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Measurement In Physical Therapy

RHPT-241, BPT -IVTH Semester

Course Coordinator: FUZAIL AHMAD

Department Of Physical Therapy
College Of Applied Medical Sciences

Examination Pattern
Long Essay type Question (Ans not less than 2 page)
Short notes (Minimum 1 page ans)
Total Marks


Measurement In Physical Therapy

RHPT-241, BPT -IVTH Semester

Course Coordinator: FUZAIL AHMAD

Department Of Physical Therapy
College Of Applied Medical Sciences

Its a force that acts in opposition to a contracting muscle.
Maximal Resistance
Its the maximum resistance, which a patient can overcome to performing full range of
Minimal Resistance
Its the minimum resistance, which a patient can overcome to performing full range of
Manual Muscle Testing
It is the procedure of manually testing the strength of a muscle using manual muscle testing
Break Test
It is the procedure most commonly used in manual muscle testing today. Manual resistance is
applied to a limb or other body part after it has completed its range of movement. Manual
resistance should always be applied in the direction of the "line of pull" of the participating
muscle or muscles. At the end of the available range, or at a point in the range where the
muscle is most challenged, the patient is asked to hold the part at that point and not allow the
examiner to "break" the hold with manual resistance.
Active Resistance Test
An alternative to the break test is the application of manual resistance against an actively
contracting muscle or muscle group (i.e., against the direction of the movement as if to
prevent that movement). This may be called an "active resistance" test. During the motion,
the examiner gradually increases the amount of manual resistance until it reaches the
maximal level the subject can tolerate and motion ceases. This kind of manual muscle test
requires considerable skill and experience to perform and is so often equivocal that its use is
not recommended.

Measurement In Physical Therapy

RHPT-241, BPT -IVTH Semester

Course Coordinator: FUZAIL AHMAD

Department Of Physical Therapy
College Of Applied Medical Sciences

Range of Motion: Joint range of motion is the motion available at any single joint and is
influenced by the associated bony structure and the physiologic characteristics of the
connective tissue surrounding the joint. Important connective tissue that limits joint range of
motion includes ligaments and joint capsule.
Universal Goniometer
It is devise used for measuring the joint range of motion. The universal goniometer is made
of either metal or clear plastic and consists of a central protractor portion on which are
mounted two arms of varying lengths. The protractor portion of the goniometer may be either
a full circle or a half circle, both of which are calibrated in degrees. One of the two arms of
the goniometer is an extension of the protractor (the stationary arm), while the other arm is
riveted to, and can move independently of, the protractor (the moving/movable arm). The
central rivet, which attaches the moving arm to the protractor, functions as the axis, or
fulcrum, of the goniometer.


1. Determine the type of measurement to be performed (AROM or PROM).
2. Explain the purpose of the procedure to the patient.
3. Position the patient in the preferred patient position for the measurement.
4. Stabilize the proximal joint segment.
5. Instruct the patient in the specific motion that will be measured while moving the
patient's distant joint segment passively through the ROM. Determine the patient's
end-feel at the end of the PROM.
6. Return the patient's distal joint segment to the starting position.
7. Palpate bony landmarks for measurement device alignment.
8. Align the measurement device with the appropriate bony landmarks.
9. Read the scale of the measurement device and note the reading.

Measurement In Physical Therapy

RHPT-241, BPT -IVTH Semester

Course Coordinator: FUZAIL AHMAD

Department Of Physical Therapy
College Of Applied Medical Sciences

10. Have the patient move actively, or move the patient passively, through the available
11. Re-palpate the bony landmarks and readjust the alignment of the measurement device
as necessary.
12. Read the scale of the measurement device and note the reading.
13. Record the patient's ROM. The record should include, at a minimum:
a. Patient's name and identifying information
b. Date measurement was taken
c. Identification of person taking measurement
d. Type of motion measured (AROM or PROM) and device used
e. Any alteration from preferred patient position
f. Readings taken from measurement device at beginning and end of ROM.


1. Knowledge of the location and anatomical features of the muscles in a test. In
addition to knowing the muscle attachments, the examiner should be able to visualize
the location of the tendon and its muscle in relationship to other tendons and muscles
and other structures in the same area
2. Knowledge of the direction of muscle fibers and their "line of pull" in each muscle.
3. Knowledge of the function of the participating muscles (e.g., synergists, prime
movers, accessories).
4. Consistent use of a standardized method for each different test.
5. Consistent use of proper positioning and stabilization techniques for each test

Measurement In Physical Therapy

RHPT-241, BPT -IVTH Semester

Course Coordinator: FUZAIL AHMAD

Department Of Physical Therapy
College Of Applied Medical Sciences

6. Ability to identify patterns of substitution in a given test and how they can be detected
based on a knowledge of which other muscles can be substituted for the one(s) being
7. Ability to detect contractile activity during both contraction and relaxation, especially
in minimally active muscle.
8. Sensitivity to differences in contour and bulk of the muscles being tested in contrast to
the contra lateral side or to normal expectations based on such factors as body size,
occupation, or leisure activities.
9. Awareness of any deviation from normal values for range of motion and the presence
of any joint laxity or deformity.
10. Understanding that the muscle belly must not be grasped at any time during a manual
muscle test except specifically to assess tenderness or pain and muscle mass.
11. Ability to modify test procedures when necessary while not compromising the test
result and understanding the influence of the modification on the result.
12. Knowledge of the effect of fatigue on the test results, especially muscles tested late in
a long testing session, and sensitivity to fatigue in certain diagnostic conditions such
as myasthenia gravis or Eaton-Lambert syndrome.
13. The patient with open wounds or other conditions requiring gloves, which may blunt
palpation skills.


1. The examiner and the patient must work in harmony if the test session is to be
2. This means that some basic principles and inviolable procedures should be second
nature to the examiner.

Measurement In Physical Therapy

RHPT-241, BPT -IVTH Semester

Course Coordinator: FUZAIL AHMAD

Department Of Physical Therapy
College Of Applied Medical Sciences

3. The patient should be as free as possible from discomfort or pain for the duration of
each test. It may be necessary to allow some patients to move or be positioned
differently between tests.
4. The environment for testing should be quiet and none distracting. The temperature
should be comfortable for the partially disrobed subject.
5. The plinth or mat table for testing must be firm to help stabilize the part being tested.
The ideal is a hard surface, minimally padded or not padded at all. The hard surface
will not allow the trunk or limbs to "sink in." Friction of the surface material should
be kept to a minimum. When the patient is reasonably mobile a plinth is fine, but its
width should not be so narrow that the patient is terrified of falling or sliding off.
When the patient is severely paretic, a mat table is the more practical choice. The
height of the table should be adjustable to allow the examiner to use proper leverage
and body mechanics.
6. Patient position should be carefully organized so that position changes in a test
sequence are minimized. The patient's position must permit adequate stabilization of
the part or parts being tested by virtue of body weight or with help provided by the
1. Muscle test documentation forms
2. Pen, pencil, or computer terminal
3. Pillows, towels, pads, and wedges for positioning
4. Sheets or other draping linen
5. Interpreter (if needed)
6. Assistance for turning, moving, or stabilizing the patient

Measurement In Physical Therapy

RHPT-241, BPT -IVTH Semester

Course Coordinator: FUZAIL AHMAD

Department Of Physical Therapy
College Of Applied Medical Sciences

Measurement In Physical Therapy

RHPT-241, BPT -IVTH Semester

Course Coordinator: FUZAIL AHMAD

Department Of Physical Therapy
College Of Applied Medical Sciences

ROM: 0-450
MMT-Position of Patient
Grade IV & V: Prone with head off end of table, arms at side
Grade III: Prone with head off end of table and supported by therapist, arms at side
Grade II, I & 0: Supine with head on table, arms at side.
ROM: 0-450
Flexor Muscles: Sternocliedomastoid, Longus Coli & Scalenus Anterior
Manual Muscle Testing:- Position of Patient:
Supine with head on table with arms at sides.
ROM: 0-550
Sternocleidomastoid, Trapezius & Levator Scapulae
Manual Muscle Testing- Position of Patient:
Grade V, IV & III: Supine with cervical spine in neutral & head supported on table
with face turned as far to one side as possible.
Grade II, I & 0: Sitting. Trunk and head may be supported against a high-back chair.
Head posture neutral.

Measurement In Physical Therapy

RHPT-241, BPT -IVTH Semester

Course Coordinator: FUZAIL AHMAD

Department Of Physical Therapy
College Of Applied Medical Sciences

Lumbar Extension
ROM: 0-250
Manual Muscle Testing- Position of Patient:
Grade V & IV: Prone with head and upper trunk extending off the table from about
the nipple line
Grade III, II, I & 0: Prone with arms at sides.
Trunk Flexion
ROM: 0-800
Trunk Flexors: Rectus Abdominis, Obliquus externus abdominis & Obliquus
internus abdominis.
Manual Muscle Testing-Position of Patient:
Grade V: Supine with hands clasped behind head
Grade IV: Supine with arms crossed over chest
Grade III: Supine with arms outstretched in full extension above plane of body
Grade II: Supine with arms at sides. Knees flexed.
Trunk Rotation
ROM: 0-450
Trunk Rotators: Obliquus externus abdominis & Obliquus internus abdominis.
Manual Muscle Testing- Position of Patient:
Grade V: Supine with hands clasped behind head.
Grade IV: Supine with arms crossed over chest.
Grade III: Supine with arms outstretched above plane of body.
Grade II: Supine with arms outstretched above plane of body.
Grade I & 0: Supine with arms at sides. Hips flexed with feet flat on table.

Measurement In Physical Therapy

RHPT-241, BPT -IVTH Semester

Course Coordinator: FUZAIL AHMAD

Department Of Physical Therapy
College Of Applied Medical Sciences

Scapular Abduction and Upward Rotation
ROM: Not available
Muscles: Serratus anterior & Pectoralis minor
Manual Muscle Testing-Position of Patient:
Grade V, IV & III: Short sitting with arm forward flexed to about 130 and then
protracted in that plane as far as it can move.
Grade II: Short sitting with arm flexed above 90 and supported by examiner.
Grade II & 0: Short sitting with arm forward flexed to above 90 (supported by
Scapular Elevation
Elevator muscles: Trapezius( Upper fibres), Levator scapulae, Rhomboidus major &
Rhomboidus minor
Manual Muscle Testing
Position of Patient: Short sitting over end or side of table. Hands relaxed in lap.
Scapular Adduction
Adductors muscles: Trapezius (Medial fibres), & Rhomboidus major
Manual Muscle Testing- Position of Patient:
Prone with shoulder at edge of table abducted to 90, elbow is flexed to a right angle
& head may be turned to either side for comfort.
Scapular Depression And Adduction
Muscles: Trapezius, Lattisimus dorsi, Pectoralis major & Pectoralis minor.

Measurement In Physical Therapy

RHPT-241, BPT -IVTH Semester

Course Coordinator: FUZAIL AHMAD

Department Of Physical Therapy
College Of Applied Medical Sciences

Manual Muscle Testing- Position of Patient:

Prone with test arm over head to about 145 of abduction. Forearm is in mid position
with the thumb pointing toward the ceiling. Head may be turned to either side for
Scapular Adduction And Downward Rotation
Muscle: Rhomboids major, Rhomboids minor & Levator scapulae
Manual Muscle Testing- Position of Patient:
Grade V. IV & III: Prone with shoulder internally rotated and the arm
adducted across the back with the elbow flexed and hand resting on the back.
Head may be turned to either side for comfort.
Grade II, I & 0: Short sitting with shoulder internally rotated and arm
extended and adducted behind back.

Shoulder Flexion
ROM: 0-1200
Flexor Muscles: Deltoid-Upper fibres & Coracobrachialis
Manual Muscle Testing- Position of Patient:
Grade V & IV: Short sitting with arms at sides, elbow slightly flexed, and
forearm pronated.
Grade III: Short sitting, arm at side with elbow slightly flexed and forearm
Grade II, I & 0: Short sitting with arm at side and elbow slightly flexed.

Measurement In Physical Therapy

RHPT-241, BPT -IVTH Semester

Course Coordinator: FUZAIL AHMAD

Department Of Physical Therapy
College Of Applied Medical Sciences

Starting position for measurement of shoulder flexion:

Supine with

shoulder in 0 degrees flexion, elbow fully extended, forearm in neutral

rotation with palm facing trunk
Bony landmarks for goniometer alignment: Lateral aspect of acromion
process, lateral midline of thorax, lateral humeral epicondyle.
Shoulder Extension
ROM: 0-450
Extensor Muscle: Latissimus dorsi, Teres major, Posterior Deltoid
Manual Muscle Testing
Position of Patient: Prone with arms at sides and shoulder internally rotated
(palm up)
Patient position: Prone with shoulder in 0 degrees flexion, elbow fully
extended, forearm in neutral rotation with palm facing trunk.
Bony landmarks for goniometer alignment: Lateral aspect of acromion
process, lateral midline of thorax, lateral humeral epicondyle.
Shoulder Abduction
ROM: 0-1800
Abductor Muscle: Middle Deltoid and Supraspinatus
Manual Muscle Testing- Position of Patient:
Grade V, IV & III: Short sitting with arm at side and elbow slightly flexed.
Grade II: Short sitting with arm at side and slight elbow flexion.
Patient position: Supine with arm at side, upper extremity in anatomical

Measurement In Physical Therapy

RHPT-241, BPT -IVTH Semester

Course Coordinator: FUZAIL AHMAD

Department Of Physical Therapy
College Of Applied Medical Sciences

Bony landmarks for goniometer alignment: Midline of sternum, medial

humeral epicondyle.
Shoulder External Rotation
ROM: 0-600
External Rotator Muscle: Infraspinatus and Teres minor
Manual Muscle Testing- Position of Patient:
Grade V, IV & III: Prone with head turned toward test side. Shoulder
abducted to 90 with arm fully supported on table; forearm hanging vertically
over edge of table. Place a folded towel under the arm at the edge of the table
if it has a sharp edge.
Grade II, I & 0: Prone with head turned to test side, trunk at edge of table.
The entire limb hangs down loosely from the shoulder in neutral rotation,
palm facing table
Patient position: Supine with shoulder abducted to 90 degrees, elbow flexed
to 90 degrees, forearm pronated, folded towel under humerus.
Bony landmarks for goniometer alignment: Olecranon and styloid
processes of ulna
Internal Rotation
ROM: 0-800
Internal Rotator Muscle: Subscapularis, Pectoralis Major, Teres Major & Lattisimus
Manual Muscle Testing- Position of Patient:
Grade V, IV & III: Prone with head turned toward test side. Shoulder is
abducted to 90 with folded towel placed under distal arm and forearm

Measurement In Physical Therapy

RHPT-241, BPT -IVTH Semester

Course Coordinator: FUZAIL AHMAD

Department Of Physical Therapy
College Of Applied Medical Sciences

hanging vertically over edge of table. Short sitting is a common alternate

Grade II, I & 0: Prone with head turned toward test side. Patient must be near
the edge of the table on test side so that entire arm can hang down freely over
the edge. Arm is in neutral with palm facing the table.
Patient position: Supine with shoulder abducted to 90 degrees, elbow flexed
to 90 degrees, forearm pronated, folded towel under humerus.
Bony landmarks for goniometer alignment: Olecranon and styloid
processes of ulna

Elbow Flexion
ROM: 0-1500
Elbow Flexor Muscle: Biceps, Brachialis, and Brachioradialis
Manual Muscle Testing- Position of Patient
Grade V, IV & III: Short sitting with arms at sides. Forearm is supinated
(biceps), pronated (brachialis), and in midposition (brachioradialis).
Grade II: Short sitting with arm abducted to 90 and supported by examiner.
Forearm is supinated (biceps), pronated (brachialis), and in midposition
Grade I & 0: Supine. Elbow is flexed to about 45 with forearm supinated
(for biceps), pronated (for brachialis), and in midposition (for brachioradialis).

Measurement In Physical Therapy

RHPT-241, BPT -IVTH Semester

Course Coordinator: FUZAIL AHMAD

Department Of Physical Therapy
College Of Applied Medical Sciences

Bony landmarks for goniometer alignment: Lateral aspect of acromion

process, lateral humeral epicondyle, radial styloid process.
Patient position: Supine with shoulder abducted to 90 degrees, elbow flexed
to 90 degrees, forearm pronated, folded towel under humerus.
Elbow Extension:
ROM: 150-00
Elbow Flexor Muscle: Triceps Brachei & Anconeous
Manual Muscle Testing- Position of Patient
Grade V, IV & III: Prone on table. The patient starts the test with the arm in
90 of abduction and the forearm flexed and hanging vertically over the side
of the table.
Grade II, I & 0: The arm is abducted to 90 with the shoulder in neutral
rotation and the elbow flexed to about 45. The entire limb is horizontal to the
Bony landmarks for goniometer alignment: lateral aspect of acromion
process, lateral humeral epicondyle, radial styloid process
Patient position: Supine with upper extremity in anatomical position (see
Note), elbow extended as far as possible, folded towel under distal humerus,
proximal to humeral condyles.
ROM: 0-800
Elbow Flexor Muscle: Supinator & Biceps Bracheii
Manual Muscle Testing- Position of Patient
Grade V, IV & III: Short sitting; arm at side and elbow flexed to 90;
forearm in pronation.

Measurement In Physical Therapy

RHPT-241, BPT -IVTH Semester

Course Coordinator: FUZAIL AHMAD

Department Of Physical Therapy
College Of Applied Medical Sciences

Grade II, I & 0: Short sitting with shoulder flexed between 45 and 90 and
elbow flexed to 90. Forearm in neutral.
Bony landmarks for goniometer alignment: Anterior midline of humerus
and ulnar styloid process
Patient position: Seated or standing with shoulder completely adducted,
elbow flexed to 90 degrees, forearm in neutral rotation
ROM: 0-800
Elbow Flexor Muscle: Pronator Teres & Pronator Quadratus
Manual Muscle Testing- Position of Patient
Grade V, IV & III: Short sitting; arm at side and elbow flexed to 90;
forearm in pronation.
Grade II, I & 0: Short sitting with shoulder flexed between 45 and 90 and
elbow flexed to 90. Forearm in neutral.

Bony landmarks for goniometer alignment: Anterior midline of humerus
and ulnar styloid process.
Patient position: Seated or standing with shoulder completely adducted,
elbow flexed to 90 degrees, forearm in neutral rotation.

Wrist Flexion
ROM: 0-800

Measurement In Physical Therapy

RHPT-241, BPT -IVTH Semester

Course Coordinator: FUZAIL AHMAD

Department Of Physical Therapy
College Of Applied Medical Sciences

Elbow Flexor Muscle: Flexor carpi Ulnaris & Flexor Carpi Radialis
Manual Muscle Testing- Position of Patient
Grade V, IV & III: Short sitting. Forearm is supported on its dorsal surface
on a table. To start, forearm is supinated. Wrist is in neutral position or
slightly extended.
Grade II, I & 0: Short sitting with elbow supported on table, forearm in mid
position with hand resting on ulnar side.
Bony landmarks for goniometer alignment: Olecranon process of ulna,
triquetrum, lateral midline of 5th metacarpal.
Patient position: Seated, with shoulder abducted 90 degrees; elbow flexed 90
degrees; forearm pronated; arm and forearm supported on table; hand off table
with wrist in neutral position
Wrist Extension
ROM: 0-800
Elbow Flexor Muscle: Extensor carpi radialis longus, Extensor carpi radialis brevis, and
Extensor carpi ulnaris.
Manual Muscle Testing- Position of Patient
Grade V, IV & III: Short sitting. Elbow is flexed, forearm is fully pronated,
and both are supported on the table.
Grade II, I & 0: Short sitting with elbow supported on table, forearm in mid
position with hand resting on ulnar side.
Bony landmarks for goniometer alignment: Olecranon process of ulna,
triquetrum, lateral midline of 5th metacarpal

Measurement In Physical Therapy

RHPT-241, BPT -IVTH Semester

Course Coordinator: FUZAIL AHMAD

Department Of Physical Therapy
College Of Applied Medical Sciences

Patient position: Seated, with shoulder abducted 90 degrees; elbow flexed 90

degrees; forearm pronated; arm and forearm supported on table; hand off table
with wrist in neutral position

Measurement In Physical Therapy

RHPT-241, BPT -IVTH Semester

Course Coordinator: FUZAIL AHMAD

Department Of Physical Therapy
College Of Applied Medical Sciences

Hip flexors: Illacus & Psoas Major
Manual Muscle Testing: Body Position
Grade III, IV & V: Sitting with hip & knee flexed to 900
Grade II: Side lying
Goniometric Measurement
Body Position : Supine
ROM: 0 to 1200
Bony landmarks for goniometer alignment
Fixed arm: lteral midline of pelvis/trunk
Fulcrum: Greater Trochanter
Movable arm: Lateral femoral epicondyle
Hip Extensors: Gluteus Maximus, Biceps Femoris, Semimembrenous &
Manual Muscle Testing: Body Position
Grade III, IV & V: Prone lying
Grade II: Side lying
Goniometric Measurement
Body Position : Supine
ROM: 0 to 200
Bony landmarks for goniometer alignment
Fixed arm: lateral midline of pelvis/trunk

Measurement In Physical Therapy

RHPT-241, BPT -IVTH Semester

Course Coordinator: FUZAIL AHMAD

Department Of Physical Therapy
College Of Applied Medical Sciences

Fulcrum: Greater Trochanter

Movable arm: Lateral femoral epicondyle
Abductors: Gluteus Medius, Gluteus Minimus & Tensor Faciae Latae(TFL)
Manual Muscle Testing: Body Position
Grade III, IV & V: Side lying
Grade II: Supine lying
Goniometric Measurement
Body Position : Supine
Range of motion: 0-450
Bony landmarks for goniometer alignment
Fixed arm: lateral midline of pelvis/trunk
Fulcrum: ASIS
Movable arm: Midline of patella
Adductors: Adductor longus, Adductor Magnus, Adductor Brevis, Pectinius
& Gracilis
Manual Muscle Testing: Body Position
Grade III, IV & V: Side lying with upper leg abducted.
Grade II: Supine
Goniometric Measurement
Range of motion: 0-200
Body Position : Supine with contra lateral hip abducted
Bony landmarks for goniometer alignment
Fixed arm: lateral midline of pelvis/trunk
Fulcrum: ASIS

Measurement In Physical Therapy

RHPT-241, BPT -IVTH Semester

Course Coordinator: FUZAIL AHMAD

Department Of Physical Therapy
College Of Applied Medical Sciences

Movable arm : Midline of patella

Internal rotation
Internal Rotators: Gluteus Medius, Gluteus Minimus & Tensor Faciae Latae
Manual Muscle Testing (Body position)
Grade III, IV & V: Short Sitting (with hip & knee flexed at 900)
Grade II: Supine
Goniometric Measurement
Range of motion: 0-450
Body Position : Seated, with hip and knee flexed to 90 degrees,
Bony landmarks for goniometer alignment
Fixed arm: Tibial Crest
Fulcrum: Midpoint of Patella
Movable arm: Tibial Crest
External Rotation
External rotators: Obturator internus & Externus, Superior & Inferior
Gemellus, Quadratus Femoris , Piriformis & Gluteus Maximus
Manual Muscle Testing (Body position)
Grade III, IV & V: Short Sitting (with hip & knee flexed at 900)
Grade II: Supine
Goniometric Measurement
Range of motion: 0-450
Body Position : Seated, with hip and knee flexed to 90 degrees,
Bony landmarks for goniometer alignment
Fixed arm: Tibial Crest
Fulcrum: Midpoint of Patella
Movable arm: Tibial Crest

Measurement In Physical Therapy

RHPT-241, BPT -IVTH Semester

Course Coordinator: FUZAIL AHMAD

Department Of Physical Therapy
College Of Applied Medical Sciences

Knee Flexors: Hamstring (Semimembrenous, Semitendinosus & Biceps
Manual Muscle Testing (Body position)
Grade III, IV & V: Position of Patient: Prone with limbs straight and
toes hanging over the edge of the table.
Grade II: Side lying
Goniometric Measurement
Range of motion: 0-1350
Body Position : Starting position for measurement of knee flexion.
Towel roll under ipsilateral ankle to promote full knee extension.
Bony landmarks for goniometer alignment
Fixed arm: Greater trochanter
Fulcrum: Lateral femoral epicondyle
Movable arm : Lateral malleolus
Knee Extensors: Quadriceps (Vastus medialis, vastus lateralis, vastus
intermedius & Rectus femoris)
Manual Muscle Testing (Body position)
Grade III, IV & V: Short sitting with hip & knee flexed at 900
Grade II: Side lying
Plantar flexion
Ankle Plantar flexors: Gastronomies & Solius
Manual Muscle Testing (Body position)

Measurement In Physical Therapy

RHPT-241, BPT -IVTH Semester

Course Coordinator: FUZAIL AHMAD

Department Of Physical Therapy
College Of Applied Medical Sciences

Position of Patient: Patient stands on limb to be tested with knee

Grade 5: Patient successfully completes a minimum of 25 heel rises
through full range of motion without a rest between rises and without
Grade 4: Heel rises between 24 and 10 with no rest between repetitions
and without fatigue.
Grade 3 (Fair): Patient completes between nine and one heel rises
correctly with no rest or fatigue.1
Grade 2: Side lying with feet clearing the end of table.
Goniometric Measurement
Range of motion: 0-450
Body Position : Long sitting with knee in extension & ankle in neutral
position (900)
Bony landmarks for goniometer alignment
Fixed arm: Fibular head
Fulcrum: Lateral malleolus
Movable arm : Lateral midline of 5th metatarsal
Ankle Dorsiflexors: Tibialis Anterior, Extensor Hallucis Longus, Extensor
digitorum Longus & Peroneus Tertius
Manual Muscle Testing (Body position)
Grade III, IV & V: Short sitting with knee & ankle flexed at 900
Grade II: Side lying
Goniometric Measurement
Range of motion: 0-200

Measurement In Physical Therapy

RHPT-241, BPT -IVTH Semester

Course Coordinator: FUZAIL AHMAD

Department Of Physical Therapy
College Of Applied Medical Sciences

Body Position : Long sitting with knee in extension & ankle in neutral
position (900)
Bony landmarks for goniometer alignment
Fixed arm: Fibular head.
Fulcrum: Lateral malleolus
Movable arm: Lateral midline of 5th metatarsal
Ankle Invertors: Tibialis posterior
Manual Muscle Testing (Body position)
Grade III, IV & V: Short sitting with hi & knee flexed at 900
Resistance: Antero-medial border of foot
Grade II: Long sitting with knee in extension & ankle in neutral
position (900)
Ankle Evertors: Peroneous longus &Peroneous brevis
Manual Muscle Testing (Body position)
Grade III, IV & V: Short sitting with hi & knee flexed at 900
Resistance: Antero-Lateral border of foot
Grade II: Long sitting with knee in extension & ankle in neutral
position (900)

Measurement In Physical Therapy

RHPT-241, BPT -IVTH Semester

Course Coordinator: FUZAIL AHMAD

Department Of Physical Therapy
College Of Applied Medical Sciences

Tape Measurement
Trunk FlexionThoracolumbar Spine
Patient position: Standing, feet shoulders' width apart
Bony landmarks for tape measure alignment: Midline of spine in line with PSIS,
spinous process of C7 vertebra.
Trunk Lateral Flexion
Patient position: Standing, feet shoulders' width apart; palm of hand against thigh
At maximal lateral flexion, distance from tip of middle finger to floor is measured
Trunk FlexionLumbar Spine
Patient position: Standing, feet shoulders' width apart
Bony landmarks for tape measure alignment: Midline of spine in line with PSIS,
15 cm above base line mark.
Trunk Extension
Patient position: Standing, feet shoulders' width apart
Bony landmarks for tape measure alignment: Midline of spine in line with PSIS,
15 cm above base line mark
Trunk Rotation
Patient position: Sitting erect, arms crossed and hands on opposite shoulders
Bony landmarks for tape measure alignment: lateral tip of ipsilateral acromion,
Greater trochanter of contralateral femur.
Chest Expansion
Maximum Expansion 2 to 6 cms
Locations for measuring the expansion
a. T1 or at the level of Axilla
b. T4 or at the level of Nipples

Measurement In Physical Therapy

RHPT-241, BPT -IVTH Semester

Course Coordinator: FUZAIL AHMAD

Department Of Physical Therapy
College Of Applied Medical Sciences

c. T10 or at the level of Xiphisternum

Limb length Measurement

True length: From Greater trochanter to lateral malliolus
Apparent length: From Umbilicus/ASIS to lateral malliolus
Limb Girth Measurement
Its the measurement of thigh circumference at 15 cms above the patella.


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