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The Society of Accounting Education

Helping Material / Recommended Books

for Certified Financial Accountant Program


Subject Code:FS-01
Basic Accounting Tests & Techniques
1. Modern Accounting
Mukerjee M. Hanif
Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co.
2. How to Read a Financial Report
Tracy John A
3. Financial Statements
Ittelson, Thomas R.
4. Accounting
Meigs & Meigs
5. Accounting Principles
Jerry J W.eygandt
Paul D. Kimmd &
Donard E. Kieso
Subject Code:FS-02
Industrial & Commercial Laws
1. Mercantile Law of Pakistan Accountancy & Taxation
Services Institute, Lahore (Latest Ed.)
Khawaja Amjad Saeed.
2. Business Law
Syed Mobin Mahmud Co. Lahore.
Govt. of Pakistan
Relevant Acts and Ordinances (latest Ed.)
3. A Manual of Mercantile Law 11th remind Edition S. Chand and Co.
(Pvt.) Limited 1989
M.C. Shukla
4. Bare Acts, Govt. of Pakistan.
5. Elements of Mercantile Law
Sultan Chan & Sons New Delhi.
6. Mercantile Law of Pakistan
Accountancy & Taxation Services, Lahore (Latest Edition)
Khawaja Amjad Saeed.

7. Business Law
Syed Mobin Mahmood Co. , Lahore, Govt. of Pakistan
8. Relevant Acts & Ordinances (Latest Edition)
Khalid Mahmood Cheema.
9. A Manula of Mercantile Law (Latest Edition)
I.R. Hashmi

Subject Code:FS-03
Strategic Business Management
1. Study Guide,
Jeanne Daboval
McNeese State University, Seventh Edition.
2. Managmeent Concepts, Pratices and Skills
R. Wayne Mondy, Shane R. Premeaux
Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.
3. Essential of Managmenet an Innternational Perspective
Harold Koontz, Weihrich, Tata McGraw Hill
4. Management
Stephen P. Robins & Mary Coulter
Prentice Hall International Inc.
New York.
5. Business Management
6. Principles of Management
George R. Terry

Subject Code:FS-04
Corporate Governance
1. Manual of Corporate Governence
2. www.morevalue.com/themes/govern.html
3. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/corporate-governence

4. http://www.oecd.org/topic/0,3699,en_2649_37439_1_1_1_1_37439,0
5. http://searchfinancialsecurity.techtarget.com/definition/corporategovernance
6. http://www.ifc.org/ifcext/cgf.nsf/AttachmentsByTitle/UNGCBROCHUR
7. http://law.wustl.edu/wugslr/issues/volume5_2/p323Ibrahim.pdf
8. http://www.emeraldinsight.com/products/journals/journals.htm?
9. http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0964-8410


Subject Code:CS-01
Advanced Accounting Concepts
1. Intermediate Accounting
Donald E Kieso & Jerry J. Wygandt
2. Modern Advanced Accounting
E. John Larsen & A.N. Mosich
3. Advance Accounting
R.L. Gupta & M. Radha Swamy
4. International Accounting Standards
5. Advanced Accounting
S.P. Jain & K.L. Narang
6. Advanced Accounting
Harry Simons & Wilbert E. Karrenbrock
7. SECP Ordinance 1969 Rules
Subject Code:CS-02
Financial Statements Analysis

1. Royal Modern Advanced Accounting

Spicer & Peglar
2. SAARC requirements
3. Annual Reports of the Top Few Listed Companies.
4. Company Ordinance 1984, relevant sections
5. Banking Company Ordinance 1962 (relevant sections)
6. Prospectus for Allotment of Shares & Securities of Companies.
7. Modern Advance Accounting
E. John Larsen, McGraw Hill Co. Ince.
8. Financial Statement Analysis and Security Valuation,
by Stephen Penman McGraw Hill Irwin (4th Ed.)
9. Regular Reading of the Wall Street Journal.
Subject Code:CS-03
Business Taxation
1. Income Tax Principles and Practice,
Syed Mobin & Co. Lahore
2. Khawaja Amjad Saeed, Income Tax Law.
3. Income Tax Ordinance 2001, Govt. of Pakistan.
4. Income Tax Law
Luqman Baig.
5. Direct Taxes in Pakistan
Huzaina Bukhari & Dr. Ikramul Haq.
6. Taxation Professional Academy of Commerce (PAC)
7. Synopsis of Taxes in Pakistan
Mirza Munawar Hussain
Iqbal Brothers, Lahore.

Subject Code:CS-04
Fundamental of Financial Management
1. Fundamental of Financial Management
James Van Horn

2. Business Finance
McGraw Hill, Sydny
Peirson, Grahem & Brown, Rob (1998)
3. Block, Stanely B. & Hirt
Geoffroy A, (2002)
Business Finance, Irwin Book
4. Melicher, W.R & Norton
A.E., (2005)
John Wiley and Sons Inc.
5. Fundamental of Financial Management (10th Ed.)
South Western College Publication
Brigham / Houston
6. Epack Fundamental of Financial Management
with Thomson (12th Edition)


Subject Code:PG-01
Strategic Business Communication
1. Effective Performance by Lockett Measurement
Pitman Publishing London
2. The Operational Auditing Handbook


Andrew Chambers & Graham Rand

John Willey & Sons Ltd. England
Excellent in Business Communication
Join V Thill Courtland LBoves
Prentice Hall International inc.
Upper Saddle River, New Jersey
Communication for Business (A practical approach) by
Shirley Taylor, Pitman Publishing, London
Effective Business Communication
Herta A. Murphy / Herbert W. Hildebranot & Jane P. Thomas.
Business Communication & Report Writing
Presentation Skills.
Functional English:
Mr. K.M. Siddiqui
Al-Hamad Academy, Karachi

Subject Code:PG-02

Corporate Performance Evaluation

1. Effective Performance
By Lockett Measurement
Pitman Publishing London
2. The Operational Auditing Handbook
By Andrew Chambers & Graham Rand
John Willey & Sons Ltd. England
Subject Code:PG-03
Managerial Accounting & Decision Making
1. Management Accounting:
A Decision Emphasis
John Wiley, Jessi, Raiborn & Kenney
2. Management Accounting and Financial Control
Sultan Chand
S.M. Maheswari
3. Management Accountancy
McDonald & Evans
J. Batty
4. Financial Policy and Management Accounting
World Press
Bhabatosh Banerjee
5. Managerial Accounting
Houghton Mifflin Co.
I.M. Pandey
6. Management Accounting
Tarapore Wala
R. Anthony
7. Strategic Cost Management
University of Calcutta
Basu, Banerjee and Dandapat
Subject Code:PG-04
Professional Values & Ethics
1. Jossey Bass Management Series and The Jossey Bass Social and
Behavioural Science Series
Gellermann, William, Frankel Mark S; Landenson, Robert F
San Francisco, CA, Jossey Bass (1990) XXVII 529PP
2. www.homemorals.com/moral_value/work-ethics/professionalvalues-and-ethics.html
3. Get help through Internet browsing.


Subject Code:PG-05
IFRS & External Independent Reports
1. http://ara2009.statndardlife.com/financial-statements/ifrsauditors-report.aspx
2. www.iasplus.com/standard/framework.html.
3. http://pwcinform.pwc.com/inform2/show?action=informcontent.
4. en.wikipedia.org
5. http://www.worldservicesgroup.com/publications.asp?action.
6. www.soae.edu.pk/downloads/The vest pocket guide to IFRS.pdf
by Steven M. Bragg.
7. www.soae.edu.pk/referencematerialforcertifiedfinancialaccounta
8. www.ifrs.com
9. http://www.ifrs.org/how+we+develop+standards/development+
Subject Code:PG-06
Financial Management Policy & Procedures
1. Financial Management Policy and Procedures
James Van Horn
2. Financial Management Slides
By Ekrem Tufan
3. Basic Financial Management Prentice Hall
Keown, A.J. & Martin JD
4. Principles of Managerial Finance
Harper International
Gitman, Lawren Jo
5. Managerial Finance
Weston & Coperland
Subject Code:PG-07
Total Quality Management
1. http://homepages.smartin.edu/fac_staff/distout/MEM650/Lecture_
2. Integrating Total Quality Management
By Susan Jurow, Susan B. barnard
3. Total Quality Management
Joel E. Ross
Susan Perry

4. Total Quality Management

Gopal K Kanji Subburaj
5. Total Quality Management
Anand A Samuel
Subject Code:PG-08
Audit and Assurance
1. McGraw Hill Lecture Notes
From useful link of SOAE website
2. Audit and Assurance
Grant E Gay, Gay
Timothy J. Louwers,
3. Audit and Assurance
Alvin A, Arens, Rano
4. Auditing
Khawaja Amjad Saeed
5. Module for Audit and Assurance from any professional group.

Approved by The Executive Council of The Society of Accounting

Education on 16th August 2010, further revision can be made any
time, upon consent of all the Executive Council Members after
conducting the meeting.

(Dr. Ansar Ali Noor)

Secretary -SOAE


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