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EDUC 767 RLO Usability Test

1. Name - What is the name of the RLO (Reusable Learning Object) you are testing?
Using the Assignment Tool in Blackboard
2. Author - Who authored the RLO?
Harold Strassner
3. Purpose - Is the purpose of the RLO clearly stated? You will be testing the
programmed functionality, not the content, however, fundamental pieces of content
must be in place for the tutorial to make sense, beginning with the purpose.
Yes, to correctly submit assignments in Blackboard
4. Objectives - Can the user easily determine the learning objectives at the
beginning of the tutorial? Objectives must be in place to drive the programming. You
do not need to evaluate the objectives, just determine if they exist.
5. Navigation - Is the navigation clearly labeled and easy to follow? Can you
intuitively find your way around the tutorial?
Yes, very clear
6. Navigation - Please comment on the navigation - identify any vague or weak
areas, or strong examples that should be replicated.
Navigation is very good.
7. Information - Is the information presented in a logical, understandable way? Can
you follow the content easily? Is it well organized?
Yes, very straight-forward
8. Information - If the information is not presented in a logical or well-organized way
how might it be improved?
Yes, it is logical
9. Was the pace of the video appropriate?
Yes I believe it is appropriate. Consistent and measured; not hurried or too
10. Was the interactive activity appropriate and intuitive?
11. Could images have enhanced the any part of the presentation?
The images of Blackboard are appropriate; no additional images

12. Images could the quiz questions be enhanced or better measure the students
understanding of the concept with the addition of images?
Images of the assignment tool would enhance the posttest questions, yes.
13. Questions - Is there sufficient information in the training to answer the quiz
questions? Did the questions align with the content?
14. Questions - In your opinion, were enough questions asked?
15. Questions - Would the training benefit from adding points of reflection that ask
the student to think over and comment on information? If reflection points are
present, should more be added?
No, that is not necessary
16. Pace - Did the pace and timing of the slides seem appropriate?
Yes, appropriate and consistent
17. Fonts - are the font sizes and choices appropriate?
18. Colors - are the color choices appropriate? Do the colors suit the training instead
of distract from it?
Yes they are fine if rather bland
19. Activities - complete the activities in the tutorial. Were you able to successfully
complete them?
20. Activities - were you presented with a choice to select one path over another?
21. Activities - if you were presented with a choice, which path did you select?
I chose Yes I have used this tool before
22. Activities - if you were presented with a choice, was the path you chose
Yes, it went straight to the post test
23. Activities - were you able to complete the task without any problems?
24. Activities - do you have any suggestions for improving the task(s)?

Perhaps have the learner write something in the Comments box

25. Transcripts/captions - is the wording appropriate?
26. Video - Do the video provide clear explanations of the steps in the training?
Would someone who is not listening to the audio be able to understand the training
on the video?
Yes, all the narration is on the screen
27. What did you like best in the RLO? Why?
The interactive part because learners will actually upload an assignment
28. What did you like least in the RLO? Why?
The color scheme did not hold my attention
29. What other suggestions or comments do you have?
Check it over for typos Varify should be Verify. Also, the scoring didnt make
sense; I got 0%. When I had to do it a second time it would not allow me to select
any answers.
Very clear and well done. Overall this is great.
30. Which browser(s) did you use?
31. Your name:
Judith Littlejohn
Thank you.
Youre welcome

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