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perl packages - similar to expect, which can connect to devices etc (ssh and tel
packaging, namespace according to packages
general idea about automation framework - like how logging, scheduling, pausing
through framework etc.,
>> Questions asked in interview
how upvar and uplevel works in 2 D array
how will u create a new branch in cvs
TCL Upvar/Uplevel
List/(No string commands)
regexp(ip address) and its options like "all"
exec and eval in tcl
regexp and regsub in tcl
how to make package in tcl
hash table in tcl
how to increment ip address ?? using tcl !
how to find n/w address from ip using tcl..!!
String sort
sort list without lsort
factorial - recursive, normal
find the largest, smallest and second smalles, second largest no in list
upvar & uplevel exaample
regexp - all and -inline use
regexp wildcards
command, variable, backslash substite
list in list handle - use of foreach
info commands
file handling
useof expect, spawn, send,
regexp in expect
find ip, check valid ip
fibonnic no
package and namespace
append, lappend concat difference
regexp \w and \s and .*
Sort list of dates (dates in dd-mm-yyyy format)
string replace from index X to index Y
IP address using regexp check validity in same regexp (juniper)
what are data types in TCL
what is array & keyed list
is there any builtin cmd to find length of array
How to substitute/replace char in a word by using regexp
How to create Packaeg in TCL
what is the use of namespace
regexp to extract IP/mac address from output
append and lappend difference
swap two variables with out third variable
what is upvar and uplevel
write a procedure to identify unique elements in a list
what are all substitutions in TCL
how to execute shell commands in TCL

what is diffrence in eval and exec

how to execute proc in differnent level?
How to pass dynamic args to function in TCL
How to open file in read mode
how to print ENV variables using TCL script
what is the output formate for ENV in TCL?
What is the use of map, function, zip
How to write generic function(Logic) to access all devices ( switch, router, ixi
a, spirent)
Difference between sort and sorted
use case scenario for tuple and difference between tuple and list
decorator in python
base class and super
range and rangex
dictionary in python and usage
Automation Scenario
- How to design the following automation requirement
Consider there are 5 test cases in your automation framework and we want to reap
eat any of the 5 test cases which we select for a certain number of times.
As an example i want to run testcase4 6 times but testcases 1,2,3, 5 only once.
How do you design this scenario

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