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Inte r view

by lisa stamos

Linda Lantieri to Visit Barrington

Pioneering Educator to Present on Social and Emotional Learning
n April 4, Linda Lantieri, author of
Building Emotional Intelligence, will speak at
7 p.m. in the BHS auditorium. She is hosted

by The District 220 Educational Foundation, PTO

Presidents Council, and Quintessential Barrington.
Lantieri will speak on one of the most widely-discussed topics in education today.
Fulbright Scholar, keynote speaker, and internationally known expert in social and emotional learning
(SEL) and conflict resolution, Lantieri serves as Director of The Inner Resilience Program, co-founder of the
Resolving Conflict Creatively Program (RCCP) and is
one of the founding board members of the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning
With more than 40 years of experience in education as a teacher and director of a middle school in

Opposite page: The Barrington

East Harlem, and faculty member at Hunter College in

New York City, Lantieri has shown a lifetime of com-

220 PTO Presidents Council

mitment to enriching the daily lives of adults and chil-

Speakers Committee, pictured here

dren alike. She is the coauthor of Waging Peace in Our

Schools, editor of Schools with Spirit: Nurturing the Inner Lives of Children and Teachers and author of Building Emotional Intelligence: Techniques to Cultivate Inner
Strength in Children.

We need a new vision of

education that includes the mind
and the heart.
most important piece in a childs education. Beyond
math, science and grammar, Lantieri makes the case

at Barrington High School, is comprised of all of the PTO presidents.

The group identifies resources, including prominent speakers whose

An educator responds

for an essential in todays world: cultivating inner resil-

subject expertise supports the Dis-

The Inner Resilience Program was established in the

iency. She offers a breakthrough guide for helping chil-

trict 220 Strategic Plan. In front,

spring of 2002 in response to the effects that the events

dren quiet their minds, calm their bodies, and iden-

from left: Sue Randall, Barb Karon

of September 11, 2001 had on New York City teach-

tify and manage their emotions. The book includes a

ers, guidance counselors, administrators, students, and

CD with exercises presented by Daniel Goldman, co-

parents. The Inner Resilience Programs (IRP) mission

founder of the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and

is to cultivate the inner lives of students, teachers and

Emotional Learning (CASEL) and author of the best-

School. In back, from left: Kelly

schools by integrating social and emotional learning

selling book, Emotional Intelligence.

Henry for Countryside Elementary

with contemplative practice. Several schools in New

York City, Youngstown, and Warren, Ohio, South Burlington, Vt. and Madrid, Spain are implementing The
Inner Resilience Program. IRP has served over 5,000
educators, 1,500 parents and 70,000 students since it
began in 2002.

We need a new vision of education that includes

the mind and the heart, Lantieri said. Her book includes easy-to-use scripts and step-by-step instruc-

and Terri Longo for Prairie Middle

School; Joann Robbins for Station

Middle School; and Lori Madi-

tions for parents, teachers and caregivers to help build

son for Countryside Elementary

invaluable tools for children, ones that create inner

School. Not pictured: Lisa Nelson

strength, emotional preparedness, and resiliency.

In her latest book, Building Emotional Intelligence,

Lantieri addresses the question raised around what is

(co-chairwomen of the committee)

Quintessential Barrington | QB ar r ing ton .com

for Barrington High School, and

Sue Padula, chairwoman of the
PTO Presidents Council.

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