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// Ralf Fickert - Inventors:Force Project "Hack the Robosapien V1 for Arduino"

// Date: June 2015

// Email: rfickert@st3am.com
// References/Sources:
// ===================
// http://www.aibohack.com/robosap/ir_codes.htm
// Many thanks to this reference I found the most complete list of
// Robosapien V1 hex Codes
// Hacking - Robosapien V1 - Comprehensive hex command codes
// LED RED - Just press buttons without using the SELECT - Basic Movement Comman
#define RSTurnRight
- Send command
#define RSRightArmUp
- Send command
#define RSRightArmOut
- Send command
#define RSTiltBodyRight
#define RSRightArmDown
- Send command
#define RSRightArmIn
- Send command
#define RSWalkForward
- Send command
#define RSWalkBackward
- Send command
#define RSTurnLeft
- Send command
#define RSLeftArmUp
- Send command
#define RSLeftArmOut
- Send command
#define RSTiltBodyLeft
#define RSLeftArmDown
- Send command
#define RSLeftArmIn
- Send command
#define RSStop
- Send command

// turn right
to turn right on the spot
// right arm up
twice to fully raise arm up
// right arm out
twice to fully turn arm outwards
// tilt body right
// right arm down
twice to fully lower arm down
// right arm in
twice to fully turn arm inwards
// walk forward
twice to move forward slowly
// walk backward
twice to move backwards slowly
// turn left
to turn left on the spot
// left arm up
twice to fully raise arm up
// left arm out
twice to fully turn arm outwards
// tilt body left
// left arm down
twice to fully lower arm down
// left arm in
twice to fully turn arm inwards
// stop
at any time to end a command

// Programming Commands (no shift)

#define RSMasterCMDPRG
//P (Master Command Program)
- Send command to set Robosapien into program mode - Robosapien beep
s - you can now program up to fourteen steps
when 14 steps reached Robosapien will automatically repeat the pro
grammed sequence. If you have less then 14 steps then you need to close

the program by sending once the RSProgramPlay command. To clear th
e program and return to the default program send the command RSMasterCMDPRG
followed by the command RSProgramPlay. Turning off the Robosapien
will clear any previous set program. The seep (RSSleep) mode will
keep Robosapiens memory for up to 2 hours. Please keep this in min
d when writing the code.
#define RSProgramPlay


//P>> (Program Play, the one on the

#define RSRightSensorPRG
//R>> (Right sensor program)
- Send command to set Robosapien into program mode - Robosapien beep
s - you can now program up to six steps
when 6 steps reached Robosapien will automatically repeat the prog
rammed sequence. If you have less then 6 steps then you need to close
the program by sending once the RSProgramPlay command.To trigger t
he sensor: touch a long finger, or a toe/heel sensor on the right side.
Alternative send command RSExecuteRightSensorPRG. To clear the pro
gram and return to the default program send the command RSLeftSensorPRG
followed by the command RSExecuteLeftSensorPRG. Turning off the Ro
bosapien will clear any previous set program. The seep (RSSleep) mode will
keep Robosapiens memory for up to 2 hours. Please keep this in min
d when writing the code.
#define RSLeftSensorPRG
//L>> (Left sensor program) )
- Send command to set Robosapien into program mode - Robosapien beep
s - you can now program up to six steps
when 6 steps reached Robosapien will automatically repeat the prog
rammed sequence. If you have less then 6 steps then you need to close
the program by sending once the RSProgramPlay command.To trigger t
he sensor: touch a long finger, or a toe/heel sensor on the left side
Alternative send command RSExecuteLeftSensorPRG. To clear the prog
ram and return to the default program send the command RSRightSensorPRG
followed by the command RSProgramPlay. Turning off the Robosapien
will clear any previous set program. The seep (RSSleep) mode will
keep Robosapiens memory for up to 2 hours. Please keep this in min
d when writing the code.
#define RSSonicSensorPRG
//S>> (Sonic sensor program)
- Send command to set Robosapien into program mode - Robosapien beep
s - you can now program up to six steps
when 6 steps reached Robosapien will automatically repeat the prog
rammed sequence. If you have less then 6 steps then you need to close
the program by sending once the RSProgramPlay command. To put robo

sapien into SONIC RESPONSE mode send command RSListen. The Robosapien
waits now for a sharp sound or tap on his body and then will run t
hrough your programmed routine. To clear the program and return to the default
program send the command RSSonicSensorPRG followed by the command
RSProgramPlay . Turning off the Robosapien will clear any previous set program.
The seep (RSSleep) mode will keep Robosapiens memory for up to 2 h
ours. Please keep this in mind when writing the code.
#define RSRightTurnStep
- Send command
#define RSRightHandThump
- Send command
#define RSRightHandThrow
- Send command
#define RSSleep
- Send command
e. Send RSStop or RSWakeUp

once - Combination Moves

// right turn step
to turn 45 degrees to the right
// right hand thump
to lift right arm up and press downwards
// right hand throw
to throw object which is in Robosapiens right hand
// sleep
to send Robosapiens to sleep. All sensors are inactiv
to wake him up. After 2 hours of
uninterrupted sleep the Robosapien will automatically power off.
#define RSRightHandPickUp
// right hand pickup
- Send command to let Robosapien pickup object (bucket) next to his
right foot.
#define RSLeanBackward
// lean backward
- Send command to let Robosapien lean backwards and to open his arms
#define RSForwardStep
// forward step
- Send command to let Robosapien take two steps forward
#define RSBackwardStep
// backward step
- Send command to let Robosapien take two steps backwards
#define RSLeftTurnStep
// left turn step
- Send command to turn 45 degrees to the left
#define RSLeftHandThump
// left hand thump
- Send command to lift left arm up and press downwards
#define RSLeftHandThrow
// left hand throw
- Send command to throw object which is in Robosapiens left hand
#define RSListen
// listen
- Send command to set Robosapien into listen mode - Robosapien respo
nds to a sound or tap on his body with a default grunt, or a Sonnic Sensor Progr
sequent as programmed by you.
#define RSLeftHandPickUp
// left hand pickup
- Send command to let Robosapien pickup object (bucket) next to his
left foot.
#define RSLeanForward
// lean forward
- Send command to let Robosapien lean forward and to close his arms
#define RSReset
// reset
- Send command to reset Robosapien to his default positions
#define RSExecuteMasterPRG
// execute master command program
- Send command to play program routine.
#define RSWakeUp
// wakeup
- Send command to wakeup Robosapien. Robosapien goes through his wak
eup routine.
#define RSExecuteRightSensorPRG 0xB2
// right sensor program execute
- Send command to play right sensor routine
#define RSExecuteLeftSensorPRG
// left sensor program execute
- Send command to play left sensor routine

#define RSExecuteSonicPRG
// sonic sensor program execute
- Send command to play left sensor routine
// LED ORANGE Press SELECT twice - Combination Move
#define RSRightHandStrike3
// right hand strike 3
- Send command to perform an outside strike with the right hand
#define RSRightHandSweep
// right hand sweep
- Send command to knock things forward with a sweeping right arm and
waist action
#define RSBurp
// burp
- Send command to burp ;-)
#define RSRightHandStrike2
// right hand strike 2
- Send command to perform an open right hand strike with a powerful
Hoy-hah oOOo
#define RSHigh5
// high 5
- Send command to let Robosapien strech up on the right side for a b
ig high 5 and to say Aaay
#define RSRightHandStrike1
// right hand strike 1
- Send command to perform an inside strike with the right hand with
a Hi-yah
#define RSBulldozer
// bulldozer
- Send command to push forward 8 steps
#define RSFart
// oops
- Send command to let Robosapien fart ;-)
#define RSLeftHandStrike3
// left hand strike 3
- Send command to perform an outside strike with the left hand
#define RSLeftHandSweep
// left hand sweep
- Send command to knock things forward with a sweeping left arm and
waist action
#define RSWhistle
// whistle
- Send command to let Robosapien do a wolf whistle ;-)
#define RSLeftHandStrike2
// left hand strike 2
- Send command to perform an open left hand strike with a powerful H
oy-hah oOOo
#define RSTalkBack
// talkback
- Send command to let Robosapien Grunt and gestures ;-)
#define RSLeftHandStrike1
// left hand strike 1
- Send command to perform an inside strike with the left hand with a
#define RSRoar
// roar
- Send command to let Robosapien lift both arms and roar
#define RSAllDemo
// All Demo
- Send command to let Robosapien execute all 3 pre-programmed demos
(Demo 1, Demo 2 and Dance)
#define RSPowerOff
// Power Off
- Send command to power off completely the Robosapien.Drop snow-glob
e and say "Rosebud" - On/Off Button is required to turn him on again.
#define RSDemo1
// Demo 1
- Send command to let Robosapien do Karate chopping
#define RSDemo2
// Demo 2
- Send command to show off attitudw
#define RSDance
// Dance
- Send command to let Robosapien show that he go the moves ;-)

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