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Arfeen Khans



Becoming rich is the result of purposeful planning, focused implementation, and constant
refinement. However, the primary reason you struggle with building wealth is that you fail to realise
that this process must be accompanied with a set of strategies and mindsets that form the foundation
for YOUR work.
You need to understand that without these strategiesstrategies which the millionaires
consistently useyou will bounce around from opportunity to opportunity and fall back into the bad
habits that put you in the Rat Race to start with.
Do you know...
The reason that the rich become and stay rich is because they use these strategies and they
allow them to influence their investing, money, and life in general. They know that the way you think
about money and life contributes more to financial well-being than anything else. Thoughts drive
actions and actions proceed to results.
So as you plot and refine your course to become financially free, know this: if you work to
become rich while holding on to poor or middle class thinking, it is no different than trying to
run a marathon while dragging a cinderblock chained to your waist.
You can win the marathon, but it will take LONGER time and WILL be more DIFFICULT than if
you would just FREE yourself from the dead weight.
But how about if you had a way to see exactly whats stopping you from having more
wealth in your life, from saving more money and from paying off your debts, wouldnt you atleast be
curious to learn more?
Well, thats exactly what my program Secret Millionaire Blueprint Seminar is going to show
and give you, a map what I call Your Confidential Money Map.
What you are about to discover the simple, powerful and effective steps to make more money
without having to work harder, longer or make sacrifices.
So think about how much money you want to make, write down that number and now think
about having the amount of money you want.
Now you may not believe you can have as much money as you want and if that's the case, or
if you simply think it's hard to make money then you need to register and get a GUARANTEED SEAT
You see, I am about to show you how to use your inner power and the power of your
subconscious mind so you make, have and save as much as you want.
I am going to do that by giving you a simple system you can follow without having to do any
long winded exercises, without having to invest a ton of money and without having to work hard.
Now this is the same system I have applied to make more money, and it's the same system
that the wealthiest people in the world follow. You will be surprised at what you discover and what I
reveal in this special presentation.

I want you to know that I wasn't born rich. Like you, I had some very hard times in my life and
there were times when I simply couldn't make ends meet. I was lucky to discover a system that
helped me make more money and keeps working for me today.
Yes, I still use it today.
Now I am sharing this same system with you. All you have to do is simply fill out the ORDER
FORM at the end of this report or click on the link: www.smbseminarcom/speicaloffer and get your
All of which leads to my special report 7 STRATEGIES FOR INCREASING YOUR WEALTH.
In this report I am going to share with you part of the MAP for getting rich as you can see I cant give
the full map cause you need to experience this map. However after each strategy I have given
exercises so that put this report to immediate action.
So lets get started

Strategy # 1

Courage is the backbone of human being. The human being with courage has persistence.
He states what he believes and puts it into execution. The courageous man or woman has
confidence. He draws to himself all the moral qualities and mental forces which go to make up a
strong individual.
Whereas, the man without courage draws to himself all the qualities of a weak man,
indecision, doubt, uncertainty, and unsteadiness of purpose. You can therefore see the value of
courage. It is a most vital element of success.
The lack of courage creates financial, as well as mental and moral difficulties. When a new
problem comes, instead of looking upon it as something to be achieved, the man or woman without
courage looks for reasons why it cannot be done and failure is naturally the almost inevitable result.
Lack of courage destroys your confidence in yourself.
It destroys that forceful, resolute attitude so important to success.
So, what is courage?
It is the Will To Do. It is a matter of the right training in the right way. Courage concentrates
the mental forces on the task at hand. It then directs them thoughtfully, steadily, deliberately, while
attracting all the forces of success, toward the desired end.
This is what I would like you to do
Start out today with the idea that there is no reason why you should not be courageous. If any
fear-thoughts come to you cast them off as you would the deadly viper.
Form the habit of never thinking of anything unfavourable to yourself or anyone else. In
dealing with difficulties, new or old, hold ever the thought, I am courageous. Whenever a doubt
crosses the threshold of your mind, banish it.

Remember, you are the master of your mind as it controls every thought, and here is a good
one to often affirm, I have courage because I desire it; because I need it; because I use it and
because I refuse to become such a weakling as cowardice produces.
I know for sure there are very few people that really know that they can accomplish great
things. They desire the full extent of their powers, but unfortunately, it is only occasionally that you find
a man that is aware of the great possibilities within him.
When you believe with all your mind and heart and soul that you can do something, you
thereby develop the courage to steadily and confidently live up to that belief. You have now gone a
long way towards accomplishing it.
Ofcourse, there will be obstacles, big and little, in your way, but resolute courage will
overcome them and nothing else will. Strong courage eliminates the injurious and opposing forces by
summoning their masters, the yet stronger forces that will serve you.
Courage is yours for the asking. All you have to do is to believe in it, claim it and use it. To
succeed in business believe that it will be successful, assert that it is successful, and work like a
beaver to make it so. Difficulties soon melt away before the courageous.
One man of courage can fire with his spirit a whole army of men, whether it be military or
industrial, because courage, like cowardice, is contagious.
Exercise: 1
Caution: Please dont consider this assessment as the last word in courage and is not meant to
brand you as either a hero or a coward. It is intended to get a broad measure of how prone you are to
fear (Part 1) and how prone you are to bravery (Part 2).
Instruction: Answer the questions below as honestly as possible. You need to respond to each
statement by choosing the number from 1 to 7 that indicates how much you agree or disagree. Note
down the number for each answer, then calculate your score by following the instructions at the end
of each part. The final section suggests how to interpret the scores.
1. I worry about how others will view me.
1. (Strongly Disagree) 2. (Disagree) 3. (Slightly Disagree) 4. (Neutral) 5. (Slightly Agree) 6. (Agree) 7.
(Strongly Agree)
2. I frequently focus on possible failure.
1. (Strongly Disagree) 2. (Disagree) 3. (Slightly Disagree) 4. (Neutral) 5. (Slightly Agree) 6. (Agree) 7.
(Strongly Agree)
3. My fear of making mistakes sometimes holds me back from trying.
1. (Strongly Disagree) 2. (Disagree) 3. (Slightly Disagree) 4. (Neutral) 5. (Slightly Agree) 6. (Agree) 7.
(Strongly Agree)
4. I find physical adventure intimidating.

1. (Strongly Disagree) 2. (Disagree) 3. (Slightly Disagree) 4. (Neutral) 5. (Slightly Agree) 6. (Agree) 7.

(Strongly Agree)
5. My worry holds me back from doing what I would like to do.
1. (Strongly Disagree) 2. (Disagree) 3. (Slightly Disagree) 4. (Neutral) 5. (Slightly Agree) 6. (Agree) 7.
(Strongly Agree)
6. The world is full of people who will take advantage of me given a chance.
1. (Strongly Disagree) 2. (Disagree) 3. (Slightly Disagree) 4. (Neutral) 5. (Slightly Agree) 6. (Agree) 7.
(Strongly Agree)
7. I experience fear and worry everyday.
1. (Strongly Disagree) 2. (Disagree) 3. (Slightly Disagree) 4. (Neutral) 5. (Slightly Agree) 6. (Agree) 7.
(Strongly Agree)
8. I feel that if I let go of the control of any projects bad things will happen.
1. (Strongly Disagree) 2. (Disagree) 3. (Slightly Disagree) 4. (Neutral) 5. (Slightly Agree) 6. (Agree) 7.
(Strongly Agree)
9. It is usually better to play it safe.
1. (Strongly Disagree) 2. (Disagree) 3. (Slightly Disagree) 4. (Neutral) 5. (Slightly Agree) 6. (Agree) 7.
(Strongly Agree)
10. I like to stick to the familiar.
1. (Strongly Disagree) 2. (Disagree) 3. (Slightly Disagree) 4. (Neutral) 5. (Slightly Agree) 6. (Agree) 7.
(Strongly Agree)
For Part 1 add up your total score and write it down. Scores below 40 suggest that you experience
passing fears and that you likely do not hold yourself back in life. Scores of 40 to 50 suggest that you
experience fears that you might in some cases keep you from engaging in life in the way you would
otherwise hope to. Scores above 50 suggest that you experience a fair amount of worry, anxiety and
fear. It may or may not be severe, but it suggests there is room for growth in getting control of your
own fear as you learn to be more courageous.
Exercise: 1.1
1. I take risks because they usually pay off.
1. (Strongly Disagree) 2. (Disagree) 3. (Slightly Disagree) 4. (Neutral) 5. (Slightly Agree) 6. (Agree) 7.
(Strongly Agree)
2. I know I will be able to handle problems if they arise.
1. (Strongly Disagree) 2. (Disagree) 3. (Slightly Disagree) 4. (Neutral) 5. (Slightly Agree) 6. (Agree) 7.
(Strongly Agree)

3. I dont mind a little conflict if it means doing something important to me.

1. (Strongly Disagree) 2. (Disagree) 3. (Slightly Disagree) 4. (Neutral) 5. (Slightly Agree) 6. (Agree) 7.
(Strongly Agree)
4. I usually expect the best.
1. (Strongly Disagree) 2. (Disagree) 3. (Slightly Disagree) 4. (Neutral) 5. (Slightly Agree) 6. (Agree) 7.
(Strongly Agree)
5. I would be willing to do bungee jumping or engage in challenging behaviour just to prove to
myself that I could.
1. (Strongly Disagree) 2. (Disagree) 3. (Slightly Disagree) 4. (Neutral) 5. (Slightly Agree) 6. (Agree) 7.
(Strongly Agree)
6. I have a history of taking on challenging projects.
1. (Strongly Disagree) 2. (Disagree) 3. (Slightly Disagree) 4. (Neutral) 5. (Slightly Agree) 6. (Agree) 7.
(Strongly Agree)
7. Intense social pressure would not make me hesitant to do the right thing.
1. (Strongly Disagree) 2. (Disagree) 3. (Slightly Disagree) 4. (Neutral) 5. (Slightly Agree) 6. (Agree) 7.
(Strongly Agree)
8. I would expresss an opinion if I thought it were correct, even if I knew it would be
1. (Strongly Disagree) 2. (Disagree) 3. (Slightly Disagree) 4. (Neutral) 5. (Slightly Agree) 6. (Agree) 7.
(Strongly Agree)
9. I would be likely to confront a parent who was yelling in a mean way at a childrens sporting
1. (Strongly Disagree) 2. (Disagree) 3. (Slightly Disagree) 4. (Neutral) 5. (Slightly Agree) 6. (Agree) 7.
(Strongly Agree)
10. If there were a medical emergency, I could be counted on to remain calm and do my part.
1. (Strongly Disagree) 2. (Disagree) 3. (Slightly Disagree) 4. (Neutral) 5. (Slightly Agree) 6. (Agree) 7.
(Strongly Agree)
For Part 2 add up your total score and write it down. Scores of 40 to 50 suggest that you tend to take
appropriate risks and face challenging circumstances. Very low scores, such as 20 to 30, suggest
that you have room to grow in the courage department. Extraordinarily high scores, such as 60 to 70,
should also be examined closely. Such scores might indicate that you are naturally courageous but
might also indicate a tendency not to look before you leap. The bravest individuals often have to
temper their courage to make sure they are using their talents wisely and not taking risks that could
bring avoidable negative consequences or failure.

When you look at your fear score and at your propensity toward bravery score, bear in mind
that these are not infallible measures. They may miss out on small but important aspects of your
personality and behaviour. They are not meant to be read as the final authoritative word on anyones
level of courage. They are simply a psychological snapshot of the relative amount of internal fear
you contend with on a day-to-day basis, and how accomplished you currently are at dealing with fear.
Regardless of the specifics of your scores, the real magic will be in seeing how your fear score
diminishes and your propensity toward bravery score increases as you read this book and apply its
various techniques.
I urge you to have courage and fill up the ORDER FORM at the end of this report or go
ONLINE to www.smbseminar.com/specialoffer and have a guaranteed seat for yourself. HAVE

Strategy # 2


If becoming rich was easy, then everyone would do it. However, people make becoming
wealthy more difficult than it needs to be and most do it without even realising it.
Henry Ford said, Whether you think you CAN or you CANT, you are Right.
The main reason you hold on to the phrase, I cant is because this phrase and its variations,
like thats too risky, that wont work here, and I dont know how, all are an excuse for taking
responsibility for YOUR financial futureand for that matter, responsibility for YOUR life.
I fervently believe that most human beings primary thought process is of a negative nature.
Their internal personal communication is: No!, Stop!, this is not for me, Nah I cant do this etc
You see the real problem stems from the fact that you dont realise, but how quickly you
discount your own ability. After years of listening to NAHsaying friends and family, bosses who strive
to keep employees under their thumb, and an overall fear of failure lead to an internal dialogue of
doubt. This doubt manifests itself verbally with I CANT.
Through education, trial and error, coaching, and good old fashioned hard work, you can
make your financial dreams a reality. But if you dont even think it is within the realm of possibilities,
then just like Henry Ford said, youre right.
Its Easy To Read This And Nod Your Head
But to actually start the process of change is very challenging.
And, why is that?
Because of Fear? Lack of Time? Dont know how or where to start with?
Its hard because what we are doing is unlearning what we know. We are used to doing things
a certain way, and chances are we have been doing them for years.

So here are some ways that I avoid using the word cant, and actually take the steps to put
forth the change that I wish to see. I hope you can incorporate these methods into your life.
Exercise: 2

Write down what you want to change. Write it on post-its, notecards, whatever makes you
comfortable something you will always see

Tell a friend and talk about it. Discussing your goals, what you want to change, is very effective
when you say it out loud and tell another person other than yourself

Stop yourself from saying the forbidden word. Treat the word cant as the worst word you can
possibly use. Stop yourself from saying it, mid-sentence if you must, and turn your whole
perspective around you can do it, you will do it, and nothing is impossible!

Repetition, repetition, repetition. You think this change will be overnight? No way. This is a
practice. Something youre going to be doing for the rest of your life from now until forever

You know what you must do. The first step is right now. Once you begin this habit, and really
start noticing some change, youll realize the door to opportunity is everywhere. The funny thing is:
those doors have always been there. The evil word that we no longer use put a veil over our eyes
because thats how powerful that word is.
When you eliminate I cant from your vocabulary, an amazing thing happens. You begin to
start thinking beyond your mental ruts and begin to think more creatively. Without the autopilot
reaction of doubt, you ask, HOW CAN I? You see possibilities and options begin to open up for you.
Thats what exactly I am going to teach you in Secret Millionaire Blueprint Seminar how
to eliminate those negation words like: I cant, I wont, I shouldnt and master these words like: I can, I
will, I must, I should and you will see a transformational change in you, I guarantee that.
So just simply fill up the order form and send it to me or get online by clicking on this link
www.smbseminar.com/specialoffer and get yourself a guaranteed seat. DO IT NOW!!!
All of which leads to

Strategy # 3


In my years of study I have seen successful entrepreneurs who turned into millionaires and
multi-millionaires dont sell a product or a service. They sell a solution. In fact, some of the greatest
entrepreneurs have sold solutions to people for problems they didnt even know they had.
How about that huh!
Just stop and think for a minute about the days before Facebook. Was anybody really upset
that they were unable to keep up with the daily trivia of their high school classmates? And yet, Mark
Zuckerberg is worth over $33 billion.

Successful entrepreneurs are problem solvers. Problem solvers look beyond obstacles
and barriers and see solutions and opportunities. They think creatively and visualise something
better where the majority only see what currently is.
So how do you become a problem solver?
People mistakenly think great problem solvers have been blessed with that innate ability.
They think it is something that just comes naturally. While that may be the case for some, problem
solving is more of a skill than a gift and anyone can develop it.
Knowing how to solve problems comes from ones ability to effectively draw on meaningful
experiences. By knowing why certain approaches have or havent worked in the past, one can
develop their own intuitive ability for problem solving.
To gain this experience, there are two paths. The first is through your own direct
experience. By trying new things and learning from the results you collect a wealth of first-hand
You also receive the benefit of makingand learningfrom your mistakes. While these can
be painful at times, they will develop your problem solving ability exponentially.
The second way to gain experience is by learning with or through the exploits of others.
Experience doesnt have to be solely from your projects. Networking with like-minded people or
friends who have high self-esteem then you or at Chamber of Commerce luncheons are just two ways
that you can converse with other problem solvers and learn from them.
Exercise: 3
Whether its a full time mom, a professional athlete at the top of their game, or the CEO of a
multinational corporation, those who are truly living an extraordinary lifelife on their termsare
those who know the answers to these five questions.
And I want you to answer them with utmost honesty cause these questions can help you
break a pattern of negative thinking, and actually come up with a solution to your problems.
1. What is great about this problem?

2. What is not perfect yet?

3. What am I willing to do to make it the way I want it?

4. What am I willing to no longer do in order to make it the way I want it?

5. How can I enjoy the process while I do what is necessary to make it the way I want it?

Remember, you should never spend more than 10 percent of your time on the problem, and
spend at least 90 percent of your time on the solution. Most important, dont sweat the small stuff . . .
and remember, its all small stuff!
Attention!!! The more you can immerse yourself in problems and push your way through to
creating solutions, the more you will develop your ability to solve problems. At Secret Millionaire
Blueprint Seminar you will spend 90 percent of your time creating solution for your problems so book
your guaranteed seat now by filling up the order form or go online to:
www.smbseminar.com/specialoffer to register.

Strategy # 4


The ignorant person may say, How can you get anything by merely wanting it? I say that
through ardent belief you can get anything you want. Every desire can be gratified. But whether it
is, will depend upon you concentrating to have that desire fulfilled.

Merely wishing for something will not bring it. Wishing you had something shows a weakness
and not a belief that you will really get it. So never merely wish, as we are not living in a fairy age.
Do you know you use just as much brain force in vain imaginings as you do when you think of
something worthwhile?
Be careful of your desires, make a mental picture of what you want and set your will to this
until it materialises. Never allow yourself to drift without helm or rudder. Know what you want to do,
and strive with all your might to do it, and you will succeed.
Feel that you can accomplish anything you undertake. Many undertake to do things,
but feel when they start they are going to fail and usually they do. Let me illustrated...
A man goes to a store for an article. The clerk says, I am sorry, we dont have it. But the
man is determined to get that thing so he inquires if the clerk knows where he can get it. Again
receiving an unsatisfactory answer the determined buyer consults the manager and finally he finds
where the article can be bought.
That is the whole secret of concentrating on getting what you want. And, remember, your soul
is a centre of all-power, and you can accomplish what you will to. I will find a way or make one! Is the
spirit that wins?
I know a man that is now head of a large bank. He started there as a messenger boy. His
father had a button made for him with a P on it and put it on his coat. He said, Son, that P is a
reminder that someday you are to be the President of your bank. I want you to keep this thought in
your mind.
Every day do something that will put you nearer your goal. Each night after supper he would
say, Son, what did you do today? In this way the thought was always kept in mind. He ardently
believed on becoming President of that bank, and HE DID. His father told him never to tell anyone
what that P stood for.
A good deal of fun was made of it by his associates. And they tried to find out what it stood
for, but they never did until he was made President and then he told the secret.
Powerful huh!!!
That right, dont waste your mental powers in wishes. Dont dissipate your energies by trying
to satisfy every urge. Believe on doing something really worthwhile. The man that sticks to
something is not the man that fails.
Power To Him Who Power Exerts"
Just say: You can. You will. You must. Just realise this and the rest is easy. You have the
latent faculties and forces to subdue anything that tries to interfere with your plans.
With that said here is exercise number 4 for you
Exercise: 4
I would like you to play a game. When you play this game you can be alone or you can do it
with a friend whom you trust also I want you to write down your answers as it will be helpful.

To demonstrate how this exercise works I will take my actual coaching call, how I walked her
through it. Geeta (not her real name) is 31. Notice how her happiness goal shifts as we talk.
Arfeen Khan: Geeta, when you think about creating a plan for your life, I want you to first answer a
simple question: What do you want?
Geeta: I want to be financially successful.
AK: And what do you have to do to become financially successful?
G: I have no clue where to start.
AK: Thats okaystart with the things you can do to move toward that goal.
G: By having a great job.
AK: So if you had a great job and became financially successful, how would you feel?
G: As if I would accomplished something.
AK: So what you really want is a sense of accomplishment? What would it take for you to feel that?
G: Well, it would have to be difficultI mean, nothing that you want in life is really easy.
AK: So you would have to face some challenges?
G: Right!!!
AK: And if you had faced those challenges and had accomplished a few goals, how would that make
you feel then?
G: I couldn't just stop there. I would think, there is something beyond this. There is always more!
AK: So what you really want is to feel as if you are on the move in your life. What will you have to do
to feel that?
G: I would have to stop denying that I am stuck.
AK: How are you going to feel when there is no more denial in your life?
G: Fulfilled! And proud of myself.
AK: And how will you feel when you can honestly say, I am really proud of myself because I have got
a step-by-step planno more denial?
G: On top of the world.
AK: And what exactly does that mean?
G: Free.
AK: So what you really want is to be freefree of a sense of being bogged down, free of a sense of
living in denial.

G: Yes.
AK: Geeta, you have said, I want to be proud. I want to be fulfilled. I want to be free. And you know
yourself better than anybody else does. What will you have to do so that you can feel that way?
G: I will have to be disciplined. And I must be open to the challenge of change.
AK: Very good. If you started living your life in a disciplined way, instead of in a if it feels good, do it
sort of way, and if you opened yourself up to challenge instead of running from it, how would you feel?
G: I would feel like I have a place in the worldand I won't always be wishing that I were somebody
AK: So what you really want is to accept yourself for who you are and feel like you belong somewhere
in this world?
G: Yes.
AK: What a great goal that is!

Strategy # 5


The Will To Do is the greatest power in the world that is concerned with human
accomplishment and no one can in advance determine its limits.
The things that we do now would have been impossible a few ages ago. But today its safe to
say: All things are possible.
The Will To Do is a force that is strictly practical, yet it is difficult to explain just what it is. It can
be compared to electricity because we know it only through its cause and effects. It is a power we can
direct and to just the extent we direct it do we determine our future.
Every time you accomplish any definite act, consciously or unconsciously, you use the
principle of the Will. You can Will to do anything whether it is right or wrong, and therefore the way you
use your will makes a big difference in your life.
Every person possesses some Will To Do. It is the inner energy which controls all conscious
acts. What you will to do directs your life forces. All habits, good or bad, are the result of what you will
to do. You improve or lower your condition in life by what you will to do. Your will has a connection with
all avenues of knowledge, all activities, all accomplishment.
You probably know of cases where people have shown wonderful strength under some
excitement, similar to the following: The house of a farmer's wife caught on fire. No one was around to
help her move anything. She was a frail woman, and ordinarily was considered weak. On this
occasion she removed things from the house that it later took three men to handle. It was the Will To
Do that she used to accomplish her task.
Genius Is But A Will To Do Little Things With Infinite Pains.

Little Things Well Done Open The Door Of Opportunity For Bigger Things
When you learn so to use it, your Will Power becomes a mighty force. Almost everything can
be accomplished through its proper use. It is greater than physical force because it can be used to
control not only physical but mental and moral forces.
There are very few that possess perfectly developed and balanced Will Power, but those who
do easily crush out their weak qualities. Study yourself carefully. Find out your greatest weakness
and then use your will power to overcome it. In this way eradicate your faults, one by one, until
you have built up a strong character and personality.
Rules for Improvement. A desire arises. Now think whether this would be good for you. If it is
not, use your Will Power to kill out the desire, but, on the other hand, if it is a righteous desire,
summon all your Will Power to your aid, crush all obstacles that confront you and secure possession
of the desirable Good.
This is what I want you to do for the next week try to make quicker decisions in your little
daily affairs. Set the hour you wish to get up and arise exactly at the fixed time. Anything that you
should accomplish, do on or ahead of time. You want, of course, to give due deliberation to weighty
matters, but by making quick decisions on little things you will acquire the ability to make quick
decisions in bigger things. Never procrastinate. Decide quickly one way or the other even at the risk of
deciding wrong. Practice this for a week or two and notice your improvement.
Speaking about making quicker decisions I want you to fill up the order form at the end of this
report and send it to me or go online to www.smbseminar.com/specialoffer and register right now to
get your guaranteed seat. This will be your decision making in practice.
Exercise: 5
Step 1:
Track your willpower choices: for at least one day, try to notice every decision you make related to
your willpower challenge.
Step 2:
Five-minute brain-training meditation: focus on your breath using the words inhale and exhale
in your mind. When your mind wanders, notice, and bring it back to the breath.
Step 3:
Strengthen your immune system: to avoid catching other peoples willpower failures, spend a few
minutes at the beginning of your day thinking about your goals.
Step 4:
Catch self-control: when you need a little extra willpower, bring a role model to mind. Ask yourself:
What would this willpower wonder do?
Step 5:
Find your want power: when you find your biggest want powerthe motivation that gives you
strength when you feel weakbring it to mind whenever you find yourself most tempted to give in or
give up.
Step 6:

Zzzzzzzzzz: undo the effects of sleep deprivation with a nap or one good nights sleep. Relax to
restore your willpower reserve. Lie down, breathe deeply, and let the physiological relaxation
response help you recover from the demands of self-control and daily stress.
And finally Step 7:
Meet your future self: create a future memory, write a letter to your future self, or just imagine
yourself in the future.

Strategy # 6

Finally, a bias for action is one of the key strategies and mindsets of the rich. Action for
actions sake isnt necessary, but the sooner you can apply what you are learning, the faster you will
internalise it and make it your own.
Some people put off taking action because they dont know everything. They fool themselves
into thinking that if they just got a little more information, then they would be ready to move forward.
They fail to realise that with any investment there will always be the unknown.
The rich understand that sometimes the unknown will lead to mistakes. However, while
sometimes costly, those mistakes can be priceless in terms of lessons learned. They know that by
taking action and doing something, they help themselves understand how to invest better than any
book or seminar could.


Upgrade Your Package To Get More Proven Tools

The free tickets I am gifting to you are in our General Seating area. Bring an open mind and a
big notebook, because you will be receiving a flood of information, tools, and ideas.
And if you want to fully leverage this once-in-a-lifetime experience, upgrade to a VIP package.
The VIP Package includes:
Bonus 1

The Secret Millionaire Blueprint Hardcover Book (Creating Wealth Using The
Law Of Attraction) worth Rs. 800.00

Bonus 2

You Can You Will Its Your Choice Hardcover Book (A No Nonsense Approach TO
Transform Your Life) worth Rs. 800.00

Bonus 3

Rules For Parents Hardcover Book (A Practical Guide For Parents Of Adolescent)
worth Rs. 800

Bonus 4

How To Achieve Health And Vitality In Life (Create The Health And Vitality You
Deserve In Your Life) worth Rs. 1500.00

Bonus 5

How To Achieve Abundance Of Wealth And Financial Freedom (Creating Wealth

And Expanding Your Impact) worth Rs. 1500.00

Bonus 6

How To Empower Your Relationship (Creating Lasting Love And Affection) worth
Rs. 1500.00
That's a total value of Rs. 6,900.00!

You get all these bonuses for only Rs. 2790.00 per ticket a bargain considering the value of
what you receive.
My intention is to make this 2-day experience one of the most significant experiences
of your life... right up there with marriage, child birth, college graduation or any of your other defining
This course has been life-changing! I found myself doing things far beyond my comfort zone. I didnt
even recognize myself. This is the support I needed to turn my financial life around. And, I made
some very valuable connections with like-minded people.
put a seminar attendee name here
This course was high energy, filled with insights and valuable take-a-way information. In less than
two months after the seminar, I had my highest income month in over four years! And, my monthly
commissions are now consistently 20% higher than last year!"
put a seminar attendee name here

What Message Are You Broadcasting?

I strongly, strongly, strongly recommend you take this package for 2 reasons:
1. Because of the terrific bonuses included. With all the additional resources you receive, it's
practically like receiving another entire seminar's worth of ideas, tips and tools.
2. Even more importantly, because whether you realize it or not, you are in constant
communication with the universe. I believe the universe is actually set up to support us
and say "yes" to our most powerful messages whether those messages are conscious
or subconscious.
The letters VIP stand for Very Important Person. I believe that by accepting this package,
you are declaring to the universe that indeed, you are a Very Important Person. The universe
will respond with a "yes" and shower you with all the wealth and success an important person is privy
On the other hand, if you decide not to take the VIP package, that of course is fine. We
appreciate you fully and have full confidence that you can make the right decision about what
you want to declare to the universe.

Why People Rave About

Secret Millionaire Blueprint Seminar

This course is absolutely priceless! I came here feeling like I wasn't good enough and left feeling like
I could conquer the world. I am looking forward to returning and bringing my two teenage sons and
anyone else who could and would benefit from it. I have a millionaire mind!
put a seminar attendee name
I have never experienced such a mind-altering breakthrough in my entire life. I can honestly say I am
leaving here practically fearless! My appreciation for all that is given to the quality of this seminar is
immense. It was totally amazing. I know I will succeed in everything I desire.
put a seminar attendee name

Your Priority Response Form

Yes, Arfeen! I accept your gift of a FREE ticket to the Secret Millionaire Blueprint
Seminar specifically formulated to address the challenges of todays economy. Please
reserve my seat for the city below. And also I understand that I must provide a credit card
number to get a GUARANTEED SEAT.
I Am Signing Up For This LIFE-CHANGING Intense 2-Day Training Program And This Is What
Will Be Covered:
Powerful experience where you are in your life, envision exactly where you want to
be, and learn how to close the gap between the two
Discover the framework of life that all the successful people use to achieve what they
want in life
Discover yourself as to what you do and why you do it
Discover the 7 steps to achieve anything in your life

Master the powerful skills of rapport and influence to maximise your effectiveness as
parent, partner, business person, and leader
Learn the law of attraction and why it may not be working and what to do about it
Discover the money management system that the rich and successful people use
I also understand that I will receive 6 special Bonuses after booking my VIP ticket worth
Rs.6,900.00 for FREE and they are as follows: The Secret Millionaire Blueprint Hardcover
Book worth Rs.800.00. You Can You Will Its Your Choice Hardcover Book worth
Rs.800.00. Rules For Parents Hardcover Book worth Rs.800. How To Achieve Health And
Vitality In Life worth Rs.1500.00. How To Achieve Abundance Of Wealth And Financial
Freedom worth Rs.1500.00. How To Empower Your Relationship worth Rs.1500.00

Name _______________________________ Business Name ________________________________

City _______________ State ___________ Zip __________ e-mail___________________________
Phone ________________________________Fax________________________________________
Credit Card: ____Visa ____MasterCard ____ American Express _____Discover
Credit Card Number ___________________________________ Exp. Date __________________
Signature _________________________________ Date _________________________________
Providing this information constitutes your permission for Arfeen Khan to contact you regarding related
information via mail, e-mail, fax, and phone.


Make cheques payable to:

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