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French Reflexive Verbs List

So you've gotten so far as to understand and be able to use reflexive verbs correctly and now you're looking for
a French reflexive verbs list? When you memorize reflexive verbs, remember to include the reflexive pronoun
in the conjugation. Many of the words can be used without the reflexive pronoun but would have a different
meaning or implication.

Common French Reflexive Verbs

Remember, reflexive verbs have mostly to do with emotion, one's body, or location. The following is not a
comprehensive French reflexive verbs list but gives examples of the most frequently used reflexive verbs:
To Approach

Verb: s'approcher de
Conjugation: regular -er veb
Used in a sentence: Je m'approche de la maison. I approach the house.
To Sit Down

Verb: s'asseoir
Conjugation: irregular veb
Used in a sentence: Tous les tudiants, s'il vous plait, asseyez-vous! Students, please, sit down!
To Bathe or Swim

Verb: se baigner
Conjugation: regular -er verb
Used in a sentence: Nous baignons dans la mer! Let's go swimming. Also, Je me baigne aprs avoir fait du
jogging. I shower after I go jogging.
To Brush

Verb: se brosser
Conjugation: regular -er verb
Used in a sentence: Je me brosse les cheveux aprs avoir me bross les dents. I brush my hair after I brush my
To Break

Verb:se casser
Conjugation: regular -er verb
Used in a sentence: Je me casse le bras. (or la jambe, etc.) I break my arm, my leg, etc.
To Go to Bed

Verb: se coucher
Conjugation: regular -er verb
Used in a sentence: Je me couche 9. heures. I go to bed at 9 o'clock.

To Cut Oneself

Verb: se couper
Conjugation: regular -er verb
Used in a setence: Je me coupe les doigts. I cut my fingers.
To Get Undressed

Verb: se dshabiller
Conjugation: regular -er verb
Used in a sentence: Nous nous dshabillons avant de nous coucher. We get undressed before we go to bed.
To Take a Shower

Verb: se doucher
Conjugation: regular -er verb
Used in a sentence: Vous vouz douchez avant de nager dans la piscine. Take a shower before swimming in the
To Get Angry

Verb: se fcher
Conjugation: regular -er verb
Used in a sentence: Je me fche contre toi! I am mad at you.
To Get Dressed

Verb: s'habiller
Conjugation: regular -er verb
Used in a sentence: Je m'habille le matin. I get dressed in the morning.
To Wash

Verb: se laver
Conjugation: regular -er verb Used in a sentence: Tu te laves la figure aprs avoir mang de la glace au
chocolat. You wash your face after you eat chocolate ice cream.
To Get Up

Verb: se lever
Conjugation: regular -er verb
Used in a sentence: quelle heure est-ce que vous vous levez? What time do you get up?
To Get Married

Verb: se marier
Conjugation: regular -er verb
Used in a sentence: Je me marie dimanche. I am getting married on Sunday.

To Comb Your Hair

Verb: se peigner
Conjugation: regular -er verb Used in a sentence: Il se peigne les cheveux. He combs his hair.
To Take a Walk

Verb: se promener
Conjugation: stem changing verb
Used in a sentence: Je me promne tous les jours. I walk every day.
To Shave

Verb: se raser
Conjugation: regular -er verb Used in a sentence: Je me rase avant d'aller au travail. I shave before I go to
To Look at Oneself

Verb: se regarder
Conjugation: regular -er verb Used in a sentence: Elle se regarde toujours dans le miroir !
To Rest

Verb: se reposer
Conjugation: regular -er verb Used in a sentence: Tu te reposes aujourd'hui parce que demain tu dois courir
dans une course. You're resting today because tomorrow you are running in a race.
To Wake Up

Verb: se rveiller
Conjugation: regular -er verb
Used in a sentence: Je me rveille le matin. I wake up in the morning.
To Remember

Verb: se souvenir de
Conjugation: irregular verb
Used in a sentence: Je me souviens de nos vacances au Qubec.

Idiomatic Reflexive Verbs

Idiomatic reflexive verbs are verbs that take on a different meaning with the addition of a reflexive pronoun.
Idiomatic Reflexive Verb Chart
Idiomatic Verb


Meaning Without Reflexive Pronoun

s'en aller

to go away

to go


to have a good time

to amuse


to be named

to call


to stop (oneself)

to stop someone or something else)

s'attendre ()

to expect

to wait for

se demander

to wonder

to ask

se dpcher

to hurry

to send quickly


to fall asleep

to put to sleep


to be bored

to bother


to get along

to hear


to get used to

to get in the habit of


to worry

to alarm

se mettre

to begin to

to place, put

se perdre

to get lost

to lose

se rendre compte de to realize

to account for

se runir

to meet, get together to gather, collect

se tromper

to be mistaken

to deceive

se trouver

to be located

to find

Mastering Reflexive Verbs

Once you are familiar with many of the most commonly used reflexive verbs in the French language, you'll be
able to master the art of using them in everyday conversation.

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