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Who are the Heathen/pagans, are they the same BIBLE STUDY SHARE GROUP - PRAYER I
hypocrites Jesus earlier talked about?
Prayer is intimate Communion with God which
______________________________________________________ reflects a heartfelt service between you and God. A
______________________________________________________ relationship that is profound and one based on love.

Prayer involves forgetting oneself and focusing on

DAY 5 God who matters the most, who is the source of
everything name it healing, revelation and so on. It’s
As Vs 8 states “For your Father knows the things you not just a one way conversation its two ways both you
have need of before you ask him” Does this mean and God are involved not just one person.
you shouldn’t pray and bring your request before
God? Give a reason for your answer with any It doesn’t matter how vulnerable you are but he who
scriptural reference gives strength knows who you really are that even
before you ask, he will have answered. He is a
______________________________________________________ rewarder of them that diligently seek him, that are
______________________________________________________ after his kingdom and his righteousness, which is a
sign of humility in awe of him who is your friend,
defender and God….., Go to the secret place and find
him who defines and dwells there.
Quote The model of prayer
“Prayer is the answer to every problem in life. It puts us According to Luke 11:1 …” It was while he was praying
in tune with divine wisdom, which knows how to adjust in a certain place that he ceased and one of his disciples
everything perfectly”. Richard Daly, God’s Little book of said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray as John taught his
Love. disciples.” So he said when you pray say……”
This study was done using NKJV version and all So this is how the model of prayer came in, many of
scripture reference are extracted from there, you also
us are often found in a place where we don’t know
use any other version as you know it would be easier to
understand. what to say cause none is a master at prayer as we all
don’t know but learn day by day, these disciples were
always with Jesus and they saw him pray and never
really knew how to pray but Christ taught them and
said say, but say what!
© 2009 Youth Bible Study Fellowship, Church of the Resurrection, Bugolobi Church of
Uganda – Issue 1

All Rights reserved


What does prayer mean to you? PERSONAL PRAYER

______________________________________________________ a. Why do you think Christ is emphasizing that when

______________________________________________________ we pray, we should go in our rooms/secret place?

DAY 2 ______________________________________________________
Scripture reference: Mathew 6:5-9

CHRIST’ REBUKE AND NOTION ABOUT b. According to verse 6 God will reward you when
HYPOCRITES you pray in your room/secret place. When does God
not reward our prayer as believers (James4:3)?
Who do you think were the hypocrites Jesus talked
about? How about today, can you identify such
______________________________________________________ DAY 4

a. Why according to Jesus do hypocrites love praying a. What did Jesus mean by babbling words or vain
standing in public?
______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

b. Does this nullify the fact that we can’t pray in

b. Why was Jesus comparing vain repetition to
public, like in church/fellowship/along the way/at paganism?
home/school? (Give reason for your answer) ______________________________________________________
______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

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