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Carmazul (phytolocca americana)- radacinile sunt otravitoare;

papadia, ne ofer: frunzele
ceara albinei,
spanacul salbatic,
papalau (fructe crude sau in placinte),
splinuta dulce (ceai),
radacinile de Luminita- noptii (oenothera biensis)
Rdcina brusturelui este comestibil.
Frunzele de rcovin sunt comestibile.
cicoare se folosesc: florile, frunzele i rdcina., rdcina i floarea. Frunza i rdcina
dragaveiului pot fi mncate.
talpa-gtei se pot consuma frunzele..
Capsun, fragi
oregano salbatice
Limba mielului
Trei frati patati (fr si flori)
frunze de vita de vie
macrisul \
maghiranul slbatic,
melisa (roinia),

Untior (gruor),

rmurele de viin (pt. aromarea murturilor),
flori de salcm,
coada calului (n supe),
frunze de gutui (infuzie),
frunze de tei ("ambalaj" pt sarmale) .a.
urzica moarta,
flori de trifoi rosu,
"chickweed"/stellaria media,
mentele, si
flori de papdie,
frunze si radacina de morcov salbatic,
frunze de mur
Frunzele de smochin- diabet, ulcer, scad nivelul trigliceridelor, bronsita, astm
Maturica- Bassia scoparia. Frunzele din varfuri si semintele uscate, lasate o zi in apa apoi
fierte- cu fructe de mare.
It is common to find wild greens growing in most any condition and climate all over the earth.
You just have to know what to look for and where they grow. This is where an edible plant
guide or two can help you out a lot, but here on this page I list my top favorite most common
green edibles. For the wildcrafting newbie, however, you should...
ALWAYS know what you are picking before you eat it!

Where Do They Grow?

Wild edible greens grow all year long, depending on the season. Most, however, are common
in the spring and fall seasons.
This is when there is both a combination of rain and sunlight to help them thrive.
Wild greens can be found growing it lush gardens (as weeds), wild fields, forests, sea cliffs,
city parks or cracks in the sidewalk.
We recommend picking them from natural areas free of any possible pollutants.
The Benefits of Eating Wild Greens

They are completely different from anything cultivated or hybridized.

They do not require or need care by human hand and grow only in places that provide
the highest quality nutrition to support life.

Wild food is resilient, hardy, and nutritionally balanced food, growing in harmony
with the cycles and structure of the nature's perfect design.

These qualities, when ingested, provide us with a form of wild nutrition and spirit that
works on an energetic level to help us adapt to environmental changes and conditions.

Edible Wild Plants

Wild greens are a great medicine for detoxing the body, removing waste and clearing the
lymph system.
When you notice edible greens popping abundantly from the earth, it is a good sign that you
should eat them.

They provide a rich source of "wild minerals" that come from some of the best soils on the
planet, grown in nature's special garden!
The best thing about wildcrafting wild plants is:

They are FREE!

Connects you with NATURE!

Good to know it case of EMERGENCY!

Here's a few of our favorite wild edible plants we think you will love as much as we do.
Top Wild Edible Greens List
These common edible wild greens grow on the Western coast of the U.S., but they also grow
in many latitudes around the world.
Chickweed (Stellaria Species)

Chickweed is a soft, delicate green that grows in abundance in cool, wet, shady conditions. It
loves partial sunlight that provides for its green chlorophyll-rich leaves.
It is known for its effects at cleansing the lymphatic system.
This is a great spring and fall green to add to a fruit based drink, for a frothy blend... see our
chickweed Orange Julius recipe.

It contains saponins that make it froth up when blended. It is nice in salads with fresh sprouts
and seed cheese.
Chicory (Cichorium intybus)
Chicory is one of the great wild edible greens and popular in many parts of the world.
Some people mistake it for dandelion because the leaves are somewhat similar. Chicory leaf
has more irregular tooth shaped leaves that are much longer and usually taller than dandelion
It is delicious in super juices and we use it in one of our wild juicing recipes. It is slightly
bitter, but the tender young shoots are a pleasant addition to any wild salad.
Mallow (Malva sylvestris)
Also called malva, this hardy wild edible green is one of our all time favorites. Its soft, young,
dark leaves are soothing and calming to the digestive tract.
Similar to "marsh mallow" root, it is a demulcent that coats the intestinal walls and provides
wild green nutrients in a nice, easy to digest manner.
They are an ingredient in our wild green cheese and are a nice addition to a green smoothie
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)
The young leaves of the dandelion plant can be used to remove excess water and toxins from
the body. It is one of the most common greens growing in many parts of the world.
There are a few look-a-likes. But, once you see the original, you will know what to look for.
The leaves are "toothed" and smooth, growing close to the ground as oppose to tall and
upright. The other version is called "false dandelion", not poisonous, but not very tasty.
Miner's lettuce (Claytonia perfoliata)
"Miners" lettuce was named after the Ca. gold rush miner's who consumed it. We can't really
say enough about this sweet and delightful green.
It literally takes over shady hillsides and provides enough food for entire families to live on
throughout a season.
Miners lettuce has small tiny white or pink flowers poking up through the middle of its
rounded leaves.
It is the perfect salad green ("lettuce") and blends well with other more fibrous varieties. It
often grows by chickweed, so keep an eye out for that one when harvesting it.

Dock (Rumex crispus)

There are many varieties of docks, but they all have similar characteristics and tastes. The
young leaves are best. We love to use them as a wrap for seed cheese.
They do contain some oxalic acid, like spinach. The older leaves have an astringent/bitter
quality to them.
Dock leaves are known to have high levels of iron and potassium. Yellow dock root is a liver
cleansing herb.
Wild Fennel
Wild fennel grows abundantly in many wild areas, and especially loves coastal climates.
We harvest the leaves, stalks and sometimes bulbs (if there is a lot of them). They taste similar
to fennel seed and are quite delicious juiced or chopped up in salads.
Fennel is especially soothing to the stomach and helps to aid digestion.
Grape Leaves (Vitis spp.)
Wild grape leaves are a beautiful green vine and a lovely sight to behold intertwining through
a forest.
We harvest the young tender leaves and ferment them to use as wraps for wild rice dolmas or
as a raw food wrap with different nuts and seeds.
My pickled grape leaf recipe can be found in my Sauerkraut Recipes ebook.
Lamb's Quarter (Chenopodium album)
This edible wild plant ranges from 1'-6' in height and is a wild relative of spinach, but far
more nutritious.
Lamb's quarter grows abundantly in most moderate climates around the world. The undersides
of the leaves are often whitish in color, making it somewhat easy to identify.
The shoots, leaves and stems are all edible. They can be eaten fresh or steamed green.
Lamb's quarter has been a common wild food source in European cultures for hundreds, if not
thousands of years.

Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum)

Yes, its true... you can actually eat milk thistle leaves. However, you must make sure to cut off
the thorny bits around the edge of the leaf.

They are best eaten steamed as opposed to raw. Milk thistle is from the artichoke family and
the stems and de-thorned heads are also edible.
The most popular part used of this wild plant are the milk thistle seeds, which contain potent
superfood medicine for the liver.
Plantain (Plantago major)
A tall slender leafy green with stripped indents running up its leaves. The new shoots of the
plant are nice in a wild salad.
One of the most famous uses for plantain is as as a poultice to relieve bee stings or insect
bites. It is an astringent plant that helps to suck out the poison or venom as well as dry out
rashes from poison oak or ivy.
The seeds of the plant are extremely fibrous and mucilaginous. They are wild psyllium seeds
and much like the cultivated variety.
Purslane (Portulaca oleracea)
Purslane is a succulent green that generally grows in warmer climates throughout the summer
season. It is considered an "exotic weed", that uniquely contains high levels of Omega fatty
It grows easily and prolifically once it has established. Everything but the root can be eaten
raw, pickled, steamed or juiced. It is used as a wild culinary delicacy in many countries
around the world.
Salad Burnet (Sanguisorba minor)
We have been blessed to have had an abundance of this incredibly delicious green growing in
many areas through the California foothills. The leaves look similar to cilantro, but taste like
They are a refreshing wild gourmet delicious in salads or atop a main entree. The leaves grow
off the center stem.
To remove the salad burnet leaves, simply pinch your fingers down the stem toward the base
and the leaves fall off into your bowl!
Sea Kale (Crambe maritima)
We discovered sea kale while exploring the North Western coast of California. Hiking on the
cliffs, there are literally fields of it growing happily in the windy salt air.
Because the kale leaves are so big you can harvest quite a lot to be steamed or juiced. The
salt air also adds other nutrients and minerals as a bonus.

It is uncommon to find sea kale growing in most coastal environments as it needs particular
conditions for it to propagate and thrive.

Violet Leaves (Viola Odorata)

Violet leaves are the leaves of the little tiny, fragrant smelling wild violet flower, the colorful
edible flower used to make "wild violet honey."
Many people do not know the leaf is also edible with a nutty, spicy flavor that is known to be
a powerful blood purifier.
They are easy to locate when the flowers are present, but can also be identified by their heart
shaped leaf.

Watercress (Nasturtium officinale)

Watercress is a fast growing wild edible green that is found in aquatic areas like ponds,
streams or slow moving waterways. It is very spicy and peppery sweet, but a lovely addition
to a salad in small amounts.
Take caution when juicing this plant. Only use a little at a time because it is known to cause
"burning urine" if too much is consume at one time.
It is important to make sure the water feeding the watercress is clean and free of toxins.
Primvara, la primele semne de rceal sau dureri n gt, ranii cunosctori culegeau
rotunjoar, care zdrobit i pus n ap fierbinte d o infuzie bogat n vitamina C. Cum
spuneam i mai sus, ea are un gust distinct i o arom uor piperat, de aceea a fost des
consumat ca ingredient proaspt n salatele de primvar, dar i ca verdea n mncruri

Infuzie de
rotunjoar cu miere.

Sandwichuri proaspete cu pete mic, aromatizate cu frunze i flori de rutunjoar.

Pilaf cu

sparanghel, cu flori i frunze de rotunjoar i flori de leurd.

noi cu sos verde de rotunjoar.
Wikipedia ne spune c tot n timpurile medievale saxonii foloseau planta n cantiti mari
pentru aromatizarea, limpezirea i conservarea berii, nainte de adoptarea pe scar larg a
hameiului. n acelai timp, rotunjoara era prelucrat special pentru obinerea unui cheag
vegetal, utilizat n producia gospodreasc de brnz ca alternativ la cheagul obinut din
enzimele secretate de mucoasa stomacal a vieilor i mieilor.
Pe de alt parte tradiia folosirii rotunjoarei ca buruian de leac este la fel de veche ca i
consumul ei. Printre primele meniuni ale plantei au fost recomandrile medicului roman
Galenus drept remediu n tratarea inflamaiilor la ochi. n epoca renascentist, John Gerard o
prescrie ca diuretic, astringent, tonic i stimulator. Iar popular planta era folosit n cazurile
problemelor de plmni ca expectorant i tratament al bronitei. Uleiurile extrase din
rotunjoar erau soluia naturist n ameliorarea congestiilor i iritaiilor membranelor
La fel ca n cazul medicamentelor moderne, administrarea excesiv sau haotic a uleiurilor
volatile extrase din rotunjoar poate duna. Dei istoria ne confirm utilizarea ndelungat a
plantei n medicina tradiional pentru o serie larg de afeciuni interne, prescrierea lor era
ntotdeauna fcut de un cunosctor. Rotunjoara conine terpenoide i pulegon
responsabile pentru aroma specific, dar i iritante pentru stomac, rinichi i intestine daca
este ingerat n cantiti mari.

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