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Love's Executioner, Basic Books, 1989:

- I do not like to work with patients who are in love. Perhaps it is because of envyI
too, crave enchantment. Perhaps it is because love and psychotherapy are
fundamentally incompatible. The good therapist fights darkness and seeks
illumination, while romantic love is sustained by mystery and crumbles upon
inspection. I hate to be love's executioner. (from the opening of the title story)
- Nu-mi place s lucreze cu pacientii care sunt ndragostiti. Poate c este din cauza
invidiei Si eu caut asta . Poate este pentru c iubirea i psihoterapia sunt
fundamental incompatibile .Terapeutul bun lupt cu ntunericul i caut iluminare , n
timp ce dragostea este susinut de mister i frmieaz inspecia . Nu-mi place s fie
clul dragostei . " ( De la deschiderea povestii )

In this rare glimpse of the thoroughly engaged therapist at work, a master psychiatrist
openly confronts not only his own feelings and errors but the uncertainty at the heart
of the therapeutic encounter.

- - n acest bucatica rara a terapeutului bine angajat la locul de munc , un psihiatru

maestru se nfrunt deschis nu numai cu propriile sentimente i erori dar si cu
incertitudinea din centrul ntlnirii terapeutice .

Dr. Irvin Yalom breaks through that uncertainty to a patients ultimate truth-to the fear
of death, say, behind the life denying nostalgia of Thelma, the elderly patient of the
title story who is possessed by a long past love affair; or behind the macho behaviour
of Carlos, a middle aged man compulsively lustful in the face of his fatal cancer.

- - Dr. Irvin Yalom sparge prin acea incertitudine a ultimului adevar a unui pacient, la
frica fata de moarte , s zicem , n spatele viaa negnd nostalgia Thelmei , pacientul
n vrsta din poveste, care este posedat de o poveste de dragoste recuta ; sau n spatele
comportamentul macho de Carlos , un brbat de vrst mijlocie compulsiv senzual n
faa cancerului fatal .

It is, says Dr. Yalom, only by recognizing the stark facts of human existence, only
through full awareness of oneself as mortal, that any one of us, not merely patients in
therapy, can come to live as whole creatures.

- - Este , spune Dr. Yalom , ca numai prin recunoaterea faptelor dure ale existenei
umane , doar prin contientizarea deplin de sine ca muritor , ca oricare dintre noi , nu
doar pacientii din terapie , pot veni s triasc creaturi intregi .

Indeed, these enthralling tales go beyond therapy to speak to the human condition in
all its poignant oddity. And in them, Irvin Yalom achieves a pathos and humor worthy
of Chekov himself.

- - ntr-adevr , aceste poveti captivante merge dincolo de terapie pentru a vorbi cu

condiia uman n toat ciudenie ei mictoare . i n ele , Irvin Yalom atinge un
patos i umor demn de Cehov nsui .
a) Bernie S. Siegel - These stories are wonderful. They make us realize that within
every human being lie the pain and the beauty that make life worthwhile.
b) Eva Hoffman, New York Times - Dr. Yalom demonstrates once again that in the
right hands, the stuff of therapy has the interest of the richest and most inventive
c) Los Angeles Times Book Review - Yalom is a gifted storyteller, and from the sound
of these tales, a no-less-gifted psychotherapist.
d) a) Bernie S. Siegel - " Aceste poveti sunt minunate . Ei ne fac s ne dm seama c n
fiecare fiin uman se afl durerea i frumuseea care face viaa merit . "
e)b ) Eva Hoffman , New York Times - " Dr. Yalom demonstreaz nc o dat c n
minile potrivite , chestii de terapie au interesul celei mai bogate i celei mai
inventive ficiuni . "
f) c) Los Angeles Times Book Review - " Yalom este un povestitor talentat i de la
sunetul acestor poveti , un nu mai putin daruit psihoterapeut. "

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