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CoRstance Cttm6e



CoALiTioN ON RevivAl LeAdeRsl-tip -- A DoMiNioN Tool
EusTACE MulliNs -- AN AquARiAN WARRioR!
filMs - videos - book Review
MoM's dREAM OR cl-tRisTiAN's NiGJ.iTMARE -- CAsJ.tless SocieTy DevelopMENT!
PRiNce Cl-tARLes ANd PRiNcess DiANA -- He GOES New AGE
HoMosexuALhy ANd Tl-te New AGE MoveMENT
Vol. I, No. 12A; Vol. 2, Nos. 1-2, 1987
Pointe Publishers, Inc., 22317 Kelly Road, East Detroit, MI 48021
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3078, Center Line, Ml 48015 -0078 (313) 391 -2906

Copyright 1987 by Constance E. Cumbey , All Rights Reserved

May - July 1986



The only difference between


The New Age Movement
seems to be moving at an



The World Instant of Cooperation,









coming World Harmonic

events of all

types, in-



events, the sweep of "dominion theology", etc, ad







court press, a defense tactic deadly to opposition in

basketball is that a fullcourt press is defensive.
The New Age Movement
is very much on the offensive .

Page I

The New Age event was held at

John Denver's Colorado based
Windstar Foundation, near Snow mass, Colorado, June 12-14. Other
speakers were Carol-Goran Heden;
Joan Holmes (Global Executive
Director, The Hunger Project);
J can-Michel Cousteau; Fri tjof
Capra; Michio Kushi; Jean Hous ton; Chungliang AJ Huang and Andreas Vollenwieder; Vivienne Verdon-Roe; Thomas Crum; Dennis
Weaver; Bob Samples; Dick Gregory; Russell Peterson;
Mitchell; and Janet Sheldon.

Its practitioners

have taken on a militancy

that is deadly in its aim
and frightening. They are





for ms within the corporate, religious, educ a ti on al,

and entertainment worlds.

To express ii as politely as possible, Grace gels around! Interestingly, Pal Robertson was a former
employee of Grace.
On page 14 of SHOUT IT FROM
THE HOUSETOPS Robertson said
he had been a "troubleshooter"
for W. R. Grace & Company in
South America:
"Things just didn' t seem to be adding

dominating the news these

up. My father, as U.S. Senator from Vi r-


ginia and chairman of the Banking and

11 is difficult


Currency Committee, was one of the most

keep apace of it all. The

powerfu I men in the nation.


proud Sou t b.ern

in Daniel


that the final dictator and

his system "wore out the
saints of the Most High."





menial stale -



not that I

am claiming sainthood just that I am worn out!

Fortunately, the scriptures
say that "he who wails
upon the Lord shall renew
his strength." I'm wailing!

I had a

honor grad

from mi Ii tary prep scb.ool, Go! den Gloves

boxer, Phi Beta Kawa at Washington and
Lee !NOTE:

Eustace Mullins notes on

page 8 of his autobiograpb.ical, A WRIT


his college class-

mates included "evangelist Pat Robert-

Many days I feel this is an



Q. Why would a many times over

son .", Marine combat officer in

multi - millionaire go to a hippie

commune in Colorado to speak
to a New Age gathering?

law degree from Yale, trouble-shooter for

A. Because it most likely is a

cause he deeply believes in.
The wealthy industrialist speaker
al John Denver's second annual
"Choices for the Future" sympo sium was J. Peter Grace, head of
the Grace Commission and the
massive W. R. Grace & Company.






Grace Company in South Amer-

Dede Robertson expressed i I this

way in her book, MY GOD WILL
"Even before graduation Pat accepted an
excel Jent job with the W. R. Grace con glomerate. In June 1955, when he received
his law degree, he was
York City.''




May - July 1986


Robertson slightly amplified some

of this information in AMERICA'S DATES WITH DESTINY:
"I should have been happy in the business world . There was unlimited opportunity.

I had a lovely wife, a growing

Cam ily, and


apart men l


New York Harbor. I n:pn:sc.ntcd W. IL



summer of 1982 that when the

New Age came it would not necessarily be in the form of tofu
stands and vegetarian restaurants that it very well could come, in stead, in the form of major corporate policy changes.

projects i.D Sout.h America.

Temporarily, I stayed active in poll Lies.


Grace heads the United Slates di vision of a super-secret organiza tion of international elite, the
Knights of Malta, Order of St.
John of Jerusalem. As head of
such, he naturally has close ties to
Pope John Paul II who has highly
praised his work.
J. Peter Grace is also evidently
close to the leadership of Hills dale College. Although Hillsdale
has a distinctly conservative public image, it has been known lo
tolerate, perhaps even overtly en courage New Age Movement ac tivity. Hillsdale's Shavano Institute has f ea lured such speakers as
Marilyn Ferguson, William Irwin
Thompson, and Barbara Marx
Hubbard. More recently, it has
been a driving force towards securing conservative acceptance of
something c a lled "Privatization."
Much of my nervousness over this
development - which would take
many vital governmental services
and put them into the hands of
en trepreneurs stems from the fact
that its primary pusher with Presi dent Reagan has been Willard
Garvey of Wichita, Kansas, a su per- wealthy supporter of New Age
causes, such as the Garvey Center.
We will have more no this in fu ture issues of THE MONITOR.
Marilyn Ferguson said in a Detroit
Unity Temple speech in early

She might well have added that it

would also come with conserva tive trappings.
One of those evidently helping to
bring it about is J. Peter Grace. He
has other interesting ties besides
those of the conservative political
community and mainstream New
Age Movement. Grace has Nazi
ties as well.
Those ties are with former offi cials of German conglomerate I.
G. Parben. Farben operated with
the distinct advantage of very
economical operating expenses.
What made the difference for
them was cheap labor
cheap labor. One might even say
it was a real steal! Specifically,
they operated with slave labor
from a highly captive audience.
They built a plant right within the
Auschwitz grounds that employed
140,000 prisoners at a lime. One of
its officials was Otto Ambros. He
was lo later stand trial before the
Nuremberg Tribunal for his role
in German war crimes. Even
while the trial was proceeding,
Ambros was recruited as part of
something called "Project Paperclip." He was sentenced at
Nuremberg lo eight years in prison
for his war crimes. But, thanks to
the intervention of J. Peter Grace,
he was released and allowed to
emigrate to the United States af ter serving only three years. This
occurred even though Nazi war
criminals were officially banned
from entering the United Stales.
But, once again, Grace's interven tion removed this barrier lo Am bros's entry here.

Page 2

Ambros was not the only beneficiary of Grace's largesse towards

convicted Nazis. Friedrich Karl
Flick was an important financier
of the Nazi regime. He was so
impressed by Goerings' prediction
that there would be no more elections after the March 5, 1933 ones
in Germany that he added 200
thousand marks to his already
Nuremberg tribunal found him
guilty of using slave labor and
aiding the SS. Flick was sen tenced to seven years by the
Nuremberg tribunal. Flick, obviously on good terms with J . Peter
Grace, easily found a spot for his
son and heir-apparent. The boy
was sent to the United States to
train for the W. R. Grace Com pany.
Jn the past few years, Grace has
gained increasing respectability as
the head of President Reagan 's
Private Sector Survey on Cost
Cutting J . Peter Grace, Chairman.
This is more commonly known as
"The Grace Commission." It appears lha l their solutions to the
high costs of government are
again, privatization.
Grace says in his preface to the
Commission's report:
"Our work bas resulled in 2,478 recommendations designed lo bring about cost
savings of S424.4 billion over three years,
cash accelerations of $66 billion over a
similar period, and overall managerial
i mprovemen ls.n

He projects that these recommendations would save $1.9 trillion

PER YEAR by the year 2000. On
the negative side, he posits a $10.2
trillion deficit in the 1990's if his
Com mission's
are not accepted.
Obviously, such a savings would be
attractive and such a deficit
would be horrendous. But, is there

May - July 1986


a hidden agenda to Gra ce 's recomm endati ons?

P a ge

one i:cneration . The radical change in

world iew req 11ired to make th is tran-


sition will hBYe lo be accomplished

Gra ce a lso infers tha t there is

quit e a prop aga nd a driv e n eed ed
lo m a ke the need ed " re f orms":
T he u I ti ma te im pac t or wha t we have proposed wi 11 depen d on whe ther th e Amer-

Ti rt 11ally OYCr.O igh t. There will be no

lime for polite debate, so btle comprom i se, or momen la.ry cq u. iYocation. To
succeed wi ll reqa.ire a zealous determination - a militancy, if yon will - or
herculean proportion.

ican taxpayer can be pers uaded that the

prob le ms are real an d serious, t he need
ror action pressing, t he possi bi ! Hies for
refor m pro m ising, and the time for action al hand.

T he book of Danie l f ore told just

suc h a militancy comi ng at the
c lose of earthly ti m e:

tr s uccessru l, then th ose

same citizens can be depen ded upon to

Then I won Id know the t ruth. of th e

let t he ir elected representatives and ap-

fourth beas t, which was d hcrse f rom

poi n led officials know that 'buslness as


usual' i n the Federal Government can no

tonger be tolerated, and that rapid and

wh.osc teeth were of iron, and his nails

of brass; w.h ie h derou re d, b rake !broke]

extensive reforms must be instituted .


t he


pieces, and

eaeeed i ng

s tamped

dreadfu l ,

the residue

wit h his feet; An d of the ten horns

Not unexpectedly, Grace adds that

these are:

that were in his head, and or the other

wh ieh came u p, and before whom three
fell; CTCn of that horn that had eyes,

"in hopes of stimulating j ust such a

an d

broadl y

thi ngs, whose look was more stout t han






that spake -n;ry great


h i s fe llows.


CONTROL, J. Peter Grace Chairman .

horn made war with lh.c saints, and

prCYBiled agai n st t hem .

Of the drastic "reforms" Grace

urges, he says:

J. Peter Grace and his Com mission

have expressed many concerns
about a cash economy. The introduction to the Grace Commission
report says:

"Some of the recom mendatlons made by

PPSS have been made before. Others are

I beheld, and t h e same

en ti rely new. Regardless of their origl ns,

the focus must now be on implementa-

"Anotfler one-tflird of all their taxes es-

tion . The current economic trends are

capes col leclion from otflers as the un-

simply loo serious lo delay action any



This sounds amazingly like some thing else I read somewhere - Oh,
yes, it is from Jeremy Rirkin's
Bantam New Age series book,
Today we an: being forced lo make a
transition from the Ind 11slrial Age or
nonrenewable resources to a new and
still undefined -ic based once ;q:ain
on renewable sources of energy, and we
rill h ue to do so in little more than

derground economy blossoms in direct

proportion to lax increases and pl aces even
more pressure on law abiding taxpayers,
promoting still more underground economy - a vicious cycle that must be

This could well be an important

rationale the cashless society
(computerized barter economy)
that the New Agers favor. The
Book of Revelation so clearly
prophesies one as well.


I find many Christians are failing

to spe ak out aga inst obvious New
Age a buses such as calls for
cleansing actions and destruction
of Christianity, because they feel
they are " wi tnessing." Many New
Agers are a ware of this and are
a tt empting to exploit the situation
to prolong the silence of their
Christian neigh bors, to the detriment of others likely to be ensnared by New Age "lovebombing" techniques of overfriendliness with an ulterior motive.
My experience with New Agers
leaving the New Age Movement
is that they usually do so within a
very short time after a Christian
witness, if they are going to leave
it. Many New Agers feel themselves spiritually and intellectually superior to Christians. They
operate on a basis of "think globally, act locally." Consequently,
they will be friendlier than
friendly to their Christian and
other neighbors and neutralize
them by being "the girl/boy next
door." Many Christians have been
amazed when 1 have come into
their area and reported of internationally significant New Age
operations right in their towns.
(Example, IN CONTEXT MAGAZINE, Sequim, Washington.) In the
Sequim case, I read paragraphs
from a prominent New Age magazine published in that town, by
the son - in-law of prominent
Theosophical Society officials.
Those paragraphs called for a
New Age revolution that included
bloodshed. A young lady in the
audience hugged the publisher,
who professed innocence to her. (I

May - July 1986

never met a con man in the years

of my practice of law who did
not profess innocence!) She was
afraid that by exposing their
teachings, we had spoiled her
"witnessing." I also heard there of
parents participating in "Peace
Child", an important New Age
project, for the sake of "witnessing." In Bellingham, Washington,
near the United States, Canadian
border, I debated a New Age
channeler who told the audience
she had just come from meeting
with Barbara Marx Hubbard and
that we didn't have to have the
"cleansing action" for the world
to receive the "New Christ." "If
everybody will cooperate, then he
can come without bloodshed," she
continued. A young man in the
audience approached me. He was
incredulous at what he had just
heard. This channeler was his next
door neighbor, and he had been
witnessing to her for a very long
time. What was actually taking
place, in this case, was that she
was stringing him along, neutralizing him for a very long time.
In the words of my
anonymous philosopher,

Page 4




how those with the sign of the

cross would be beheaded and those
with the sign of the swastika
would go on lo build a new civilization.
Unfortunately, l mislaid that article, and did not have the specific
date for ordering a replacement. I
looked in New Age books for several years, for a replica ti on of
that evidence. Now, that 1987 is
here and the New Agers are looking forward to their "planetary
seems to be surfacing in virtually
every New Age bookstore. Plus, I
(with the able assistance of Marie
Fisher!) found a November 1971
Seattle used bookstore. Appropriate parts of that Plowboy Interview
with Native
spokesman Tom Binyaca read as

to go to

Limes until I finished in t930 ... It's actually a military establishment. ... These
are the things that so concern us because
this is the way the government starts to
change us and tear down our sacred religious strucl u re. ... The government and
tlte BIA know that lite Hopis have survived as farmers ... with no irrigation ...
by peform ing the ceremonies

lo bring

rain lo our area. When we perform the

ceremony right it

brings rain and we

have plenty of corn . We're able to take

care of ourselves that way . ... Now lite governmen l is trying lo destroy our religion
by doing everything possible to discourage our farming .... Now

many of the

young people live away from home in the

government schools and never take part
in the ceremonies ... And the BIA ... has
pressured the young people - the ed ucated ones -

to follow the government-


Tri bat

Cou nci I.


This is a warning lo us also. The sacred

these people have been

land lhal was pu l in our trust is being

taken away from us and is being de-

many uneducated ones who have been

Christianized or brainwashed in the gov-

i ng the

stroyed . We are being forced Into debt

ernment schools and talking them into

and then forced lo sell .. The propbecies

signing things that they do not under-

say that the men in the While Hats will

one day tell all the people in this land

stand ....

about what has happened

to the Hopi.





.:.::. We feel that it is not ~ long

before~ will settle down and Wllil for

Ironically, it was David Spangler's

first cousin, Sally Spangler, a
Catholic Christian from Columbus, Ohio was the first to alert me
(1983) to the importance of Hopi
prophecies and Native American
spiritualities. She saw an article in
the Columbus Catholic, which she
showed me, telling of a meeting
held in the Cathedral Church of
St. John the Divine in New York
City. She was horrified, as was I,
to see that this article, appearing
in fall of 1982, proudly spoke of

I bad

school and church and they lei me come

home in the summer only two or three


WhOO'fCr ~forces his~ !!!!.!2 ~ !!::_

crcd land will bring&!!:!!. punishment


rian . It's a Protestan l ch n rch ... and some

go to Catholic church.



of Purification . .::;.

... We've also contacted many who are involved

in environmental



the government and the stale. We've con tacted

the Sierra Club and

touch with



the Pricn ds of the Earth

and a group in New Mexico. ... We finally

found out that there's a big plan to industrialize the whole Four Corners oarea

PLOWBOY: Do Lhe children have to go

to government schools?

... There's really a danger if we do not

slop th is development.


gonna happen there very fast.

things are
But the

TOM: We're forced to go to those school s

main thing we're trying lo do is impress

and we' re forced to go lo church too. Ev-

on all tribes and all races of people that

erything is forced .

we've come lo a dangerous point now. If

we go on this way much tonger ... we will

PLOW BOY: To what churches are you

be destroyed .... We will see men begin

to laugh al their religious leaders and

forced lo go?

assassinate their high leaders. Children

TOM: Presbyterian ... no, not Pres byte-

will Ile and parents will neglect their

children . Life will be so corrupted by

It's 1i ke a mil i lary

May - July 1986


Page 5

ma n. We kn ow that in a nother wor ld i t

for us - or we would come to wh ere we

was l i ke tl1 is and th a t wor ld was de-

ju s t can't con trol ou rse lves. But we haTc:

s troyed wh en man turned away from th e

not lislc:ned, so to keep u s from totally

Great Spirit a nd Nature. Man bro uglil

destroying th i s li fe, there are

lhal life to a n e nd and was dcslroyed by

.! ill n!Q great World Wars and 2!!.!. !!

.U ~ f2.!!.ru!. l!!!?, symbols !! ~ ~

people - or nations - who are com mi s-


SYMBOL An d t hese !!'..Q di d sha ke t he
world two times! They have alrea dy ~

th e power of t he Great Spi rit. Very few

sioned to br ing purification upon this

people came ou t of t hat a nd we who are

cont i nent.




com e


th emselves for the fin al

flic t 2.!l .!hl! ear th.

fil 2!1:

l iv in g on t his earth today are descen-

q uiekly one day and jus t paralyze this

dants of t hose pepole.

earth . All the power that we h aft - t he

And th e great .Qill: -

lhat we m ust not do it again bul we are

machines and CYCryt hi n g -

.::.: the Q.!!! .!.!!g_ refer !Q in their lan guage

hea ded for t he sa me thi ng once more.

and they wi ll conquer the lan d .

T he Hopis knew i t woul d come when

ma n begu n lo invent ma ny t h ings and

This lan d, you see, is being he ld by

spiritual pri nciples or spiritual ins t ruc-

We were warned

wi ll st op

t h e las t, t h i rd .Qill:

!!.! the Man with th e Red ~ !!!. red coat

- ili!!. .h ~ he will have many ll!lQ.:
ll!!1_ with h i m and hQ'.!J. have al rea dy ~
~ himself .! developing m an y ~
!! technology an d inventions.

we see inve n tions of all ki nds now. The

tions fro m t he Great Spirit. we call the

Hopis k new about cars, about airplanes ...

fi rst people here "Ind ia n sft

the hyd rogen

They kn ew wlial

not the right name for them . They were

And when th e time comes for them to

would happe n if we were ever al lowed to

drop one of them on the groun d. We've

the first people to be planted here to

come to this coun t ry, they wi 1l pool all

h old tltis Ian d and live in a spiritual

their power and scientific might and the

seen t hose things hawen and we know

way ... and there are leaders still holding

three of them will come here together as

thal this lan d is right for the planting

on to this way in different areas.

one. lt will take one day for them to get

of d es truction .

Hopi leaders are holding on lo i l.

born b.

wb ich is


complete control of lhis whole continent

and the Western hemisphure. They will



there's any

chance for reversal?

TOM: There's a chalice, accordi ng to our
prophecy, if some pcqJle - whet her In d ian or some other race here wit h us rea lizes t bat we need to keep our rel igious and spiritual teachings a nd hold
on to them . Otherwise we're ju st going
to destroy ourselves with what we invent

So once the Purifiers have conquered the

land Ibey will come lo look for their
brothers who were left liere lo live in a
spiritual way and from whom they were
separa ted a long ti me ago. They wi 11 come
and ask some of the few religiou s leaders
who are holding on to the spiritual path,
"What arc these people doing to you? Have
they been giving you their religious and
moral principles and their inventions?"

The universe is set up in a certain

have power to paralyze all man-made machines adn the machines will not move.
All machines of every type wil I not do
any good ...
""'" And l[ the Purifiers

f!2!!!. .!.!!


fail !Q come "' then the ~ ~

that there's
com inc from the West
already. We _!!2!!1 know who the person


be will be Y!:!l'. ~ in coming.

He's already coming ! long time !&!i hl.:

way lltat is kept in balance. O nce we've

And the righteous will have to tell ev-

disturbed even a little of It, we'll cause

erything that has been done to them ..

ill his time and building .!!.OJ> slowly ""'"

.!!lfil ~ !'.lll!. b i m, .!!lfil ~ .!!!.fil

a chain reaction all over the universe

that we can't stop. We've traveled to many


inventions, .!!!fil scientific analysis.

cheating and killing of the people. Ac-

the i l l from the East fails !Q come !Q

areas explaini ng this to people and we've

cording to the pictures we haye, the

purify .::.: then this i l l from

tried to give th is message to the Uni led

Purifiers will then


mistreatment and

Nations and me m ber s of the Se nate and

and wic ked

Congress ...


PLOWBOY: This destruction you 're ta! kin g about ...

wil l there

lying and


the <:Tit

the West


who ba-.e ta.ken ad-

a.nd mistreated the &!!!!!!.1!!:2:.

and that will be the wrongdoers'



And when he comes it'll be like a great

wind from the West. The pe<iple coming
upon our land will be like millions of

be s urvivors:

ants crawling all over ... and the old peo-

Will the human race continue?

PLOWBOY: Who are these purifier s?

TOM: There will be a great dest ruction

because the Great Spirit tells us that an -

ple say that if that ever ha~ns don't get

on t11e housetop to watch, because U1ey
will have no mercy for anyone. They will

other world will end I ikc the last one

from .!.!!.!?. East ..!!.!. the Hopi s don't

know wl10 they will be .::.: only that they

stroy many people also. That will be our

that was destroyed before we came here.

wi 11 show .!!1. ! sign !!!. symbol when tltey

punishment ...

We were warned not to do it again - not

rise .!!.!! !!!. when they ~ the world ~

ti mes. That has already been fulfilled

from lob.lb des toqi n g t h is life.

to turn fro m the pat h that He laid down

TOM: Our leaders

the Purifiers

whip everybody. They wi 11 probably de~cleansing

to ~.!!.!


May - July 1986



races who are here with .!!! will sur-

that many 2[ our &2Q.!l.



2[ Purification . We ~
they will ~ in to ! new 1ife !![ ~
when everything becomes new and all
vive the

plant life comes Q!!! on.!..!!. ground again

"'We will mingle~~ 2!1 ~
and there will be .!!.Q strangers. Everyone
will recoenize others ~ brothers and
share lhi ngs. "" TbeTe will be
moacy system.


PLOWBOY: What do you think about all

the people who have seen saucers in the

desert lately?
TOM: Hopi prophecy lei Is of many myste-

rious things hawening. TJ1ey say that

there arc many spiritual people - helpers
of the Great Spirit - who will be checking on mankind to sec where we arc in
this life.

They will inform the Great

Spirit when we are ready to let go of tbe

spiritu11l path and go all out for material
things -

when we are ready lo destroy

ourselves and bring about great conrtict

among ourselves - which, in turn, will
inspire the Purifiers to come and put a
stop to it. Tbc prophecy says that as we
go along we will see more and

more of

these helpers. But, of course, we don't call



saucers" ... The Hopi know

that these things will be coming al this

time and that we will see many of them .
I've seen many in my travels.

Recen Uy

we've seen some things ... some of the people have seen something ... As an interpreter I meet many people who claim to
have power to do certain things .


claim to be the while brother we're wait ing for and say they have the power to
bring the flying saucers down ... but I
know that the Hopi leaders do not have
faith in sucl1 people because we have our
own instructions and knowledge of how
the Purifiers wi II come....

Boldly as a cobra, Pat Robertson
again told his 700 Club audience
April 29, 1987 that the fulfillment
of the prophecy "every eye shall
behold him" meant "on television". He did this in a televised
discussion with guest hostess, Sharalee Lucas, a covenant member
of Earl Paulk's Harvester Chapel
Church. Echoing another common
"Dom inion Theology" I ine, he
also told the audience that it was
now time for us to "go in and
possess the land."
In another incident, Pal Robertson
appeared on Trinity Television's
Praise the Lord Program with Paul
Crouch on June 29, 1987. This
time Pat Robertson brought my
name up, contrary to Trinity's
usual policy of not naming names.
He said, "there's this woman go ing about the country beating me
up - Constance Cum bey - and
she says I have lo be a New Ager
because I am for the right of
children to pray in schools.... "

Those who have listened lo me

and read my analysis of Pal
Robertson know this was nothing
less than an intentional falsehood .
I have not written Trinity about
the mailer as yet. I feel Pat
Robertson may have been trying
lo bail me into making a written
comm uni ca Lion with him, which I
also will not do because of his
obvious deliberate falsehoods. I
am praying over what response to
make. ln the meantime, it might
be a good idea for you to write
Paul Crouch at Trinity and ask
him to allow us to set the record
As is the usual fate of female
co-hosts of the 700 Club, Danuta

Page 6

Soderman has disappeared from

the the 700 Club scene, with little
or no explanation of her absence.
I felt Danuta was in trouble there
since Pal Robertson's September,
1985 hosting of Phil Donahue.
Danuta bravely stood up to Phil's
Butter would not melt in Pat
Robertson's mouth towards him.
Robertson went so far as to pro mote Donahue's viciously anliChristian book, THE HUMAN ANIMAL, saying that book represented a "struggle for faith."
Donahue had explained on other
television interviews that he wrote
that book because we were being
terribly unfair to the grea l pioneers of evolutionary theory, such
as Charles Darwin and Huxley by
continuing to believe in creation!
watched that program
(which I videotaped), I told my
friends, "you watch Danuta. People playing these games don't like
naive people. Danuta will be in
real trouble now. She doesn't
know the game plan." Sure
enough, Danuta 's appearance from
then on appeared
strained, until October 25, 1985,
CBN's anniversary program . That
was also the date a videotaped interview of New Age activists
Amory and Hunter Lovins was
The very next day,
Danuta was absent. Towards the
end of the program, Robertson
made a terse statement. He said,
"Danuta is not with us today. She
and her husband celebrate their
wedding anniversary every month
and now it's their second anniversary and they are off on their
honeymoon. He then said almost
menacingly, "it's all very lovely,
but it just goes on and on and on."
He then said, we'll have a guest
hostess next week. The next week
there was Susan Howard, the star
of Dallas, having words of knowl edge right on schedule."

Ma y - July 1986

T hese e ve nts coi ncided wilh m y

be in g approac hed with De troit
a rea Freedom
ouncil officials,
lrying Lo La lk me oul of my oppo si lion to Pat Rober tson. I showe<l
one, an attorney, these video tapes,
and made the statement, "if you
rea ll y wan t to know where Pal
Robertson is coming from, you
watch and see what he docs with
Oanula." He agreed with me thal
that would be a good test. Robert son was due in Detroit the very
next week. He made a morning
appearance at an area inner city
church for a presentation of Sing,
Spell, Read and Write. The after noon was spent in a more posh
setting - a reception on a yacht.
I am informed that the Freedom
Council told Pat Robertson what I
had said about Danuta. l don't
know if that was the governing
factor or not, but the very next
Monday, there was Danuta, back
on the set with a B-1-G smile. I
hope she negotiated a substantial
raise as well. Now she is gone
again, and again, it appcurs that
she is replaced with former Dallas
star, Susan Howard. Sharalee Lu cas who was guest hosting that
show also is gone, with apparently
little or no explanation.


The New Age Movement was the

cover story in the June 4, 1987
USA today. They work fast. Their
reporter called me for my perspective on the afternoon of June
3, 1987. J was pleasantly surprised
to see that I was quoted accurately in the story which appeared
the very next day, June 4, 1987.


T he
artic le
eviden tly
re prin ted in the L ONDON TIM ES. I
received a letter from an English
writer saying he had read the story
in the LONDON TIMES where I
was quoted and he was very happy
that someone had spoke out on the
Nazi-like parallels of the Movement - something he also had


I receive<l an irate letter from the
publisher of the Network for Cit izen Enlightenment (NCE) de manding a retraction of my De cember article on how New Age
cults such as that of Roy Masters'
were obviously using Identity
groups to promote their goals of
abolishing Christian holidays such
as Christmas and Good Friday. I
said the NCE publication had
reprinted an article from Roy
Masters' THE ICONOCLAST. Interestingly, I had assumed that
NCE's publisher was naive about
who Roy Masters was. The letter
he sent informed me that he and
Roy Masters (who claims he is the
world's most perfect man!) had
been friends for twelve years.
The letter also irately denie<l they
were part of the Identity network.
The sample newsletters the man
enclosed were full of virulent
anti-Jewish articles.
It also
showed networking was occurring
with even Lord's Covenant Church
in Phoenix, Arizona, perhaps the
country's most obvious Identity
Movement center.
As regard's that publisher's threats
to sue me unless I retract, let me
just say this. I am not afraid of
the Anti-Christ, I am not afraid


of Be njamin Crem e, 1 a m no t
afra id of Ary a n Na ti ons, I am not
afraid of the Nazis, I am not
afraid of the entire New Age
Moveme n t, and I am certainly not
afraid of an obvious New Age
bridge between Identity and the
Constitutionalist Movement. That
pub lisher says he is fighting the
New Age Movement. What he is
helping lo do is spread disinformation about the New Age Move ment. It will take more than a
threat from a disgruntled Clackemas, Oregon publisher to silence
me from speaking out about the
New Age Movement - in any of
its hydra-headed manifestationsl
I fear God and 'lOborl: '.., u: ':od:

Benjamin Creme
"Maitreya's Message Flowers io
the Orient"

According to the June, 1987 "Net work News," a publication of

Tara Center, Benjamin Creme
was a recent "big hit" in the Ori ent. He received much official
attention from Taiwan military
and governmental officials. JI re ported Creme made a seven city
tour of Japan and Taiwan. Taiwanese events were reported as

"Theo on lo Taipei where BC

[Benjamin Creme] received a
most extraordinary welcome in
the form of a banquet attended
by genrals, advisors lo the president, publishers, congressmen. and
representatives of the sponsoring
groups. He was amazed lo learn
that both the Reappearance and
Transmission books had been
translated into Chinese and were
being given to everyone who ex pressed interest. Maitrey's message or peace held special sig -

May - July 1986


nificance for- the military leaders who expr-essed deep concern

about wocld pcac~ and the reunification of China. Al the end of
the luncheon BC [Benjamin
Creme] was presented with numerous boob. photos and a Chiang Kai-sbek medal. It is expected
Maitrey's presence will spread
quickly to mainland China."

new form of ruthlesmess is being

revealed. What mates the dri e m
intense? Part of it is undoubtedly
part of their own delusion and
brainwashing. But a significant
part of it is motivated by simple
greed. The sad truth is that the
only religion many of those mandating the training and those selling it is the .. (sh green god" residing in their wallets!

NEWSWEEK featured


The book of Revelation prophesied that part of lhe scenario of

the end lime events would be lhe
trafficking in the souls of men:
Aad after tJacsc U.iap I saw aaotc:.aagcl coac dowa froa Ja- Janiq
&Rat power; aAd U.c cutJa was lig)ltcacd witla is lllOfY.


miptily willa a st:.-oq

lac cried



Babyloa tile peat is fallca. is fallca.

aad is become tile llabitatioa
aAd U1c Jaold



foal spirit aad

o( C'fCIJ'

a cage ol CYery aaclcaa aad Jaalcfal

bird.(RCT. Ul.:J-2) _ Aad U.c mcrcllaats
of tJac cart.Ii sJaalt weep aad or

Jacr; for ao aaa

disc aay



U.ci:.- mcrcJaaa-

TJac mcrclLaadisc


gold aad sibcr, aAd PRCios stoacs,


U> _ Aad

ciaaamoa. aad odoan.,

aad oiatacats. aad fraaliaccasc. aad

wine, aad oil, aad
wllcat, aad
laoucs, aad

Hae floa, aad

beasts, aad s.llc:cp, aad

cluuiots, AND SLAVES,

a story
(May 4, 1987) on "Corporate Mind
Control." It was subtitled "New
Age gurus want lo change em ployee thinking." There J learned
more about something that had
already been filtering into my
office - that California Pacific
Bell was compelling all 67,000 of
its employees to lake blatant Gurdjieffian training known as Kroning." George Gurdjieff was one
of the worst and most evil of the
New Age gurus. The training is
officially known as "Leadership
Development Training."
The justification PAC Bell offers
for making this training - admittedly for the purpose of changing
the belief structures of their employees is that they gave the
training to a control (sample)
group and achieved a 21% increase in productivity after altering their beliefs. I suspect that
robots might always be a little
breathing human beings. I also
suspect thal the spirit guides these
employees pick up might be well
skilled in management and other


This is exactly what is being done

under the guise of changing the
corporate culture."
The gloves are now coming off
the New Age practitioners and a

Pac Bell has also announced that

they intend to finance this training (a whopping $148 million) by
passing the charges along lo telephone subscribers in the form of
a rate increase. There is little
chance that the State of Califor-

Page 8

nia which has established a Govemor's Commission on HomaD

Esteem will deny the rate increase. Therefore, it is time for
both individuals and subscribers to
think of suing - perhaps in individual actions - perhaps in class
actions. If ever there was jostificalion for a consumer's class action suit. this is it (Such suits have
been favorite instruments of New
Agers for years, to force changes
they desire.
If you are forced lo take this
training, Pacific Institute Training,
Dianetics, TM (Transcendental
Meditation) or any of the myriads
of such courses now
crammed down employee throats.
it is time for you to take legal
The NEWSWEEK article reported
that a Firestone Human Relations
director, William (Billy) Gleaton
of Albany, Georgia was fired for
refusing to administer one of
these programs. Gleaton did sue.
FIRESTONE promptly settled out
of courl
To reiterate what I said in THE
RAINBOW, a business organization
has stepped beyond their legal
boundaries when they compel yoo
to take belief -altering courses. A
company could not legally condition hiring, firing. promotion. nor
demotion on your willingness or
reluctance lo attend born-again
Protestant services or a Roman
Catholic mass. Neither should
they be allowed to get away with
forcing blatant Hindu/Buddhist,
Gurjieffian or the other New Age
religions down an employees
throats. Thank God, we still have
a few legal rights left II well
may be time to exercise them.
It may well be time lo say,
"Okay. I'll sec yon in court!"

May - July 1986




aut hor Richard
Kirby, the ultimate mission of
mysticism is:
"The mission of mysticism to
the individual is, very simply, to
lake every individual lo the state
of Cbristhood. When that has
been achieved with every human
being the mission of mysticism
to the human race will also have
been fulfilled, for we will have
become what our spiritual destiny intends for us: a race of
Christs, veritably the species
HOMO CHRISTUS which lies
immanent in HOMO SAPIENS."
The listed publisher of Kirby's
book, Holy Trinity Church of
London is included in a 1976 New
Age directory, THE MANY WAYS
OF BEING: A Guide lo Spiritual
Groups and Growth Centres in
Britain, Edited by Stephen Annett.
SPCK is a British publishing com pany. I am trying lo learn more
about them . I have seen them
positively referenced in some lntcrVarsity published works. If any
of you readers have data, I will be
happy lo receive it. Please note
lhal the Kirby book was published
in 1979, t WO years before l learned
about the New Age Movement in
Other publications of SPCK also
deal with the so-called "Christian
mysticism." Those listed on the
back of the Kirby book were :
J. Dover Well man,


Morton T. Ke l sey, THE OTHER

David C lark., BASIC COMMUN !-



Pope John Paul lI

1 don't pretend lo know all the
factors that went into the Pope's
selection of a date and time on
which lo commence a new Marian year. This Marian year is not
a twelve month year. It is, instead,
a 15 month and eight day year
which was launched on June 6, al
6 p.m. Rome lime, or eighteen
hundred hours military lime.
The event was coordinated by
Live Aid producer Tony Verna,
clearly a New Age Movement activist. June is, of course, the sixth
month of the year. I find ii
startling that a papal event so significant was launched on the sixth
month, the sixth day, at the sixth
hour. I also find it disturbing as ii
is well known that occullists will
communicate by such dale setting
and measures.
If anybody can shed more light on
this, J would be very appreciative.
1 know that the Feast of Pentecost
was the next day, on June 7th. But
I am mystified as lo why the
Pope's launching of the Marian
year had to begin on such a 6 - 6 - 6
I am not making a
definitive statement al this time.
I am just puzzled as lo why the
Marian year has to be 15 months
and eight days long.
It was
launched when the Pope celebrated the global rosary on June
6th at 6 p.m . II will not be over
until August 15, 1988.

Perhaps our Catholic friends can

help us out on this one!

Page 9

New Age Movement Intentionality and

Now that the New Age Movement
is so much out in the open, a myth
is circulating about it. That story
goes something like this:
"The New Age Movement is un structured, or, at best, very loosely
struc lured. Its com iog together has
been accidental - not intentional.
Its participants would never seek a
New Age messiah - nor would
they submit to a New World Order."
Another myth - this one propagated by the EMNR (Evangelical
Ministry to New Religions) goes
something like this:
"The New Age Movement got its
start in 1978 and took its name
from the name of a magazine."
No, Virginia, the New Age Move ment did not take its name from
New Age Magazine! New Age
Magazine took its name from the
New Age Movement of which ii
was an integral part.
The New Age Movement got its
start with the founding of two
parallel organizations in 1875.
They officially merged in 1878.
They also blended with some
older occult strains such as the
Rosicrucians and the Transcendentalist Movement. But, official
organizing got underway with the
founding of The Theosophical
Society in New York in 1875 and
the Arya Samaj in [ndia the the
same year.
One of the fables or most common pieces of disinformation be ing spread within the church and

May - July 1986

recently outside as well is that

there is no intentional New Age
networking. Stephen Annett, compiler of a 1976 English New Age
directory, THE MANY WAYS OF
BEING lays that notion to rest:
"The chief characteristic of the
New Age movement is in the
coming together and co-operation between diverse groups, especially within a community.-"
Theosophical Roots
A large share of political and religious mischief over the past
century - on both the right and
the left, may be traced directly to
the door of the Theosophical Society and their networking friends.
Prom the beginning the Theosophical Society had a nol-sohidden agenda - the promotion
of "The Great While Brotherhood" and the new Avatar for the
Age of Aquarius.
Madame Blavatsky taught there
would be a new world messiah or
"Great World Teacher" come
Theosophists were looking for
signs of such an extraordinary
personality and by 1905, they believed they had found him.
Years before this, while Madame
Theosophists were taught by her
that a new messiah was coming
and il was their job to help pre pare the world for him, even
though they had nol idenilified
"The Vehicle" as yet. They were
to help sel the stage for the new
religious leadership by infiltrating
orthodox religion, penetrating it
with Eastern teachings, by helping
to drive the missionaries from the
East, and by proselytizing the
West with the teachings of the
East. This they did by working


through the 1893 World Parliament

of Religions, held at lhe Lime of
the 1893 Chicago World Fair.
They fell that a new economic
Theosophists were found, consequently, working both leftwing
and rightwing circles for one. On
the left, Theosophists such as Annie Besant were found in Fabian
Socialist circles and on the right,
G. R.
Blavatsky's secretary, Ezra Pound,
A. R. Orage, etc. were working
something called "Social Credit"
founded in the offices of Orage's
THE NEW AGE. (We will con tinue more history in the next issue.)

Page 10

The New Agers will be celebrating their "Harmonic Convergence", an event they feel will
mark the official start of the
New Age and the end of the
Mayan and Aztec calendars. This
will happen on August 16-17. I
wish this were the only such
there are too many harmonic convergences taking place between
New Agers and Christians. One
such event is The Making of
America Conference, coordinated
by former W. Steuart McBirnie
associate pastor, Donald Sills. Sills
is working as actively as can be
with the Moonies, the Hare Krishnas, the Scientologisls, ad nauseum,
in the interests of "religious freedom".
He emceed Reverend
Moon's "Welcome Home" banquet upon the occasion of the release of Reverend Moon from the
prison term he served for tax
Generous infusions of
Moonie money inspired many
Protestant clergy to think of the
case as an attack on all religions.
At that banquet, Don Sills (I have
it on videotape) said, "it is time
we put our theological differences aside and march hand in
hand into the future, lo lead the
world from the darkness of slavery and the light of freedom and
the dawning of a New Age."
1 introduced myself to Sills at the
time of the National Religious
Broadcasters Conference in Wash ington, D.C. on February l, 1987, in
the Exhibit Hall of the Sheraton
Hotel, the 1987 NRB convention
site. He told me he was doing
what he was doing because of "a
little deal he had with the Holy
Spirit." Disgustedly, I told him he

May - July 1986

should "tell that to God on Judgment Day." Sills told me he was

working with the Moonies and the
Scientologisls, "because I'm tired
of the bigotry!"
The "Hidden Dangers of the
Rainbow" shine through Sills' lat est venture, "The Making of
America Conference." Jn a song,
"So many Voices Sing America's
Song," his lyricist, Robert r . Brun ner writes, "So many colors in our
rainbow choir."
The Moonies are working through
other fronts as well. Jn addition to
the Coa Ii t ion for Religious Freedom (CRF); they are working
among many other fronts as the
"National Center for Constitutional Studies"; National Center
for Prosperity Economics. In a
shameful display of spiritual
treason, myriads of prominent
Christians are lending their name
to such blatant Moonie fronts as
This was scripturally condemned .
The Bible clearly warned that
there was a curse on all who went
to Egypt for help against Assyria.
God does not need 25 cents worth
of Moonie money to build his


Page 11

to "subdue the earth." What do

these two have in common? It is
the pointing of their respective
camps into prepa ration for revolution at approximately the same
time, with both sides being convinced they will control the outcome. Both planned a significant
role for the charismatics in advancing their mission. Both sup port and are supported by Presi dential hopeful Pat Robertson.
has highly praised
Jeremy Rifkin. He had the unpublished manuscript to Rifkin 's
Bantam New Age series book,
ENTROPY. While Dominion theologian Gary North has been criti cal of Rifkin, he has none the less
been following a Ril'kinesque
scenario of bringing the revolution he envisions to birth - both
in terms of planned use of evangelicals and charismatics.







gu i Id labor, public investment in business enterprise to relieve unemployment;

adoption of orpha11s as ward s of the court;
and countless other laws. Unfortunately,
as is often the case with great reformers,
the spirit and intent of Calvi n's doctrinal beliefs were soon twisted to suit the
need s of others. ..

In the end it was

Cahin's emphasis on the importance of

engaging in worldly aclhily as a sign
of election to the lti ngdom of God that
helped usher in a new social class, the





seeking to justify and spur on their

own desire for material accumulation
and social power, who transformed the





Cahin and formulated a rCTI>lationary

new philosophy of society - liberalism.

Rifkin sees even greater potential

for the use of Charismatics:
Strangely e11ough, it is not a spirit of in-

Gary North and his cohorts among

the Christian Reconstructionist
Movement foresee a world that is
a theocracy. lt is based on an oldtestament code, a la John Calvin.
Jt would provide the death penalty
for violation of Iliblical laws.
Jeremy Rifkin rightfully believes
that Calvin helped propel the di alectics that ushered in a new liberalism. Calvin, he argues, helped
usher in a New Age:

novation or a mode of open rebellion that

is spawning what could become the greatest change in
birth .




On the contrary it is in the

name of orlhodoq and in the spirit of

church renewal

that millions of de-

oted Christians are ghi ng form


to a

theological construct; one whose

sweep is so broad that it con Id well

consume the theological world Yiew of
the Reformation.
Today's Christian renewal movement is a


At first blush, Jeremy Rifkin
would hardly seem to be talking
about Dominion Theology. After
all, he advocates the paradigm of
"entropy." Our mission as humans,
this New Ager says, is to "dress
and keep the earth." Rifkin calls
this the "stewardship paradigm ."
The Dominion theologians, on the
other hand, such as Rushdoony and
Gary North, say that our mission is

Calvin believed that the secular world

two-pronged phenomenon . First, there are

should be guided at all limes by God's

the millions upon millions of Charis-

laws. In his own city of Geneva, Calvin



gifts of faith healing, speaking in

tongues and prophesy [sic] represent a






While he never held public





office, Calvin was in s trumental in ad-

monumental assault on the modern age

vancing social

legi s lation which tvould

itself. For the Charismatics, these su-

still be considered progressive by twen li-

pernatural powers a.re beginning to re-

elh century standards. According to the

place science, technique and reason as

registers of the city of Geneva, Calvin was

the critical reference points for inter-

the driving force behind the regulation

pn:ti ng one's day-to- day existence:.

of hours and conditions of labor; restric-

this unconscious challenge to the mod-

tions of the tasks imposed upon women

ern world Yicw continues lo intensify.


it could prcwide the ltiod or Jibe.rating

children; control

prices of


bread, cheese and




force that cou Id topple the prenil i ng

May - July 1986


ethos and pmridc: a bddgc: to the neJlt

age: or history.
While the Charismatics arc generating
a potentially liberating impulse, the
more main line c:nngc:lical more men l is
beginning lo pnrride the necessary reformula lion




that is essential for the creation or a

new ccm:aanl rision and a new world

It is this use of the Neo-Pentecostals, or the Charismatics that is

being explored in this and forthcoming issues of the MONITOR.
We will explore the use of the
evangelicals in forthcoming issues
as well. The topic is vast. I have
just started to explore Gary North's
companies (Dominion Press) and
the entire range of the Christian
Reconstructionist Movement. One
important reason I did not do so
earlier is that Gary successfully
neutralized me for a number of
years by calling me to tell me
how much he supported my work
and dropping me interesting tidbits in the mail from time to

I suppose that I might still be personally neutralized were it not for

Gary's injudicious not-so-subtly
veiled threat to me in a leller he
sent to Peter LaLonde, publisher
of the OMEGA Newsletter on
prophecy. Gary also bragged about
their successful shepherding of
the Charismatic Movement. I began to pay attention to details I
bad previously overlooked. One
important such item was the fact
that Gary had dedicated his book
on the New Age Movement
to Bob
Mumford, founder of the shep herding movement along with
Derek Prince, Don Basham, and
Ern Baxter.
I was too naive to realize it at the

time, but Gary was probably

lulling me to sleep with a tactic
common to all cult-like groups:
love-bombing. At that time I was
innocent about post - millenialism
and other theological nuances. He
told me he had stumbled onto
some of the same trends as I had
discovered when he wrote his ear1i er book on witchcraft, but he
had not felt the time was ripe to
discuss the New Age movement.
Now Gary takes credit for initial
exposure of the NAM. His letter
to me of April 30, 1983 should
have tipped me off that there was
something VERY d ifferent about
his theology.
foregoing correspondence
will show that I asked Gary to
send me a review copy of DAYS
by David
Chilton. I am still wading through
that massive tome, but skimming
it, I observed that he was reinterpreting the entire book of Reve lation. Some of the Biblical fig ures, Chi llon observed, stood for
signs of the zodiac. You will
never guess which one we were
entering! You guessed right. It is
the sign of Aquarius the water
bearer! Interesting too was the
Theosophist and comparative religion
(Bollingen Foundation at that)
MYTH OF THE ETERNAL RE TURN were referenced. I started
to suspect that the Christian Re constructionist Movement was in deed a secret society in every
sense of the word and that it was
not beyond the realm of possibility that some of those steering it
could even be closet New Agers,
or had at least succumbed to the
same motivating spirit.

Page 12

Knowing this rint, that there shall

come in the last days scorfers, walking
after their own lusts, aad saying Where
is the promise of bis coming? For since
the fathen fell aslec:p, all things con tin ae as they weTC rrom the begi naing
of the creation. II Peter 3:3-4

I used to have real trouble with

those verses. After all, the people
doing the mocking and scoffing,
as far as I could tell, didn't even
believe in Creation. They were
evolutionists. Now, I see it far
more clearly. Those doing the
mocking and scoffing profess to
believe in the Creation. But they
insist, as does the Christian Recon structionist crowd, that a ll contin ues as since Crea ti on.
This topic will span several issues.
I am not big, as you all know, on
old Chinese proverbs. But the saying that "a picture is worth a
thousand words " see ms to fit here.
Gary North 's correspondence is so
blatant on its face, that it must be
seen to be believed. I sent the letter from Peter Lalonde to Hal
Lindsey. Hal, I was relieved to
learn, read it on Paul Crouch's
Trinity Broadcast Network. Paul
Crouch held up David Chilton 's
book and said, "so, these are the
folks with the footnotes."
Truly as the Book of Daniel says,
"in those days, those who do know
their God will be strong and do
exploits." That is my favorite
passage in the Bible. My least favorite passage immediate follows
that, "but even some of those of
understanding will fall by fire
and by sword for many days ..."
We are getting our exploits in
while we still have our chance.
Apri I 30, 1983

The Apostle Peter gave a solemn


Dear Constance:
I have yet ordered your book, but I plan
to. I need to revi se my witchcraft book

May - July 1986

shortly - a task I hate. Revising books

is agony for me. Du t before U1e end of
the year, l plan to have the job fin is bed.
I tltlnk your book title is incorrect. I
would subtitle it: ~THE NEW AGE
BARBARISM." Your book ti lie assumes
they are going to win.
They aren't.
THEY'RE going to suffer the dark age,
not u s.

The chapter of the Bible people too often

ignore is Isaiah 65. In ls.6520, we are told
that we will be given Jong lives, not in
a post-resurrection era, but in an era in
which sinners still operate, and die
"young" at age 100. I lake these words lit erally. I think a period of progress wil I
appear, but not u n tit men accept the
gospel and stop pursuing rainbows.
It won'l be easy to turn th is world
around, but they have set the year nXl
as their cut-off date. I would expect
them to be derailed by God before that
time - not across the boards, but at
least in principle. Maybe 1999 will be
the year of their tragedy. I'd Ji ke to
think so, since it would cut them off
just before they achieve their Jong
hoped-for goal. I want to play a role in
derailing them, which is why I si t in
front of my compu tcr screen all day.

if a revival comes before we're ready to
tell men what kind of world God requires us to build , then we will suffer
another wb urned-over di strict." That's
why 1 write economic commentaries on
th e Bible. I hope other men wi LI write
psychologica l commentaries, education
commentaries, and political commentaries. We need to set forth biblical
standards for new converts to follow. I
am doing my best to Jay the foundations
in one area of life. If we lay the fou n dations, revival will come.

Page 13


Gary North

Si nccrely you rs,

Oh, here and there, lurked a few

clues that perhaps all was not well.
Gary sent a letter to somebody
that was promptly forwarded to
me saying:

Gary North

Dear No Name:
You have been reading Constance Cumbey's books. I suggest that you read my
book UNHOLY SPIRITS, written seven
years before Mrs. Cumbey's RAINBOW
book. [Not QUITE true. eccl In that book,
l cover the theological issues raised by
you. It wou 1d have saved Mrs. Cum bey a
lot of research ti me If she had read my
book before she began researching the
New Age movement. She spotted a lot of
bad guys, bu l the major issues are theological [meaning acceptance of Gary
North's Pos t-Millenialism - a similar
teach l ng to the New Age Move men l's. eccl
The reason I fail to mention Benjaim
Creme is because he doesn't have any following or influence. CDcfinitely not true.
Sir George Trevelyan,
Pri nee
Charles' former head master, on down ,
Creme is revered by English New Agers
as well as numerous others about the

Gary then wrote Peter Lalonde the

first of an astonishing series of
letters. After Peter shared them
with me, I saw a side to Gary that
I had not believed possible before.
March 28, 1987
Peter Lalonde, Omega Letter, P.O. Box 744,
Nor th Bay, Ontario
Dear Mr. Lalonde:
I have just listened to your taped interview with Dave Hunt. Naturally, I am
not impressed. In fact, I would say that
the tapes prove my point: that those who
h.old dispensations! theology has been
rou led since l!lro, al though the man in
the pew is unaware of it. I would not
have thought it possible in 1979. The
rout is evidenced by the absol u le lack
of coon tcr- attack . There has yet to be a
single book against Rcconstructionism .
The book by Vickers in Jm addressed
only the cconom ics, and tllat book was
one of the stupidist exercises in pro-Keynesian economics that it was easy for Ian
Hodge to skewer.

I look forward to a massive revival.

Sincerely you rs,

Gary North

I was further lulled to sleep by

Gary's stance (al least to me)
against a " Year of Jubilee." ln
November, 1983, he senl me a
handwritten note saying:
November 29, 1983
I think I h.ad better get out a pa mph lei
on the Ju bi lee Year. Do you have Sidertype citations that you think need to be
answered? If so, se nd photocopies.

There al ready is a New World rder. It

beirAn with the resurrection. [Th.ls is
Gary's post-milleniaHsm coming to light.
Why do you think Pat Robertson wrote
THE SECRET KINGDOM ? It was co-authored . Remcm bcr, virtually nobody In
the Christian movement except a few specialists have read Alice Bailey. [Probably
Pat was one of those. Why else would he
celebrate the International Weck of Forgiveness and say tltal wJ1en the Bible
says every eye shall see Him, it means on
televi sion? eccl She was an occultist, is
hard to read, and any long slu dy of her
can lead to problem s psychologically. People should read very little occult materials and then only because they have a
real need to know. I am sure Pat never
has read Al ice Bai Icy. lI am glad GARY
is sure - I AM NOT! cccJ Successful
builders of networks have no ti me for
u Iler non se nse. Alice Bailey's theology is
TllE SECRET KINGDOM has plenty of
flaws. Pat is nei tbcr a philosopher nor a
!mined theologian. !That's not what Pat
has claimed for himself as a seminary
grad uatel eccl Neither is the co-author
who once wrote a positive book promoting
Jimmy Carter. But l doubt that Pat's a
conscious New Ager.

The sign of victory is the lack of serious

responses. As yet, you rs is one of lite few.
Actually, your presentation Is a lot more
impressive than Dave Hunt's. I think
your instincts as to what the key dlvid i ng issues are between the posltions are
more accurate than his. You haven't done
your reading, but your instincts arc on
You should consider becoming the first
to take os on. I mean this. Hunt is
playing mam by-pamby so far. I don't
blame him . He is betting the store on
my view being pro-New Age, but since I
wrote the first book against the New
WITCHCRAFT), he will never make it
stick . I show tl1at his eschatology (and
yours) is closely linked to New Ager
Jeremy Rifkin's - in fact, Rifkin deliberately targeted pre mi 1lcnn ialists as
those who share his views. So the strategy
of calling names (New Agers!) is about
to backfire.
Now, I assume that you arc an honest
man . I have therefore enclosed three
books. If you are going to smear us, then
please read us first. When I hear llu n t
sneer about the "four young men,", I
know he hasn't done his homework . Bob
Thoburn is 60, has 8 kids (youngest: 16),

May - July 1986

and started his Christian school - the

most financially successful Christian
school in history - in 1966. So, Hunt
hadn't done any reading when he at tacked us . Thal is grossly unfair.
I am not one who says rival theologians
shouldn't attack others. l believe they
should . But they must do full-scale research and Jc now exactly what the rival
believes. To carry out a successfu I refu talion, you m usl know how the other guy
thinks. In a debate, you must know how
your Of4X)nenl will argue, and more importan l, how he will respond . If you
don't know how he th in ks well enough,
don't go on the attack.
I enclose the books so that you can prepare yourself for a serious exchange. If I
didn't think you are a serious ~ncnl,
I wouldn't waste my time or the money
the books cost. You owe It to us, as wet I
as to your audience, to know exactly what
we're saying. Attack what we say, not
what you think 8is easiest to attack, bot
which bears little relationship to what
we say. I have in mind all the nonsense
about our not believing in the Rapture.
Hunt either knows better and is lying,
or else he hasn't done his homework. I
suspect the latter. If he had researched
us as well as he resea.rchcd the cu I ts, he
could not honestly say the things tliat
he does.
Understand, what you guys arc saying is
that anyone who doesn ' t ti me t be rapt urc
exactly where you do doesn't believe in
tltc rapture. But there are at least four
ways of timing the rapture: pre-trib,
mid-trib, post-trib, and end of time.
The "helicopter escape" view is not antiraplurc; it is simply referring to the psychology of those who await it. You people
deliberately tell your audience that we
arc ridiculing the rapture. No; we are
ridiculing an attitude of desperation
among premils regarding the rapture. Our
target isn't the rapture; our target is your
psychology of defeat that regards the rapt urc as a way of escape from personal respons i bi Ii ty. Anyone who has read my
know this .
Again, Jet me say that I don't rcscn t opposi lion . Battling out the hard issues of
theology is how the church progresses and we poslmils do believe in progress.
Whal I resent is that those who say we
poslmils haven't done our homework exegetically themselves have neglected to
read anything that we've written . Yet we
read our CJRX>ncn ls very carcfu I ly before
we go into print lo confront them . It's a
matter of honest confrontation vs. hit
and run tactics.

Page 14


I hbpe you wi 11 read the books. If you

do, and you want a serious discussion, I
will agree to do a tape witl1 you . You can
ask any q ueslion abou l my position, and
I will give you slraigh l answers. If you're
smart, you will find the weak chinks in
my armor - every l heology has weak spots
- and I'll fess up. But "there be few
that are saved" isn't one of them . You
will note, Jesu s did not use the future
tense in that criticism of Israel. Remember your fundamental
dispensational point: He was offering the kingdom to Israel, and His message was lo Israel. It wa s true: few were bci ng saved
in Israel. Thal is why lie removed the
kingdom from Israel. lie was not making
a prophecy a bou l the Chu rcb - or at
least, there is no evidence that ii was a
prophecy. So in making this argument in
any criticism of postmils, premils aban don their original distinction between
Israel and the Church . That is ci lhcr
sloppy theology or else deliberate deception . If you can' t sel I subscriptions wi lb
a tape of me, you are asleep at the wheel.
I will not argue. I will simply answer
questions. J will be Mr. Nice Guy. If
yoo'rcad the book.s,you'll know the questions.

Dy the way, whatever happened to Tai bot


Sincerely you rs,


Encl: !>Jys of Vengeance; Dominion and
Common Grace; By This Standard

Gary then sent the most astonishing letter I believe I have ever
seen. IL is likely Iha t the Mafia
mails friendlier letters!

The next note Gary sent was

somewhat cryptic, as obviously the
book he referenced was not enclosed.

Apri I 30, 1987

Peter LaLonde, Omega Letter. P.O. Box 744,
North Bay, Ontario

And wait till you see the "underground"

tape that is now circulating at Dallas
Seminary. Plus 100 copies of 75 BIBLE
QUESTIONS that were handed ou l lo the
fresh man class in eschatology.
And the walls come lumblin' down .

Peter told me he thought Days of

Vengeance was that book. Based
on that assumption, I wrote Gary
North, requesting a copy and one
was sent. Now, we do not know
what book he referenced, as he
only sent one of the three he told
Lalonde he was enclosing.
He enclosed book by Ch illon . I U1ough t
that is what he was referring to u n ti I I
looked al th is note again .
I don't know what book he means.

Dear Mr. Lal on de:

For the Record :
With this, we conquer!!!
Herc is THE book of the Rcconstructlonist movemen l. Not Chilton, not Rushdoony. With this book, we will pull it
off. You need lo read i l. Even the ti lie
is calculated to move the charismatics
into our sphere of intellectual influence.
You want to know the theological
bl uepri nl
will at
Scofield ism to smithereens? Here's the
book .
And the be~t thing about it, it doesn't
look like the hand grenade il really is.
Step by step, it leads the reader to our
conclusions, with every reader saying
"Amenr chapter by chapter.
It's a work of genius because it's so simple. And you've got the very first copy
sen l to a prem ii, prclri b writer.

You have now taken upon yourself a major responsibility. You arc positioning
yoursetr as the critic of dominion theology, after Dave Hunt. As you might s uspect, we are preparing lo give Mr. Hunt a
run for his theological money. We regard
him as the Hal Lindsey of the late 1980's
- and with the same future: "Oh, yes, I
remember you. You were that follow who
said Jesus was just around the corner
because Israel was founded in 1948, and
one generation later. . . .

It didn't happen . It isn't going lo happen .

And in the year 2002. we pick up the
pieces. When Israel gets pushed into the
sea, or converted to Christ, Scofieldism
dies a fast death . Rest assured, I have a
manuscript ready to go when ei liter of
these events haroens. (And if it doesn't
happen, I have Jots of other manuscripts.)
Your problem, like Hunt's, is that you

May - July 1986

can't continue to play pallicakc on the

sidelines much longer. Bashing in Earl
Paulk's head is child's play. As yet, Mr.
llunl has wisely avoided crossing swords
with the big boys. He is steadily pressuring the dominion people into the Reconslruclionisl camp. We are becoming
I heir intellectual derendcrs, and every
lime you guys mail out more tapes, we
move up a notch in the charismatic camp.
There really is nothing you can do about
this. You guys are literally heaven-sent.
You won't believe my next move, and not
bci ng an id lot, 1 won't tell you here. I
w ii I once I've pu lied i I off, as I expect lo
do by the end or the year. We were shepherds without sheep. No longer.
Now, if you arc going to slay afloat, you
have to gel ready to take on the fol ks
with the footnotes. Paulk-bashing won't
cut it much longer. I suggest that you
do your homework, read a rew books, and
then deal with the folks who gave you
postmillcnnialism and theonomy.
wasn't the Manifest Sons of God (whoever
they were) .


letter with me. To refresh your memory

on its con ten ts, you wrote:

Page 15

North Bashing Society

June 16, 1987

"When you're ready to deal with me, I'll

be happy to cooperate. Lc1 me warn you,
however: if Constance doesn't lay off Pat
Robertson, you guys wi I l be easy targets
for Cum bey-bashing."
I am relieved lo know that you have not

been cauglit up in the spiritual morass

of modern psychology. Because, obviously
if you were, you would have known that
a remark of that type can only serve as a
supreme motivator - not a discouragement to this kid! Tak.e heed to thyself
- lest thou become a bashee rather than
a basher!
Ir you are unable to send the review
books, please let me k.now. Also, I would
be happy to trade news tellers with you .

Thanks for your help, Gary.


Dear Constance:
I'm having to write this out long hand
because my computer is out of paper al
the moment and my typewriter ribbon is
needing replace men l. However, I'm anxlou s for you to know that the information you suwtied was indeed most helpful and effective.
As suspected, Gary DcMar was here, according to his opening admission, "to
clear up any misunderstandings" about
the New Age Movement and remarks
made by "Dave Hunt, Lalonde and Dave
Wilkerson." He was clearly believing he
was in friendly territory and even said
so on ti l the question and answer period .
, myseH, and another couple h.ad
done the best we could lo go over your
materials the night we met you . We were
here until midnight, and then I got up
real early to re-study things.



Remember Jim Bakker was a Hal Lindsey
man all the way (so lo speak). He's yours .
ff you play the gu ill by association game
much longer, it will backfire.
Sincerely yours,

P.S. There are days when I wonder ir you
are not running a secret society, a la THE
KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Also, you can tell
whoever you arc talking to that I am on
to J. Peter Grace! He does much more
than raise money for hospitals. Privatization is the magic word!

Then the real fun started!

June 17, 1987
Dr. Gary North, Institute for Christian
Economics, P.O. Box 80l), Tyler, Texas 75711
Dear Gary:

I stewed over this copy which l

first saw in early June, 1987. Then
l finally decided Lo write Gary
persona II y.
June 9, 1987
Dr. Gary North; Institute for Christian
Economics P.O. Box ~ Tyler, Texas 75711
Dear Gary:

Wou 1d you please be kind enough lo

send me review copies for my newsletter
of David Chilton's latest book, DAYS OF
VENGEANCE, pl us any other materials
you feel are of current significance in
explaining the position and strategy of
the Christian Reconstruction isl Movement from your perspective.
Peter Lalonde shared your Apri I 30, 1987

Checkmate #11
As you can see from the enclosed letter,
of which I have carefully blotted out the
name of the writer, we an licipated one of
your recent moves, and I suspect, a substan lial part of your strategy as well.
You won't bet ieve my next move! Nol being an idiot, I won't tell you - but you
wi 11 know before ll1e year's ou l. Does
what 1 am saying sound familiar?
Give my regard s to Gary DcMar and all
the oilier new found post - m illcnnial "experts" on the New Age Movement. I gues s
you should have insights. Your thinking
is basically the same.

He openly was shaken when 1 asked him

to explain his position as a reconstruction i st. His tactics became those of emotional manipulation of the audience
rather than clear explanations of anything, but he did get around to admitting he was post- mi lien ialist and went
on to try and defend that position .
By the end of the seminar, which did
not progress as the hosts in tended, the
lady in charge was even forced into making a statement she choked a little on.
It went like this "Pastor
asked me to tell you that the views ex.pressed here are not necessarily those of
this church."
You see, even though First Assembly
(where we were meeting) had hoped DcMar would blast Hunt, they are definitely not post- millcnialists.
The dangerous things I saw in what DeMar sald were coming from a mixture of
truth and deception, plus again, the play
on emotions. Al though I have only read
accounts or Hi tier's rise to power, I dare
say ii had a similar ring.
The gal who was In charge had annou need before the seminar began that
tapes were go! ng to be avail ble, so I
planned to get some. However, she regret fully announced afterwards that the machine had malfunctioned and there
would be no purchaseable tapes. Fortunately, I did bring my pock.et recorder,
so I have a micro-cassette of the first session . We were not very close to the
podium, so the quality isn't good, but ir

May - July 1986

you wou 1d Ii ke to hear it, I'! I send it

to you. I want to lislen to it a couple of
ti mes myself, though .

Rev. Earl Pau I k Chapel Hi 11 Harvester

Church 4650 Fial Shoals Road Decatur,
Georgia 30034

I don't really know what all God. would

have us d.o except continue to pray for
discernment and to be careful that we
hear Him clearly. My heart breaks for
those who are sincere Christians but are
allowing themselves to be "seduced.." I,
personally, am not used to an adversarial
role, but my greatest desire in life is to
be in the center of God's Will, focusing
on Christ and sta nding on the Word . I
refuse to be a stupid sheep!

Dear Rev. Paulk :

Thank you, so mu.ch for your efforts and

your help. My prayers are with you .
In Christ's love.
June 15, 1987

I thought you might enjoy knowing what

your "friends" in the Christian Reconstruction, Post- Millennialist camp really
'think of you. Towards tliat end, I have
enclosed a copy of a letter Gary North
sent to Peter Lu Lon de on April 30, 1987.

bashing only adds to the mailing list.

So keep bashing. It's money in the bank.
Enclosed is Chilton's book. Keep bash ing. We'll sell an extra 500. at least. Do
a fu I I-sca le hatchet job, and we'll sell
l,(XXJ - and I'll reprl n t! I love being
bashed .
Tell LaLonde and Hunt they're a God send . Nothing my troops like better
than a chance for me to draw blood! But
rm smart enough to leave Leithart alone
to do the real job on Hunt. Then I can
remain Mr. Nice Guy.
Dave, in al 1 honesty, really hasn't done
his homework yet. Maybe you can help
When you read my HEALER OF THE
NATIONS. you'll have a fit. I am counting on a full-scale response, and am
printing 2,500 extra copies lo handle the
Keep bashing.

June 28, 1987

I told you you wouldn't believe my next

move! Now you know.

neltl one will be!

Guess what my


your intellectual betters and you as

their sheep. All along, we thought Gary
North was a "sheep" if anybody of .Rush doony's. However, I s ugges t you look at the
front of his book UNHOLY SPIRITS. You
will note it is dedicated to Bob Mumford . Therefore, it ls real easy to sec who
you are submitti ng yourself to down the
You will probably scoff at this communication as you have all other holy warn ings. But I thoug.ht you should have one
final chance to sec that you arc considered a marketable commodity by someone
other than Satan .
You were ra ised in a sound doctrinal environment - the Churcl1 of God . Your
father was an overseer in that denomination . I' lease consider honoring your father's memory by rel urning to the fun damen tal s of his faith . Million s would
rejoice and many souls would be saved,
should you choose to do so.
The Book of Daniel says, "Such as do
wickedly against tb.e covenant, will lie
corrupt by flatteries ." The flatteries seem
to be a promise of divinity reserved only
to God and earthly power. Some seem to
be flattering you and yours by selling up
a structure that Ibey - not you will

P$. When did you start submitting to

Bob Mumford? Or, is Bob Mumford
su bmitting to you? Happy shepherding to
you - u n tit we meet again!
July 9, 1987
The fl nal note in the final exchange
stems from Hal Lindsey's appearance on
Trinity on July 8th, 1987.
Dr. Gary North Institute for Christian
Economics P.O. Box ~ Tyler, Texas 7571l
Dear Gary:
I guess
what my
tell me

by now that you have guessed

next move was. Would you please
again the part, "there really is
you can do about it."

Why the dreadful silence on your part?

I was starting to enjoy your letters! After
all, you wanted me to bash! So nice to
accom mod.ate my "friends."
cc: Dave Hunt Peter Lalonde Hal Lindsey


One very important vehicle by which this

networking for Domin ion Theology, Shepherding is
being accomplished
through the The Coalition on Revival.
While undoubtedly many are naively involved for the purest of motives, nevertheless, you should be aware of its lead ership Below is its 1987 Steering Committee. The sou rec is COR's letterhead as of
March 'Xl. 1987:


Steering Committee of CO.Ras of 3/'Xl/87

I waited two days so Gary couldn't intercept Paulk's letter and then mailed this
note to Gary North.

Joseph C. Aldrich, ThD.

June 28, 1987

Dr. Gleason Archer, Ph .D.

Dr. Gary North In stitute for Christian

Economics P.O. Box ~ Tyler, Texas 75711

Virginia Armstrong, Ph .D.

Please prayerfully consider this letter.

Nobody else may ever take the ti me to
warn you and present the evidence I have
submitted . The plans of the "Christian
Reconstruction" movement are to use you
and the entire Charismatic Movement.
Don't let tl1em do it.

At the suggestion of a friend , I decided
maybe if Earl Paulk didn't have any respect left for God, maybe he still had a
Ii tt le left for himself and maybe Earl
Paulk should know what the Reeons tructioni sts really thought of him
bashing in Earl Paulk's head is child's
play. Therefore, I sent him the following

Dear Gary:

As you can see, they consider themselves

In the early stages of a movement, every

Page 16


Rev. Ray Al !en

May - July 1986


Page 17

Theodore Baehr, JD.

Or. E. V. Hill, LLD.

ReY. Bob Mumfor-d

Dr. David W. Ba1sigcr, LHD.

Dr. Diet Hillis, DJ>.

Dr. William Barker, ThD.

Dr. Darid lloward UID.

Dr. Guy North, PhD. lhow ~iate rw

Mumford &Jtd NOl"lh to anicar sidc-bysidc!I

John Beckett

Rev. Diet IYCTSOn IPortla11d Bible Temple!

Or. R2ymo11d Ortlund, DD.

E. Calvin Beisner

Dr. Ron Jenson, D. Min.

Dr. J. I. Packer, PhD.

Rev. Lu I her Blackwell

Mrs. Dec Jepson

Dr. Luis PaJau, D. D.

Dr. Charles Blair, D.D.

Col . Glenn Jones USAF (Rel)

Rcv. Archie Parish

Dr. Richard Bliss, Ed . D.

Roy Jones

Dr. Ed Payne, MD.

Ron Boehme

Ray Joseph

Rev. W. Wei Ii ngton Boone

Dr. James Kennedy, PhD.

Rev. Dennis Peacoct:e Uay Grimstead submits to Pcacoct.e lo submits to MumfordD

Daryl Borgq uist

Dr. Jay Kessler, DD.

Dr. Harold Brown, Ph .D.

Dr. Paul Kienel, Ed.D.

Dr. John Perkins, Ph .D. !runs with both

Ron Sider bunch a11d Earl Paulk! - a
possi blc bridge")

nave Clark

Rev. Mike Kiley

Dr. William Recd, MD.

Dr. Glen Cole, D.D.

Ot. Henry Krabbendam, Ph.D.

Jerry Regier

Dr. Lawrence Crabb, Ph.D.

Mrs. Beverly LaHaye

Dr. George Rekers, PhD.

Art Cunningham

Dr. Tim LaHayc, D. Min .

Dr. Marvin Rickard, DD.

Gary DeMar

Dr. Richard Lawcrt, PhD.

Dr. Adrian Rogers, DD.

Ted DcMoss

Dr. Larry Lea, D. Lilt.

Dr. H. J. Rushdoony, PhD.

Gladys Dickel man

Dr. Harold Lindsell, Ph .D.

Dr. Michael Rusten, PhD.

Rev. Peter l>oane

Dr. Allan MacRae, l'hD.

Rev. Ron Sadlow

Colonel Doner

Rev. David P. Mains

Dr. Robert Saucy, Th.D.

Dr. James Draper, DD.

Rev. Rona Id Marr

Mrs. Edith Schaeffer

Robert Dugan

Mrs. Connaugh t Marshner

Mr. Franky Schaeffer

Attorney Michael Farris

Mr. Robert Martin

Mr. George C Scipione

Dr. Paul Feinberg, PhD.

Mr. Ed McAtccr

Mr. Roger Fleming

Dr. Josb McDowel 1, D.D.

Ith is
should really be former Congressman
Mark Siljander - he was defeated in
last electionr

Mr. Marshall Foster

R. E. McMaster [works with MaJY Stuart

Peter Gemma

Rclfc; his books recommend the likes of

William Irwin Thompson; Gary North;
and Brad Steiger! I am told be was formerly affiliated with Moral Rearmament
and bi s books carry obvious Social Credit
Move men I themes!]

Dr. Armin Gesswin , D.D.

Dr. Robert McQuilk i n, DD.

Dr. Guane Gi s h, Ph .D.

Bis bop John I. Meares

Melody Green

Mr. Robert Metcalf

Dr. Jay Grimstea d, D. Min .

Rev. Lou Monteca lvo

Rev. Ronald Haus

Rev. James Morriss

Rev. Joseph Gari i ngton

Dr. Arthur Gay, D. Min .

Dr. Robert Simonds, ThD. !Dr. Simonds is

lbe organi:r.er of Citi:r.ens for Excellence
in Education CCEE>. This confirm s my
suspicion that they are largely an organiution using issues we raised on the New
Age Movement to maneuver C hristian s
i nto Dominion Theology!]
Mr. John Sparks, JD.
Mrs. Carolyn Sundseth
Mr. Larry Tomcuk
Dr. Paul Toms, DD.



steadily working to set themselves up as TILE EXPERTS on

the New Age Move men l.

Ton, D.O.

Dr. Jack Yan I rope, Ph.D.

Brother Andrew (Vandcr Dyl)
Peter Waldron [former PLO with Idi
Amin; Contact America radio show, I bave
appeared on that show many ti mes in
~st, wns shut out after my awos ition lo
Pal Robertson became known)
Dr. Larry Walker, Ph.D.
Mr. Bob Weiner
Rev. Al Whittinghill
Rev. Donald Wildmon

Doug Groothuis - the lnterVarsily

Press writer on the New Age Movmcn t has pooh-poohed the association of the New Age Movement
with either anti-semllism and
Biblical Prophecy. Now it turns
out ll1al he has long been associated with post-millennial circles
and even belonged to a Ri blc
study group al Porlland Bi blc
Temple - a restoration, revival
ministry, tinged with Manifes t
Sons of God teachings.
Gary North has attempted lo define New
Age Movement solely in terms of: Divinity of Man

Rev. Jerry Wiles

Rev. John Wimber

And, many of the people Gary North, ct

al arc working with do preach the Divin ity of Man. Bui Gary North, cl al, have
tried to gloss this fact over, by saying
lhllt these people, such as Earl Paulk,
merely expressed themselves poorly.

Dr. Ralph Winter, Ph.D.

Mr. Don Zeller

Caveat: Gary North has sen l a letter opposing the Unification Church and those
who work with it, but he has not ceased
working with those actively cooperating
with Unification Church people. Likewise, he publicly condemns Jeremy
Rifkin, but uses the very same tactics as
those Rifkin suggested .


lhal Dom inion Theology and by extension the en I ire Chris ti an Reconstruction isl Movement is anti-semitic to the
extreme. Other dangerous and interesting
trend s of this include

Gary North says that a New Ager m u~l

necessarily express a belief in reincarnation . Tltis is not necessarily true. In the
firs t place, many in the New Age Movement arc not stupid, al least in the
generic sense of the word . If they held
such beliefs, they would keep them lo
themselves . In the second place, some in
the New Age Movement are secular human is ls. While they profess no spirituali ly, they arc united with the New Agers
by a belief that they will usher in an
earthly kingdom for a new millennium .

Appeal s to people in Identity

coalition and their sympathizers

A quote from THE HUMANIST MANIFESTO of 1973 will ltelp make the point:

Everett Si !even has preached dom In ion, as well as Identity message.

"we move further into space and perhaps

inhabit other planets."

It is d ifficull lo tel I if Gary North is

naive or sh rewdl ll m usl be noted here

Networking with Congressman

Newt Gingrich. of Georgia, a selfconfessed
non-repren tan t
Manircs t Son or God leaders such
as the Giminez' work with COR.
Networking with
of God

Page 18


May - July 1986

Manifest Sons

Shepherding, Discipleship influ ences (Gary North's book, UN HOLY SPIRITS is dedicated to
Dob Mumford)
The Reconstructionists have been

But there i s something very vital that

the humanists, the New Agers, the Man ifest Sons of God, the Christian Reconstruclionisls, the Post- Millcnialists, the
Discipleship and Shepherding groups, I he
Dominion Theology proponents, and the
Communists have in common
somehow, by human efforts, they can create heaven on earth . Al I these groups be! ieve I hat t11ose who wail on God are
detrimental to the future of the human
race. Again, hear the words of the HUMANIST MANIFESTO II (1973):
theism, especially fnith in the prayerhearing God, assumed lo love and care for
persons, to hear and understand their
prayers, and to be able to do something

about them, is an unproved and outmoded rai th . S.Jntion ism, based on

mere affirm at ion, sti II appears as humfu 1, d iTcrti n& people with false hopes of
heuen hereafter.
Reasonable minds
lool lo other means for surtinl.
nJuntly, the real difference between the
and these other move men ts I have mentioned is that the New Agers have i I
straight who I hey are working for! Tlie
New Agers know ii is for Lucifer. The
Christians arc preaching a different
gospel with a very different spirit and
claim they are doing it for God . As Jesus
not be offended. They shall pu I out of
Ilic synagogues; yea, the ti me cometh, that
whosoever killeth you will think lhal he
docth God service.
ll is chilling lo see all these groups focus In on the same enemy - orthodox
Christians and Jews. The New Agers, the
Communists, lite Humanists, the Mani fest Sons of God, the Dominionists, Ute
Reconstruclioa is ts, et al, ad nauseu m, all
believe the enemy is he who does not believe th is new revelation - that we, by
mortal efforts, with mystical (translate altered slates of consciousness) assistance
will usher in the Kingdom of God
righ I here on earth .

Eustace Mullins
Mullins should not write books, if he
docs not wan I people to see them . He i s
obviously practicing the Big Lie lechniq uc - that if you repeat a lie loud
enough and often enough, people will be1ieve ii. Mullins and his mentor, E7.ra
Pound's con nee lions speak for themselves.
Mullins has spoken loudly and clearly
through his books such as MY LIFE lN
EZRA POUND, and A WRIT FOR MARTYRS. Despite the obvious and clear evidence, Mullins hopes he can make it go
away, by merely denying i ls existence.
Eustace Mullins has Bollingcn ties

Eustace Mullins told me his book, THIS

was not available anywhere as it "has
been completely suwrcsscd ." The book is
available, as Mullins well knew, but
there was an excellent reason be would
not wish me to see ii - i I delai led his
own connections lo the Alice Bailey -

May - July 1986

OIRa Froebe Kaplcyn founded DOLLIN GEN FOtJN DA TfON . Those references are
found on iges 175, 268. 269. 271. 273. 280.
and 285 of Mullins' "authorized biography" of Ezra Pound .
The fir s t such enumerated reference is
"Frobenius became one of the princi~l
contributors to Ezra's PAIDEUMA. One of
his first efforts on my behalf was an attempt to get roe a sc holarship from the
Bollingen Foundation, so that I could
translate the works of Frobenius into
Engl ish .n
Ezra Pound

This is what drew my attention to

Mullins in the first place. I had di scovered Pound in tracking down Lhc manytiered activities of the Alice Bailey/Olga
Foundation .
They had become Ezra
Pound's s uwart group after he was i mprisoned after World War II for broadcasts he bad made sym1lhetic to Iii tier
and Mu ssolini during the war. He was
schcd u led lo be tried on treason when
the Bollingen Foundation , like the Cavalry, came riding to his rescue! It was
largely because of !heir intervention Uial
his insanity ploy proved successful.
I have had the privilege of meeting personally with Dr. E. Fu lier Torrey, M.J),
and a staff psychiatrist at St. Eli1.abeth's
Hospital in Washington, D.C. That i s the
mental hospital where John Hinckley i s
currently house. That is where E1.ra
Pound was housed . Dr. Torrey gained an
eic.baustive knowledge of Pound's case as
he poured over his record s after he went
to work. at I hat hospital. We al I owe Torrey a debt of gratitude for his work on
unravefj ng the Pound mys teries.
Mu Iii ns brags of Lies with T. S. El iol
Eliot is pictured in William McGuire's
Bol I in gen attending a 1949 function .
Other Bollingen officials Mullin s boasts
of closeness to include:
Katharine Garrison Chapin - Ms.
Chapin was the wife of Altorn cy
General Francis Biddle. Francis
Biddle is mentioned repeatedly
Am erican
Swastika by Charles lligham as
one who was sympalhic to antiSemites while World War II was
in progress.
In his book A WRIT FOR MARTYRS, Mullin s says


"In Washington, I had already

been i nvi led on a number of occasions by Kalhari ne Garrison
C hapin lKatherine Diddle] (wife
of Atlorney General Francis Bidd le) to soirees in her home .~
Francis Diddle, him self, was
syro(lllhetic to the Dollingcn
cause. He is also pictured in
The Biddies' Bollingcn involvement might help to explain a
missing historical puzzle. Why
did Francis Biddle appear to be
slack in i nvestigaling and prosecuting seditionists during World
War II. Charles Higham writes in
"Wi II iam Power Maloney Ian FBI
invest igatorl worked heroically to
secure an indictment against
Denn is. lie hoped to bring down
with hi ro all of the other pro-Nazi s who surrounded Dennis by
charing them oulright with se di tion . After Pearl Harbor, Maloney
brought about a series of grand
George Hiii indiclment. Maloney
dragged out thou sa nds of magazines and subpoenaed letters and
ro iscel laneous documents that
conclusively showed Dennis and
several others to be directly connected lo German agents and
money sources. However, Attorney
General Franci s Biddle failed .!.2
.'!!. 2!!. Maloney's urgent suggestions and seemed .!.2 do everyill.!!1: .!.2 throw obstruction l.!l.
hi s


Huntingdon Cairns - "l was on

good term s with another promi nent
ll11ntingdon Cairns, the longtime
legal counsel of the National
Gallery". Iluntingdoo Cairns is
pictured in William McGuire's
Mullins' basic papnism
In his old age, Yeats became quite
phi losphical, and the philosophy stated
here is the one which is evolving from
man 's life in the twentiel11 centurey. As
a Virginian, I knew defeat; therefore, I
wass able to know culture. THOUGH HIS

Page 19

Mullins and "The Force"

"Ezra sbou Id not cavi I at the revenge
that the gods have wreaked on him, for
he has done great damage to their hit herto secure Olympus. The mind of man
is a force as violent as anything to be
found in nature, and Is not civilization
loo but an idea, the manifestation of
man's idea of himself? Ah, protests Sadie
Wetwash (better known in the peerage as
Lady Hailstone) from the rear of the
room, 'ls not civilization really God's idea
of man?' We acquiesce, but in self-exten uation, we quote the eminent Dutdh
philosopher, Professor J. Wetmaar Liver! ipps, who recently stated that God is
only man's idea of God . In th is arena
which we call the world, the mind of
man rcmai ns the primeval force, the only
force still respected and feared by the
'h u roan i Lari ans!"'
Social Credit Movement ties
On page 12 of Mullins' A WRIT FOR
MARTYRS, he writes to eic.plain his firing
from the Library of Congress:
"The ageo ts lFBll gave him !Librarian of
Congress, Lu th er Evans) a flimsy pretext,
that I had written an article for The Social Creditor, a small English financial
1per of which I was the American correspondent. Th is arrangement had been
made by Ezra Pound, who had been a
close friend of Major C. H. Douglas,
founder of the Social Credit movement."
Mullins article about Cumbcy
It is interesting that Mullins starts out

by comparing me to infection. This is

the sa me tactic be used agai nsl Jews. It
is the same tactic Hiller used .
Mullin s star ts his tape against roe by
misrepresenting the evidence of Edison's
thcosphy, Ford's occultism and deli berately m isq uoti ng roe. He states:
On ige 95,
Ford is an
friend of
claims was

Curobcy resolves that Henry

'occultist' because be was a
Thomas Edison whom s he
a Theosophist.

On page 95,
THEOSOPHlST (December, 1938) about Mr.
Ford's beliefs on occultism :
a nd

Henry Ford see ms to lose no opportuto state his belief in reincarnation,

this, one would think., has gone a
way toward reacquainting the world
reincarnation and karma."

Moreover, one can check any bi ography of

Ford or Edison to find historical evidence of their deep friendship. Ford's

May - July 1986

friendship and admiration of Edlson extended to procuring his birthplace and

original workshops and placing both in
his Greenfield Village - a Ford shrine
to the pas t located near my home in the
Detroit metropolitan area.
Mullin s' next s tatement is an outright
fabrication . Mullins states:

and when J told her that as Pound's

authorized biographer, I had studied
all his works and nncr found anything promoting Theosophy, she declared nry earnestly, 'Oh, it's in there;
you haTC lo look for i l.
l never made such a slalemen t, although

Mullins did profess naivete' about

Pound's Theosophical connections in our
initial conversation on July 5, 1986. Once
I obtained Mullins' b iography of Pound
and his book, MY LIFE IN CHRIST, I
knew th is lo be another bald-faced lie.
Mullin s was very well acquainted with
Theosophy. As far as Pound gees, one
doesn't have to look far. Mos t of l1is biographers, including Torrey, and the
Paideu ma Society, devoted exclusively to
Pound research, exl1anstivety documented
Pound's connections lo the occult - including Theosophy, astrology, and the
Eleusi n ian mysteries.
The story about the New Age piano tuner
located on page 154 of A PLANNED DECEPTION stands as written . Anybody
reading tbat passage wl 11 know that the
argument was not about "Middle Cl"

I have sacrificed lhe bulk of my income

to expose the New Age Movemen l. I was
able lo make far more practicing law on
a full-time basis than the scant money
I receive in free-wlll offerings and royalties.
Anyone making a serious study about
the League of Nations (to be taken up
in a future article in the MONITOR)
and the World ParIi men t of Religions
not to mention the United Nations will
know that the role of the Theosopliical
Society and Lucis Trust has been extremely major and their influence has
been greate. The so-cal led "powers of evi I"
Mullins has researched over the past 30
years arc Jews and this in turn is motivated by his personal occultism and his
tics to l.he Theosph ical oriented Social
Credit Movement, of which the initial
meetings were held ln the offices or THE
NEW AGE in London. The NEW AGE
was pu bllshed by A. R. Orage, both a
Theosophist and a Ourdjieffian.
I was delighted to learn that I make
more money than Lucis Trust a year
(which Mullins understates to $375,IXX)).

Page 20


Thal is why I drive a ten year old

Caprice! I wish my income was even approached a fmction of that. Perhaps if I
return to the active practice of law, il
might. Days of reading things like
Mullins' certainly motivate me in that
Mullins reveals himself as a Biblically
prophesied last day "mocker and scoffer"
when he says "Most of the 'hid den dangers' whicb Cumbey w.riles about remain
hidden despite her 'courageous expose'."
hardly qualifies as Alice Bailey's princi pal work, it being so rare that it is not
offered by Lucis Trust, nevertheless, l t
is revealing that Eustace Mullins men tions i l. Thal book ls e.xtreinely rare and
I am fortunate to own a copy. I found it
at a local New Age book dealer four years
ago marked "Out of Pr! n t" and "Extremely Rare." I pa.id a relatively eimrbilan l price for it. Many who ex.pressed the
same racial goals as Hi lier prior to World
War II as Lucis Trust did in its book,
TILE SCIENCE OF TIIE INITIATES, attempted lo cover their tracks by writing
what Eustace Mullins calls frenetic denunciation of Hiller and the entire Nazi
movement." However, a carefu I read l ng of
her materials or what she says was d ictaled to her by the Tibetan Master
Djwbal Khu! shows that her racial ideas
were the same as those of the Nazis. I
called her "tbe high priestess of the occu It" not The High P'riestess of Nazi sm."
This is another deli berate misrepresentation by Eustace Mullin s - the sa me Eus tace Mu II ins that the FBI considered
so da n gcrou s they kept, accord i ng to
Mullin s, an 800 page record on him. (See
Mullins. Evidently, the FBI considered
him dangerou s with good reason 0
Were it not for a series of fortuitous
events, I would probably still be ignorant of Eustace Mullin s. Although I had
heard of him - my inherent dislike of
mathemallcally related subjects had delayed my reading of his SECRETS OF
good friends of mine such as Sou th west
Radio Church and J. R. Church were
s tocking one of his books, and so I had
not thought of him as a New Age writer.
J was wrong.
I, of course, heard of Pound, and considered him the sa me as other poets I heard
of during interminable college lectures
- something that should be marketed
and sol d as a cure for insominia After
all, didn't most of us get our best naps
in college dozing off to the great prose
and poetry writers of J1islory!

Nor was Eustace Mullins ever in serious

danger of scrutiny from my study of economics - at least not prior to July 4,
1986. Truthfully, one of my motivations
for majoring in law was that i l required
very little in the way of ma thematics or
economics. I was blissfully ignorant of
the difference between a ten dollar bill
and a treasury note. For me, reading
books on economics could trigger a migraine headache! Al I I rcmem be red from
college economics were the phrases "mi cro-econ.o m ics;" kmacro-cconom ics;" and
"them that has gets." I received a B in
that course, as I recall it, which says little or oothjng for the discernment of
the professor conducting the course - or
it might say something about my ability
lo "cram ."
ll was unfortunate for Eustace Mullins
that his Dallas dlstri bu tor attended my
Dallas speech on July 4, 1986. Thal speech
was given shortly after I had become
aware of Ezra Pound's involvement in
both the occu II and pro-Nazi/Fascist activities. I had recently read Dr. E.
OF ST. ELIZABETHS. I was fortunate lo
find the book on a remainer table al the
massive Borders Bookstore in the Detroit
area and Pound's name caught my eye
because of my study of Lucis Trust and
one of its offspring organimlions The
William McGuire's book, BOLLINGEN :
PAST that the Bollingen fellows and di rectors had championed the cause ofEzra
Pound . Eua had been hospitalhed for
insanity while awaiting trial on charges
of treason for wartime activities conducted on behalf of Mussolini and
Iii lier. Dr. Torrey, a staff psychiatrist at
I.he very same hospital where formerly
Pound and presently John Hinckley are
housed cone I uded that Pound was not
insane, bu l had ~raled with the appearance of insanity to avail him se lf of
the only defense he had to his treason
charges - insanity.

Th is was of special significance lo me

because of a 1X1ragraph contained in Foster Bai lcy's book, RUNNING GOD'S

appron:d hierarchical project

is the uniting of the n.a lions of Europe
in one cooperating peaceful community
- One attempt was to begin by uniting
the peoples JiTing in the Rhine riTCr
nJ Icy using that rin:r as a binding
factor. It was an attempt by a disciple
but did not work. Now another attempt is j n full swing ._9

~ Anol.ber

Alice Ba1ley wrote of !J1e development

May - July 1986

and importance of Bollingen in her UNFl N ISllEU AUTOBIOGRAPllY:

"We had been in corrcspon de nee for
some Jillie while with a woman in
Swi l7.erlan d who had a good deal of
knowledge and who was interested in
what we were leaching and in doing
something lo reach the world with the
Ageless Wisdom loccull teachings! She
had a beautiful home on Late M.ggiore
in Swih:erland where she had built a
lecture hall and accumulated a cry
llQOd Ii brary. One day j n the fall of
1930 she l urned up late one n if,h t al
our home in Stamford, Connecticut,
and spent a little time with us there,
talking mcr many things, laying her
urious ideas before us, finding out
what was our point of iew and offering
herself as a collaborator with us. She
suggested the idea that with our help
she should start a spiritual centre al
Ascona near Locarno on Lake Maggiore
and that it should be undcnominatioaal, nonsectarian and open to esoteric thinkers and occult students of
all groups in Europe and elsewhere. She
had those lmcly houses, th is lecture
hall and these beautiful grounds
which would be her contribution, and
Fosler and I should go there and start
the project and lecture and teach. -"d >
Al ice Bai Icy was lo record I hat Olga
Froe he's offer was accepted by them in
the spring of 1931 and the entire family
- Alice, Fosler and three daughters
made the trip abroad .< 2: Alice was to
find the Ascona environment relatively
unsuitable for raising daughters:
"The d istricl had been al one ti me the
ccn lre of the Blac t Mass in Ccn lral
Europe and c.idcnccs of this could be
found on the country ra.ds. The little
i llagcs around had been largely deserted by their inhabitants owing lo
economic conditions and had been purchased by groups from Germany and
France whose aims and ideas were anything bnt nice or clean . The few years
preceding the war, particularly in Germany, were peculiarly nasty. All kinds
of ices and eil were cultir.ated and a
lot of those who practiced these undesirable modes of life hied thcmsehes
to the Italian lakes during the summer. - As soon as l found the kind of
place it was, and that in spite of all of
its beauty there lurked much nil, I
simply sat down and told the girls all
about it. I was determined that they
should not be so innocent that they
would get into dangers and I pointed
out the types of people on the roads who
were plainly the undesirable kind . -
I told them baldly and straight just
what it was all about, including its


degeneracy and its homoscxoali ty, so

that they passed unscathed through a
creat deal which might hnc damaged
lhem."<3 >
After the girls received Lids motherly
warning from Alice, herself in a prQPCr
British environment, the family enjoyed
the seen ic and cu It u ral environment for
tlu; ncxl Lhree years. Many i mporlan L
contacts were made:
"IL was there for tbe first lime that we
met Dr. Robert Assagiol i, who had been
our represen lalive in llaly for several
years ... The second year that we went to
Ascona was one of very real interest
there."<4 >
During these years (1931-1933) lime the
Baileys' awarlioned their Ii me - five
months in Europe, seve n months per year
in the United States The European work
was cross-pollinatin g their New York
work :
uouring these years in which my hu sband and I were five months over in
Great Britain and Europe and seven
months in the United States the school
work as s teadily growing. The work done
in Ascona for three years had brough l a
number of peq1le of different nationalities into the school and these along with
others who had a lready joined the school
throu gh reading tl1e books had produced
a nucleu s from many countries in Eu rope on which we could build the fu ture work ."<5>
Quite naturally, I was interes ted in the
various ou lreaches of that i mporlan l occu 11 work that Alice Bailey had been in strumental in founding. I followed up
my reading of Alice Bailey with reading
McGuire (Bollinge n Series, Princeton) . I
learned on pige 205 that Bollingen had
awarded a fellowship for studying the
life of Ezra Pound to Noel Stock in 1961.
A few IX18CS over, I was to read :
The psycho-historian E. Fu 1ler Torrey
made ample references to Pound's occullism in general including his pirticipation in Theosophical concerns
"Ezra Pound 's religion also included an
appreciable measure of mys tici s m and
reincarnation. Th is was evident in early
poems s uch as 'Histrion,' and also in
'Co m raderie' ... When Pound wrote in
Pari s of 'external vi brat ion s' affecting the
pineal gland's re tina-pigme n l, thereby
produ cing li ght and wisdom, he may
well have been alluding lo mystical vi bration s received from his Parnass ian

Page 21

predecessors. Pound's belief in reincarnation was also consonant with his con tinuing interest in astrology throughout
the Paris years . In 1922, for example, he
con tri bu led to the LITTLE REVIEW a
complex. astrological calendar typing personality and life events lo the signs of
the zodiac and lo the Greek gods;
Pound's birth dale fell under Bacchu s
on I he calendar. The idea of rci ncarnalion is also consistent with Pound's belief in the universe as a vortex, 'a system
of energies that is un ificd al some mysterious point,' and of the energies flow ing on from soul lo soul."
Moreover, Dr. Torrey indicated
Pound's occultism that made
for a man of his intelligence
cal ly accept the obviously

that it was
it possible
lo u ncri Ii fraud u len l

"From the perspcct ive of the present It i s

difficult to understand how a man of
Pound's Intelligence and world Ii nes s
as authentic, replete as ii was with internal contradictions and thinly dis guised prejudice. It s hould be remem bered that Pound 's education was almost
ex.cl usively in languages and Ii lerature,
not in history, economics, or the natural
scie nces . Mon:orcr, be thought from preconeci.ed troths reYcalcd to him in
mystical rc.eries, not ded octi.ely from
Pound believed that the world should
be governed by an aristocracy from bi s
crowd of believed artistic eli Les:
"Pound belic.cd that it was time for
the 'aristocracy of the arts' to take control of chili:r.ation. 'We torn back, we
artists, to the powers of the ah, to the
dji n ns who were our allies aforeli me,
to the spirits of our ancestors.' This
aristocracy would 'combine and form a
new eiili:r.alion in the midst of the
semi conscious
gebcnna. 'My problem,' Pound wrote, 'is
to keep al i.e a certain group of adnnei ng poets, lo set the to set the arts in
their rigb tfo I place as the acknowl edged guide and lamp of ciilir.alion .'
lie was increasingly dcriise of the
common man, whom he cbaracteriz;cd as
'men who simply ba.en't the brains to
do anything else without intolerable
mental fatigue.' Ciilization, Ponnd
wrote from Paris, cannot be based 'on
an illiterate multitude. It bas nc.cr
come out of sla.es, though c.cry state
has bade Ila.es or 'the employed.' It, the
ortcx, has historically come from free
groups, or from groups formed about
men who had reached a condition of
mon: than freedom.' E:r:ra Pound bclic.cd him SCI f lo be a leader Of JU Ch

May - July t986

a uoup, whate.er the source or his special powers might be."


Page 22


more, if necessary. Wha1 I would really

Ii ke to see you do is pressure your local
Christian and secular bookstore to carry
it. It desei;ves and needs international
circulation . The information is so pertinent and well-writll:n <also illustrated)
and so vital that it must go to others
apart from those so heavily motivated
that they would write a small publisher
to special order it. While wri lien from
11 Christian perspective, the book is invaluable, not only to Christians, but to
Jews, secularists, and indeed all those
seeking to unmask the deception - witting and unwitting that Holistic Heallh
poses to both mental and physical well belng. Please do your part to make Dr.
Jane's book the best-seller it deserves to
be. And please, take the lime to read it
yourself. It will answer so very many of
yo11r questions.

McGuire listed Bollingen fellows for
that year as Conrad Aiken, W. H. Auden,
Katherine Garrison Chapin (Mrs. Francis
Biddle, wife of U.S. attorney general under Roosevelt, Francis Biddle), T. S. Eliot,
Paul Green, Katherine Anne Porter,
Theodore Spencer, and Willard Thorp.
While giving an award to a poet is not
on usual per se in and of itself. even by
an occu Jt-orien ted group, this award was
different because of Pound's lcg-dl status
at the time. He was housed in a mental
institution, St. Ellzabeth's Hospital in
Washington, D.C. where he was to be
housed until ILc was competent to stand
trial for the charges of treason he .received for radio broadcasts he made d uring World War 11 sympathetic to the
Nazi and Fascist governments of Adolf
Hi tier and. Mussolini respectively.
Needless to say, l was investigating
Pound as a possible "missing Jin k" between hard-core Nazism and mainstream
occultism. I was fortunate to obtain St.
El irabeth staff psychiatrist, E. Fuller
ELIZABETH'S. That book made it abundan Uy clear that the root of much of
Ezra Pound's treason was his occult mysticism. On page ll6 of that book, for example, 1 was to read :
Networking to award Pound the prize
included some names familiar to those
reading Mullins' accounts of his friends
with whom he was on good terms in his
book, A WRIT FOR MARTYRS. They included Huntingdon Cairns and Librarian of Congress Luther Evans.

Films and Videos

With the advent of relatively inexpensive
video players and recorders, video tapes arc
rapidly becoming a convenient form of
storage of essential information to help
the occultist or cultist among your fam .i lics and acquaintances. Four particularly
valuable videos (also available in film
format for larger audiences) are produced
by Pat Matrisciana Cmarried to New Age
critic Caryl Matrisciana) under the auspices of lite busi oess he supervises,
Jeremiah Films. Some have little patience to wade through books both of the
New Agers and their Christian critics.
Thal does not obviate, however, their
need to .know the facts . Although I am
not big on "old Chinese Proverbs," indeed I do believe the following pictures
are worth "thousands of wordsr'




Must Reading!
DECEPTION by Jane Gumprecht,
MD. CJ987l

I was unl1awy with Reiser and Weldon's

lnterVarsi ty Press book on Holistic
Health Cl983) because of its lack of a
strong stand against~ holistic health
practices. I was further troubled by the
fact that that book recommended some
Holistic Health agencies such as the one
in H1 nsdale, Illinois as wholesome and
not into new consciousness. l had procured the literature and books of that
and similarly recommended centers and
they were on their race, promoting medi tation - the vital essence of new consciousness. I fell, of course, that their
book was better than nothing, but I had
Ii ttle lo recommend in its place. Now,
there is an alternative - one that docs
not mince words. Jane Gumprecht, MD.
does not compromise, and for this reason,
I strongly recommend lter book - in my
opinion, the best written to date on the
subject of Holistic Health. Dr. Jne
Gu mprecb t, a Couer D'Alene Idaho M.D.
is uniquely qualified to write this critique - she was raised in the New
Age/Metaphysical Movement, and she is a
medical doctor married to a medical doctor and is the mother of three medical
doctors! Anybody who has tried to struggle lo through professional school of any
type, or has watched the travail of those
who have know what an accomplishment
that is in and of itself.

"Dr. Jane" explains the spiritual and

medical dangers of holistic health practices ranging from chelation therapy and
colonic irrigation through "deathiog.
She gives a comprehensive history of the
holistic health movemeo t, cone I usively
demonstrating that it springs, for the
most part, from Madame Blavatsky and
Edgar Cayce. Dr. Jane knows much more
about medici nc than pricing books. Conseq oen Hy, this priceless book: on Holistic
Health. We have procured a stock of LOO
copies, currently priced at $6.95 pt us SJ.75
shipping and handling. We can obtain


According to a recent item appearing in

Associated Press., we are much closer to
the system described in Revelation 13
than we can imagine. The following is
reprinted from THE OAKLAND PRESS
(Oakland County, Michigan), July 17,
1987. The head Ii ne read Mom's dream:
Homing dnice i111plan ted in kids" Il
nightma~. Jews who recall the German
number marking during World War ll
should recoil in horror as well!

A homing device implanted

a chi.id's ear could lead anxious

to missing offspring, says a plastic
with a patent on his idea.

Dr. Daniel Man said the device he envi sions could also help police find parolees
and relatives find victims of Alzehimer's
disease who wander away.
Man, who is looking for a corpora lion to
develop and produce a prototype, said
Thursday he hasn't received anyoffers
but private industry and government
agencies have expressed interest in the
patent he was awarded last month.

Prince Charles and Princess Diana

has cast Diana the Princess of Wales in to
tlLe role of heavy for failing Lo share her
husband's interest in the New Age
he is ... striking out on bis own in ways

May - July 1986

that exclude J>iana. In fact. Charles. like

so many of his generation whoa re still
searching for the indefinable something
that is missing from their lives, bas begun lo embrace much of the California
New Age movement even before it has
crossed the Allan tic .... In the quest to
fill the emptiness in his life, Charles
i s aided by a spiritual guru, Sir Lauren s
Van Der Post, a rat her con lrovcrsial figure who is also godfather to five-year-old
Prince William, the couple's elder son .
Van Der Post and Charles rccen tly jou rneyed together to the Kalahari Desert to
s tudy African mysticism . It was a trip
that left friends and acq uai n lances bemused . ... It was also a trip that left Di ana cold, so she chose to stay home, something s he has done more and more of
tale ...

International Northwest GUIDE Magazin e
is a magazine catering to th e Paci fi e
Northwest gay and les bian population s. A
recent i ss ue of that publication (May
1987) discu ssed the need for that segment lo have "spirituality." You will
never guess what the spirituality was.
Yo u just guessed right!
Lately, there has been i ncrcasi ng focus
on w b.at has popu luly come lo be called
the New Al;c.' Under that .name, held
in uneasy embrace, arc lumped together
a Ta.riely of beliefs, religions, faiths,
practices, and explorations.
you're a follower or some guru, a stu dent of Zen or Tibetan Buddhism, or
a p.pn; whether you prw:ticc channcl i ng Ii tc JZ, arc a pracli Honer o( Wicca,
or arc 'i.n lo' crystal or any of the myriad
metaphysical disciplines, you an: manifesting the spirit of the New Age. !Nole:
he said it, not me! I think sometimes
these people have a better unders tandin g
of the scope of th e New Age Movem e nt
than mos t C hri s tian s. C ECI ... "One
mil!ht well ask if there is any un i fying force oT clement among these dis.-ratc systems of belief. I bcliCYC then:
is and that it is the desire lo be personally llJld spiritually empowered . -
The New Age man:men t is not an isolated CYCD l ."
For men who Ian: men and women who
Ian: women, ouT search is often to find
a spiritual home a.nd fellowship. Yet
our senses of oursches, our integrity
and sense or goodness as human beings
hoe been denied and Yiolatcd so often
by those who clai m lo be IOYi ng and
spiritual leaders, th.at I think that we
sometimes rind it more difficult than


most to embrace: a spiritual pm.th. The

institutions which we ban: inherited
from the society in to which we were
born rarely reflect and honor who we
an:. -
Whal has the New Age to offer us? An
opport an ity to czplore areas of on rscln:s
.not honored elsewhere _ Do you ache lo
find a spiritual tradition which ac-lin:Iy cm braces a new you, or in which
your scs.ual orientation ii no one's con cern bat yours? They do exist the New
Age. -


Many t i mes people are at t.racted to homosexuality after letting their spirituality
slip. In thi s case, those in homosexuality
are bc:i ng urged to deli bcrately adopt
New J\ge spi ri tuali tics as a mean s of legit i mation of th eir sexual activ i ty. Th is
i s not new. Th e Apos tle: Pa ul fought it
in bis d ay:
For the wrath of God is rc:YCalcd from
hcan:n against all ungodliness and an righlcoasness of men, who hold the
truth in unrighteousness; Bc:causc that
which may be known or God is mani fest in th.cm ; for God hath showed it
unto them . For the inrisiblc things of
him from the creation of the world arc
clearly seen, being understood by the
things that arc made, CYCn his eternal
power a.nd God bead; so that they are
without cscusc: Because that, when
they knew God, they glorified h i m not
as God, neither were tbu1tful; but became YBin in their immgi nat io.ns, a.nd
their foolish heart was darkened . Professing thcmscln:1 to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of
the uncorTI1ptiblc God into a.n i mage
made lite to corruptible man, a.nd to
birds, and fourfootcd beasts, a.nd creeping tings. WHEREFORE GOD ALSO

Page 23



Al be rt Gore, Jr.
As this newsletter is being "put to bed,"
I have just watched via C-SPAN another
New Ager make his declaration for the
presidency, and a most impressive one it
was. It was Senator Albert Gore. His open ing <June 29th) campaign spc:cch was
made at Carthage, Ten nes sec:."Vldeotapc:d
by C. Cum bey from C-Span, p.m. I was
only half listening when the unmistakeably New Age tenor of bi s spc:cch
caught my attention . Senator Gore, you
will recall, was mentioned in my book ,
A PLANNED DECEPTION . Gore's said at
the lime or h is campa ign opening
(6/29/87) in part:
The next president of the Un itcd States
will race a 11niarallclcd opportunity to
do just that. For the first time in at
least a generation the Sot-i ct Union has
a leader who combines youthful energy
and innoration with cspcricncc llJld the
free world urgcn tly needs a leader who
can match him, test bi m, bargain with
b i m, and mate the most of th.is possibly historic opportunity for a safer
We as Americans ban: always captured
the imagination or people all an:r this
earth . This election offers us a cha.nee
to demonstrate lb.al we han: a c:ap.ci ty
for self- renewal and regeneration that
the rest of the world ca.n only dream
about. Where wc can dream, wc can
hqie. Where wc can hope, we can act. >..
we act together, wc ca.n grow.
We need leadership to heal the diyi sions amo.ng us and the moat serious of
those: diYisions is not between black
and white, North and South, young a.nd
old, or r i ch and poor. This diision i s
between those who loot al the awesome
challenges we conflon, fear of the future and wonder whether or not we
ban: it within oancln:s to prenH and
those who on the other hand loot at
the n:ry same problems a.nd feel
welling 11p within them a commitmcnbl lo wort together to rekindle the
American spirit llJld build a future
with hope. It is in that spirit that I
launch this camiaign today. I am r11n ai ng to win and I W8Jll your help!
Sen a tor Al bcrt Gore is a close f r ie nd or

May - July 1986

John Naisbitt and his wife, Patricia

Aburdene. He spoke al one of bis New
Age conferences. Al th a t lime, he said it
was "lime lo rethink the nation-stale
system ."

February 10-12, 1988 Florida

For more information on the 1988 dates,
please con tact Rev. J. Barela P.O. Box 1722.
Broken Arrow, OK 74103 918-455-2047

1988 should be an interesting election

year. Unless God intervenes dramatically,
beads the New Agers win! Tail s they

Subscription Order Form

July 21, 1987 through July 25, 1987 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Sou thwesl Radio
Church Annual Prophecy Conference P.O.
Box 1144 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73101
For more information call 1-800-652- 1144
August 14 - LS. 1987 Springfield, Missouri
Howard Johnson Hotel 2610 N. Glenslone,
(Off 1-44) Or. David Webber; Constance
Cumbey; Dr. Paul Brownback; John
Barcia. For more in formation cal I 918455-2047 or wri le l'.O. Box 1722 Broken Arrow, OK 74103
Augu s t 21-24, Denver, Colorado For more
in format ion call Rev. John Barela 918-4552047 (P.O. Box 1722. Broken Arrow, OK.
September W, 1987 - Scptcm ber 21, 1987
Seplem ber 20 - 21, 1987 San An ton io, Texas
Wyndham Hotel $10 luncheon charge for
those wishing luncheon on Saturday. For
more information and/or I uncheon reservations: 918-455- 2047
October 16 - 18, 1987 (tcnlalive) Dallas,
Texas Prophecy Conference For more in formation contact Rev. J. Barela, P.O. Box
1722. Broken Arrow, OK 74103 918-455-2047
October 23, 1987 - October 24th Al bu q uerq ue, New Mexico For more information con tact Rev. J. Barela, P.O. Box 1722.
Broken Arrow, OK. 74103 918-455-2047
November 13-14, 1987 Houston, Texas
Prophecy Conference Rev. J. Barela P.O.
Box 1722. Broken Arrow, OK 74103 918-4552047
Novem bcr 29, 1987 th rough Occem ber 7,
1987 Jamaican Prophecy and Conference on
New Age Move men l Jamaica, West Indies
Rev. J. Barela P.O. Box 1722. Broken Arrow,
OK 74103 $1,088 (all expen ses paid) from
Dallas, Texas. Featured spea kc rs arc David
Webber; Constance Cumbcy; Dave Hunt
Rev. J. Barela P.O. Box 1722. Broken Arrow,
OK 74103 918-455-2047

Page 24




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