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This country is saturated with obesity, illness, disease, and chronic

fatal health conditions due to over saturation and infatuation. We
have become infatuated with eating ourselves to death. Our minds
and tastes buds are being pimped by (syn)thetic-chemicals (chemikillz) fl avors, tastes, subliminal images and messages that seduce
and lead masses down roads of lust, desire, addiction, infatuation
and saturation of obesity, minor and major dis-eases, 1,000s of
chronic health issues, problems and of course the inevitable DEATH.
Q : Where does it all begin?
A : It begins in our mind with what we choose to consume (take in )
into our bodies via the mouth, eyes, ears, nose, scalp, and skin.
What we see, hear, smell, eat and drink does aff ect how and what
we think. Eating foods that we are conditioned and taught to eat and
like, spell-blind into accepting without question, believing without a
reason, stuck on stupid (s.o.s.) full of mucus, slaves of man-made
fl avors and seasonings. Our minds are off track and being controlled
because our behinds are packed and swoll. Over-saturated
exaggerated commercialization is a big part of the USA health
deterioration. Now Thats Better, Im Lovin It The Flavor of
Now Eat as much as you like Deep Pan Lovers Seafood Lover In
You Simply Indulge etc. are just a few of the 100's of d.e.a.t.h.
slogans promoted daily in this culture while vultures and buzzards
a.k.a. doctors, hospitals, pharmacies, funeral/burial agencies,
insurance agencies, morgues and fl orists all swarm and hang around
waiting to ca$h in. Thats where it begins but (D.E.D. pronounced
d.e.a.d.) D eath E quals D ollar$ is where it ends. In this soci-cult
(society culture) poor health + death = economic$ the bottom line.
Love and desire for IN GOD WE TRU$T has and is causing our organs
to rust, break down, swell up and bust. PLEASE! Its Time to
A: One reason is makes common (come on) sense to preserve life to
its best, another reason is the children ( future) are being born with
all types of issues, illnesses and dis-eases ex: diabetes 1&2, asthma,
digestive disorders, cancer, respiratory defi ciencies etc due to the
fi lthiness we hand them through our drug and alcohol use, ignorant
thinking and eating habits which lead to weak GENETICS/DNA. It has

to STOP! D.E.A.T.H. we like to refer to as D evastate E verybody A nd

T heir H ealth a major tool used by the malevolent forces. Q: Who are
these forces you ask? A : Those controlling the NATURAL RESOURCES (Sun sources), media and telling people Milk Does The
Body Good. Please overstand what we are saying. Death is a
natural event and a very important state of existence within ALLMIGHTY NATUREs scheme of BALANCE, but for us to be in a socalled advanced technical age we seem to still be committing socalled dark age acts like killing and eating dead fl esh like
carnivorous beasts and steady dying from it (YOU ARE WHAT YOU
EAT) and yes we must be aware of the blood types. Matter of fact we
have become omnivores eating everything in sight and I don't
mean cable. Infatuation with variety seems to be this soci-cult
downfall. So let the chips fall where they may.
Any solid food that is not a leafy green vegetable or fruit is a starch
also called carbohydrate which will cause mucus. Mucus is an enemy
because it obstructs the blood and organs of the body. Obstruct v. 1.
To block (a passage) with obstacles. 2. To impede or retard. 3. To
get in the way of so as to hide. Point blank any obstruction in the
body can and will cause minor /major health concerns and dis-ease
whether it be of a mental, spiritual, or physical nature. Mucus block,
retard, get in the way of natural bodily organ function and is food
for all germs which are bacteria that cause dis-eases. Germs are
bacteria and bacteria will not stay where they cannot feed. Q : How
do you keep mucus out? A : Avoid the foods that cause mucus (refer
back up to the top) herbal d-tox cleansings, doing an
irrigation(enemas), fasting, exercising (exorcism) sweating out
poisons and toxins, enemas can you say CLNRGI.C.I.S., breathing
exercises, drinking lots of clean water. Intelligent mucus monsters
known as parasites are also an enemy that feed off the body causing
all forms of sickness, dis-ease and illness robbing you of minerals,
nutrients, and vitamins that your body need and require . If left
unaddressed these parasites turn into intestinal feeding machines
literally eating you to d.e.a.t.h. Q : How do you get parasites?
A : Meat, pets, contaminated water, dirt, improperly washed fruits
and vegetables, insects, air etc.
By no means are we saying what and what not to eat thats every
being natural right of choice, but what we are saying and

encouraging is to eat foods that are good for you fi rst and good to
you second. It is often said how a particular food tastes good but
seldom how good it is for you. *Note that not all food is digested and
turned into useable sugar to be supplied as fuel and energy to be
dispersed properly and accordingly into the blood via all cells,
tissue, muscles and organs for the body. Examples : HFCs( high
can be humans, animal/human blood ) movie SOYLENT GREEN!, MSG,
FOODS, ARTIFICIAL FLAVORING, anything with the word fl avor in it is
man-made syn-thetic SPICES, COTTON SEED OIL, CANOLA OIL, food
colors and dyes etc are all chemicals (chemi-kills) that the body
wont digest. Additives and preservatives are fast and slow acting
A ddictive D eadly D evitalizing (hum ADD) chemicals that are put in
processed foods cause disorders, dis-ease, illnesses and infatuation
with saturation. Know that it is an evil cruel trick the way this matrix
beguile masses to choose d.e.a.t.h. by toxic consumption. Have No
Fear! CLNRG I.C.I.S. Is Here!! An absolute health benefi t and
major step towards cleaning up the fi lthy mess that was handed to
us through deadly habits of survival from ignorance perpetrated
upon us by this matrix. ALL -THOUGH there are infi nite intelligent
reasons why we should strive to live the best health as possible it
remains a sad reality that this matrix does its best to prevent the
public from knowing to live healthy based on FACTS, and not
corporate bewitchery, debauchery, and misinformation just for
continued gain of controlling masses and the lust for IN GOD WE
TRU$T NOW! is the time to make a CHANGE? A wise DEITY once
said that GOD is anything that controls. If $ control you guess
what? If food controls you guess what? If fl avor and taste control
you, U DOOMED! Whoever control your tastes control you. THINK
ABOUT IT! But wait you cant because the same ones controlling
your tastes control your mind. WOW! In this day and age FOOD is
the most prevalent, accessible, addictive, habit forming act in this
plantation by far; therefore food is the biggest drug. If you are
looking for statistics from this xcerpt simply look around you to the
right and left at the obese, dis-eased, toxic, and unhealthy state of
USA or better yet just look at yourself, friends and relative.
D.E.A.T.H. is everywhere. What U GON DO!

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