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What is it?
Simply put, biotechnology is a toolbox that solves problems.
Biotechnology leverages our understanding of the natural sciences to create novel solutions
for many of our world problems. We use biotechnology to grow our food to feed our
families. We use biotechnology to make medicines and vaccines to fight diseases. And we
are now turning to biotechnology to find alternatives to fossil-based fuels for a cleaner,
healthier planet.
We often think of biotechnology as a new area for exploration, but its rich history actually
dates back to 8000 B.C when the domestication of crops and livestock made it possible for
civilizations to prosper. The 17th century discovery of cells and later discoveries of proteins
and genes had a tremendous impact on the evolution of biotechnology.

How Biotechnology Works

Biotechnology is grounded in the pure biological sciences of genetics, microbiology,
animal cell cultures, molecular biology, and embryology and cell biology. The discoveries
of biotechnology are intimately entwined in the industry sectors for development in
agricultural biotechnology, biofuels, bio manufacturing, human health, nan biotechnology,
regenerative medicine and vaccines.
The foundation of biotechnology is based in our understanding of cells, proteins and genes.
Biologists study the structure and functions of cellswhat cells do and how they do it.
Biomedical researchers use their understanding of genes, cells and proteins to pinpoint the
differences between diseased and healthy dells. Once they discover how diseased cells are
altered, they can more easily develop new medical diagnostics, devices and therapies to
treat diseases and chronic conditions.

Ashley Gonzlez
XII Science


Biotechnology is the application of biological organisms,

systems, or processes by various industries to learning about
the science of life and the improvement of the value of
materials and organisms such as pharmaceuticals, crops, and
livestock. It is a relatively new and fast-developing field that
integrates knowledge from several traditional sciences:
Biotechnology is a source of great promise for innovations
ranging from improving the diagnosis and treatment of
hereditary diseases, to safer drugs, to more environmentally
friendly herbicides and pesticides, to microbial processes to
clean up the environment. Making these promises a reality
requires rethinking some fundamental assumptions.
Biotechnology, in the broadest sense, involves the use of
living organisms or cell processes to make useful products. To
date, the major thrusts of the biotechnology industry have
been in drug development, human and animal nutrition,
agricultural chemicals, and environmental protection. The
cloning of insulin used to treat diabetics was one of the
earliest biotechnology breakthroughs in human health care. In
the future, it is hoped that biotechnology will have solutions
for treating, if not curing, genetic disorders. In the field of
agricultural chemicals, biotech scientists are focusing on
developing plants that produce their own insecticides. If this
goal is achieved, it may be possible to save many plants from
destruction. In another area, biotechnologists are using
selective breeding processes to develop fruits, vegetables,
and grains that have more favorable attributes such as higher
yields, longer shelf life, and better taste.
Biotechnology combines teamwork, scientific skills,
interests and also offers a range of career possibilities.


Andrea Herldez.
XII Science.
La empata es la capacidad para ponerse en el lugar del otro y saber lo que
siente o incluso lo que puede estar pensando. Sentimiento de participacin
afectiva de una persona en la realidad que afecta a otra. La asertividad es la
capacidad de autoafirmar los propios derechos, sin dejarse manipular ni
manipular a los dems. Los comportamientos asertivos suponen un saber
defender las propias necesidades frente a las exigencias de los dems sin
llegar a utilizar comportamientos agresivos o violentos.La asertividad es el
punto medio entre los comportamientos inhibidos propios de las personas
tmidas o inseguras y los comportamientos violentos propios de las personas

agresivas y egostas.

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