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Earl Lawrence



Budd Davisson.
13 SUN 'N FUN 2001/ H.G.Frautschy


26 PASS IT TO BUCK! BuckHilbert






Execlitive Director, Editor


VAA A dministrative Assistallt


Executive Editor


COlltributillg Editors


A rt/Photo Layout


Photography Siaff


A dl'erlisillglEditoriai Assistant


Front Cover .. . In 1935, Franklin "Hank" Kurt was flying this 1932
Waco UEC for The Viking Flying Boat Company in New Haven,
Connecticut. John Swander restored this vintage cabin biplane to its
former glory and was awarded a gold Lindy after it was selected as the
Grand Champion Antique of EM AirVenture 2001 . Ryan aircraft historian
Ev Cassagneres had a unique experience with this very airplane many
years ago. See his story on page 21 . EM photo by Jim Koepnick, shot
with a Canon EOS-1 n equipped with an 80-200mm lens.
Back Cover ... "If we just fixed this up.. ." How many of us have started
an annual saying those very words? The John Bragdons (Senior and
Junior) of Lakeland, Florida thought they'd just fix up their 1962 Cessna
210, but got very carried away. See the story starting on page 8 for
more on this Sun 'n Fun 2001 Best Custom Contemporary award winner.
EM photo by Lee Ann Abrams. or both photos, the EM Cessna 210
photo plane was flown by Bruce Moore.






This summer puts us only

two and a half years away from
December 17, 2003, the 100th
anniversary of the flight by
Wilbur and Orville Wright near
Kitty Hawk, North Carolina .
Have you ever wondered what
was going though their minds
at the time? Did they do it because they had a burning desire to be
first and did the two brothers have the same motivation? Did they
expect it to become a business, or were they primarily interested in
the process of discovery? Can we today actually apply our mental
logic of 2001 to the logic that prevailed in 1901? I am sure that
there are those of us out there that are better educated about the
Wright Brothers than I am that can shed some light on this subject,
so let us hear from you. There are so many questions that come to
mind when thinking of their work. Thankfully, there are a number
of books on the Wrights, and I'm certainly going to bury my nose
in a couple of them to learn more about that amazing time.
There's another way to learn more about the Wrights, and that's
to keep abreast of the happenings with EAA's Countdown to Kitty
Hawk and their partnership with Ken Hyde and the Wright Experi
ence. The Wright Experience is researching and building a 1903
Wright Flyer which will be the only replica flown at the Wright
Brothers' National Memorial on the 100th anniversary, in conjunc
tion with a gala celebration that will take place on that day.
Before we get to that point, there's plenty of work to be done by
Ken, EAA, and many others who are excited by the history of this
event. At AirVenture, there will be a special pavilion to house ex
hibits and
Each year at the AirVenture in Oshkosh you can check out the
progress the Wright Experience has made as they research the work
done by the brothers, and strive to build the most accurate flying
replica ever made of the 1903 Flyer. There will be exhibits with gen
uine Wright artifacts, historical reproductions and other materials
that will continue to tell the story of the Wright's achievements. Be
sure to visit the Countdown to Kitty Hawk pavilion, located just to
the north of the control tower at Wittman field . (For those of you
who have been attending the convention for a number of years, it
was known for a long time as the south exhibit building.)
In this issue of Vintage Airplane you will find the biographies of
the individuals who are running for election so they may serve as
officers and directors of your Vintage Aircraft Association. I would
like to thank these dedicated volunteers for their year 'round in
volvement. We also welcome two new advisors to the Board of
Directors. They are Steve Bender of Roanoke, Texas, and Dave Clark
of Indianapolis, Indiana.
Advisors serve at the pleasure of the Board of Directors and are
appointed for a two-year term. The Board's advisor committee can
reappoint them for additional terms after a review. The advisors
serve as consultants to the board, but do not have a vote. We have
only four positions on our board for advisors. We are in the process
of formalizing the appointment process for advisors, and have in
stituted the following procedure. In order for an individual to
become an advisor they must petition the board. This petition is
then given to the advisor committee for review. The committee re-

ports to the board, the potential advisors are allowed and encour
aged to speak to the board concerning their qualifications; then the
board of directors casts their vote.
I receive a number of phone calls, letters and e-mails each week
from members who ask for technical information, submit their
ideas on VAA matters, and ask questions regarding VAA operations.
1 recently received this note from a member, who asked the follow
"Of the dues that members pay to belong to the Vintage Aircraft
Association, how much is spent for the VAA operations at AirVen
ture Oshkosh each year?"
While we do have expenses operating the VAA area of the con
vention site, we rely on merchandise sales during the show and
sponsors to help with this expense. The two largest expenses the
VAA has during convention are the participation plaques we give
to those that bring and display their aircraft. This plaque is given
free to VAA members; nonmembers have to pay for their plaque if
they wish to have one, or they have the option to join with you in
supporting the VAA by signing themselves up as members.
Second, we also pay for the awards below the Lindy category
that are given to award-winning Vintage aircraft.
In the past, we have not had a requirement that an award win
ner be a VAA member, they only needed to be an EAA member.
Recognizing that was unfair to those who pay dues and support the
division and its activities, we've changed that requirement. In order
for a vintage aircraft to be judged and potentially receive an award,
the owner will have to be a member of the Vintage Aircraft Associa
tion. The division and its volunteers staff the parking area for
vintage airplanes and all of showplane camping as well. Given their
dedication and willingness to lend their support each year in the
form of dues, we believe it's only right that those who wish to avail
themselves of VAA benefits should also be members of the division.
I think it is important to point out that the VAA does not re
ceive any income at AirVenture from gate receipts, aircraft
registration, or aircraft camping. So where does the dues money
go each month? Dues money is spent on membership services,
Vintage Airplane (our single largest expense), and operations
through out the year.
We welcome any inquires regarding our operations and other
matters. There are several areas in which you as a member can be of
help to the VAA. You can continue to encourage your friends to
join up with us so they too can enjoy flying the Vintage "banner."
The more members we have, the stronger the voice we have in
dealing with the FAA regarding aging aircraft issues. Another great
way to contribute is to send articles (especially good technical
write-ups) to H.G. for inclusion in the magazine. We really are a
membership sharing organization-let's continue to help each
other by sharing information.
Do you have a business or service that would benefit by doing
business with fellow VAA members? Advertise in Vintage Airplane.
We have the Vintage Trader section and display ads. We even have
a new classified display ad priced at a very effective $20 per inch per
issue. That's a pretty inexpensive way to get the word out about
your product or service to nearly 10,000 people.
Let's all pull in the same direction for the good of aviation. Re
member, we are better together. Join us and have it all!


compiled by H.G. Frautschy


In the center spread of this issue

you'll find candidate biographies and
a ballot for this year's VAA elections,
which will be ratified at the annual
business meeting held during EAA
AirVenture Oshkosh.
Notice is hereby given that an an
nual business meeting of the
members of the EAA Vintage Aircraft
Association will be held on Monday,
July 30, 2001, at 9:30 a.m. CDT in
the tent n ext to the VAA headquar
ters (the Red Barn) during the 49th
annual convention of the Experi
mental Aircraft Association, Inc.,
Wittman Regional Airport, Oshkosh,
Wisconsin. Notice is hereby further
given that the annual election of of
ficers and directors of the EAA
Vintage Aircraft Association will be
conducted by ballot distributed to
the members along with this June is
sue of Vintage Airplane. Said ballot
must be returned properly marked to
the Ballot Tally Committee, Vintage
Aircraft Association, P.O. Box 3086,
Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086, and re
ceived no later than July 20, 200l.
The Nominating Committee submits
the following list of candidates: for
Vice President, George Daubner; for
Treasurer, Charlie W. Harris; for Di
rectors (8 total), Bob Brauer, Dave
Bennett, John S. "Jack" Copeland,
Philip Coulson, Roger Gomoll, Dale
Gustafson, Eugene E. Morris, and
Wes Schmid.
Pursuant to EAA bylaws, the an
nual business meeting and elections
for the Experimental Aircraft Asso
ciation (EAA) will be held at the
Theater in the Woods at 1:30 p.m.
COT on Sunday, July 29,2001, at
Oshkosh, Wisconsin, during EAA
AirVenture Oshkosh 2001 to be
held July 24 through July 30.

Ford Tri-Motor
It seems hard to believe, but it's

JUNE 2001

true. When you come to AirVenture,

you'll see the only flying Ford Tri
Motor you can buy a ticket to ride in.
Insurance costs have been cited as
the main reason other operators
have chosen to ground their ride
hopping operations. If you really
want to taste, smell, and hear early
aviation, a ride in EAA's Ford is one
of the neatest ways to do it. During
EAA AirVenture, you can purchase
your ticket at the booth located at
the north end of the flight line, just
to the south of the warbirds area. If
you prefer to visit the EAA AirVen
ture Museum during the summer
and fall, the Ford operates eve ry
weekend until the end of October.
Flights cost $25, one of the best ride
bargains around, and one yo u can't
get anywhere else!

A rare and fascinating private col

lection of memorabilia saluting
Charles Lindbergh is on special dis
play at the EAA AirVenture Museum
through August l.
The display, part of the extensive
collection owned by Rosemary
Zuern of Oshkosh, highlights the
museum's current in-depth exhibit
on Lindbergh and his solo trans-At
lantic flight in 1927. Zuern's
collection of approximately 3,000
individual pieces is the result of
more than four decades of collect
ing items celebrating Lindbergh's
aviation achievements.
"Charles Lindbergh's flight truly
captured the imaginations of people
around the world like few other
events during the 20th century," said
Adam Smith, director of the EAA Air
Venture Museum. ''It is not
unrealistic to say that the outpouring
of souvenirs, music, toys, and other
memorabilia honoring Lindbergh
was one of the first instances where
the full force of modern con
sumerism and mass media combined
to create a market that became bigger
than either the person or original
Among the items on display from
Zuern's collection will be:

A 1927 "Welcome Home, Lind

bergh" banner, one of just two
known to exist
Dozens of commemorative pins,
buttons, and medallions honor
ing Lindbergh's flight
Spirit of St. Louis chocolat e
Bottles of Lindbergh perfume,
still in the display rack
Lindbergh busts, plus dozens of
toys and models of the Spirit
and Lindbergh
These items will complement
EAA's collection of Lindbergh items,
highlighted next to the main dio
rama of 1927 Paris beneath EAA's
first Spirit of St. Louis replica. Be sure
to visit the EAA AirVenture Museum
during your trip to Oshkosh, but
don't delay. The special exhibit is on
display only until August I!

As you make your plans for your

summer trip to EAA AirVenture
Oshkosh, go to www.airventure.org for
up-to-date information regarding
convention highlights and events,
including a comprehensive listing of
forums presented throughout the
week. New features and tools are be
ing added to the website on a regular
basis, so be sure to check back often.

We've heard concerns expressed

over the past few years about the
conduct of members and other visi
tors around airplanes on display
during AirVenture, and to address
those concerns, EAA has instituted a
new volunteer program designed to
educate those on the flight line, be
they first-time attendees or regular
When venturing onto the AirVen
ture flight line, visitors should be
aware of EAA's established safety
rules designed for their protection
and that of airplane owners and their
aircraft. A new volunteer effort, Op
eration P.O.P. (Protect Our Planes),
was created this year to help
heighten awareness of these rules:
No smoking on the flight line or
in the vicinity of any aircraft. (Smok

ing is also not allowed inside any

public building/structure on the con
vention grounds.)
No food or drink within 10 feet
of any aircraft.
No coolers are allowed on con
vention grounds (except campers
with permits).
No handling/touching of aircraft
except with owner/crew permission.
EAA created Operation P.O.P. in
response to last year's AirVenture sur
vey that showed smoking and
food/beverages near flight line air
craft were a concern of aircraft
owners. Hundreds of green-vested
Operation P.O.P. volunteers will be
highly visible along the flight line
and other areas, politely reminding
attendees to observe EAA etiquette.
Operation P.O.P is the largest
group effort ever created to address
this issue. EAA also has added addi
tional signage and garbage receptacles
strategically placed on the flight line.
"EAA members are known for their
generous spirits-sharing their
knowledge of homebuilding, giving a
youngster a Young Eagles ride, dis
playing their aircraft at AirVenture,"
said Operation P.O.P. chairman Noel
Marshall. "When members bring
their flying works of art to share with
others, we need to respect their gen
erosity. If a visitor were attending a
classic car show, they wouldn't dream
of touching or picnicking around
someone's prized possession. Our
presence is to remind attendees to af
ford our generous members the same
courtesies. By our presence, we want
attendees to 'think green and keep
the grounds clean .'"
Want to be an Operation P.O.P.
Approximately 300 Operation
P.O .P. volunteers working in four
hour shifts are needed to help
safeguard the flight line, internal se
curity pOints, and gates. Mandatory
daily briefings will be held at the
Theater in the Woods, at 7:30 a.m.
for the morning crew and at 10:30
a.m. for the afternoon crew.
Operation P.O.P. is a great volun
teer activity for the whole EAA
family, ages 14 and up. Those inter

ested in joining should e-mail

chairman Noel Marshall at
mb01@northnet.net. Also, if your EAA
Chapter is interested in joining Oper
ation P.O.P., please e-mail Brenda
Anderson at banderson@eaa .org. You
can also volunteer by visiting the
VAA volunteer center located on the
corner northeast of the VAA red barn
headquarters. Anna Osborn and her
crew will direct you to the right spot
so you can join in "Protecting Our


Dave Clark

Steve Bender

Dave Clark, Indianapolis, Indiana,

and Glenn "Steve" Bender, Roanoke,
Texas, have been appOinted as advi
sors to the VAA Board of Directors.
Dave and Steve have served the mem
bership as volunteer judges for many
years, and they bring a wide range of
technical and flight experiences for
the board to draw upon to enhance
our programs and services. We look
forward to their input.

Fly- In Calendar
The following list ofcoming events is furnished to
our readers as a matter ofinformation only and does
not constitute approval, sponsorship, involvement,
control or direction ofany event (fly-in, seminars,fly
market, etc.) listed. Please send the information to
EAA , All: Vintage Airplane, P.O. Box 3086,
Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. Information should be re
ceivedfour months prior to the event date.
JUNE 8-9 - Akron, OH - Funk Aircraft Owners Assoc.
2nd Ever Reunion and Fly-In, Akron-Fulton Airport.
Info: 3021674-5350.
JUNE 8-10- Gainesville, TX Municipal Airporl (GLE)
- Texas Ch., Antique Airplane Assoc. 40th Annual
Fly-In. Info: Jim 8171429-5385, Don 817/636-0966,
or Janet 8171421-7702.
JUNE 8-10- Columbia, CA (022) - Bellanca-Champion
Club West Coast Fly-In 2001. Hard surface runway,
full FBO services, on-airport camping, nearby lodg
ing, many natural & historic sites, BBQfor early
an'ivers, awards dinner, roundtable discussions &
seminars. Advance registration strongly encouraged,
forms , lodging available on web: www.bellanca
championclub.com, phone: 661/942-7149.
JUNE 9-Elba Municipal Airporl, AL (l4J) - Ch, 351
hosts Fly-In, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Fly marketJood, early
arrivals welcomeJree transportation to local motels,
under wing camping permit/ed, restroom available in
temlinal, Young Eagles. No rain date. GPS Coordi
nates.' 31-24-59N 86-05 -33W. Info: Mike
JUNE 9-10 - Petersburg-Dinwiddie, VA - Virginia State
EAA Fly-in, at Dinwiddie Cty Airport (PTB) . Air
show & pancake breakfast each day. Homebuilts, an
tiques, classics, ultralights, powered parachutes and
warbirds welcome. Forums, vendors,fly-mart, un
der-the-wing camping. Info: 8041358-4333 or visit
lVlVlV. vaeaa.org
JUNE 9 - Salisbury, NC - Rowan Co. Airport (RUQ)
Boys & Toys All Day Airport Fun Day. Breakfast at
7:30, Young Eaglesj/ights, aircraft, car, camper,
boat, motorcycle static displays. Goodfood all day.
New Cessna 2001 display. Funforall ages. Info:
336/752-2574 or lebrown@infoave.net.
JUNE 10 - Sugar Grove, IL (KARR) - 17th Annual Au
rora AirExpo sponsored by Fox Valley Sport Aviation
Assoc.- EAA Ch. 579 and Aurora Municipal Airport.
Antique, Classic, Homebuilt, and Warbird aircraft
static displayljlight demos. Pancake breakfast 7a.m.
noon. Lunch served Noon- 3p.m. Free breakfastfor
pilots j/ying in with afull airplane. Fuel discount for
j/ight demo pilots. Free parking and admission. Info:
Alan 6301466-4579.
JUNE 14 - 17 - St. Louis, MO - American Waco Club
Fly-In at Creve Coeur Airport. Info: 6161624-6490
or 3/7/535-8882.
JUNE 16-LaGrange, OH -EAA Ch, 255 's 7th Annual
Fly-InIDrive-In Pancake Breakfast, 8 a.m.- 1 p.m.
Harlan Airy,e/d (92D) Info: Dale 4401355-6491.
JUNE 17 - Somerset, PA - Somerset Aero Club 59th
Annual Fly-In Breakfast, Somerset Cly AP(2G9)
Breakfast 8-Noon. Free breakfast to pilot ofeach in
coming aircraft. Chicken BBQ Noon-3 p.m. Held in
can}. with Antique Club Car Show. Info: 8141445

-continued on page 28




Dear H.G.,
I really enjoyed the article on the
four-place T-Craft in the April issue
of Vintage. As the title says, it is al
most an "unknown." When I wrote
my Taylorcraft book back in 1992, I
couldn't find out much about them,
although I interviewed Ben Mauro
(not Morrow)
over the phone
several times.
He had a fair
amount of in
formation on
the Model 20 ,
which he sent,
but not much
on the 15. I do
remember he
hired e.G. Tay
lor to come over
from Alliance to
clean up the Model 15 design, and
thus saved about 150 pounds.
Now that spring is here, I will be
rolling out my T-Craft DC-65 (L-2)
for some fun flying. Keep up the
good work.
Yours truly,
Chet Peek
Norman, Oklahoma

In 1952 I bought a rebuilt Navy

GB-2 (D-17-S) with a fr esh license
and new linen. It was a June 1944
model, N67677. I had it for 11 years
until it ran out of fabric. I think it
was serial number 6224.
I have just read the part of your ar
ticl e on the gear retraction. If I
remember right, I would start the re
traction and start to also turn th e
retraction handle to the idle posi
tion, so I did not mess up the gears. I
think there was an inch of play that
would allow the crank handle to be


pulled out from the wall to engage

the retract gear. My memory tells me
that in cold weather, if the gear slide
tubes were dry from lack of graphite,
the gear retraction would get slow

a pilot who worked in the "OIL

PATCH"! I am sure that most of
your readers have no idea what a
"wash pipe" is. Being former oil
patch trash (a retired Petroleum En
gineer), I certainly know what it is,
and it is huge and heavy! I find it
very remarkable t hat the Cub would
fly with that item, and almost re
markable that Schroeder even tried
to get it into the air.
The article reminds me of the time
I found it necessary to move a heavy
specialty "packer" from Kansas to the
Texas Gulf Coast on very short no
tice. This item was 5" in diameter; 6
feet long, and weighed approxi
mately 600 pounds. I removed the
co-pilot's seat and both rear seats
from my Arrow III, fashioned a

and almost stop, so I would help the

gear by starting to crank the handle
in the direction of retraction. While
cranking at the guessed-at rotation
speed, I would pull the crank out
about 3/4" from the wall, which
would let the gears mesh. The action
was just as if I was manually retract
ing the gear. I did this all the time
and I never had any trouble with the ~~~ilfij~itli
gears. I just had to be sure I was . . .
cranking before moving the handle
out from the wall. It worked slick all
the time. It did not seem critical to
have the crank speed exactly right,
but that the gear handle was moving
at least near the mesh speed.
I never oiled the slide tubes, but wooden cradle for the packer, se
rubbed them with powdered cured it to the cradle with metal
straps, then maneuvered the entire
This plane was a wonderful air package into the right hand side of
craft. Full rudder slips while steering the Arrow cabin. I secured it firmly
with the ailerons were great. With an with the front, rear, and baggage
AT-6 you have to hold 100 mph to belts, and off we went toward Con
keep from doing an outside loop roe, Texas on an IFR flight plan. As I
when the slip blanks out one of the neared the south Texas area, I en
elevators, but not the Staggerwing.
countered IFR conditions, but was
I'm 84 now and have had 63 years able to make a safe and easy NOB ap
as a pilot-the Staggerwing takes my proach to Conroe. It required a well
first prize!
servicing crew of four men to care
Walter E. Best
fully unload the "freight".
We learn to use "field expedience"
Indianapolis, Indiana
in a lot of "oil patch" work.
Dale P. Jewett
Well, finally we have an article by
Hutchinson, KS



What does it mean for you?

By Earl Lawrence

EAA Vice President of Government & Industry Relations

any have asked

how the pro
posed new sport
pilot proposals may affect
the owners of vintage air
craft. For most of you, it
will not impact you to any
great extent. For the own
ers of early Piper J-3 Cubs,
Vagabond, the Erco up e
415C, early Luscombes,
and the Aeronca 7AC
Champ, it will provide
some additional privileges.
Remember, this is simply a
proposal at this time. It is
not yet a rule. In fact, as of
this writing, it hasn't yet
been published as a Notice
of Proposed Rulemaking
(NPRM) in the Federal Reg
First and foremost,
there is no de-certification
of any aircraft to be flown
by a sport pilot. Sport pi
lots may fly any aircraft
from any category, e.g.,
amateur-built, exhibition,
standard, primary, or light sport
plane. The requirement is that the
aircraft must weigh no more than
1,232 pounds gross weight and
have a stall speed equal to or less

than 45 mph.
However, the new li ght sport
plane category will allow manufac
turers to build replica vintage
aircraft without having to obtain a

standard type certificate or

production certificate. For
example, a company could
get production approval
from the FAA to make a
replica aircraft patterned
after the J-3.
They could sell a com
plete airp lane for far less
than what the original is
worth today because they
would not have to have
flapproved parts." To fur
ther contain expenses, the
owner of such an aircraft
could attend a simple one
weekend course to receive
a repairman's certificate
that would allow him or
her to maintain and ap
prove the annual for th at
Currently, the repair
man's certificate is limited
to allow work on aircraft
registered in the experi
airworthiness categories.
The certificate would not
necessarily provide for
privileges such as overhauling the
engine, but it could cover removing
and replacing components as in
structed by the manufacturer.
More common to our type of opVINTAGE AIRPLANE 5

eration will be this example. Most of

us hold a valid private pilot's certifi
cate and third-class medical. How
does one become a sport pilot?
By getting a logbook endorse
ment, just l ike you would for
operating a tailwheel-equipped or
high-performance aircraft. To do it,
you'll take your airplane that meets
the limitations for operation by a
sport pilot (1,232 pounds and 45
mph stall speed, per the aircraft's
type certificate data sheet) to a
sport pilot instructor and show
your proficiency in the aircraft to
the instructor. They can then sign
you off.
Why would you become a sport
pilot? Are you one of the many pi
lots who have to deal with the hassle
of obtaining a special-issuance med
ical certificate every year? Perhaps
you just don't like having to make
time for the exam and spending sev
eral hours of gas money for your
medical. You don't plan on doing
anything more than flying day VFR,
and you really don't need a third
class medical to certify your fitness
for flight. The proposed medical re
quirement for a sport pilot is a
third-class medical or a valid U.S.
state driver's license. It's simple, and
you don't have to worry about re
membering if you have your
medical on you-most of us always
have our driver's license.
What if you were denied a third
class medical in the past? Can you
still be a sport pilot?
Yes! FAR Part 61.53 (b) says " ... a
person shall not act as pilot in com
mand, while that person knows or
has reason to know of any medical
condition that would make the per
son unable to operate the aircraft in
a safe manner." It does not say any
thing about not qualifying for a
higher medical certificate, such as a
third class.
Please remember, you still have
the ultimate responsibility in deter


mining your fitness for flight on any

give day, whether you do or don't
hold a valid medical certificate. If
you're on medication that inhibits
your ability to fly or have some
other unresolved medical condition
that could cause you to be quickly
incapacitated, you still have the re
sponsibility to ground yourself, for
the safety of yourself, your passen
gers, and those on the ground .
That's never changed, and it won't
with the additional privileges of the
sport pilot program.
Here are the details of the pro
posed sport pilot certificate:

1. Maximum gross weight: 1,232

2. Stall-Landing configuration:
39 knots (45 mph) or less
3. Stall-Cruise configuration: 45
knots (52 mph) or less
4. Maximum normal cruise speed:
115 knots (132 mph)
5. Two-place maximum (pilot and
one passenger).
6. Day VFR only.
7. Can be manufactured and sold
ready-to-fly without FAR Part
23 compliance.
8. Can be certificated as experi
mental if kit- or plans-built.
9. Can be certificated as experi
mental "light" if it was
previously kit- or plans-built
(ultralight trainers, etc.).
10. Owner can maintain (for exper
imental and special
airworthiness aircraft).
11. Will have FAA registration.
12. Should be insurable and wel
come at most airports.
13. An A&P mechanic can do an
nual inspection. With special
training, a repairman 's certifi
cate for experimental and
special airworthiness aircraft
will be available.
14. Rotorcraft/helicopters are not
included under the proposal.


1. Creates new sport pilot certificate.

2. Training and FAA tests will be
3. Ultralight training and experi
ence can be credited toward
sport pilot certificate.
4. Training period is substantially
less than for private pilot certifi
cate, probably about 20 hours
5. Time can be logged for further
6. Third-class medical or state dri
ver's license reqUired.
7. Controlled airports accessible
with advance permission
(phone or radio).
8. Not for hire.
9. Day VFR only.
10. Recreational, private, and com
mercial pilots can easily convert
to sport pilots.
11 . Can fly some vintage produc
tion aircraft.
1. Instructors may use ultralight ex

emption experience.
2. Ultralight instructors can easily
convert to sport pilot instructors.
3. Changing type of aircraft is a log
book sign-off within sport
pilot-eligible aircraft.
4. Current CFIs require only log
book sign-off to become sport
pilot CFIs.
1. Owner maintenance.

2. For experimental and special air

worthiness aircraft, owner may get
repairman's certificate to do an
nual inspection with appropriate
training and testing on specific
make and model. Not for hire.
3. More extensive training can lead to
general repairman's certificate (sim
ilar to an A&P mechanic who has
an inspection authorization [IA]).
This would be for operations such
as dealers, manufacturers, etc. . . .

This month's Mystery Plane is a

fun one submitted by VAA Chapter
l's Shelly Decker. Many of you will
know it, but it's still an airplane that
generates a lot of comments that
sound like: "I know I've seen a pic
ture of it before, but just what is it?"
Send your answer to: EAA, Vintage
Airplane, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh,
WI 54903-3086. Your answer needs
to be in no later than July 5 for in
clusion in the September issue of

Vintage Airplane.

by H.G. Frautschy

You can also send your response

via e-mail. Send your answer to

Be sure to include both your name
and address (especially your city and
state!) in the body of your note and
put "(Month) Mystery Plane" in the
subject line.
March's mystery puzzled a num
ber of you who were close with your
answers. Both Marty Eisenmann and
John DeWan knew it was the Ben
Jones S-125. Marty enclosed copies
of the late Joe Juptner's write-up in
his book, T-Hangar Tales, as well as
copy of an advertisement for the S
125. It was powered by the Menasco
C4-125 of 125 hp, with a wingspan
of 21 feet and an empty weight of
1,125 pounds, and a maximum gross
weight of 2,000 pounds. Neither the

S-125 nor its faster Sibling, the S-150,

were ever put in production or issued
CAA Type Certificates.

Thanks to Wayne Muxlow, John

Kidd, Ed Kastner and Loren Schiebe
for their answers.




ere's an eye-opener for at least half of the folks reading

this. Unless you're past 40 years old, we weren't around

when the Bragdon's Cessna 210 was built. Here's an

other little time fact that'll bring you up short. Yes, we're 40 years
past the birth of what most of aviation think of as a fairly mod
ern airplane, but when that airplane was built, Stearmans had
been out of production for only 15 years.
Yeah, we know. There are a bunch
of punk kids out there, those in their
30s and early 40s, who are saying, so
what? The 210 is an old airplane.
The rest of us who are more seasoned
have a difficult time accepting that.
As young Bobby Zimmerman (that's
Dylan to the young folk) used to say,
liThe times, they are a changing."
Yeah, and with lightning speed.
The 1960s were a decade of change
in just about every aspect of our cul
ture, even aviation. For one thing,
during the 1960s Piper finally quit
building fabric airplanes and started
building a low-wing airplane, the

Cherokee, which was considered

pretty revolutionary for a trainer.
Cessna never made that radical of a
departure from their norm, but when
they saw the Bonanza and then the
Comanche garnering increasing sales
because of their retractable sophisti
cation, they just had to have a piece
of the action. So, using their trusty
C-182, which by that time was only
four years old, as a platform, they de
signed and built the 210. If they had
done it today, it would have proba
bly been tagged the 182RG, but that
two-letter moniker hadn't been in
vented yet, and they wanted to

by Budd Davisson
8 JUNE 2001

clearly set the new airplane apart

from the others.
With a high-wing airplane, you
don't have a lot of options as to
where to hide the landing gear, so
the general configuration of the gear
was a foregone conclusion. However,
the fuselage-mounted retractable
gear was a daring concept that re
quired some innovative mechanics.
The mechanical aspects caused a few
teething problems, but the concept
of an airplane that felt largely like a
182, but had a retractable gear,
caused more problems. Folks just
weren't used to having to put the

photos by Lee Ann Abrams

(Inset Left) The detailed engine compartment

would give a hot rodder a run for his money at
any car show. The Bragdons spent many hours
carefully routing wires and fluid lines. Look
closely at the fittings near the firewall, and you
can see the use of a paint marker on each fit
ting. If the paint cracks, you know instantly
that the fitting has loosened.
(At Right) Even the wheel wells received first
class treatment, with the interior of the doors
polished to a high luster.

gear down, so more than a few of the

airplanes were greased in on their bel
lies, which caused later generations of
airplane owners varying degrees of
heartburn. If you don't believe that,
talk to the Bragdons, John Jr. and Sr.,
of Lakeland, Florida.
"We got the airplane in 1991 simply
because 'the kid' wanted a retractable
gear airplane," says John Sf. of his son,
who is at least as old as the airplane.
"It was a flying airplane and appeared
to be in really good shape, and the log
books showed no damage history. But,
of course, that's only paper."
The Bragdons had been an airplane
family almost from day one. "I was the
first student pilot to solo an airplane


from the new Tallahassee. That was in

1961," John the elder says.
After getting his private pilot certifi
cate, he went through a series of
airplanes including three 172s, span
ning 1956 to 1973 models. He also
owned a late model Great Lakes and
had an interest in a BD-4. By then he
had a family, and naturally the flying
bug rubbed off on John the younger.
"I was heavy into radio-controled
airplanes," John Jr. says, "and I flew a
little of everything. I had the usual RIC
trainers, but I also built and flew jets
and aerobatic pattern ships. All of that
came to an end when I got interested
in real airplanes."
He started flying Dad's airplanes,

but then decided, as his father points

out, it was time for something more
sophisticated. It was time for a re
tractable gear.
Since they'd had a number of Cess
nas, it was natural for them to stick
with a known breed, which meant their
retractable airplane had to be a 210.
"We looked at a bunch of air
planes," John Jr. says, "and this one
looked pretty good. It had the usual
rash and faded paint you'd expect for
an airplane that, at that point, was 31
years old, but the price was right. The
engine had 1,300 hours on it, and we
figured it would run for quite a while
longer before needing overhaul."
He laughs a little and says, "And

then we decided to do the first annual

on it."
" I was in the process of checking
the gear when I began noticing a lot
of Cherry Max blind rivets right
around the gear area," JohnJr. re
members. "Even the gear doors were
'Cherry-Maxed' onto the hinges, and I
knew that wasn't right."
The Bragdons got down on their
backs and started looking closely at
the bottom of the airplane and didn't
like what they saw at all.
"Practically the entire bottom of the
airplane was held together with blind
rivets, especially right around the gear
and on the bottom of the cowling,"
John Jr. says. "I could actually spin
some of the rivets with myfingers be
cause they weren't holding anything!"
He knew this also wasn't good.
The more they looked, the more
they found they didn't like, and the
more they realized the logbooks were a
piece of masterful fiction: this airplane
had been on its belly, and whoever
had done the repairs was only inter
ested in getting the airplane back into
the air, not in doing the job right.
About that time, we decided to do
the airplane as good as we could do
it," John Sr. says. "We decided the
only way to approach it was to take it
entirely apart and fix everything that
wasn't the way it should be, which
turned out to be much more than we
imagined. If I had known what we
were going to go through, I would
never have bought this airplane. Now
that it's done, however, I'm glad we
did. At least we know exactly what's
in it."
Beginning at the back, they had to
re-skin part of the horizontal tail and
replace part of the leading edge be
cause of what looked like a serious
bird strike. This included removing
the rubber boots on both sides and re
placing them. The tip caps on the tail
were all fiberglass and had the usual
collection of cracks and crazing, which
meant they had to work hard at glu
ing the cracks and filling them so they
were invisible.
"Fortunately, when we stripped the
back half of the fuselage, we found the
metal to be in excellent condition .

People have asked why we didn't just

polish it then, and I point at the in
side of the gear doors, which we had
already polished. By that time we had
learned that rebuilding an airplane is
enough work without the further work
of polishing it," John Jr. says.
They stripped every single thing
out of the airplane, including the inte
rior, wiring, and glass, and set about
replacing it all. But they couldn't do
the cosmetic stuff until they had taken
care of some serious structural areas.
liThe skins around the doors all had
to be replaced. Whoever had done the
work just didn't seem to care where
the holes went. Everywhere they had
done sheet metal work on the airplane
there were rivets that missed the struc
ture, holes that cut halfway through
other holes, and holes that just nicked
the edges of flanges," he says. lilt was
just awful, and the only way we could
be sure the airplane was safe was by
making sure the same level of crafts
manship wasn't repeated elsewhere in
the airplane."
The lower part of the nose had ap
parently taken a pretty good beating
during the accident that, according to
the logbooks, never happened.

liThe area just in front of the fire

wall was really bad," John Jr. says. "In
fact, some of the motor mount struc
ture wasn't really attached to
anything. Holes were drilled all over
the place, and the only thing we could
do was replace everything ahead of
the firewall, including the motor
mount structure."
They bought another 210 fuselage
just to get the skins and structure to
repair the nose on their airplane, but

When restoring later model Cessnas, you'd better become adept at working with ABS plastic! The seat backs and the instrument panel overlay
all required replacement, since the originals had become brittle and cracked with age. The instrument panel overlay was replaced with a new
piece. The white panel was painted black, and an engraver cut through the paint to add the call-outs for the throttle, mixture, cabin air, etc.

even that didn't go as planned.

"Apparently the early airplanes
had a lot of hand building in them
because," he explains, "even though
the structure would fit, the lower
cowl skins wouldn't because the
holes didn't match. We even bought
some new skins, and the holes were
wrong. So, I wound up making the
skins myself and match drilling the
When it came to the landing gear,
the good news was that the bushings
and most of the mechanisms were
okay. That couldn't be said for much
of the rest of the airplane as the age
began to show.
"We had to replace both gas tank
bladders because, as it was sitting in
the hangar, first one and then the
other gave up the ghost and started
leaking," john says.
The early airplanes used a little
less plastic then their descendants,
but the panel overlay and a few
other panels were still plastic. And,
they were cracked and brittle.
"We sent ours out to a plastic out
fit that made new ones for us. They
were pure white, so," john Sr. says,
"we painted the panel overlay with a
special black paint. Then, I copied
all of the placards on the old panels
and took the photocopies and the
new panels over to an engraver. He
12 JUNE 2001

engraved just deep enough to go

through the black paint and let the
white show through. It took a cou
ple of months, but it was certainly
worth it."
john the younger designed the in
terior and rebuilt and replaced the
seats himself. "The original seats
were broken, so we got a pair of 1963
models and tracks. Even though
they would bolt right in, we still had
to get an FAA field approval to be le
gal," he says.
The elder Bragdon had a friend
who upholstered classic and antique
cars, and he was hired to do the final
stitching on the seats. He also in
stalled the headliner.
The paint scheme on the airplane
is obviously not original, but when
asked why they didn't go with the
original scheme, they pull out a pic
ture of the airplane as it came from
th e factory and say, "Would you
want this paint scheme on your air
plane?" The layout was typical
Cess na, but the colors fell some
where between UPS brown and
toolbox green. Not an attractive
scheme, and that's being charitable.
When they bought the airplane,
they were sure the engine would last
for several years, but after seeing the
kind of work done elsewhere in the
airplane, they decided otherwise.

Since the gear-up landing wasn 't in

the logbooks, there was also nothing
about replacing the propeller or re
building the engine. As far as th e
logs were concerned, the engine had
never had a traumatic day in its life.
"We took the engine and prop
over to Dan George Aircraft in Or
lando for a complete overhaul,"
john Sr. says. "When they opened it
up, they found it was just about to
spin a bearing, so we had made the
right decision. Then, just like th e
rest of the airplane, we replaced just
about everything, including new
TCM cylinders."
They started rebuilding the air
plane in late 1991 and got it back
into the air during Sun 'n Fun 2000.
"We made it to the show for the last
day, but at least we made it."
The frenzy of activity to get it
ready for Sun 'n Fun can be imag
ined when it is remembered that the
airplane is based just across the ramp
on Lakeland Airport.
"Now, we have over 40 hours on
it and haven't had a single squawk.
Not one," john jr. says with obvious
pride . The result was obviou sly
worth the effort.
So, when asked how long the an
nual on their airplane took , th ey
can honestly answer, a shade over
nine years!

Chamber of COII_ree.


weather served UD for consumption bJ

those who came to enio, the 2001 ed~
_Jil!n of the ~un 'n Fun W FI,-In was just
-- --~--- -":""~- ~~~~ ~-F~:-~9u~!-.'4J_virtue of their extend
.- _
~- - - ell lIJing -reaso}ffloriJJJ and Jhe lOuth- _
eastern UniterS-lafes ~" -. .~~!ce: ~~
of great vintage aircraft. Let's-take-a. : - --_
look at lOmiOt those who_chose to
spend some time at Sult-'n.-Fuii ~001. "..~=;:

lJ -:_- -


It isn't too often you see more than one Culver

Cadet, but at Sun 'n Fun we saw these two fine
examples side-by-side. On the left is Dan
Nicholson's 1941 Cadet, serial number 249. The
other one is Stan Piteau's airplane, serial num
ber 292. Dan is from Tomball, Texas. His plane
is powered by a Continental C-85, and Stan,
who hails from Holland, Michigan, has a 90-hp
Franklin mounted on the front of his Cadet.

Friends Dan Dominguez and Chris Wall, from EI Paso, Texas, flew this 1957 Aero
Commander around the world. Their airplane, dubbed the Dreamcatcher, was
restored by the pair and departed from Rochester, New York, on September 13, 2000,
arriving back in upstate New York on December 17. Stopping in the Azores, crossing
the Mediterranean Sea, and traversing the Middle East were unnerving, but except
for a fuel flow fluctuation on one engine that meant an unscheduled stop at an
Egyptian airfield near the Red Sea, the Aero Commander performed very well, as did
its crew. At age 22, Dan and Chris carefully planned and flew the ir mission with thou
sands of schoolchildren virtually looking over their shoulders via visits and lesson plans
distributed over the Internet. Dan and Chris are planning on visiting EAA AirVenture
Oshkosh 2001 with the Dreamcatcher.

14 JUNE 2001

That big pipe protruding from the cowl of this Pacer is your first clue that
this orange hot rod is no ordinary Piper PA-22. Bob Tincher enjoyed flying
down from Kankakee, Illinois, with his friend, Dave Schrettl, in this brute,
which has a 180-hp Lycoming shoehorned under the cowl. It will take off
in 200-300 feet, and the initial rate of climb with one person aboard is
2,800 feet per minute.

Ted Patcell worked for Benny Howard during the beginning of his
aviation career and also headed up Monocoupe after the compa
ny's move to Orlando, Florida. His Howard DGA-15P was chosen to
receive the Best WW-II Era Antique award.

"Taxi thataway," points Stewart Churchmin, of Kent, United

Kingdom, to the pilot of this Beech Staggerwing.

The "Ercart"? How about the

"Coupecart"? No matter
what name you gave it, the
much-modified Ercoupe
mounted on a Cushman golf
cart chassis got plenty of
attention as it taxied around
the grounds. It belongs to
Randy Tunnell, P.O. Box
496115, Garland, Texas
75049. Randy calls it the
"GolfCoupe." The GolfCoupe
features a very effective pub
lic address system.


Bar Eisenhauer and the Great Atlantic Aeroplane Company spent the last three
years restoring this 1928 Travel Air 2000, updating the engine to a 220-hp
Continental W-670. The Bird of Paradise will be used by BAR.-Air for ride hop
ping all over Florida . Based in Winter Haven, Florida, you can call them at 863
294-2695 for flight information. The restoration includes a beautiful cockpit,
which features a pair of interesting vintage instruments including an early
Sperry Gyroscope Company artificial horizon. Lots of attention was paid to the
details of this project. Take a look at the exit for the elevator control cable,
neatly executed with a laminated ring of wood and a small piece of vinyl fabric.

of the
Contemporary award
winners, this Meyers 200
restoration is the handiwork of J.
Michael Ara ldi of Lakeland, Florida.
Longtime members will remember
Mike's fine restoration of a
Lockheed 12, and his father's
re-creation of the
Command-Aire Little
The Yellow Rose of Texas, a customized Stearman, belongs to C.R. "Russ" Luigs, Bandera, Texas.
On the business end of the airplane, a 275-hp Jacobs spins a Hamilton-Standard prop. It was
picked by the judges to receive the Best Antique Custom award .


JUNE 2001

Dave Henry did the spectacular artwork on this

1963 Piper PA-23-150 Aztec, which has been modi
fied with the Geronimo conversion. It has "Flying
Fish Ranch" emblazoned on the engine nacelle and
is registered to the Gore Medical Group of Lady
Lake, Florida .

Eric Robinson,
Kirkfield, Ontario,
spent a bit of time
keeping up with the
polishing on his
shiny Republic RC-3X

Peter Lloyd and Bill Torso own this regal

Stinson SR-10J, selected by the Sun 'n Fun
judges as the Contemporary Age (1933
1941) Antique award winner. They're
based in Miami, Florida.

These Cub folks even managed to find matching tents!

At the end of a long winter, a

lot of real estate between you
and the snowbound North just
seems like a good idea. Allan
Dunn of Mallorytown, Ontario,
brought his nicely rebuilt
Cessna 170B down for a little
relaxation in the Florida sun.

John Benson flew his Grumman G-44 Widgeon across the United States from San Diego. It's
powered by a pair of Lycoming GO-480s.


.. I

....-- I~

Marty and Sharon Lochman of New alla,

Oklahoma, took home the Grand Champion
Custom Classic award for t heir precisely restored
and customized Cessna 140.

A porch, a swing, a little shade, and some lemonade

served up by the volunteers from VAA Chapter 1 all com

bined to make the Vintage Aircraft Center a favorite

spot to take in the daily air show.



Greg Davis and Ronnie Cox of Ft.

Lauderdale, Florida, spent time restor
ing this Piper PA-24-250 Comanche, the
medium horsepower version (there's a
400-hp model out there, too!) of Piper's
popular retractable single. It won one
of two Outstanding in Type awards pre
sented in the Contemporary judging

Bob Wyatt and his wife, Susan, motor along in the dawn
light with their customized Stearman. The scoop on the side
of the fuselage is for the 4S0-hp Pratt & Whitney's oil cooler,
which has been relocated aft of the pilot's seat.

James Guest of Merritt Island, Florida, just finished the

restoration of his Aeronca Sedan.

Butch Walsh has done it again, this time with a clean restoration of a Stinson 108-2
for Stafford Woodall of Forest, Virginia .

Just after arriving from Hopetown,

Abaca, Bahamas, this Grumman G-73
Albatross got plenty of care from the
crew. Don Simmonds cleans up the cowl
ing before heading off to lunch with his
father, Don Sr.

if this
is a
Waco F-2,
then that
must be Roy
Redman in the
cockpit. Roy was
in the process of
delivering this pur
ple and blue Waco
QCF-2 to the owners
of Mirabella Yachts
in Fort Pierce, Florida,
but he took the time
to share it with us dur
ing the week of Sun 'n
Fun 2001 . It's pow
ered by a 220-hp
Continental W670.

The Grand Champion Antique of the 2001 Sun

' n Fun EAA Fly-In is this Stearman, owned by
Tim Kirby and Gene Moore of Ocala, Florida.
Tim and his daughter, Jillie, fire up the
Lycoming and taxi out for the flight home.

20 JUNE 2001

As a child, Ev Cassagneres flew in the cabin

Waco recently restored by John Swander

Everett Gladding photo

n the 1930s the New Haven Mu

nicipal Airport, in Connecticut,
was the annual host to many
world-renowned air show aviators.
They also held an annual event to
celebrate the Fourth of July.
For weeks leading up to the event,
wooden boxes from local farms
would be piled up at the west end of
what is today Runway 14, near the
still-visible compass rose. Around
midnight Oil July 3, the pile of boxes
would be set on fire for the largest
bonfire one could imagine anywhere.
During that evening people from
the city would come out to the air
port in anticipation of the
celebration. And, of course, the lo
cal FBO, The Viking Flying Boat
Company, would hop passengers in
their 1932 Waco VEC cabin air
plane-which was NC124 71, sin
3637. The pilot was usually Franklin
T. "Hank" Kurt.
In 1935 my parents took me there
by way of a trolley, and I pestered
my father all night to give me my
first airplane ride. We had spent our
summers about 2 miles from the

Waco UEC, NC12471, at New

Haven Municipal Airport,
with the number 15 painted
on the fuselage for an air
tour of New England.

field, at a nearby beach

known as West Silver
Sands, on Long Island
Sound. While playing
on the beach I would
not miss any of the air
planes taking off or
landing at the airport. I clearly re
member seeing the Waco, in
addition to the Viking-built Kitty
Hawk open-cockpit biplane (it
looked similar to a Fleet). Anyway,
the Waco was flying that night, and
my dad did buy the ride for me. It
was my very first airplane ride!
I climbed in and sat up front in
the right seat next to the pilot (1 had
no idea who he was at that time).
The smell of the interior, the dope
on the fabric, and the exhaust fumes
from the Continental radial 210-hp
engine got me all excited in anticipa
tion of the flight. We took off from
the grass, as there were no paved

runways then, and flew over the city

of New Haven, for what 1 would
guess was about 15 minutes or so.
I vaguely remember that a man
and woman sat in the rear seat on
that flight. During the flight the pi
lot asked if the heat from the engine
was too much, and I may have said it
was, so he opened a small vent in the
floor near my feet. Wow, I could ac
tually look down at the city lights!
The flight was beautiful, and I can
still remember it like it was yester
Over the years, not long after that
first experience, I would ride my bi
cycle over to the airport and hang

Waco UEC, NC12471, in front of The Viking Flying Boat Company's hangar at New Haven Municipal Airport, early 1930s. Left to right are Larry
Walsh, Frank Farrel (a local industrialist), and Franklin T. "Hank" Kurt.

Edward R. laPointe photo

22 JUNE 2001

(Left) Hank Kurt and Ev Cassagneres, in a nursing home in Maine, the last time the two pilots spent time together. (Right) Ev's second ride in
the same seat as in 1935, in Swander's 1932 Waco UEC, NC 12471.

around, peering into the hangar and

seeing the Waco, some Kitty Hawks,
a Laird, a beautiful black and yellow
Fairchild F-24, a Reliant, and other
beautiful airplanes. At night after
school I would spend my spare time
building flying scale-model airplanes
to learn all I could about how an air
plane flew and how they were built.
This interest continued right on

through World War II.

In 1945, two weeks after the war
ended, I rode my bicycle to the air
port and got a job as a "line boy, "
doing anything that was asked of
me-sweeping out the hangar, push
ing airplanes in and out of the
hangar, fueling and oiling planes,
washing airplanes, helping to dope
and rib stitch in the shop. Of course,

I was paid in flying lessons, in one of

their Piper )-3-65 trainers. I soloed in
a little over eight hours, and from
there I went on to earn my commer
cial, single- and multiengine, and sea
and instrument ratings and eventu
ally flew professionally. But that first
ride was never forgotten.
As the years went on and I got to
fly a lot of the older classics of the

The Waco rests in the grass in central Wisconsin, resplendent in the same
livery as it had the day 10-year-old Ev Cassagneres got his first ride in the
very same airplane.


Just as it would feel if you boarded the Waco on the Fourth of July, 1935, the interior of John's restored Waco instantly sends you back in time.
For safety's sake, he did replace the recalcitrant Johnson bar braking system with modern toe brakes. The seats are upholstered in Bedford
whipcord wool cloth, with a color-matched headliner. (Below) John's amazing restoration includes a pair of functional landing lights mounted
on the leading edges of the lower wings.
Mark Godfrey

1930s, I often wondered who that pi

lot was and what ever happened to
the Waco 12471. I also became inter
ested in the history of that airport,
known today as Tweed-New Haven
Regional Airport.
In 1995 I contacted the Waco His
torical Society in Troy, Ohio, to ask
about NC12471. Lo and behold the
airplane existed and belonged to
John Swander of De Soto, Kansas. I
wrote to John and told him my story,
and that I had some photographs of
the Waco that were taken in the 30s.
He was happy to learn all this and
said his logbooks only went back to
1939. My photos would help in the
final color scheme, and he decided
to do it up just as it looked when I
flew in it in 1935. He kept me in
formed during the restoration
process and said I could have my sec
ond ride when the airplane was
finished and airworthy. Airworthy it
was-it won Grand Champion at
Oshkosh 2000!
But what about the pilot? In my
checking on New Haven aviation
history I eventually found, and got
to know, that pilot, Hank Kurt.
Hank was an interesting man-he
became the first graduate of MIT's


undergraduate aeronautical engi

neering program, Course XVI, a
program he had actively petitioned
the university to establish. He was
commissioned as an ensign in the
U.S. Naval Reserve in 1926 where he
learned to fly. He instructed Yale
University students in flying at the
New Haven airport while employed
by Viking. He wrote 50 articles on
general aviation, including liThe

Sportsman Test Pilot" series in

Sportsman Pilot magazine. He au
thored a still-popular book on
seaplane flying, Water Flying.
Sometime after Kurt's death in
1997, his son Larry found his dad's
original logbooks and lent them to
me for copying. And , can you be
lieve, I found the entry for that long
ago night flight, impeccably hand
printed in the remarks section. All of

his entries in his logs were a piece of

artwork. Little tidbits of data on par
ticular flights made for fascinating
To get back to my story, in March
of this year, after more than 3S years
of research and writing, I flew out to
Minneapolis to deliver the manu
script of my book (the first I ever
attempted) on the history of Lind
bergh's Spirit of st. Louis airplane to
Noel Allard of Historic Aviation,
owned by Greg Herrick. So, why not
return home by way of De Soto,
Kansas? Yes, I did just that, staying
with John Swander and his wife,
I spent three days there, and when
the weather lifted enough, we went
out to Gardner airport, opened the
hangar doors, and there it was
Waco 12471, in its original color
scheme and even with Viking Flying
Boat Company printed on the side
of the fuselage.
What a thrill! As soon as John

started the engine, which today is a

Continental W-670-6A 220-hp ra
dial, I got tears in my eyes and could
hardly look out the windshield.
We lifted into the smooth air in
no time, and here I was again, sit
ting in the right seat, a little boy all
over again. As we flew over the beau
tiful Kansas countryside the
memories began to reappear. They
say it all comes around again, right?
Then when John said, "Go ahead
and take the controls," I could
hardly keep my composure. What
an absolutely wonderful experience.
I did keep it straight and level, for a
while, and tested each control-rud
der, ailerons, and elevator-turns,
Dutch Rolls, and all that stuff. Need
I say more?
So, the little kid from so long ago
was a little kid all over again. What a
unique experience for an old-time
pilot to have. If you love old air
planes and aviation as much as I do,
I would suggest you go out there and


John Swander, restorer of Waco UEC 12471 .

do the same. It is possible, and you

too may be able to find that airplane
you had your first ride in , be it a
Waco, Stinson, Ryan, Cub, DC-3,
Connie, 7 something 7, or ???-go
for it! Life will never be the same.
My deepest thanks to John Swan
der for letting me have that
opportunity. He did a magnificent
restoration. He truly is an artist. The
airplane is beautiful.

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by E.E. "Buck" Hilbert

EAA #21 VAA #5
P.O. Box 424, Union, IL 60180

Advertising is good!
Deplorable! Absolutely deplorable!
The complaints I've been getting
for some time now about all the ad
vertising fodder in the various EAA
publications is that the amount of
advertising is deplorable! Right?
Some say it's like looking through
a Sears catalog or some other mail
order publication. I tend to agree,
but just now, as I was in the "oval of
fice" and thumbing through the
magazine, I came to the realization
that even though many of the pushy
ads were of no interest to me, there
were others that added to my store
of information and stressed items
that might even appeal to me.
Maybe one item out of the many
presented is enough to give me some
insight to something new, some
thing I can or could use in the pursuit
of my aviation wants and desires. I
actually came away thinking about
this and the fact that, like others, I've
been overlooking a good thing.
Sure, I want to read about air
planes, what our members are doing,
what's new and, better yet, what's
old, and maybe what's newly re
stored or whatever. I want to know
what's going on in my aviation
world, what the Fed is doing to us
now, and what EAA is doing to pre
serve our kind of flying.
It's in there! We have to search for
it among the advertising, but it is
there! Until today, that was a source
of irritation, but now I have a new
game. I look at the advertising first. I
want to see what is new in the mar
ket. Is there something I've missed?


Is there something I can use? Some

of it is repetitious, but there always
seems to be an item or two that gets
my attention.
Then, as I find articles on EAA do
ings, I try not to act surprised and
consider them to be a bonus. Not
only have I found a few products
that interest me, I've found some
thing that I want to read. What more
can I ask for?
There is another side to this, too.
The revenue generated by our adver
tisers does a lot toward keeping the
editorial department and staff viable.
Without the revenue, we'd be hard
pressed to provide the publications
that we have.
We certainly appreciate the fact
that our dues couldn't begin to fully
offset the costs of producing these
publications. For the division publi
cations, the publications' costs are
the majority of the cost of dues.
When done within reason, advertis
ing takes some of the pressure off the
members and can lead to new or ex
panded programs for the benefit of
the membership.
The recent trip to Sun 'n Fun put
me in the Tampa, Florida, terminal
where the "space available" wait
took place. I wandered about, and
while at the newsstand, I looked for
aviation publications. Now that was
a laugh! Amidst the many boating,
hot rod, cycling sports, and com
puter stuff, there were only two
magazines that had anything to do
with aviation.
I know I'm a cheap airline pilot,

and a dedicated one at that, but

putting that aside, the register price
on these two publications was a
shocker. I couldn't believe it, and as I
thumbed through them, guess what?
Advertising, tons of it, and I'm ex
pected to pay a horrendous price to
look at advertising when I want avia
tion news?
Now wait a minute, let's look at
the other publication .. .same sce
nario. How about the mechanics
magazines? Wow! Check out the
price and look; they have so much
advertising the so-called news is in
serted in little paragraphs that have
very little detail.
Tell you what, I have a new appre
ciation for our editorial department
and staff and for what a wonderful
job they do on our publications . I
look at our dues and compare them
with the magazine newsstand price,
and it computes out to on e really
great bargain in my spreadsheet.
Look at what we get from our mem
representation to boot, plus our great
We have an organization that is
preserving sport aviation, we get le
gal, medical, and government affairs
representation, and we're up on cur
rent events. We have it all! Let's pat
ourselves on the back and keep it
that way! Advertising helps!
Over to you, (( ~t(d .r


Bradley Gilbert ......Sydney, Australia

Roger C. Laudati .... .. .. .... ..Tampa, FL

Michael Westbrook .... Elk River, MN

Jochen Kuhule ..Vaihingen, Germany

Norbert Trohoski ........ Englewood, FL

Edward Mueth .............. St Louis, MO

Michael Dusing

Elias Wortsman .. .. Miami Springs, FL

Greg Bray .. .. .... .. ........ .. Reidsvi lle, NC

............. .... ... Braunschweig, Germany

Robert Wright ...... .. . .Jacksonvi lle, FL

Robert W. Cottom ........ Charlotte, NC

Michael S. Hayes ...... ...... ..Hong Kong

William Gilmour .. .. .. .. .. .... Duluth, GA

John S. Alexander

Giancarlo Zanardo

Fred Huppertz ...... ... ..... Snellville, GA

...... .............. ......... .. .Warrensburg, NY

..... ..... .. ... .. .San Pietro Di Feletto, Italy

Taylor Jenkins .................. Comer, GA

William Dunn .......... Fayetteville, NY

Nico Meijer ... .Toronto, ONT, Canada

Edward Pettus .... .. .... Cedar Rapids, lA

Barry W. Holtz .............. Fairport, NY

Michael 1. Smith

David L. Ariosto

Peter Mombaerts ........ New York, NY

.. ... ... ..Toronto Ontario, ONT, Canada

............................ Mountain Home, ID

Frank 1. Berg .. .. ........ A von Lake, OH

Uwe Stickel

Keith E. Grill .............. Orland Park, IL

Russell Berry .......... West Milton, OH

.. ... ... .. ... ...... .Hammond, ONT, Canada

Fredrick Hansen .... .. .. .. .... Antioch, IL

James Robert Brown

Tom Coates .... Saskatoon, SK, Canada

Craig Munter ............ Schaumburg, IL

.................................... Greenville, OH

Chester Rout... .. .Mountain Home, AK

Michael E. Neben .... S Barrington, IL

Thomas E. Ducan .... West Milton, OH

Cris Ferguson ......... ... ..Evansville, AR

Ron Sassaman ........ ........ Rochelle, IL

Ronald Fraley ............ .. Gallipolis, OH

Chris House ......... ........ .Scotsdale, AZ

Steve Beasley .................... Yoder, KS

Brian Matz

Leonard G. Johnson

Bill Spornitz .. ...... .. ............ Olathe, KS

...... .. .. .... ........ University Heights, OH

.............................. Bullhead City, AZ

Thomas Stephens .... Baton Rouge, LA

Robert C. Rickett ........ Mansfield , OH

Terry Campbell... ........... Attaville, CA

Paul Barger ............ .... ..Newbury, MA

Michael Winblad .... .. .. ........ Troy, OH

Dan L. Hearn .... .... Spring Valley, CA

Scott P. Keller .. .......... .... Lincoln, MA

Gary Bell ...... .. ............. .. .... .Bend, OR

Scott Huntington

Robert McCarthy .... Charlestown, MA

Jim Rosen ........................ Eugene, OR

... .......... .... ...Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Grant A. Proni shen ...... Oakbank, MB

Mark Mayes .......... .......... Berwyn, PA

Paul Marchand ... .Boulder Creek, CA

Raymond Carlton .. ... .California, MD

Roland Foxworth, Jr.

Steven Allen Smith .. .. Santa Rosa, CA

Gary A. Caron ............ Kalamazoo, MI

.... .... ............ .................. Lake City, SC

Marvin Baldwin ...... .... .... ..Parker, CO

Clifford Hill .................. Belleville, MI

Bruce Ryskamp .................. Greer, SC

Willard H. Brandt ............ ..Parker, CO

Richard Nellans .. .. .. .... .. ...... Sparta, MI

Wayne E. Jones .... New Braunfels, TX

Randall M. Holder .. .. .... .. ..Parker, CO

Peter Robert Denny

James Messe .... .. .......... Hinesburg, VT

Brian Walker .... ............ Florissant, CO

Paul A. Ambrose ........ Fort Pierce, FL
Robert R. Carroll .. .......... Alachua, FL

............................ Golden Valley, MN

Walter L. Fricke

Bob Taylor ........ .... .... Vancouver, WA

Edwin T. Durkee .... .... ..Shawano, WI

.......... .. ................ Golden Valley, MN

Lee A. Kunze ............ Sheboygan, WI

Donald S. Clark

Fred 1. Rogers .. .. .. .. .. Chanhassen, MN

Bill Liebrock ...... .... ..Black Earth, WI

........ .... ......... ........ .Atlantic Beach, FL

Mike A. Russell .... .. .... Randolph, MN

David L. McCoy ..Johnson Creek, WI

Carlos Gray .. .......... Port Charlotte, FL

Jim G. Tacheny ............ Mankato, MN

Eric 1. Paulson ............ Green Bay, WI



-Calendar from page 3

JUNE 21-25 - Terrell, TX - 2000 Ercoupe National
Convention. Everyone welcome. Info: 972/524-1601.
JUNE 23-24 - Longmont, CO - Rocky Mounlain EAA
Fly-In. Info: 303/442-50020r www.greeleynel.
JUNE 23-24 - Walworth, Wf - 5th Annual Bigfoot
(7V3) Fly- In BreaAfast. (0 700-1300) Aerobatic
demo,fly-by, rides. Info: 815/385-5645.
JUNE 23 - Zanesville, OH (Riverside Ai/port) - EAA
Ch. 425 Pancake Breakfast Fly- In/Drive-In, 8
a.m.- 2 p.m. (Rain date June 24.) Lunch items and
ai/plan e rides after 11 a.m. Info: Don 740/454
JUNE 30-Prosser, WA - EAA Ch. 391 Fly-In Break
fast. Info: 509/735- 1664.
JULY 6-8 - Alliance, OH - Taylorcraft Owner's
ClublTaylorcraft Foundation combined Fly-In and
Old-Timer 's Reunion at Barber Ailport (2DI). This
291h gathering willfeature displays,forums. work
shops, Sat. evening program, Sat & Sun. breakfast,
Sun. worship service. Info: 330/823-9748 or
330/823-1168 or tocprez@yahoo.com.
JULY 7 - Gainesville, GA (GVL) - EAA 611 33rd An
nual Pancake Breakfast & Fly-In. Judging, awards,
rides, vendors,food all day. Info: 770/531-0291 or
JULY 7-8 - Hampton, NH - 5th Annual Hampton Air
field Biplane Fly-In. Info: 603/964-6749.
JULY 11-15 -Arlington, WA - Northwest EAA Fly-ln.
Info: 360/435-5857 or \vww.nweaa.org.
JULY 17-20 - Keokuk, fA - Joint Liaison & Light
Trainer Formation Coalition Annual Formalion
Clinic al Keokuk Municipal Ai/port. Ground School
starts a18:30 a.m wilhflight training 10 follow. All
Liaison-type aircraft and Primary Trainers wel

come. Anythingfrom an L-I thru OV-I, PT-3 thru

whatever. ILPA Fly-In immediatelyfollowing clinic.
Info: 715/369-9769
J ULY 21- Wausau, WI - Wausau Downtown Air
port 's 3rd Annual Swing Ding/Dinner and Dance.
Info: 715/848-6000 or website wwwjlywallsau.com
or e-mailflyacub@dwave.net.
JULY 21 - WashingtOlI Island, WI - 48th Annual Fly
In at Wash. Is. Airport, hosted by Lions Clu b.
Music, crafts, hayride,funfor the family. Whitefish
Boil 11:30 a.m.-l:OO p.m. Info: 920/847-2770 or
JULY 22 - Zanesville, OH (Parr Airport) - EAA Ch.
425 Annual Pre-Oshkosh Fly-In/Drive-In Pancake
Breakfast, 8 a.m.- 2 p.m. Lunch items and airplane
rides after 11 a.m. Info: Don 740/454-0003.
JULY 22 - Burlington, Wf - 9th Annual Group Er
coupe Flight Into AirVentlire. Wheels up at 12:00
noon. Everyone welcome 10 join. Info: 715/842-78/4
J ULY 24-30 - Oshkosh, WI - AfRVENTURE
OSHKOSH 2001, Wi/tman Airport. blfo: 920/426
4800, www.airvenlllre.org.
JULY 27 - Oshkosh, Wf - Stinson Lunch, Oshkosh,
11:30 a.m. meel at the Vintage Red Bamfor afree,
short bus ride to Golf Central Restaurant. Pay on
your own at the restaurant. Sign up in Type Tent or
call 630/904-6964.
JULY 27 - Oshkosh, Wf - American Moth Club wel
comes all Int 'l Moth Clubs & DeHavilland
enthusiasts to this year 's Moth Club Dinner. 7:30
p.m. at Pioneer Inn. After dinner speaker is David
Baker, founding member ofDiamond Nilles Tiger
Moth Demonstration Team. Also, Fri. a.m. Moth
Forum, time and tent number will be published in
the convention program. RSVP: to Steve Betzler at
stevebtz@cedar.nelorfax 262/368-2127.
AUGUST 5 - Qlleen City, MO - 14th Annual Water
melon Fly-In, Applegate Airport. Info:

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Roscoe Turn er - Famous Race Pilot

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AUGUST 10-12 -Snohomish, WA - 19th Annual West
Coast Travel Air Reunion. Harvey Field (S43) .
Largest Tra vel Air gatheringfor 2001. Local air
tour, memorabilia auclion and more. Info: Larson
425/334-2413 or Rezich 805/467-3669.
AUGUST IJ - Cadillac, MI - EAA Ch. 678 Fly
In/Drive-In Breakfast, Wexford County Airport
(CAD), 7:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m. Info: 213/779-811 3.
AUGUST 12 - Auburn, IN - Hoosier Warbird Fly-in
and Pancake/Sausage Breakfast at the Hoosier Air
Museum, DeKalb County Airport. Info: 219/457
5924 or 44gn@kconline.com.
AUGUST 17-19 - Alliance, OH - Ohio Aeronca Avia
tors' Fly-In and Breakfast at Alliance-Barber
Airport (2 DI) . Info: www.oaafly-in .com or
AUGUST 18 - Powell, WY - Wings and Wheels Fly-in
and Car Show. Municipal Airport (POY). Info:
307/754-5583 or bibbeyt@wir.net.
AUGUST 18 - Spearfish, SD - 18th Annual Fly- In,
sponsored by EAA Ch. 806, at Black Hills
Airport/Clyde Ice Field. Camping under wing, Aug.
17th "Cream Can Dinner" served at 7:30 p.m. Air
craft judging, displays, steakfry, and more. Info:
605/642-2311 (evenings), or C2Igolay@mato.com.
AUGUST 19 - Dayton, OH - EAA Ch. 48 Pancake
Breakfast, Moraine Airpark. Info: 937/291-1225 or
AUGUST 19 - Brookfield, WI - VAA Ch.11 's 17th An
nual Vintage Aircraft Display and Ice Cream
Social, Noon-5 p.m. at Capitol Airport. Also, Mid
west Antique Airplane Club's monthly fly-in mtg.
Control-line and radio controlled models on dis
play. Info. 262/781-8132 or 414/962-2428.
AUGUST 19 - Pontiac, IL - 2nd Annual Fly-in/Drive
In Pancake Breakfast sponsored by EAA Ch. 129
and Pontiac Flying Service. Pontiac Municipal Air

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port (PNT). Raffle, aircraft judging, PIC eals free.

Info: 815/842-2707 or pontfly@dave-world.net.
AUGUST 24-25 - Coffeyville, KS - 24th Annual Funk
Aircraft Owners Assoc. Reunion and Fly-In Cof
feyville Municipal Airport. Info: Gerald
AUGUST 24-26 - Sussex, NJ - 29th Annual Sussex
Airshow. Top performers, ultralights, homebuills,
warbirds. Info: 973/875-0783 or Sussex@nac.net
or www.SussexAirportlnc.com.
Ch. 391 's 18th Annual Labor Day Weekend
Prosser Fly-In. Info: 509/735-1664.
SEPTEMBER 1 - Zanesville, OB (Riverside Airport)
- EAA Ch. 425 Annual Labor Day Weekend Fly
InlDrive-ln, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Lunch items and ailplane
rides after 11 a.m. Info: Don 740/454-0003
SEPTEMBER 1 - Marion, IN (MZZ) - 11 th Annual
Fly-In Cruise-In, Marion Municipal Ailporl. Pan
cake Breakfast 7am-lpm. All types ofaircraft, plus
antique, classic and custom vehicles. 1nfo:
765/664-2588 or rayjohnson@bpsinet. com or
SEPTEMBER 2 - Mondovi, WI - 15th Annual Fly
In, Log Cabin Airport. Info: 715/287-4205.
SEPTEMBER 7-9 - Sacramento, CA - Golden West
EAA Fly-In at McClellan Airport. Forums, aircraft
construction workshops, aircraft judging, awards,
jly-by demonstrations, aerobatic jlights, youth pro
grams, Young Eagles. Golden West Air Racefrom
Corona, CA to Sacramento, CA. Race registration
details available from Aircraft Spruce later in the
year. McClellan AP is located seven miles from
downtown Sacramento w/ easyfreeway and light
rail access. Now a fully operational general avia
tion airport with a 10,800 x 300 ft. runway.
UN/COM andfuel service. Info: 925/676-2114 or
SEPTEMBER 7-9 - Marion, OH - Mid-Eastern EAA
SEPTEMBER 14-16 - Watertown, WI (RYV) - 17th
Annual Byron Smith Memorial Midwest Stinson
Reunion. Info: Nick or Suzette, 630/904-6964.
SEPTEMBER 15-16 - Rock Falls, IL - North Cen
tral EAA "Old-Fashioned" Fly-In, Whiteside
County Airport (SQ/). Forums, workshops,jly-mar
ket, camping. exhibitors,food, and air rally. Aircraft
judging ends Noon Sun. Sunday Pancake Breakfast
Info: 630/543-6743 or eaa101@aol.com.
SEPTEMBER 21-22 - Abilene, TX - Southwest EAA

Introduction To
Aircraft Building

SEPTEMBER 21-22 - Bartlesville, OK - 45th Annual

Tulsa Regional Fly-In, Frank Phillips Field. Info:
Charlie 918/622-8400 or www.tulsajlyin.com.

What's Involved In
Building An Airplane

Composite Construction

SEPTEMBER 22 - Asheboro, NC - Aerofest 2001

Old Fashion Grass Field Fly-In and Pig Pickin.
EAA Ch. 1176. Info: 336/879-2830.

TIG Welding

Finishing And
Spray Painting

SEPTEMBER 29 - Hanover, IN - Wood, Fabric, &

Tailwheels 2001, at Lee Bottom Airport (64i) . 20
mi. from Louisville, Kentucky. (Rain date, Sunday,
812/86 6-3211
NX21 175TH@aol. com.
OCTOBER 5-7 - Evergreen, AL - 11th Annual EAA
South East Regional Fly-In. On field campground,
showers,food,jlying &fim. Info: www.serfi.org.
OCTOBER 6- 7 - Toughkenamon, PA - 31st EAA
East Coast Regional Fly-In. New Garden Flying
Field (N57). 25 miles west ofPhiladelphia. Clas
sics welcome, awards, plenty offood all day. For
fun, come dressed in your yesteryear aviatioll at
tire.lnfo: 302/894- 1094.
OCTOBER 6- 7- Rutland State AP, VT - EAA Ch.
968 's 11th Leafpeepers Fly- In Breakfast. Come
see the fall colors in the Green Mountains of Ver
mont. Info: 802/492-3647.

Gas Welding
Sheet Metal
Sheet Metal Forming
Electrical Systems,
Wiring And Avionics




Engine Installation
Fabric Covering

Test Flying Your Project

Kit Specific Workshops:
Lancair Assembly
Vans RV Series Assembly
Velocity Assembly

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Fabric tapes: straight, pinked and early American pinked

Waxed linen lacing cord

Something to buy,
sell or trade?
Antiques, Warbirds, General A viation
Classified Word A ds: $5.50 per 10 1V0rds, 180
words maximum, with boldface lead-in on first line.
Classified Display Ads: One column wide (2. 167
inches) by 1, 2, or 3 inches high at $20 per inch.
Black and white only, and no frequency discounts.
Advertising Closing Dates: 10th ofsecond month
prior to desired issue date (i.e., January 10 is the
closing date for the March issue). VAA reserves the
right to reject allY advertising in conflict with its
policies. Rates cover one insertion per issue.
Classified ads are not accepted via phone. Payment
must accompany order. Word ads may be sent via
fax (9201426-4828) or e-mail (classads@eaa.org)
using credit card payment (VISA or MasterCard) .
Include name on card, complete address, type of
card, card number, and expiration date. Make
checks payable to EAA. Address advertising corre
spondence to EM Publications Classified Ad
Manager. P.o. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086.


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ed. Best offer over $89,000. Send for complete
description . Write LNC, 4 West Nebraska,
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mail: Loran@LNCmail.com

EAA Mail Ord e rs

PO Box 3086
Oshkosh, W I 54903-3086
Major c redi t cards accepted. W I residents add 5% sales
tax. Shipping and handling not included.











Membershi~ Services Directo!y_


Enjoy the many benefits ofBAA and the
BAA Vintage Aircraft Association

EAA Aviation Center, PO Box 3086, Oshkosh WI 54903-3086

Esple Butch Joyce
P.O. Box 35584
Greensboro, NC 27425

Vice -President
George Doubner
2448 Lough Lane

Hartford, WI 53027


steve Nesse
2!:x:fI Highland Ave.
Albert Lea, MN scro7

Charles W. Harr~
7215 East 46th St.
Tulsa, OK 74147



David Bennett
P.O. Box 1188
Roseville, CA 95678

Jeannie Hill
P.O. Box 328
Harvard, IL 60033

Robert C. ' Bob' Brauer

9345 S, Hoyne

Steve Krog
1002 Heather Ln.
Hartford, WI 53027

John Berendt
7645 Echo Point Rd.
Cannon Fal~ , MN S5OO9

Robert D. ' Bob' Lumley

1265 South 124th St.
Brookfield, WI 53005

John S, Copeland
I A Deacon Street
NOrth~n~~-4~;1 01532
copeland I@juno.com

Gene Morris
5936 steve Court
Roanoke, TX 76262
817/ 491-9110


Phil Coulson
28415 Sprlngbrook Dr.
Lawton, MI 49065
Roger Gomoll

Dale A. Gustafson
7724 Shady Hills Dr.
Indianapolis, IN 46278


Dean Richardson
1429 Kings Lynn Rd

Geoff Robison
1521 E. MacGregor Dr.
New Haven, IN 46774

S,H, "Wes" Schmid

2359 Lefeber Avenue
Wauwatosa, 1M 53213
414/77 1-1545



Gene Chase
2159 Cartlon Rd.
Oshkosh, WI 54904

E,E. ' Buck' Hilbert

P.O. Box 424
Union, IL 60180

Phone (920) 426-4800 Fax (920) 426-4873

Web Site: http://www.elUl.org and http://www.airventure.org E-Mail: vintage @elUl.org

EAA and Division Membership Services

800-843-3612 . FAX 920-426-6761
(8:00 AM -7:00 PM
Monday- Friday CST)
New/renew membersh ips: EAA, Divisions
(Vintage Ai rcraft Association, lAC, Warbirds),
National Association of Flight Ins tructors
Address changes
Merchandise sales
Gift memberships

Programs and Activities

EAA Ai rVentu re Fax-On-Dem and Di rectory
, , , , , , , , , , _, , , , , , , . , , , , , , , , , , , 732-885-6711
Auto Fuel STCs , . , _. _, , , , , , , , , , 920-426-4843
Build / restore information , _, __ , 920-426-4821
Chapters: locating / organizing _,920-426-4876
Educa tion, " , , . , , , , .. . _.. _, , , , 920-426-6815
EAA Air Academy
EAA Scholarsh ips

Membership in the Experimental Aircraft Association,
Inc, is $40 for one year, including 12 issues of SPORT
AVIATION, Family membership is available for an addi
tional $10 annually, Junior Membership (under 19
years of age) is available at $23 annually, All major
credit cards accepted for membership, (Add $16 for
Foreign Postage,)


Current EAA members may join the Vintage Aircraft
Associaton and receive VINTAGE AIRPLANE maga
zine for an additional $36 per year,
EM Membership, VINTAGE AIRPLANE magazine
and one year membership in the EM Vintage Air
c raft Association is available for $46 per year
(SPORT AVIATION magazine not included), (Add
$7 for Foreign Postage.)


Alan Shackleton

P.O, Box 656

Sugar Grove, IL 60554-0656



Current EAA members may join the International

Aerobatic Club, Inc, Division and receive SPORT
AEROBATICS magazine for an add itiona l $40
per year,
EM Membership, SPORT AEROBATICS magazine
and one year membership in the lAC Division is

Dave Clark

635 Vestal Lane

Plainfield, IN 46168



Ai rcraft Financing (Textron) "", 800-851-1367
AUA . _. , , , , , , , , " , , , , , , , , " , , , 800-727 -3823
AVEMCO ""'" _, , , , , , , , " , , , 800-638-8440
Term Life and Accidental ."" ., 800-241-6103
Death Insurance (Harvey Watt & Company)
Submitti ng article/photo; advertising information
920-426-4825 ...... .. FAX 920-426-4828
EAAAviation Foundation
Artifact Donations _, . , , , , , ___ . _920-426-4877
Financial Support " " . " , __, _, 800-236-1025



Sieve Bender
815 Airport Road
Roanoke, TX 76262
sst 1OO@emoil.msn.com

Fligh t Advisors information . _, , , 920-426-6522

Flight Instructor information , _, 920-426-6801
Flyin g Start Program .. 920-426-6847
Library Services / Research , , _, , , 920-426-4848
Medical Questions, , , , , , , , , _, , , 920-426-4821
Technical Counselors, , . . , . , , , , 920-426-4821
Young Eagles, . __ '" "" " " " , 920-426-483 1

available for $50 per year (SPORT AVIATION mag

az ine not included), (Add $10 for Foreign


Current EM members may join the EM Warbirds of
America Division and receive WARBIRDS magazine
for an additional $35 per year,
EM Membership, WARBIRDS magazine and one
year membership in the Warb irds Divis ion
is available for $45 per year (SPORT AVIATION
magazine not included), (Add $7 for Foreign



Current EAA members may receive EAA

EXPERIMENTER magazine for an additional $20
per year,
EM Membership and EM EXPERIMENTER mag
az ine is avai lable for $30 per yea r (SPORT
AVIATION magazine not included),(Add $8 for For
eign Postage.)

Please submit you r remittance with a check or
draft drawn on a United States bank payable in
Un ited States dollars , Add requ ired Fore ign
Postage amount for each membership,

Membership dues to EAA and its divisions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions.

Copyright 2001 by the EAA Vintage Aircraft Associalion

Ail rights reserved.
VINTAGE AIRPLANE (ISSN 0091-6943)IPM 1482602 is published and owned exclusively by the EAA Vintage Aircraft Association 01 the Experimental Aircraft Associalion and is published monthly at EAA Aviation Center, 3000
Poberezny Rd. , PO. Box 3086, Oshkosh, Wi scoo~n 54903-3086. Periodicals Postage paid at Oshkosh, Wisconsin 54901 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to EAA Vintage Aircraft Association,
PO. Box 3088, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. FOREIGN AND APO ADDRESSES - Please allow alleast two monlhs for delivery 01 VINTAGE AIRPLANE to foreign and APO addresses via surtace mail. ADVERTISING - Vinlage Aircraft
Association does not guarantee or endorse any product offered through the advertising. We invite constructive criticism and welcome any report of inferior merchandise obtained through our advertising so that corrective measures can
be taken.EDITORIAl POLICY: Reade!s are encouraged to submrt stories and photographs. P~icy opnions expressed in artk:1es are solely those of the authors. Respon~1> 11Iy lor accuracy in reporting rests entirely with the contIibutor. No
"",umeration ~ made. Material should be sent to: Edrtor, VINTAGE AIRPLANE, PO. Box 3088, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3088. Phone 9201426-4800.
marks of the above associations and their use by any person other than the above association is strictly prohibited.



John Parish
Tullahoma, TN
President, post 20 years,
Staggerwing Museum
Vice President, fAA
Aviation Foundation
Operates Parish
Aerodome, which is
dedicated to sport and
aviation flying



John Parish prepares to take flight in his Beechcraft N44G .

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