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Part One: Rehumanizing Business

The New Era of Human-to-Human Business

Finding a Better Word for Innovation.
Remember when the word paradigm was killed in the dot-com era? How
about synergy edgy or the prefix e- these expressions all died from
the same disease: overuse.
Now, the word innovation has been uttered so many times that it has lost
its breath, meaning, and resonance.
A quick glance at death by burnout: there were 33,528 mentions of
innovation in quarterly and annual reports last year alone; 255 new books
published in one recent 90 day period had innovation in the title.
According to a recent Cap Gemini study, four in 10 executives claim to be a
chief innovation officer. Yet the findings show a dark side. Most of the
executives interviewed admit that the title is for appearances and that
there is not a clear strategy for their innovation efforts.
A consulting industry now exists to aid innovation efforts, with project costs
ranging from $30,000 to $1 million.
Even business schools try to squeeze life out of the tired phrase 28 percent
of them note innovation in their mission statements alone.
In plain language, the word innovation has been hijacked by the
unimaginative, the posers, and the lemmings of the business community.
While scholars split hairs about the various types of innovations, the mere
fact that they are arguing the topic means that its dead.
Leading companies define the market. They define the market by following a
process that recreates market expectations, creating a leadership position.
Meaning gets created by the language used to describe this naturally
occurring process with companies who strive to grow.
Then, the problem starts. All the followers use the language of the few
leaders, because they lack the will to create in the first place. Its sickening,
really. Language creates meaning and expectations and the world of
business understands this basic human truth less than most other fields.
Readers, can we make a deal? Can we create a movement? Can we redefine
innovation? It used to be such a strong word, but has been watered down to
the point of meaninglessness.
What is the thrust behind this word, anyway?

Where we work, we define it as Strategic Growth. Yet, other concepts could

always fill the void.
How about Value Generation? Is that what is at stake?
Invention? Or is this too imbued with overtones of mystical pseudo science?
Smart Business? Planning? Market foresight? Trend creation?
Help. Innovation has died from exhaustion, overuse, and misuse. Innovation,
as a label, has died.
Business continues. Welcome to the creative process. Lead. Name it yourself.
Long live ______.

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