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The Spiritual Implications of the Bolshevik Revolution

“Fair is Foul and Foul is Fair”

The Bolshevik Revolution

Discussions regarding the proposed union between the Moscow Patriarchate and the Russian
Orthodox Church Outside of Russia rarely, if ever, touch on the historical circumstances surrounding
the Bolshevik revolution and its stated mission. While a great deal is said pertaining to what Sergius
did or did not do, almost nothing is said regarding the forces behind the revolution, its financiers,
and the eschatological implications of it. Despite a large body of writings warning of the apocalyptic
nature of the putsch, few leading ROCOR hierarchs question whether rapprochement with the
Moscow Patriarchate is simply the next phase in an anti-Christian occult agenda.[1] For instance, the
murder of the last Orthodox Tsar, St. Nicholas II, has been seen by some as a removal of the “hand
that restrains.”[2] With the murder of the Tsar, God’s anointed protector of the Church militant was
removed, unleashing hordes of anti-Christ that wreaked destruction and havoc on the world from
which it has yet to recover.
What, then, is the spiritual significance of this for the current debate regarding the future of
ROCOR? Are there good reasons for believing that the forces that set out to destroy Orthodoxy in
Russia have lost power, subsided in strength and, in the end, “thrown in the towel?” While no man
can know the appointed time for the end or, for that matter, the nature of “the mystery that worketh
iniquity,” remaining vigilant and guarding against possible deception seems more important now
than ever. We must ask ourselves, then, what was the source of the Bolshevik revolution, its spiritual
nature and purpose? While it may be impossible to determine its true inner core, those behind it left
signatures that point in an occult, sinister direction.
The Revolutionary Age and Its Origins: Preliminaries.
As many historians have observed, revolution in all areas of life is a defining feature of the
modern age. As Western Europe emerged out of the 14th century, men like Petrarch ignited interest
in classical antiquity, arguing that the civilizations of ancient Greece and Rome were superior to
what superseded them. Pagan in orientation and increasingly hostile towards Christianity,
Renaissance humanism sought a return to pre-Christian ways of thinking. The most obvious
expression of this can be found in the art of the time period: interwoven with Christian themes of the
Virgin and Christ Child are all sorts of symbolic references to Greek and Roman mythology. As
Renaissance painting began to depart from medieval art forms more closely resembling traditional
iconography, it also began to appropriate multi-layered meanings meant to resonate with esoteric,
occult philosophies. Perhaps this is no where better illustrated than in Botticelli’s “Primavera,” a
painting which, according to historian Frances Yates, was intended as a talisman or manifestation of
Italian occultist Ficino’s ideas regarding natural magic.[3]
During this time, interest in the nature of appearances, in discovering how to manipulate or
master the empirical world began to express itself as well. Here, a renewed interest in the ancient
Greek Pythagoreans converged with an interest in what was thought to be the work of an ancient
Egyptian wise man by the name of Hermes Trismegistus. While not an actual, real-life person, the
mythical figure of Trismegistus was imbued with an aura of ancient, mystical and arcane knowledge,
supposedly forgotten over the centuries but kept alive through various esoteric schools and secret
Combining elements of numerology, Cabala, and gnosticism, the writings ascribed to
Trismegistus were of great importance to Renaissance thinkers such as Ficino and Pico della
Mirandola. Attempting to combine elements from what was essentially a mystical tradition most
likely formed in ancient Persia and in ancient Judaic occultism during the Babylonian captivity,
hermeticism provided the theoretical impetus necessary for many a Renaissance layman to pursue
alchemy, numerology, Cabala, and other occult forms of inquiry. Treatises began to proliferate
regarding the mixture and concoction of different kinds of materials, alchemical formulas for
discovering the “elixir of life”; astronomical charts and theories were formed to explain astrological
meanings, events, and the harmony of the spheres; and, inquiries into magic and the power of eros in
manipulating or controlling others finds expression in philosophy, literature, and poetry.[4] In the
end, the work of Ficino and Pico resulted in an attempt to combine what they understood to be
Christian principles of the Godhead with the gnostic and occultic philosophies represented in the
hermetic writings ascribed to Trismegistus.[5] Already in the 2nd century, however, St. Ireneaus in
his Refutation of the Heresies, had soundly exposed these gnostic and occultic ideas for what they
were – heretical ideas opposed to the Truth of Christ. For some reason, however, they began to
spread in western Europe during this time and are present in many so-called New Age forms of
“spirituality” today.
Understood from this perspective, the Renaissance was not a time of scientific and cultural
discovery as it is so often portrayed. Rather, the Renaissance represents a time of resurgent pagan
and gnostic occultism. Ficino and Pico della Mirandola attempted to merge gnostic and Cabalistic
magical ideas with what they understood to be Roman Catholic doctrine. These ideas and
developments would, in many ways, culminate in the execution of hermeticist Giordano Bruno on
February 17, 1600 during the Inquisition in Rome.[6] Although the Latin church found many of
these ideas heretical, they had already infiltrated much of western thinking. In a more pedestrian
form they inspired many elements in rationalism – Leibnizian monadology and Spinoza’s pantheism
– as well as the scientism that accompanied alchemist Isaac Newton’s Principia. And, artistically,
Mozart packaged numerous esoteric occult themes for public consumption in his opera, “Die
Zauberflote,” as did Shakespeare in many of his plays a century earlier.
In fact, in Elizabethan England, many of the occult philosophies that formed the thinking of
Ficino, Pico, and Bruno, found an adherent in the person of John Dee, Elizabeth’s official “Court
Astrologer.” The inspiration for Marlowe’s Dr. Faust in his play, Faustus, Dee engaged in occult
practices rooted in the same hermetic traditions mentioned above. Dee, known for invoking spirits,
believed Cabala would protect the conjurer from invoking demons. As such, Dee claimed to be an
invoker of angels.[7] His role as Elizabeth’s court astrologer placed in him in a position to promote
certain occult ideas which led, according to some researchers, to the formation of an intelligence
service with Dee taking on the designation of “007.”[8] While the history of freemasonry is obscure
and subject to dispute, some researches claim Dee was an important transmitter of the occult
practices and philosophy that formed the tenets of Weishaupt’s Illuminati and Scottish Free Rite
masonry. According to Craig Heimbichner, “A solid occult beachhead was established in England
under Elizabeth I, culminating in the Rosicrusian movement, the Renaissance exaltation of magic
and alchemy by Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa (1486-1535) and Paracelsus (1493-1541), and later the
formation of a socially accepted system of lodges, free to recruit respectable men. This English
lodge system, exoterically a brotherhood and fraternal order copied from the Catholic guild of
stonemasons, used the symbols of stonemasonry to teach apparently moral lessons but actually
imported kabbalistic symbols from Judaism and reserved its occult teaching for higher initiates.
Hence, the new Masonic Lodge became the powerful inner occult channel between countries as it
spread across Europe and to America. Thus was born Freemasonry.”[9] Given Dee’s relationship to
Elizabeth and the government, his role in the formation of freemasonry’s occult doctrines should not
be underestimated.

The European Enlightenment: The Darkening of the Western Mind

During the Enlightenment and revolutionary era, figures such as Voltaire, Condorcet, Diderot,
Hammann, Moses Mendelssohn, Goethe and countless others joined the masons and pledged
allegiance to the god of theism or deism. The rapidity with which these ideas spread was truly
astonishing. While the Enlightenment era alone justifies several pages of discussion, rather than
taking too many historical detours, readers interested in educating themselves about the spread of
freemasonry during this time can consult any number of books by simply doing an online search
pertaining to the topic. However, some remarks are in order regarding the French Revolution.
From alchemy to Cabala, Renaissance philosophical and theological speculation was influenced
by occult ideas that would emerge during the early 18th century in the form of Illuminism in
Bavaria. The nature of Illuminism is essentially “Luciferian” – that is, it rejects Orthodox
Christianity’s understanding of Man’s Fall and his salvation through an ontological participation in
the Triune God’s Divine Energies. Illuminism taught the lie of the serpent in the Garden of Eden,
namely that Man was a god if only he would reject God and embrace his capacity for Good and Evil
as necessary polarities in a higher synthesis of knowledge or being. Freemasonic doctrine
appropriated aspects of Illuminism and sought to overturn the power of the Christian Church and the
Old Order wherever possible.
While admitting as much 15 years ago in respectable academic circles would have resulted in
derisive laughter, no less an authority than Librarian of Congress James Billington has documented
these facts in his book, Fire in the Minds of Men.[10] At the beginning of his exhaustively
footnoted and researched book, Billington describes what motivated the Revolutionary age,
including what took place in Russia:
“The revolutionary faith was shaped not so much by the critical rationalism of the French
Enlightenment (as is generally believed) as by the occultism and proto-romanticism of
A few pages later, Billington explicitly describes the revolutionary process by which European
powers and Christianity were targeted for destruction:
“The flame of faith had begun its migrations a century earlier, when some European aristocrats
transferred their lighted candles from Christian altars to Masonic lodges. The flame of occult
alchemists which had promised to turn dross into gold, reappeared at the center of new ‘circles’
seeking to recreate a golden age: Bavarian Illuminists conspiring against the Jesuits, French
Philadelphians against Napoleon, Italian charcoal burners against the Hapsburgs.”[12]
Billington’s description of the French Revolution provides an instructive overview of various
elements that would converge to discredit the Monarchy. Due to the manipulation of Mirabeau, the
King’s brother Philippe, Duke of Orleans, allowed his estate grounds to be turned into the Palais
Royale – a haven of free sex, pornography, narcotics, and revolutionary forums. Here, the elite
indulged in all manner of perversity and a hatred for the King and the “Ancien Regime.” Plot after
plot was hatched here, each one intended to cause unrest and resentment toward the Crown. The
famous “Diamond Necklace Affair” attempted to smear the Queen, Marie Antoinette, by alleging
that a “lover” had given her a ridiculously extravagant diamond necklace as appreciation for her
favours. As in Russia, the conspiratorial forces created disinformation in an attempt to smear the
King and demand his removal.[13] And, as in Russia, the conspiratorial forces were engaged in
occult philosophies that preached wild abandon and the embracing of decadence and
experimentation. The result? As in Russia, a Christian country was defiled and desecrated, brought
to Her knees by anti-God and anti-Christ forces.
Now, we turn our attention to Russia. With the brief overview of the history of various occult
movements and ideas, we will focus our attention on two aspects of the Bolshevik putsch: the
symbols they adopted and the martyrdom of the Royal Family.

The issue of freemasonry and the occult in Russia requires a study all its own. Certainly, with
Peter the Great and Catherine the Great, Enlightenment ideas – as well as Masonry itself – made
their way into Russia. If fact, while Catherine’s son Tsar Paul is often maligned and misunderstood
by western academics as an ineffectual, reactionary leader, he did a great deal to reverse the tide of
libertinism and westernization Catherine had embraced. During Paul’s reign, masonry was quite
active in opposing Paul’s rejection of many of Catherine’s “reforms”; in fact, it may have played an
important role in his assassination.[14] Over the course of the 19th century, numerous occult and
freemasonic ideas would infiltrate Russia, finding adherents and dabblers among the aristocracy and
revolutionary classes. While it falls outside the scope of this discussion to describe the history and
transmission of these ideas among various figures, the rise of revolutionary nihilism and an interest
in theosophy and other “luciferian” ideas is evident in the art and political movements of the 19th
century. Where these movements and ideas express themselves is in the Bolshevik putsch itself.

The Esoteric Meaning Behind Symbols

Perhaps the most telling indication that occult forces were behind the Bolshevik revolution is the
very symbols of the Soviet regime itself: the hammer, sickle and star. Occult symbols often have
multiple meanings. Publicly available associations or “exoteric” meanings are usually taken in an
innocuous way. However, these symbols can also have an esoteric meaning that operates almost like
a code for the initiated that are aware of their double significance.
For instance, suppose a beer company has the slogan, “Too good for words.” In order to create
curiosity they might undertake a clever advertising campaign where they simply place the following
words, without a picture of their product, in magazines and newspapers:

People seeing the ad would of course wonder what it meant and may
not even catch on that it is a code: exoterically, it is 2 “GOOD” and 4 “WORDS.” Esoterically, it
refers to the beer in question’s advertising slogan, “Too good for words.” The psychological effect
of the decoded or esoteric meaning would most likely stay with an individual who figured it out
much longer than a literal campaign involving pictures of the product. In a sense, one becomes an
initiate of the campaign: once one deciphers its meaning, every time one sees the add, one thinks of
the product.
Culturally speaking, the 1960s witnessed the appearance of just such a symbol – the peace sign.
Plastered all over shirts, albums, ads, design sheets, and other spaces as well, many took the peace
sign as simply an anti-war symbol and icon for the ideals of social justice. Most did not realize that
the so-called peace sign has an esoteric meaning as well: it is a Germanic “Todesrune” indicating an
inversion of life.[15] According to certain occult sources, it is also known as the “raven’s foot,”
supposedly used during certain occult rituals that involve a denial of Christ. In this connection, it
appears as an upside down broken Cross, indicating an inversion or rejection of God’s order on
Why, then, would a symbol associated with an inversion of life be used to represent the peace
movement? Here, one can only speculate. If, however, we view the symbol as an esoteric code,
various possibilities suggest themselves. The political movements of the 1960s were, in many ways,
a means by which society was transformed. Grounded in nihilism and relativistic revolutionary
philosophy, the radical thought of the sixties sought to restructure and redefine the family, sexuality,
culture, morality, religion, and politics. After the killing of John F. Kennedy, chaos erupted. Not
unlike other revolutions that involved the “killing of the King,[16]” social and spiritual forces were
set loose that sought to destroy the “Old Order” – a more socially conservative society which held
public morality in place.
Understood in this light, we begin to see an alternative use and meaning behind the so-called
peace sign. Hiding behind a façade of peace, various forces could appropriate the language of social
justice and morality, thereby hiding their true intentions – the destruction or transformation of
American culture. So understood, the peace sign becomes a macabre jest, an esoteric signature that
communicates to initiates both the true purpose of the “movement” and its sponsors. In other words,
the peace sign is not about peace at all – it is, in short, a false advertising campaign by which various
forces sought the upheaval and transformation of society rather than its preservation.

The Bolshevik Symbols

When we look at the flag of the Soviet state we find symbols with esoteric and exoteric
connotations. If taken exoterically, the hammer is meant to refer to industry, the modernization and
factory output of the new Soviet man. The sickle, on the other hand, symbolizes the agrarian
component of Soviet labour and organization for the growing of food. The star presumably refers to
the providence or destiny of the Soviet state in the formation of a new age of Man. However, when
we consult a dictionary of symbols, something else begins to emerge.
On page 200 of Carl Liungman’s Dictionary of Symbols, we learn that the sickle represents
Saturn and Chronos. Both the Greeks and Romans associated harvests with these gods, as well as
death, due to the lengthy cycle of the planet’s orbit around the sun. Additionally, Saturn and
Chronos are associated with sorrow and deprivation, with the separation of human beings from the
gods. In the Middle Ages, this symbol would be associated with “Satan, the tester.” [17] Researcher
Michael Hoffman reminds us that Saturn is also associated with the Demiurge, the “operating
engineer of the universe” and not its creator.[18] Saturn-Chronos represents the end of the rule of the
Olympians, the end of the age when Man lived in harmony with nature and the beginning of his
separation and alienation from the gods through science and manipulation of the natural world.
In the case of the hammer, when candidates are initiated into the 3rd degree of Masonry they are
symbolically struck in the head with a hammer in imitation of the alleged assassination and
resurrection of Hiram Abiff.[19] (The “extreme” nature of this ritual coined the common harmless
phrase, “he gave him the third degree” as a description of a particularly thorough or intense
investigation and questioning.) Craig Heimbichner claims that, “In the third degree, the blindfolded
candidate, as ‘Hiram Abiff,’ is unexpectedly ‘slain’ (struck with a mallet on the forehead) and
‘resurrected,’ leaving the Temple of Solomon unfinished.”[20] Here, then, is an esoteric reference to
an initiation into the “resurrection” that must take place for the creation of a new consciousness, a
new initiate into the New Order. In this regard, the hammer or the “molot” may very well be an
indication of what is happening to all Soviet victims: they are being “struck and killed” in order to
resurrect new initiates into the post-Christian New Age.
The five pointed star, or pentagram, is ancient and has a host of associations. On page 43 of
Liungman’s book, he informs us that the five pointed star without intersecting lines is a derivative of
the ancient pentagram – that is, a five pointed start drawn with intersecting lines. While it has had
various meanings throughout the ages, it is also associated with the occult and used for sinister
purposes. On page 44, Liungman indicates that during the Middle Ages the pentagram was
associated with the anti-Christ. However, there are numerous other associations as well. What, then,
are we to make of it?
If our thesis concerning the development of occult traditions is correct, it might be helpful to
consider whether the star has any associations within masonic thought. Gleamed from the writings
of various occultists and freemasons such as Albert Pike, it appears that the star is associated with
the star of Sirius, the so-called “dog star.” Sirius is in the constellation Canis – hence its designation
as “dog star.” Its helical rising occurs in July and August, during the hottest time of the year. Our
phrase “the dog days of summer” refers to this astronomical event.

The All-Seeing Eye and Sirius

According to the arcane teachings of freemasonry, the all-seeing eye is associated with the star
Sirius. On page 138 of his book, Heimbichner tells us under the entry for “Ayin,” the following:
Ayin: An eye. The “eye in the triangle” is one of the most basic Masonic figures, exoterically the
All-Seeing Eye of God, but esoterically the Eye of Set-Sothis-Shaitan (Satan); represented
astronomically as Sirius . . .[21]
Who or what, then, is Set-an or Shaitan? In Ancient Egypt, Sirius was associated with Isis, as
well as the jackal-headed god Anubis. While information on these connections is readily available
from a number of different websites, one New Age page claims that,
“Sirius was revered as the Nile Star, or Star of Isis, by the ancient Egyptians. Its annual appearance
just before dawn at the Summer Solstice, June 21, heralded the coming rise of the Nile, upon which
Egyptian agriculture depended.”[22]
The mythological reasons for this association are related to the killing of Osiris by his brother Set
and the mourning of him by his sister-wife Isis. Said to take place around the time of the summer
solstice, Isis wanders the Nile, Grief-stricken by her brother-husband’s death, tears filling the river,
causing it to rise.[23] For this reason, both Isis and Osiris are sometimes associated with Sirius.
Sirius itself has two sister stars, Sirius A and Sirius B. Sirius B is associated with the jackal-headed
god Anubis, the god responsible for judging and ferrying souls into the afterlife. Eventually, the evil
principle of Set and the hidden, dark aspect of Anubis were taken to refer to “Set-An.” The Egyptian
word “An,” referring to dog, was coupled with the word for soot or the dirtiness of sin, “Sut” –
forming Set-An.[24] Eventually, “Satan” would linguistically derive from this Babylonian-Egyptian
connection to the myths surrounding Sirius.
In relation to freemasonry, Heimbichner writes that, “the essence of Freemasonry can be traced to
the current of ancient Sumerian worship of ‘Shaitan’ (Satan). This current was given shape in
ancient Egypt and Babylon, but ironically was most effectively preserved from disintegration
through the oral teaching of its rabbinical heirs in the form of the ‘traditions of the ancients’ or
‘elders.’” In short, the five pointed star used by the Soviets is rich in esoteric and occult
The Shape of Things to Come
If our thesis is correct and the Soviet symbols are esoteric codes for initiates of an occult
conspiracy, can we draw any conclusions with regard to the scope of the conspiracy? Obviously, if
there is such a conspiracy, it is unlikely its adherents would publicly divulge their intentions or plans
– although they may encode them in various ways. Here, we can only speculate from evidence,
circumstantial and otherwise.
Take, for instance, the back of the US dollar bill. Well known for its strange all-seeing eye and
pyramid, many conspiracy theorists and religious critics have pointed out its obvious connection to
the Illuminati and freemasonry. While esoteric symbols often have multiple meanings – even at the
exoteric level – patterns and commonalities in intent and kind should lead in directions of
interpretation that are more plausible than others. In the case of the US dollar bill, what is of
particular interest is the use of Illuminati symbolism. As mentioned earlier, the all-seeing eye is
associated with Sirius and Set-an by mystical freemasonry.
Now, if we take the Soviet flag below and trace a border outline around the symbols, we form a
triangular shape with the star sitting at its top. If we understand the star to refer to Sirius and its
esoteric connotations, it would also stands in for the “all-seeing eye” of the Illuminists and esoteric
freemasons. This bears a striking resemblance to the Illuminati symbol on the back of the one dollar

Taken as a coded signature, is it

possible that the Soviet symbols are intended to form a pyramid with the star of Sirius sitting on
top? Is there any connection between these esoteric symbols and that of the all-seeing eye on the
back of the dollar bill, adopted in 1935? Are the conspirators telegraphing a message regarding the
shape of things to come? Is it possible that the occult forces behind world revolutionary movements
have put their stamp on a Hegelian dialectic between the capitalist West and the communist East?
Could it be that these same occult forces have created the illusion of difference, of conflict, for the
sole purpose of creating a synthesis of the two systems, bringing them together in a single global
government? Is it possible that to the initiated, the symbols mockingly and knowingly testify to the
fact that one and the same group or power owns and runs both systems?[25]
Sirius Revisited
In addition to its significance as an esoteric symbol, Sirius also has astronomical significance as
well. As mentioned earlier, our notion of the “dog days of summer” is a direct reference to Sirius’
helical rising during the summer months. The period in question actually commences sometime
around June 21 and runs through mid-August. During this time, the sun is aligned with Sirius on or
around each July 4th. Again, there are numerous astronomical and astrological pages on the internet
that provide information pertaining to Sirius’ helical rising and its conjunction with the sun.
According to a New Age website,
“The Fourth of July is linked to the brightest star in the heavens, Sirius. Every year on July 4 from
our Earth's position, our Sun is in conjunction with the star Sirius. Esoterically this star is our
Spiritual Sun and is associated with liberation. According to ancient teachings, the concept of
freedom resides in human consciousness because of the influence of this star system. Astrologically,
a conjunction is the strongest aspect celestial bodies can have. Our Sun exactly conjoins Sirius in the
sign of Cancer at 14 degrees, which occurs around July 4–7.”[26]
Interestingly enough, a number of important revolutionary events have occurred during this time
period. To cite only a few, American Independence was declared on July 4th , 1776; Bastille Day in
Revolutionary France is July 14; and, most importantly for the Church, the Royal Martyrs were
killed on July 4th, 1918 (Old Calendar).[27] Of course, it could be a coincidence that certain
Masonic-occult inspired events happen to coincide with the sun’s conjoining with Sirius – the
esoteric symbol for the all-seeing eye of Set-An. Here again, we are confronted with a
correspondence or pattern that betrays a spiritual reality behind the subterfuge and dissimulation of
Masonic organizations.[28]
The “teachings” associated with Sirius and other occult doctrines are false, heretical, and an
abomination. We know they are from the teachings of our Lord and God and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
What we must remember, however, is that the adherents of these false teachings believe them to be
true and act accordingly. In the process of doing so, however, they sometimes leave markers
testifying to that fact.

Hammer and Sickle – Translating Their Meanings

However, these symbols also have an additional layer of meaning, a meaning contained in the
very words themselves. In Russian, the word for “hammer” is “molot.” The word for “sickle” is
“serp.” Now, if we take these two words and combine them we have.
In certain unholy and blasphemous acts, occultists speak parts of the Liturgy backwards.
Understanding this as an esoteric and occult “signature,” when we turn around the words that refer to
hammer and sickle we get
Interestingly enough, “prestolom” has a double meaning: it can mean either “by the throne of the
King” or “through the Altar of the Church.” In effect, then, hidden within the symbols of the
Bolshevik revolution is an occult message that speaks of an inversion of God’s Law and Order on
Earth. It is, in short, not unlike a satanic inversion of our Lord’s Cross – a “todesrune” in another

The Ipatiev House: The Writing on the Wall

Equally compelling and suggestive is the murder of the Royal Family. For those familiar with
Russian history there is little doubt as to the conspiratorial nature of the killings. While some debate
whether or not Lenin actually gave the orders, other prominent historians seem convinced he did.
[29] In any case, what is important is what the killers left behind in the death chamber at the Ipatiev
house. As many historians have indicated and, as reported by Sokolov, strange writings were left on
the wall.[30] The meanings behind these writings point in an occult and conspiratorial direction. As
monk Zachariah writes:

Finally, after midnight on July 4, 1918, the entire family, with their doctor and two faithful servants,
was brought to the basement of the house of their confinement under the pretext of moving them
once again. There they were brutally and mercilessly murdered, the children as well as the adults,
under the cover of darkness — for "Men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were
evil"(John 3:19). The Tsar was shot as he stood forward to defend his family. Tsaritsa Alexandra was
able to make the sign of the Cross before she, too, fell. Amid screams, the children were shot,
clubbed and bayoneted, in an act of indescribable brutality. There is evidence that the murders were
ritualistic; strange symbols were found on the walls of the room where the crime took place. Thus
ended the life of the gentle, Christ-like Tsar, as a sacrifice for the Orthodox Faith and for the Russian
people, both of whom he so fervently loved and believed in..[31]
What, then, were these “strange symbols” and writings referred to? Two will occupy us here –
the altered fragment of a poem by the German Jewish poet Heinrich Heine and a series of cabalistic
symbols scrawled on the wall.

The fate of King Belshazzar is well known from the Old Testament book of Daniel (Daniel,
Chapter 5). In the book of Daniel, Belshazzar was a proud, arrogant King who despised the people
of God, the people of Israel. In the course of a feast, strange writings appear on the his palace wall.
Daniel interprets them, indicating the extent to which Belshazzar has outraged and offended God.
For speaking the Truth, Daniel is bound and Belshazzar ignores God’s warning. Later that night,
Belshazzar is slain by the Chaldaens. Afterwards, his removal made possible the rebuilding of the
Temple of God in Zion by Zerubbabel. Now, keeping this in mind, let us take a look at the following
fragment from a Heine poem scrawled on the wall of the Ipatiev house:
Belsatzar ward in selbiger Nacht
Von seinen Knechten[32] umgebracht.
Before translating the couplet, let’s first take at a look at the lines as they actually appear in
Heine’s poem:
Belsazar ward aber in selbiger Nacht
Von seinen Knechten umgebracht.
Notice that the word “Belsazar” (the German spelling for “Belshazzar”) has been intentionally
altered to read “Belsatzar” – that is, to mnemonically include the world “Tzar.” This sort of punning
and word play are hallmarks of occult practices, intended to bring out Janus-like qualities to the
“seen” and “hidden” aspects of events and reality.[33] The actual translation of the couplet also
suggests further meanings. Translating the original, we get the following:
On the same night Belshazzar
Was killed by his own slaves.
This, of course, refers to the murder of the proud and arrogant King Belshazzar who opposed the
righteous Israelites. However, in the altered fragment written on the wall of the Ipatiev house –
obviously a reference to the writing that appeared on Belshazzar’s walls that Daniel interpreted – the
line takes on a different meaning: was the “Belsa-tzar”, that is, “Tzar” killed because he stood in the
way of the building of a different kind of Zionist Temple? Or, more importantly, if these forces were
active agents of anti-Christ, could he have been killed to make way for the “building” of the final
“abomination of desolation?”
Here, we must be careful not to fall into the trap of accusing the Jews themselves of conspiracy.
While international Zionism may have played a role in the financing of the Bolsheviks, the occult
conspiracy involves more than just any one ethnicity or nationality. While apostate, atheistic Jews
may have been instrumental in bringing the revolution to Russia, there is an historical and
ideological link between the occult, hermetic systems discussed earlier in this essay and their spread
throughout Europe via secret societies that infiltrated every country. The fact that the conspiracy
involved more than just any one ethnic group seems evident from the next set of “writings” to be
discussed – the esoteric, cabalistic inscriptions found in death chamber.

The Letter L x 3
Perhaps the most puzzling inscription on the walls at the Ipatiev house is the letter “L,” written in
three different languages: Hebrew, Samaritan, and Greek. There is a line written beneath these three
letters as well. The explanation offered for these cryptic symbols amounts to an indication that the
Tsar was killed as “punishment” for his “crimes.” However, the translation of these symbols into a
statement or message is not as important for our purposes as the means by which an interpretation of
them is made possible. According to the book, Waters Flowing Eastward: The War Against the
Kingship of Christ, the sources used for decoding these writings include writings by John Dee, the
famous occultist Eliphas Levy, and the famous French occultist and acquaintance of Helena
Blavatsky, Papus.[34] As such, there is good reason to believe that these symbols required someone
with a knowledge of the occult, hermetic and cabalistic traditions that have informed revolutionary
movements throughout the modern age since at least the Renaissance. Here, we have an indication
that the conspiracy was bigger than just Zionists: whoever carried it out seems to have been a
product of the freemasonic/luciferian secret societies that were involved in other revolutions
throughout Europe and America. As the author says,
Finally, the line drawn beneath these three letters (in Magical Science the horizontal line is the
symbol of the passive principle) indicates that those who killed the king did not do so of their own
will, but in obedience to superior command. Whoever wrote this inscription was a man well versed
in the secrets of the ancient Jewish cabbalism, as contained in the Cabbala and the Talmud. IN
accomplishing the deed in obedience to superior order, this man performed a rite of Black Magic. It
is for this reason that he commemorated his act by a cabbalistic inscription in cipher, which belonged
to the rite. The inscription therefore proves: 1.) That the Tsar was killed. 2.) That the murder of the
Tsar was committed by men under the command of occult forces; and by an organization which, in
its struggle against existing power resorted to the ancient cabbalism in which it was well versed.[35]
The MP Today
Even if our thesis is correct and there is reason to believe an occult conspiracy lies behind modern
revolutionary movements – including the Bolshevik putsch – what connection, if any, does the MP
have in all of this? Here, a word of caution is in order. First, despite what might seem plausible in
regard to the existence at different times in history of a hidden, conspiratorial hand, it would be
wrong to believe it has absolute, total power. The Triune God, working in conjunction with Man’s
Faith and free acceptance and return of God’s Love, determines the time and place of eschatological
events according to His Wisdom known only to Him. No matter the extent of a conspiracy, keeping
the Faith and praying fervently to God, the Church has the Grace and Power of God. And, as
Vladyka Averky has taught in his book[36], the actions of Man can bring the End Times closer, now
further, now closer again. In other words, the world’s time is like an elastic band which can be
stretched and shortened according to the degree to which Man is Faithful to God. So, even if an
occult conspiracy existed or exists now, it is not in ultimate control and can never prevail against the
Having said as much, we are also instructed to be vigilant. To what degree, then, has the Russian
nation been subjugated to anti-Christ occult forces bent on rebelling against God? We have tried to
trace elements involved in the rise of an occult philosophy involved in modern revolutionary
movements. In the case of Russia, it would seem there is some evidence that an occult conspiracy
played a role in the removal of the Tsar and the subsequent destruction of Holy Russia. To what
extent are these forces still active in current Russian society, culture, and religion?
In her book, Ecumenism: Path to Perdition, Ludmilla Perepiolkina discusses the presence of the
occult in the current Moscow Patriarchate.[37] In a chapter entitled, “Dark Spirituality in the Bosom
of the Moscow Patriarchate,” Mrs. Perepiolkina describes Alexey II’s involvement with various
clergy connected to the occult. According to the chapter, Alexey II was friends with the late
Metropolitan Ioann of St. Petersburg and Archpriest Vasily Lesnyak. Both were involved with the
Scientific Council of the International Institute of Reserve Potential of Man – an organization
practicing different kinds of hypnotic and New Age spirituality techniques.[38] The existence of
“sorcerers” and “wizards” in the MP clergy is also discussed by Mrs. Perepiolkina, including priests
engaging in occult activities and truly blasphemous acts such as baptizing the dead.
From these facts alone, are we not entitled to ask to what extent the MP has been corrupted and
infiltrated by the same occult forces that sought to destroy Orthodoxy in Russia? Given the current
stage of world political events, do we not see the same forces evident in the Bolshevik putsch acting
in recent events as well? Are our leaders pursuing global government and the marginalization of
Christ’s Truth or are they embracing self-determination and a rolling back of modern, secular
Given the nature of the current world, what reason does the Synod have – or, better yet – what
GUARANTEE does she have that she is not being “hoodwinked” by hidden forces bent on her

We have only touched on a very small number of questions and issues related to occult
conspiracies and their relationship to secret societies. However, it bears keeping in mind that if
occult conspirators have publicly used esoteric symbols before in an ambiguous or dubious context,
they will likely continue to do so today. Of course, these public displays will likely be “encoded,”
ambiguous enough so that only the “initiated” will understand what is being communicated.
As the MP begins to reach out to the Latin church, the ecumenical prerogative both are battling
for speaks volumes as to what is being prepared. We have been warned about a coming “religion of
the future” whereby the masses will be prepared to accept anti-Christ. In order to do so, however, a
global “spirituality” must be cultivated. So, where is Rome in all of this? Consider the pictures
below and ask yourself why the Bishop of Rome would allow the abomination of the satanic
inverted Cross to adorn his throne – regardless of its “exoteric” reference to Peter’s crucifixion?
What “tradition” within the Roman church does this refer to? How many other Popes in the past
have used an inverted Cross? If it is a relatively recent development, why does it come during a
highly ecumenical era, not only for the Roman church but for all of Christianity? What does this say
about the spiritual condition of Rome or its infiltration by forces opposed to Christ? Was the Pope,
without his knowledge, an unwitting tool of these forces?

And, we also have the strange, global event in connection with John Paul II’s funeral – a event
bringing all religions and leaders together, televised across the world. Using stagecraft that would
have made Marshall McLuhan proud, for three days people all over the world were presented with
images surrounding his death and funeral. He was presented as someone who attempted to build
bridges and bring peace. His ecumenical undertakings were praised and held up as an example for
But, what was being said in all of this? To what extent did John Paul II present his” mission” as
one first and foremost grounded in the Truth of Christ? He participated in services with non-
Christians and claimed that pagan traditions had something to add to the Church. Was this a betrayal
on his part regarding the fullness of the Christian Truth?
It’s interesting to think about these and other matters when inspecting how his funeral was staged
and the psychological purposes behind it. The presentation of his coffin in itself raises questions
with regard to esoteric symbols, possibly hidden in plain view for the purposes of the initiated.
What, if anything, are we supposed to “see” in the placement of the coffin and the “design” of the
carpet used? Are we imagining things?

Metropolitan Kyril of Smolensk was quick to offer the MP’s condolences (see his letter at the link below).
And, when Cardinal Ratzinger assumed the papal throne as the new Bishop of Rome, Kyril
immediately congratulated him as well (see his letter at the link below).
What is being prepared in all of this? In considering these and other events, one cannot help but feel
that Yeats’ poem, “The Second Coming” captures the spirit of our age:
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all convictions, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand;

Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
In view of what is said in this article, it is understandable that the members of ROCOR around the
world and those believers who are in the Motherland, but not in the MP, would like to preserve their
independence from governments and from influence from non-Christian organizations. The Holy
Orthodox Russian Church should follow the path set by the Seven Ecumenical Councils, the
Teachings of The Holy Fathers, the Holy Patriach Tikhon, and thousands of St. Martyrs for the
Church in the USSR, and the ROCOR should continue to follow the way of its First Hierarchs
Metropolitans Anthony, Anastasy, Filaret and Vitaly. Therefore "The Blessed Metropolitan Anthony
Memorial Society" will resist all innovations in the MP including Sergianism (with its affiliation to
communistic government departments), ecumenical activity and political involvement such as
instructing members of the Church who they should "elect".. For us the Freedom of the Church is
important and "unia" with the MP as it is is not acceptable.

[1] Russians will be familiar with the warnings found in the writings of St. John of Kronstadt, St. Seraphim of Sarov,
Elder Ambrose of Optina, as well as writers such as Dostoyevsky and even Soloviev.
[2] See Engleman, Dennis, Ultimate Things: An Orthodox Christian Perspective on the End Times, Ben Lomand,
California, Conciliar Press (1995), pp 70-87.
[3] See pages 76-78, Yates, Frances. Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition, Chicago, Illinois, University of
Chicago Press (1964).
[4] Couliano. Ioan P. Eros and Magic in the Renaissance. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, (1987).
[5] See Yates, especially the first five chapters of her book.
[6] Religious Studies professor Philip G. Davis succinctly describes Bruno’s outlook: “Although Bruno paid lip service
to the transcendence of God, his thought was heavily imbued with pantheism; he emphasized the role of the world-soul
as the inner dynamism of all things. Bruno came close to rejecting Christianity altogether. He supported Copernicus,
and went on to argue that an infinite number of stars and worlds exists in the universe. Since he still believed that man is
the microcosm of that universe, this conferred an enormous degree of significance upon the individual human being.
Bruno clearly fits the definition of a neopagan – he regarded Christianity as a fall away from the truth, and he hoped to
restore the true ‘Egyptian’ religion he thought he saw in the Hermetic literature..” See Davis, Philip G. Goddess
Unmasked: The Rise of Neopagan Feminist Spirituality, Dallas, Texas, Spence Publishing, (1998), pg. 131.
[7] See Yates, pg. 96.
[8] See Hoffman, Michael A III. Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare. Independent History and Research,
Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, (2001), pp. 16-17.
[9] Heimbichner, Craig. Blood on the Altar: The Secret History of the World’s Most Dangerous Secret Society. Coer
d’Alene, Idaho, Independent History and Research (2005), pp. 9-10.
[10] See Billington, James. Fire in the Minds of Men: Origins of the Revolutionary Faith. New Brunswick, New
Jersey, Transaction Press (1999).
[11] ibid. pg. 3.
[12] ibid. pp. 5-6
[13] See Fraser, Antonia. Marie Antoinette, New York, Anchor Books, (2001), pp. 226-240. For a more conspiratorial
overview, see Carr, William Guy. Pawns in the Game. Hollywood, California, Angirff Press (1958), pp. 25-39.
[14] For an interesting discussion of Paul, Catherine, and the issue of freemasonry in Russia, see Vladimir Moss’ book,
Christian Power in the Age of Revolution. It can be found online in its entirety at the following link:
http://romanitas.ru/eng/THE%20AGE%20OF%20REVOLUTION%20(custom%20size).mht . Reader Vladimir has a
number of other excellent books posted at http://romanitas.ru/eng/ as well. Although obviously sympathetic to it as a
general movement, Marc Raeff’s book, Origins of the Russian Intelligentsia : The Eighteenth-Century Nobility, provides
a chapter on the topic of freemasonry as well.
[15] See Liungman, Carl. Dictionary of Symbols, New York, New York, Norton Press (1991), pg. 253.
[16] For a discussion of the ritualistic and symbolic significance of these kinds of events see Frazer, James George. The
Gold Bough. New York, New York, Touchstone Press (1922), pp. 308-341. All modern revolutionary “killings of the
King,” seem to involve an element of ritual. Beginning perhaps with Cromwell, there is an almost “magical”
significance associated with monarchs on the part of revolutionaries – as if they are in fact “divine” in some way. In the
case of Marie Antoinette, a man surreptitiously placed himself under the scaffold and tried to drench his handkerchief in
her blood as it flowed down after her execution. See Fraser, Antonia. Marie Antoinette, New York, New York, Anchor
Books, (2001), pg. 440.
[17] See pp. 200-201 in Liungman, Carl. Dictionary of Symbols, New York, New York, Norton Press. 1991.
[18] See Hoffman, pp. 21-22.
[19] This ritual is discussed in numerous books but can also be found by doing a Google search with the words “third
degree masonry mallet”.
[20] See Heimbichner, pg. 58, footnote 4.
[21] Heimbichner, pg. 138.
[22] http://www.souledout.org/cosmology/sirius/siriusgodstar.html
[23] Frazer, James George. The Gold Bough. New York, New York, Touchstone Press, (1922), pp. 420-432.
Additionally, see Stoyanov, Yuri. The Other God: Dualist Religions From Antiquity to the Cathar Heresy. New
Haven, Connecticut, Yale University Press (2000), pp. 6-21.
[24] See Hoffman, pg. 31.
[25] For more information regarding the nature of the all-seeing eye on the back of the US dollar bill, see
http://www.pueblo.gsa.gov/cic_text/misc/ourflag/greatseal.htm. This website offers opposing sides to the debate
surrounding the true nature of the all-seeing eye on the dollar bill. The reader can explore the links provided and decide
for themselves.
[26] http://www.souledout.org/nightsky/fourthofjuly/fourthofjuly.html
[27] The occult conspirators may be on the “old calendar” in regard to Sirius. At the time of the Declaration of
Independence, the colonies were on the Old Calendar. Additionally, every year in the woods of northern California,
leaders of industry and the world gather at Bohemian Grove on July 16 through July 19. Each year, the “retreat” begins
with the “Cremation of Care,” a ritual involving a large statue of an Owl, robed figures, and a mock sacrifice of a child.
While it bears a strikingly resemblance to rituals associated with Molech, the demonic god of the Canaanites,
participants claim it is all harmless fun. Leaders such as Ronald Reagan, both Bush senior and Bush junior, Henry
Kissinger, Helmut Schmidt, and countless other political and industrial leaders have attended this yearly event. More
information regarding Bohemian Grove can be found at the following links: http://www.fair.org/index.php?page=1489
Again, what is of particular interest is its occurrence with the helical conjunction of Sirius with the sun on the old
calendar date of July 4th.
[28] It is interesting to note that the Big Sky Astronomical Society adopted the star Sirius as a memorial to the victims of
the September 11th event. See http://www.bigsky.ab.ca/adopt-a-star/september11th.htm for more information.
[29] For example, Yuri Slezkine, a well-regarded Professor of History at the University of California, Berkeley, claims
Lenin gave the order. See Slezkine, Yuri. The Jewish Century, Princeton, New Jersey, Princeton University Press
(2004), pg. 178: “Specifically, and very publicly Jewish names (and some transparent Jewish pseudonyms) were
associated with two of the most dramatic and symbolically significant acts of the Red Terror. Early in the civil war, in
June 1918, Lenin ordered the killing of Nicholas II and his family.”
[30] Although dismissed by many academics as biased and inaccurate, Robert Wilton’s, The Last Days of the Romanovs
is still an excellent source for reporting what Sokolov discovered in the course of his investigation. See Wilton, Robert,
The Last Days of the Romanovs. Hawthorne, California, Christian Book Club of America (1969).
[31] See Monk Zachariah’s article at http://www.fatheralexander.org/booklets/english/nicholas_ii_e.htm
[32] An additional layer of meaning involves the use of the German word “Knechten.” In Old English, a derivative of
Germanic, the word for “knight” is the same – “Knechten.” There is, then, a possible code attributable to the use of this
word: the Tsar was not killed by his “slaves” per se, but rather by a “knight” or “servant of rank.” Could the use of
Heine’s poem and the word “Knechten” betray the fact that persons or Royal elements close to the Tsar had a role to play
in his martyrdom? We will probably never know.
[33] Although fictional in its expression, Shakespeare’s play, Macbeth is full of these sorts of double-meaning events and
spoken phrases. In fact, Macbeth’s first spoken lines, express this Janus-like quality so typical of the play: “So fair and
foul a day I have not seen.” And, in perhaps one of the plays most often quoted lines, Macbeth himself says, “Away and
mock the time with fairest show, false face must hide what the false heart doth know.” Janus, the double faced god,
would be associated with the devil in the Middle Ages for the hidden and duplicitous qualities associated with lying and
[34] See L. Fry (Shishmareff, Paquita de). Waters Flowing Eastward: The War Against the Kingship of Christ.
Washington D.C., The Barnes Review Company (1999), pp. 191-194. In a book published by Jordanville Monastery on
the Royal Family, this chapter is excerpted and printed in Russian as well.
[35] Ibid. pg. 194.
[36] Taushev, Archbishop Averky. The Apocalypse in the Teachings of Ancient Christianity. Platina, California, St.
Herman’s of Alaska Press (1995).
[37] This book is now online at http://ecumenizm.tripod.com.
[38] Mrs. Perepiolkina’s discussion provides details, names, and descriptions of certain events where these things
happened, sometimes with the blessing of the MP. Reading her aforementioned chapter is quite instructive. It can be
found at the following link: http://ecumenizm.tripod.com/ECUMENIZM/id11.html. In another chapter, Mrs.
Perepiollkina discusses other occult aspects of the MP as well. See her chapter, “Rosicrucians” at,
http://ecumenizm.tripod.com/ECUMENIZM/id21.html. There are a number of photos on this site throughout all of its
pages which reveal disturbing events and trends in the MP.

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