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ESTADO LIBRE ASOCIADO DE PUERTO RICO Oficina del Gobernador JUNTA DE PLANIFICACION PUBLIC Solicitud Certtiacion de Compatiblidad Federal (€7-2015.0003-066 Permiso General SAIS USACE: SAJ-2013-02947 ‘A.auién pueda interesar: Ea conformidad con las Soccones 306 (8) 1d y 307 (8) (A) de Ia Ley Federal de ‘Manejo de la Zona Costanera del 27 de octubre de 1972 sogin enmeadada, uoremoe informal quo ia Fanta de Planificaién tiene ante su cosideracién [a sguiente Cerificacion de Campatibildad Federal eon el Programa de Manejo de Ia Zona Costanera de Puerto Rico (PMZCPR): Peoponente: Departamento de Recursos Naturales y Ambientales essrinsidn: £1 Cuerpo de Ingeneros de los Estados Unidos (USACE por ss siglas en inglés) propone esablecer el permiso general SAJ-81, para dart al Departamento de Recursos Naturales y Ambientales (DRNA) la autordad de administar el mismo, de tal manera que eta agencia pueda llevar a cabo los dragades de man‘enimiento requerdos en ln desembocadura de Tos ros, quebradas, canales y drenajespluviles donde sea requcrdo. El propésito de estos dapados, es remover laarona 0 sedimentas que se acimulan en la desembocadura de los Cuerpos de agua para yestaurar el fy noml de los mismosy prevent o rinimizar problemas de insndacign en Jas comunidades y éreas urbanas vulnerables, Este permiso incuye 24 condiciones especiales que deben ser satisfechas pera que aplique el mismo. Las condiciones expovale esta detalladas en el borradar del permiso SAJ-S1, que se incluye como ancj de est avis. Localizacién: Bl permiso propuesoaplicarien todos los municipio costeos de Pusrto ico, El borrador del pemmiso estar dsponibie a panr dele fecha de notficacon de este aviso para su revisén de ‘compatibildad con las poliicas pablices del PMZCPR en el Subprograna de Planes de Usos de Terrenos, ania de Planificaciin, Piso 15 del Centro Gubernamental Roberto Stocher Vilella (antes Minillas), Torre Norte, Ave. de Diego, Santurce, entre 8:00 AM a 4:30 PM, de lunes a viernes. También puede acceder al borrador del perniso SAJ-81 a través del portal de la Junia‘de Planifcicién, bajo el icone de Bvaluacién Ambiental ena direccidn: wp.prgov Para someter comentarios referent a esta sliitd tend un peiodo de quince (1S) das e paris de la cha de ‘notifieacin de este aviso. Todo comentario debera diriirse por escrito Oficina de ia Secretaria Junta de Panificacién P.O, Box 41119 San Tuan, Puorto Rico 00940-1119 ‘Favor de haoer referencia al nimero dela slicitad en su comespondencia. Para cualquier pregunta reftrente a ‘este asuto, puede comunicarse con Rose A. Onizal 722-0101 ext. 16012 CetiScoy Notfcohoy,_14 ABR 2015 Tia ett , Soma fo Eee Stee eaoneacon Dooumentos Digitalizados tno Feeta__ A124] 1S DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY MeXSONVLE DSTRICT CORPS OF ENGNEERS anes OFrCE {co FERNANDEZ JUNEDS AVENUE 0 Jun, PUERTO ooo S208 ed October 1, 2014 Regulatory Divison [North Permits Branch Aastilles Section PROGRAMMATIC GENERAL PERMIT SAJ-81 ‘SAI-2013-02947 MAINTENANCE DREDGING THE MOUTHS OF RIVERS, CREEKS, STREAMS, CANALS "AND/OR STORM DRAINAGES LOCATED IN NAVIGABLE WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES, BY THE PUERTO RICO DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES (DNER) IN THE COMMONWEALTH OF "PUERTO RICO. ‘Upon recommendation of the Chie? of Enginets, pursuant o Section 10 ofthe Rivers and Hisbors Act of 1899 (3 U.S.C 403), general authority is give tote Puerto Rio Deparment ‘of Natural and Environmental Resources (DNER) o administer this permit for maintenance dredging at the mouts of ives, creeks, steams, canals nd/or stom dns in navigable waters ofthe United Stats wit the purpose of rexoring nomal low a themouth a the waterway trough the removal of sand and accumulated sediment, oe preventative and emergency 1messures and to alleviate potential and immediate food iesues and hazards, subject othe following conditions: Special Conditions: 1. Work uhorized under this Programmatic General Permits imited to maintenance dredging the volume of material necessary (based on deph and width of waterway) 1 remove the Dockageof sand and accursed setiment, such to allow forthe nermal low ofthe impeded ‘waterway. The proposed maintenance dredging may be conducted no mare than twice pee calendar year at any given waterway. This authorization is only forthe main iland of Puerto Rico, 2 The depth and width ofthe dredging shall be consistent an in proportion othe dimensions ofthe waterway moutt tobe opened and in no case shall the depth ofthe dredging ‘exceed -1 meter NGVD and the width of th dredging exceed 50% of he wih ofthe waterway measured a he location ofthe sand bar within the mouth. No additonal dodging allowed unde this permit 3, Activities authorized under this permit may be initiated without Preconstruction ‘Notification tothe Comps, provided the activities sts all ofthe tems and conditions sated herein, 4. A copy ofthis permit (SAF-81) and atachmens shall be av ble atthe construction site, forall projects. 5. This permit does not authorize the discharge of dredged or fll material into any water of the US, including wellands. 6. All dredged material shall be deposited in an upland area inthe vicinity of the work ste ‘with appropriate erosion control measures (Jersey barriers, silt fences, et); once died the ‘sad/sediment sallbe spread above the Ordinary high water lin/hightde line or removed ftom the site toa different upland location. The spread of the dredged sand shall be accomplished only after the ares has been surveyed forthe potential presence of sea furl neste a the work area. 7. The dredged material shall remain in the vicinity ofthe work site, exceptin the case thet the dredged materials contain solid wastes; those shall be disposed ir the nearest land, or according to the applicable waste disposal regulations. If circumstances arise in regerds to an ‘excess of accumulated sodimenton the banks (due to periodic maintenance and overabundance ‘of material), then an altematve upland disposal site may be wilized. 8 The work authorized inthis permit call be performed from iplands, or the top of the Danks of the waterway, whenever possible. This permit does not authorize any temporary oF permanent fil of wetlands necessary for acesss orto pecform the dredging. 9, Best management practices for erosion and sedimentation corto shall be implemented ‘and maintained a allies, he NE shall be responsible for ensunng that erosion and turbidity contol devices and procedures are inspected and maintained daily during all phases of activity. The DNER will also follow the Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board's (EQB) requirements found inthe document “Regulation for Erosion and Sedimentation Contrl for Pusrto Rico”, 1 Installation Removal of Devices: Prior tothe initiation of any work authorize by this pent, the DNER shall install tusbisity/erosion control measures alog the pesimeter ofall work areas and across the waterway soto prevent turbidity downstream and erosion within the werk tea, All measures shall prevent siltation and turbid discharges into the aquatic ecosystem, Silt curtains (fences) shall be used around work areas to minimize sediaent transport into adjacent aquatic environments. Furthermore, the DNER shall install double foatng turbidity barriers ‘wit weighted skirts thet extend to within one fot of the bottom around all dredging activities. All ecosion, turbidity, and sedimentation contol devices shall be left and maintained in place ‘nt all work is completed. After completion of the dredging, and he work ares wars have returned to background turbidity levels, the turbidity curtains may be removed. Aer completion ‘of the final grading and stabilization ofthe land surface for he spreading of the dredged matril, ‘the other erosion contra davices may be removed. ', Turbidity Monitoring: Monitoring for turbidity shall be conducted forthe durtion of the project. Sampling wll commence prior to, But no more than 24 hours befor initiation of any redging or filling activites. A minimum of two sampling sites shall be extablished atthe

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