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Your Brain Loves Magnesium L-Threonate


Have you ever forgotten a word or someones name that you should know? It happens to all of us, but what if you
frequently find that you have trouble with word finding or you keep forgetting to pay bills or get lost easily? Your
kids will tell say you had a brain fart or senior moment but honestly, its nothing to kid about. Cooking, house
work and daily self care skills start to decline. Next comes the conversation about senior living facilities, but wait,
you are only 40 or 50 something! Whats going on?
Dont be hard on yourself, keep in mind we live in an information stimulation age. Watch the news for an hour,
youll be so wired from all the sad stories ticking by you will notice the silence as soon as you shut off the TV.
Devices? Mmm, love em and hate em. All these tweets, posts, emails and mental chatter allow for virtually no
space between your own thoughts.
Aging matters because the older we get, the more rust (free radicals) we accumulate. Lets talk about children for
a moment. Inability to focus quickly gets diagnosed as ADHD. In comes Adderall. Its easy to blame sugar, or the
parents, or television but I dont. The fact is, healthy cognition cannot occur unless you have the nutrients to feed
each and every brain cell, and the cell membrane. As a population, we dont do that very well. Magnesium is
known to help both memory and attention, as well as depression and anxiety. Magnesium loves your brain and
vice versa.
Did you know over 200 popular medications block magnesium, contributing to deficiencies. The primary offenders
are antacids, acid blockers, hormonal contraception and diuretics. Supplementing helps, however, most forms of
magnesium are hard on the stomach, or they cause diarrhea. Magnesium oxide is probably the worst form to take
in my opinion, yet it is sold nationwide. You should be picky because many forms of magnesium dont even
penetrate your brain where you need it most.
If you have brain health concerns, especially problems with memory or attention there is much to consider, its not
just magnesium and I dont want you to overlook other considerations. The essential factors to consider include
mitochondrial health, methylation problems, blood sugar imbalances, autoimmune disorders, gluten intolerance,
heavy metal toxicity, chronic pain, sleep deprivation, stress, thyroid problems, and drug muggers (drugs that mug

All of these factors play a role but today I want to talk with you about magnesium, a special type that is new on the
market. Its called magnesium L-threonate and its shown very promising results within the medical literature for
age related memory loss problems. Some animal studies show excellent results in improving memory problems in
rodents which had severe memory dysfunction. Alzheimers causes the brain to lose many of its connections or
synapses leading to a tangled web. The synaptic damage causes major disconnects that result in jumbled short
term and long term memories. I wont bore you but your physician may need to know synapse damage occurs, in
part, from overzealous glutamate molecules which activate the cells N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor
which then turns on an enzyme called Beta-secretase 1 (BACE1) and that churns amyloid plaques. Some people
even have a genetic SNP in the BACE1 gene.
It sounds complicated but the simple part is that this special magnesium appears to help. An animal study
published in September 2014 showed that Magnesium L-threonate slowed the hyperactive NMDA receptor
signaling pathway improved synapse plasticity and reduced plaquing. More importantly, the magnesium entered
the hippocampus which is a big deal, that is your memory center. The turn around was fairly dramatic even when
the treatment was given during the end-stage of the disease state.An earlier study in 2013 showed how well
Magnesium L-threonate worked to improve memory deficit in people with chronic pain by inhibiting TNF [tumor
necrosis factor alpha] which is a pain-causing chemical (when produced in high amounts). Magnesium
participates in hundreds of metabolic pathways all over your body, and many in your brain, so adequate Central
Nervous System [CNS] levels are crucial for optimal health.
The clinical applications for magnesium include:
Supports healthy levels in the central nervous system*
Supports healthy synapse function and number*
Supports restorative sleep*
Supports cognitive and neurological health*
Supports stress management and a healthy mood*
Ready to try magnesium L-threonate? I have a pure form, its a delicious tasting powder and it is FREE of calcium,
artificial colors and magnesium stearate. This is pure and provides a 2 month supply. Click here and get directed
to my supplement site.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended
to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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Copyright 2014 Suzy Cohen, RPh & Dear Pharmacist, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Photography by Melissa Shanley - Web Design by Stephanie Vinson
The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with
the prior written permission of Dear Pharmacist, Inc. Suzy Cohen is a clinical consultant for Essential Formulas,

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