
initial temperature of briquettes; R ( f (r ))) unit for controlling the
granulometric composition of briquettes; M ( f (m )) unit for controlling the mass of liquid alloy; u, r ( f (T, U, R, M ))) functional unit
for determining the initial temperature and granulometric composition of briquettes; SPFCB) system for providing desired fraction
composition of briquettes; SHTB) system for heat treatment of briquettes; SFB) system for feeding briquettes into liquid metal;
CTLM) volume control of the temperature of liquid metal; PSTLM)
system for treatment of liquid metal; CCC) control of the chemical
composition of metal and slag; PSPMC) process system for preparing metal for casting.

ment in the metal and transition of the byproducts into slag,

fluctuates within 2 2.5 min. According to these data the adequacy of the model can be estimated at 80%, which seems
to be satisfactory under the assumptions used.
Automation of Control of the Process of Direct Alloying
The most effective way for implementation of control of
the process of direct alloying of steels and alloys with briquettes with carbonate manganese is its automation on the
basis of the developed mathematical model.
A structural model of the system of automatic control is
presented in Fig. 4. The units for control of the initial temperature of liquid alloy T ( f (t )), the temperature of the briquettes U ( f (t )), the granulometric composition of the briquettes R ( f (r )), and the mass of liquid metal M ( f (m ))
transfer the information on the variable input parameters
of the production process to the functional unit u,
r ( f (T, U, R, M )), where a computer equipped with the developed mathematical model determines the rational granulometric composition and the optimum initial temperature
of the briquettes. The corresponding signals are transferred
into the systems for providing the required fraction composition (SPFCB) and heat treatment of the briquettes (SHTB).
At the moment of preparation of briquettes the signal is
transferred to the system for feeding briquettes (SFB), which
ensures gravitational dosed charging of briquettes into the
liquid melt.

Control of the Process of Direct Manganese Alloying of Alloys

Unit CTLM transfers the information on the volume temperature of the treated alloy to the comparison block, which
stores information on the initial temperature of the liquid
metal from unit T ( f (t )). The signal about the change in the
temperature of the alloy is transferred to the system for treating liquid melt (TSTLM) which is interconnected with the
system for feeding briquettes SFB. If necessary, the mentioned signal in the SFB initiates correction of the speed of
the feeding and of the temperature of the briquettes. In its
turn, the unit for controlling the chemical composition of
metal and slag (CCC) transfers signals on the results of the
occurrence of the process of direct alloying to the system for
treatment of liquid melt (PSTLM) and thus forms the current
(new) reference data for the system for feeding briquettes
(SFB). Based on the initial conditions and technical requirements on the treated steel (or alloy), this system performs final regulation of the process of feeding of briquettes and
stops the feeding if necessary. The alloyed metal with the
specified temperature and chemical composition is fed to the
system for preparing the metal for casting (PSPMC).
1. A method and a mathematical model have been developed for control of the process of direct alloying of alloys
with briquettes with manganese carbonate and analytical prediction and rational regulation of the granulometric composition and of the initial temperature of the briquettes. It becomes possible to ensure the maximum attainable rate of
melting of briquettes and of reduction of the leading element
without external action. The duration of treatment of the alloys is thus minimized and the efficiency of the process of direct alloying on the whole is increased.
2. In the case of alloying of a melt with initial temperature of 1530 20C the optimum mean diameter of bri-


quettes with manganese carbonate (35% Mn) is 30 mm and

their initial temperature is 250C.
3. The suggested structural model for a system of automatic control of the process is universal and can be implemented both in the production of cast iron and steel and in
the production of special grades of high-quality alloys.
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